Quadcopter (A-four rotor plane) Research Papers (original) (raw)
Recently, the quadcopter configuration is becoming prevalent for both civilian and military applications, and research is continuing to improve its controllability. However, most the control methodologies depend on accurate system models... more
Recently, the quadcopter configuration is becoming prevalent for both civilian and military applications, and research is continuing to improve its controllability. However, most the control methodologies depend on accurate system models which are derived from six degrees of freedom nonlinear system dynamics and they generally do not consider realistic outdoor perturbations and uncertainties. As a solution, model-free data-driven system identification and controlling of quadcopter have been refined in this paper. This nonlinear multiple input-multiple output system identification is proliferated using a fuzzy clustering model. The accuracy of the identification is seen to very high. The results of a PID controller used in conjunction with the identified fuzzy model is also presented. The PID controller with the fuzzy identified model is seen to precisely follow the commanded signals.
This report presents the basics of quadcopter modeling and control to form a foundation for further research and development in the area. The objective of the project team was to design an altitude control system for a quadcopter that... more
This report presents the basics of quadcopter modeling and control to form a foundation for further research and development in the area. The objective of the project team was to design an altitude control system for a quadcopter that must maintain a specified flight path with minimal deviations. The dynamics system model is developed to improve the comprehension of the functions and effects of its mechanic components. The mathematical model of the quadcopter dynamics is studied by evaluation of the equations of motion of the quadcopter followed by observation of proper methods for stabilization and control of the quadcopter developed through simulations of the quadcopter flight on a position versus time plot where the quadcopter altitude is observed over time..
Bu çalışmada dört motorlu multicopter'ler olan quadcopter’lerin kapalı ortamlardaki kalkış ve seyir sırasındaki davranışları incelenmiştir. Kütle, quadcopter’in yerle yaptığı açı ve motorların uyguladığı itme kuvveti gibi değerler... more
Bu çalışmada dört motorlu multicopter'ler olan quadcopter’lerin kapalı ortamlardaki kalkış ve seyir sırasındaki davranışları incelenmiştir. Kütle, quadcopter’in yerle yaptığı açı ve motorların uyguladığı itme kuvveti gibi değerler değiştirilerek bu değerlerin quadcopter’in ivmesine, dolayısıyla hızına yaptığı etkiler hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular MSC ADAMS programında yapılan analizlerle doğrulanmıştır. Durgun havanın direnç kuvveti 3. Bölümde yapılan çıkarımların MATLAB programında çözümlenmesiyle ayrıca hesaplanmıştır. MSC ADAMS üzerindeki analizlere bu sonuçlar dâhil edilmemiştir. Direnç kuvveti dışındaki aerodinamik kuvvetler ve rüzgâr gibi dış etkiler ise ihmal edilmiştir.
This material gives a basic aerodynamics related to rotor craft systems. This is a basic theory behind the helicopter blades. How the relative wing is affecting during hover, transnational flight, vertical flight. The theory also gives... more
This material gives a basic aerodynamics related to rotor craft systems. This is a basic theory behind the helicopter blades. How the relative wing is affecting during hover, transnational flight, vertical flight. The theory also gives idea about the ground effect on rotor blades at different conditions.
This paper describes the model and the control of a quadcopter drone through the methods of modern and classical control
Datorită dezvoltării tehnologiei din industria aerospațială în ultimii zece ani, s-au conturat tot mai multe concepte îmbunătățite privind aeronavele autonome fără pilot. Acestea reușesc treptat să acopere tot mai multe destinații și... more
Datorită dezvoltării tehnologiei din industria aerospațială în ultimii zece ani, s-au conturat tot mai multe concepte îmbunătățite privind aeronavele autonome fără pilot. Acestea reușesc treptat să acopere tot mai multe destinații și misiuni ale aeronavelor operate direct de echipaj. Astfel se evidențiază o cerere semnificativă cu tendința ascendentă pentru soluții inovative, capabile să acopere anumite nișe din aviația generală, utilitară, dar și militară.
Inovarea în realizarea acestei platforme aeriene autonome gravitează în jurul conceptului unei structuri compozite ultrausoare, sistem GMP optimizat, stabilitate superioară, impact minim asupra mediului și un sitem de comandă și control automat al dronei cu inteligență artificială. Inovația în introducerea unui sistem AI(Artifficial Inteligence) se conturează în jurul identificării corecte a dinamicii dronei și realizarea unui bloc de rețele neurale cu răspuns rapid pentru minimizarea erorilor semnalelor de comandă generate de suprareglaje și inerții de calcul.
