Saussure Research Papers - (original) (raw)
ABSTRACT: With the emergence of new information and communication technologies, education is forced to adapt to cover these changes. The professional needs to re-signify this distance, developing a new perspective related to this way of... more
ABSTRACT: With the emergence of new information and communication technologies, education is forced to adapt to cover these changes. The professional needs to re-signify this distance, developing a new perspective related to this way of teaching and learning in a virtual environment, which requires an interaction with the student, and at the same time will realize that the distance, may not interfere in their interaction, if you are able to make use of the technologies at your disposal. This research presupposes a historical reflection, demonstrating how the distance education that we know today has emerged, and starting from this framework, presents laws that legitimize this modality, the setbacks that the student finds in seeking this teaching, and in counterpoint the training of this professional who he changes from teacher to tutor, dissociating himself from his initial training oriented to traditional methods, aiming to identify the complementary adaptations that the teacher needs to pursue when performing activities in this modality of teaching, approaching the new technologies and making use of coherent methodologies.
Teoria de los signos, conceptos y criterios clasificatorios.
The notebook 3959.10, part of the series Notes sur les légendes germaniques in the Ferdinand de Saussure archive, is devoted to the legend of Tristan and Isolde. In these notes, Saussure deals with the issue of the source of the medieval... more
The notebook 3959.10, part of the series Notes sur les légendes germaniques in the Ferdinand de Saussure archive, is devoted to the legend of Tristan and Isolde. In these notes, Saussure deals with the issue of the source of the medieval Tristan tales. He looks for the archetypical text, inspired by the story of Theseus, which would have served as a model for French and German medieval romances that passed down the Tristanian legend. In doing so, Sausurre comes across a transcultural archetypical character having the same features as Tristan and crossing different mythologies and legends. The paper aims at exploring the conjunction of a philological perspective and an anthropological perspective in Saussure's path. It shows how Saussure's reflection on the Tristanian legend was crucial to the development of a semiology of interdiscursivity and a general theory of the sign that anticipates the Cours de linguistique générale.
Sanskrit is a unique language. It is based on seed sounds or beeja dhvani. Each sound has its own gunas or qualities or characteristics. For example, the sound 'da' is 'a simple root sound, the primary root', as pointed out by Sri... more
Sanskrit is a unique language. It is based on seed sounds or beeja dhvani. Each sound has its own gunas or qualities or characteristics. For example, the sound 'da' is 'a simple root sound, the primary root', as pointed out by Sri Aurobindo in his essay The Origins of Aryan Speech. From this simple root sound spring multiple lines of 'derivative, secondary or tertiary root-sounds'. He surmised that the root sound 'da' might have given to the ancient Aryan mind an impression of splitting, bursting open, cutting, tearing, crushing, destroying, cheating. And he also discovered that these primary root-sounds of Sanskrit are also shared with Greek, Latin and even Tamil, while retaining their original sense and meaning. This finding may have critical ramifications in our study of phonology.
Resumo Este trabalho consiste em uma análise do " Prefácio à edição brasileira " do Curso de Linguística Geral (CLG), publicado em 1970, na ocasião da tradução do livro para português. Pode-se considerar que a introdução das reflexões... more
Resumo Este trabalho consiste em uma análise do " Prefácio à edição brasileira " do Curso de Linguística Geral (CLG), publicado em 1970, na ocasião da tradução do livro para português. Pode-se considerar que a introdução das reflexões saussurianas no Brasil ocorreu em dois principais momentos. O primeiro deles tem como ponto de partida a primeira publicação do CLG, em 1916, e se deu por meio da leitura da edição original em francês, e a partir de trabalhos de autores como Mattoso Câmara, que se pautaram, em certa medida, nas ideias de Saussure. O segundo momento se deu a partir da publicação da tradução do CLG para a língua materna do país. Com ela, veio a público também o " Prefácio à edição brasileira " do livro, escrito por Nicolau Salum, o qual contribuiu significativamente para esse segundo tempo da recepção do CLG no Brasil. Tendo isso em vista, visamos efetuar uma abordagem do " Prefácio à edição brasileira " , voltada, mais especificamente, para o contexto teórico em que tal texto foi escrito e publicado, buscando evidenciar a existência de uma visão dicotômica dos princípios saussurianos, pontualmente salientada por Salum (1970) em seu prefácio. Abstract This work presents an analysis of a Brazilian Linguistique Générale's Course preface — by N. Salum — which was published in 1970, along with the book translation into Portuguese. Saussure's thought was introduced in Brazil, at first , through the original French edition. The reading of the book leads to many interpretations, from which works, such as those by Mattoso Câmara, were written, reflecting on phonetics
