Milk Technology Research Papers - (original) (raw)
During the war the situation of the some ''safety'' places is not exactly ''safe''. Providing people opportunity for producing their own foods is better than sending money or giving them usefulness materials is not exactly helping.... more
During the war the situation of the some ''safety'' places is not exactly ''safe''. Providing people opportunity for producing their own foods is better than sending money or giving them usefulness materials is not exactly helping. However, helping people on their way as supporting them is the best way of helping. In example, If you want to send cheese to them you cannot know if they like that or will not sell it. But if you provide them all equipment of producing cheese, they can produce what they consume in Syria. They can also sell to other families.
Milking and producing milk products are not easy in Syria. The number of the cows, sheep and goat is not enough. There is no big farm. On the other hand, in some of places, families have enough animals compering with other places. But the equipment is not available. In this report, I've found out the animal numbers in Afrin (with sub-districts and villages) and what people consume as milk products (local cheese, yogurt etc.)
Sažetak Tradicionalni svježi sir je proizvod dobiven grušanjem termički neobrađenog kravljeg mlijeka, koji se prodaje isključivo na tržnicama. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti mikrobiološku trajnost svježeg sira kako bi se ona mogla... more
Tradicionalni svježi sir je proizvod dobiven grušanjem termički neobrađenog kravljeg mlijeka, koji se prodaje isključivo na tržnicama. Cilj
ovog rada bio je odrediti mikrobiološku trajnost svježeg sira kako bi se ona mogla deklarirati na proizvodu. Analizirano je 12 uzoraka svježih
sireva sa obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava iz okolice Zagreba. Mikrobiološka i senzorska analiza sira, te kiselost određivani su prvi,
treći i šesti dan čuvanja. Iako je kiselost sireva, kao i senzorska ocjena, bila relativno dobra i stabilna tijekom cijelog perioda čuvanja, rezultati
mikrobiološke analize ukazuju na nezadovoljavajuću mikrobiološku kvalitetu sira, te brzo kvarenje. Na temelju mikrobiološke analize može se
zaključiti da je trajnost ovoga sira svega jedan dan.
Ključne riječi: svježi sir, mikrobiološka kvaliteta, trajnost, senzorska analiza
Traditional fresh cheese is a product obtained by heat coagulation of raw cow’s milk, which is sold exclusively at the markets. The aim
of this study was to determine the microbiological shelf life of fresh cheese to declare the product. Twelve samples of the fresh cheese from the
family farms in the vicinity of Zagreb were analyzed. Microbiological and sensory analysis of cheese as well as acidity were determined first,
third and sixth day of storage. Although, the acidity of the cheeses, as well as the sensory score were relatively good and stable throughout the
storage period, the results of microbiological analyzes indicate unsatisfactory microbiological quality of cheese, and quickly decay. Based on
microbiological analysis, it can be concluded that the durability of analyzed cheeses was only one day.
Keywords: fresh cheese, microbiological quality, durability, sensory analysis
- by V. Sabljak and +2
- •
- Milk Technology, SHELF LIFE
The current rate of population growth is so fast that, to feed this massive population, a 2-fold increase in land is required for the production of quality food. Improved dietary products such as milk and its products with antioxidant... more
The current rate of population growth is so fast that, to feed this massive population, a 2-fold increase in land is required for the production of quality food. Improved dietary products such as milk and its products with antioxidant properties and functional foods of animal origin have been utilized to prevent chronic diseases. The designer milk contains low fat and less lactose, more protein, modified level of fatty acids, and desired amino acid profiles. The importance of milk and its products is due to the presence of protein, bioactive peptides, conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acid, Vitamin D, selenium, and calcium. These constituents are present in milk product, play a key role in the physiological activities in human bodies, and act as anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, immune boosting, and antimicrobial activities. Consumer awareness regarding benefits of designer foods such as milk and its products is almost non-existent worldwide and needs to be established to reach the benefits of designer food technologies in the near future. The main objective of this review was to collect data on the antioxidant properties of milk and its constituents which keep milk-derived products safe and preserved.
