Metrics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

🔗. Il volume raccoglie venticinque saggi sui trovatori, scritti da Pietro G. Beltrami in quarant’anni di costante indagine sulla storia, le singole personalità, il senso, la rilevanza stessa di una tradizione... more

🔗. Il volume raccoglie venticinque saggi sui trovatori, scritti da Pietro G. Beltrami in quarant’anni di costante indagine sulla storia, le singole personalità, il senso, la rilevanza stessa di una tradizione letteraria da sempre al centro della romanistica italiana. In questo panorama l’approccio e lo stile di Beltrami si distinguono per il rigore del metodo ecdotico, la perizia dell’analisi metrica, e soprattutto per un’attenzione estrema al momento interpretativo, motore essenziale del suo interesse. I. LEGGERE I TROVATORI. Leggere i trovatori oggi (e domani?). II. I ‘TROVATORI ANTICHI’. Ancora su Guglielmo IX e i trovatori antichi – Per la storia dei trovatori: una discussione – Cercamon ‘trovatore antico’: problemi e proposte – La canzone «Belhs m’es l’estius» di Jaufre Rudel – Per una rilettura di «Deiosta•ls breus jorns e•ls loncs sers» – Peire d’Alvernhe e l’interpretazione dei trovatori. III. GIRAUT DE BORNEIL. Giraut de Borneil «plan e clus» – Giraut de Borneil, la pastorella ‘alla provenzale’ e il moralismo cortese – Lettura di «Ben cove, pus ja baissa•l ram» (BdT 242,25) – Lettura di «Quan lo fregz e•l glatz e la neus» (BdT 242,60) – Un divertimento di Giraut de Borneil con Delfino d’Alvernia – La canzone «Per solatz revelhar» di Giraut de Borneil – Note su «Ans que venha» di Giraut de Borneil – Appunti per una nuova edizione di Giraut de Borneil – IV. BERTRAN DE BORN. Bertran de Born poeta galante: la canzone della domna soiseubuda – Bertran de Born il giovane e suo padre – Giochi di corte per Bertran de Born («Chazutz sui de mal en pena») – Bertran de Born fuori da Altaforte. Qualche nota su Ges no mi desconort – V. ARNAUT DANIEL. «Lo ferm voler» di Arnaut Daniel: noterella per una traduzione – Arnaut Daniel e la ‘bella scuola’ dei trovatori di Dante. VI. TROVATORI DEL DUECENTO. Appunti su «Razo e dreyt ay si•m chant e•m demori» – Spigolature su Sordello e la poesia italiana del Duecento. VII. QUESTIONI DI METRICA. Variazioni di schema e altre note di metrica provenzale – «Er auziretz» di Giraut de Borneil e «Abans qe•il blanc puoi» di autore incerto. Bibliografia. Indici.

Distinct software metrics have been proposed for programs. By contrast, metrics for databases have been neglected on the grounds that databases were mere plain files that do not affect considerably information systems maintainability.... more

Distinct software metrics have been proposed for programs. By contrast, metrics for databases have been neglected on the grounds that databases were mere plain files that do not affect considerably information systems maintainability. However, later enhancements on database systems ...

In any organization that operates in cyberspace, it is necessary to understand the information battlespace. Defensive information battlespace knowledge can be provided by detailed analysis of carefully selected metrics using automated... more

In any organization that operates in cyberspace, it is necessary to understand the information battlespace. Defensive information battlespace knowledge can be provided by detailed analysis of carefully selected metrics using automated analysis, data mining, and data calls. Gathering data for metrics involves many of the same pitfalls as collecting data in research but also incurs the intra-organizational communication problems inherent in organizations. These factors make it difficult to turn data and metrics into decision-ready knowledge. This paper explores data gathering in an organization as a research program and a knowledge transfer activity.

In order to reduce the labor-intensive nature of evaluating quality of fused tracks in a multi-sensor, multi-platform environment, the Metrics Assessment System (MAS) was developed to provide heavily automated, real-time metric... more

In order to reduce the labor-intensive nature of evaluating quality of fused tracks in a multi-sensor, multi-platform environment, the Metrics Assessment System (MAS) was developed to provide heavily automated, real-time metric calculation and display. The MAS presents metrics in tables and graphs within the tactical display and provides overlays on the tactical display for focused assessment. Originally, MAS included standard kinematic metrics, but more recent work has generated additional metrics based on track-to-track versions of Track Purity, Target Effectiveness, and Assignment Accuracy, metrics derived from a confusion matrix analysis of the fused and known truth tracks, and Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves. Data mining tools were used to assess the effectiveness of candidate metrics for inclusion in the MAS. This paper describes the metrics, the evaluations, and the framework for metric assessment which this work has provided.

