Reading Comprehension Research Papers - (original) (raw)

L'experiència del Club de Lectura Fàcil de Tortosa

Word meaning plays an important role both in word recognition and in reading comprehension. The consistently high correlations between vocabulary and reading comprehension need to be taken into account in any theory of comprehension... more

Word meaning plays an important role both in word recognition and in reading comprehension. The consistently high correlations between vocabulary and reading comprehension need to be taken into account in any theory of comprehension assessment. Word meaning is also related to word recognition. Words that are meaningful to a reader are recognized faster and more accurately than words whose meaning is unknown, including non-words (e.g., Adams, 1990). We present this as a problem to theories of reading comprehension assessment. Some have suggested that comprehension will take care of itself after accounting for fluent and automatic word recognition. This position has profound implications for both assessment and instruction. This argument has been used to make a number of claims including calls for more phonics instruction, even in the middle grades. We believe that the strong version of this position is wrong. However, to understand why is it wrong, one must understand how fluent word recognition, vocabulary, and reading comprehension relate to each other. Instead, we suggest that words do matter in reading comprehension, but that word knowledge, both word recognition and knowledge of word meanings, interact with other sources of knowledge to affect reading comprehension.

Revised AWLL11 programme + abstracts

With the latest developments in education, an understanding of education that puts the student at the center, structures what they have just acquired based on previous knowledge, and accepts all structured knowledge by rejecting the... more

With the latest developments in education, an understanding of education that puts the student at the center, structures what they have just acquired based on previous knowledge, and accepts all structured knowledge by rejecting the existence of only one information in this sense, has been adopted. In this respect, the aim of Turkish education, which is focused on skill training rather than knowledge, is to gain reading habit and reading culture. In order to gain the habit of reading, an approach that will enable students to connect with the text and to reproduce and structure the text in their own right should be adopted. The theory of reception aesthetics allows the reader to establish a dialogue with the text, to construct and reproduce it. Reception is not only limited to reading text, but also offers flexibility in terms of listening and visual reading (Ong, 2013). In this study, reception aesthetics in terms of Turkish education is discussed; Accordingly, a literature review is conducted. The concept of the horizon of expectation partially overlaps with the concepts of background knowledge, and world knowledge; Thanks to the horizon of expectation the reader's previous readings combine with the interpretant in the text and transformations take place, and thus the reproduction process is started. The fact that the reception aesthetics is open to interpretation, the view that the gaps in the text / visuals are filled by the reader will develop students' interpretation, creativity and predictive skills, enable them to achieve acquisitions related to these skills, and will ensure that students are progressed in terms of such high-level skills.

Enhancing reading comprehension through Strategy Intervention.

Τι μπορεί να κάνει η Karen για να δημιουργήσει το καλύτερο μαθησιακό περιβάλλον για όλους τους μαθητές στην τάξη;

This guide aims to document the resources available to educators who work with struggling secondary readers--readers who struggle in general education and reading classes, grades 6 through 12. With the goal of building a guide to... more

This guide aims to document the resources available to educators who work with struggling secondary readers--readers who struggle in general education and reading classes, grades 6 through 12. With the goal of building a guide to resources, the scholarly literature was reviewed to determine: (1) current theoretical perspectives and research findings on building reading proficiency at the secondary level; and (2) their implications for classroom instruction. Rather than reporting all the factors that can impact secondary-level reading proficiency, the guide presents factors for which a research base establishes essential importance and for which there are pedagogical implications. It identifies and describes programs and strategies that aligned with those findings. The guide is divided into the following parts: Introduction: (How To Use the Guide; How Resources Were Selected); Part 1: Perspectives (Struggling Secondary Readers: A Closer Look; Informal Assessment; Building Reading Proficiency at the Secondary Level; Principles of Effective Reading Instruction; Principles of Effective Professional Development); Part 2: Resources (Five Questions Organize the Programs and Strategies; Programs; Strategies; Definitions of Terms); and Part 3: Procedures for Compiling the Guide. (Contains a 164-item bibliography.)

