Mayan Calendar Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Maya Blue is a colour that is more than a pigment; it had roles in status, ritual and performance, being daubed onto pots and people before sacrifice. Here researchers use experimental and historical evidence to discover how it was made,... more

Maya Blue is a colour that is more than a pigment; it had roles in status, ritual and performance, being daubed onto pots and people before sacrifice. Here researchers use experimental and historical evidence to discover how it was made, including direct scientific analysis of Maya Blue on a pot thrown into the sacred well at Chichén Itzá. The results indicate that the formation of the color was actually part of the ritual.

¿Cuándo empieza el año mexica? Una aclaración a un problema antaño ¿Cuándo empieza el año mexica? Esta es una de las preguntas más recurrentes de las personas que se acercan a conocer los pormenores del conteo temporal en Anáhuac.

Texto en español.
Día del calendario Maya.

We further develop the connexion between the July 18, 2020 prediction and the Mayan calendar. This is seen in an expansion of the 777 chiasm and the connexion to may false predictions. The question is, can we predict the future?

In ancient Maya cities, "E Groups" are sets of buildings aligned with the movements of the sun. This volume presents new archaeological data to reveal that E Groups were constructed earlier than previously thought. In fact, they are the... more

In ancient Maya cities, "E Groups" are sets of buildings aligned with the movements of the sun. This volume presents new archaeological data to reveal that E Groups were constructed earlier than previously thought. In fact, they are the earliest identifiable architectural plan at many Maya settlements. More than just astronomical observatories or calendars, E Groups were gathering places for emerging communities and centers of ritual--the very first civic-religious public architecture in the Maya lowlands. Investigating a wide variety of E Group sites in different contexts, this volume pieces together the development of social and political complexity in the ancient Maya civilization.

English text.
A day in the Mayan calendar.

En el libro El Calendario Maya podrás conocer sobre: Los números mayas, Los días mayas, El Calendario Sagrado de los mayas: El Tzolkín; Los meses mayas, el calendario civil: El Haab y La Rueda Calendárica; La Cuenta Larga: El Baktún,... more

En el libro El Calendario Maya podrás conocer sobre: Los números mayas, Los días mayas, El Calendario Sagrado de los mayas: El Tzolkín; Los meses mayas, el calendario civil: El Haab y La Rueda Calendárica; La Cuenta Larga: El Baktún, Katún, Tún, Uinal y Kín; Los ciclos mayas: El ciclo de los 13 baktunes; El ciclo de los 13 katunes; El katún que actualmente estamos viviendo; El ciclo de 13 katunes que actualmente estamos viviendo y las Fechas gregorianas que le corresponden a los ciclos mayas.

La ubicación en el sistema de Cuenta Larga de las ruedas calendáricas 1 Ajaw 3 Wayeb’ y 8 Ajaw 18 Xul, registradas en la escena del Tablero de Palacio, ha representado un problema dentro de los estudios epigràficos. Este trabajo ofrece... more

La ubicación en el sistema de Cuenta Larga de las ruedas calendáricas 1 Ajaw 3 Wayeb’ y 8 Ajaw 18 Xul, registradas en la escena del Tablero de Palacio, ha representado un problema dentro de los estudios epigràficos. Este trabajo ofrece una solución al respecto.

A book-length resource for teachers and students to explore multiple facets of ancient Maya culture, history, science, and more. Over 300 pages of teacher resources (including rubrics and answers) and student pages provide a greater depth... more

A book-length resource for teachers and students to explore multiple facets of ancient Maya culture, history, science, and more. Over 300 pages of teacher resources (including rubrics and answers) and student pages provide a greater depth and breadth to Maya studies than any other resource for middle and secondary students. Many pages are also translated into Spanish. Individual components are uploaded separately in both English and Spanish for easier reference. This work is modular; each section can be used in isolation if desired to support instruction in Social Studies, math, English, or other topics.

