Material Development in ELT Research Papers (original) (raw)

Tis work aims to present materials produced for the subject Technical English which is part of the Program of Post-Graduation in Cognition and Language at Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF). It is known that the... more

Tis work aims to present materials produced
for the subject Technical English which is part
of the Program of Post-Graduation in Cognition
and Language at Universidade Estadual do
Norte Fluminense (UENF). It is known that the
elaboration of any support material to teaching is
a hard task, demanding investigation, analysis,
technique, creativity and, above all, time.
Terefore, it is expected that the relevance of
this article contributes with the production of
future educational materials to be used within
the teaching- learning process of reading and
translation in classes of English for Specifc
Purposes (ESP).

Reading skill plays a pivotal role in the process of acquiring information. An appropriate teaching technique should be implemented in order to improve the students' reading skill. This research aimed at revealing whether or not: (1)... more

Reading skill plays a pivotal role in the process of acquiring information. An appropriate teaching technique should be implemented in order to improve the students' reading skill. This research aimed at revealing whether or not: (1) Herringbone technique (HT) is more effective than Tri Focus Steve Snyder technique (TFSST) to teach reading comprehension, (2) Students having high reading habit have better reading comprehension than those having low reading habit, and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students' reading habit in teaching reading comprehension. This research was conducted in one State Junior High School in Indonesia. The research was a quasi-experimental study. The population was 75 students of the ninth-grade. Through cluster random sampling, the samples were chosen. The IX-A class was the experimental group and the IX-B class was the control group. The result of comparing HT and TFSST by using two-way Anova shows that Fobs was 436.6268 while the Fα with the significant level of 0.05 was 4.0471. Therefore, it implies that HT is more effective than TFSST in teaching reading comprehension. The result of comparing high and low reading habit by using two-way Anova shows that Fobs was 43.3862 while the Fα with the significant level of 0.05 was 4.0471.

Memorisation of new vocabulary is still the elephant in the room. It is a skill which a few language learners have, but most do not. This paper argues that course materials do little to help students to learn new words and could... more

Memorisation of new vocabulary is still the elephant in the room. It is a skill which a few language learners have, but most do not. This paper argues that course materials do little to help students to learn new words and could potentially do far more through: narrative, real characters, imagery, design that shows the excitement of language development, encouraging risk-taking and argument, providing space for personalisation, and teaching pronunciation through keywords without the extra learning load of phonetic symbols.

The present paper deals with the use of literature, nonfiction literary texts more specifically, in the EFL classroom as a means for fostering a holistic approach to language acquisition and personal development of students. The article... more

The present paper deals with the use of literature, nonfiction literary texts more specifically, in
the EFL classroom as a means for fostering a holistic approach to language acquisition and
personal development of students. The article addresses the challenges students and EFL
teachers face when introducing literary texts in the EFL classroom. It also suggests ways how
to embrace and overcome those challenges and setbacks and turn them into benefits. Our aim
is, by sharing our experience in using a nonfiction literary text during a guest lecture at the New
Bulgarian University to a group of English language students, to encourage EFL teachers to
experiment with literary texts and document their experience and classroom interaction. We
refer to Horner’s model for “personal development of whole individual”, Duff and Malay’s
three criteria (linguistic, methodological and motivational criterion) for using literature in the
classroom, and Collie and Slater’s cultural criterion, adding a fourth connecting criterion to
support our endeavor. We also provide a lesson plan for the critical essay “Women and the
Future” (1924) by Dorothy Richardson which could be used by EFL teachers.

The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress.... more

The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress. Named after the title of this introduction the Congress was a vivid forum for English language teachers and experts interested in discussing how technology has been integrated into English language teaching (ELT) and learning.

This paper problematises the cultural content presented in many English coursebooks. It examines the issue of cultural bias in both written texts and visual images, explains how such distortion of culture has entered textbooks, highlights... more

This paper problematises the cultural content presented in many English coursebooks. It examines the issue of cultural bias in both written texts and visual images, explains how such distortion of culture has entered textbooks, highlights the consequences of such bias, and finally suggests ways to deal with the cultural bias in order to help language learners develop intercultural understanding and competence. For illustrative purposes, the paper presents specific cases of stereotypical information selected from English language coursebooks. These cases fall into four distinctive categories, namely stereotyping appearance, stereotyping gender, stereotyping behavior, and stereotyping lifestyles.

The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress.... more

The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress. Named after the title of this introduction the Congress was a vivid forum for English language teachers and experts interested in discussing how technology has been integrated into English language teaching (ELT) and learning.

For those who are interested in YDS exam.

