Real-time rendering Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Realistic renderings contain a large amount of information about the spatial, geometric and material properties of prospective buildings that can directly affect design decisions, yet these images are most of the time used as... more

Realistic renderings contain a large amount of information about the spatial, geometric and material properties of prospective buildings that can directly affect design decisions, yet these images are most of the time used as after-the-fact representational visualizations. In this paper we propose a model to make the realistic images a very part of the design and decision making process. If we are to utilize realistic images during earlier decision making stages of the design processes, then we should develop experiential workflows in which we can create and interact with immersive realistic images real-time. We take several steps towards establishing an interactive rendering-animating-editing workflow that enables the designers to work with real-time rendered stereoscopic animations. In our system, we use realism to create an immersive exploration environment, as opposed to underutilizing it to represent a static moment.

This paper presents a novel approach to fast rendering realistic meta-balls in view space. Meta-ball rendering is widely used in computer graphics to represent liquid drops, and especially important to particle-based fluid dynamics for... more

This paper presents a novel approach to fast rendering realistic meta-balls in view space. Meta-ball rendering is widely used in computer graphics to represent liquid drops, and especially important to particle-based fluid dynamics for the rendering on the final stage. Traditionally, meta-balls are procedurally modeled in object space according to implicit surface extraction and rendered as meshes. Instead of such consuming geometry-based methods, our algorithm is executed at screen-space level, and it utilizes the features of GPU, which demands low overheads and thus is much faster. Compared with other screen-space methods of particle rendering, our method obeys the basic principle of implicit surface. Consequently, real-time meta-ball rendering can be achieved very efficiently in a significantly high quality.

The real-time rendering of arbitrarily large textures is a problem that has long been studied in terrain visualization. For years, different approaches have been published that have either expensive hardware requirements or other severe... more

The real-time rendering of arbitrarily large textures is a problem that has long been studied in terrain visualization. For years, different approaches have been published that have either expensive hardware requirements or other severe limitations in quality, performance or versatility. The biggest problem is usually a strong coupling between geometry and texture, both regarding database structure, as well as LOD management.

Recent advances in computer graphics, particularly in real-time rendering, have resulted in major improvements in 3D graphics and rendering techniques in interactive entertainment. In this article we focus on the scene-lighting process,... more

Recent advances in computer graphics, particularly in real-time rendering, have resulted in major improvements in 3D graphics and rendering techniques in interactive entertainment. In this article we focus on the scene-lighting process, which we define as configuring the number of lights in a scene, their properties (e.g., range and attenuation), positions, angles, and colors. Lighting design is well known among designers, directors, and visual artists for its vital role in influencing viewers' perception by evoking moods, directing their gaze to important areas (i.e., providing visual focus), and conveying visual tension. It is, however, difficult to set positions, angles, or colors for lights within interactive scenes to accommodate these goals because an interactive scene's spatial and dramatic configuration, including mood, dramatic intensity, and the relative importance of different characters, change unpredictably in real-time. There are several techniques developed by...

In this paper we propose a new physically plausible, anisotropic Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for fitting and for importance sampling in global illumination rendering. We demonstrate that the new model is better... more

In this paper we propose a new physically plausible, anisotropic Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for fitting and for importance sampling in global illumination rendering. We demonstrate that the new model is better in data fitting than existing BRDF models. We also describe efficient schemes for sampling the proposed anisotropic BRDF model. Furthermore, we test it on a GPU-based real-time rendering algorithm and show that material design can be done with this anisotropic BRDF model effectively. We also show that the new model has effective real-time rendering performance.

Real-time results of our method for simulating translucent materials (skin on the left, ketchup on the right). Our separable subsurface-scattering method enables the generation of these images using only two convolutions (versus 12 in the... more

