Marxist Psychology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Howard Gruber, a founder member of Psychologists for Social Action, reviewed the dissertation. His review, dated May 7, 1978, as Parkovnick (2015) points out, "... is worth quoting in full, as it captures the very essence of the... more

شاید نقل قولی که لوسین سِو از مارکس در آخرین فراز از مقدمه خود بر پیش نویس چهارم این کتاب، کتابی که در طی چهار پیش نویس و در طی بیست سال تاریخ و دگرگونی نگاشته شده است درسی برای محققان و پژوهشگران باشد. او... more

شاید نقل قولی که لوسین سِو از مارکس در آخرین فراز از مقدمه خود بر پیش نویس چهارم این کتاب، کتابی که در طی چهار پیش نویس و در طی بیست سال تاریخ و دگرگونی نگاشته شده است درسی برای محققان و پژوهشگران باشد. او اظهار داشت« همانطور که مارکس در 22 ژوئن 1858 نامه ای به لاسله نوشت، آن هنگام که وی بر روی آنچه تصور می کرد نسخه نهایی «مقدمه ای بر نقد اقتصاد سیاسی» است(و چه حقیقت آزار دهنده ای است)، اظهار داشت "کار بسیار به کندی پیش می رود زیرا چیزهایی که سال هاست محققی به عنوان موضوع اصلی تحقیق خودش تهیه کرده است دائما جنبه های جدیدی را ظاهر می سازد و هر زمانی که بخواهد آنها را در شکل نهایی قرار دهد شک و تردید جدیدی ایجاد می شود. علاوه بر این، من ارباب زمان خود نیستم، بلکه بنده آن هستم." اما زمانی می رسد که از نقطه نظر روند تحقیق، هیچ چیز ضروری تر از نقد جمعی نیست و این متضمن انتشار است».(سِو،2020

The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more

The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help distinguish it from closely related concepts. One field that has recently witnessed a wealth of theoretical and conceptual research on social class is psychology, but geographers' and sociologists' attitude of diffidence toward this " positivistic " discipline has prevented them from taking advantage of this body of scholarship. This paper aims to highlight some of the most important developments in the psychological study of social class and social mobility that speak to the long-standing concerns of health geographers and sociologists with how social position, perceptions, social comparisons, and class-based identities impact health and well-being.

A chapter in Handbook of Critical Psychology, Routledge 2015 (ed. Ian Parker)

روان‌شناسی شوروی یک سنت نظری بی نظیر است که در «مسیری ویژه» در طول قرن بیستم و در اتحاد جماهیر شوروی ظهور و گسترش یافته است. مفاهیم و رویکردهایی که در زمینه ی روان‌شناسی شوروی(روان‌شناسی تاریخی-فرهنگی و نظریه‌ی فعالیت) ظهور کرد، تاثیر... more

روان‌شناسی شوروی یک سنت نظری بی نظیر است که در «مسیری ویژه» در طول قرن بیستم و در
اتحاد جماهیر شوروی ظهور و گسترش یافته است. مفاهیم و رویکردهایی که در زمینه ی روان‌شناسی شوروی(روان‌شناسی تاریخی-فرهنگی و نظریه‌ی فعالیت) ظهور کرد، تاثیر بسزایی بر گسترش روان‌شناسی و مباحث علمی در کشورهای مختلف، حتی پس از فروپاشی اتحاد جماهیر شوروی داشت

This paper contributes to the current debate about decolonisation by rethinking the theoretical base of psychotherapy. It offers, first, a reformulation of the problem of human suffering that draws on the concept of alienation as detailed... more

This paper contributes to the current debate about decolonisation by rethinking the theoretical base of psychotherapy. It offers, first, a reformulation of the problem of human suffering that draws on the concept of alienation as detailed in the works of Karl Marx, Frantz Fanon, and Erich Fromm. Second, it presents an alternative reading of Wulf Sachs' psychoanalytic text, Black Hamlet, as viewed through the prism of alienation theory. And third, while affirming the significance of that classic work for psychotherapists today as well as the salience of alienation theory, the paper raises complex questions about the integration of Marxism and psychoanalysis.