İnsansız Hava Araçları üzerine yapılan çalışmalar son yıllarda popülerliği gittikçe artan akademik çalışma kaynağı ve mühendislik uygulama alanı haline gelmiştir. İHA’lar arasında üzerine yapılan çalışmaların fazlalığı açısından ve basit... more
İnsansız Hava Araçları üzerine yapılan çalışmalar son yıllarda popülerliği gittikçe artan akademik çalışma kaynağı ve mühendislik uygulama alanı haline gelmiştir. İHA’lar arasında üzerine yapılan çalışmaların fazlalığı açısından ve basit yapısından dolayı bu tezde quadrokopterler incelenmiştir. Quadrokopterler 4 rotora sahip döner kanatlı dikey iniş kalkış yapabilen 6 serbestlik dereceli İnsansız Hava Aracı olarak tanımlanır.
Bu çalışmada multikopter sistemleri üzerine çalışılmış, İnsansız Hava Araçları’ nın ne amaçla kullanıldığı, quadrokopterin bu sistemler içerisindeki yeri incelenmiş ve görsel öğerlerle zenginleştirilerek quadrokopter uygulaması yapılmıştır. Quadrokopterlerin kullanım amaçları ve gelecekte kullanılabilecek alanlar incelenmiştir. Multikopter sistemlerinde kullanılan malzemeler detaylı bir şekilde açıklanmış, nasıl kullanılacakları anlatılmıştır. Anlık veri iletimi üzerine çalışılmış sensör verilerinin aktarılması ve görüntü aktarım işlemlerine detaylı bir şekilde değinilmiştir.
This paper describes the current legal framework and regulations applied to industrial drone's flights established by different countries as a set point on drones design and applications. We present a mathematical approach used to build... more
This paper describes the current legal framework and regulations applied to industrial drone's flights established by different countries as a set point on drones design and applications. We present a mathematical approach used to build the structure of an attitude controller for a quadcopter (drone) as to answer the question of 'How to implement an attitude controller on a quadcopter for indoor and outdoor flights as a step forward to support the safety features in factory applications'. The control system was designed for a quadcopter on ' × ' configuration, which allows it to have six degrees of freedom (6DOF) of movement, while commanded by four inputs given by the radio controller (R/C). Accelerometers and gyroscopes were used in order to obtain the data related to the drone's behavior during the flight to be able to control it. A cascade controller P-PID was implemented in order to control the system and reach the stability as well as in indoor or outdoor flights. The theories presented in this paper were analyzed and proved on a real model resulting in the desired flying behavior.
ADVISER :Selamet Hariadi S.Kom DEVELOPER :Isma Danial H.M “kini pesawat yang menguhajam ke bumi itu sudah terbang dalam posisi mendatar.”maka, jangan tending-tendang kursi pilot.jangan paksa orang lain mengambil.dont’ do... more
larly due to their extension as unmanned aerial vehicles and remotely piloted aerial systems. The critical nature of its flight control is one of the main concerns for its advanced operations. These advanced operations involve on-board... more
larly due to their extension as unmanned aerial vehicles and remotely piloted aerial systems. The critical nature of its flight control is one of the main concerns for its advanced operations. These advanced operations involve on-board stabilization, trajectory tracking, unpredictable changes in the environment, and resilience to noisy data from small sensor systems. In this work, the quadcopter has been considered as a constrained problem, where optimization is required during transition between different set-points of advanced flight control, operations in action and reaction pairs. Firstly, dynamics of quadcopter along with its translational motion have been derived. Secondly, constrained optimization cost function has been set, which is the main building block for deriving the augmented Lagrangian optimization. Thirdly, co-states of the derived constraints are determined to maintain convergence. Performance evaluation showed accuracy of the proposed scheme.
A quadrotor helicopter (quadcopter) is a helicopter which has four equally spaced rotors, usually arranged at the corners of a square body. With four independent rotors, the need for a swashplate mechanism is alleviated. The swashplate... more
A quadrotor helicopter (quadcopter) is a helicopter which has four equally spaced rotors, usually arranged at the corners of a square body. With four independent rotors, the need for a swashplate mechanism is alleviated. The swashplate mechanism was needed to allow the helicopter to utilize more degrees of freedom, but the same level of control can be obtained by adding two more rotors. The development of quadcopters has stalled until very recently, because controlling four independent rotors has proven to be incredibly difficult and impossible without electronic assistance.