The present study was carried out to investigate the factors affecting keeping quality of raw milk in lactating cows in Ampara District of Sri Lanka. In this study, a total of 110 raw milk samples were randomly collected from 7 milk... more
The present study was carried out to investigate the factors affecting keeping quality of raw milk in lactating cows in Ampara District of Sri Lanka. In this study, a total of 110 raw milk samples were randomly collected from 7 milk chilling centers and details on milking practices were collected from the farmers through structured questionnaire and interview. Milk samples were collected aseptically from milk cans and dispatched to laboratory for keeping quality test. Result showed that 42 % of the collected milk from farmers had poor keeping quality. The buffalo milk showed a significantly poor keeping quality (p< 0.05) compared to that of cow milk. Also the poor keeping quality was higher in milk collected from plastic milk containers (76.1%) compared to that of metallic containers (37.8%).Other factors that significantly contributed to poor keeping quality were presence of contaminants (73.5%),milk from cow in late lactation (63.1%), higher fat percentage in milk (66.6%), the time interval between milking to chilling (92.8%) and poor hygienic practices (76.4%).
Dairy activities have traditionally been integral to India’s rural economy. The country is the world’s largest producer of dairy products and also their largest consumer. Almost its entire produce is consumed in the domestic market and... more
Dairy activities have traditionally been integral to India’s rural economy. The country is the world’s largest producer of dairy products and also their largest consumer. Almost its entire produce is consumed in the domestic market and the country is neither an importer nor an exporter, except in a marginal sense. Despite being the world’s largest producer, the dairy sector is by and large in the primitive stage of development and modernization. Though India may boast of a 200 million cattle population, the average output of an Indian cow is only one seventh of its American counterpart. Indian breeds of cows are considered inferior in terms of productivity. Moreover, the sector is plagued with various other impediments like shortage of fodder, its poor quality, dismal transportation facilities and a poorly developed cold chain infrastructure. As a result, the supply side lacks in elasticity that is expected of it. On the demand side, the situation is buoyant. With the sustained grow...
The current rate of population growth is so fast that, to feed this massive population, a 2-fold increase in land is required for the production of quality food. Improved dietary products such as milk and its products with antioxidant... more
The current rate of population growth is so fast that, to feed this massive population, a 2-fold increase in land is required for the production of quality food. Improved dietary products such as milk and its products with antioxidant properties and functional foods of animal origin have been utilized to prevent chronic diseases. The designer milk contains low fat and less lactose, more protein, modified level of fatty acids, and desired amino acid profiles. The importance of milk and its products is due to the presence of protein, bioactive peptides, conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acid, Vitamin D, selenium, and calcium. These constituents are present in milk product, play a key role in the physiological activities in human bodies, and act as anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, immune boosting, and antimicrobial activities. Consumer awareness regarding benefits of designer foods such as milk and its products is almost non-existent worldwide and needs to be established to reach the benefits of designer food technologies in the near future. The main objective of this review was to collect data on the antioxidant properties of milk and its constituents which keep milk-derived products safe and preserved.
Bacteria are single-celled organisms. They are present in air, water and on most solid materials. Bacterial cells are very small and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope. microscope the cells can be seen to differ in shape and in... more
Bacteria are single-celled organisms. They are present in air, water and on most solid materials. Bacterial cells are very small and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.
microscope the cells can be seen to differ in shape and in conformation of groups of cells.
