Montessori Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This research paper will seek to address the ensuing principal research question: “What has been the role of early childhood education for the mentally ill child?” The Montessori principles which can be found in the proposed research lies... more

This research paper will seek to address the ensuing principal research question: “What has been the role of early childhood education for the mentally ill child?” The Montessori principles which can be found in the proposed research lies in the fact that relative research undertaken on the role of mentally ill children’s education still continue to be in its infancy stage. There are a number of academic publications which have focused on the identification of key areas in need of further study between students’ social, emotional well-being, mental health and their school success as well as academic achievement. This research aims to investigate to what extent Maria Montessori‘s argument could be significant for today’s educational policies for the mentally ill. Montessori studied her mentally disabled patients, listening and carefully noting their response to her attempts to implement Seguin's educational methods, as well as their progress in becoming increasingly independent a...

This article reviews the Montessori literature through the lens of leadership, using Maria Montessori’s writings for a perspective on leadership aligned with her principles and practices. Dr. Montessori was a strong leader who argued that... more

This article reviews the Montessori literature through the lens of leadership, using Maria Montessori’s writings for a perspective on leadership aligned with her principles and practices. Dr. Montessori was a strong leader who argued that adults, as leaders, should take direction from children as the spiritual builders of human beings. Her concept of the prepared environment, including the prepared adult, supports this foundation for leadership and has applications beyond the classroom context. Leadership in the Montessori context has a biological base but incorporates elements of service and morality that guide social reform with a peaceful telos. While there are overlaps with existing models of leadership, this review suggests that a distinct perspective on leadership does begin to emerge from Dr. Montessori’s legacy.

The purpose of this analysis is to examine enduring creative approaches of educational philosophers alongside key emerging digital resources that inform inclusive art education. Froebelian education theory, like that of Montessori,... more

The purpose of this analysis is to examine enduring creative approaches of educational philosophers alongside key emerging digital resources that inform inclusive art education. Froebelian education theory, like that of Montessori, Malaguzzi, and Steiner is very arts-rich in that Froebel defined learning itself as a learner-centered, exploratory creative process (Mullineaux, 1996). Teaching with a foundational knowledge of the influence of each of these philosophers on learning in visual art often empowers us to reclaim the diverse roles of the educator and artist in contemporary art rooms. This chapter introduces selected mobile learning applications and digital resources related to these philosophies, with an analysis of their potential for students with disabilities and exceptionalities. The selected examples of Froebel’s Gifts and artifacts of pedagogy from Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia practices is followed by discussion of practical uses of materials and approaches from these enduring philosophies in learning explorations emphasizing craft, nature, and play. Suggestions will be offered for future practice that mindfully utilizes such digital resources and communities alongside physical and haptic resources. Concerns about screen time and media saturation will also be addressed.

Concerning America's--and Nevada's--poor educational system vs. the rest of the world (notably Finland). How it could be improved, if tailor-made to advances in child development research: for example, starting high school later, letting... more

Concerning America's--and Nevada's--poor educational system vs. the rest of the world (notably Finland). How it could be improved, if tailor-made to advances in child development research: for example, starting high school later, letting teenagers sleep in. Also discusses standardized testing and the "Social Efficiency Model," the value of play and Creativity equaling problem-solving.

—This paper investigates the perceived notion that China's goals are ideological as well as material. It is not in competition with United States or Europe for Africa or to score in the ongoing battle for global hegemony (Rothberg, 2008).... more