The decreasing cost of modern microprocessors has made electronic and even completely autonomous control of quadcopters feasible for commercial, military, and even hobbyist purposes.
Quadcopter control is a fundamentally difficult and interesting problem. With six degrees of freedom (three translational and three rotational) and only four independent inputs (rotor speeds), quadcopters are severely underactuated. In order to achieve six degrees of freedom, rotational and translational motion are coupled. The resulting dynamics are highly nonlinear, especially after accounting for the complicated aerodynamic effects. Finally, unlike ground vehicles, helicopters have very little friction to prevent their motion, so they must provide their own damping in order to stop moving and remain stable. Together, these factors create a very interesting control problem. We will present a very simplified model of quadcopter dynamics and design controllers for our dynamics to follow a designated trajectory.
An unmanned aerial vehicle also known as UAV is an unpiloted aircraft, which can be remotely either operated or flown autonomously, based on pre-programmed flight plans. They are also used in a growing number of civil applications such as... more
An unmanned aerial vehicle also known as UAV is an unpiloted aircraft, which can be remotely either operated or flown autonomously, based on pre-programmed flight plans. They are also used in a growing number of civil applications such as aerial photography and the transport of various goods.
Rotating wing (or helicopter) UAVs have the advantage above fixed wing UAVs in many ways; they are able to take off and land vertically, making it possible to hover at a fixed point. The design discussed in this report is based on the development of UAV quad rotor helicopter (Quad Copter), hardware, and control system and flight dynamics.
The copter is built of electric motor driven rotors, an aluminum and fiberglass frame, an embedded on-board computer, power distribution system and various sensor units. The hardware platform utilized for the on board computer was a ATmega2560 microcontroller, with 54 Digital I/O pins, 256KB of Flash memory, 8KB of SRAM and 4KB of EEPROM.
- by Adnan Saood and +1
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- Matlab, Control Systems, PID controller design, SolidWorks
In order to organize effective rescue missions a prompt intervention is essential, and to this extent UAV drones are a promising technology to the end of exploring an area and gathering information before first responders come into play.... more
In order to organize effective rescue missions a
prompt intervention is essential, and to this extent UAV drones
are a promising technology to the end of exploring an area
and gathering information before first responders come into
play. In this article we investigate the development of team
of drones (multicopters) implementing autonomous coverage
strategies for Search&Rescue after earthquakes. In particular
we survey, analyse and compare the performance of a subset
of real-time multi-robot coverage algorithms in the literature,
in order to classify their performance in terms of the required
coverage time and, indirectly, the energy required to perform a
mission. The algorithms were implemented using a distributed
software framework and tested in a 3D simulation environment.
We support our analysis presenting a wide set of experimental
results tested in different scenarios. Finally we present some
preliminary test using real robots to perform the coverage.
Three small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) fly at Edwards Air Force Base, CA., Aug. 21, 2019. Most small UAVs are battery powered. To extend range and endurance, UAVs are now using hydrogen fuel cell technologies. (US Air Force photo,... more
Three small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) fly at Edwards Air Force Base, CA., Aug. 21, 2019. Most small UAVs are battery powered. To extend range and endurance, UAVs are now using hydrogen fuel cell technologies. (US Air Force photo, Staff Sgt. Rachel Simones) The modern weapons of war are thirsty for electrical power. Hybrid engines and all-electric motors promise to be the future of commercial and military systems, but due to cost of replacing entire fleets of vehicles, and the reliability of petrol and diesel engines, most military forces will be tied to internal combustion technology for many years. Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), however, offer an exception. These weapons are playing an increasingly critical role in combat operations and are mostly powered by batteries. For these systems, staying in the air and operating for hours, rather than minutes, can be the difference between mission success or failure. Extending the flight time of small UAVs, therefore, is becoming a priority. There are two primary means of providing electrical power for small UAVs: batteries that store electrical energy or fuel cells that generate electrical power.