Bacterial growth
Lag phase:
Log phase:
Stationary phase
Death phase:
The log phase can be prolonged by removing toxic waste
Factors affecting bacterial growth
Bacteria in milk
Halloumi Cheese Manufacture Halloumi cheese, like other cheeses, belongs to the milk group in the MyPlate food guide. Halloumi cheese originated in Cyprus, and has been traditionally prepared with cow, goat or sheep milk. This cheese is... more
Halloumi Cheese Manufacture
Halloumi cheese, like other cheeses, belongs to the milk group in the MyPlate food guide. Halloumi cheese originated in Cyprus, and has been traditionally prepared with cow, goat or sheep milk. This cheese is very versatile and has the unusual feature of not melting when heated. For this reason, it can be grilled or fried, in addition to being eaten fresh with fruits or vegetables, or grated on pasta
The aims of this investigation were (1) to study the influence of mixing various levels of coconut milk to cow milk on the chemical composition, sensory evaluation and rheological properties, (2) to determine the activity of classic... more
The aims of this investigation were (1) to study the influence of mixing various levels of coconut milk to cow milk on the chemical composition, sensory evaluation and rheological properties, (2) to determine the activity of classic yoghurt and ABT cultures in the previously mentioned milk. Acidity, E h , total nitrogen and ash levels of cow milk were slightly higher than those of coconut milk. On the contrary, total solids and fat values highly raised in the coconut milk than in the cow milk. Coconut milk obtained the greatest scores for color, appearance, body and texture; and the lowest scores of flavour. Increasing of acidity and E h values within fermentation was lower in coconut milk than in cow milk. Incorporation of coconut milk with cow milk reduced the development of acidity and E h in mixed milk. Blinding of different levels of coconut milk with cow milk lowered the curd tension values. Syneresis values of cow and coconut milk mixtures were higher than that of cow milk only.
La leche es una mezcla compleja de distintas sustancias, presentes en suspensión o emulsión y otras en forma de solución. Los minerales contenidos en la leche (aniones y cationes) desempeñan un papel importante en la estructura y la... more
La leche es una mezcla compleja de distintas sustancias, presentes en suspensión o emulsión y otras en forma de solución. Los minerales contenidos en la leche (aniones y cationes) desempeñan un papel importante en la estructura y la estabilidad de las micelas de caseína. La leche de vaca contiene en promedio 7 a 9 gramos de minerales por litro, lo que representa una pequeña fracción de los sólidos de la leche, pero tiene una gran importancia nutricional y tecnológica, en particular por los aportes de calcio y fósforo. En esta revisión, se describen las características más importantes de la fracción mineral de la leche en diferentes condiciones haciendo énfasis en el tema de los fosfatos.
Method 1 Reagents A. 2% Sodium hydroxide. NaOH B. 2% Sodium hypochlorite. NaClO C. 5% Phenol solution. Procedure 1-Take 1.0 ml of milk add 0.5 ml of 2% sodium hydroxide, 0.5 ml of 2% sodium hypochlorite and 0.5 ml of 5% phenol solution.... more
Method 1 Reagents A. 2% Sodium hydroxide. NaOH B. 2% Sodium hypochlorite. NaClO C. 5% Phenol solution. Procedure 1-Take 1.0 ml of milk add 0.5 ml of 2% sodium hydroxide, 0.5 ml of 2% sodium hypochlorite and 0.5 ml of 5% phenol solution. 2-Heat for 20 seconds in boiling water bath, bluish color turns deep blue in presence of ammonium sulphate. 3-The development of pink color shows that the sample is free from Ammonium sulphate. (Ref:-Milk and Milk products Vol. 5 Published by N.C.E.R.T.). Method 2. Reagents A. Nessler's reagent: Dissolve the following chemicals separately. a. 8.0 g of mercuric chloride in 150 ml distilled water. b. 60.0 g of sodium hydroxide in 150 ml distilled water. c. 16.0 g of potassium iodide in 150 ml distilled water. Add reagent "a" to reagent "b" and mix well. To this mixture, add reagent "c", mix and dilute the contents to 500 ml. Leave this solution undisturbed and decant the clear upper layer of the solution and store in a stoppered glass bottle.