Given the increasing proportion of ethnic minority individuals in the United States and psychology’s historical reliance on theories derived from Euro American populations, it is important to monitor the status of cultural diversity... more

Given the increasing proportion of ethnic minority individuals in the United States and psychology’s historical reliance on theories derived from Euro American populations, it is important to monitor the status of cultural diversity research. We conducted a 10-year follow-up to Hall and Maramba’s (2001) report of cross-cultural (CC) and ethnic minority (EM) publication trends. Comparing data from 1993–1999 and 2003–2009, we found that research on CC and EM issues continues to be underrepresented in the literature, particularly in top-tier journals. The American Psychological Association and Association for Psychological Science journals mirrored this discouraging trend, and the absence of top CC and EM authors on their editorial boards may point to a structural barrier to broader inclusion of cultural diversity research. We also found that fewer top CC and EM researchers are employed in psychology departments than one might hope, reflecting predominant attitudes within psychology of CC and EM research as peripheral to the larger field. Although clear that few gains have been made despite numerous awareness-raising efforts, the precise deficits were somewhat obscured, because the CC and EM terminology employed by Hall and Maramba (2001) did not fully capture the breadth of cultural diversity research currently underway in psychology. Thus, future attempts to assess the field would benefit from wider-reaching search terms. Additionally, we suggest that attention to reorganization within the evolving fields of cultural diversity research and to developing new categories of inquiry for research on cultural diversity that maintain focus on minority statuses in the United States may be productive routes forward for psychology as a discipline.

Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand the alignment of assessment processes in libraries and develop a conceptual model of aligning library performance assessment for effective reporting of library value and... more

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand the alignment of assessment processes in libraries and develop a conceptual model of aligning library performance assessment for effective reporting of library value and performance to stakeholders.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews of library performance assessment literature and current practice research to identify the need and value of aligned performance assessment
processes for libraries, the primary contributing alignment factors affecting the library assessment process, and potential benefits of improved alignment of the assessment process for libraries.
Findings – Libraries can improve the reporting and value of their assessment processes by improving the alignment of their assessment processes in two ways: internally through the use of consistent and innovative processes, metrics, and culture within the library and externally by embracing the alignment factors of the library’s service environment. The library must develop more effective assessment alignment processes by progressively elevating the alignment of the library’s assessment processes from internal non-alignment of assessment to the total alignment of assessment to the library’ service environment and the dynamic environmental factors driving today’s libraries.
Practical implications – Increasing the alignment of a library’s assessment processes can improve the efficiency of assessment processes, the effectiveness of the results of the assessment processes,
and the library stakeholder’s appreciation and understanding of the results of the assessment processes.
Originality/value – Provides a conceptual model applicable to all types of libraries to increase the alignment of assessment and the library’s ability to report value and impact.
Keywords Assessment, Strategic alignment, Libraries, Performance measures, Service levels, Stakeholder analysis
Paper type Conceptual paper

Recent years have seen significant improvements in the performance of automatic cartographic feature extraction (CFE) systems. Early systems, painstakingly tweaked to work in a very limited fashion on small images, have given way to... more

Recent years have seen significant improvements in the performance of automatic cartographic feature extraction (CFE) systems. Early systems, painstakingly tweaked to work in a very limited fashion on small images, have given way to sys-tems which produce credible results in situations representative of production environments. While no existing automatic system is yet ready for incorporation into a production environment, significant strides have been made toward this goal. Semi-automated systems, with significant man-in-the-loop capabilities, continue to be developed by photogrammetric workstation vendors. However, a fundamental requirement for system development, and an absolute prerequisite for production applications, is the rigorous evaluation of automated system performance. Indeed, without meaningful evaluation, we can hardly be said to be doing science. Rigorous evaluation requires the definition of a set of metrics, relevant to user requirements and meaningful in terms of ...

The present study based on bibliometric analysis of research publication of Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) from 1972-2015 using Scopus database as a data source. The publication data was analyzed to find out the type of publication,... more

The present study based on bibliometric analysis of research publication of Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) from 1972-2015 using Scopus database as a data source. The publication data was analyzed to find out the type of publication, authorship trends, collaboration pattern, most prolificauthor, and journals. The result shows that journal is the most preferred form of publication. The year wise publication trends were upward where there is a steady increase in publication every year. The inter-university collaboration was increased over the year. The mainresearch area was science which includes a major share of Physics and Astronomy with total 758 publication (25.04%).

Copyright © 2015 Ilya V. Osipov et al. This article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.... more

Copyright © 2015 Ilya V. Osipov et al. This article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The paper describes user behavior as a result of introducing monetization in the freemium educational online platform. Monetization resulted in alternative system growth mechanisms causing viral increase in the number of users. System metrics in terms of the K-factor was utilized as an indicator of the system user base growth. The weekly K-factor doubled as a result of monetization introduction.

