Criminology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

SUMMARY Sections 34, 35 and 41 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999 CFRN) guarantee the rights to dignity of the person, personal liberty and freedom of movement. These rights connote that no one shall be... more

SUMMARY Sections 34, 35 and 41 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999 CFRN) guarantee the rights to dignity of the person, personal liberty and freedom of movement. These rights connote that no one shall be arbitrarily arrested; anyone arrested shall be brought before a court of competent jurisdiction within a reasonable time, otherwise such detention is unlawful; where a person is lawfully detained, it shall be under humane conditions. Despite these constitutional safeguards, people continue to be detained in detention centres beyond the permissible periods without an order of court and in inhumane conditions. Thus, unlawful detention is one of the challenges confronting the administration of the criminal justice sector in Nigeria. In 2015 the National Assembly, in a bid to address the challenges in the sector, particularly unlawful and inhumane detention, enacted the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) which is generally perceived as revolution...

When seeking drug reform we should avoid the deeply entrenched anti-drug narratives that have dominated drug policy debate. These narratives are often rooted in fallacy, distortion and sweeping generalisations, whereas, reform must... more

When seeking drug reform we should avoid the deeply entrenched anti-drug narratives that have dominated drug policy debate. These narratives are often rooted in fallacy, distortion and sweeping generalisations, whereas, reform must maintain integrity and stay firmly rooted in reason, rationale, science and evidence. We need to be clear, we don't have a global drug problem - we have a global drug policy problem, and the cause of the problem isn't gangsters - it's governments.

Prisons, jails, and detention facilities, by definition, are designed to isolate and separate people from their communities. To challenge and upend carcerality requires not just dismantlement, but radical revisioning, a building – of... more

Prisons, jails, and detention facilities, by definition, are designed to isolate and separate people from their communities. To challenge and upend carcerality requires not just dismantlement, but radical revisioning, a building – of flourishing, free and caring communities. Collectively developed responses and resources for people and ecosystems, led by those with lived experience of oppression, are the foundation for a world without prisons.

Electronic monitoring is increasingly used as an alternative to imprisonment. Compared to imprisonment, electronic monitoring presumably is less costly. Furthermore, compared to imprisonment electronic monitoring may have less collateral... more

Electronic monitoring is increasingly used as an alternative to imprisonment. Compared to imprisonment, electronic monitoring presumably is less costly. Furthermore, compared to imprisonment electronic monitoring may have less collateral consequences, as detainees who are electronically monitored are able to keep their job, housing and social networks, which are in turn associated with reduced recidivism. On the other hand electronic monitoring may have less of a deterrent effect than imprisonment, and deviant networks also remain intact, which may increase the likelihood of future crime and with it the likelihood of re-imprisonment. Here we make use of data from the Belgian penitentiary register to compare re-imprisonment of those having served their sentence under electronic monitoring and those regularly imprisoned, and limit our analyses to offenders with a prison sentence between six months and three years. We use propensity score matching to control for pre-existing differences between these groups. Our findings show that detainees are less likely to be re-imprisoned after electronic monitoring than after regular imprisonment.

Court responses to rape and sexual assault have been repeatedly criticized in England and Wales (Brown et al., 2010). In particular, research has identified prevalent stereotypes about rape in both the criminal justice system and wider... more

Court responses to rape and sexual assault have been repeatedly criticized in England and Wales (Brown et al., 2010). In particular, research has identified prevalent stereotypes about rape in both the criminal justice system and wider society, with these rape myths often being used as the predominant explanation for inadequate victim/survivor treatment (see Temkin and Krahé, 2008). The existing literature, though, tends to rely on interviews or is outdated by policy, so the present research uses court observations to explore what is actually happening in adult rape and sexual assault trials. The findings show that rape myths are still routinely used at trial, but that they are sometimes resisted using judicial directions or prosecution comments. In addition, the research highlights how rape myths are kept ‘relevant’ to trial through a focus on inconsistencies, a dichotomy of wholly truthful/untruthful witnesses, and conceptualisations of ‘rational’ behaviour as being the ‘normal’ w...

The purpose of this article is to shed some light into the characteristics and origins of the MS-13 by compiling what it is known about the group in a gang profile. In doing this, this article discusses MS-13’s origins, proliferation,... more

The purpose of this article is to shed some light into the characteristics and origins of the MS-13 by compiling what it is known about the group in a gang profile. In doing this, this article discusses MS-13’s origins, proliferation, characteristics, norms, and involvement in illegal enterprises. We also discuss recent policies used by law enforcement in an attempt to combat this gang.

