Mineral Processing Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Knowledge of particulate system properties is very important in various industrial instances and the possibility of fast predicting the behavior of such systems is an important control tool. The specifi c surface area of simulated... more

Knowledge of particulate system properties is very important in various industrial instances and the possibility of fast predicting the behavior of such systems is an important control tool. The specifi c surface area of simulated particulate systems was studied as a function of the sharpness parameter of the size distribution of the Gates–
Gaudin-Schumann, Gaudin–Meloy and Rosin–Rammler equations. The results showed good statistical adherence, especially the Rosin–Rammler equation, in situations where it is the best descriptor of particle size distribution.

The first part of the project identified an optimum pH range and optimum Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations. Following this, a series of the tests was carried out under varying hydrodynamic conditions. The tests also included a polyethylene... more

The first part of the project identified an optimum pH range and optimum Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations. Following this, a series of the tests was carried out under varying hydrodynamic conditions. The tests also included a polyethylene oxide (PEO) flocculant.The results confirmed that good flocculation response requires not only optimization of the polymer dosage, but also the rate of polymer addition and intensity of conditioning. Good flocculation can be achieved with lower polymer dosages when using more dilute polymer solutions and continuous polymer addition during conditioning.The PEO flocculant was found to be very effective for flocculation of the Syncrude tailings.

Em um cenário cada vez mais desafiador para a indústria mineral, faz-se necessário estudar alternativas que otimizem os desempenhos dos diversos processos, diminuindo seus custos. Dentro deste mesmo contexto, um grande diferenciador é a... more

Em um cenário cada vez mais desafiador para a indústria mineral, faz-se necessário estudar alternativas que otimizem os desempenhos dos diversos processos, diminuindo seus custos. Dentro deste mesmo contexto, um grande diferenciador é a qualidade química e física do produto final. No caso de Peña Colorada, foi identificado que mesmo após diversas e longas etapas de moagem, o material continuava apresentando problemas relativos à liberação, o que levava a concentrados com qualidade inferior à esperada e dificultava o processo de concentração, tornando ainda mais complicada a tomada de decisões. Foram realizados diversos testes comparativos com a utilização de métodos de análise como a microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura (SEM), além de estudos de moagem e concentração em escala de bancada e piloto. O presente trabalho apresenta o estudo realizado pelo Centro de Pesquisas da ArcelorMittal localizado em Maizières-lès-Metz, na França, para se determinar o grau de liberação do material e as possíveis causas de problemas na concentração do mesmo.

International Journal of Mineral Processing, 14 (1985) 195--215 195 Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam --Printed in The Netherlands THE EFFECT OF BUBBLE SIZE ON THE RATE OF FLOTATION OF FINE PARTICLES N. AHMED* and GJ JAMESON... more

International Journal of Mineral Processing, 14 (1985) 195--215 195 Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam --Printed in The Netherlands THE EFFECT OF BUBBLE SIZE ON THE RATE OF FLOTATION OF FINE PARTICLES N. AHMED* and GJ JAMESON Department of ...

Copper-cobalt oxide ores contain several minerals that are economically treatable by concentration techniques. The most used technique is froth flotation in which selective reagents are used to recover more valuables. It is, therefore,... more

Copper-cobalt oxide ores contain several minerals that are economically treatable by concentration techniques. The most used technique is froth flotation in which selective reagents are used to recover more valuables. It is, therefore, important to examine the optimal doses of those reagents while investigating the behaviors of minerals at the same time. This study explored the influence of lead nitrate Pb(NO 3) 2 on the froth flotation of oxide ore to increase valuable metals recoveries. Four factors were investigated including Pb(NO 3) 2 dosage, its conditioning, its addition dose in the 2 nd fraction, and sulfidiser dosage. Other parameters were kept constant. The optimum was found at 25 g/t of Pb(NO 3) 2 , conditioning together with sodium silicate (Na 2 SiO 3) for 5 min, the addition of 5 g/t of Pb(NO 3) 2 in the 2 nd fraction, and 3,000 g/t of sulfidiser. Recoveries in concentrates were 79.51 % Copper (Cu) and 60.27 % Cobalt (Co), with grades of 9.49 and 0.67 %, respectively. The conclusion was that the use of Pb(NO 3) 2 can considerably improve copper and cobalt recoveries.