Una ponencia presentada en el Taller Científico Internacional "Socialismo y Marxismo: Ayer y Hoy" con motivo al centenario de la Revolución de Octubre sobre las implicaciones filosóficas del experimento de A.I. Meshcheryakov con niños... more

Una ponencia presentada en el Taller Científico Internacional "Socialismo y Marxismo: Ayer y Hoy" con motivo al centenario de la Revolución de Octubre sobre las implicaciones filosóficas del experimento de A.I. Meshcheryakov con niños sordo-ciegos en la Unión Soviética.
A paper presented at the International Scientific Workshop "Socialism and Marxism: Yesterday and Today" on the occasion of the centenary of the October Revolution on the philosophical implications of A.I. Meshcheryakov with deaf-blind children in the Soviet Union.

What is the relationship between Foucault’s concept of biopower and Deleuze’s concept of control? Despite the similarities between these two concepts, there is not a single scholarly article that solely thematizes this question, nor a... more

What is the relationship between Foucault’s concept of biopower and Deleuze’s concept of control? Despite the similarities between these two concepts, there is not a single scholarly article that solely thematizes this question, nor a comparative survey of the answers given so far. This essay aims to fill this lacuna. Drawing on Deleuze's unpublished and untranslated lectures on Foucault, the original thesis of this essay is thus that biopower and control are the same concept of power in both content and form.

Esta importante obra colectiva engloba casi un siglo de teoría psicológica situada en las diversas intersecciones del marxismo con la psicología y el psicoanálisis. Los textos clásicos y actuales compilados, todos ellos precedidos por... more

Esta importante obra colectiva engloba casi un siglo de teoría psicológica situada en las diversas intersecciones del marxismo con la psicología y el psicoanálisis. Los textos clásicos y actuales compilados, todos ellos precedidos por introducciones inéditas, despliegan la profundidad teórica y la radicalidad política de una tradición crítica marxista en la que no sólo se cuestiona la psicología dominante, sino que se proponen modelos psicológicos alternativos. Se destacan momentos cruciales y autores influyentes en el desarrollo histórico de la concepción de la subjetividad en el marxismo, pero también se reactiva esta historia para el presente. La psicología y el psicoanálisis no pueden sino revolucionarse bajo el efecto de la vigorosa impugnación marxista de nuestro mundo burgués, del sistema capitalista y de sus dispositivos ideológicos y disciplinarios.

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky menjadi sosok yang dikenal luas dalam Psikologi Amerika sejak publikasi atas monografnya pada tahun 1962, yakni Thought and Language. Lima tahun yang lalu (1973), atas desakan seorang murid Vygotsky, Alexander... more

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky menjadi sosok yang dikenal luas dalam Psikologi Amerika sejak publikasi atas monografnya pada tahun 1962, yakni Thought and Language. Lima tahun yang lalu (1973), atas desakan seorang murid Vygotsky, Alexander Luria, kami sepakat untuk mengedit kumpulan esai Vygotsky yang mencerminkan karya teoretis umum yang mengkaji hubungan antara Pikiran dan Bahasa sebagai salah satu aspek penting. Luria mengerjakan terjemahan kasar untuk kami atas dua tulisan Vygotsky. Tulisan pertama, "Tool and Symbol in Children's Development" (1930) yang tidak pernah diterbitkan. Tulisan kedua, merupakan penerjemahan atas monograf yang berjudul “The History of the Development of the Higher Psychological Functions, yang muncul pada volume kedua tulisan Vygotsky yang diterbitkan di Moskow pada tahun 1960. Kajian sambil lalu atas esai ini secara cepat meyakinkan kami bahwa lingkup karya Vygotsky jauh melampaui Thought and Language. Terlebih lagi, kami mulai percaya bahwa citra Vygotsky sebagai “semacam neo-behavioris awal” bidang perkembangan kognitif−kesan yang dipegang oleh banyak rekan kami−sangat sudah terbantah lewat dua karya ini.

