Parental Behavior Research Papers - (original) (raw)

PA is here defined as the deliberate/unconscious manipulation by an Aligned (alienating) Parent, of their child/children’s feelings/beliefs with regard to the Target Parent. Here we will examine the history and development, whether it... more

PA is here defined as the deliberate/unconscious manipulation by an Aligned (alienating) Parent, of their child/children’s feelings/beliefs with regard to the Target Parent. Here we will examine the history and development, whether it can be classed as a syndrome, other issues and research, and look at some of the available data from medical and legal professionals.

It is well established that once birds have laid their eggs they sometimes incubate non-egg objects. However, reports of birds incubating solely non-egg objects (without prior manipulation by researchers) are rare. Here we report on our... more

It is well established that once birds have laid their eggs they sometimes incubate non-egg objects. However, reports of birds incubating solely non-egg objects (without prior manipulation by researchers) are rare. Here we report on our observation of a Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus incubating a clutch composed entirely of mammalian bones. To our knowledge, this is the first report on (a) incubation of foreign objects in Scolopacidae, (b) incubation of a ‘clutch’ composed entirely of bones, and (c) incubation of foreign objects in a nest atypical for this species in both construction and nest habitat. We discuss possible explanations for this presumably maladaptive behaviour.

This study investigated parental socioeconomic status and management of sickle cell anaemia in Kano State, Nigeria through an observational cross-sectional research design. The population of the study consisted of all parents (Mothers) of... more

This study investigated parental socioeconomic status and management of sickle cell anaemia in Kano State, Nigeria through an observational cross-sectional research design. The population of the study consisted of all parents (Mothers) of sickle cell anaemia patients attending Murtala Mohammad Specialist Hospital from which a sample of 380was drawn through purposive sampling technique. However, only 375 were returned duly completed and used for data analysis. The instrument used was a researcher-developed questionnaire named parental socioeconomic status and management of sickle cell anaemia in Kano State, Nigeria. The instrument was validated and standardized with are liability of 0.89 through test-retest method. Descriptive statistics of frequencies, percentages, and Chi-square tests were used to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that high parental socioeconomic status significantly influenced1) the management of acute pain of sickle cell anaemia (p-value 0.001);2) the management of chronic pain (p-value 0.001);3) the management of neuropathic pain (p-value 0.001) of sickle cell anemia patients as compared to low SES. It was recommended therefore that government should improve public policies that would provide sickle cell disease patients with

The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of parenting and parent-child activities in American families with children aged 0-16 after social distance measures were put in place. Through an online questionnaire, we examined the... more

The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of parenting and parent-child activities in American families with children aged 0-16 after social distance measures were put in place. Through an online questionnaire, we examined the extent to which parental role, age, education, and perceptions of work productivity impacted parent perceptions of six parenting categories (positive parenting, inconsistent discipline, positive relationships, positive emotions, self-efficacy, and routine management) during the initial months of the pandemic. We also examined children's participation in extracurricular activities, before and after measures of social distancing were implemented. Perceptions of parenting did not differ based on parental roles, education and age, but work productivity had an impact on parents' perceptions of their own feelings and emotions. Parents who described themselves as highly productive reported higher scores for positive emotions, suggesting a link between work and parental wellbeing. A discrepancy was found between the activities that parents liked and disliked doing with their children, with homework and academic activities being the least liked of all. Children's participation in extracurricular activities was also significantly reduced after social distancing was mandated, with arts activities (music in particular) suffering the least amount of reduction. Findings are discussed considering earlier studies on parenting during COVID-19 and concerted cultivation. Implications for future parenting research are outlined.

RESUMO Apesar de estudos apontarem a associação entre problemas internalizantes e variáveis familiares, predo-minam as intervenções focadas na criança ou no adolescente. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e descrever... more

RESUMO Apesar de estudos apontarem a associação entre problemas internalizantes e variáveis familiares, predo-minam as intervenções focadas na criança ou no adolescente. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e descrever características de programas de intervenção para problemas internalizantes na infância ou adoles-cência, que incluem os pais, descritos em pesquisas aplicadas. Diferentes palavras-chave foram combinadas no mecanismo de busca do portal da Capes. A partir do levantamento foram encontrados cinco estudos internacionais de intervenção, os quais foram avaliados na íntegra e descritos quanto ao delineamento, par-ticipantes, conteúdo, características das intervenções, resultados e follow-up. A eficácia das intervenções parentais foi discutida quanto à consistência dos procedimentos de intervenção com os fatores de risco e proteção descritos pela literatura da área. ABSTRACT Despite the association between internalizing problems and family variables, interventions that focused exclusively on children and adolescents domains still predominate. This study aimed to identify and describe Volume XIX no 2, 138-159 139 characteristics of intervention programs for internalizing problems which include children, adolescents and parents. Different keywords were combined in the CAPES search website. There were found five international intervention studies, which were assessed entirely and described on the design, participants, content and characteristics of interventions, outcomes, and follow-up. The effectiveness of parent interventions was discussed according to the consistency of the procedures content with risk and protective factors described in the literature. RESUMEN A pesar de la asociación entre problemas internalizantes y las variables familiares predominan las in-tervenciones centradas en los niños y adolescentes. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo identificar y describir características de programas de intervención para problemas internalizantes en la niñez o adolescencia, descritos en investigaciones aplicadas, que incluyan a los padres. Diferentes palabras clave se combinaron en el motor de búsqueda del portal de CAPES. La busca encontró cinco estudios de intervención inter-nacionales, los cuales fueron evaluados en su totalidad y que fueron descritos en el diseño, participantes, contenido, características de las intervenciones, los resultados y el seguimiento. La eficacia de las interven

"Falar de alienação parental é falar de família e seus conflitos ou de formas especialmente desvaliosas de exercício da parentalidade – mormente conhecida como parentalidade tóxica ou maligna. É entrar no mundo dos afetos, da intimidade,... more