Mineral content of river sand from Someshwari river of Northern Mymensingh division of Bangladesh, just south of Meghalaya of India, have been discussed being inspired of their widespread use in Construction works throughout Netrokona... more

Mineral content of river sand from Someshwari river of Northern Mymensingh division of Bangladesh, just south of Meghalaya of India, have been discussed being inspired of their widespread use in Construction works throughout Netrokona town. A crude but inexpensive niche (educational) technique to separate the minerals from sand from the point of construction as well as location finding and photography has been initiated, leading to inspection of various grades of sand from the point of purchase. Finally, sand samples have been collected from various submerged and seasonal sand bar regions of the river that sources those sand, as well as their separation techniques on the point of sand dredging have been preliminarily observed. A qualitative discussion on magnetic fraction and possible mineralogy of magnetic phases have been hypothesized. There have been secondary focus on possible natural and artificial radioactive species in the sand, owing to mining of uranium in Meghalaya. A minor but significant focus can be kept on biological coloration of sand due to ferric ion precipitation at stagnant water, which could be of importance due to biochemical alteration of mineralogy of magnetic particles

Homologues of fatty acids derived from vegetable oils/fats are used as collectors as such or as their soaps in the flotation of silicate/oxide/salt type minerals. Straight chain saturated fatty acid anions are envisaged to form compact... more

Homologues of fatty acids derived from vegetable oils/fats are used as collectors as such or as their soaps in the flotation of silicate/oxide/salt type minerals. Straight chain saturated fatty acid anions are envisaged to form compact adsorbed patches on the mineral surface, which are more effective in imparting surface hydrophobicity to the minerals than the loose/fluffy patches formed by unsaturated fatty acid anions that are bent at the double bonds. Addition of detergents or certain hydrotropes along with fatty acid/soap collectors reduces the consumption of fatty acids/soaps and thereby improves selectivity of mineral separation.

Eleven samples of Agro-Allied, Bellview and Carbon Energy/Pittson coal blends obtained from Australia, Poland and United States of America, respectively; were subjected to basic bench scale analyses. The results obtained showed that... more

Eleven samples of Agro-Allied, Bellview and Carbon Energy/Pittson coal blends obtained from Australia, Poland and United States of America, respectively; were subjected to basic bench scale analyses. The results obtained showed that Pittson coal (P2) has the highest Free Swelling Index of 7, while the Agro-Allied sample (A4) has the lowest FSI of 2. The highest and lowest Gieseler maximum fluidities of 4,055 ddpm and 38 ddpm were obtained for the Agro-Allied sample (A5) and Bellview sample (B2), respectively. Furthermore, Pittson sample (P2) gave the highest Ruhr total dilatation of 94%, while Agro-Allied sample (A3) yielded the lowest total dilatation of 1%. The highest Gieseler temperature range of 109 was also determined for Pittson coal P2 and the lowest value of 60 for the Bellview coal B2. It was observed that Gieseler ratio (a parameter derived in this work from Gieseler plastometer results), Gieseler maximum fluidity, Gieseler temperature range and Ruhr total dilatation gave significant indications of sample coals' cokeability at G values above 0.97. Furthermore, the results obtained for samples with G values higher than 0.97 suggest Gieseler ratio as giving the best indication of cokeability in term of good fixed carbon and low ash. When two coals of the same source have equal FSI values, the sample with the higher temperature range will likely be more cokeable, while the sample with higher values of FSI and Gieseler temperature range were more cokeable for different FSI values.