Resumen La industria láctea es un sector de la industria que tiene como materia prima la leche procedente de animales (por regla general vacas. Esta es uno de los alimentos más básicos de la humanidad. Uno de los sub-productos principales... more
Resumen La industria láctea es un sector de la industria que tiene como materia prima la leche procedente de animales (por regla general vacas. Esta es uno de los alimentos más básicos de la humanidad. Uno de los sub-productos principales de la industria láctea es el queso.Para producir quesos de buena calidad es de vital importancia tratar la leche a utilizar de una forma correcta. El queso se produce por coagulación de las proteínas de la leche, a partir de fermentos lácteos y/o cuajo. En cualquier proceso productivo es necesario el conocimiento de la correcta aplicación de los equipos para apoyar al usuario en la medición, regulación, transformación, etc., de una variable deseada. La instrumentación industrial tiene por fin medir variables así como seleccionar y calibrar instrumentos. Los instrumentos de control pueden clasificarse según su función y la variable del proceso a medir. Los instrumentos industriales se componen de las siguientes partes: elemento primario, transmisor, controlador y elemento final de control. Abstract The dairy industry is an industry whose raw milk from animals (usually cows). This is one of the staples of humanity. A major by-products of the dairy industry is the cheese .To produce a good quality cheese is vital to use milk treated in a correct way. Cheese produced by the coagulation of milk protein, from milk enzymes and / or rennet. In any production process is necessary knowledge of the correct application of equipment to support the user in the measurement, control, transformation, etc., of a desired variable. Industrial instrumentation is intended to measure variables, select and calibrates instruments. The controls instruments can classify by function and process variable to measure. Instruments consist of the following parts: primary element, transmitter, controller and final control element.
El queso molido nariñense un queso fresco, no ácido, elaborado con leche de vaca- es uno de los quesos típicos colombianos, fabricado en la zona sur del país. El Espino es la población con mayor tradición en este tipo de quesos; las... more
El queso molido nariñense un queso fresco, no ácido, elaborado con leche de vaca- es uno de los quesos típicos colombianos, fabricado en la zona sur del país. El Espino es la población con mayor tradición en este tipo de quesos; las familias de este pueblo colombiano se han asociado para producirlo y darlo a conocer al mundo entero. Para lograr el objetivo de los asociados, una revisión de su proceso puede mejorar el producto final, permitiendo que el mismo cumpla con parámetros
internacionales de calidad.
The purpose of this study was to analyze microbial life and to address safety issues of milk shakes locally available in road side shops and carts of Peshawar city, Pakistan. Total of 144 samples of different flavors were examined... more
The purpose of this study was to analyze microbial life and to address
safety issues of milk shakes locally available in road side shops and
carts of Peshawar city, Pakistan. Total of 144 samples of different
flavors were examined for the presence of microbial content as total
bacterial load, total coliform count, fecal coliform count and total
staphylococcal count. Majority of samples have higher bacterial load
cfu/ml) and total coliform count (10
Escherichia Coli, Citrobacter, Klebsiella and Salmonella species
were detected using different biochemical tests. 26 samples revealed
the presence of fecal coliform contamination (10
cfu/ml) while 120
samples harbored staphylococci (10
cfu/ml).High percentage of drug
resistance among biochemical isolates was found against commonly
used antibiotics like Imipenem, Nalidixic acid, Piperaciline,
Ceftriaxone, Vancomycine, Ampicillin, Amoxicilline,
Ciprofloxacine, and Erythromycine. Furthermore, 66% Escherichia
Coli, 60% Klebsiella, 51% Citrobacter and 25% salmonella were
found to be ESBL positive. In general the analysis indicates
unsatisfactory quality of milk shakes and need to be
microbiologically controlled by regulatory authorities to ensure
public health safety
The livestock sector alone contributes 11% of Pakistan's GDP, with an estimated 42 billion litres of milk produced per annum. Economic Survey of Pakistan 2009 assertions that Pakistan has a herd size of around 63 million animals -the 3rd... more
The livestock sector alone contributes 11% of Pakistan's GDP, with an estimated 42 billion litres of milk produced per annum. Economic Survey of Pakistan 2009 assertions that Pakistan has a herd size of around 63 million animals -the 3rd largest in the world. After witnessing all the issues regarding the dairy industry of Pakistan, it can be concluded that the dairy industry possesses potential of growth and is very important from economic perspective. The major problem with dairy farming in Pakistan is the low milk yields of Pakistani cattle and buffaloes. This low production potential of Pakistani animals is mainly attributable to a few clearly identifiable issues such as lack of a systematic national breed improvement program, lack of availability of good quality fodder and nutrients and poor farm management practices. On average a dairy animal in Pakistan yields 6-8 times less milk than a dairy animal of the developed world. So Pakistan needs to have a coordinated and integrated strategy/approach beginning from enhancing per animal productivity, going straight to milk procedures/procurement and minimize the wastage.