"Falar de alienação parental é falar de família e seus conflitos ou de formas especialmente desvaliosas de exercício da parentalidade – mormente conhecida como parentalidade tóxica ou maligna.
É entrar no mundo dos afetos, da intimidade, da casa e família de cada um de nós sem pedir licença. Mas necessário, porque incumbe ao Estado de Direito democrático zelar pela instituição familiar e pela tutela integral da infância e juventude.
Porque na sociedade contemporânea a criança não representa mais um negócio ou força de trabalho, sendo reconhecida, não como objeto de direito – mas como sujeito de direito. Merecendo a proteção integral do seu superior interesse, o qual é plástico o suficiente para abarcar todas as realidades e necessidades que contribuam para o saudável, harmonioso e pleno desenvolvimento da personalidade da criança e adolescente.
Pelo que, a alienação parental enquanto conduta de bloqueio e rompimento dos laços familiares e afetivos da criança, envolta numa dinâmica de poder e aparências, é, sem dúvida, uma grave violação dos direitos fundamentais da criança e da família, constitucionalmente consagrados – o direito à convivência familiar.
Pois que é, pela convivência familiar que a criança estabelece laços, relacionamentos, vinculação afectiva segura (positiva ou negativa), se desenvolve, cria as suas raízes e historicidade.
Este trabalho de reflexão profunda sobre a interface e impacto das condutas de alienação parental no direito à convivência familiar é feito de modo muito valioso pela Dra. Juliana Rodrigues de Souza. Apresenta uma reflexão e investigação cuidada e séria acerca do direito e valor da convivência familiar, enquanto direito fundamental e enquanto função social da família, cabendo aos genitores promover activamente amplas oportunidades de convívio da criança com o não residente – sendo que a tutela da responsabilidade parental deve ser conjunta, porque parentalidade é, sobretudo co-responsabilidade e, superior interesse da criança é um exercício co-parental, funcional e altruísta no interesse da criança. Os genitores que não forem capazes de agir desse modo em benefício dos filhos e mesmo que contra as suas mágoas, têm de repensar as suas posições parentais. E, quando não forem capazes de o fazer, cabe às Varas da Infância e Juventude salvaguardar a tutela integral da infância e juventude e promover amplamente a convivência familiar da criança com ambos os genitores e família alargada, encontrando meios e mecanismos de a fazer cumprir e funcionar.
A obra da Dra. Juliana Rodrigues de Souza é fundamental para conscientizar a comunidade jurídica para a necessidade de mudança de paradigma. A lei já existe, o seu cumprimento depende de mudanças da actuação judiciária – investindo em formação e especialização, rompendo dogmas e abrindo a mente e o coração para esta área – família e criança – que é tão sensível e, mais do que saber direito, impõe a necessidade de saber pluridisciplinar, consciência e humanidade – porque quem lida com família, lida com emoções.
Desejo a todos uma boa leitura, porque, indubitavelmente, a Dra. Juliana é uma profissional empenhada e comprometida com a causa e com o trabalho. Nada é fácil, mas também nada é impossível. Está nas mãos de cada família adequar o seu comportamento e refletir. Está nas mãos de cada profissional e operador do direito atuar de harmonia com a legislação, de forma empenhada e célere – porque o tempo da criança não é o tempo dos adultos". Sandra Inês Feitor

The current study presents a preliminary evaluation of a Spanish adaptation of an implicit analog procedure, the Parent–child Aggression Acceptability Movie task (Spanish Parent-CAAM). Based on Social Information Processing theory ,... more

The current study presents a preliminary evaluation of a Spanish adaptation of an implicit analog procedure, the Parent–child Aggression Acceptability Movie task (Spanish Parent-CAAM). Based on Social Information Processing theory , Spanish Parent-CAAM scores were expected to relate to self-reported PCA attitudes, negative child attributions, and child abuse risk in Spanish students; 245 undergraduates in Spain completed the Spanish Parent-CAAM along with self-report measures of PCA attitudes, negative children attribu-tions, inclination to punish misbehavior, and child abuse risk. Findings indicate Spanish Parent-CAAM scores were significantly related to explicit measures of PCA, attributions of intentional child misbehavior, propensity to punish such mis-behavior, and increased child abuse potential. Results are considered within the cultural context of Spain's corporal punishment ban and PCA attitudes.

Abstract The rate of loneliness, anxiety, depression, emotional distress, distrust in relationships among adolescents and their implications for student',' academic performance, relationship with teachers and peers, personality, choice... more

The rate of loneliness, anxiety, depression, emotional distress, distrust in relationships among adolescents and their implications for student',' academic performance, relationship with teachers and peers, personality, choice of career, emotional development and preparation for life have been traced to variations in adolescents' emotional security. The foregoing has inspired investigation into inter-parental conflict and parent-child relationship as determinants of emotional security of school-going adolescents in Ibadan South-West Local Government Area of Oyo State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto type, with a sample of 248 adolescents (between the ages of 13 and 19 years) randomly selected from junior secondary schools in Oyo State. Three measuring scales (Inter-parental conflict scale; r = 0.78, Parent-child relationship scale; r = 0.73 Emotional security scale = 0.76) were used in collecting data. Pearson's product moment correlation and multiple linear regression were used in testing three research questions at 0.05 level of significance. The result indicated that inter-parental conflict (r = -.821, P<0.01) and parent-child relationship (r =.885, P<0.01) significantly correlated with adolescents' emotional security. The regression analysis confirmed that the independent variables jointly accounted for 81.6% variance in the prediction of adolescents' emotional security. Parent-child relationship (Beta = .636, t= 14.883, P<0.01) was found to be the strongest predictor of adolescents' emotional security, followed by inter-parental conflict (Beta = .636, t= 14.883, P<0.01). By implication, reduction in inter-parental conflict will improve adolescents' emotional security, while a unit change in parent-child relationship will increase the likelihood for an improved adolescents' emotional security. It was recommended that parents should not discuss their grievances or exchange words in the presence of their children because of its effects on their emotional development. They were also enjoined not to transfer aggression to their children. School counsellors were enjoined to help adolescents develop emotional regulatory ski/Is to adjust unpleasant situations or events in life. Key words: Adolescent, Emotional security, Inter-parental conflict and Parent-child relationship

The children are growing up amid an abundance of digital media devices within current households. Both parents and children in the family tend to spend considerable time with these devices like television, computer, smartphone and... more

The children are growing up amid an abundance of digital media devices within current households. Both parents and children in the family tend to spend considerable time with these devices like television, computer, smartphone and touchscreen tablets. Young children are prone to follow their parents, and observe, imitate and learn from their actions. To examine the various merits of domestic usage of digital media gadgets at the household, the study quantitatively analysed data of 87 parents from Thailand and Bangladesh and examined the relationship between its usage by both parents and their children. Inferring from existing research on this trendy issue, the authors attempted to bring-in a limited non-western context of this global phenomenon and the possible relationship within related concepts. The study explained the issue using Bandura's social cognitive theory and Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. The study found strong statistically significant relationship between child's media screen-time and parent's extent of media screen-time and child's age-group. It also finds weak association between child's use of media, parent's attitude and parent's nationality. The findings of this study remain as useful inputs to greater interpretation of the positive aspects of media-use by children and can influence the technology designers and practitioners to offer meaningful and safe products that is able to make positive contributions to child's learning and aid in effective parenting. The study also recommends further research on related and cross-cutting issues on the domestic use of digital media devices.