Vygotsky’s project needs to be grasped as a yet unnamed type of an approach which, in continuing the revolutionary spirit of Marxism, moved beyond the old divide between theory and practice and instead, embodied their unity in a peculiar... more

Vygotsky’s project needs to be grasped as a yet unnamed type of an approach which, in continuing the revolutionary spirit of Marxism, moved beyond the old divide between theory and practice and instead, embodied their unity in a peculiar blend with distinct philosophical, theoretical and ethical/ideological underpinnings. The goal of creating
new psychology for a society that itself needed to be created on principles of social justice and equality guided this approach and turned it into a critical-practical project of social transformation and change. The main argument advanced in this paper is that at the core of Vygotsky’s method is the novel transformative onto-epistemology, coupled with the socio-political ethos of equality and justice, which challenge ideology of adaptation and control. I discuss this set of issues in light of a transformative activist stance that puts premium on researchers’ commitments and value orientations.

Entrevista com o Cientista Poítico David McLellan, Professor Emérito da University of Kent (Inglaterra). McLellan é considerado um dos principais biógrafos, comentadores e tradutores de Marx e de sua obra no mundo anglófono. É autor de... more

Entrevista com o Cientista Poítico David McLellan, Professor Emérito da University of Kent (Inglaterra). McLellan é considerado um dos principais biógrafos, comentadores e tradutores de Marx e de sua obra no mundo anglófono. É autor de vários livros sobre Marx e o marxismo, entre eles destancam-se The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx (1969); Marx antes do marxismo (1970); Karl Marx: vida e pensamento (1973) e Marxism and e Religion (1987). (Interview with Political Scientist David McLellan, Professor Emeritus at the University of Kent (England). McLellan is considered to be one of the leading biographers, commentators and translators of Marx and his work in the English-speaking world. He is the author of several books on Marx and Marxism, including The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx (1969); Marx before Marxism (1970); Karl Marx: life and thought (1973) and Marxism and e Religion (1987).)

El presente artículo despliega una visión panorámica de las relaciones entre marxismo y psicología desde el siglo XIX hasta ahora. Después de revisarse algunas de las ideas psicológicas de Karl Marx y de grandes pensadores y líderes... more

El presente artículo despliega una visión panorámica de las relaciones entre marxismo y psicología desde el siglo XIX hasta
ahora. Después de revisarse algunas de las ideas psicológicas de Karl Marx y de grandes pensadores y líderes políticos marxistas, se presentan las principales psicologías marxistas dentro y fuera de la Unión Soviética. Finalmente se reserva un apartado para los planteamientos marxistas de psicología crítica y crítica de la psicología.

Silvonen, J. (2010). Vygotsky’s plural discourse on the human mind. Teoksessa P. Aunio, M. Jahnukainen, M. Kalland, & J. Silvonen (Toim.), Piaget is dead, Vygotsky is still alive, or? (ss. 37–60). Helsinki: FERA - Finnish Educational... more

Silvonen, J. (2010). Vygotsky’s plural discourse on the human mind. Teoksessa P. Aunio, M. Jahnukainen, M. Kalland, & J. Silvonen (Toim.), Piaget is dead, Vygotsky is still alive, or? (ss. 37–60). Helsinki: FERA - Finnish Educational Research Association.

Silvonen, J. (2010). Foucalt and Leontyev. In: J. Kauko, R. Rinne, & H. Kynkäänniemi (Eds.), Restructuring the Truth of Schooling - Essays on Discursive Practices in the Sociology and Politics of Education (ss. 176–196). Helsinki: FERA -... more

Silvonen, J. (2010). Foucalt and Leontyev. In: J. Kauko, R. Rinne, & H. Kynkäänniemi (Eds.), Restructuring the Truth of Schooling - Essays on Discursive Practices in the Sociology and Politics of Education (ss. 176–196). Helsinki: FERA - Finnish Educational Research Association.

