CAD Research Papers - (original) (raw)

We've developed an assistant system for housing negotiation and named it LIPSTICK. It consists of two transformation sub-systems with databases that store customers individual Kansei data. A customer can input his requirements for... more

We've developed an assistant system for housing negotiation and named it LIPSTICK. It consists of two transformation sub-systems with databases that store customers individual Kansei data. A customer can input his requirements for each room using mood words, and LIPSTICK outputs several recommended sample pictures of showrooms in order of suitability. This system is available for visualizing and analyzing the customer's requirements and activating communication during housing negotiation.

This study was designed to determine the predictive value of lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) levels for adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Oxidative modification of circulating lipids... more

This study was designed to determine the predictive value of lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) levels for adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Oxidative modification of circulating lipids contributes to inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, which are hallmark features of atherosclerosis. A serum biomarker of oxidation is LOOH, which is a primary product of fatty acid peroxidation. Serum LOOH levels were measured and correlated with clinical events over a 3-year period in 634 patients with angiographic evidence of CAD. Baseline LOOH levels in the highest quartile were associated with hazard ratios of 3.24 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.86 to 5.65; p = 0.0001) for nonfatal vascular events (n = 149), 1.80 (95% CI 1.13 to 2.88; p = 0.014) for major vascular procedures (n = 139), and 2.23 (95% CI 1.44 to 3.44; p = 0.0003) for all vascular events and procedures. Baseline LOOH levels correlated with serum levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (p = 0.001) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (p = 0.001) as well as the mean percent change in stenosis for large segments >50% stenosed (p = 0.048). A multivariate proportional hazards model, adjusted for traditional risk factors and inflammatory markers, showed an independent effect of LOOH on nonfatal vascular events, vascular procedures, and all events or procedures. Amlodipine treatment was associated with reduced cardiovascular events and changes in LOOH levels compared with placebo. Elevated LOOH levels were predictive of nonfatal vascular events and procedures in patients with stable CAD, independent of traditional risk factors and inflammatory markers.

The efficacy of virtual reality (VR) as a design support technique is widely recognised by industries. However, the efficiency of the routine employment of VR into the product development process (PDP) still finds an obstacle in the poor... more

The efficacy of virtual reality (VR) as a design support technique is widely recognised by industries. However, the efficiency of the routine employment of VR into the product development process (PDP) still finds an obstacle in the poor integration of the tools employed. The use of VR still needs long and quite hard procedures to work effectively; the models have to be converted into a format that is compatible with VR systems and each task requires an effort to prepare the virtual environment or to post-process the results that depend on the complexity of the task. This work analyses some VR applications into the PDP and describes some ideas to effectively support the operator that prepares the virtual environment. These ideas have been tested by developing four software interfaces, able to create an easy data exchange link between VR and other design tools like CAD, CAE and computer aided control engineering (CACE).

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Power sector is a new dominant sector, faced with workforce shortage and inefficiencies related to traditional design process. Lately, companies turn to Building Information Modelling (BIM) and to the usage of intelligent 3D models by... more

Power sector is a new dominant sector, faced with workforce shortage and inefficiencies related to traditional design process. Lately, companies turn to Building Information Modelling (BIM) and to the usage of intelligent 3D models by practicing of Innovation through Standardisation. Assessing BIM maturity in the Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) environment remains largely not covered by research, as most of BIM maturity models are based on a research conducted in the Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) environment. As more companies turn to this approach, BIM is still to be regarded as an innovation to power transmission and distribution sector. This study aims to investigate the utilisation of BIM in the power transmission and distribution sector and the differences in usage between utilisers and non-utilisers of standardised 3D modules under different construction methods, by researching whether there is a relation between BIM utilisation and different construction methods, and is there a difference in BIM utilisation between utilisers and non-utilisers of standardised 3D modules under different construction methods. A literature review was undertaken on theory of BIM as an Innovation and on BIM utilisation models, while also reviewing forty-two cases of usage of BIM in practice, before identifying gap by colliding theory and practice. An online questionnaire was published which targeted both professionals from transmission and distribution sector and practitioners of 3D power substation design. Even though reporting the main reason for going BIM as efficiency / productivity, in general, most companies achieve the paradigm of Analysis by conducting model-based analyses, of which, a majority practices the extent of model sharing across project network and achieve the value level of end-value optimization. Under both construction methods observed, BIM practice paradigms of companies as utilisers of standardised 3D modules were higher in average in comparison to companies as non-utilisers of standardised 3D modules. Under both construction methods, utilizers of standardised 3D modules and of intelligent 3D models were associated with higher average frequency of 4D and 5D levels of modelling. It is hoped for that this study will provide the valuable insight into the utilisation of BIM, by bridging Construction Informatics and power transmission and distribution sector, as currently, such a bridge does not exist.

Nowadays, the integration of different mechanical design process stages (Design, analysis and manufacturing) of is a necessity so as to reduce the time of design and optimization. This tendency of integration CAD/CAM/Analysis and... more

Nowadays, the integration of different mechanical design process stages (Design, analysis and manufacturing) of is a necessity so as to reduce the time of design and optimization. This tendency of integration CAD/CAM/Analysis and automation of the corresponding processes requires shared data between the various tasks using an integrated product model. Our research is oriented to CAD/CAM/Analysis integration by rebuilding the CAD model (BREP) starting from the CAE results (deformed mesh).