Drawing from a corpus of naturally occurring parent–child interactions, this paper documents a common verbal practice used by US dual-earner parents to issue an early inquiry into children’s homework. This practice is analyzed as a first... more

Drawing from a corpus of naturally occurring parent–child interactions, this paper documents a common verbal practice used by US dual-earner parents to issue an early inquiry into children’s homework. This practice is analyzed as a first discursive move to get homework accomplished. The analysis of this practice shows that parents’ topicalizations of homework most often occur early in the afternoon and function to gauge the amount of homework that needs to be done and then allow the parent to initiate a sequence that plans for the doing of the homework into the rest of the day’s activities. This practice starts a sequence of talk that illustrates the often difficult path that parents negotiate between retaining parent control and responsibility for the completion of homework, and socializing child autonomy. I also argue that this verbal practice is an indication of the degree to which parents orient to homework as an organizer of family activity on afternoons. Finally, this practice has implications for documenting the ways in which directives are not isolated utterances, but can in parent–child interaction be situated within a larger sequence of sequences in order to initiate activity.

Manejo de casos de Vara de Família com a inclusão de Acompanhantes Terapêuticos.

Primero que nada hablare de la importancia de esta aplicación en la vida de los padres, debo decir que hoy en dia el 80% de la población esta metida en alguna red social, Facebook, whatsapp, twitter etc , es pan de todos los días ver a... more

Primero que nada hablare de la importancia de esta aplicación en la vida de los padres, debo decir que hoy en dia el 80% de la población esta metida en alguna red social, Facebook, whatsapp, twitter etc , es pan de todos los días ver a nuestros hijos chatear con sus amigos por estos medios. La pregunta es ,como poder controlar con quienes nuestros hijos chatean, o que es lo que están viendo por internet?, pensé que este problema no tenia solución, como poder espiar en el celular de tu hijo? Entre tanta propaganda falsa que encontré por internet ,llegue a dar con una pagina que me ofrecia seguridad para poder comprar un programa para espiar whatsapp, Facebook etc…. , yo dudaba mucho en comprar estos programas porque no sabia como podía instalarlos, soy una mama a la antigua, lo mio no es la tecnología en lo absoluto…. , pero en la pagina habían muchos tutoriales y lo mejor es que te ofrecen ayuda para poder instalarlo, el programa que yo escogi fue Flexispy, porque escogi este programa espia? Porque tiene 125 funciones para poder espiar absolutamente todo lo que se hace en el celular, de todas estas funciones, las que a mi me sirvieron fueron:-­‐ Espia llamadas-­‐ Espia mensajes de texto-­‐ Espia whatsapp-­‐ Espia mails Pero entre estas características que me parecieron super importantes , estaba una que me dejo super tranquila y es la de rastrear celulares, es la aplicación perfecta para saber donde mi hijo se encontraba ,y si era verdad cuando me decía " mami voy con mis amigos a jugar básquet " , Esta aplicación me da el lugar exacto donde esta mi hijo, me lo señala en un mapa (google maps si no me equivoco) me da el dia y la hora exacta! , que mas podía pedir… Se que muchas personas deben estar en mi situación , de no saber como controlar a tus hijos , les recomiendo que instalen flexispy , es muy fácil de instalar ,les voy a dejar un link donde me ensenaron a instalarlo y también el link de la pagina donde me lo descargue…

This study tested a parent empowerment framework using a national sample of 9,982 parents from the Parent and Family Involvement Survey (National Center for Education Statistics, 2007) to investigate relationships between parent... more

This study tested a parent empowerment framework using a national sample of 9,982 parents from the Parent and Family Involvement Survey (National Center for Education Statistics, 2007) to investigate relationships between parent empowerment and children’s academic performance. A multinomial logistic regression demonstrated significant relationships between parents’ competence, self-determination, community belonging, community participation, and academic performance, which differentiate among parents based on racial/ethnic, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Findings highlight the importance of parent empowerment interventions that consider structural barriers in schools.

In this article, the author argues that effective parenting practices could prove to be an effective intervention strategy for bringing fast and consistent social, economic and political development of Dalit communities. By imparting... more

In this article, the author argues that effective parenting practices could prove to be an effective intervention strategy for bringing fast and consistent social, economic and political development of Dalit communities. By imparting values and practices of positive parenting, government can achieve its goal of social, political and economic inclusion of Dalit in the main stream of society.

The purpose of the proposed study is to discover and understand how noncustodial Austrian fathers describe and experience the effects of either parental alienation or parental alienation syndrome (PAS). The investigation will include a... more

The purpose of the proposed study is to discover and understand how noncustodial Austrian fathers describe and experience the effects of either parental alienation or parental alienation syndrome (PAS). The investigation will include a minimum of 150 Austrian men who have experienced alienative behavior from their former partners concerning their children. The present day status of the surveyed fathers will be evaluated in this ethnography.

Presentation: The primary objective of the Deaf Role models film was: to raise awareness among parents and the local community about the rewards of investing in the education of a deaf child. Research focussed on the effect of the film... more

The primary objective of the Deaf Role models film was: to raise awareness among parents and the local community about the rewards of investing in the education of a deaf child. Research focussed on the effect of the film on parents in Kenya, Zambia and Uganda.
Results of the two studies showed that the film is an effective medium in creating awareness among parents. It works as an eye-opener towards the need of investing in their deaf child's education and in taking career aspirations of deaf children seriously.