—This paper investigates the perceived notion that China's goals are ideological as well as material. It is not in competition with United States or Europe for Africa or to score in the ongoing battle for global hegemony (Rothberg, 2008). Two different areas will be considered: one of which is in the area of bilateral relations and the other in investment. The relations between Ghana and China dates back to 1960 when the countries first established diplomatic relations, According to the Ghana investment promotion center, China, continuous to remain on top of foreign direct investment in Ghana, with a cumulative total of 23 new projects registered in just the first quarter of 2011. The Research philosophy here is based on Positivism and phenomenology that is associated with clarification of assumption about China's increased engagement with Africa which has sparked a debate in development circles. One group believes that the China demand for Africa's natural resources, has not only helped to re-establish Africa as a source of valuable commodities for the global market, but also, has helped to focus attention on why the continent still remains poor. The other group are voices believes that China's increased engagement with Africa is no different from earlier times which largely cast Africa as the supplier of cheap but abundant raw materials as well as a market for cheap manufactures. While Beijing and Accra have enjoyed relatively strong and stable bilateral relations since the 1960s, the backdrop of a recent surge in Chinese activities in Ghana warrants a closer examination of China's presence in Ghana and its implications for China's West Africa and pan-African strategy. The results of the research suggest that, Ghanaians are making efforts to build a better Ghana, while the Chinese people are striving to realize the China Dream. With the sincere efforts of both sides, the dreams of the two peoples will eventually come true and the relationship between the two countries will move ever forward like the Yangtze and Volta rivers.

L'obiettivo della presente ricerca è verificare che il pensiero creativo, sotto forma di produzione ideativa spontanea, sia allenabile nei bambini. L'immaginazione ne rappresenta una delle basi: un'abilità immaginativa sviluppata nei... more

L'obiettivo della presente ricerca è verificare che il pensiero creativo, sotto forma di produzione ideativa spontanea, sia allenabile nei bambini. L'immaginazione ne rappresenta una delle basi: un'abilità immaginativa sviluppata nei primi anni di vita favorisce i processi creativi, permettendo la generazione di idee e immagini mentali flessibili e facilmente modificabili e la connessione di elementi in combinazioni nuove. La ricerca si prefigge lo scopo di analizzare uno dei fattori caratterizzanti il pensiero creativo, la capacità di produrre idee, nella doppia dimensione verbale e grafica, e ad incrementarla nei bambini attraverso un training volto all'allenamento dell'immaginazione e del pensiero divergente per verificarne il miglioramento. Prendendo spunto dal TCI, reattivo mentale volto a misurare il potenziale di pensiero creativo nel singolo bambino, si è costruito un Test con l'obiettivo di testare 224 bambini appartenenti a 10 classi di scuola primaria (5 seconde e 5 terze), per ottenere punteggi di gruppo. Lo scopo era indagare se l'attitudine dei bambini a pensare in modo creativo e divergente sarebbe aumentata dopo aver partecipato ad un training di 10 sessioni interattive di gruppo della durata 1 ora. Le attività sono state volte all'allenamento di 4 abilità-produzione ideativa spontanea, capacità di pensare il maggior numero di usi possibili di un dato oggetto, pensiero controfattuale, originalità del gesto grafico-ognuna delle quali misurata in T0 e T1 da una delle quattro parti del Test ideato. Tutti i bambini sono stati testati in T0; dopodiché 8 delle 10 classi sono state allenate settimanalmente e 2 no, prima di essere tutte testate nuovamente in T1, 10 settimane dopo. L'ipotesi era che le classi allenate sarebbero migliorate nella capacità di produrre idee, mentre le classi di controllo no, ipotesi che si è verificata, permettendo di provare l'efficacia della tecnica ideata per allenare il pensiero creativo.

Introduction The younger we are the faster we learn new vocabulary and it is a known fact that our brain keeps expanding at a great speed until it reaches its almost fully formed shape at about 8 years old. Learning a second language as... more

Introduction The younger we are the faster we learn new vocabulary and it is a known fact that our brain keeps expanding at a great speed until it reaches its almost fully formed shape at about 8 years old. Learning a second language as early as preschool age is a plus, should it be taught properly with the right amount of fun, interest and knowledge.