This 8-minute mini-lecture describes the basic elements of the Four-Blocks approach to teaching reading and writing. This is one of the best approach for helping students of varying levels because it recognizes that one size does not fit... more

This 8-minute mini-lecture describes the basic elements of the Four-Blocks approach to teaching reading and writing. This is one of the best approach for helping students of varying levels because it recognizes that one size does not fit all.

Ante los resultados poco positivos que obtienen los alumnos espanoles en la comprension lectora en la realizacion de evaluaciones internacionales PIRLS (2001, 2006 y 2011) y PISA (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012); este estudio pretende recordar la... more

Ante los resultados poco positivos que obtienen los alumnos espanoles en la comprension lectora en la realizacion de evaluaciones internacionales PIRLS (2001, 2006 y 2011) y PISA (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012); este estudio pretende recordar la importancia de la comprension lectora y de las estrategias lectoras. Dandole un nuevo enfoque y actualidad a esta tematica, al evaluar y trabajar de manera relacionada, el estudio de la comprension lectora y las estrategias lectoras: metacognitivas y cognitivas que presentan los alumnos de 10 y 11 anos. El estudio presenta dos partes una teorica y otra experimental. En la parte teorica se abordan ademas de la comprension y las estrategias lectoras temas relacionados como la lectura, la competencia lectora y programas e investigaciones de entrenamiento de estrategias lectoras. Objetivos de la investigacion . Objetivo general: Profundizar en el concepto de estrategias lectoras como un instrumento que pueda mejorar la comprension lectora, la capacidad...

This study reports the relative effectiveness of the inclusion theory when the combined strategy instruction on improving the reading comprehension of narrative and expository texts for students with dyslexia is implemented. A total... more

This study reports the relative effectiveness of the inclusion theory when the combined strategy instruction on improving the reading comprehension of narrative and expository texts for students with dyslexia is implemented. A total sample of 298 students of English as a foreign language from both public and private schools participated in the study which employed a pre-test- post-test control group design to investigate the efficacy of combined strategy instruction consisting of Graphic organizers, Visual displays, Mnemonic illustrations, Computer exercises, Prediction, Inference, Text structure awareness, Main idea identification, Summarization, and Questioning. The study concluded that combined strategy instruction in the field of the inclusion theory is more effective than regular instruction in improving reading comprehension when using narrative texts, but there’s no difference, when using expository texts. There was no significant difference neither by gender nor by school ty...

The test called ‘Reading Test: Sentence Comprehension (TELCS)’ has been validated and standardized. Participants (N = 1289, 2nd to 5th grade, 7 to 11-years-old) were stratified in 15 state-schools in Brazil. The TELCS demonstrated... more

The test called ‘Reading Test: Sentence Comprehension (TELCS)’ has been validated and standardized. Participants (N = 1289, 2nd to 5th grade, 7 to 11-years-old) were stratified in 15 state-schools in Brazil. The TELCS demonstrated reliability and validity to classify reading performance by both school grade and chronological age. Correlations between the TELCS and a General Reading Composite score were high, as were those with reading accuracy rates of word and pseudoword. Cluster analysis suggested a five-class solution: reading disability, below, average, above, and high reading performance. For individual or collective use, TELCS can quickly screen the sentence reading ability, useful to identify those who might need additional support.

Citizens are often asked to sign a variety of legal documents such as contracts, monetary agreements, and consent forms, but the adequacy of how well informed average citizens become when they sign such documents is unclear. A recent... more

Citizens are often asked to sign a variety of legal documents such as contracts, monetary agreements, and consent forms, but the adequacy of how well informed average citizens become when they sign such documents is unclear. A recent survey indicated that respondents signed a variety of legal documents that they did not fully read or understand (Howe and Wogalter, 1994). Participants in that survey also identified characteristics of legal documents that hinder their understanding and offered suggestions for improving understandability. In the current study, these characteristics and suggestions were used to create two different consent forms: a conventional “legalistic” consent form and an improved consent form. These were compared with each other and with a third, one-line, consent form (a control). Understandability was assessed using an objective comprehension test and measures of participants' subjective perceptions of understandability. Consistent with the hypotheses, objec...