Versión publicada del trabajo "La escena del Tablero del Palacio: Ubicación de sus ruedas calendáricas en el sistema de Cuenta Larga. Implicaciones históricas" La "presentación" de este número de Lakamha' señala; En este número el Dr.... more

Versión publicada del trabajo "La escena del Tablero del Palacio: Ubicación de sus ruedas calendáricas en el sistema de Cuenta Larga. Implicaciones históricas"
La "presentación" de este número de Lakamha' señala;
En este número el Dr. Guillermo Bernal Romero nos presenta la escena del Tablero del Palacio que ilustra la entronización de K’inich K’an Joy Chitam, ocurrida el 30 de mayo de 702.
Las implicaciones históricas en la ubicación de estas fechas en las ruedas calendáricas en el sistema de la cuenta larga, remarca la significación que tuvo ese día tzolk´in para la corte real palencana, significación que unificaba los conceptos del poder divino con su poder terrenal.
Compartimos la pasión por la pintura, la naturaleza y la cultura maya de la ilustradora Alifie Rojas Candanedo con ustedes en nuestra portada.

This study explores the multifaceted Maya Deluge Myth, from its pre-Columbian origins to current fantasies about a great world-destroying flood at the 13 Baktun period ending of the Maya Long Count on 21 (or 23) December 2012. No such... more

This study explores the multifaceted Maya Deluge Myth, from its pre-Columbian origins to current fantasies about a great world-destroying flood at the 13 Baktun period ending of the Maya Long Count on 21 (or 23) December 2012. No such flood is prophesied in any Maya records for this date, and the famous scene on Dresden Codex page 74 is discussed in its context as a symbolic depiction of the annual world-renewing downpours at the onset of the rainy season in springtime in the Maya world. The presiding gods of warfare and blood sacrifice were the agents of fertility and the regeneration of nature, and not the agents for the destruction of the Maya in a world-ending deluge. The misinterpretation of Dresden page 74 has propagated, unchallenged, for over a century of Maya scholarship and found its way into “new age,” fringe, and popular culture. This research helps to set the record straight along with providing a history of the meme.

Inconsistencies produced by the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation are solved when using a radically different approach supported on epigraphic, astronomic, colonial and modern ethnographic sources. First, I address the dilemma of the... more

Inconsistencies produced by the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation are solved when using a radically different approach supported on epigraphic, astronomic, colonial and modern ethnographic sources. First, I address the dilemma of the bissextile day by shining light on the greatly forgotten agency the four year-bearers. Next, I model how their agency is maintained by the five Bakab that keep the world in balance, and how such capacity is lost during a small lapse, only to be recovered after the ritual of the erection of the Bakab. I show that this is the original means to keep the haab in alignment with the tropical year. Then, presuming an astronomic configuration at the onset and closing of the 13 Bak'tun cycle involving Venus and Moon, I identify epigraphic texts that give an account of the agency of those two celestial bodies on zero date and recover the date at the closing of the cycle. To finalize, a comparative analysis is shown between the GMT correlation and the correlation published some years ago (Patrick, 2013). The analysis demonstrates how the Calendar Round is kept aligned to the tropical year thanks to the agency of the four year-bearers, a factor that had not been considered by any of the correlations proposed until today, nor by those Aj Q'ij who are reported to be keeping record of days in Guatemala. Only one Achi elder from Baja Verapaz recently described the transfer of office to the next year-bearer as a quarter day passage that is ritual and which is not meant to be reckoned like all the other days (Mateo Ajualip, p.c. 2016). This modern ethnographic account strongly supports the model of time-keeping through the haab as well as the all-encompassing correlation.

Van den Akker, Paul, 2015. Tiempo y la formación de la comunidad: el calendario maya en el altiplano de Guatemala. In M.E.R.G.N. Jansen and V. Raffa (eds.) Tiempo y Comunidad: Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en... more

Van den Akker, Paul, 2015. Tiempo y la formación de la comunidad: el calendario maya en el altiplano de Guatemala. In M.E.R.G.N. Jansen and V. Raffa (eds.) Tiempo y Comunidad: Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Pp 25-34.