Although it is generally assumed that support for democratic values and beliefs develops as a result of social learning, the concrete socializing circumstances through which this occurs are less obvious. This study investigated the... more

Although it is generally assumed that support for democratic values and beliefs develops as a result of social learning, the concrete socializing circumstances through which this occurs are less obvious. This study investigated the relationship between democratic family functioning and democratic values of adolescents. Adolescents' (N ¼ 1,341, 16-to 17-year-olds) reports on their parents' psychological control, autonomy granting, warmth, and behavioural control were considered predictors of adolescents' democratic orientation. The results demonstrated that the democratic functioning of families was positively related to adolescents' support for democratic values when controlling for the effects of gender, political experience, authoritarianism, empathy, and political activism. Additionally, this study examined the possible role of empathy as a mediator in the relation between democratic family functioning and adolescent's democratic values. The results show that empathy was a partial mediator of a family's contribution to adolescents' democratic orientation.

This paper is concerned with the social ills of bullying and cyberbullying that might lead to suicide especially when adolescents are involved. First, I explain the two concepts. It is noted that people with monoamine oxidase-A (MAOA)... more

This paper is concerned with the social ills of bullying and cyberbullying that might lead to suicide especially when adolescents are involved. First, I explain the two concepts. It is noted that people with monoamine oxidase-A (MAOA) have propensity to antisocial behaviour, and that they cannot relieve themselves of responsibility for their conduct. We all need to think of the consequences of our actions, and we need to ensure that Internet abusers are held accountable for their wrongdoing. It is argued that parental responsibility is paramount. Parents, and society at large, need to exhibit zero tolerance to bullying and cyberbullying. Parents need to take active steps to tackle both phenomena and, in this context, healthy communication with children and other stakeholders are keys for success. Disregard for consequences of both activity and inactivity when facing all forms of bullying is immoral.

Parenting is a journey, a process and not an event. We are born and bred differently but unified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Regardless of their societal status, children are important and they are the dearest ones of God. Children are... more

Parenting is a journey, a process and not an event. We are born and bred differently but unified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Regardless of their societal status, children are important and they are the dearest ones of God. Children are a gift from God and they belong to Him. Parents have a role to nature children, it is your duty as a parent to teach children lifestyles, upkeep and humanity (Ubuntu/hunhu). Male and female children should grow up knowing who they are in Christ Jesus. Their roles and duties should be clear from childhood so that they won’t confuse worldly standards and Godly standards. Hence I Peter 5 verse 2 (AMP) says “Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility]….” The only way to ingrain these values in our children is through equipping their first teachers and mentors, and that is the parents. Like in any profession, parents need to be trained constantly to take care of the children.

This study examines extant scholarly knowledge on parental acceptance of young lesbian and gay people in traditional heteronormative families. Recent literature shows that parents generally accept their lesbian and gay children. However,... more

This study examines extant scholarly knowledge on parental acceptance of young lesbian and gay people in traditional heteronormative families. Recent literature shows that parents generally accept their lesbian and gay children. However, parents do not always accept them immediately after they come out. Acceptance takes time, and transitioning to acceptance is often a complex process that depends on parents’ access to the necessary resources for coping with the stresses of knowing that their child identifies as lesbian or gay. These resources include counseling or therapy, supportive friends and extended family, and a network of other parents with lesbian and gay children. This study also highlights the need for further research on parental acceptance in non-traditional families and of children with other non-heterosexual identities, such as asexuality, gray ace, bisexuality, or pansexuality. It also calls for an exploration of the complexities of parental acceptance as an ongoing process rather than as a singular event.

Σε κάθε της μορφή η βία αποτελεί φαινόμενο κατακριτέο, για την εξάλειψη του οποίου έχουν ήδη αρχίσει πια να μεριμνούν σχετικές νομοθετικές διατάξεις. Αναφορικά με το παιδί τα πράγματα γίνονται περισσότερο περίπλοκα καθώς το ευάλωτο της... more

Σε κάθε της μορφή η βία αποτελεί φαινόμενο κατακριτέο, για την εξάλειψη του οποίου έχουν ήδη αρχίσει πια να μεριμνούν σχετικές νομοθετικές διατάξεις. Αναφορικά με το παιδί τα πράγματα γίνονται περισσότερο περίπλοκα καθώς το ευάλωτο της ηλικίας του και η υπό διαμόρφωση προσωπικότητά του καθιστούν τις εγχαράξεις της επαφής του με τη βία βαθύτερες και δραστικότερες σε κάθε επίπεδο λειτουργίας και ανάπτυξής του. Ανάμεσα σε μια πληθώρα ειδών βίας και πηγών μέσω των οποίων το παιδί «γνωρίζει» τη βία κυρίαρχη θέση κατέχουν τα Μέσα Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας στο σύνολό τους και το ιδιαίτερα συχνά σκληρό περιεχόμενό τους. Η συχνότητα επαφής με τα Μ.Μ.Ε., η αναγωγή τους σε έναν από τους πρώτιστους φορείς κοινωνικοποίησης και η βιαιότητα που παρελαύνει στο πλαίσιο των προγραμμάτων τους έχουν δώσει ώθηση στη διεξαγωγή πειραμάτων και ερευνών με σκοπό τη διερεύνηση των αποτελεσμάτων του δίπολου τηλεοπτική βία και παιδί. Παρά το μεγάλο εύρος των παραμέτρων που διαμεσολαβούν στην επίδραση της παραπάνω σχέσης, μελετητές και έρευνες συγκλίνουν στο ότι εκτεταμένη έκθεση του παιδιού στη μιντιακή βία ενεργοποιεί μαθησιακές διαδικασίες επιθετικής συμπεριφοράς, εκλύει έναν διάχυτο φόβο για τον περιβάλλοντα κόσμο, εξοικειώνει και απευαισθητοποιεί. Αντιρροπιστική δράση καλούνται να αναλάβουν οι γονείς αποτελώντας υγιή πρότυπα για τα παιδιά τους, οριοθετώντας τα και βοηθώντας τα να επεξεργαστούν κατάλληλα τα μηνύματα που λαμβάνουν.