Responding to reports of missing persons represents one of the biggest demands on the resources of police organisations. In the UK, for example, it is estimated that over 300,000 missing persons incidents are recorded by the police each... more

Responding to reports of missing persons represents one of the biggest demands on the resources of police organisations. In the UK, for example, it is estimated that over 300,000 missing persons incidents are recorded by the police each year which means that a person in the UK is recorded missing by the police approximately every two minutes. However, there is a complex web of behaviours that surround the phenomenon of missing persons which can make it difficult to establish whether someone’s disappearance is ‘intentional’ or ‘unintentional’ or whether they might be at risk of harm from themselves or others. Drawing on a set of missing person case reconstructions and interviews with the officers involved with these cases, this paper provides insights into the different stages of the investigative process and some of the key influences which shape the trajectory of a missing person’s investigation. In particular, it highlights the complex interplay between actions which are ‘ordered and conditioned’ by a procedural discourse around how missing persons investigations
should be conducted, and the narratives that officers construct about how they approach investigations which are often shaped by a mix of police craft, ‘science’ and ‘reputational’ issues.

In this paper, I examine how the criminology of genocide suffers from problems characteristic of the first generation of genocide scholarship, such as sweeping comparison, narrow legalism, and inattention to genocidal processes. Moreover,... more

In this paper, I examine how the criminology of genocide suffers from problems characteristic of the first generation of genocide scholarship, such as sweeping comparison, narrow legalism, and inattention to genocidal processes. Moreover, I highlight recent second generation work within genocide studies that has gone largely ignored by criminologists, and in particular North American criminologists, and which would allow the criminology of genocide to overcome some of its disciplinary limitations. In particular, I point to the growing areas of critical, colonial, and settler colonial genocide studies as offering vital lessons for the criminology of genocide, using the example of residential schools in Canada, and the Fort Alexander Indian Residential School in particular, to illustrate my arguments.

El estudio que presentamos en este informe es fruto de una necesidad que destacamos en el proyecto MIP. Nació como un proyecto que pretendía profundizar en una cuestión específica que se manifestó como un fenómeno de gran impacto entre la... more

El estudio que presentamos en este informe es fruto de una necesidad que destacamos en el proyecto MIP. Nació como un proyecto que pretendía profundizar en una cuestión específica que se manifestó como un fenómeno de gran impacto entre la población femenina reclusa: la violencia contra las mujeres. Este estudio, como el que lo ha precedido, parte de una posición consciente: la de no victimizar, no culpabilizar, no criminalizar, ni medicalizar al colectivo de mujeres presas. A su vez, se ofrece un análisis sobre las experiencias de violencia de género que han vivido estas mujeres y los factores que entran en juego.

This case study examines the importance of rituals in understanding illegal behavior. Particular attention is given to the impact of stress-based symbolically ritualized events on individuals which may lead to mass homicide. For a more... more

The current study describes the everyday life of Israeli prisoners and analyzes the actions they perform and the language they use as a reflection of their constraints, distresses, worldviews, beliefs, and attitudes. Data were subjected... more

The current study describes the everyday life of Israeli prisoners and analyzes the actions they perform and the language they use as a reflection of their constraints, distresses, worldviews, beliefs, and attitudes. Data were subjected to a content analysis, and the salience of the values, norms and argot terms were assessed using two measures, attention and intensity. The inmates’ values

There are many histories of the police as a law-enforcement institution, but no genealogy of the police as a form of power. This book provides a genealogy of the modern police by tracing the evolution of ‘police science’ and of police... more

There are many histories of the police as a law-enforcement institution, but no genealogy of the police as a form of power. This book provides a genealogy of the modern police by tracing the evolution of ‘police science’ and of police institutions in Europe, from the ancien régime to the early 19th century. Drawing on the theoretical path outlined by Michel Foucault at the crossroads between historical sociology, critical legal theory and critical criminology, it shows how the development of police power was an integral part of the birth of the modern state’s governmental rationalities and how police institutions were conceived as political technologies for the government and social disciplining of populations. Understanding modern police not as an institution at the service of the judiciary and the law, but as a complex political technology for governing the economic and social processes typical of modern capitalist societies, this book shows how the police have played an active role in actually shaping order, rather than merely preserving it.