Montessori preschool program (MPP) is a structured program that incorporates metalinquistic exercises, which are implemented even before children reach four years of age. In contrast, in regular preschool programs (RPP) in Croatia,... more

Montessori preschool program (MPP) is a structured program that incorporates metalinquistic exercises, which are implemented even before children reach four years of age. In contrast, in regular preschool programs (RPP) in Croatia, activities related to the development of reading and writing skills are provided only to older children. Also, unlike MPP, these activities in RPP are isolated from the context of the general activities and play, which is contrary to the knowledge that child development should be approached holistically. Accordingly, in this study, we wanted to test the assumption that children attending MPP will have a more developed phonological awareness than RPP children. Phonological awareness is a metalinguistic ability related to the acknowledgement of the sound components of speech and it is a significant predictor of later language skills. The sample comprised 60 children of regular language and cognitive development from MPP (M=5.21, SD=0.17 years) and RPP (M=5....

Ausgehend von einer vorläufigen Begriffsbestimmung von (Allgemeiner) Didaktik und (Lehr-und Lern-)Medium wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Bedeutung den Medien in unterschiedlichen allgemeindidaktischen Theorien zugeschrieben bzw.... more

Ausgehend von einer vorläufigen Begriffsbestimmung von (Allgemeiner) Didaktik und (Lehr-und Lern-)Medium wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Bedeutung den Medien in unterschiedlichen allgemeindidaktischen Theorien zugeschrieben bzw. welche Aufmerksamkeit ihnen geschenkt wird. Dabei zeigt sich ein großes Spektrum teils unausgesprochener, teils explizit herausgestellter didaktischer Orts-und Funktionszuweisungen an die Medien, welche zu einem sehr heterogenen Bild des Stellenwerts von Medien in allgemein-didaktischen Theorien führen.

Currently, the Montessori community is increasing its focus on the importance of research. You may have noticed that Montessori Life is featuring more research-related articles and that there are “How to conduct research” sessions at AMS... more

Currently, the Montessori community is increasing its focus on the importance of research. You may have noticed that Montessori Life is featuring more research-related articles and that there are “How to conduct research” sessions at AMS conferences. The good news is that you don’t have to have a PhD to be a discerning consumer of research! The purpose of this article is to provide you with some background to help you be a more critical reader of research related to Montessori education and to give you the tools to implement the findings in your own Montessori work.
Research articles are generally organized in a way that allows the reader to easily follow the logical flow of the research process. You will typically see an introduction followed by information on research methods. Research articles usually conclude with a discussion of results and practical implications. The sections that follow outline key considerations and questions you should ask yourself in each of these areas.

Game designer Will Wright shares thoughts on learning through play and games.

In her book “The Secret of Childhood”, Maria Montessori (1870-1952) highlighted many of the problems faced by children in Italy during her time. Montessori, who started as the first female medical doctor in Italy later ventured herself... more

In her book “The Secret of Childhood”, Maria Montessori (1870-1952) highlighted many of the problems faced by children in Italy during her time. Montessori, who started as the first female medical doctor in Italy later ventured herself into psychology and ended her career as a well-known educationist. At the time the book was written, she realized that children of her time have been deprived of their social rights in education. In her observation, she found out that children have been subjected to do many insurmountable hard tasks. They were shown little affection and respect as growing individuals. During her time, the plight of children in Italy was a very disheartening thing for her to witness. The state paid much attention to the rights of the adults compared to that of the children. Children’s social well-being and education were not given serious consideration by the state. The quote below depicts the exact scenario of what children have to go through in their lives:

Using ‘Montessori and Social Progress’ by Arthur St John, The Montessori Fellowship (pamphlet 2), July 1927, and the activities of Sylvia Pankhurst, and the community of Suffragists and Suffragettes working in education and schools, and... more

Using ‘Montessori and Social Progress’ by Arthur St John, The Montessori Fellowship (pamphlet 2), July 1927, and the activities of Sylvia Pankhurst, and the community of Suffragists and Suffragettes working in education and schools, and part of the New Ideals in Education Conferences, the nature of schooling and its relationship with our identities and developing a community of equals based on human rights is explored. The heartfelt cry is 'for how long' will we fail to listen to the voices of those who fought for equality, rights and democracy and their struggle to 'liberate our children'?