Media technology—from mass media to social media and from video gaming to computer-mediated communication—plays an increasingly central role in people’s lives. Due to exponential increases in computing power, people now carry incredibly... more

Media technology—from mass media to social media and from video gaming to computer-mediated communication—plays an increasingly central role in people’s lives. Due to exponential increases in computing power, people now carry incredibly powerful computers—their smartphones—everywhere they go. This ever-greater access to media technology is generating an ever-greater conflict between media activities and the unmediated activities critical for psychological well-being—from our face-to-face conversations and family time to our down time and work lives. What are the costs and benefits of people’s modern media technology use for psychological well-being? Using a complementarity-interference (CI) framework, I review research to illuminate key psychological processes (i.e., mediators) and conditions (i.e., moderators) of the relationship between media technology and psychological well-being. Based on the existing evidence, I propose an initial theoretical CI model of the effects of media technology on psychological well-being. I use this CI model to outline important directions for future research, providing guidelines for an integrated, theoretically informed research on media technology.

Absent parents may affect the development of a child but what about toxic parents? This article is my humble opinion about this matter & a take of a difficult childhood some of my friends had to endure as they are growing up, resulting in... more

Absent parents may affect the development of a child but what about toxic parents? This article is my humble opinion about this matter & a take of a difficult childhood some of my friends had to endure as they are growing up, resulting in the need for strong emotional support from friends & their significant other.

This study examines the influence of socioeconomic status of parents on academic performance of their children among selected senior secondary schools in Taraba state, Nigeria. The study utilizes primary data which is collected through... more

This study examines the influence of socioeconomic status of parents on academic performance of their children among selected senior secondary schools in Taraba state, Nigeria. The study utilizes primary data which is collected through questionnaire administration among the sampled secondary schools. Simple percentage and tabulation are employed to analysed the collected data. Among others, findings indicate that socioeconomic status of parents influence the academic performance of their children in senior secondary schools. The study recommends that government should endeavor to popularize the idea of participatory management and funding of secondary education. This will reduce the level of inequality in education between the rich parents (those with high socioeconomic status) and poor parents with lower status. Also, since parent's educational qualifications do not influence academic performance of their children (to an extent), there is need for more vocational and technical education centers to be established across Jalingo local government with the view to reducing the effect of peer group influence or negativity associated with divorced/separated families.

The overarching hypothesis is that a mother's education level when moderated by style of upbringing does impact their child's educational achievements. Existing research has mainly focused on the role of race and socioeconomic factors in... more

The overarching hypothesis is that a mother's education level when moderated by style of upbringing does impact their child's educational achievements. Existing research has mainly focused on the role of race and socioeconomic factors in society in general but fails to consider what happens within the household itself. Using the National Longitudinal Survey for the years 1997 to 2015 dataset (NLSY13), we analyzed the effects of the mother's education level on the child's education level. With help from the control variables of race, gender, and income; as well as the moderators of mother's strictness and supportiveness; we were able to conclude both from bivariate and multivariate models that a mother's highest grade level positively impacts the education level of their child, or the respondent of this survey. We additionally supported the general idea that the education of parents is the strongest predictor in a child's academic success, stronger than the variables we controlled for in the multivariate regression models. In order to further improve both the mother and child's educational achievements, policy initiatives should be in place to encourage female empowerment, gender equality, and access to education for women, so that they can create motivation in their children to find educational success.

Paremiographers and Paremiologists (those devoted to the study of proverbs) alike have long recognised that these traditional bits of wisdom play a major role in everyday oral and written communication; in particularly the role of... more

Paremiographers and Paremiologists (those devoted to the study of proverbs) alike have long recognised that these traditional bits of wisdom play a major role in everyday oral and written communication; in particularly the role of proverbs (Mieder 1997: 3). African proverbs alike have not only been developed and used within the continent; but also have been used within the black diaspora within their oral culture, that is replete with proverbs, verbal arts, storytelling, riddles, and songs (Wekker 2006: 111). Whilst scholarship has focused heavily on the definition and domestic influence that African traditional wisdoms, folklore and myth play within the historical livelihood of those within the African Continent (Fayemi 2009), (Boateng 1983), (Okpaku 1986), (Borland 1969), (Wa Ngugi 2009), and (Mpungose 2010); there has been lacklustre research into the role traditional wisdom plays in the lives of deemed African communities within the diaspora. Due to the lack of scholarship in this area; this study aims to be an introductory analysis rather than specialised study into the role proverbs play within diaspora African communities; in what ways, how and why traditional wisdom (mainly through the embodiment of Proverbs) are relevant and useful in the lives of the examined. The study will start on the assumption proverbs are morally useful hence their constant reference to in given situations (Dundes 1964), (Mpungose 2010), (Stevenson 1973), (Mugane 2003) and Akproabaro and Emovon (1994: 3). Stemming from a single case analysis of residents of a given community from one given black neighbourhoods either within South-East London, UK or Lille/Lyon in France; Participant observation and ethnographic unstructured and semi-structured interview methods will be used mainly with adults and teenagers and the role they play within personal and ethical development. Whether as a means for appreciating origin, affiliating with cultural wisdom, moral constructions or parental guidance; this paper plans to introduce, expand on and illustrate on the roles traditional wisdom plays within personal ethics and moral wellbeing.

est l'état dans lequel se trouve la femme pendant la période de grossesse, durant l'accouchement et les suites. Cet état concerne de fait le lien de parenté. La maternité est la reconnaissance sociale et légale du lien de parenté entre... more

est l'état dans lequel se trouve la femme pendant la période de grossesse, durant l'accouchement et les suites. Cet état concerne de fait le lien de parenté. La maternité est la reconnaissance sociale et légale du lien de parenté entre une mère et son enfant. La paternité est la reconnaissance sociale du lien de parenté entre un père et un enfant. Childfree (ou sans enfant par choix) : « Sans enfant par choix » (en anglais : childfree) est un terme utilisé pour décrire les personnes qui choisissent de ne pas avoir d'enfants. Ce mouvement, né aux États-Unis, en a débordé les frontières pour gagner principalement les pays développés. Il suscite nombre de controverses. Maternité Nom féminin (Latin médiéval maternitas,-atis) État, qualité de mère : Les joies de la maternité. Fait de mettre un enfant au monde. Établissement ou service hospitalier où s'effectuent les accouchements. Lien de droit entre une mère et son enfant. OEuvre d'art représentant une mère portant son enfant, ou avec son enfant. Paternité nom féminin (bas latin paternitas,-atis) État, qualité, sentiments de père. Qualité d'auteur, de créateur de quelque chose : Revendiquer la paternité d'un livre. Lien juridique entre le père et son enfant. « La parentalité est un néologisme1 datant de la fin du xxe siècle, issu de la sphère médico-psycho-sociale, pour définir la parenté, la fonction d'être parent dans ses aspects juridiques, politiques, socio-économiques, culturels et institutionnels. » Etant soucieuse de respecter la démarche d'inclusivité récemment mise en place par Le Planning Familial, les définitions traditionnelles de « Maternité » et de « Paternité » continuaient, à mon sens, à perpétuer les inégalités de genre. De ce fait, lorsque j'emplois le mot « parentalité », il est utilisé afin d'englober les états de maternité ainsi que les états de paternité, divers et variés.