Unlike the bulk of penological scholarship dealing with managerialist reforms, this article calls for greater theoretical and research attention to the often pernicious impact of managerialism on criminal justice professionals. Much in an... more

Unlike the bulk of penological scholarship dealing with managerialist reforms, this article calls for greater theoretical and research attention to the often pernicious impact of managerialism on criminal justice professionals. Much in an ideal-typical fashion, light is shed on: the reasons why contemporary penal bureaucracies endeavor systematically to strip criminal justice work of its inherently affective nature; the structural forces that ensure control over officials; the processes by which those forces come into effect; and the human consequences of submission to totalitarian bureaucratic milieus. It is suggested that the heavy preoccupation of present-day penality with the predictability and calculability of outcomes entails the atomization of professionals and the dehumanization of their work. This is achieved through a kaleidoscope of direct and indirect mechanisms that naturalize and/or legitimate acquiescence.

ÖZ Suç sosyolojisi bağlamında yapılan çalışmaların kriminolojinin ortaya çıkışındaki katkıları yadsınamaz. Suç ve suçlu davranışının meydana gelmesinde psikolojik faktörler olduğu kadar sosyolojik faktörler de bulunmaktadır. Sosyolojinin... more

Suç sosyolojisi bağlamında yapılan çalışmaların kriminolojinin ortaya çıkışındaki katkıları yadsınamaz. Suç ve suçlu davranışının meydana gelmesinde psikolojik faktörler olduğu kadar sosyolojik faktörler de bulunmaktadır. Sosyolojinin çalışma alanlarının birçoğu, suç ve suçlu davranışının, sebebi veya sonucu olarak karşımıza çıkmakta ve öncül toplumsal sorunlardan biri olması nedeniyle, sosyolojik açıdan ele alınması önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada ise bir sosyolog bakış açısıyla görsel kriminoloji ele alınıp görsellik fotoğraf ile sınırlandırılarak incelenmiştir. Görsel kriminolojide fotoğraf ölçeğinde, el ilanları, reklamlar, uyarı niteliğindeki görseller (sigara içilmez vb.) değerlendirme dışı bırakılmıştır. Görsel verilerden faydalanarak, suç ve suçlu davranışının açıklanması, sosyolojik faktörlerin önemini daha da arttırmaktadır. Bu durum bize suç ve suçlu davranışının sadece psikolojiyle alakalı olmadığı yönündeki fikri güçlü bir şekilde desteklemeye avantaj sağlar. Çalışmanın yöntemi, literatür taramasına dayalı olarak betimsel analizdir. Suç teorileri kısaca özetlenip görsel kriminoloji başlığı altında, öncelikle sosyoloji ve kriminoloji ilişkisine değinilmiştir. Görsel kriminoloji informal başka bir deyişle yazılı olmayan kurallarla ilgilidir. Bu doğrultuda fotoğrafların suç ve suçlu davranışı açısından bir sınıflandırılması yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu sınıflandırma neticesinde fotoğrafın görsel kriminoloji içerisindeki yeri, önemi ve katkıları gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu açıdan yapılan bu sınıflandırma çalışmanın özgün yanını oluşturmaktadır.
The contributions of studies conducted in the context of the sociology of crime to the emergence of criminology cannot be denied. There are sociological and psychological factors in the emergence of crime and criminal behaviour. Many fields of study of sociology confront us as a cause or a result of crime and criminal behaviour, and it is essential to consider it sociologically since it is one of the primary social problems. In this study, visual criminology was discussed from a sociologist's point of view, and visuality was examined by limiting it to photography. Flyers, advertisements, and warning images (No Smoking, etc.) are excluded from the photo limitation in visual criminology. The disclosure of crime and criminal behaviour further increases the importance of sociological factors by using optical data. I am explaining crime and criminal behaviour by using visible data further increases the volume of sociological factors. This gives us the advantage of strongly supporting the idea that crime and criminal behaviour are not just about psychology. The study method is a descriptive analysis based on a literature review. The theories of crime are summarised, and the relationship between sociology and criminology is mentioned first under visual criminology. Visual criminology is informal, in other words, about unwritten rules. Accordingly, a classification of the photographs is made in terms of crime and criminal behaviour. As a result of this classification, it is aimed to show the place, importance and contributions of photography in visual criminology. This classification constitutes the original aspect of the study.