The current research paper presents the dynamic model from a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) type quadcopter. The mentioned model simulates the closest behavior, respect to a real performance when realizes basic movements. In order to... more
The current research paper presents the dynamic model from a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) type quadcopter. The mentioned model simulates the closest behavior, respect to a real performance when realizes basic movements. In order to develop the math, model the quadcopter has been considered as a rigid object with 6 DOF (six degrees of freedom), which is divided into translational and rotational coordinates, using a technique based on Euler-Lagrange Equations to model. In that way is possible to acquire the expressed transfer function on the quadcopter dynamic model. The UAV’s rotational dynamic is defined by the most important inertia moments, located in the vehicle center of mass. The inertia moments had been estimated using ‘Solidworks’ software. To achieve it the quadcopter was assembled with a minimum quantity of parts, after that, the design was uploaded into Simulink software to add complete the results including a 3d animation. A Control Strategy was attached to the quadcopter design, to stabilize the described plants, finally, the performance is corroborated applying him external perturbations like gusts of wind, variable masses, looking to create instability during the flight, expecting for a system controlled reaction. The results showed the UAV stabilize to his reference position in less than twelve seconds (12) against a gust of wind that caused its horizontal displacement. This is an important application of the rotational dynamics of the UAV, using Simulink and the Simscape Multibody library in conjunction with Solidworks. Achieving a tool of great interest and therefore a significant contribution to the study of UAVs, giving the possibility of using of a practical tool for the design of quadrotors focused on different applications, such as precision agriculture.
- by E. F. Niño López and +1
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- Stability, Matlab/Simulink, Dynamic Modeling, SolidWorks
This paper presents information about quadrocopter designed for special aim and its applications. In this context, it focuses basic subjects such as design of a quadrocopter, obtaining numerical data, detection of foreign matter on... more
This paper presents information about
quadrocopter designed for special aim and its applications. In
this context, it focuses basic subjects such as design of a
quadrocopter, obtaining numerical data, detection of foreign
matter on runway. The measurements and graphs belongs to the
subject in point are included. The analyses to be carried out put
forward that the quadrocopter has many fields of use contribute
to safety of aircraft take-off and landing.
Aerial robotics is a very exciting research field dealing with a variety of subjects, including the attitude control. This paper deals with the control of a four rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The... more
Aerial robotics is a very exciting research field dealing with a variety of subjects, including the attitude control. This paper deals with the control of a four rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The paper presents a mathematical model based on the approach of Lagrange for the flight control of an autonomous quad-rotor. It, also, describes the controller architecture which is based on PI regulators. The control method has been simulated in closed loop in different situations. All the calculation stages and the simulation results have been detailed.
This paper has been prepared for designing 4-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and carrying out its control with PID controller. In this context, it divides into four fundamental parts. First part describes what 4-rotor UAV is. Second... more
This paper has been prepared for designing 4-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and carrying out
its control with PID controller. In this context, it divides into four fundamental parts. First part describes what
4-rotor UAV is. Second part is about mathematical model of the 4-rotor UAV. PID controlling and its basic
parameters have been analyzed theoretically in the third one. Finally, testing IMU sensors and some controlling
applications have been carried out and their outputs have been presented. As a result, the stabilization in desired
level has been obtained via designed PID controlling system.
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the formation of multiple UAVs used in vision-based inspection of infrastructure. A path planning algorithm is first developed by using a variant of the particle swarm optimisation, named θ-PSO,... more
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the formation of multiple UAVs used in vision-based inspection of infrastructure. A path planning algorithm is first developed by using a variant of the particle swarm optimisation, named θ-PSO, to generate a feasible path for the overall formation configuration taken into account the constraints for visual inspection. Here, we introduced a cost function that includes various constraints on flight safety and visual inspection. A reconfigurable topology is then added based on the use of intermediate waypoints to allow the formation to avoid collision with obstacles during operation. The planned path and formation are then combined to derive the trajectory and velocity profiles for each UAV. Experiments have been conducted for the task of inspecting a light rail bridge. The results confirmed the validity and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Quadcopter controllers are in use today and in practice they can often cope well in non adverse weather conditions such as lack of strong sudden gusts of wind around the corner of a building or no frequent demands of travel directions by... more
Quadcopter controllers are in use today and in practice they can often cope well in non adverse weather conditions such as lack of strong sudden gusts of wind around the corner of a building or no frequent demands of travel directions by remote control or a guidance law. Different payloads can alter the boundaries of the stable state space region of a drone, its flight envelop, beyond which its autopilot may not be able to regain stable control of the craft. For fixed gain autopilot controllers, reaching the boundary of the flight envelop can be caused by (1) external disturbance like gusts of wind and turbulence, (2) altered drone mass and its distribution and (3) reduction or misalignment of thrust output in the propulsion system caused ware after multiple uses of the drone. This paper introduces symbolic computation to map out the numerical boundaries of controller tolerances in terms of these three factors that affect the autopilots ability to retain stability of the craft. Proof theoretic methods are developed that can be applied to quadcopter of various nominal parameters.