All spiders provide some form of maternal care, from weaving protective silk around the eggs to guarding and feeding spiderlings. An unusual and extreme form of care is matriphagy, where the spiderlings consume their mother. Although... more

All spiders provide some form of maternal care, from weaving protective silk around the eggs to guarding and feeding spiderlings. An unusual and extreme form of care is matriphagy, where the spiderlings consume their mother. Although widely reported, the significance of this behaviour has not been explored. Her we describe a novel form of maternal care that includes matriphagy in the Australian social spider Diaea ergandros Evans (Thomisideae).

Börn sem eiga foreldra sem ekki búa saman dvelja í sífellt auknum mæli á heimilum beggja foreldra. Löggjafinn skilgreinir annað foreldrið sem lögheimilisforeldri og hitt sem umgengnisforeldri. Barn getur aðeins haft skráða búsetu á einum... more

Börn sem eiga foreldra sem ekki búa saman dvelja í sífellt auknum mæli á heimilum beggja foreldra. Löggjafinn skilgreinir annað foreldrið sem lögheimilisforeldri og hitt sem umgengnisforeldri. Barn getur aðeins haft skráða búsetu á einum stað og nefnist það lögheimili barns. Heimili umgengnisforeldra er hvergi nefnt í lögum. Það kallar á umræðu um stöðu þeirra.
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er því að rannsaka stöðu og reynslu foreldra sem ekki deila lögheimili með barni sínu. Leitað er svara við tveimur megin rannsóknarspurningum: 1. Hvaða tillögur hafa verið lagðar fram á Alþingi um breytingar á reglum um stöðu og skyldur foreldra sem ekki deila lögheimili með barni sínu? og 2. Hver er reynsla foreldra sem ekki deila lögheimili með barni sínu og hvernig upplifa þeir reglur sem um slíka stöðu gilda?
Til að svara fyrri spurningunni er unnin stefnugreining á tillögum nefnda sem starfað hafa á vegum stjórnvalda frá síðustu aldamótum og skoðað hver hafa verið afdrif þessara tillagna. Greiningin leiðir í ljós að tillögurnar snúa fyrst og fremst að fyrirbyggjandi ráðgjöf, sameiginlegri forsjá, jafnri ábyrgð foreldra á umönnun og framfærslu barna og að opinber stuðningur nái til beggja heimila.
Til að svara seinni spurningunni voru tekin viðtöl við fimm feður sem eiga það sameiginlegt að eiga börn sem dvelja reglulega hjá þeim en eiga lögheimili hjá móður. Niðurstöður sýna að feðurnir hafa þá reynslu að kerfið gerir ráð fyrir því að lögheimili barna sé hjá móður og faðir greiði meðlag, annað fyrirkomulag sé ekki í boði. Þeir upplifa sterkt að kerfið geri ekki ráð fyrir barni á heimili feðranna og þrátt fyrir að þeir framfæri börn sín á tveimur heimilum séu þeir ekki viðurkenndir framfærendur barna. Dæmi eru um að þröngur fjárhagur feðranna skerði möguleika þeirra til að annast um börn sín eins og þeir myndu kjósa.
Lykilorð: Skilnaður, börn, foreldrar, forsjá, búseta, framfærsla.
Children, who have parents that do not live together, reside increasingly more often in the homes of both parents. The legislature defines one of the parents as a resident parent and the other as a non-resident parent. A child can only be registered as a resident in one place. The homes of non-resident parents are nowhere mentioned in the law. This necessitates a discussion of their status.
The aim of this study is to investigate the standing and experience of parents who do not share a legal residence with their children. There are two main research questions: 1. What proposals have been submitted to the Parliament regarding changes to rules concerning the standing and duties of parents who do not share a legal residence with their children? and 2. What is the experience of parents who do not share a legal residence with their children and how do they experience the rules that apply to such a situation?
To answer the first question, a policy analysis is made of the recommendations of committees that have worked on behalf of the government, from the turn of the century and what the outcome of these proposals has been. The analysis reveals that the proposals primarily involve preventative consulting, joint custody, equal parental responsibility for the care and support of children and public support extends to both households.
To answer the second question, interviews were conducted with five fathers who all have children that stay with them regularly but legally reside with their mothers. The results show that the fathers feel that the system assumes the legal residence to be with the child's mother, while the father pays child support, with other arrangements not being available. They feel strongly that the system does not anticipate a child to reside at the father's home, and even though they supported their children in two homes they would not be recognized as supporters of their children. The examples show that the tight finances of the fathers impair their ability to care for their children as they would like.
Keywords: Divorce, children, parents, custody, residence, cost-of-living.

