Rossi-Landi Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Notre contribution montrera, sans doute pour la toute première fois, l’intérêt des réflexions sémiotiques des poètes surréalistes tchèques et français telles qu’elles s’expriment dans l’oeuvre collective "La civilisation surréaliste"... more

Notre contribution montrera, sans doute pour la toute première fois, l’intérêt des réflexions sémiotiques des poètes surréalistes tchèques et français telles qu’elles s’expriment dans l’oeuvre collective "La civilisation surréaliste" (Payot 1976), publiée sous la direction du surréaliste parisien Vincent Bounoure, ancien ami d’André Breton depuis le milieu des années 1950. La contribution à cet ouvrage de Vratislav Effenberger, animateur du groupe pragois après la mort de Karel Teige, a également été majeure. Face au silence général observé sur ce travail par les experts du surréalisme et de la sémiotique, nous nous pencherons sur le nouveau jeu collectif des "récits parallèles", inventé dans les années 1970, et l’actualité des réflexions surréalistes sur le cours pris par l’usage du langage dans nos civilisations par le biais de la communication de masse, soumettant l’échange de signes à la logique de l’économie capitaliste et aux objectifs idéologiques du pouvoir politique. Par leur expérience ludique et poétique, les surréalistes ont compris le tournant négatif que prenait l’« universalité » du langage et de l’art. Ces idées sont confirmées et approfondies par quelques lettres et documents d’archives inédits, échangés entre Bounoure et Effenberger lors de la préparation du volume et jusqu’ici jamais pris en considération. Nous montrerons aussi l’existence de convergences implicites étonnantes entre cette sémiotique générale surréaliste et les théories des signes de Bakhtine et Rossi-Landi.

This paper describes Rossi Landi’s Marxian use of Wittgenstein’s philosophy focusing on the question of linguistic alienation with the goal to distinguish the frame of the philosophy of praxis in which linguistic alienation was inscribed... more

This paper describes Rossi Landi’s Marxian use of Wittgenstein’s philosophy focusing on the question of linguistic alienation with the goal to distinguish the frame of the philosophy of praxis in which linguistic alienation was inscribed by Rossi Landi and the Marxist tradition from Wittgenstein’s theoretical point of view. It will be argued how Rossi Landi’s work and his reading of Wittgenstein allow an understanding of Wittgenstein’s philosophy providing conceptual tools useful to think facts and historical processing of life, but it remains separated from reality because it did not analyze the concrete situations of life. Wittgenstein restricts yourself to look through philosophical linguistic alienation in order to reveal the false thought of metaphysical philosopher. There is no real social dimension in his invite for philosophers to coming back to ordinary language uses. By showing similarities and differences between Rossi Landi’s Marxian analysis and Wittgenstein’s thinking, it will emerge a complementary way to look at both Wittgenstein’s and Marx’s thoughts.

The essay deals with the Wittgenstein-Marx relationship in the light of Rossi-Landi's interpretation. In the first part, Rossi-Landi's reading of Wittgenstein is critically reconstructed. The second part considers Rossi-Landi's attempt to... more

The essay deals with the Wittgenstein-Marx relationship in the light of Rossi-Landi's interpretation. In the first part, Rossi-Landi's reading of Wittgenstein is critically reconstructed. The second part considers Rossi-Landi's attempt to find a solution to the problems raised in his reading of Wittgenstein by using Marx's theory of labor; the focus is on the strong points of his project but also on its limits: these are connected with a problematic approach to the different abstraction levels of Marx's theory, and the proposed homology between Marx's production process and Rossi-Landi's model of linguistic production. Thanks to this analysis, it will be finally possible to set a critical framework for a Wittgenstein-Marx relationship. Introduzione Quando sono stato invitato a scrivere un contributo sul rapporto Marx-Wittgenstein sono stato un po' esitante. In primo luogo non sono certo un esperto di Wittgenstein, anzi, sono un modesto lettore delle sue opere più importanti e non ho molto di significativo da dire in proposito. In secondo luogo, come esperto di Marx, solo tangenzialmente mi sono occupato di temi legati alla filosofia del linguaggio o alla semiotica. Ho però cominciato a leggere un po' di letteratura ed ho trovato diversi spunti interessanti, soprattutto nel semiologo marxista italiano Ferruccio Rossi-Landi di questi studi ho forse inteso meglio come trattare il tema e deciso di contribuire. La prima parte di questo saggio è dedicata alla lettura di Wittgenstein proposta da Rossi-Landi, la seconda all'analisi di come Rossi-Landi cerchi di risolvere attraverso Marx quelle che reputa aporie di Wittgenstein, la terza, infine, a una valutazione critica della questione e al senso di un possibile rapporto Marx-Wittgenstein. 1. Il Wittgenstein di Rossi-Landi La lettura di Wittgenstein da parte di Rossi-Landi è chiaramente influenzata dalla sua intenzione di sviluppare una teoria marxista della linguistica. Il suo scopo non è una ricostruzione critica del suo pensiero, ma fornire un solido fondamento al suo progetto nella stessa tradizione della filosofia del linguaggio (la stessa cosa che cerca di fare nel suo dialogo con Saussure). Quello di Rossi-Landi è un approccio marxista 1 , in cui la componente storico-sociale è assolutamente decisiva; da questo presupposto, la sua valutazione del Tractatus non può che essere estremamente critica, in quanto lo si considera addirittura «pre-kantiano» proprio per l'assenza dell'elemento storico-sociale (ROSSI-LANDI 1968: 22). Questo Wittgenstein è sostanzialmente ignorato e considerato inadeguato non solo per un confronto con Marx, ma come contributo al 1 Su Rossi-Landi si vedano fra gli altri D'URSO (