Maria Montessori come intellettuale moderno alla luce di un raffronto con la teoria e la prassi futurista.

The paper focus on a re-reading of Montessori’s Il bambino in famiglia (1923), aimed at highlighting her contribution to early childhood education, through her fight against child’s repression into the domestic environment. The original... more

The paper focus on a re-reading of Montessori’s Il bambino in famiglia (1923), aimed at highlighting her contribution to early childhood education, through her fight against child’s repression into the domestic environment. The original feature of this perspective can be identified in the interest of considering pedagogy as the fundamental science to study early child education in order to promote child’s liberation, according to a new approach founded since the Modern Age.

In an authentic Montessori classroom, children pursue their passions guided by a teacher who identifies each child’s strengths and weaknesses through observations. It balances hands-on Montessori lessons with supplemental learning to... more

In an authentic Montessori classroom, children pursue their passions guided by a teacher who identifies each child’s strengths and weaknesses through observations. It balances hands-on Montessori lessons with supplemental learning to provide an environment that meets the needs of learners with varied learning styles. Children flourish with the acquisition of skills that serve them as adults, in addition to an expertise in critical thinking concerning global issues.

در دو دهۀ اخیر، گفتمان تحول در آموزش و پرورش ایران، پژوهش‌های زیادی را به خود معطوف ساخته و در سطح حکومتی نیز اسناد زیادی در این راستا تدوین شده اند. در سوی مقابل، کیفیت پایین آموزش رسمی، خانواده‌های زیادی را به سمت الگوهای جایگزین آموزش... more

در دو دهۀ اخیر، گفتمان تحول در آموزش و پرورش ایران، پژوهش‌های زیادی را به خود معطوف ساخته و در سطح حکومتی نیز اسناد زیادی در این راستا تدوین شده اند. در سوی مقابل، کیفیت پایین آموزش رسمی، خانواده‌های زیادی را به سمت الگوهای جایگزین آموزش رسمی در دورۀ کودکی همچون رویکردهای آموزشی برآمده از غرب - به واسطۀ شعارها و گسترش آن‌ها در سراسر جهان – علی‌رغم هزینه‌های سنگین این رویکردها، سوق داده است. اما پرسش تامل برانگیز در این میان، میزان سازواری میان فلسفۀ تربیتی زیرساز و ریشه‌های فرهنگی و اجتماعی این رویکردها با فلسفۀ تربیتی بومی جامعۀ ایران، که عمدتا با عناصر دینی در هم آمیخته است می باشد. پژوهش حاضر با هدف پاسخ‌گویی به این پرسش و با کاربست روش تحلیل فلسفی و تحلیل تطبیقی دست به استخراج مبانی و اصول سه رویکرد اروپایی مورد اقبال در ایران ‌یعنی والدورف، مونته‌سوری و رجیو امیلیا و سپس مقایسه با رویکرد اسناد تحولی زده است. نتیجه حاکی از آن است که اگرچه در لایۀ رویین، مشابهتی میان این دو نگاه و آن هم منحصرا در سطح پیش‌دبستان دیده می شود، در لایۀ زیرین فاصله ای عمیق میان آن‌ها وجود دارد که پیوستن نتایج تربیتی این رویکردها را به جریان رسمی آموزش در سال‌های بعد، با چالش مواجه خواهد کرد.