A crankshaft contains two or more centrally-located coaxial cylindrical ("main") journals and one or more offset cylindrical crankpin ("rod") journals. The design of the Crankshaft considers the dynamic loading and the optimization... more

A crankshaft contains two or more centrally-located
coaxial cylindrical ("main") journals and one or more offset
cylindrical crankpin ("rod") journals. The design of the
Crankshaft considers the dynamic loading and the optimization
an lead to a shaft diameter satisfying the requirements of
Automobile’s specifications with cost and size effectiveness.

CNC machines programming approach that takes place according to systematic of controlling software is essentially different from CAD/CAM programming approach. There is no similarity with CAD system. The geometric and technological data... more

CNC machines programming approach that takes place according to systematic of controlling software is essentially different from CAD/CAM programming approach. There is no similarity with CAD system. The geometric and technological data developed during projecting of work examples with assistance of computers in CAD system is not used. CAD/CAM programming appeared as the result of necessity for integration of processes for projecting of the work examples in CAD system and programming of processing as the subject of CAM system. This meant the omission of classical programming procedure because all geometric and technological data necessary for the programming process are interactively taken over from CAD systems. Process of CAD/CAM programming in WinCAM program package on the example of processing on the lathe of the chosen work example is presented in this paper.

Over the last decade, the ever increasing world-wide demand for early detection of breast cancer at many screening sites and hospitals has resulted in the need of new research avenues. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an... more

Over the last decade, the ever increasing world-wide demand for early detection of breast cancer at many screening sites and hospitals has resulted in the need of new research avenues. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances of taking the right decision on a successful treatment plan. The Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems are applied widely in the detection and differential diagnosis of many different kinds of abnormalities. Therefore, improving the accuracy of a CAD system has become one of the major research areas. In this paper, a CAD scheme for detection of breast cancer has been developed using deep belief network unsupervised path followed by back propagation supervised path. The construction is back-propagation neural network with Liebenberg Marquardt learning function while weights are initialized from the deep belief network path (DBN-NN). Our technique was tested on the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBCD). The classifier complex gives an accuracy of 99.68% indicating promising results over previously-published studies. The proposed system provides an effective classification model for breast cancer. In addition, we examined the architecture at several train-test partitions.

In occasione del quinto centenario della nascita di Andrea Palladio l’Università Iuav di Venezia ha sviluppato uno specifico progetto, confluito poi in una mostra, mirato al rilievo e allo studio delle facciate delle quattro chiese... more

In occasione del quinto centenario della nascita di Andrea Palladio l’Università Iuav di Venezia ha sviluppato uno specifico progetto, confluito poi in una mostra, mirato al rilievo e allo studio delle facciate delle quattro chiese palladiane di Venezia: San Francesco della Vigna, San Pietro di Castello, San Giorgio Maggiore e Redentore.
L’obiettivo principale era di poter confrontare tra loro le diverse soluzioni di facciata, potendo contare su basi sicure e coerenti, ottenute con metodi avanzati e con strumenti tra i più precisi oggi a disposizione.
I dati raccolti ed elaborati in quella occasione hanno consentito anche la creazione di dettagliati modelli tridimensionali digitali delle facciate, aprendo pertanto la possibilità a diverse applicazioni: dalla navigazione interattiva in Google Earth, alla realizzazione automatica di modelli fisici, ad altre soluzioni introdotte in questo articolo.

The performance of a sports car is not only limited to its engine power but also to aerodynamic properties of the car. By decreasing the drag force it is possible to reduce the engine power required to achieve same top speed thus... more

The performance of a sports car is not only limited to its engine power but also to aerodynamic properties of the car.
By decreasing the drag force it is possible to reduce the engine power required to achieve same top speed thus decreasing the fuel requirement. The stability of a sports car is considerably important at high speed. The provision of a rear wing increases the downforce thus reducing the rear axle lift and provides increased traction. In this study an optimum rear wing is designed for the
high performance car so as to decrease drag and increase downforce. The CAD designed baseline model with or without rear wing is being analyzed in computational fluid dynamics software. The lift and drag coefficient are calculated for all the design thus an optimum rear wing is designed for the considered baseline model

Reverse engineering is the process of obtaining a geometric CAD model from 3D points acquired by scanning an existing physical model. It is widely used in numerous applications, such as manufacturing, industrial design and jewelry design... more

Reverse engineering is the process of obtaining a geometric CAD model from 3D points acquired by scanning an existing physical model. It is widely used in numerous applications, such as manufacturing, industrial design and jewelry design and ...

Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on CAD exam guide to crack Application Developer. You can collect all information on CAD tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your... more

Start Here---> <---Get complete detail on CAD exam guide to crack Application Developer. You can collect all information on CAD tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Application Developer and get ready to crack CAD certification. Explore all information on CAD exam with the number of questions, passing percentage, and time duration to complete the test.