Resumo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo expor como se configura a alienação parental e como a prática restaurativa de processos circulares se traduz em uma possibilidade legítima, efetiva e transformadora do conflito da alienação... more

Resumo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo expor como se configura a alienação parental e como a prática restaurativa de processos circulares se traduz em uma possibilidade legítima, efetiva e transformadora do conflito da alienação parental, visando à reparação dos danos e à corresponsabilização ativa. A hipótese é que, diante da complexidade desse fenômeno familiar, torna-se possível empregar a prática restaurativa de processos circulares como método autônomo de resolução de conflitos extrajudicial para promover o acesso a uma ordem jurídica justa. Dessa forma, atento se estaria à Doutrina da Proteção Integral da Criança e do Adolescente apregoada na Constituição de 1988 e no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei n. 8.069/90). Palavras-chaves Síndrome da Alienação Parental. Alienação Parental. Parentalidade. Conjugalidade. Acesso material à justiça. Prática restaurativa. Processos Circulares. Abstract This paper aims at explaining how parental alienation is configured and how restorative practice of circular processes result in a legitimate, effective and transformative possibility to the parental alienation conflict, in order to repair damages and actively bear the responsibilities. The hypothesis is: given the complexity of this familiar phenomenon, it is possible to apply restorative practice of circle processes as an extrajudicial autonomous dispute resolution method to promote access to fair legal system. Thus, in this way, attention to the Integral Protection Doctrine of Children and Adolescents, proclaimed at the 1988 Constitution and to the Child and Adolescent Statute (n. 8.069/90) is given. Keywords 1 Mestranda em Direito pela UFMG 2 Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito da PUC Minas.

Özet Aile içi etkileşimler ve çocuğun duygusal-davranışsal gelişimi bir ilişki zincirinden çok, birbirini etkileyen bir ilişki sarmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bugüne kadar ikili ilişkiler olarak ele alınan söz konusu değişkenleri daha... more

Özet Aile içi etkileşimler ve çocuğun duygusal-davranışsal gelişimi bir ilişki zincirinden çok, birbirini etkileyen bir ilişki sarmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bugüne kadar ikili ilişkiler olarak ele alınan söz konusu değişkenleri daha geniş bir yelpazede ele alarak ulusal yazın için yeni sayılabilecek duygu sosyalleştirme olgusunun çocuklarda gözlenen davra-nış sorunlarına katkısını incelemektir. Bu bağlamda, anne eğitim düzeyi ve anne-baba çatışmasında kendini suçlama algısı ile çocukların davranış sorunları arasındaki ilişkilerde annelerin olumsuz duygu sosyalleştirme tepkilerinin aracı rolünün test edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yaşları 9 ile 13 arasında değişen 267 çocuk ve bu çocukların anne ve öğretmenlerinin katılımı ile gerçekleşen çalışmada veriler, demografik bilgi formu, Çocuğun Evlilik Çatışması Algısı Ölçeği (ÇEÇAÖ), Çocuğun Olumsuz Duygularıyla Başa Çıkma Ölçeği (ÇODBÇÖ), Conners Ebeveyn De-recelendirme Ölçeği Kısa Form (CEDÖ-27) ve Conners Öğretmen Derecelendirme Ölçeği Kısa Form (CÖDÖ-28) kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, annelerin olumsuz duygu sosyalleştirme tepkilerinin, çocuğun davranış sorunları ile anne eğitim düzeyi arasındaki ilişkide tam; çocuğun davranış sorunları ile anne-baba çatışmasında kendini suçlama algısı arasındaki ilişkide ise kısmi aracı rolüne işaret etmektedir. Sonuçlar bağlamında anne eğitim düzeyinin, bu çalışmada duygu sosyalleştirme yaklaşımlarıyla temsil edilen anne-çocuk ilişkisini etkileyerek, ço-cukta davranış sorunları oluşumuna katkıda bulunduğu, öte yandan anne-baba arasında yaşanan yoğun çatışmalardan kendini sorumlu tutan çocuğun, annelerin olumsuz duygu sosyalleştirme tepkileri aracılığı ile davranış sorunları geliştirdiği söylenebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Çocuklarda davranış sorunları, duygu sosyalleştirme, anne-baba çatışması, kendini suçlama algısı Abstract Intra-familial interactions and child's emotional and behavioral development is a relationship helix that affects each other, rather than a relationship chain. The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the concept of emotion socialization , which ranks as new for the national literature, to children's observed behavior problems by approaching variables addressed mostly as dual associations before. In this context, it is aimed to test mediating role of negative maternal emotion socialization on the relationships between children's behavior problems, and mothers' education status and self-blame appraisals about parental conflict. Data was collected from 267 children whose ages were between 9-13, as well as their mothers and teachers by using Demographic Form, Children' s Perception of Marital Conflict (CPIC), Coping with Children's Negative Emotions Scale, Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Short Form and Conners' Teacher Raiting Scale-Short Form. Results suggest that while the relationship between children's behavior problems and self-blame appraisals about parental conflict is partially mediated by maternal negative emotion socialization , the relationship between children's behavior problems and mothers' education status is fully mediated by maternal negative emotion socialization. In the context of these results, it can be said that mothers' education status contributes to the development of children's behavior problems by affecting mother-child interactions represented as emotion socialization approaches in this study. In addition to this, the child who blames him/herself about intense parental conflict evolves behavior problems through mother's negative emotion socialization.

As estratégias que os pais utilizam com o intuito de educar e socializar os filhos são denominadas práticas educativas parentais. Para a identificação das práticas educativas que os pais utilizam nas relações com seus filhos foram... more

As estratégias que os pais utilizam com o intuito de educar e socializar os filhos são denominadas práticas educativas parentais. Para a identificação das práticas educativas que os pais utilizam nas relações com seus filhos foram desenvolvidos instrumentos de relato, tais como entrevistas, questionários e inventários. Dentre os instrumentos nacionais, há o Inventário de Estilo Parental- IEP- e o Roteiro de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais- RE-HSE-P, os quais foram utilizados por este estudo com o objetivo de descrever relações entre as variáveis de ambos. Para tanto, o IEP foi aplicado em 24 adolescentes e o RE-HSE-P foi respondido pelas 24 mães dos mesmos. O IEP contém duas práticas educativas consideradas positivas, a monitoria positiva e o comportamento moral, as quais são preventivas de problemas de comportamento. A punição inconsistente, a negligência, a disciplina relaxada, a monitoria negativa e o abuso físico são as cinco práticas negativas associadas aos problemas de comportamento dos filhos. O RE-HSE-P avalia a ocorrência de 12 Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais (HSE-P) e de práticas negativas associadas ao desenvolvimento do repertório de habilidades sociais (HS) e aos problemas de comportamento dos filhos. Foram encontradas relações positivas, por meio do teste não paramétrico Spearman, entre a monitoria positiva do IEP e as Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais (HSE-P) do RE-HSE-P; e entre o comportamento moral do IEP e as Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais (HSE-P) do RE-HSE-P. A punição inconsistente, a negligência, a disciplina relaxada, a monitoria negativa e o abuso físico do IEP foram negativamente relacionados às Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais (HSEP) do RE-HSE-P. As práticas negativas do IEP: punição inconsistente, negligência, disciplina relaxada, monitoria negativa e abuso físico foram positivamente relacionadas às práticas negativas do RE-HSE-P. Os resultados obtidos pela aplicação dos instrumentos citados trazem indícios de convergência entre as variáveis desses instrumentos.
Palavras-chave: práticas educativas parentais, habilidades sociais educativas, adolescentes