Il presente lavoro di ricerca si iscrive in un progetto psico-pedagogico e architettonico di ridefinizione di un ex edificio (ONMI) di proprietà comunale, convertito in spazio per l’infanzia. Questo lavoro ha visto una collaborazione... more

Il presente lavoro di ricerca si iscrive in un progetto psico-pedagogico e architettonico di ridefinizione di un ex edificio (ONMI) di proprietà comunale, convertito in spazio per l’infanzia. Questo lavoro ha visto una collaborazione strutturata e collaborativa tra gli addetti ai lavori, i pedagogisti (educatori, operatori e coordinatori) e i tecnici (architetti). Dalla circolarità tra prassi e teoria, ne deriva un duplice lavoro: da una parte una review della letteratura scientifica in campo pedagogico sull’organizzazione e la gestione degli spazi per i bambini delle fasce di età più piccole, riletti in chiave problematica e critica seguendo le indicazioni e le suggestioni educative di Maria Montessori; dall’altra parte un lavoro di ricerca a carattere esplorativo avente come oggetto le rappresentazioni individuali e collettive inerenti la progettazione, la pianificazione e la realizzazione di spazi per l’infanzia ad opera di equipe multidisciplinari.

Cet article a son point de départ dans deux paradoxes: (A) si Guido Calogero a fait de Socrate le champion du dialogue d'égal à égal, selon Walter Kohan le Socrate platonicien se revèle souvent incapable d'écouter son interlocuteur,... more

Cet article a son point de départ dans deux paradoxes:
(A) si Guido Calogero a fait de Socrate le champion du dialogue d'égal à égal, selon Walter Kohan le Socrate platonicien se revèle souvent incapable d'écouter son interlocuteur, déterminé comme il est à suivre son intuition et à lui l'imposer sans hésitation (ou presque);
(B) les pédagogues qui depuis la fin du XIXè siècle se sont battus pour enlever le trop de rigidité au système scolaire de l'Europe occidental auraient pu et du se reférer à Socrate comme modèle de relation ductile, informelle, amicale, mais celà n'a pas eu lieu.
Ces deux situations ne manquent de faire probème à plusieurs égards.
------ Echantillon de l'aricle paru dans M. De Moor (ed.), Socrate à l'agora. Que peut la parole philosophique?, Paris, Vrin, 2017, 15-30.

Maria Montessori bir hekim ve dünyada en çok tanınan ve uygulanan kendi adı ile anılan bir eğitim yaklaşımın öncüsüdür. Özel eğitim ile başlayan doktora çalışması bugün liselerde bile uygulanabilen bir eğitim yaklaşımına dönüşmüştür.... more

Maria Montessori bir hekim ve dünyada en çok tanınan ve uygulanan kendi adı ile anılan bir eğitim yaklaşımın öncüsüdür. Özel eğitim ile başlayan doktora çalışması bugün liselerde bile uygulanabilen bir eğitim yaklaşımına dönüşmüştür. Selçuk Üniversitesi Uygulama Anaokulun’da 2008 yılında uygulanmaya başlayan Montessori Okul Öncesi Eğitim yaklaşımı’nın kısa ve uzun süreli olumlu etkileri araştırmalarla kanıtlanmıştır. İlk yıllarda Montessori eğitimine ebeveynlerin yaklaşımları belirsiz olmuştur. Geçen süre içinde Montessori eğitim yaklaşımının özellikle annelere anlatılması bir gereklilik olarak görülmüştür. Yapılan ihtiyaç analizi çalışmalarının sonuçları da bu görüşü desteklemiştir. Bu gereklilikten yola çıkarak “Montessori Anne Destek Programı” hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Montessori Okul öncesi eğitim yaklaşımının ana unsurlarından faydalanarak hazırlanan “Montessori Anne Destek Programını” ilkelerini, temellerini, müfredatını ve ana unsurlarını açıklığa kavuşturmaktır.

Students of color comprise a majority of the enrollment in public Montessori schools around the United States, and practitioners are often asked for evidence of the Montessori Method's benefits for these students. This article examines... more

Students of color comprise a majority of the enrollment in public Montessori schools around the United States, and practitioners are often asked for evidence of the Montessori Method's benefits for these students. This article examines the relevant literature around the experience of students of color in public Montessori schools. Research finds Montessori offers both opportunities and some limitations for students of color in levels of school diversity, development of executive functions, academic achievement, access to early childhood education, cultural responsiveness, racially disproportionate discipline, and special education. Public Montessori's efficacy with students of color may be limited by the diversity of the teaching staff and culturally responsive teacher education, maintaining racially diverse enrollments, and communicating Montessori's benefits to families with alternative views of education. The review concludes with directions for future research.

