Rapid Application Development Research Papers (original) (raw)

This paper discusses the concept of rapid application development and some of its specific features. Also, the main stages based on this concept in the development of different types of applications are pointed out. These two stages are:... more

This paper discusses the concept of rapid application development and some of its specific features. Also, the main stages based on this concept in the development of different types of applications are pointed out. These two stages are: application design – when creating the application outlook; and event-oriented programming – when the methods that will be executed when a specific event occurs are implemented. The most commonly used application development environments are presented and analyzed. The development of an application for calculating the values of certain trigonometric functions and drawing their graphics are described. The application is tested and the results of its execution are displayed. The guidelines for further research are formulated.).

Risk management is an important factor to run a bank business because of business growth and the increasing complexity of bank activities which of course is accompanied by the risk level faced by the bank. POJK no 18/POJK.03/2016... more

Risk management is an important factor to run a bank business because of business growth and the increasing complexity of bank activities which of course is accompanied by the risk level faced by the bank. POJK no 18/POJK.03/2016 concerning about Application of Risk Management for Commercial Banks states "Banks must implement an internal control system effectively for the implementation of operational activities at all levels of the Bank's organization". In particular, the Basel II Capital Accord defines operational risk as the risk of losses arising from the failure or inadequate internal processes, human resources, systems, and external events that affect the bank's operations. In carrying out its business, banks offer financial services to the Bank will receive and manage various types of risks to be controlled effectively so they can avoid large losses. The Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) describes the definition of risk management as a series of methodologies and procedures used to identify, measure, monitor and control risks arising from all bank
business activities. One important issue in the context of operational risk management is the need for assessment data carried out by the risk owner in managing daily banking operational risk, to facilitate data management related to risk mitigation so that similar events do not recur in the future. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop a system that manages assessment data sourced from the risk owner using tools called Risk Control Self Assessment. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model is used to refer to adaptive software development approaches. RAD is very suitable to be used to develop software that is driven by the requirements of Graphical User Interface and a short time period.

Proses model software, RAD, Prototyping Model, Incremental Model serta Spiral Model

In doing service to customers at all branches throughout Indonesia, PT. Astra International Daihatsu to use two-way services such as inbound and outbound. Inbound have a sense of where the company contacted customers to promote goods and... more

In doing service to customers at all branches throughout Indonesia, PT. Astra International Daihatsu to use two-way services such as inbound and outbound. Inbound have a sense of where the company contacted customers to promote goods and services and also accepted if there are complaints from the customer for its vehicles. As for the outbound sense is customer conduct complaint or complaints to Customer Care regarding issues facing the vehicle, either via telephone or directly visit the service center at the nearest dealers The purpose of this paper is to provide ease of control and the handling of problems customer facing and as for the aims and objectives include: Fostering customer confidence on after sales service of PT Astra International Daihatsu. Facilitate handling of the problems faced by the customer to quickly and precisely. Providing solutions in terms of processing the data of the customer in order to get accurate data. The model used in the design of customer complaint...

Data modeling and data processing are important activities in any scientific research. This research focuses on the modeling of data and processing of data generated by a saccadometer. The approach used is based on the relational data... more

Data modeling and data processing are important activities in any scientific research. This research focuses on the modeling of data and processing of data generated by a saccadometer. The approach used is based on the relational data model, but the processing and storage of the data is done with client datasets. The experiments were performed with 26 randomly selected files from a total of 264 experimental sessions. The data from each experimental session was stored in three different formats, respectively text, binary and extensible markup language (XML) based. The results showed that the text format and the binary format were the most compact. Several actions related to data processing were analyzed. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the two fastest actions are respectively loading data from a binary file and storing data into a binary file. In contrast, the two slowest actions were storing the data in XML format and loading the data from a text file, respectively....

Cities in Indonesia include diverse scattered industrial centers comprising industries that can sustain the existing economic pace. For industrial data collection, the city government still relies on census that consumes extensive time... more

Cities in Indonesia include diverse scattered industrial centers comprising industries that can sustain the existing economic pace. For industrial data collection, the city government still relies on census that consumes extensive time and money. The public are unfamiliar with industries owing to their lack of industry information; therefore, the market share is not optimal. In addition, the opportunity to procure investors for business development is limited. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that can record, store, write, analyze, and display geographical data. Using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, GIS was developed on a website platform to provide information on industry profiles, types of production, investment values, industry maps, and industrial locations in each village and sub-district to a wider community. The RAD method was chosen compared to the waterfall method because it could accelerate website development process.

The internet world expands day by day as well as threats related to it. Nowadays, Cyber-attacks often happen more than a decade ago. Intrusion detection is one of the most popular search area that provides various technologies and... more

The internet world expands day by day as well as threats related to it. Nowadays, Cyber-attacks often happen more than a decade ago. Intrusion detection is one of the most popular search area that provides various technologies and security techniques for detecting cyber-attacks. Different data extraction tools learn to algorithms that help in the implementation of the Learn to build Identities. In this paper, we have done a comparative study for machine learning tools using WEKA and Rapid Miner with two algorithms Random Tree and Random Forest for network intrusion detection. These can be used to implement intrusion detection techniques based on data mining. Analysis of the initial results of two different machine learning tools WEKA and Rapid Miner is carried out using KDD' 99 attack dataset and results are the best tools is WEKA, while the best algorithms is Random Forest.