This paper aimed at examining the Iranian EFL teachers and learners' preferences for two types of direct oral corrective feedback, including explicit correction and metalinguistic clues, and two types of indirect oral corrective feedback,... more

This paper aimed at examining the Iranian EFL teachers and learners' preferences for two types of direct oral corrective feedback, including explicit correction and metalinguistic clues, and two types of indirect oral corrective feedback, including recast and repetition. The participants included 39 teachers and 84 EFL learners, selected through purposive sampling. A scenario-based questionnaire was constructed based on Lyster and Ranta's (1997) typology of corrective feedback (CF) for the purpose of collecting data on the teachers and learners' preferences for the type of CF. Feedback scenarios were extracted from the literature on CF. The questionnaire was distributed to the participants by one of the researchers. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted in order to triangulate the data gathered through the questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that the EFL teachers and learners preferred direct CF more than indirect CF. The results also revealed significant differences among EFL teachers with differing levels of teaching experience (i.e., low, moderate and high). The present study drew attention to the fact that direct types of CF were preferred over others in EFL context. This study has implications for EFL teachers, learners, and material developers.

This study attempts to identify the extent of using authentic materials in the new series of secondary English textbooks (Flying High for Saudi Arabia) used currently in Saudi schools. Therefore, a content analysis instrument has been... more

This study attempts to identify the extent of using authentic materials in the new series of secondary English textbooks (Flying High for Saudi Arabia) used currently in Saudi schools. Therefore, a content analysis instrument has been designed to analyze the first secondary English textbook. The instrument has been distributed on 112 EFL female teachers who work in public Secondary schools in Riyadh city. The findings show that the selected textbook focuses to a moderate extent on using material authenticity. The provided materials promote genuine communication among EFL learners, prepare learners for the future uses of the target language and present authentic language in its actual contexts. However, the findings reveal that the used materials are beyond the learners' level and the reading comprehension activities present real life texts at a poor range. These findings suggest to adjust the given materials to fulfill the learners' needs and match their proficiency level.

The study aimed at exploring the teacher's techniques in teaching vocabulary at the secondary level in Bangladesh. The study was conducted in the mixed-method research approach. It employed case studies, classroom observation, and a... more

The study aimed at exploring the teacher's techniques in teaching vocabulary at the secondary level in Bangladesh. The study was conducted in the mixed-method research approach. It employed case studies, classroom observation, and a teacher questionnaire to gather data. The study revealed that ineffective teaching techniques influence learners' vocabulary use and development; the students feel less interested in participating in the class; teachers did not develop awareness of eliciting some vocabularies which enhance learners' motivation during vocabulary teaching-learning in the class; teachers did not make the instruction clear to avoid confusion of learners while they request them to work on vocabulary tasks. Generally, it found teachers' lack of continuous professional training in teaching methodology had a great impact observed in the class. They lack the schema needed to understand the information shared. In this study, a number proven techniques are shared to improve the teaching-learning English vocabulary at the secondary level in Bangladesh.

The teaching of pragmatic features in the field of ELT has received more attention recently. Many studies indicated that English textbooks fail to represent the features of pragmatics. Yet, textbooks are a valuable source of information... more

The teaching of pragmatic features in the field of ELT has received more attention recently. Many studies indicated that English textbooks fail to represent the features of pragmatics. Yet, textbooks are a valuable source of information for students, so it is vital for teachers to be able to enrich the textbook activities for teaching pragmatics. However, to what extent teachers can achieve this has not been investigated yet. Moreover, no studies have been found investigating the views of EFL teachers on the teaching materials for pragmatics instruction. To fill in this gap, a dialogue activity aiming to teach requests was modified based on the relevant literature. The modified activity was presented to the attention of 100 Turkish EFL teachers. Then, the views of EFL teachers on the modified activity were investigated through a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The study also aimed to question if teachers were willing to adapt textbook activities for more effective pragmatics instruction. The results indicated that teachers found the modifications useful for pragmatics instruction. Furthermore, no statistically significant difference was found between those who had taken a course on pragmatics during their teacher training and the ones who had not. It was found that teachers regarded material adaptation for the instruction of pragmatics as a must. Even so, they admitted that none of them had made such adaptations as they thought they were not equipped with a satisfying level of knowledge on pragmatics.

is a matter of discussion in the contemporary milieu, thanks to the rise of non-native varieties of English across the globe. Today we have Standard English as the standardized variant of English language. English is the international... more

is a matter of discussion in the contemporary milieu, thanks to the rise of non-native varieties of English across the globe. Today we have Standard English as the standardized variant of English language. English is the international lingua franca, but interestingly there are international English(es), World Englishes, new Englishes, global English (es), new varieties of English, localized varieties of English, non-native varieties of English and

The present study reports on the findings related to the effect of playing a vocabulary learning and practicing game in elementary English classes at university level, and the attitudes and beliefs of the subjects about playing games with... more

The present study reports on the findings related to the effect of playing a vocabulary learning and practicing game in elementary English classes at university level, and the attitudes and beliefs of the subjects about playing games with the purpose of learning the foreign language. The subjects were 70 first year university students from two different departments at the faculty of education. A vocabulary quiz that was prepared in accordance with the curriculum and the course book was applied as pre and post
test. The results revealed that the experimental group subjects have doubled the vocabulary improvement rate of the control group subjects. The findings demonstrated that there was a slight difference between the performance of the female and male students in favour of the female subjects. The findings revealed
positive thoughts and beliefs related to the game they played during their course, and using games in language classes. We have concluded that there is a need for more language games that might concentrate on the different aspects of learning a foreign language, and that the educational philosophies, methodologies, and techniques as well as the language curriculums should be rearranged and modified to meet the needs and interests of the new age learners.