Through a review of the literature, the researcher sought (a) to determine what assessments are used in Montessori settings and (b) to discuss how assessment practices might be improved. Four principal Montessori studies are examined to... more

Through a review of the literature, the researcher sought (a) to determine what assessments are used in Montessori settings and (b) to discuss how assessment practices might be improved. Four principal Montessori studies are examined to compare and contrast assessment practices in private early childhood, private K-6, and public K-6 settings. The literature reviewed in this paper suggests that Montessori educators from all three groups prefer informal assessments and use them more frequently than formal assessments. In addition, observation was found to be the most commonly used method of informal assessment. Possible improvements are discussed, such as teacher training in assessment practices and the development of a universal recordkeeping and assessment system. Additional studies are needed to confirm the validity and efficacy of preferred assessment methods and to include other age groups (infant/toddler, middle and high school) and other kinds of assessment methods. Further research may guide the Montessori community towards cohesive and consistent assessment practices.

Maria Montessori (1870-1952) developed an educational approach which emphasized treating each child as an individual with an innate ability to develop her own physical, social, emotional, and cognitive potential given an appropriate... more

Maria Montessori (1870-1952) developed an educational approach which emphasized treating each child as an individual with an innate ability to develop her own physical, social, emotional, and cognitive potential given an appropriate environment. More than 100 years later, an estimated 20,000 Montessori schools exist worldwide with over 4,000 in the United States including more than 500 in the public sector. The majority of Montessori schools serve children ages three to six, but a large number of elementary programs exist with growing availability of options for younger and older students as well. While the fundamentals of educational research apply to Montessori schools, unique aspects require researchers to address considerations in the areas of fidelity of implementation, types of research questions and research design.

At every stage of teaching, Montessori guides need to prepare for their work with the children. Five fundamental areas of preparation are necessary for success––intellectual, physical, didactic, moral, and spiritual preparation. These... more

At every stage of teaching, Montessori guides need to prepare for their work with the children. Five fundamental areas of preparation are necessary for success––intellectual, physical, didactic, moral, and spiritual preparation. These areas come together in an interrelated, larger whole, with spiritual development at the core. Professional development programs must fully address all five areas of teacher preparation in a holistic and collaborative manner in order to foster authentic growth at all stages. This report provides a starting point for the development of a comprehensive program and includes theoretical underpinnings and concrete activities for the growth and renewal of the Montessori guide.

L'approccio del progetto MOMA sperimentato e valutato in laboratori nazionali i cui risultati sono illustrati in questo libro, si basa sullo sforzo di ribaltare gli assunti tradizionali ell’essere montessoriano con caratteristiche adatte... more

L'approccio del progetto MOMA sperimentato e valutato in laboratori nazionali i cui risultati sono illustrati in questo libro, si basa sullo sforzo di ribaltare gli assunti tradizionali ell’essere montessoriano con caratteristiche adatte al coinvolgimento dei gruppi target vulnerabili nei sistemi educativi formali. In tempi recenti e nei termini espressi dalla pedagogia sociale, questi problemi sono stati chiaramente espressi da Paulo Freire nel suo importante libro 'La pedagogia degli oppressi'. Le conclusioni di Freire sono a favore della applicazione di una specifica pedagogia e di una conseguente didattica “speciale” volta a rendere meno evidenti questi ostacoli e a creare un ambiente di apprendimento in grado di rispondere alle esigenze degli adulti. Ma, se la tradizione educativa mostra che le questioni sollevate da una didattica inclusiva sono sono ben evidenti agli autori e pedagogisti (Knowls e al.), la conseguente potenziale rivoluzione dei metodi in termini di prevenire i concreti rischi di un approccio didattico non dedicato agli adulti può risultare essere solo una rivoluzione di carta. Il progetto Moma ha dunque l’ambizione di prendere conclusioni accertate e sperimentate: quelle della didattica montessoriana, per suggerire un cambiamento di target verticale ed uno orizzontale: cambiare destinatari, che diventano gli adulti; cambiare prospettiva e definire i contenuti in termini di “apprendimento durante tutto l’arco della vita” I risultati attesi su cui si basano le ipotesi all’origine di questo progetto sono, dunque, la proposta di una efficace applicazione della didattica di Maria ed Alice a gruppi target vulnerabili, le cui difficoltà di essere coinvolti in un percorso educativo formale può avere origine anche nella resistenza culturale degli adulti e dalla loro sfiducia verso l’educazione come chance di avere un futuro migliore. Naturalmente, il metodo Montessori deve essere pensato in un contesto diverso, soprattutto tenendo conto dell'influenza che la comunicazione sociale e le tecnologie hanno anche nella trasmissione di conoscenza degli adulti rispetto alle variegate derivazioni culturali che essi rappresentano.

