Museum Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Absente des envois fondateurs de la circulaire Chaptal de 1801, il faut attendre 1839 pour que la ville de Metz se dote d’un musée. Il est alors créé sous l’impulsion des sociétés savantes locales et des artistes de l’École de Metz.... more

Absente des envois fondateurs de la circulaire Chaptal de 1801, il faut attendre 1839 pour que la ville de Metz se dote d’un musée. Il est alors créé sous l’impulsion des sociétés savantes locales et des artistes de l’École de Metz. Malgré un budget limité, le développement des collections et de l’institution suit un modèle traditionnel dans l’histoire des musées français jusqu’à la chute du Second Empire. Mais, entre 1871 et 1918 avec l’annexion de l’Alsace-Moselle au Reich allemand, l’établissement va connaître de profondes transformations dans un contexte politique inédit. Le musée profite des avancées de la science allemande, notamment dans le domaine de l’archéologie. Les Musées de Metz connaissent alors un premier âge d’or avec la construction de nouveaux bâtiments et un accroissement constant des collections archéologiques. L’établissement n’est plus seulement un musée des Beaux-arts mais aussi un important musée archéologique qui devient même un musée de site avec la découverte dans ses sous-sols des anciens thermes gallo-romains de Metz en 1932. Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le musée devient un outil de propagande au service de l’occupant et sert de centre de collecte aux objets spoliés par les nazis. Il faut attendre la nomination de Gérald Collot en 1957 pour que les Musées de Metz connaissent un nouvel âge d’or. De 1964 à 1980, ce conservateur, attentif aux projets de rénovation urbaine, intègre dans les collections du musée de multiples témoignages patrimoniaux qu’il réussit ainsi à sauvegarder. Étendant les collections, il transforme la présentation des œuvres des musées de La Cour d’Or et crée un des premiers musées d’architecture médiévale en Europe. Le lancement du programme de rénovation architecturale du musée a encouragé la rédaction de cet ouvrage où la période la plus récente est présente grâce à une série d’entretiens réalisés avec les personnalités liées à l’histoire du lieu ces quarante dernières années. Issu d’une fondation classique, les musées de Metz par de leur inscription dans un territoire marqué par l’Histoire et deux guerres mondiales sont un exemple peu ordinaire dans le paysage muséal français. Véritable institution transnationale ou les visions muséales française et allemande cohabitent, musée confronté à la création d’une annexe du Centre Pompidou, un ouvrage relatant l’histoire du musée mais également les enjeux politiques, culturels et sociaux à l’œuvre, s’avérait plus que nécessaire.

– Approaches to Museum Information Systems development focus mainly on the form of the product (collections metadata standards, digitisation standards for digitising visual or audio material, etc.), rather than on information systems... more

– Approaches to Museum Information Systems development focus mainly on the form of the product (collections metadata standards, digitisation standards for digitising visual or audio material, etc.), rather than on information systems analysis and design issues. Consequently, true understanding of the information development process is still missing. This paper advocates an enterprise knowledge management approach towards the development of museum information systems. It provides a structured framework, which incorporates different viewpoints that provide insights into the purpose of the system, its operational characteristics and its implication on the roles of the different actors inside and outside the organisation. We argue that such an approach can lead to a closer alignment between the organisational and informational aspects of a museum.

about Simon Janashia Museum of Georgia

Ведибіда Б.О. Інформаційно-методичний огляд Висвітлення історії політичних репресій і радянського тоталітаризму в експозиціях музеїв Західної України / Б. О. Ведибіда (автор-упорядник); Національний музей історії України. – К. : НМІУ,... more

Ведибіда Б.О. Інформаційно-методичний огляд Висвітлення історії політичних репресій і радянського тоталітаризму в експозиціях музеїв Західної України / Б. О. Ведибіда (автор-упорядник); Національний музей історії України. – К. : НМІУ, 2017. – 80 с.

The book was published in Prague in 1909 and is the inventory of exhibits in 12 halls of the museum assembled its director accompanies along with other 24 drawings and reproductions of a brief introduction about the history of the museum... more

The book was published in Prague in 1909 and is the inventory of exhibits in 12 halls of the museum assembled its director accompanies along with other 24 drawings and reproductions of a brief introduction about the history of the museum and its building.