Une présentation des plus complètes de la réflexion sémiotique de Ferruccio Rossi-Landi sur l'homologie de la reproduction sociale et l'idéologie comme pratique sociale, sans oublier ses enjeux actuels. Cette contribution a été lue et... more

Une présentation des plus complètes de la réflexion sémiotique de Ferruccio Rossi-Landi sur l'homologie de la reproduction sociale et l'idéologie comme pratique sociale, sans oublier ses enjeux actuels. Cette contribution a été lue et publiée dans le cadre du séminaire « Matérialité et écriture » organisé de 2014 à 2016 au sein du laboratoire Héritages et Constructions dans le Texte & l’Image de l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale .

Presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia applicata dell’Università di Padova è conservato il Fondo Rossi-Landi nel quale è possibile consultare nella sua interezza lo scambio epistolare intercorso tra il... more

Presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia applicata dell’Università di Padova è conservato il Fondo Rossi-Landi nel quale è possibile consultare nella sua interezza lo scambio epistolare intercorso tra il 1971 e il 1973 tra il semiologo italiano Ferruccio Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) e il filosofo vietnamita Tran-Duc-Thao (1917-1993). Oggetto del carteggio è il progetto editoriale di un volume dal titolo L’origine del linguaggio e della coscienza che avrebbe raccolto la traduzione italiana di alcuni articoli di Thao apparsi nel decennio precedente nelle rivista francese La pensée.

May the question of dialogue between Sciences be focused without any consideration of ideologies, interests and ethic beliefs affecting scientists and scholars as human beings? As this starting point demonstrates, the matter has a more... more

May the question of dialogue between Sciences be focused without any consideration of ideologies, interests and ethic beliefs affecting scientists and scholars as human beings? As this starting point demonstrates, the matter has a more general scope, of which the sphere of Humanities is only a particular specification. After a quick precise statement about the different degrees of perception of ideological conditionings in Sciences, it is from the point of view of comparative theory and history of criticism that we will stand, in the sense that we will explore the case of the important though neglected knot between authority, authorship and ideology in some examples of International criticism concerning the surrealist movement, since the lifetime of André Breton and even after his death. In order to do that, we will face the matter at two connected levels: firstly, we will analyse the ideological-historiographical problem, by showing how the specialists spoke of Surrealism, so constructing their authority, but also explaining why they spoke that way, through relationships and collaborations between ex-surrealists and university scholars in group research, thus defining both origins and roles of authorship; secondly, we will end on the dialectical-“dialogical” issue, by asking whether and in which terms a dialogue is welcomed and possible in those described conditions.

Our contribution will provide both descriptions and proposals. The description will consist in mentioning the contemporary philosophies of language that have contributed to the building of a representation of language, or even a real... more

Our contribution will provide both descriptions and proposals. The description will consist in mentioning the contemporary philosophies of language that have contributed to the building of a representation of language, or even a real theory of linguistic value, under a more or less conscious influence of the doctrines of political economics. We will criticize these interpretations as Ferruccio Rossi-Landi did through his own semiotics. The proposal of our paper will consist in a critical extension of his approach, thus showing a complete homology between the value of a sign product and the value of a material product as it was formulated in The Capital.

"This thematic issue of RIFL allows us to speak of Rossi-Landi’s text Ideologies of linguistic relativity. It is probably the most merciless critique ever made of Sapir- Whorf’s thesis, although it remains, perhaps for this very reason,... more

"This thematic issue of RIFL allows us to speak of Rossi-Landi’s text Ideologies of linguistic relativity. It is probably the most merciless critique ever made of Sapir- Whorf’s thesis, although it remains, perhaps for this very reason, the least known, discussed and developed among the scientific objections aroused against linguistic relativity. Rossi-Landi points out its idealistic and bourgeois basis which brought its theorists to ideological deformations in their formulations, especially in their conception of the relationships between language and thought. Rossi-Landi demystifies them through his semiotics. He explains why what we call linguistic relativity could develop as a theory or a hypothesis through the study of American Indian languages. He shows a series of confusions and reifications it gave birth and suggests another way of considering the problems aroused by linguistic relativity: that one of a dialectical-materialist approach taking account of the alienated condition of speakers, of their material and linguistic exploitation through social models and programs, and of the possibilities of their emancipation."