The authors (Albano Fernandes, Kennedy Saldanha, Ian Doulton, Lionel Braganza, Nelson Carvalho & Peter Gonsalves), as members of an international educational society called Salesians of Don Bosco, are proficient in youth work and have at... more

The authors (Albano Fernandes, Kennedy Saldanha, Ian Doulton, Lionel Braganza, Nelson Carvalho & Peter Gonsalves), as members of an international educational society called Salesians of Don Bosco, are proficient in youth work and have at various times lived and worked with young people of different age-groups, socio-economic backgrounds, creeds and cultures. This book is a compendium of practical methodologies for youth leadership culled from the storehouse of their vast and varied experiences.
Publisher: Tej-prasarini, Don Bosco Communications, Matunga, Mumbai, India.
Year: 1996, Pages: 207
Email: <>

Abstract According to the history of philosophy, the idea that questioned the cause of existence by the substantial contribution of Socrates and Plato from the early ages of BC, rescues the human being from being a passive entity when it... more

According to the history of philosophy, the idea that questioned the cause of existence by the substantial contribution of Socrates and Plato from the early ages of BC, rescues the human being from being a passive entity when it comes to the 19th century, and focuses on the contemplation of contradiction with the world in which man lives as a wise individual. This novel philosophical thought also called as existentialism, takes the individual to the center and puts freedom and responsibility on the man himself. With the emphasis on subjective thinking, the life experience of the individual becomes important. In this respect, existentialism rejects the idea of idealism which defends that the essence comes before the existence and acknowledges that the existence of the individual is the premise of every concept.
The concept of individualism that started with the ideas of Kierkegaard, developed with the thoughts of philosophers such as Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, and Heidegger. This new intellectual system which caused the subject to come to the fore caused the individual to re-examine the rules dictated by society and re-organize a distinct way of thinking and living system compared to the past resulting significant social changes and affecting considerably scientific and social issues that are valid. One of the areas of scientific work in which this change has become evident is the field of educational sciences.
Therefore, in this article, it is tried to be explained how the concept of individualism introduced by existentialist philosophy changed the value attributed to the child, and in which direction the concept of individualism, creativity, and freedom influenced education scholars, especially Maria Montessori who is the first woman doctor in Italy and at the same time the one who put forth a unique pedagogical approach in the field of pre-school education – the Montessori Method. Besides embracing the topic of a novel pedagogical approach through a philosophical thought, it is also tried to be explained how such an innovative thinking of an age-specific individual influenced the architecture of preschool educational buildings because the interior change envisaged by the Montessori class has influenced the architecture of the whole school because of its holistic approach to the teaching method, resulting in the emergence of a new type of preschool education under Montessori schools.
Thus, this work firstly attempts to explain the effects of the existentialist system of thought, which is concerned with the future of society leading to a radical change, particularly on preschool child education models. Within this perspective, Montessori Method will be covered both in terms of pedagogical aspects and in the context of the changes that it has made on pre-school children education spaces, beginning from the first half of the 20th century.
Following this section, it is tried to be mentioned about a Montessori School in Istanbul which the pedagogical approach mentioned above is referred to as a school established for the first time in Turkey with the initiative of parents who have already organized their thinking and living habits through the idea of acknowledging the child as a free individual. Because this school's philosophy of establishment has also emerged as a project that parents have taken responsibility on behalf of society via their own children, it is worth discussing such a kind of realized collectivist project in Turkey within the debate of existential thought which sprouted in the 19th century, in terms of its holistic influence on the transformation of a society through a preschool educational space in 21st century.