This research aimed to discover the language learning strategies used by successfull students in developing speaking performance in speaking performance at English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. This... more

This research aimed to discover the language learning strategies used by successfull students in developing speaking performance in speaking performance at English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. This research used qualitative method in the form of descriptive qualitative. the participants of this research were taken from the third semester of English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong with the total 6 students. The participants were the students who gained score A in speaking class. Based on the data gathered, the result showed that the students applied both of Direct and Imdirect learning strategies in developing their speaking English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, namely social strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies in Indirect Strategy and memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies in Direct Strategy. From those of six strategies applied, most ...

In this article, I would like to summarize the book, entitled ‘Motivating Learning’. The names of the authors of this academic book are Jill Hadfield and Zoltán Dörnyei. Jill Hadfield is an associate professor in the Department of... more

In this article, I would like to summarize the book, entitled ‘Motivating Learning’. The names of the authors of this academic book are Jill Hadfield and Zoltán Dörnyei. Jill Hadfield is an associate professor in the Department of Language Studies at Unitec in New Zealand. Zoltán Dörnyei is a professor of psycholinguistics at the School of English at University of Nottingham. This book was published by the Pearson Education Limited in the United Kingdom. It was first published in 2013. The International Standard Book Number of the printed version of this book is 978-1-4082-4970-3. The International Standard Book Number of the eText version of this book is 978-0-273-78612-2. The International Standard Book Number of the pdf version of this book is 978-0-273-78617-7. As it is written on the second page of this book, catalogue record for the print edition is available from the British Library.

Corpora have become an omnipresent icon in linguistics and been able to facilitate researchers to access a huge amount of authentic language data more quickly and comprehensively than ever. This trend has not been well integrated into EFL... more

Corpora have become an omnipresent icon in linguistics and been able to facilitate researchers to access a huge amount of authentic language data more quickly and comprehensively than ever. This trend has not been well integrated into EFL classrooms. By failing to include these tools in their material development, language teachers have by some means underrated the potential of corpora.
One of the building blocks of language proficiency is vocabulary. Vocabulary acquisition requires the knowledge of word form and meaning (Thornbury , 2002: 15). The knowledge of word use and grammar is also crucial for learners (Harmer, 1991). Those elements are provided by corpora and should be taken into consideration by teachers. Another benefit offered by most corpora is up-to-date word frequency data which can help language teachers and material developers to identify which words are the most frequently occurring ones. Corpora are very helpful in assisting teachers and material developers with the analysis of word collocations and contexts. For those reasons, corpus data can become a valuable source for ESL teachers to develop good vocabulary building materials.
This study explores the use of corpora in developing materials for ESP vocabulary class at Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta. The materials are formulated in tasks focusing on the lexical knowledge reflected from the corpus data. Therefore, the findings of this paper are expected to set forth a model of how English teachers can integrate corpus data into vocabulary learning materials and demonstrate how it can best help students build their vocabulary.

Ingiliz dili egitimi alaninda son zamanlarda edimbilimsel dil ogelerinin ogretimi daha fazla ilgi gormeye baslamistir. Alandaki arastirmalar, Ingilizce ders kitaplarinin edimbilimsel ogeleri sunma konusunda yetersiz kaldigini... more

Ingiliz dili egitimi alaninda son zamanlarda edimbilimsel dil ogelerinin ogretimi daha fazla ilgi gormeye baslamistir. Alandaki arastirmalar, Ingilizce ders kitaplarinin edimbilimsel ogeleri sunma konusunda yetersiz kaldigini gostermistir. Ders kitaplarinin ogrenciler icin onemli bir bilgi kaynagi olmasi nedeniyle, ogretmenlerin ders kitaplarindaki edimbilim aktivitelerini zenginlestirebilmeleri onemlidir. Ancak, ogretmenlerin bunu ne olcude basarabilecegi henuz arastirilmamistir. Ilgili alanyazin incelendiginde ogretmenlerin edimbilim ogretim materyalleri hakkindaki goruslerini inceleyen bir calismaya rastlanmamistir. Bu boslugu doldurmak icin, ilk olarak amaci ricalari ogretmek olan bir ders kitabi aktivitesi alanyazin taranarak zenginlestirilmistir. Sonra bu aktivite 100 Turk Ingilizce ogretmeninin dikkatine sunulmustur. Ardindan ogretmenlerin gorusleri hakkinda bilgi, bir anket ve yari yapilandirilmis mulakat araciligi ile toplanmistir. Ayni zamanda ogretmenlerin edimbilim ogret...