This Article deals with 15th-17th century ceramic vessels for milk processing and cheese making.
Two experimental relations about the effect of the homogenizing pressure P, one on the average fat globule diameter dvs [i.e. 0.6 • log10(P) = C1 - log10(dVS)], and the other on the sedimentation parameter H [i.e. 1.2 • P = C2 -... more
Two experimental relations about the effect of the homogenizing pressure P, one on the average fat globule diameter dvs [i.e. 0.6 • log10(P) = C1 - log10(dVS)], and the other on the sedimentation parameter H [i.e. 1.2 • P = C2 - log10(H)], presented in Walstra et al (2006, p. 285), together with Stokes’ Law v ~ (dvs)^2, lead to a series of practical rules on how to change the homogenizing pressure P in order to increase the creaming time t, to reduce the average fat globule diameter dvs, to reduce the % fat q creamed each day, to reduce the sedimentation parameter H, to increase the total surface area A of all fat globules, and to reduce the fat globule creaming velocity v.
Also a rule is present about the effect of the homogenizing pressure P on the product temperature T.
For a particular homogenizer, and a particular milk fat content (fat % ≤ 20 mass%), these rules are:
- P-new = P-old * (t-new / t-old)^0.8333;
- t-new = t-old * (P-new / P-old)^1.2;
- P-new = P-old * (d-vs,old / d-vs,new)^1.6667;
- d-vs,new = d-vs,old * (P-old / P-new)^0.6;
- P-new = P-old * (q-old / q-new)^0.8333;
- q-new = q-old * (P-old / P-new)^1.2;
- P-new = P-old * (H-old / H-new)^0.8333;
- H-new = H-old * (P-old / P-new)^1.2;
- P-new = P-old * (A-new / A-old)^1.6667;
- A-new = A-old * (P-new / P-old)^0.6;
- P-new = P-old * (v-old / v-new)^0.8333;
- v-new = v-old * (P-old / P-new)^1.2;
- ΔT = 0.025 * P;
- T-new = T-before + 0.025 * P;
This Excel spreadsheet HOMCALC 2.0.xls enables rapid calculations with each of the equations above, and this file includes worked examples on each of the “rules”.
A Help-file at the end of this document explains the theoretical basis of all equations.
An experiment was designed to screen the various adulterants in the market milk sold in the coastal area of Sindh province during the year 2014. A total of 100 milk samples were collected each of twenty (n= 20) from milk producers, milk... more
An experiment was designed to screen the various adulterants in the market milk sold in the coastal area of Sindh province during the year 2014. A total of 100 milk samples were collected each of twenty (n= 20) from milk producers, milk collectors, middlemen, processors and dairy shops at the vicinity of Badin brought in the Department of Animal Products Technology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan. Among all milk samples water (76%) was the common adulterant found to be in the majority of milk samples evaluated in present study, followed by detergent (25%), rice flour (22 %), caustic soda (18%), salt (17%) and cane sugar (14%), respectively. The extent of extraneous water in milk samples collected from dairy shops, middlemen and milk collectors was significantly (P˂0.05) high than that of samples collected from processor and milk producer. The proportion of adulteration at all the milk intermediaries was (P˃0.05) non significant. The pH value of all milk samples collected from different marketing channels was significantly (P˂0.05) different from each other except in samples collected from dairy shops and middlemen. Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in freezing point of milk samples collected from all milk marketing channels. The specific gravity of milk samples collected from all milk marketing channels was found to be significant (P<0.05) with each other.