Curriculum in Management Information Systems (MIS) is subject to constant pressure due to changes in business, the computer industry and technology. Clements (1989) suggests many curriculum statements are the result of conscious or... more

Curriculum in Management Information Systems (MIS) is subject to constant pressure due to changes in business, the computer industry and technology. Clements (1989) suggests many curriculum statements are the result of conscious or unconscious copying of 'authoritative' existing statements, while Truran (1997) suggests a model somewhere between 'muddling through' and an ecological model. An examination of a major curriculum rewrite

Rapid application development (RAD) atau rapid prototyping adalah model proses pembangunan perangkat lunak yang tergolong dalam teknik incremental (bertingkat). RAD menekankan pada siklus pembangunan pendek, singkat, dan cepat. Waktu yang... more

Rapid application development (RAD) atau rapid prototyping adalah model proses pembangunan perangkat lunak yang tergolong dalam teknik incremental (bertingkat). RAD menekankan pada siklus pembangunan pendek, singkat, dan cepat. Waktu yang singkat adalah batasan yang penting untuk model ini. Rapid application development menggunakan metode iteratif (berulang) dalam mengembangkan sistem dimana working model (model kerja) sistem dikonstruksikan di awal tahap pengembangan dengan tujuan menetapkan kebutuhan (requirement) pengguna. Model kerja digunakan hanya sesekali saja sebagai basis desain dan implementasi sistem akhir. Rapid Application Development (RAD) adalah metodologi pengembangan perangkat lunak yang berfokus pada membangun aplikasi dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Istilah ini menjadi kata kunci pemasaran yang umum menjelaskan aplikasi yang dapat dirancang dan dikembangkan dalam waktu 60 90 hari, tapi itu awalnya ditujukan untuk menggambarkan suatu proses pembangunan yang melibatkan application prototyping dan iterative development. Menurut James Martin "Rapid Application Development (RAD) merupakan pengembangan siklus yang dirancang untuk memberikan pengembangan yang jauh lebih cepat dan hasil yang lebih berkualitas tinggi daripada yang dicapai dengan siklus hidup tradisional. Hal ini dirancang untuk mengambil keuntungan maksimum dari pengembangan perangkat lunak yang telah berevolusi baru baru ini." 1

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has become a popular identification technology in a number of application areas such as supply chain management. A dedicated middleware solution is required to achieve the maximum benefits of RFID... more

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has become a popular identification technology in a number of application areas such as supply chain management. A dedicated middleware solution is required to achieve the maximum benefits of RFID technology. The middleware components serve to abstract the communication between the middleware and the different types of sensing devices on one hand, and the middleware and backend applications on the other hand. FlexRFID is a simple and smart RFID middleware which provides device management and monitoring, data processing, filtering, and aggregation, rapid application development, as well as a policy based business rules layer which helps applying rules for accessing and configuring the services provided by the middleware. This layer serves to process some business intelligence rules locally so that the host system is offloaded from those mundane tasks. The paper shows that FlexRFID is a highly scalable and easily deployable middleware in the heterogeneous sites based on different standards and consisting of different hardware. Apart from these, FlexRFID incorporates the mechanisms for supervision, testing, and control of its components, plus handles the security and privacy issues that inhibit the adoption of RFID technology by applying the privacy policies in the business rules layer. FlexRFID middleware is controlling the data flows in and out as well as locally controlling some intelligence.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt... more

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt Publishing, nor its dealers or distributors will be held ...

One mission of the airlines is to ensure safety and security as a top priority. One area of authority is an area around the airport called the Flight Operations Safety Area (FOSA). Unfortunately, information about the rules and also the... more

One mission of the airlines is to ensure safety and security as a top priority. One area of authority is an area around the airport called the Flight Operations Safety Area (FOSA). Unfortunately, information about the rules and also the mapping of the FOSA area is very minimal. In addition, the lack of public knowledge of the rules and FOSA areas can jeopardize the performance of flight operations at airports. In order to improve safety in this FOSA area, the solution that can be given is by digitizing obstacle analysis in the flight area with the Aerodrome Elevation System approach. The method that will be used in this research is the case study method with the system development model using the Rapid Application Development Model. With the solutions provided, it is expected to improve the level of safety in the FOSA area.

This paper unveils two facts that are tightly linked: firstly, Internet users require increasingly effective security policies, since there are plenty of scenarios where the introduction of security elements is highly recommended (e.g.... more

This paper unveils two facts that are tightly linked: firstly, Internet users require increasingly effective security policies, since there are plenty of scenarios where the introduction of security elements is highly recommended (e.g. integrity and confidentiality requirements in the everyday use of interpersonal communications by e-mail). Secondly, checking the suitability and performance of an object-oriented programming language which considers itself

Although many general-purpose frameworks have been developed to aid in web application development, they typically tend to be both comprehensive and complex. To address this problem, a specialized server-side Java framework designed... more

Although many general-purpose frameworks have been developed to aid in web application development, they typically tend to be both comprehensive and complex. To address this problem, a specialized server-side Java framework designed specifically for data retrieval and visualization has been developed. The framework's focus is on maintainability and data security. The functionality is rich with features necessary for simplifying data display design, deployment, user management and application debugging, yet the scope is deliberately kept limited to allow for easy comprehension and rapid application development. The system clearly decouples the application processing and visualization, which in turn allows for clean separation of layout and processing development. Duplication of standard web page features such as toolbars and navigational aids is therefore eliminated. The framework employs the popular Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, but it also uses the filter mechanism ...