Exposing the Dialectics of Value-Form, Marx describes the oppositional-and-differential structure constituting the logic of the capitalist mode of production. The Commodity-Form represents the simplest "economic concretum" in which this... more

Exposing the Dialectics of Value-Form, Marx describes the oppositional-and-differential structure constituting the logic of the capitalist mode of production. The Commodity-Form represents the simplest "economic concretum" in which this logic is posited. The Semantic Universe of the commodity is inherently dualistic. It is not possible to consider the commodity as a singularity; just as it is not possible to consider the Sign as a singularity. In both cases, the value relation is generated by a relation of opposition: opposition between different linguistic signs; opposition between different commodities. Ferruccio Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) thematised a homological relation between signs and commodities. Nevertheless, he does not develop a semiotic analysis of the oppositions, contradictions and implications which subtend the Commodity-Form. In this paper, I aim to overcome this theoretical lack, proposing a dialogue between the semiotics of Rossi-Landi and Greimas.

Interested scholars are invited to submit a proposal by 20 January 2019 to The abstract must outline the main points of the talk and should not exceed 500 words. The proposals may be written in Italian,... more

Interested scholars are invited to submit a proposal by 20 January 2019 to The abstract must outline the main points of the talk and should not exceed 500 words. The proposals may be written in Italian, English or German and should be anonymous and prepared for blind review.

Ferruccio Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) proposed to frame certain Marx’s argumentations into a semiotic perspective. On the one hand, Rossi-Landi tried to demonstrate how the analytical instruments developed by the Marxian critique of political... more

Ferruccio Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) proposed to frame certain Marx’s argumentations into a semiotic
perspective. On the one hand, Rossi-Landi tried to demonstrate how the analytical instruments
developed by the Marxian critique of political economy can contribute to a better understanding of
semiotic processes. On the other hand, he attempted to illustrate how a semiotic methodology was
present at an early stage in certain fundamental excerpts of Marxian theory; e.g. in the analysis of
Commodity-Form. In line with Rossi-Landi’s suggestions, in this paper I will try to establish a dialogue
between Marxian method and other semiotic approaches.

Resumen: Nos acercaremos al concepto marxista de la alienación, distinguiéndolo del concepto de enajenación y justificando la necesidad de estudiar otrso tipos de alienaciones más allá del ámbito laboral. Seguidamente, nos centraremos en... more

Resumen: Nos acercaremos al concepto marxista de la alienación, distinguiéndolo del concepto de enajenación y justificando la necesidad de estudiar otrso tipos de alienaciones más allá del ámbito laboral. Seguidamente, nos centraremos en el establecimiento teórico de la alienación lingüística hasta su configuración como patrón discursivo hegemónico. Concluiremos con un acercamiento a los procesos de desalienación.

Our contribution intends to recall the idea of linguistic money as it was formulated by Rossi-Landi in his theory of the homology between linguistic production and material production. We will resume the most important linguistic theories... more

Our contribution intends to recall the idea of linguistic money as it was formulated by Rossi-Landi in his theory of the homology between linguistic production and material production. We will resume the most important linguistic theories of value that were influenced by economic theories of value, and the critique that Rossi-Landi addressed to them all. We will show how it can be extended to other theorists of the Seventies. Then, we will extend Rossi-Landian homology to the concept of plus-value, according to his semiotics, but by following Marx’s analysis of the value and of the production of plus-value.

Exposing the Dialectics of Value-Form, Marx describes the oppositional-and-differential structure constituting the logic of the capitalist mode of production. The Commodity-Form represents the simplest "economic... more

Exposing the Dialectics of Value-Form, Marx describes the oppositional-and-differential structure constituting the logic of the capitalist mode of production. The Commodity-Form represents the simplest "economic concretum" in which this logic is posited. The Semantic Universe of the commodity is inherently dualistic. It is not possible to consider the commodity as a singularity; just as it is not possible to consider the Sign as a singularity. In both cases, the value relation is generated by a relation of opposition: opposition between different linguistic signs; opposition between different commodities. Ferruccio Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) thematised a homological relation between signs and commodities. Nevertheless, he does not develop a semiotic analysis of the oppositions, contradictions and implications which subtend the Commodity-Form. In this paper, I aim to overcome this theoretical lack, proposing a dialogue between the semiotics of Rossi-Landi and Greimas.

In this paper, I will try to establish a parallel between Charles S. Peirce’s (1839-1914) and Ernst Bloch’s (1885-1977) theory of categories. Both the authors hypothesise a phenomenological foundation for their theory of categories:... more

In this paper, I will try to establish a parallel between Charles S. Peirce’s (1839-1914) and Ernst Bloch’s (1885-1977) theory of categories. Both the authors hypothesise a phenomenological foundation for their theory of categories: categories are elements of Experience (according to Peirce) and products of Praxis (according to Bloch). Nevertheless, Bloch’s phenomenology is characterised by a peculiar aspect: according to Bloch, the gestural dimension plays a fundamental role in the Knowledge Process, positing the category of ‘Possibility’. In line with Maddalena’s analyses on the relation between ‘Complete Gesture’ and ‘Work’, I will try to illustrate that the parallel between Bloch and Peirce can be extended, by including the semiotic dimension of gesture.