This document is the first part of a paper that I have divided into three sections for discussion here on In the full paper, I'm offering my take on what activity theory is, primarily, from a philosophical point of view.... more

This document is the first part of a paper that I have divided into three sections for discussion here on In the full paper, I'm offering my take on what activity theory is, primarily, from a philosophical point of view. This first part covers three subsections: a short introduction, my take on the psychological origins of activity theory, and the last one is a reflection on the political implications of such a theory.

There is an antagonistic dynamic within the human in contemporary society: the struggle of labour and capital, the capital relation, is within us. This is the psychology of capital, which also entails that the class struggle – as the... more

In this article, 'Marxist psychology' is introduced within a historical and theoretical context. 'Which Marxism?' and 'which psychology?' were the initial questions for discussion which brought responses related to historical... more

In this article, 'Marxist psychology' is introduced within a historical and theoretical context. 'Which Marxism?' and 'which psychology?' were the initial questions for discussion which brought responses related to historical personalities, movements, schools of thoughts, countries and subfields. Alienation, ideology and methodology were considered to be major themes for a Marxist psychology. The relationship between Marxism in power (e.g. Marxism(s) in former Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China) and psychology was considered as a separate category to compare and contrast it with Marxist criticisms aimed at capitalism in capitalist countries. After briefly discussing the links between Marxism and critical psychology, the article proceeds to subfields of psychology to discuss the actual and potential links.

این فویرباخ بود که مسیر را برای مارکس و تصور روان‌شناسی مارکسیستی مهیا ساخت. مارکس در مقاله«نقد دیالکتیک هگلی » فویرباخ را به عنوان تنها کسی بررسی کرده است که دارای رویکردی جدی و انتقادی به دیالکتیک هگلی است و او را برای اینکه «پایه و... more

این فویرباخ بود که مسیر را برای مارکس و تصور روان‌شناسی مارکسیستی مهیا ساخت. مارکس در مقاله«نقد دیالکتیک هگلی » فویرباخ را به عنوان تنها کسی بررسی کرده است که دارای رویکردی جدی و انتقادی به دیالکتیک هگلی است و او را برای اینکه «پایه و اساس ماتریالیسم واقعی و دانش واقعی را پایه‌ریزی کرده، اعتبار بخشیده است» (Marx, 1844: 197). اگر ویگوتسکی، فویرباخ روان‌شناسی مارکسیستی است، پس چه کسی مارکسِ روان‌شناسی مارکسیستی است؟ از نظر من، روان‌شناسی مارکسیستی، به مارکس خودش نیاز دارد، مارکس خویش، کسی که روان‌شناسی مارکسیستی را با کار مجدد بر فویرباخ (ویگوتسکی) بازسازی خواهد کرد. در نتیجه روان‌شناسی شوروی و روان‌شناسی ماتریالیستی دنیای غرب فویرباخ روان‌شناسی(در این مورد ویگوتسکی) تولید کرده است، اما هنوز مارکس روان‌شناس تولید نکرده است.

"In Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytical theory, there is a precise place for Marx in relation to psychology. It is the place of truth in opposition to capitalism. It is also the place of subversion against adaptation. According to Lacan,... more

"In Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytical theory, there is a precise place for Marx in relation to psychology. It is the place of truth in opposition to capitalism. It is also the place of subversion against adaptation. According to Lacan, psychology adapts people to the capitalist system, while Marx reveals the subversive truth that underlies the system. This truth emerges as the real symptom of a purely symbolic system. It is the symptom of a proletarianized subject reduced to the workforce that makes the work of the system. If this work can be psychoanalytically conceived as the work of the unconscious, its force can be Lacanianly conceived as the enunciating workforce that expresses the discourse articulated by the Other. This suffering workforce is a symptom that implies frustration and reasonably motivates workers’ struggle against
liberal capitalism."