Real-time results of our method for simulating translucent materials (skin on the left, ketchup on the right). Our separable subsurface-scattering method enables the generation of these images using only two convolutions (versus 12 in the sum-of-Gaussians approach [dLE07, JSG09]) and seven samples per pixel, while featuring quality comparable with the current state of the art, at a fraction of its cost. It can be implemented as a post-processing step and takes only 0.489 ms per frame on an AMD Radeon HD 7970 at 1080p, which makes it highly suitable for challenging real-time scenarios. Abstract In this paper we propose two real-time models for simulating subsurface scattering for a large variety of translucent materials, which need under 0.5 milliseconds per frame to execute. This makes them a practical option for real-time production scenarios. Current state-of-the-art, real-time approaches simulate subsurface light transport by approximating the radially symmetric non-separable diffusion kernel with a sum of separable Gaussians, which requires multiple (up to twelve) 1D convolutions. In this work we relax the requirement of radial symmetry to approximate a 2D diffuse reflectance profile by a single separable kernel. We first show that low-rank approximations based on matrix factorization outperform previous approaches, but they still need several passes to get good results. To solve this, we present two different separable models: the first one yields a high-quality diffusion simulation, while the second one offers an attractive trade-off between physical accuracy and artistic control. Both allow rendering subsurface scattering using only two 1D convolutions, reducing both execution time and memory consumption, while delivering results comparable to techniques with higher cost. Using our importance-sampling and jittering strategies, only seven samples per pixel are required. Our methods can be implemented as simple post-processing steps without intrusive changes to existing rendering pipelines.

We introduce a novel voxel-based algorithm that interactively simulates both diffuse and glossy single-bounce indirect illumination. Our algorithm generates high quality images similar to the reference solution while using only a fraction... more

We introduce a novel voxel-based algorithm that interactively simulates both diffuse and glossy single-bounce indirect illumination. Our algorithm generates high quality images similar to the reference solution while using only a fraction of the memory of previous methods. The key idea in our work is to decouple occlusion data, stored in voxels, from lighting and geometric data, encoded in a new per-light data structure called layered reflective shadow maps (LRSMs). We use voxel cone tracing for visibility determination and integrate outgoing radiance by performing lookups in a pre-filtered LRSM. Finally we demonstrate that our simple data structures are easy to implement and can be rebuilt every frame to support both dynamic lights and scenes.

The purpose of this project was to create several methods for achieving non-photorealistic appearance of the objects or, in other words, the goal was to create several different implementations of the cartoonish shader, which can... more

The purpose of this project was to create several methods for achieving non-photorealistic appearance of the objects or, in other words, the goal was to create several different implementations of the cartoonish shader, which can sometimes be referred to as a cel-shader or just toon-shader.

Nowadays, computers play a significant role in art creation as new media and tools. Hence, the relevant techniques on non-photorealistic animation and rendering, artistic simulation, and computational aesthetics are demanding to satisfy... more

Nowadays, computers play a significant role in art creation as new media and tools. Hence, the relevant techniques on non-photorealistic animation and rendering, artistic simulation, and computational aesthetics are demanding to satisfy the expectation of the digital artists and attract the eyes of the beholders. This thesis presents the main research works finished during the author’s Master studying, which focus on artistic simulation and rendering, as well as two useful novel techniques for ink-wash stylistic rendering and artistic special effects based on fluid simulation.
In our first research work, a novel approach to real-time ink-wash stylistic rendering from 3D geometric models is proposed. Firstly, the strokes are classified and extracted from ordinary 3D models by utilizing the existing geometry information, and finally a lifelike painted image can be generated by combining the stroke properties and our ink model. By taking advantage of parallel processing on GPU, the rendering of geometric models with realistic features of Chinese ink painting can be consequently performed on a consumer-level PC in real-time.
Moreover, our second work proposes a physically based simulation-rendering framework to generate vivid character-driven special effects that enhance the artistic visual perception of 3D animations. The complex interactions between the liquid simulation based on SPH and deformable character are successfully handled by taking advantage the general-purpose GPU computing. Furthermore, an optimized neighbor search and an improved screen-space particle rendering are also proposed in our framework. As a result, both of the fluid simulation and liquid rendering with realistic illumination can be realized in real-time by using our method.

Creating 3D vehicle model is complex process that requires basic knowledge of polygonal modeling.In this research, environment map is used as lighting with HDRI image.The final process of converting 3D scene to 2D image is called... more

Creating 3D vehicle model is complex process that requires basic knowledge of polygonal modeling.In this research, environment map is used as lighting with HDRI image.The final process of converting 3D scene to 2D image is called rendering.Image data will be obtained in four ways with various toolsets used in 3ds Max. They are: Scaneline, V-Ray, Mental Ray and Corona Renderer. At final step was made critical analysis on all of these techniques on the same computer system and excellent results were obtained.