In the match factor, mining activity between the haulers and loader equipment dramatically affects each fleet's production. The purpose of this study is to simulate the sufficient number of transportation uses as an effort to achieve... more

In the match factor, mining activity between the haulers and loader equipment dramatically affects each fleet's production. The purpose of this study is to simulate the sufficient number of transportation uses as an effort to achieve production targets using queuing theory. The research methods are quantitative and descriptive by analyzing the compatibility value of fleet, fleet production capability, queue number, and queue time. The data required is the time of the distribution, the distance from the mining front to the ROM, and the company's speed limit. The results of this research are beneficial to users of the transporter simulation to be applied based on the theory of the queue is six transport units in the Anggrek pit with a compatibility value of 1.01, five transport units in the Dahlia pit with compatibility value 0.98, and five units of transport in the pit Anggrek with compatibility value 1.04. The haulers' recommendations were made by allocating two haulers ...

Comminution as an energy-intensive operation must be economically feasible for a meaningful trade in mineral resource. Therefore, the energy required to grind one tonne of an ore from a given feed particle size to a specified product... more

Comminution as an energy-intensive operation must be economically feasible for a meaningful trade in mineral resource. Therefore, the energy required to grind one tonne of an ore from a given feed particle size to a specified product particle size is a critical material property. This study evaluates the resistance of Ningi Graphite Ore to grinding using coal as a reference ore. Ore samples were extracted, homogenized, and transported to the laboratory. Crushing and grinding were done under standardized conditions using pulverizer and ball mill respectively. Fractional sieving was carried out using automatic sieve shaker. From Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann Expression, particle size analyses of the mill feeds and products indicate the mesh grinds to be 415µm and 168µm for the test sample, and 2659µm and 178µm for the reference ore sample. The study shows that approximately 39.77Kwh of energy is required to reduce one tonne of Ningi Graphite ore from 80% passing of 415.43µm size to 80% passing of 167.83µm.

Rock slope stability assessment is basically used for designing and evaluating the slope stability of the rock and mean while this is used for safety of the mine site. Rock slope hazard assessment is an important part of risk analysis for... more

Rock slope stability assessment is basically used for designing and evaluating the slope stability of the rock and mean while this is used for safety of the mine site. Rock slope hazard assessment is an important part of risk analysis for open pit mines. The main parameters that can lead

The petrographic and geochemical composition of the Dharla River sediments has been examined to infer their sediment type, degree of weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings. Petrographically the sediments are characterized by the... more

The petrographic and geochemical composition of the Dharla River sediments has been examined to infer their sediment type, degree of weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings. Petrographically the sediments are characterized by the high quartz content (64.97 to 74.24 wt%), followed by feldspar (7.04 to 15.20 wt%), mica (5.38 to 19.92 wt%), lithic fragment (3.46 to 8.14 wt%), and heavy minerals (1.98 to 6.94 wt%). Geochemical composition shows marked enrichment of SiO 2 (mean ~ 74.16%) and a strong negative correlation with the other major oxides because of quartz dilution. The Chemical index of alteration (CIA, 45.52 to 63.51); Plagioclase index of alteration (PIA, 43.13 to 66.55); W index (20.15 to 32.86) and Rb/Sr ratios (0.35 to 0.98) suggest low to moderate intensity of chemical weathering in the source area. Geochemical classifications of the studied samples show mostly litharenitic immature type of sediments also reflects high index of compositional variability (ICV, 0.96 to 1.72). The ternary diagrams of Al 2 O 3-(CaO + Na 2 O)-K 2 O (or A-CN-K) and of mafic rocks, felsic rocks and degree of weathering of the source rocks (or MFW) and several immobile trace element ratios (e.g. light rare earth element/heavy rare earth element or LREE

Supply of world chromite (chrome ore) has come under severe pressure over the past year driven by strong demand for ferrochrome used in ferroalloy production for making stainless steel. Many of the strategic minerals are inputs into... more

Supply of world chromite (chrome ore) has come under severe pressure over the past year driven by
strong demand for ferrochrome used in ferroalloy production for making stainless steel. Many of the strategic
minerals are inputs into products in fast-changing markets. This article reviews the major process
flow sheets in practice for the recovery of chromite values from various types of ores and critical issues
related to chromite ore beneficiation. The comprehensive condensation of pertinent facts is intended to
provide a single reference source rather than the reader perusing many articles. Emphasis is placed on
different processes developed in identifying and solving critical plant problems.