This research and development (R&D) aimed at 1) developing reading material for the fifth grade students of elementary schools in tourism area, and (2) investigating the quality of the material developed. To gather the data, this study... more

This research and development (R&D) aimed at 1) developing reading material for the fifth grade students of elementary schools in tourism area, and (2) investigating the quality of the material developed. To gather the data, this study used scoring rubric, questionnaires, observation sheets, interview guide, and test. This study used the development model proposed by Sugiyono (2011) and was developed based on the characteristics of good reading material proposed by Tomlinson (1998). The results showed that (1) reading material was developed by involving some of local contents and (2) reading material had high validity and practicality and was proven to be effective. It then can be concluded that to make good quality of a reading material, the development of it should involve local content and should be based on the criteria of good material.

The article focuses on eco-pedagogy in the ELT classroom -- getting students and teachers concerned about, active in confronting climate change, many ideas for discussion and numerous hyperlinks. A paper for nurturing critical... more

The article focuses on eco-pedagogy in the ELT classroom -- getting students and teachers concerned about, active in confronting climate change, many ideas for discussion and numerous hyperlinks. A paper for nurturing critical eco-awareness and eco-activism at a range of levels in ELT classrooms and beyond This is a revised version of an article originally published in the BETA E-Newsletter in Bulgaria, May-June 2019.

This paper fundamentally centers on the practical approach to written outputs intended to be produced by higher education institutions' advanced English language and literary learners through a teacher's chosen authentic material after a... more

This paper fundamentally centers on the practical approach to written outputs intended to be produced by higher education institutions' advanced English language and literary learners through a teacher's chosen authentic material after a systematic performance of previewing and viewing tasks on a music video to yield post-viewing production-worthy instructions. In here, the principles of multimedia and special contiguity are applied out of the seven (7) principles which Mayer (2001) framed under the Cognitive Theory of Multi-Media Learning along with a mass media-related material as a springboard. The involvement of other correlated theories of learning is also manifested in this paper. These writing activities endeavor to demonstrate possible and effective classroom applications of an authentic material obtained from mass media with the writer's belief that embedded elements and structures interplay in the reading, listening, viewing skills and speaking to produce varied written outputs. This paper also delivers the central idea that out of original media for entertainment purposes, exist distinctive features that are capable as catalysts for language and literary learning alongside with the efficacious manipulation of their textual, audio and visual components. Specifically, this paper presents how teachers instructionally manipulate a music video to serve as a motivationally worth-digesting springboard to exemplify real-world materials from learners' environment that are significant for their language writing skills' refurbishment interlacing other macro skills not to mention the literary awareness acquired. Furthermore, this paper is inscribed

This presentation was among a series of lectures organized by the monthly forum of the Faculty of Arts at Omdurman Islamic University during the Academic year 2011-2012. The aim was to trace the history of teaching English language in... more

This presentation was among a series of lectures organized by the monthly forum of the Faculty of Arts at Omdurman Islamic University during the Academic year 2011-2012. The aim was to trace the history of teaching English language in Sudan since the firstly established 'modern schooling system' in 1901 up to 1990s . It mainly focused on syllabus and materials used , teaching methods, testing and assessment methods.

The needs survey shows that English listening skill of the students in the tenth graders of Indonesian Islamic High School or Madrasah Aliyah is not well developed. Consequently, the listening instructional materials based on standard of... more

The needs survey shows that English listening skill of the students in the tenth graders of Indonesian Islamic High School or Madrasah Aliyah is not well developed. Consequently, the listening instructional materials based on standard of content 2006 used in the classes need to be advanced. The researcher used only one try out of the product, second revision in this study was the seventh step of Borg and Gall model operational product revision. This was done based on the result of the try out, and the final product (the production of the new materials). The development used in this study consists of needs survey, developing the materials, experts and teacher " s validation, revision, try out, second revision and the final product. The product is found acceptable for the tenth grade students.

English has a coveted position in our world, even after the British left India for more than seven decades. No indigenous language has been used either as a mode of correspondence or as an official language to replace English. English... more

English has a coveted position in our world, even after the British left India for more than seven decades. No indigenous language has been used either as a mode of correspondence or as an official language to replace English. English started reasserting its position after a significant number of movements against English teaching in India, under the control of nationalistic sentiments and emotional hostility; interestingly, moreover, the amount of people able to talk and write English intelligibly and correctly is exceedingly poor. The way English is learned today at our schools is primarily responsible for this sad state of affairs. Our technological know-how is recognized worldwide, but our young professional graduates remain unemployed even after a reasonably decent degree. The main trigger is their loss of organizational abilities, which in the dynamic scenario of the 21st century are called 'survival skills'. The goal of the English course for the Engineering graduates, provided by various technical institutions is, however, to allow students to learn macro and micro-skills in the target language and use them as students and then at the workplace as technocrats. The paper is an effort to track the challenges encountered by both teachers and students at the bachelors" level of technical institution, namely GLA University, Mathura, in the English teaching and learning phase. Taking the subjects of this study as the representatives of technocrats in India, the purpose of the paper is to present the contemporary problems in teaching English as a language, and to propose remedies wherever needed.

Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers in the Sharia economics study program of Sharia Economics Studies College of Nahdlatul Ulama (STIESNU) Bengkulu, the lecturer and students still have problems in the... more

Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers in the Sharia economics study program of Sharia Economics Studies College of Nahdlatul Ulama (STIESNU) Bengkulu, the lecturer and students still have problems in the teaching and learning process in English subject. The main problem that they often face is that they still felt difficult to find the teaching materials based on expectations of the lecturer and students. So based on the results of the analysis of the researchers, they have to apply a development research to solve the problems. The results of this study is a modul as the teaching materials for English subject based on the principles of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and with the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach which developed by using the ASSURE model that followed the stages of analyze learners; state objectives; select, modify media, or design materials; utilize technology, media, and materials; requires learner participation, and, evaluate and revise. In addition, at the final stage, this teaching material product also validated by two experts.

The teaching of pragmatic features in the field of ELT has received more attention recently. Many studies indicated that English textbooks fail to represent the features of pragmatics. Yet, textbooks are a valuable source of information... more

The teaching of pragmatic features in the field of ELT has received more attention recently. Many studies indicated that English textbooks fail to represent the features of pragmatics. Yet, textbooks are a valuable source of information for students, so it is vital for teachers to be able to enrich the textbook activities for teaching pragmatics. However, to what extent teachers can achieve this has not been investigated yet. Moreover, no studies have been found investigating the views of EFL teachers on the teaching materials for pragmatics instruction. To fill in this gap, a dialogue activity aiming to teach requests was modified based on the relevant literature. The modified activity was presented to the attention of 100 Turkish EFL teachers. Then, the views of EFL teachers on the modified activity were investigated through a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The study also aimed to question if teachers were willing to adapt textbook activities for more effective prag...

This chapter provides an overview of how ELT materials can be improved through creative mindsets and innovative efforts, as well as through materials personalisation and localisation. It is not, however, a review of current approaches to... more

This chapter provides an overview of how ELT materials can be improved through creative mindsets and innovative efforts, as well as through materials personalisation and localisation. It is not, however, a review of current approaches to the ELT curriculum but mainly offers innovative insights to enrich current ways of developing course materials. It addresses the three main areas covered by this book, namely creativity, innovations and teacher-learner involvement in coursebook design. One important obligation in the quest for successful English language education is to create and apply new experience in course materials. As the theme of this book indicates, materials writers are constantly challenged by the need to produce novel ideas (creativity) and implement them via coursebook design (innovation).

This research aims at designing local culture based digital comics for eighth year students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalipuro, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. These are designed based on the English syllabus of reading skill and are developed in... more

This research aims at designing local culture based digital comics for eighth year students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalipuro, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. These are designed based on the English syllabus of reading skill and are developed in order to improve the students' reading comprehension skill, especially in comprehending narrative texts. Also, it aims at preserving local wisdoms of Banyuwangi through English language teaching. The research and development steps comprise some steps adapted from the pattern developed by Borg and Gall. The researchers administered need analysis to 35 students in class VIII.1 in order to gather information dealing with the materials and media in English language teaching and the need on local culture based digital comics. The data was taken from questionnaire, interview, and document analysis. The results of need analysis reveal that the students need to be taught narrative texts with local culture content and a suitable interesting media in the form of digital comics. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan Komik digital Bahasa Inggris berbasis budaya lokal untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kalipuro, Banyuwangi, Jawa timur, Indonesia. Pengembangan model berdasarkan silabus Bahasa Inggris ketrampilan membaca di SMP Negeri 1 Kalipuro. Komik digital berbasis budaya lokal didesain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa, khususnya dalam memahami teks narasi dan untuk melestarikan kearifan lokal Banyuwangi melalui pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Peneliti mengadaptasi langkah-langkah penelitian pengembangan yang didesain oleh Borg dan Gall. Peneliti mengadakan analisis kebutuhan di kelas VIII.1 dengan jumlah siswa 35 orang. Need analysis ini dilaksanakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang materi dan media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan kebutuhan akan komik digital berbasis budaya lokal untuk pembelajaran teks narasi. Peneliti menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan analisa dokumen untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil dari need analysis menunjukkan bahwa siswa perlu belajar tentang Narrative Texts dengan tema budaya lokal dan membutuhkan media yang menarik dalam bentuk komik digital. Kata Kunci: kearifan lokal, analisis kebutuhan, komik, membaca.