There is no consensus regarding a common set of metrics for robot task complexity in associated human-robot interactions. This paper is an attempt to address this issue by proposing a new metric so that the educational potential when... more

There is no consensus regarding a common set of metrics for robot task complexity in associated human-robot interactions. This paper is an attempt to address this issue by proposing a new metric so that the educational potential when using robots can be further developed. Tasks in which students in Japan and UK interact in a 3D virtual space to collaboratively program robots to navigate mazes have resulted in quantitative data of immersion, Circuit Task Complexity and Robot Task Complexity. The data has subsequently been collated to create a proposed new metric for tasks involving robots, which we have termed Task Fidelity. The paper proposes that Task Fidelity is a quantitative measure of a set robot task in relation to a learner’s solution. By quantifying Task Fidelity educators utilizing robots in schools and in Higher Education will be able to provide tasks commensurate with the expected successful outcomes achieved by the learners.

Publicada por primera vez en 1986, esta obra que pronto cumplirá tres décadas sigue conservando su vigencia y utilidad. Obra de Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel y Esteban Torre, es en realidad un recordatorio y compendio de una serie de datos... more

Publicada por primera vez en 1986, esta obra que pronto cumplirá tres décadas sigue conservando su vigencia y utilidad. Obra de Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel y Esteban Torre, es en realidad un recordatorio y compendio de una serie de datos de orden métrico y estilístico, cuyo conocimiento resulta indispensable para la más adecuada comprensión del poema.
De orientación eminentemente didáctica, aspira a ser un instrumento útil tanto para la iniciación a los recursos métricos en la Universidad, como para la orientación del profesorado de otros niveles educativos.
Los textos que se citan por vía de ejemplo son una significativa muestra de lo mejor de la poesía española e hispanoamericana contemporánea.

Virtual Reality Head - Mounted Display (HMD) manufacturers claim that consumer electronics can finally deliver a high degree of presence in virtual and remote environments. Certainly, current consumer-grade HMD systems offer rich and... more

Virtual Reality Head - Mounted Display (HMD) manufacturers claim that consumer electronics can finally deliver a high degree of presence in virtual and remote environments. Certainly, current consumer-grade HMD systems offer rich and coherent mediated experiences of such environments. However, the very concept of presence is still a subject of debate, and researchers’ investigation of the phenomenon of ‘presence’ is based primarily on qualitative (i.e. questionnaire-based) assessments. Some researchers attempted to develop real-time, quantitative methods to facilitate more objective investigation of presence in mediated environments. Most such methodologies are derived from attempts to correlate presence with cardiovascular and electrodermal activity in response to stressful stimuli [1]. Such methodologies often don’t comply with the underlying logic, fundamental to this approach: a high degree of presence manifests itself through similar responses to the stimulus observed in a physical and Virtual Environment (VE). Therefore, the lack of deviation from baseline measurement observed in a physical environment should be a manifestation of a high level of presence. We have argued theoretical grounds for the development of quantitative methodologies for measuring presence in VE. However, our hypothesis can be applicable to other contexts, such as presence in physical but remote location, augmented reality, and even a physical environment. We argue that the concept of presence requires further research and development and that the definition of presence should be addressed first. Presence is discussed in the context of brain function theory [2].
Three hypothetical experiments are proposed and described. The first experiment is designed to evaluate capacity of the medium for inducing presence. The second experiment evaluates factors loading on presence, through physiological deviations from baseline observed during controlled regression in quality of the VE properties. The third experiment is designed to evaluate brain function theory hypothesis in relation to Virtual Environments. Possible experiment results and their interpretation is discussed along benefits of adopting Open Science methodology in our research community.

L’uso insistito di strutture ritmiche anapestiche nei versi di Cesare Pavese è dato critico da sempre sottolineato, ma raramente approfondito, in particolare in relazione al suo aspetto genetico. Questo studio si presenta quindi come... more

L’uso insistito di strutture ritmiche anapestiche nei versi di Cesare Pavese è dato critico da sempre sottolineato, ma raramente approfondito, in particolare in relazione al suo aspetto genetico. Questo studio si presenta quindi come un’analisi del progressivo affermarsi dell’elemento prosodico anapestico nella poesia pavesiana a partire dalle sue prime occorrenze, individuabili addirittura all’interno delle liriche del 1923 che inaugurano la raccolta «Sfoghi». L’evoluzione delle forme metriche è quindi seguita lungo tutte le composizioni che anticipano «Lavorare stanca», fino ad arrivare a «Frasi all’innamorata», necessario antecedente stilistico de «I mari del Sud». L’analisi di tutte le varianti prosodiche e metriche presenti nella raccolta del 1936 porta infine ad una serie di considerazioni circa le funzionalità dell’anapesto all’interno della produzione pavesiana: precisi riferimenti riportati ne Il mestiere di vivere spingono a ricollegare il «monotono ritmo» della poesia di Pavese alla ricerca di un «filtro» che permetta al poeta di ottenere un «condensato racconto», finalmente libero dalla precedente poesia di sfogo.

