Online Virtual Museums Research Papers (original) (raw)

Online Museums, or Virtual Museums, are increasingly appearing on the contemporary art scene. Through an analysis of the historical perspective and the recent theories of scholars, the article aims to demonstrate how the Online Museum is... more

Online Museums, or Virtual Museums, are increasingly appearing on the contemporary art scene. Through an analysis of the historical perspective and the recent theories of scholars, the article aims to demonstrate how the Online Museum is a valid tool that can support or completely replace the traditional “physical” museum in carrying on research, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage, above all the positive aspects of fruition
and relationship with a new public. After investigating different definitions and categories of Virtual Museum, and the type of users, there is a list of Online Museum sites, highlighting at the end critical and positive aspects of this trend, that is increasingly conquering the public of art.

Genova, Palazzo Ducale, 3 Dicembre 2019

Opis i rozwój projektu, realizacja, podsumowanie.

The Museum of Mexican Women Artists (MUMA) is a virtual museum dedicated to the promotion of Mexican women in visual arts from the 20th century onward. It was founded by Mexican feminist activist and artist Lucero González (b. 1947), who... more

The Museum of Mexican Women Artists (MUMA) is a virtual museum dedicated to the promotion of Mexican women in visual arts from the 20th century onward. It was founded by Mexican feminist activist and artist Lucero González (b. 1947), who envisioned it as a feminist digital network for artists, curators, and critics to build connections with initiatives across the country and in other parts of the world. It is currently run by a council of nine women who collectively come together to plan its yearly activities and to invite others to participate. Since 2008, MUMA has hosted a new exhibition every three months by different female curators and artists working mostly on drawing, painting, performance, photography, video, and sculpture. To date, it has organized more than forty online exhibitions and a number of temporary events including exhibitions, reading groups, and public forums across the country. While it has an exclusive focus on women, one of its objectives is to promote interg...

... of histories received might be divided as follows: Autobiographies: People who, like Mrs. Neuza, already had the impetus of registering their own private histories, or like Salvador Martin Pintor - who, like Mrs. Neuza, already had... more

... of histories received might be divided as follows: Autobiographies: People who, like Mrs. Neuza, already had the impetus of registering their own private histories, or like Salvador Martin Pintor - who, like Mrs. Neuza, already had ... Lisiane Daphne Dantas da Fonseca) (http://www2 ...

Visitas virtuais e overdose de lives causam cansaço e vertigem

The deployment of 3D content on the Web gained momentum in many contexts. The Cultural Heritage field is a good example, since 3D data need to be published on the Web for many different purposes (presenting museum collections, displaying... more

The deployment of 3D content on the Web gained momentum in many contexts. The Cultural Heritage field is a good example, since 3D data need to be published on the Web for many different purposes (presenting museum collections, displaying virtual reconstruction of ancient sites, showing connections between artefacts of interest, etc.); moreover, 3D data are often paired by other multimedia information and, finally, solutions should be cheap and high-fidelity. The current approach for developing 3D graphics applications on the web is to employ WebGL, a graphics javascript API that is embedded in modern web browsers. WebGL was derived from the standard OpenGL graphics library and it has been recently adopted by all the major web browsers. Thanks to this, people that access a web site based on WebGL do not need to install any additional plugins or other applications to use the interactive 3D content of the web page. The main problem related with the use of WebGL is the substantial technical skills the developers should master (such as web design, Javascript programming and knowledge of Computer Graphics) in order to implement an application.
We present 3DHop (3D Heritage Online Presenter), an advance technological solution that allows people without high/mid level programming skills to be able to publish 3D content on the Web in several forms. This technology consists in a set of components and templates for the online visualization that have in common the characteristics to be easily modifiable with a minimal effort to obtain the desired final effect. This technology has been developed in the context of a few EU projects and it has been already used in Virtual Museums projects. 3DHop is now reaching its maturity and becomes a solid tool open to the Cultural Heritage community, reducing the learning curve and speeding up the implementation of virtual museums and of on-line interactive presentations.
From a technical point of view, 3DHop is based on SpiderGL, a support library built on top of WebGL and developed by CNR-ISTI. A brief overview of this library will also be given in the presentation.

Moradores de rua, vítimas da ditadura civil-militar brasileira, os que são violentados e esquecidos pelo Estado, os que habitam as margens do mundo, aqueles que “não contam”. Como contar sujeitos que não contam nem são contados? Os... more

Moradores de rua, vítimas da ditadura civil-militar brasileira, os que são violentados e esquecidos pelo Estado, os que habitam as margens do mundo, aqueles que “não contam”. Como contar sujeitos que não contam nem são contados? Os contamos um a um, singularmente no Museu das Memórias (𝘐𝘯)Possíveis - museu-intervenção construído sob a ética da psicanálise, na busca de fazer um comum, reconhecendo diferenças. O Museu das Memórias (𝘐𝘯)Possíveis é um museu virtual locado no ciberespaço com potência de levantar proposições às problemáticas atuais do campo museal. Lugares de memória por excelência, os museus têm papel fundamental na construção da memória coletiva, e nesse sentido, o aparecimento da “Nova Museologia” e a emergência dos museus de memória, contexto em que o Museu se insere, reflete parte do esforço de problematizar a “memória oficial” excludente e silenciadora. Esse museu é uma atividade do Instituto APPOA - Clínica, Intervenção e Pesquisa em Psicanálise da Associação Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre. O presente trabalho pretende ser um testemunho de como operamos nas possibilidades do impossível, trazendo testemunhos que intervêm no social e resgatando as memórias subterrâneas que simbolicamente foram descartadas.

Historia wirtualnego muzeum erotyzmu i jego transformacji w muzeum społecznościowe. Sposoby pozyskiwania treści, pełniących rolę eksponatów. Różnice między muzeum w mediach społecznościowych (marketing tradycyjny, zarządzanie mediami... more

Historia wirtualnego muzeum erotyzmu i jego transformacji w muzeum społecznościowe. Sposoby pozyskiwania treści, pełniących rolę eksponatów. Różnice między muzeum w mediach społecznościowych (marketing tradycyjny, zarządzanie mediami uprzedmiotawiające) i muzeum społecznościowym (marketing humanistyczny, zarządzanie mediami upodmiotawiające). Pozawirtualne aktywności muzeum erotyzmu.