La conciencia de la muerta llega para nunca olvidarse. Es fácil recordar con precisión el momento en que caímos en la cuenta de que también moriríamos. Podemos recordar el día, dónde estábamos, qué hacíamos o algún detalle muy preciso... more

La conciencia de la muerta llega para nunca olvidarse. Es fácil recordar con precisión el momento en que caímos en la cuenta de que también moriríamos. Podemos recordar el día, dónde estábamos, qué hacíamos o algún detalle muy preciso cuando dijimos: yo también me voy a morir. El hombre es el único ser vivo que tiene la capacidad de ser consciente de su mortalidad. Los animales no saben que van a morir. Sienten dolor, expresan tristeza, pero nunca son conscientes de su mortalidad. La conciencia de mortalidad es un llamado a la realidad. En mi caso toda esta conciencia se presenta como una llamada de teléfono. La primera, el día en que muere mi padre. Soy el último en una familia de 10 hijos. A los 3 más chicos nos resguardan quizás para "protegernos" y evitar el encuentro con esa realidad. Aunque mi padre fallece en casa y no en un hospital, el resto de la familia consideró mejor evitarnos vivir la realidad a los 9 años que yo tenía. La muerte ya no es parte de la vida diaria, se lleva a los hospitales. Es extraño, esta fuga funeraria se contrapone con la violenta realidad de asesinatos, violencias y muerte que vemos en las noticias y en las calles. El teléfono suena en la casa de Luis, hermano mayor donde nos llevaron para evitar la experiencia del deceso. Su esposa abre la puerta y se asoma para dar la indicación: no levanten la extensión. Según ellos era mejor no escuchar. Minutos más tarde caminamos a casa y mi hermano va tratando de explicar la muerte. Eso no se explica, eso no se entiende. No puedes explicar lo que no se vive. Se vive el morir y eso lo vivió mi padre, que ya no puede explicar nada. El siguiente llamado de la muerte vino 15 años después. Un llamado esperado y hasta deseado. Anunciaba el final de mi madre, tres meses después de estar en coma por un derrame cerebral. Difícil desear la muerte para un ser querido. Una vida ya no es vivía así..

The present investigation examined thehypothesis that early auditory temporalprocessing deficits cause later specificreading disability by impairing phonologicalprocessing (Farmer & Klein 1995; Tallal1980, 1984). Temporal processing... more

The present investigation examined thehypothesis that early auditory temporalprocessing deficits cause later specificreading disability by impairing phonologicalprocessing (Farmer & Klein 1995; Tallal1980, 1984). Temporal processing ability atschool entry was examined using Tallal'sRepetition Test in a large unselected sample ofover 500 children followed over subsequentyears. Although our data confirmed the presenceof certain non-speech auditory processingdeficits in children later classified asspecific reading-disabled, many findings ...

Summer reading programs have many purposes. One purpose is to counteract what has become increasingly known as summer slide, also known as summer loss, in academic achievement. The theoretical framework used included the Simple View of... more

Summer reading programs have many purposes. One purpose is to counteract what has become increasingly known as summer slide, also known as summer loss, in academic achievement. The theoretical framework used included the Simple View of Reading and
Scarborough's Reading Rope. The intent was to provide struggling readers with specific, targeted intervention in their area of need. This evaluation study of a community summer reading camp for children ages 7-10 aimed to determine if student reading scores could be affected in a 4-week program. Pre and post tests were used to determine statistical significance.