This chapter explores the implications of performance metrics as a source of self-knowledge and self-presentation. It does so through the figure of the contemporary musician. As performers on-stage and online, musicians are constantly... more

This chapter explores the implications of performance metrics as a source of self-knowledge and self-presentation. It does so through the figure of the contemporary musician. As performers on-stage and online, musicians are constantly assessed and evaluated by industry actors, peers, music fans, and themselves. The impact of powerful modes of quantification on personal experiences, understandings, and practices of artistic creation provides insight into the wider role that metrics play in shaping how we see ourselves and others; and how we present ourselves to others. Through in-depth interviews with emerging musicians, this chapter thus uses the artist as a lens through which to understand everyday life within the "performance complex."

El objetivo de este trabajo es reivindicar En silencio... ópera prima hoy casi olvidada de Ernestina de Champourcin. La maestría del poemario reside en la pluralidad de ritmos y metros utilizados que demuestran la infl uencia y el vasto... more

El objetivo de este trabajo es reivindicar En silencio... ópera prima hoy casi olvidada de Ernestina de Champourcin. La maestría del poemario reside en la pluralidad de ritmos y metros utilizados que demuestran la infl uencia y el vasto conocimiento de la poeta sobre los escritores románticos, modernistas y simbolistas tanto españoles como europeos.

Definition of nine visit segments of the Tate website

In the field of information and computer technology (ICT), saving energy has its focus set on energy efficient hardware and its operation. Recently, efforts have also been made in the area of computer software. However, the development of... more

In the field of information and computer technology (ICT), saving energy has its focus set on energy efficient hardware and its operation. Recently, efforts have also been made in the area of computer software. However, the development of energy efficient software requires metrics, which measure the software's energy consumption as well as models to monitor and minimize it. In software and software development processes they hardly exist. In this work we present a generic metric to measure software and a method to apply it in a software engineering process.

Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel.

Resumo: O jornalismo, como atividade econômica, precisa ser sustentável e oferecer resulta-dos que ajudem a assegurar a sua permanência. Como atividade social, ele necessita demons-trar finalidade pública, relevância comunitária e... more

Resumo: O jornalismo, como atividade econômica, precisa ser sustentável e oferecer resulta-dos que ajudem a assegurar a sua permanência. Como atividade social, ele necessita demons-trar finalidade pública, relevância comunitária e comprometimento com a coletividade. Tanto financeira quanto socialmente, espera-se que o jornalismo tenha impacto, isto é, que ocupe lugar de utilidade e relevância na vida social. Numa época de audiências flutuantes, dispersas e dinâmicas, medir impacto é uma tarefa cada vez mais complexa. Neste artigo, conceituamos e refletimos sobre as métricas de audiência, tensionando-as com preocupações éticas que lhe são inerentes. Para isso, analisamos a reportagem de maior repercussão pública recente de um dos jornais de referência no sul do Brasil, o Diário Catarinense. Os resultados permitem insistir num conceito de métricas que se oriente mais por aspectos sociais e editoriais do que meramente quantitativos. Palavras-chave: impacto no jornalismo; métricas editoriais; ética; jornalismo online; cultu-ra do clique. Abstract: Journalism, as an economic activity, must be sustainable and offer results that help to ensure its permanence. As a social activity, it needs to demonstrate public purpose, community relevance and commitment to the community. Both financially and socially, journalism is expected to have an impact, what means it has a role of utility and relevance in the social life. In an age of fluctuating, dispersed and dynamic audiences, measuring the impact is an increasingly complex task. In this paper, we conceptualize and reflect on audience metrics, stressing them with ethical concerns. For that, we analyzed a piece that achieved the most recent public repercussion in one of the biggest newspapers in the south of Brazil, Diário Catarinense. The results allow us to insist on a concept of metrics that are oriented more by social and editorial aspects than merely by quantitative ones.

Libro de formación básica

This paper presents a metric to measure similarity between users, which is applicable in collaborative filtering processes carried out in recommender systems. The proposed metric is formulated via a simple linear combination of values and... more

This paper presents a metric to measure similarity between users, which is applicable in collaborative filtering processes carried out in recommender systems. The proposed metric is formulated via a simple linear combination of values and weights. Values are calculated for each pair of users between which the similarity is obtained, whilst weights are only calculated once, making use of a