Nowadays, the developing and appreciating material based on student's local culture is very attractive. The objectives of this research are to know the existing folktales in students' book, to identify local folktales that suitable to be... more

Nowadays, the developing and appreciating material based on student's local culture is very attractive. The objectives of this research are to know the existing folktales in students' book, to identify local folktales that suitable to be included in the English students' book and to know how to include the local folktales in the English students' book for ninth grade of Junior High School in Rejang Lebong. This research adapted the R&D model proposed by Borg and Gall (1983) with some modifications. The data was taken from students and teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Rejang Lebong, SMP Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong and SMP Negeri 5 Rejang Lebong through questionnaire and interview. The first result of this research shows that students like the existing folktales in students' book but sometimes they found difficulties in comprehending it. The second result identifies three siutable local folktales suitable to be included in the students' book; Legenda Batu Menangis (62.4%), Lalan Belek (66.7%) and Muning Raib (66.7%). The third result shows that the developed material can be used as supplementary reading material. In conclusion, the existing folktales in the student's book are good but not contextual, there are highly three suitable local folktales to be included in students' book (Legenda Batu Menangis, Lalan Belek, and Muning Raib) and the way to include the suitable local folktales in English students' book is as supplementary reading material. As suggestion, the next researcher can conduct further study on evaluation by using try out of this material development. Keyword: Developing reading material, local culture, supplementary material. ABSTRAK Pengembangan dan pembaharuan bahan ajar berdasarkan kearifan lokal sangat menarik saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana cerita rakyat yang ada pada buku siswa, mengidentifikasi dan menambahkan cerita lokal ke dalam buku siswa dan untuk memasukkan cerita rakyat lokal ke dalam buku siswa SMP kelas sembilan di kabupaten Rejang Lebong sebagai tambahan bahan ajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan Borg dan Gall (1983) dengan beberapa modifikasi. Data penelitian ini diambil dari siswa dan guru SMP Negeri 1 Rejang Lebong, SMP Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong dan SMP Negeri 5 Rejang Lebong melalui kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa menyukai cerita rakyat yang ada di dalam buku teks tetapi kadang-kadang mereka mengalami kesulitan untuk memahaminya. Penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi 3 (tiga) cerita rakyat Rejang Lebong yang sesuai dimasukkan ke dalam buku siswa yaitu; Legenda Batu Menangis (62,4%), Lalan Belek (66,7%) dan Muning Raib (66,7%). Materi yang telah dikembangkan ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan belajar membaca tambahan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah cerita rakyat yang ada di dalam buku teks menarik tetapi tidak kontekstual bagi siswa di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, terdapat tiga cerita rakyat yang dapat dimasukkan kedalam buku siswa sebagai bahan belajar membaca tambahan. Saran penelitian ini ditujukan pada peneliti berikutnya untuk melaksanakan evaluasi yang menekankan pada uji coba materi yang telah dikembangkan. Kata Kunci: Pegembangan bahan ajar membaca, budaya lokal, bahan ajar tambahan.

This study investigated the language learning strategies used by successful and less successful learners in the first grade of a senior high school in Banda Aceh. Both groups of learners were categorized based on their scores on an... more

This study investigated the language learning strategies used by successful and less successful learners in the first grade of a senior high school in Banda Aceh. Both groups of learners were categorized based on their scores on an English test. A number of 20 successful and 20 less successful first grade students were then selected as the respondents. A questionnaire was used to identify language learning strategies used by both groups of these learners. The questionnaire was adapted from Oxford (1990), which consisted 30 items related to six categories of language learning strategies: memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective, and social. This data were then analyzed by using the independent sample t-test. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between language learning strategies used by successful and less successful learners. The successful learners were found to use the language learning strategies more frequently than less successful lea...

Individuals have their own culture and social structure. They are accustomed to the norms and practices of that social structure. But the advent of new elements brings notable changes in their particular social pattern. These changes have... more

Individuals have their own culture and social structure. They are accustomed to the norms and practices of that social structure. But the advent of new elements brings notable changes in their particular social pattern. These changes have impact on individual's personalities, thinking, and behavior; and the society takes a new look with distinguished characteristics. Ben Jonson, in Volpone, presents a group of diverse characters who seemed to be the representatives of the rising period of protocapitalist economic order. These characters are distinguished by what and how fraudulently they speak to others to boost money and wealth. They are in rivalry against each other, and mostly engaged in the acquirement of material goods over goodwill and moral obligation. Among others Volpone and Mosca are the leading representatives who constantly entice the different entrepreneurial potential to avariciously drive for money, and to finally shatter their hopes. The two mastermind plotters creatively shroud their true sort in entwining linguistic artifice merely to trick the wealth-maniac people by making themselves unsuspected and credible. The difference between right and wrong evaporates from society, and the principles and morality have been at stake. Such society depicted in the play gives a new mode of principles, morality, and good conduct. The attitudes to morality have been under consideration in the analysis.