Mit der Entzifferung der Hieroglyphe G9 als yijk’inal „Ort der alten Sonne“ ist die Tür zum Verständnis der gesamten Neunerserie einen Spalt breit aufgestoßen. Wenn sich die neunte Hieroglyphe auf einen Ort bezieht, darf man dies auch von... more

Mit der Entzifferung der Hieroglyphe G9 als yijk’inal „Ort der alten Sonne“ ist die Tür zum Verständnis der gesamten Neunerserie einen Spalt breit aufgestoßen. Wenn sich die neunte Hieroglyphe auf einen Ort bezieht, darf man dies auch von den anderen acht Hieroglyphen in der Serie vermuten. Es handelt sich also sicher nicht um neun „Herren der Nacht“, wie lange Zeit vermutet wurde, sondern um einen davon unab-hängigen und nur in der klassischen Maya-Kultur verbreiteten Kalender-Zyklus.

Description of a day component of the Mayan calendar.

The Mayan calendar is proposed to derive from an arithmetical model of naked-eye astronomy. The Palenque and Copan lunar equations, used during the Maya Classic period (200 to 900 AD) are solution of the model and the results are... more

The Mayan calendar is proposed to derive from an arithmetical model of naked-eye astronomy. The Palenque and Copan lunar equations, used during the Maya Classic period (200 to 900 AD) are solution of the model and the results are expressed as a function of the Xultun numbers, four enigmatic Long Count numbers deciphered in the Maya ruins of Xultun, dating from the IX century AD, providing strong arguments in favor of the use of the model by the Maya. The different Mayan Calendar cycles can be derived from this model and the position of the Calendar Round at the mythical date of creation 13(0). 4 Ahau 8 Cumku is calculated. This study shows the high proficiency of Mayan mathematics as applied to astronomy and timekeeping for divinatory purposes.

Presentación de La Crónica de Oxkutzcab en el Festival Internacional de la Cultura Maya FICMAYA 2015, en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México. La correlación de fechas mayas a cristianas más aceptada en todo el mundo es la 584283 que se... more

Presentación de La Crónica de Oxkutzcab en el Festival Internacional de la Cultura Maya FICMAYA 2015, en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México. La correlación de fechas mayas a cristianas más aceptada en todo el mundo es la 584283 que se basa en el la fecha de la cuenta larga 13 ahau 8 Xul, que corresponde a la fecha juliana del 2 de noviembre de 1539 (Fecha proléptica gregoriana del 12 de noviembre de 1539). Esta fecha maya y su correspondiente fecha cristiana se basa principalmente en la Crónica de Oxkutzcab, también conocida como Papeles de la Familia Xiu, Manuscrito Ticul, Libro de Probanzas, Probanzas Xiu y Papeles de los Xiu de Yaxá. En este documento conocerás las razones de porque la correlación o constante 584283 es la más aceptada en el mundo, información relevante sobre la Crónica de Oxkutzcab y como se calcula la correlación 584283.

algunos de los indios daban a entender que sus dioses eran o habían sido primero hombres..." HISTORIA ECLESIASTICA INDIANA TOMO 1, CAPITULO VI. Fray Gerónimo de Mendieta ¿ Quién fue Huitzilopochtli? ¿ Fue realmente un Dios ? ¿ Fue un... more

algunos de los indios daban a entender que sus dioses eran o habían sido primero hombres..." HISTORIA ECLESIASTICA INDIANA TOMO 1, CAPITULO VI. Fray Gerónimo de Mendieta ¿ Quién fue Huitzilopochtli? ¿ Fue realmente un Dios ? ¿ Fue un hombre? ¿ Fue un hombre que transitó de lo terrenal a lo sacro ? ¿De lo real al mito? En los siguientes párrafos trataré de esclarecer la identidad de la mítica deidad del pueblo Mexica.