The Changi story is synonymous with suffering, hardship, and the Australian prisoner-of-war experience in the Second World War. It is also one of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and survival. Combining prisoners’ cartoons, paintings,... more

The Changi story is synonymous with suffering, hardship, and the Australian prisoner-of-war experience in the Second World War. It is also one of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and survival. Combining prisoners’ cartoons, paintings, photographs, and essays, The Changi Book provides a unique view of life in the camp: medical innovation; machinery and tools made from spare parts and scrap; black markets; sports and gambling; entertainment; a library and university. Seventy years after its planned publication, material for The Changi book was rediscovered in the Australian War Memorial archives and appears here for the first time along with insights from the Memorial’s experts, providing unique historical insights into some of the stories and characters behind its rich Changi collection.

В статье описаны монетные фальсификаты прошлого, находящиеся в собрании фондов Музея истории Киева.

Çağdaş Müzecilik Anlayışı pazarlama, halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılığı kapsayan yeni alanlara vurgu yapar. Denilebilir ki, müzelerin bu yeni vasıfları, postmodern müzenin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Müzeyi milli ideoloji ve toplumsal... more

Çağdaş Müzecilik Anlayışı pazarlama, halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılığı kapsayan yeni alanlara vurgu yapar. Denilebilir ki, müzelerin bu yeni vasıfları, postmodern müzenin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Müzeyi milli ideoloji ve toplumsal hafızanın gelecek kuşaklara aktarıldığı, kutsal ve muhafazakâr mekân olarak tanımlayan modern müzecilik anlayışının tam tersini simgeler postmodern müzecilik. Öte yandan, bu yeni görünüm, 21. yüzyıl tüketim toplumunun müzelere yansıması olarak da değerlendirilebilir.

"It’s 2020 and it’s time to face it, neutrality does not exist in museums. What is shown and programmed in museums is the result of choices. Through their offer, museums reflect on past, present and future and therefore give meaning to... more

"It’s 2020 and it’s time to face it, neutrality does not exist in museums. What is shown and programmed in museums is the result of choices. Through their offer, museums reflect on past, present and future and therefore give meaning to the society they operate in. In a post-colonial era where organizations are to be held responsible to the communities they serve, how can we make room for the previously unheard, yet equally important voices? How can museums truly become more participatory, representative and inclusive and move over to concrete actions?"

Hallel. Carmel. Bezalel The Exhibitions: Halel. Carmel Winery 'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel School These two exhibitions: "Halel. Carmel Winery" and "'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel... more

With more and more tourists eager to visit the new South Africa, a responsible and responsive heritage policy was seen as an urgent national priority. Amareswar Galla, director of the Australian Centre for Cultural Diversity Research and... more

With more and more tourists eager to visit the new South Africa, a responsible and responsive heritage policy was seen as an urgent national priority. Amareswar Galla, director of the Australian Centre for Cultural Diversity Research and Development at the University of Canberra, was invited to serve as visiting professor during 1997 at the University of South Africa and to work as a specialist adviser, researcher and facilitator for the drafting of the Tshwane Declaration. His efforts earned him the inaugural presidential award for outstanding service for transformation planning and training granted by the South African Museums Association. He is the founder of a national programme for interdisciplinary and holistic studies in heritage management in Australia and a director of the country’s Board of Special Broadcasting Service as well as general secretary of the Asia Pacific Organization of ICOM and chairperson of ICOM’s Cross-cultural Taskforce.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of museum websites content in the promotion of cultural heritage of a tourist destination and their significance in attracting new visitors. It has been assumed that the websites content... more

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of museum websites content in the promotion of cultural heritage of a tourist destination and their significance in attracting new visitors. It has been assumed that the websites content has influence on the intended behavior of persons who visit them, on their wish to revisit the museum websites and to recommend them to their friends, as well as on the probability of the physical visit to the museum. In order to fulfill the purpose of this paper, the method of content analysis and the survey method have been used. By applying the content analysis method the museum websites presenting the cultural heritage of the region Istria have been analyzed. By the survey method it has been established that the museum websites with richer content influence positively the intention of revisiting the website, the individual visit to the museum and the recommending of the museum website to friends and family. The contribution of this paper is seen in proving the importance of implementing web marketing in the museum practice in order to present the cultural heritage of a tourist destination and in order to attract visitors.