Lately, the arguable consensus of curriculum has many of cavities, the experts, academicians, and stake-holders, take position, in purpose of settling the curriculum problems. The globalizing aspects of life must have had the curriculum... more

Lately, the arguable consensus of curriculum has many of cavities, the experts, academicians, and stake-holders, take position, in purpose of settling the curriculum problems. The globalizing aspects of life must have had the curriculum makers do the revisions as well as developments toward the present curriculum. Developing curriculum should be setting out needs of students hence it must be related to the contexts. So, competitiveness as the keystone to develop the students' needs. The development of the language learning curriculum should be paid attention in terms of constructed curriculum design having based on the theoretically-constituted frameworks. In the context of curriculum development, the basic assumption which should be considered in the educational programs, that is, the analysis of students' needs. Need analysis as part of system approach to curriculum developments in the scope of educational programs. This procedure let most of linguists to employ needs analysis as the basis to language learning curriculum. The usage of such procedure is underlain upon the learners' needs toward competitive world. In addition, the development and implementation of English Language Learning programs must be approached to the three aspects of English learning programs. These have different implications to the curriculum development, that is, each of them differs in relation to the input, process, and output. Thus, the general part of English language program curriculum design can be divided to forward design; concerning to the syllabus design, center design; the methodology of learning , and backward design; the assessment is based on the learners' outcomes. In turn, the three designs of language learning program must be in accordance with philosophical purposes of curriculum.

Silent films have long been shown during language classes to ease contextual and pragmatic acquisition. Equally empowering, muted videos are commonly used to help students to learn culture-laden and fixed expressions. They report to... more

Silent films have long been shown during language classes to ease contextual and pragmatic acquisition. Equally empowering, muted videos are commonly used to help students to learn culture-laden and fixed expressions. They report to appreciate and enjoy using visual cues to understand and then appropriately use unfamiliar language, and especially to cope with novel situations such as job interviews. This study analyses students' voiceover responses to a series of muted videos shown during their participation in an oral communication skills course intended to develop their sociolinguistic awareness. The researchers wanted to know the extent to which students benefited from the muted video task. A mixed method design was used to identify the most common challenges learners face with when using culture-laden expressions. Both self-developed, online pre and post-test, and focus group interviews were used as data collection tools. The participants, selected according to the convenience sampling method, were students studying at an English-medium state university in Turkey and taking a compulsory oral communications-oriented English course. Afterwards, participants were seen to have developed sensitivity towards using context-bound fixed phrases. The research data was also useful in helping to pinpoint common challenges for learners when using contextually fixed phrases in English.

David Shaffer & James Kimball (Eds.) //

This research aimed to discover the language learning strategies used by successfull students in developing speaking performance in speaking performance at English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. This... more

This research aimed to discover the language learning strategies used by successfull students in developing speaking performance in speaking performance at English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. This research used qualitative method in the form of descriptive qualitative. the participants of this research were taken from the third semester of English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong with the total 6 students. The participants were the students who gained score A in speaking class. Based on the data gathered, the result showed that the students applied both of Direct and Imdirect learning strategies in developing their speaking English Language Education Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, namely social strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies in Indirect Strategy and memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies in Direct Strategy. From those of six strategies applied, most of the students tended to apply Indirect Strategy that was social strategies by asking help, working in pair, practicing with the proficient user of English and making small group discussion.

The outcome of different vocabulary learning strategies might be different for different vocabulary forms, such phrases or single word items. Similarly, the depth of vocabulary knowledge (receptive vs. productive) is also another... more

The outcome of different vocabulary learning strategies might be different for different vocabulary forms, such phrases or single word items. Similarly, the depth of vocabulary knowledge (receptive vs. productive) is also another important factor that is neglected in many of researches dealing with vocabulary learning strategies. This study focused on learning vocabulary with the form of "phrase". The study aimed to evaluate the different functions of rote learning and repeated exposures on producing receptive vocabulary knowledge. 23 leaners of a Maritime English course were chosen as the participants of this study. They were instructed 14 vocabulary items, in two different lists of A and B, one list is instructed through traditional word list repetition and another one through multiple exposures. The learners were asked at the end of the course to translate the given phrases of the two lists in their first language. The number of correct answers of each list incited the effectiveness of related method of treatment. It was appeared that repeating the phrases from a list is more effective in growing receptive knowledge, although there was not a tremendous difference in the results.