“Sia io che Sergey siamo andati in una scuola con metodo Montessori, e credo che per qualche ragione, questo sia stato incorporato in Google” (Larry Page dalla TED conference del febbraio 2004 in cui assieme a Sergey Brin, co-fondatore di... more

“Sia io che Sergey siamo andati in una scuola con metodo Montessori,
e credo che per qualche ragione, questo sia stato incorporato in Google”
(Larry Page dalla TED conference del febbraio 2004 in cui assieme a Sergey Brin, co-fondatore di Google, parla della loro creazione).
“I bambini delle nostre scuola sono liberi, ma l’organizzazione è neccesaria: un’organizzazione più accurata che nelle altre scuole, affinché i bambini siano liberi di lavorare. Il bambino che compie le sue esperienze in un ambiente preparato si perfeziona, ma gli è indispensabile un materiale di lavoro speciale”. (‘La mente del bambino’, 1949)

Student motivation, or lack thereof, is a popular topic in discussions about the challenges of modern education. Teachers wonder how best to motivate students; parents wonder why their children are not motivated to do well in school; and... more

Student motivation, or lack thereof, is a popular topic in discussions about the challenges of modern education. Teachers wonder how best to motivate students; parents wonder why their children are not motivated to do well in school; and the popular media laments a general trend toward student disengagement. Motivation is a crucial concept in education because it has been shown to influence interest, excitement, and confidence, which in turn enhance performance, persistence, creativity, and general well-being (Ryan & Deci, 2000). While Maria Montessori may not have addressed motivation directly, she focused on fostering children’s enthusiasm for learning is not merely to make the child understand . . . but to so touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core. We do not want complacent pupils, but eager ones.” (Montessori, 1989, p. 11). She believed that “the child should love everything he learns, for his mental and emotional growths are linked” (Montessori, 1989, p. 17). Surely, a discussion of motivation as it relates to Montessori education is due.

Las prácticas de renovación pedagógica como las escuelas Montessori, Reggio Emilia y Waldorf, han supuesto una verdadera innovación en el ámbito de la educación. Estas pedagogías responden a las necesidades de los niños y niñas en todas... more

Las prácticas de renovación pedagógica como las escuelas Montessori, Reggio Emilia
y Waldorf, han supuesto una verdadera innovación en el ámbito de la educación. Estas
pedagogías responden a las necesidades de los niños y niñas en todas sus dimensiones,
mostrando un especial interés sobre su desarrollo a nivel afectivo y emocional. En esta
investigación se ha realizado un estudio empírico de corte cualitativo analizando el
discurso de los participantes mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas que nos han permitido
establecer una comparación sobre el desarrollo de la educación emocional en
las distintas pedagogías alternativas. Para ello, se ha estructurado la información en seis
variables o categorías (concepto de educación emocional, relevancia de la educación
emocional, concepto de emoción, puesta en práctica, formación y, beneficios y eficacia)
comprobando a través de la técnica de triangulación que las tres pedagogías alternativas
analizadas integran el concepto de emoción y educación emocional como base
de su enseñanza, proporcionando a los alumnos las herramientas emocionales necesarias
para su desarrollo personal. Los beneficios de la educación emocional son palpables
y evidentes, promoviendo resultados positivos y demostrando la eficacia en la implementación
de la educación emocional en las tres pedagogías estudiadas.