Approximately one third of U.S. high-school freshmen do not earn their high-school diploma on time. For African-American and Hispanic students, this figure nearly reaches one half. The long-term economic consequences of dropping out of... more

Approximately one third of U.S. high-school freshmen do not earn their high-school diploma on time. For African-American and Hispanic students, this figure nearly reaches one half. The long-term economic consequences of dropping out of school for both the student and the larger community have been well documented. It has also been argued that school dropouts put themselves at a higher risk for delinquent and criminal behavior when they leave school. Although it seems plausible that dropping out might increase the potential for delinquent conduct, another view states that dropping out is simply the final event in a long, gradual process of disenchantment and disengagement from school. Dropouts show evidence of school failure and developmental problems years in advance. It has been argued, therefore, that the actual event of finally leaving school has no causal effect on criminal or delinquent behavior because it has been so long in coming. In this article, we examine the effect of leaving school early, and the reason for dropping out, on delinquent behavior with the use of panel data models from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort (NLSY97). Through an appeal to identity theory, we hypothesize that the effect of dropping out is not uniform but varies by the reason for leaving school, gender, and time. This conjecture receives only partial empirical support. Implications for future work in the area are discussed.

The present work intends to analyze if the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 was sufficient to eliminate the inquisitorial and authoritarian traits arising from the Penal Procedure Code of 1941. Some reforms carried out in the... more

The present work intends to analyze if the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 was sufficient to eliminate the inquisitorial and authoritarian traits arising from the Penal Procedure Code of 1941. Some reforms carried out in the post-constitution period will be analyzed, for this, the research to be carried out in this work will be developed from a descriptive qualitative perspective, using existing bibliographic materials, making consultations to doctrines, jurisprudence and scientific articles

(The Georgian Underworld: Criminal Subcultures in Eighteenth-Century England; Chapter 16) One of the most interesting subjects in the history of sexuality is the sudden appearance, three hundred years ago, of a well organized gay... more

(The Georgian Underworld: Criminal Subcultures in Eighteenth-Century England; Chapter 16) One of the most interesting subjects in the history of sexuality is the sudden appearance, three hundred years ago, of a well organized gay subculture in the city of London. This was patronized by homosexual men who used gay slang, who frequented gay cruising areas, and who engaged in camp or effeminate behaviour amongst themselves. Even from the very beginning of the century, sodomites frequented a network of gay pubs, where they socialized with one another, singing and dancing together, and otherwise behaving in a disorderly fashion. The legal records cover a wide range of circumstantial details beyond sexual activity, and often give us an interesting glimpse into the social life of the sodomite.

O presente estudo sobre criminologia mediática e direitos humanos pretende analisar a evolução da relação entre estes objetos, com o objetivo de compreender como os discursos mediáticos foram capazes de influenciar tantas pessoas,... more

O presente estudo sobre criminologia mediática e direitos humanos pretende analisar a evolução da relação entre estes objetos, com o objetivo de compreender como os discursos mediáticos foram capazes de influenciar tantas pessoas, particularmente em dois momentos da história, durante o caso Dreyfus, na França; e o nazismo, na Alemanha. Para tanto, será utilizado a metodologia indutiva, com emprego da técnica de análise documental e bibliográfica. Através de revisão bibliográfica, busca-se compreender os discursos da criminologia mediática, notadamente aqueles introduzidos nos fait divers e nas propagandas.

As ciências criminais - criminologia, direito penal e política criminal - têm assumido distintas configurações desde a proposta de Franz von Liszt no início do séc. XX. O direito penal já foi a principal ciência que contava com o auxílio... more

As ciências criminais - criminologia, direito penal e política criminal - têm assumido distintas configurações desde a proposta de Franz von Liszt no início do séc. XX. O direito penal já foi a principal ciência que contava com o auxílio de ciências assessórias. Mais adiante, transformou-se no instrumento jurídico da política-criminal. Atualmente, existe a tendência a ver as disciplinas numa condição de igualdade com autonomia científica. As qualidades científicas próprias da criminologia e do direito penal constam insuficientemente sublinhadas, impedindo o melhor funcionamento complementar no entendimento e no tratamento do fenômeno desviante. O presente estudo busca descrever quatro diferenças essenciais entre a criminologia e o direito penal.