Curriculum-based measurement encompasses an assessment methodology that can be used to develop goals benchmarks or short-term objectives for individualized educational programs for students with disabilities. Teachers also use... more

Curriculum-based measurement encompasses an assessment methodology that can be used to develop goals benchmarks or short-term objectives for individualized educational programs for students with disabilities. Teachers also use curriculum-based measurement as a means for monitoring student progress across the year. This paper describes curriculum-based measurement in reading and mathematics and provides sample goal statements for each area. In addition the

This research is discussing about the students’ reading comprehension of the second year MTs.Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan. This research employed descriptive quantitative research. Based on the result of the research, researcher got... more

This research is discussing about the students’ reading comprehension of the second year MTs.Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan. This research employed descriptive quantitative research. Based on the result of the research, researcher got the description of the data was found that mean score was 56.76. It means that the students’ reading comprehension of the second year MTs.Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan was categorized into enough ability. Then, from the result of the hypothesis testing, the researcher found that Z count = -3.57Z table 0.3264. It means the hypothesis was rejected. Thus, the result of mean scores the students’ ability in enough ability and actually it should be accepted hypothesis, but based on the result of that score it is rejected. So, maybe there is a mistake in instrument or in calculation.

This study examines the relationships between sentence-structure explicit teaching and reading comprehension. After administering a standardized reading comprehension test, a group of 64 university students male or female? were selected... more

This study examines the relationships between sentence-structure explicit teaching and reading comprehension.
After administering a standardized reading comprehension test, a group of 64 university students male or
female? were selected how from a total population of 120. The selected subjects were randomly assigned to
experimental and control groups. For the experimental group, the researcher held a treatment which lasted for
6 weeks, two 90-minute sessions per week. During the experiment both groups had the same instructor, the
same curriculum, and the same schedule of instruction, except that in control group the students had
conventional learning, that is they worked just with the reading passages without any explicit instruction or
without any awareness- by being underlined - about the types of structures which were the target structure of
the researcher- adjective clauses, gerunds, and infinitives-, while for the experimental group, they received
explicit instruction and awareness about the types of structures which were the target structure of the
researcher. At the end of the study, the obtained scores on the pre- and post-tests were analysed through
different statistical procedures. The results showed that being aware about sentence structures and the explicit
teaching of grammatical structures had a significant effect on improving Iranian university students’ reading
comprehension performance.

South Africa’s educational landscape is scarred with economic and educational inequalities. South African tertiary education today has to deal with a variety of challenges including the lack of funding, both on the student’s side and on... more

South Africa’s educational landscape is scarred with economic and educational inequalities. South African tertiary education today has to deal with a variety of challenges including the lack of funding, both on the student’s side and on the side of the institution. The most prominent challenge relevant to our research is the extensive lack of skills and knowledge of students when coming from secondary school where they are rarely exposed to cognitive skills. Our students struggle to understand the notion of a ‘concept’ or ‘metaphor’ in an artwork: that art is not just representative or aesthetic, but communicates a message, an idea, a criticism, or appreciation. This requires creative and critical thinking. We present a case study of a drawing and animation project that aimed to facilitate this. We argue that through the integration of art theory and drawing practice, students came to understand not only how to detect critical thinking by other artists, but how to implement concepts, metaphors, or symbols in their own work. Through this project we explored drawing
• as a bridge to close the gap between theory and practice,
• as a tool for creative and critical thinking, and
• as a means to introduce technology on a basic (low-cost) level.
We found that our integrated approach narrowed the theory/practice gap and enhanced creative and critical thinking, resulting in student work of greater conceptual quality.

Las redes sociales (RS) estan produciendo cambios en la forma en que las personas se relacionan y comunican. Una particularidad de las RS es el tipo de “conversacion” que en ellas se produce, con sus propias convenciones que difieren de... more

Las redes sociales (RS) estan produciendo cambios en la forma en que las personas se relacionan y comunican. Una particularidad de las RS es el tipo de “conversacion” que en ellas se produce, con sus propias convenciones que difieren de las de la alfabetizacion formal. Muchas investigaciones actuales insisten en senalar la creciente dificultad de los ingresantes a la universidad para comprender textos academicos, lo que muchas veces se convierte en un desafio dificil de sortear. Aqui se presentan resultados parciales de una investigacion realizada para indagar las relaciones entre las formas de lectura de las RS y el nivel de comprension lectora. Los datos presentados surgen de un cuestionario administrado a estudiantes universitarios de primer ano. El cuestionario indaga datos sociodemograficos, antecedentes educativos, habitos de lectura y de uso de RS de los participantes. En particular se analiza: habitos de lectura, tiempo dedicado al estudio, a interactuar en RS, y una autoeva...