Este proyecto se basa en la investigación, desarrollo y construcción de un prototipo de quadcoptero el cual presente todas las funciones necesarias para el funcionamiento de este, y una configuración que permita que este sirva como... more
Este proyecto se basa en la investigación, desarrollo y construcción de un prototipo de quadcoptero el cual presente todas las funciones necesarias para el funcionamiento de este, y una configuración que permita que este sirva como plataforma base de otros proyectos. Se planteó como objetivo la necesidad de realizar un vuelo básico respondiendo a los comandos recibidos por medio de una interfaz inalámbrica desde un PC por medio de un joystick.
Se utilizó como base un microcontrolador Cortex M4 del kit de desarrollo STM32F4 Discovery[1] al cual se le agregaron los periféricos necesarios para el funcionamiento del prototipo, destacando principalmente en esta categoría el acelerómetro, giróscopo y dispositivos de comunicación inalámbrica. En la utilización de un microcontrolador de estas características no solo buscó completar los requisitos necesarios sino que también tener una posibilidad de expansión con más periféricos y más funciones, por lo cual se pretendió tener una capacidad de trasportar una pequeña carga para poder adosarle elementos extras (cámara, sensores de medición atmosféricos, sensores de distancia, etc.).
Las tareas principales que se tienen que realizar en este proyecto son la generación ininterrumpida de las señales de control de los motores, la comunicación y el procesamiento de los datos del acelerómetro. El comando de los 4 motores está asociado a las órdenes que se reciben de forma inalámbrica y a los datos procesados del acelerómetro y giróscopo que son la base para la rutina de control de estabilidad y movimiento.
This paper represents Quadcopter (QC) as a low-weight and low-cost autonomous flight capable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for delivering parcel ordered by online by using an android device as its core on-board processing unit.... more
This paper represents Quadcopter (QC) as a low-weight and low-cost autonomous flight capable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for delivering parcel ordered by online by using an android device as its core on-board processing unit. Therefore, this method is independent from additional ground hardware and if required, QC core unit can be easily replaced with powerful hardware to simplify setup updates and maintenance. This QC by following Google map can locate and navigate destination. This paper demonstrates the QCs capability of delivering parcel ordered by online and coming back to the starting place. The promising result of this method enables future research on using QC for delivering parcel using mobile hardware as the only on-board processing unit.
Quadcopter is one type of unmanned aerial vehicle that uses four rotors and propellers as the actuator. The growing need for image quality, causing heavier the computational processing. Smartphone device computes quickly. Smartphone can... more
Quadcopter is one type of unmanned aerial vehicle that uses four rotors and propellers as the actuator. The growing need for image quality, causing heavier the computational processing. Smartphone device computes quickly. Smartphone can be used as an image processing unit and capturing images like line tracking. In performing image processing to the line of image processing methods are needed. Hough transform method can be an alternative image processing in the mission of searching a line.
In this research was developed a prototype image processing system using a smartphone as a quadcopter navigation guide for mission to tracking an object in such a red straight line automatically. Image processing library implemented in smartphone using OpenCV image processing with hough transform method. Hough transform method extracting points of the image captured on the object to be used as a reference point coordinates location of the object on the frame. while the outputs are communicated through a serial connection to the flight controller ArdupilotMega.
The results showed quadcopter able to follow the line with digital image processing as a guide to navigate.
The excellent maneuverability and the availability of a large number of sensors including good quality video cameras make quadcopters attractive for surveillance systems. Most video surveillance systems need a real-time high quality video... more
The excellent maneuverability and the availability of a large number of sensors including good quality video cameras make quadcopters attractive for surveillance systems. Most video surveillance systems need a real-time high quality video stream from the cameras on the quadcopter to the base station which requires a stable and reliable radio link. Moreover, to ensure a controlled flight, it is essential to maintain a good quality radio link from the base station to the quad- copter. The quality of this link depends on the distance between base station and quadcopter as well as the ambient noise. Towards this end, we present a controller to hover a quadcopter at the maximum distance from the base station while maintaining the link quality at a given value indicated by the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). There are existing solutions in the field of robotics that incorporate the concept of link aware mobility. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first link-quality aware mobility implementation on a quadcopter.