Energy efficiency is extremely important in secondary grinding (regrinding) as specific consumption are greater than obtained in primary grinding. Moreover, finer grinding sizes are a trend in new grinding circuits therefore increasing... more

Energy efficiency is extremely important in secondary grinding (regrinding) as specific consumption are greater than obtained in primary grinding. Moreover, finer grinding sizes are a trend in new grinding circuits therefore increasing the energy consumption, as well as respective capital and operating costs. In Brazil regrinding sizes between 40 a 20 m are common in greenfield projects. As horizontal ball mills show decreasing efficiency as grinding sizes are finer than 50 m, this work shows regrinding equipment alternatives to ball mills focusing on vertical mills. A number of survey campaigns were carried out on four industrial operations in which vertical mills were installed in the respective regrind circuit. A new batch test was developed and
validated to predict the energy consumption and product size distribution associated to vertical mills.

Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) is a versatile and powerful technique for characterizing physicochemical properties of materials. One such property, the surface energy, plays an important role in the adhesiveness, wettability, and... more

Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) is a versatile and powerful technique for characterizing physicochemical
properties of materials. One such property, the surface energy, plays an important role in the adhesiveness,
wettability, and consequently flotation of minerals. In this work, quartz was chosen as a
naturally hydrophilic mineral, and dodecylamine was used to hydrophobise the surface. To study the correlation
between the surface properties as measured from IGC experiments and flotation, microflotation
experiments were also conducted. It was shown that with treatment by dodecylamine, the surface energy
decreased, as did the work of adhesion to water. The recovery of quartz increased after the treatment,
indicating a correlation between surface energy and flotation response.
The results indicate that IGC has the capability to determine the thermodynamic properties of quartz,
pre- and post-conditioning. Relating the hydrophobicity and flotation of minerals to the surface energy
can be observed from combining the results of IGC and microflotation experiments.

Sri Lankan iron industry dates far back to the history and it was the origin of the iron metal which used in the production of famous "Damascas Swards". This report reviews on the iron ore deposits of Sri Lanka and proposes a suitable... more

Sri Lankan iron industry dates far back to the history and it was the origin of the iron metal which used in the production of famous "Damascas Swards". This report reviews on the iron ore deposits of Sri Lanka and proposes a suitable method for the extraction.

1. Introduction 1.1 Background Tin processed from tin ore which is obtained from the rock or mineral of tin (cassiterite SnO2). Tin metal production processes from the seeds are involves a series of fairly complicated process which is... more

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Tin processed from tin ore which is obtained from the rock or mineral of tin (cassiterite SnO2). Tin metal production processes from the seeds are involves a series of fairly complicated process which is mineral processing (elevated lead levels / physical processes and is also called upgrading), preparation of the material to be melted, the process of smelting, refining processes and printing processes of tin metal. The use of tin is usually in the form of tin alloy known as white lead which mixture of 80% lead, 11% 9% antimony and copper and sometimes occasional addition with lead. White lead is mainly used for metal protective equipment and pipes in chemical industry, food industry and for storing food.
In use of Tin, of course, by using a variety of methods and technologies in order to obtain optimal results with optimal results with a large profit, production costs are as minimum as possible and friendly environmentally.
The process of turning the tin into something more useful is not out of the role of chemical reactions and physics reaction. Washing and separation of the tin is part of a process involving chemical reactions and physics reaction.
Therefore, tin refining process to obtain the necessary economic results in terms of knowledge and studied physical and chemistry reaction.