The notion that the ancient Maya used astronomical and/or astrological observations to prophesy that December 21, 2012, will bring physical catastrophes, a radical transformation of human consciousness, or other changes to effect the... more

The notion that the ancient Maya used astronomical and/or astrological observations to prophesy that December 21, 2012, will bring physical catastrophes, a radical transformation of human consciousness, or other changes to effect the beginning of a "New Age" is an unanticipated and unintentional consequence of speculation about ancient Maya cosmology by credentialed academic scholars. The 2012 phenomenon (Sitler 2006) has also grown as a result of its interpretation through the lens of speculative metaphysics by individuals with both academic and nonacademic backgrounds .
This article provides a historical review of key
ideas and authors who contributed to the emergence
of mythology about 2012.

"This brief essay introduces eight papers in a thematic volume of Archaeoastronomy devoted to research into the Maya calendar, creation mythology, prophecy, and the 2012 phenomenon. It includes six new and expanded discussions of... more

"This brief essay introduces eight papers in
a thematic volume of Archaeoastronomy devoted
to research into the Maya calendar,
creation mythology, prophecy, and the 2012
phenomenon. It includes six new and expanded
discussions of research presented at the special
session “The 2012 Phenomenon: Maya Calendar,
Astronomy, and Apocalypticism in the
Worlds of Scholarship and Popular Culture,”
which was part of the Ninth “Oxford” International
Symposium on Archaeoastronomy
(IAU S278) held in Lima, Peru, January 5–9,
2011. These eight papers, including a brief introduction
(immediately following) by Mark
Van Stone to the Maya calendar and the Long
Count in particular, address research interests
within six categories of investigation, including
several caveats outlined here."

The Festivals of the Celtic and Greek Lunar Calendars are charted for comparison and contrast. The Festivals follow the lunar calendars of both cultures using the Coligny Calendar of the Druids of Gaul and the Greek Attic Calendar of... more

The Festivals of the Celtic and Greek Lunar Calendars are charted for comparison and contrast. The Festivals follow the lunar calendars of both cultures using the Coligny Calendar of the Druids of Gaul and the Greek Attic Calendar of Athens, respectively. Deities are noted by means of comparative mythology.

The far distance past Calendar Rounds 1 Ajaw 13 Mol and 1 Ajaw 13 Yax'kin (Quiriguá Stele F), and 7 Ajaw 3 Pop (Stele D) have always been a great mystery. In this article, the arithmetic is explained of how to calculate these dates from... more

The far distance past Calendar Rounds 1 Ajaw 13 Mol and 1 Ajaw 13 Yax'kin (Quiriguá Stele F), and 7 Ajaw 3 Pop (Stele D) have always been a great mystery. In this article, the arithmetic is explained of how to calculate these dates from their base date in the current era, respectively 1 Ajaw 3 Sip ( and 7 Ajaw 18 Pop ( and how they can be placed in the Grand Long Count in the form of a replica date. The arithmetic consists of the famous 13 Bak'tun count which in sets of 13 traces the shift of 5 days of the month Wayeb' in the Haab' while maintaining the same number and day sign in the Tzolk'in. The formula (Q) deducted from this method is-y = 169x / 10. Furthermore, together with the Calendar Round (18,980) the 13 Bak'tun count generates a lowest common multiple, or a grander cycle of the Calendar Round, equal to 12,337 Bak'tun. This cycle incorporates multiples of the Dresden Codex Venus factor (, Xultún C2 ( and of 65 Bak'tun. The latter interval might be the reason for the presence of the 3-11 pih Ajaw glyph on Stele F. In the end, the glyph could also refer to this Grand Calendar Round Cycle, for each of the twenty sub cycles correlates with an interval of three Bak'tun, and there are eleven sub cycles between the base coefficients, 0 and 13.