The purpose of this study was to investigate into parental involvement and school infrastructural facilities as determinants of secondary school students’ learning achievement in Itesiwaju Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria.... more

The purpose of this study was to investigate into parental involvement and school infrastructural facilities as determinants of secondary school students’ learning achievement in Itesiwaju Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was used in the study. Three hundred respondents were selected from Itesiwaju Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The respondents were measured with relevant standardized scale (instruments) which include parental involvement scale, school infrastructural facilitiesscale and students’ academic performance scalewith strong reliability coefficient and the data obtained was analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression statistical analysis of the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Two research hypotheses and two research questions were raised and answered in the study. The result showed that therewas significant relationship between the parental involvement and students’ academic achievement (r= .873; P<0.05), therewas significant relationship between the school infrastructural facilities and students’ academic performance (r= .771; P<0.05), the independent variables (parental involvement and school infrastructural facilities) when pulled together have significant effects on the students’ academic achievement ( R (adjusted) =.971 and R2 (adjusted) =.966) and each of the independent variables made a significant contribution to the prediction of students’ academic achievement. In term of magnitude of contribution, Infrastructural Facilities made the most significant contribution (Beta= .217; t= .908;P<0.05) to the prediction follow by Parental involvement (Beta= .054; t= .959;P<0.05). On the strength of these findings, it was stressed and advocated the need for the parents to teach, monitor the students and give adequate emotional caring in the society and the management and directors of the schools to provide conducive environment for the teachers and other staff in the society.

Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more

Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at restoring deliberative balance in the classroom.

Parental Alienation (PA), a post-divorce dynamic in which the custodial parent, typically mothers, tries to alienate the noncustodial parent from the couple´s children, can be a female psychological evolved mechanism for an actual... more

Parental Alienation (PA), a post-divorce dynamic in which the custodial parent, typically mothers, tries to alienate the noncustodial parent from the couple´s children, can be a female psychological evolved mechanism for an actual violence
against the offspring. Evidences from literature review points that: a) the children´s absence of resemblance can cause violent reactions on fathers. Most part of divorces occurs before the children’s puberty, when the resemblance enhances or not and the father´s perception might become dangerous; b) PA is most common in families with female offspring, which suggests that PA can be also an incest avoidance mechanism that is biologically weaker between father-daughter than among siblings due to the paternity uncertainty. Many PA cases involve false sexual abuse allegations; c) remarriage triggers PA and it can be a violence avoidance mechanism perpetrated by stepparents, a well-known evolutionary effect. Further studies must test this hypothesis.

This study examined the meanings Jamaicans associate with corporal punishment and its perceived effects on children, caregivers’/parents’ relationship with children and in a broader sense, Jamaican culture. A total of 183 readers’... more

This study examined the meanings Jamaicans associate with corporal punishment and its perceived effects on children, caregivers’/parents’ relationship with children and in a broader sense, Jamaican culture. A total of 183 readers’ comments on 13 articles that focused on corporal punishment—published in a prominent Jamaican online newspaper—were qualitatively analysed. The results indicated that not all Jamaicans engage in or embrace the use of corporal punishment. There is a clear divide between Jamaican individuals who practise corporal punishment and those who believe it is socially unacceptable. Those in favour of it reported that it was religiously justified and effective as a method of discipline. Opponents of this view highlighted the negative physical and mental effects of corporal punishment on children and provided alternative discipline methods that were less punitive and more responsive to the needs of children and the parent–child relationship. Implications of the results are discussed.

examine whether the Constitution has fostered a pathological rights culture of rights without responsibilities and regulation. We offer some preliminary thoughts about “ordered gun liberty” – the indvidual right to bear arms in relation... more

examine whether the Constitution has fostered a pathological rights culture of rights without responsibilities and regulation. We offer some preliminary thoughts about “ordered gun liberty” – the indvidual right to bear arms in relation to responsibilities, virtues, and regulation. This article addresses a conundrum concerning this right: there is no individual right that cries out more for governmental encouragement of responsibility concerning its exercise and for governmental regulation to promote safety and to protect from harm, and yet there is no individual right whose defenders more strenuously reject such governmental promotion of responsibility and regulation. We argue that, notwithstanding the rhetoric of rights absolutism, ordered gun liberty supports a “reasonable right to bear arms” that also recognizes the proper role of regulation. We highlight several dimensions of responsibility talk in the discourse concerning the individual right to bear arms, including in District of Columbia v. Heller itself. We address the myth of strict scrutiny for Second Amendment rights, pointing out the wide latitude that protecting an individual right to bear arms, like other rights, leaves for government to encourage responsible exercise of the right. We argue that a form of intermediate scrutiny analogous to that of Moore v. East Cleveland under the Due Process Clause is a strong candidate for the appropriate framework for thinking about rights and responsibilities under Heller for gun control regulation, as is the undue burden standard of Planned Parenthood v. Casey. As a practical example of appropriate regulation, we discuss regulations to protect children from guns in the home – a context in which Second Amendment rights intersect with fundamental parental liberty, family privacy, children’s own rights and needs, and governmental authority to protect children from harm or evils and further their healthy development. We argue that, notwithstanding the NRA’s rejectoin of them, safe storage, or Child Access Prevention laws, are a reasonable regulation aimed at preventing unnecessary injury and loss of life and do not unduly burden Second Amendment rights or fundamental parental liberty or religious liberty. While the NRA advocates exhortation and education over regulation, we counter that, in light of the developmental differences between children and adults – pointed out in the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence – supplementing gun education (focused on avoiding guns) with actual regulations requiring adults to take steps to keep children safe is likely to be more effective. We also argue that the privacy of the home is not unduly burdened by medical practice aimed at taking a public health approach to ameliorating risks to children by encouraging responsible gun storage.