This paper presents a novel solution for approximations to some large convolution kernels by leveraging a weighted box-filtered image pyramid set. Convolution filters are widely used, but still compute-intensive for real-time rendering... more

This paper presents a novel solution for approximations to some large convolution kernels by leveraging a weighted box-filtered image pyramid set. Convolution filters are widely used, but still compute-intensive for real-time rendering when the kernel size is large. Our algorithm approximates the convolution kernels, such as Gaussian and cosine filters, by two phases of down and up sampling on a GPU. The computational complexity only depends on the input image resolution and is independent of the kernel size. Therefore, our method can be applied to nonuniform blurs, irradiance probe generations, and ray-traced glossy global illuminations in real time, and runs in effective and efficient performance.

A long standing goal in image-based modeling and rendering is to capture a scene from camera images and construct a sufficient model to allow photo-realistic rendering of new views. With the confluence of computer graphics and vision, the... more

A long standing goal in image-based modeling and rendering is to capture a scene from camera images and construct a sufficient model to allow photo-realistic rendering of new views. With the confluence of computer graphics and vision, the combination of research on recovering geometric structure from un-calibrated cameras with modeling and rendering has yielded numerous new methods. Yet, many challenging issues remain to be addressed before a sufficiently general and robust system could be built to eg allow an ...

Penggambaran terrain merupakan suatu permasalahan tersendiri dalam bidang komputer grafik. Banyak teknik dan metode yang telah diciptakan dan masih akan terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat keras komputer yang semakin... more

Penggambaran terrain merupakan suatu permasalahan tersendiri dalam bidang komputer grafik. Banyak teknik dan metode yang telah diciptakan dan masih akan terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat keras komputer yang semakin canggih, selain itu terrain juga semakin banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti game, virtual reality, simulasi geologi, simulasi cuaca, dan pembuatan film. Dalam tulisan ini akan diteliti dan diimplementasikan gabungan antara metode penggambaran terrain dengan View Dependent LOD (Level Of Detail) sehingga didapatkan hasil penggambaran yang bagus dan efisien serta dapat diterapkan pada pembuatan game dan aplikasi yang memanfaatkan terrain. Konsep yang diusulkan adalah dengan menggunakan gabungan metode view-dependent LOD sederhana dan penggunaan vertex displacement mapping. Hasil akhir yang didapatkan dengan metode penggambaran terrain ini menghasilkan kenaikan fps ~20%.

This thesis presents a method to both add realism and to enhance user perception of emotional states of virtual characters through the addition of fine details, such as wrinkles and furrows. We also attempt to add realism to the... more

The development of digital three-dimensional characters, inside the field of animation, and the constant demand for compelling technology solutions, allied to a very singular esthetic, has contributed to the success and the affirmation of... more

The development of digital three-dimensional characters, inside the field of animation, and the constant demand for compelling technology solutions, allied to a very singular esthetic, has contributed to the success and the affirmation of three-dimensional animation in the entertainment industry. However, all the work that seeks or exploits the digital/3D language becomes 'victim' of limitations due to rendering image sequences, to rising financial and human costs, as well as the influence and difficulty involved in achieving the objectives and deadlines.
Real-time has increasingly assumed a predominant role in the interactive animation industry. With the evolution of technologies, there has been more surching for an appropriate methodology to boost real-time and low budget 3D animations, even with open source software for cost reduction, to enable the discarding and dependence of offline render in 3D animation. Real-time character’s development enables the rise of a new approach, the interactivity in the art of animation, which can introduce a wide range of new applications and consequently contribute to increase interest and curiosity by the audience. However, insertion, implementation and (ab)use of technologies in the field of animation, raises contemporary issues about the role of the animator.
This dissertation seeks to analyze those aspects, supporting to a 3D animation project in real-time, called 'PALCO'.