Boric acid is low in toxicity if eaten or if it contacts skin. However, in the form of borax, it can be corrosive to the eye. Borax can also be irritating to the skin. People who have eaten boric acid have had nausea, vomiting, stomach... more
Boric acid is low in toxicity if eaten or if it contacts skin. However, in the form of borax, it can be corrosive to the eye. Borax can also be irritating to the skin. People who have eaten boric acid have had nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, and diarrhea.
Bangladesh Milk Producers' Cooperative Union limited (BMPCUL) known as Milk Vita is one of the largest and oldest dairy cooperative in Bangladesh, established by the government for the enhancement of milk production in the country. It... more
Bangladesh Milk Producers' Cooperative Union limited (BMPCUL) known as Milk Vita is one of the largest and oldest dairy cooperative in Bangladesh, established by the government for the enhancement of milk production in the country. It possesses 63% market share of liquid milk, which provides various services to the dairy farmers, like milk collection facilities, veterinary services, artificial insemination services, balance cattle feed, loan for cattle purchase, etc., as a part of their milk production, enlargement and milking animal improvement programme.
Heat exchanger performance degrades rapidly during operation due to formation of deposits on heat transfer surfaces which ultimately reduces service life of the equipment. Due to scaling, product deteriorates which causes lack of proper... more
Heat exchanger performance degrades rapidly during operation due to formation of deposits on heat transfer surfaces
which ultimately reduces service life of the equipment. Due to scaling, product deteriorates which causes lack of proper
heating. Chemistry of milk scaling is qualitatively understood and the mathematical models for fouling at low
temperatures have been produced but the behavior of systems at ultra high temperature processing has to be studied
further to understand in depth. In diversified field, the effect of whey protein fouling along with pressure drop in
heat exchangers were conducted by many researchers. Adding additives, treatment of heat exchanger surfaces
and changing of heat exchanger configurations are notable areas of investigation in milk fouling. The present
review highlighted information about previous work on fouling, influencing parameters of fouling and its
mitigation approach and ends up with recommendations for retardation of milk fouling and necessary measures to perform
the task.
- by Mohammad Reza Safaei and +2
- •
- Heat Transfer, Milk Technology, Fouling, Mitigation
The study was conducted to asses handling, processing, utilization, marketing as well as other socioeconomic benefits of traditional cheese varieties making and to identify major constraints of traditional cheese varieties production in... more
The study was conducted to asses handling, processing, utilization, marketing as well as other socioeconomic benefits of traditional cheese varieties making and to identify major constraints of traditional cheese varieties production in Awabal, Gozamin, Machakel and Dejen districts of Eastern Gojjam. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data. A total of 240 smallholder dairy producers (60 households from each district) were individually interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The major traditional cheese varieties produced in the study areas include Ayib, Metata, Hazo and Zure-shekefign. Among these, three of them (Ayib, Metata and Hazo), are dominant. Respondents indicated that Metata cheese variety has high nutritional values and cure seven types of disease namely malaria and yellow fever, depressed appetite; Ejeseb (stomach upset), metabolic disorder (bloating), ga-stro-intestinal parasites, prevent nausea and digestion upset. The respondents reported twenty kinds of spices blended at one time during Metata cheese preparation and five kinds of spices commonly added into Ayib during Ayib making. Various types of herbs and plant species are used for smoking and washing of utensils during production of traditional cheese varieties in the study areas. The major marketing constraints of traditional cheese varieties were absence of sufficient buyer in the market, traditional taboos to sell cheese varieties in an open market, seasonal demand and supply, distance to the market, transportation access and quality. The major socioeconomic benefits of traditional cheese varieties were to fulfill household necessities, sources of additional income, to purchase dairy inputs and for children school fee. Further scientific study needs to be conducted in order to confirm nutritional and medicinal properties of Metata cheese variety. Therefore the bio-active components of these spices and their effect on shelf life, nutritional value, medicinal uses and other attributes on traditional cheese varieties needed further investigation.