The recent decrease in the price as well as size of semiconductor logic and due to significant advancements in technologies such as microcontrollers, motors and sensors, the application of quadcopters in several fields has been achieved.... more
The recent decrease in the price as well as size of semiconductor logic and due to significant advancements in technologies such as microcontrollers, motors and sensors, the application of quadcopters in several fields has been achieved. However, testing of quadcopter prototypes still has a risk of damage due to faults and unexpected behavior. Hence, a method of testing of quadcopters in simulation mimicking the actual conditions of the real environment in an actual hardware test has been proposed. For this purpose, Gazebo simulator integrated with ROS has been chosen for the simulation of the path of the quadcopter. Moreover, the software Matlab/Simulink has been interfaced with Gazebo in order for the simulation of the quadcopter to be achieved.
To properly simulate and implement a quadcopter flight control for intended load and flight conditions, the quadcopter model must have parameters on various relationships including propeller thrust-torque, thrust-PWM, and thrust–angular... more
To properly simulate and implement a quadcopter flight control for intended load and flight conditions, the quadcopter model must have parameters on various relationships including propeller thrust-torque, thrust-PWM, and thrust–angular speed to a certain level of accuracy. Thrust-torque modeling requires an expensive reaction torque measurement sensor. In the absence of sophisticated equipment, the study comes up with alternative methods to complete the quadcopter model. The study also presents a method of modeling the rotational aerodynamic drag on the quadcopter. Although the resulting model of the reaction torque generated by the quadcopter’s propellers and the model of the drag torque acting on the quadcopter body that are derived using the methods in this study may not yield the true values of these quantities, the experimental modeling techniques presented in this work ensure that the derived dynamic model for the quadcopter will nevertheless behave identically with the true model for the quadcopter. The derived dynamic model is validated by basic flight controller simulation and actual flight implementation. The model is used as basis for a quadcopter design, which eventually is used for test purposes of basic flight control. This study serves as a baseline for fail-safe control of a quadcopter experiencing an unexpected motor failure.
TraQuad is an autonomous tracking quadcopter capable of tracking any moving (or static) object like cars, humans, other drones or any other object on-the-go. This article describes the applications and advantages of TraQuad and the... more
TraQuad is an autonomous tracking quadcopter capable of tracking any moving (or static) object like cars, humans, other drones or any other object on-the-go. This article describes the applications and advantages of TraQuad and the reduction in cost (to about 250$) that has been achieved so far using the hardware and software capabilities and our custom algorithms wherever needed. This description is backed by strong data and the research analyses which have been drawn out of extant information or conducted on own when necessary. This also describes the development of completely autonomous (even GPS is optional) low-cost drone which can act as a major platform for further developments in automation, transportation, reconnaissance and more. We describe our ROS Gazebo simulator and our STATUS algorithms which form the core of our development of our object tracking drone for generic purposes.
This paper presents information about quadrocopter designed for special aim and its applications. In this context, it focuses basic subjects such as design of a quadrocopter, obtaining numerical data, detection of foreign matter on... more
This paper presents information about quadrocopter designed for special aim and its applications. In this context, it focuses basic subjects such as design of a quadrocopter, obtaining numerical data, detection of foreign matter on runway. The measurements and graphs belongs to the subject in point are included. The analyses to be carried out put forward that the quadrocopter has many fields of use contribute to safety of aircraft take-off and landing. Keywords—building of qudrocopter, telemetry, video processing
In this paper, a TID controller is applied for the trajectory tracking of a quadrotor. The mathematical model of the control system is derived and compared with the traditional PD (Proportional-Derivative) controller. In order to improve... more
In this paper, a TID controller is applied for the trajectory tracking of a quadrotor. The mathematical model of the control system is derived and compared with the traditional PD (Proportional-Derivative) controller. In order to improve the control precision of the UAV, the controller is designed by selecting the proper tuning parameters. To explore the effectiveness of the proposed controller, dynamic responses of a UAV obtained by using the TID controller and the validation of the results compared with the PD controller. The control performances are analysed by using MATLAB/Simulink model.
One of the main controllers in systems is PID controller, and setting the PID controller values using test and try is time-consuming and may not be accurate. On the other hand, due to higher flexibility and having more advantages of... more
One of the main controllers in systems is PID controller, and setting the PID controller values using test and try is time-consuming and may not be accurate. On the other hand, due to higher flexibility and having more advantages of Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controller, in this paper, to reduce computational time and search efficiency, FO based on implementing Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is suggested to improve and optimize the PID control system in quadcopter as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). In addition, the settling time and peak of the system are improved by using FOPID. According to the results of the simulation, FO-PID has more advantages than PID and, finally, computer simulations will be used to prove and analyze the results.