A method of computationally efficient 3D sound reproduction via headphones is presented using a virtual Ambisonic approach. Previous studies have shown that incorporating head tracking as well as room simulation is important to improve... more

A method of computationally efficient 3D sound reproduction via headphones is presented using a virtual Ambisonic approach. Previous studies have shown that incorporating head tracking as well as room simulation is important to improve sound source localization capabilities. The simulation of virtual acoustic space requires to filter the stimuli with head related transfer functions (HRTFs). In time-varying systems this yields

A major topic in computer graphics is the realistic representation of natural water. Since the simulation of animated fluids in these virtual worlds is computationally expensive, especially for the interactive exploration, this topic... more

A major topic in computer graphics is the realistic representation of natural water. Since the simulation of animated fluids in these virtual worlds is computationally expensive, especially for the interactive exploration, this topic represents an irresistible challenge. Besides, previous classical methods may be impractical for simulating interactive effects, such as waves and ripples. Therefore, our paper presents an approach to the interactive simulation of natural water in large virtual worlds. The main contributions of our algorithm: the efficiency of rendering computation and the expression of interaction for natural water in virtual worlds.

This paper presents a novel approach for real-time ink wash painting style rendering on geometric models. We first create an ink footprint model in particle form, then extract classified strokes from ordinary 3D models by utilizing the... more

This paper presents a novel approach for real-time ink wash painting style rendering on geometric models. We first create an ink footprint model in particle form, then extract classified strokes from ordinary 3D models by utilizing the existing geometry information, and finally combine the strokes and the ink to generate an immersive painted image. By taking advantage of parallel processing on GPU, consequently, the rendering of geometric models with realistic features of Chinese ink painting can be performed on a consumer-level PC in real-time.

Photorealistic rendering of fabric is essential in many applications ranging from movie special effects to ecommerce and fashion design. Existing techniques usually render the fabric’s microscale structure. However, this can result in... more

Photorealistic rendering of fabric is essential in many applications ranging from movie special effects to ecommerce and fashion design. Existing techniques usually render the fabric’s microscale structure. However, this can result in severe aliasing and is unsuitable for interactive cloth simulation and manipulation. In this paper we describe a novel real-time level-of-detail fabric rendering technique. The algorithm adjusts geometry and texture details with changing viewpoint by using a mipmapping approach, in order to obtain a perceptually consistent representation on the screen. Compared to previous work we also introduce more parameters allowing the simulation of a wider range of fabrics. Our evaluation demonstrates that the presented approach results in realistic renderings, increases the shader’s run-time speed, and reduces aliasing artifacts by hiding the underlying yarn geometry.

Ray tracing rendering technique had been widely used in several application including 3D animation, CAD, dan architecture software. The biggest challenge to implement the ray tracing rendering system is a large computation power needed by... more

Ray tracing rendering technique had been widely used in several application including 3D animation, CAD, dan architecture software. The biggest challenge to implement the ray tracing rendering system is a large computation power needed by application. In order to tackle that problem, we use uniform grid data structure to divide the scene into small grid and 3D Digital Differential Analyzer (3D-DDA) to access the structure. Our system are split into two steps, the first step is to construct the uniform grid structure based on scene condition and the second step is ray tracing traversal based on uniform grid structure that processed in previous step. Uniform grid structure is used in our system because it's GPU friendly data structure and easier to implement in GPU. Our system runs at 6 ms until 200 ms for constructing the uniform grid structure and 2 fps until 30 fps for scene rendering time. Comparing with CPU implementation, our system run 2 until 6 time faster depends on scene condition.

GPU-based interactive global illumination techniques are receiving an increasing interest from both the research and the industrial community as real-time graphics applications strive for visually rich and realistic dynamic... more

GPU-based interactive global illumination techniques are receiving an increasing interest from both the research and the industrial community as real-time graphics applications strive for visually rich and realistic dynamic three-dimensional environments. This paper presents a fast new diffuse global illumination method that generates a sparse set of low-cost radiance field evaluation points (radiance hints) and computes an arbitrary number of diffuse inter-reflections within a given volume. The proposed approximate technique combines ideas from exiting grid-based radiance caching techniques with reflective shadow maps as well as a stochastic scheme for visibility calculations, in order to achieve high frame rates for multiple light bounces.

in the hierarchy care has to be taken to prevent cracks along the cuts. This either leads to severe simplification constraints at the cuts and thus to a significantly higher number of triangles or the need for a costly runtime stitching... more

in the hierarchy care has to be taken to prevent cracks along the cuts. This either leads to severe simplification constraints at the cuts and thus to a significantly higher number of triangles or the need for a costly runtime stitching of these nodes. In this paper we present an out-of-core visualization algorithm that overcomes this problem by filling the