Language ideologies are the practices of culturally, socially, and historically shaped views, images, and attitudes toward language. The political characteristic of English is certainly a sort of cultural hegemony, embodying the use of... more

Language ideologies are the practices of culturally, socially, and historically shaped views, images, and attitudes toward language. The political characteristic of English is certainly a sort of cultural hegemony, embodying the use of the target language into experiences, interpretations, and reciprocally confirmed assumptions. This study aims to discover the views of Turkish students and teachers on the inclusion of political compounds in English as Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks. One who studies phenomenological issues may inquire how an experience is like for those who experience it. Accordingly, this study is based on a phenomenological research design which supplies consciousness of phenomenon or facts by making individuals get closer to the world around. The results of the study show that users of the related textbooks bear negative views on the representation of political issues in both global and local EFL textbooks. Further, textbook users need to be involved in the preparation of curriculum and have the freedom and right to express their ideas on the content of textbooks and curriculum. Thus, teachers, lecturers and policy makers should develop new policies on the representation of political topics in both EFL and ESL settings.

The Muqaddimah, a massive 14 th century text by Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, while primarily a history, in the later chapters deals with linguistics and pedagogy. Multiple publications on what his work contributes to the field of education... more

The Muqaddimah, a massive 14 th century text by Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, while primarily a history, in the later chapters deals with linguistics and pedagogy. Multiple publications on what his work contributes to the field of education exist. But surprisingly, only two papers have appeared specific to teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL): one decades old, the other primarily arguing an early case for communicative language teaching (CLT) is presented. Ibn Khaldun lived in a kind of global world, an Islamic one: cosmopolitan, and having its own international language. Analogies with today's globalism and English are obvious. This article therefore reviews the total Muqaddimah, comparing its content to dominant ideas and figures in contemporary English language teaching (ELT), and showing it is still relevant to ELT. Congruences include Ibn Khaldun's constructivist-like conception of identity and realization of second language learner (L2) identity's role and formation process. Also, what would today be called Whorfianism, leading to concluding a language should be taught together with its discourses-but English is no longer viewed as just Anglo-American or native-speaker-Ibn Khaldun's case is saved by reimagining English as global and cosmopolitan, which TESOL exactly has. It will also be shown that not CLT, but rather study abroad or immersion education is being portrayed. The importance of affect, a case made for both learner and teacher autonomy, together with other issues, all current in TESOL today, make Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah a rediscovered source of inspiration for the milieu of modern ELT.

Abstract A plan of a receptive skill (listening or reading) lesson and a productive language skill (speaking or writing) that could be developed and practiced in relation to the text. A well thought out lesson takes into account learners’... more

A plan of a receptive skill (listening or reading) lesson and a productive language skill (speaking or writing) that could be developed and practiced in relation to the text.
A well thought out lesson takes into account learners’ level, interest in the topic and the use of vocabulary. Keeping the class profile I’ve taught in CSVTU affiliated colleges in general and keeping their learning styles and preferences in particular, here, I’ve chosen a reading text based on travelling from the book – Get your tenses Rights! This text not only provides information but it also takes the reader closer to real life.
As the text is a conversational lesson- a role play with vocabulary input, intonation – rising and falling tones, and I expect, a high level of interest among all the students because they like interaction between them. This will surely improve the learners’ ability to read and understand and achieve at least some degree of acquisition. “At the very least, some of the language will sticks in their minds as the part of the process of language acquisition, and if the reading text is especially interesting and engaging, acquisition is likely to be even more successful.” (Pg. 68, Harmer J.).
This role play reading text also widens the scope of productive skills because the readers will put themselves in the characters. This will definitely develop the oral fluency because they will read loudly their roles. Further this text builds up curiosity (what happens next?) every moment as they read the text. This text can also be used for writing skill (where they will complete the story themselves).
The rationale, lesson plan and a sample material along with the text to be adapted is presented in detail in the full paper. And, the sequence adapted and developed for Material Developments in the form of tasks, I think fits the reading text into an “ESA” (Engage Study Activate)” sequence. (Pg. 71, Harmer J).
The material designed here adopts “ESA” and makes the learners to develop their reading skill for gist, specific information, complete understanding. Further, it can take the learners to explore the other language skills and blend it with grammar or language use to enhance and strike a balance between accuracy and fluency.
Key Words: Material Development, Skill Based lesson, Tasks for gist; specific information, ESA (Engage Study Activate)

Reading skill plays a pivotal role in the process of acquiring information. An appropriate teaching technique should be implemented in order to improve the students' reading skill. This research aimed at revealing whether or not: (1)... more

Reading skill plays a pivotal role in the process of acquiring information. An appropriate teaching technique should be implemented in order to improve the students' reading skill. This research aimed at revealing whether or not: (1) Herringbone technique (HT) is more effective than Tri Focus Steve Snyder technique (TFSST) to teach reading comprehension, (2) Students having high reading habit have better reading comprehension than those having low reading habit, and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students' reading habit in teaching reading comprehension. This research was conducted in one State Junior High School in Indonesia. The research was a quasi-experimental study. The population was 75 students of the ninth-grade. Through cluster random sampling, the samples were chosen. The IX-A class was the experimental group and the IX-B class was the control group. The result of comparing HT and TFSST by using two-way Anova shows that Fobs was 436.626...