Los museos han venido implementando tecnologías vanguardistas con el fn de crear entornos interactivos que atraigan más visitantes y que los conviertan en sujetos más activos en la transferencia de conocimiento. Debido a esto, los museos... more

Los museos han venido implementando tecnologías vanguardistas con el fn de crear entornos interactivos que atraigan más visitantes y que los conviertan en sujetos más activos en la transferencia de conocimiento. Debido a esto, los museos tradicionales están evolucionando hacia espacios educativos y turísticos mediante nuevas estrategias pedagógicas que permitan una mayor interacción entre la oferta cultural de estas instituciones con la ciudadanía. El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un diagnóstico sobre la evolución y las tendencias de investigación de la interactividad de los museos a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ―TIC―. El diseño metodológico consistió en la utilización de indicadores bibliométricos para identifcar las tendencias y evolución del campo de conocimiento en la temática de interactividad de los museos a través de nuevas tecnologías; para esto se realizó un análisis dividido en dos etapas: obtención de información (base de datos y ecuación de búsqueda) y obtención de indicadores bibliométricos (cantidad, calidad y estructura). Se analizaron un total de 771 publicaciones obtenidas de Scopus entre 1905-2017. Entre los principales resultados se observa que existe una tendencia creciente en la producción científca sobre la temática centrada principalmente en investigaciones sobre tecnologías vanguardistas tales como tecnología holográfca, realidad aumentada e interacción humano-robot, que hacen de los museos espacios más interactivos en la transferencia de conocimiento. Asimismo, se puede concluir que gracias al creciente uso y avance de las TIC, ha sido más fácil la implementación de estas tecnologías dentro de los museos; las cuales han favorecido la construcción de entornos más reales y han aumentado el número de visitantes en estas instituciones culturales.

The image is a medium of representation, not only for transferring information, but also for the reproduction of knowledge. Each step of this reproduction process, which can also be considered as a form of design, has an act and meaning... more

The image is a medium of representation, not only for transferring information, but also for the reproduction of knowledge. Each step of this reproduction process, which can also be considered as a form of design, has an act and meaning in the context of understanding and interacting with the world. The normative position of the architectural image, as a design act, also has a subjective characteristic that enables the audience to empathize with and experience the aesthetic perception of the designer. From this point, the paper focuses on the reproduction of the architectural image through the evolution of the museum and the aesthetic experience within the example of SANAA’s Louvre-Lens Museum. The built example in question indicates a new thinking and presents a new approach for the interrelation of the audience, work of art, and the designed space. As a designed and built architectural image itself, the museum building reproduces a new aesthetic experience, furthermore a new image, with the involvement of new audience.

Kotlomanov A.O. Twilight Biennale: Russian art life as if it mattered. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2018, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 320–324. (In Russian) Котломанов А.О. Сумерки биеннале: российская художественная жизнь, как если бы она имела значение... more

Kotlomanov A.O. Twilight Biennale: Russian art life as if it mattered. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2018, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 320–324. (In Russian)
Котломанов А.О. Сумерки биеннале: российская художественная жизнь, как если бы она имела значение // Вестник СПбГУ. Искусствоведение. 2018. Т. 8. Вып. 2. С. 320–324.

"Conservation is about the way the artwork can be perceived and not only about how it is presented.”—Sanneke Stigter The conservation of conceptual art is a true challenge for institutions. This is an interview with Dutch Sanneke Stigter... more

This little guidebook treats about the construction and decoration of the Parque Florido Palace (1904-1908), one of the most sumptuous mansions of Madrid, residence of the publisher, financier, bibliophile and collector of art José Lázaro... more

This little guidebook treats about the construction and decoration of the Parque Florido Palace (1904-1908), one of the most sumptuous mansions of Madrid, residence of the publisher, financier, bibliophile and collector of art José Lázaro y Galdiano (1862-1947) and headquarters of the museum that takes his name.