Purpose: This paper is a proposal for improving ESL text comprehension by merging a multimodal perspective on language (Kress, 2005) with an integrated psychological (or ‘metacognitive’) approach to language learning and awareness... more

Purpose: This paper is a proposal for improving ESL text comprehension by merging a multimodal perspective on language (Kress, 2005) with an integrated psychological (or ‘metacognitive’) approach to language learning and awareness (Fairclough, 1992, p. 1). Design: A multichannel approach is presented, based on two strategies: a main ‘multichannel’ strategy for reading the text, which focuses on the assessment of the visual, auditory, cognitive and kinaesthetic/emotional channels and relative functions, and a corollary one, specifically dedicated to implementing the cognitive function. Methodology/ Approach: The approach has been extensively applied in university-level English classes (Reggio Emilia, Parma, Bologna University) using a ‘multichannel test’ based on students’ feedback to explore the effectiveness of the method. In this paper, a case study is offered: data have been collected with specific reference to the University of Bologna, A. Y. 2017/18 and 2018/2019. Originality/Value: Evidence suggests that further and diversified applications promise an empowerment of the approach and of its impact on ELT as well as on students’ awareness and satisfaction.

Online classroom discussions in response to instruction about native speakers’ cultural perspectives can foster learners’ intercultural understanding (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008). However, Garrett-Rucks (2013) found that varying the... more

Online classroom discussions in response to instruction about native speakers’ cultural perspectives can foster learners’ intercultural understanding (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008). However, Garrett-Rucks (2013) found that varying the format of the cultural instruction prior to learners’ online discussions can change learning outcomes. The present study builds on Garrett-Rucks’ previous finding—that native speaker (NS) informant videos promoted learners’ intercultural sensitivity more than the combined use of authentic texts and explicit cultural instruction—by investigating the use of authentic texts in the absence of explicit cultural instruction. Specifically, the present study examines the ways in which 13 language learners enrolled in a Midwestern introductory French class in the United States (US) collectively mediated NS perspectives toward family practices presented in French informant videos compared to authentic texts in online peer discussions. A content analysis of the discussion transcripts detected collective shifts in learners’ intercultural sensitivity—shifts from ethnorelative and ethnocentric stages of Bennett’s (1993) Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity—reflected in participants’ postings. Findings from the analysis contribute to an understanding of ways to maximize learners’ development of intercultural sensitivity in online peer discussions with optimal uses of computer-mediated cultural instruction outside of classroom instruction time.

The main problem in this research is the difficulty of students learning foreign languages, especially English subjects in reading comprehension. Teachers say that the lack of student literacy makes teachers have to use appropriate and... more

The main problem in this research is the difficulty of students learning foreign languages, especially English subjects in reading comprehension. Teachers say that the lack of student literacy makes teachers have to use appropriate and easy methods. The method applied is a Graphic Organizer. This study aims to determine students' perception of the use of graphic organizers in learning reading comprehension in eight grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Lalabata. Data analysis technique will be carryout through the Likert scale.