Many current discussions of Vygotsky's work proceed no further than to explore how development is the conversion of social relations into mental functions focusing on how individuals achieve that through mediation. Specifically, these... more

Many current discussions of Vygotsky's work proceed no further than to explore how development is the conversion of social relations into mental functions focusing on how individuals achieve that through mediation. Specifically, these discussions are concerned with the ways in which mediation occurs, examining the various linking tools or signs that are our means of psychological production. Because of this emphasis, Vygotsky's theory is being understood as a way to analyze an activity system by viewing how tools and signs mediate it. But it is essential, while considering questions of mediation to not leave behind the question of the psychological cell of Vygotsky's theory: the social relations of production. That is, the concept of the social relations of production must be theoretically integrated into our understanding of Vygotsky.

In the following reflections on the decolonization of higher education, I have three objectives. First, I intend to analyze decolonization discourse both theoretically and experientially. I do so partly on account of what I would call its... more

In the following reflections on the decolonization of higher education, I have three objectives. First, I intend to analyze decolonization discourse both theoretically and experientially. I do so partly on account of what I would call its viscerality but also because lived experience is an essential category of analysis in postcolonial theory. Drawing on theoretical resources as well as several encounters with proponents of decolonization, I argue that the politics of the decolonization movement is in some respects deeply conservative – hence the mischievous titular reference to an ‘invisible hand’ directing student politics today. Second – and because of this conservatism – I assert with reference to the discipline of psychology that its proposed decolonization is clearly an ideological venture. But I also suggest that our obsession with decolonization discourse is to some extent unavoidable, involving what psychotherapists would call a repetition compulsion that cannot be relinquished until the original trauma of apartheid has been mastered. And third, I draw on Marxist literary theory to problematize the disciplinary order itself, in so doing drawing attention to a paradox that lies at the heart of the decolonizing project.

El presente artículo se ocupa de las ideas psicológicas desarrolladas por pensadores y líderes políticos del marxismo europeo desde los tiempos de Marx hasta la Revolución de Octubre. Se ofrece un recorrido histórico a través de temas... more

El presente artículo se ocupa de las ideas psicológicas desarrolladas por pensadores y líderes políticos del marxismo europeo desde los tiempos de Marx hasta la Revolución de Octubre. Se ofrece un recorrido histórico a través de temas como las implicaciones subjetivas de la controversia entre marxistas y bakuninistas en la Primera Internacional; el aspecto psicológico de la crítica del trabajo en Lafargue; la oposición entre las perspectivas psicológicas idealistas y materialistas en la Segunda Internacional y los sistemas de psicología materialista elaborados por Kautsky, Plejánov, Lenin y Luxemburgo. El análisis de tales temas permite detectar coincidencias con el enfoque psicológico del propio Marx, pero también con la perspectiva psicoanalítica de Freud.

Se ofrece una exploración de las ideas psicológicas de Karl Marx y de sus relaciones internas. Aunque tales relaciones permitan conjeturar una sola estructura teórica bien cohesionada, se mantienen las ideas tan separadas o articuladas... more

Se ofrece una exploración de las ideas psicológicas de Karl Marx y de sus relaciones internas. Aunque tales relaciones permitan conjeturar una sola estructura teórica bien cohesionada, se mantienen las ideas tan separadas o articuladas como se encuentran en la obra de Marx. Se distinguen así dieciocho psicologías marxianas relativamente independientes entre sí: psicologías de las determinaciones material, dominante e histórica, de los instintos económicos, de las posesiones y de las personificaciones económicas, del capitalista, del trabajador, del trabajador como capital, de las relaciones sociales, del ser social, de la individualidad burguesa, del consumo y las necesidades, del fetichismo, de la enajenación, de la impotencia y la vergüenza, de la resistencia y la rebelión, de la práctica y la transformación. Algunas de tales psicologías incluyen planteamientos que resultan profundamente incompatibles con la noción misma de un saber del psiquismo. Esto podría explicar la ausencia de un sistema psicológico marxiano unitario y bien explicitado.