- by Arghya Chaudhuri and +1
- •
- Milk Technology, Milk production, Milk Quality
F a r h a n g H a m i d I r a q-K u r d i s t a n-s u l a y m a n i y a h + 9 6 4 7 7 0 1 4 2 0 9 6 2 Formalin is not permitted to add in any edible food products. It is also not allowed in milk meant for regular use, but it is the only... more
F a r h a n g H a m i d
I r a q-K u r d i s t a n-s u l a y m a n i y a h
+ 9 6 4 7 7 0 1 4 2 0 9 6 2
Formalin is not permitted to add in any edible food products. It is also not allowed in milk meant for regular use, but it is the only legally permitted preservative for milk and milk products samples meant for analytical purposes
64 [ Tecnología Láctea Latinoamericana Nº 81 ] 2014 [ P r o d u c t o s r e g i o n a l e s ] >
Akasolo akabi akahwooma ebyenda.
The current rate of population growth is so fast that, to feed this massive population, a 2-fold increase in land is required for the production of quality food. Improved dietary products such as milk and its products with antioxidant... more
The current rate of population growth is so fast that, to feed this massive population, a 2-fold increase in land is required for the production of quality food. Improved dietary products such as milk and its products with antioxidant properties and functional foods of animal origin have been utilized to prevent chronic diseases. The designer milk contains low fat and less lactose, more protein, modified level of fatty acids, and desired amino acid profiles. The importance of milk and its products is due to the presence of protein, bioactive peptides, conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acid, Vitamin D, selenium, and calcium. These constituents are present in milk product, play a key role in the physiological activities in human bodies, and act as anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, immune boosting, and antimicrobial activities. Consumer awareness regarding benefits of designer foods such as milk and its products is almost non-existent worldwide and needs to be established to reach the benefits of designer food technologies in the near future. The main objective of this review was to collect data on the antioxidant properties of milk and its constituents which keep milk-derived products safe and preserved.
El color representa el primer factor organoléptico que percibe el degustador, permitiéndole tener un criterio de la calidad del alimento, lo que lo convierte en una potente herramienta para la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos... more
El color representa el primer factor
organoléptico que percibe el degustador,
permitiéndole tener un criterio de la calidad
del alimento, lo que lo convierte en una
potente herramienta para la investigación y
desarrollo de nuevos productos, el control de
calidad y el mercadeo. La preferencia con
respecto al color de los alimentos depende en
gran medida de las condiciones
psicosociales y culturales del consumidor.
En este documento se presenta
una breve revisión bibliográfica sobre
la teoría del color y su aplicación en la
caracterización de leche y quesos.
Lactation and breastfeeding are typically viewed as inherently female activities. Evolutionary biology designates females as the generators of the mammalian class’ milk supply. The assumption is that only female mammals lactate and,... more
Lactation and breastfeeding are typically viewed as inherently female activities. Evolutionary biology designates females as the generators of the mammalian class’ milk supply. The assumption is that only female mammals lactate and, therefore, only female mammals nurse their own. Taking on the biological, social, and cultural aspects of male lactation, this chapter questions this gender normativity of milk. It argues that male lactation can be seen along a continuum, from the literal production of milk by a small number of mammals of the male sex, to male-identified parents and caregivers breastfeeding their children, to males’ role in shaping breastfeeding norms and practices. Male lactation thus understood blurs the distinction between male and female, between genders, between sex and gender itself, between sexual orientations, between nature and culture, as well as, perhaps, between humans and animals.
The report presents the actuality of form-factor issues associated with the production, consumption and wholesomeness of dairy products, particularly yogurt. Mentioned are normative methods for assessing quality indicators of yogurt... more
The report presents the actuality of form-factor issues associated with the production, consumption and wholesomeness of dairy products, particularly yogurt. Mentioned are normative methods for assessing quality indicators of yogurt adopted in Bulgaria and in line with EU requirements. Discussed is the problem of objectively assessing the quality of dairy products through analysis of digital images. A comprehensive analysis is made of known optical methods used to assess the quality of yoghurt.