Dette kapitlet handler om vurdering i klasserommet, sett fra både læreres og elevers perspektiver. Vi diskuterer hvordan lærerens observasjoner i klasserommet bidrar til vurdering for læring som kommer både læreren og elevene til gode.... more

Dette kapitlet handler om vurdering i klasserommet, sett fra både læreres og elevers perspektiver. Vi diskuterer hvordan lærerens observasjoner i klasserommet bidrar til vurdering for læring som kommer både læreren og elevene til gode. Innledningsvis vil vi presentere teoretiske perspektiver om vurdering for læring. Vi konkretiserer dette med to case fra videregående skole, et i norsk vg2 på studieforberedende, og et i engelsk vg2 på yrkesfaglig studieretning. Deretter belyser vi det gjennom beskrivelser av deltakende observasjon, lærernes egne skriftlige fortellinger fra de to timene og oppfølgende intervjuer med elevene. Til sammen er 20 elever ved to ulike skoler intervjuet. Casene viser at lærerne observerer elevene for å finne indikatorer på deres forståelse – finne bevis på læring, eller manglende læring – for så å bruke dette i design av videre undervisning, mens elevene er unisone i sitt krav om vurdering fra læreren. De to casene viser tydelig at vi har å gjøre med to lærere hvor vurderingen er så til de grader integrert i undervisningen, at de viser disse lærernes klare forståelse av sammenhengen – og forskjellene – mellom god opplæring og god vurderingspraksis. Vurderingsperspektivet er sentralt gjennom hele kapitlet og vi vil spesielt diskutere hvordan lærerens vurderingspraksis langt på vei styrer hvordan elevene forholder seg til oppgaver de får. Dette gjør vurdering for læring til en helt sentral del av læreres kontinuerlige utvikling. Avslutningsvis diskuterer vi hvilken rolle vurdering for læring har i den større konteksten om læreres profesjonsutvikling.

OBJECTIVE: To develop a valid, reliable instrument to measure the functional health literacy of patients. DESIGN: The Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) was developed using actual hospital materials. The TOFHLA consists... more

OBJECTIVE: To develop a valid, reliable instrument to measure the functional health literacy of patients. DESIGN: The Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) was developed using actual hospital materials. The TOFHLA consists of a 50-item reading comprehension and 17-item numerical ability test, taking up to 22 minutes to administer. The TOFHLA, the Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R), and the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM) were administered for comparison. A Spanish version was also developed (TOFHLA-S). SETTING: Outpatient settings in two public teaching hospitals. PATIENTS: 256 English- and 249 Spanish-speaking patients were approached. 78% of the English- and 82% of the Spanish-speaking patients gave informed consent, completed a demographic survey, and took the TOFHLA or TOFHLA-S. RESULTS: The TOFHLA showed good correlation with the WRAT-R and the REALM (correlation coefficients 0.74 and 0.84, respectively). Only 52% of the English speakers completed more than 80% of the questions correctly. 15% of the patients could not read and interpret a prescription bottle with instructions to take one pill by mouth four times daily, 37% did not understand instructions to take a medication on an empty stomach, and 48% could not determine whether they were eligible for free care. CONCLUSIONS: The TOFHLA is a valid, reliable indicator of patient ability to read health-related materials. Data suggest that a high proportion of patients cannot perform basic reading tasks. Additional work is needed to determine the prevalence of functional health illiteracy and its effect on the health care experience.

This study investigated the effects of a six-month course in speed reading on three areas of reading proficiency development: (1) general reading comprehension; (2) knowledge of high-frequency vocabulary; and (3) reading-rate and... more

This study investigated the effects of a six-month course in speed reading on three areas of reading proficiency development: (1) general reading comprehension; (2) knowledge of high-frequency vocabulary; and (3) reading-rate and accuracy. The participants (N = 105) were Japanese students studying English as a foreign language in Grade 10 of a Japanese private senior high school, randomly assigned to an experimental group (n =51), which received the speed reading treatment, and a control group (n =54), which received supplementary activities focused on high-frequency vocabulary development. The findings indicated that both the experimental and control groups made significant improvements in general reading comprehension. However, there was no significant difference between the experimental group (M = 14.27, SD = 4.01) and control group M = 14.31, SD = 4.07; t (103) = -.051, p= .959. Both the experimental group (M = 1.29, SD = 2.52) and control group (M = 1.35, SD = 2.49) increased t...