This article presents the constitution and deconstitution of the terms langage, langue and parole of Ferdinand de Saussure. We will analyze the construction of this tripartion visiting firstly one of his manuscripts called First... more
This article presents the constitution and deconstitution of the terms langage, langue and parole of Ferdinand de Saussure. We will analyze the construction of this tripartion visiting firstly one of his manuscripts called First Conference at the University of Geneva (1891), and secondly, the manuscript entitled Notes for course II (1909), making notes of the delimitation and definition process of these three terms. However, we have noticed that the work of Saussure may have been deconstituted from the translation of the Course to English as there are different translations for these three terms. Therefore, we divided the work into four different moments: first: the presentation of the oldest manuscripts; second: manuscripts closer to the dates of the courses; third: the consolidation of the terms in the CLG (Curso de Linguística Geral), and fourth: the deconstituted translations. Resumo: Neste artigo serão apresentadas a constituição e a desconstituição dos termos lingua-gem, língua e fala de Ferdinand de Saussure. Para analisarmos a constituição dessa tripartição, passamos primeiramente por um de seus manuscritos, chamado Primeira Conferência na Uni-versidade de Genebra, de 1891, e, em segundo, pelo manuscrito intitulado Notas para o Curso II, de 1909, fazendo nota do processo em que surgiram as delimitações dessa tripartição. Con-tudo, notamos que o trabalho de Saussure pode ter sido desconstituído a partir das traduções do Curso para a língua inglesa, uma vez que elas apresentam distintas traduções para esses três termos. Portanto, dividimos o trabalho em quatro momentos diferentes. Primeiro: apresentação dos manuscritos mais antigos; segundo: manuscritos mais próximos às datas dos cursos; tercei-ro: a consolidação dos termos no CLG (Curso de Linguística Geral); e quarto: a desconstituição nas traduções.
- by Thayanne Lima
- •
- Saussure
Our approach to translation is based on Eugenio Coseriu’s linguistic theory and on the American cognitive view of extralinguistic semantics. In order to illustrate the translation from Romanian into French of metaphors used in spoken... more
Our approach to translation is based on Eugenio Coseriu’s linguistic theory and on the American cognitive view of extralinguistic semantics. In order to illustrate the translation from Romanian into French of metaphors used in spoken language, we propose a selection of metaphors organised into six specific traditional fields. The case study regarding certain metaphors aims at demonstrating the fact that the object of translation is not the meaning, but the designation and the significance, which highlight differences that are rather cultural than lexical. So as to have access to the designation, we will make use of the work methods which are specific to Lakovian cognitive semantics: the conceptual metaphor and the conceptual mapping.
Znameniti švicarski lingvist Ferdinand de Saussure umro je 22. februara 1913. godine. Budući da se 2013. navršilo jedno stoljeće od njegove smrti – i to stoljeće u kome je razvoj lingvistike umnogome bio obilježen De Saussureovim učenjem... more
Znameniti švicarski lingvist Ferdinand de Saussure umro je 22. februara 1913. godine. Budući da se 2013. navršilo jedno stoljeće od njegove smrti – i to stoljeće u kome je razvoj lingvistike umnogome bio obilježen De Saussureovim učenjem i utjecajem – u ovom je tekstu ukazano na neke od najznačajnijih činjenica koje se tiču njegova lika i djela.
In 1916, three years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, the Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) was published in Geneva. This foundational work marked the beginning of a discipline that has profoundly influenced the development of... more
In 1916, three years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, the Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) was published in Geneva. This foundational work marked the beginning of a discipline that has profoundly influenced the development of the humanities ever since.
What sources influenced the CLG? Do the main concepts of this seminal work have the same validity today as they did in 1916? How has the recent development of language sciences influenced its reception? How does this text account for meaning and communication within the context of speech (parole)?
In order to explore these questions, one hundred years after the publication of Ferdinand de Saussure’s seminal work on General Linguistics, Polis—The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities held an interdisciplinary conference that gathered 14 international specialists from various disciplines: general linguistics, pragmatics, philology, dialectology, translation studies, terminology, and philosophy.
The first section of this work reassesses the sources and further influence of the CLG on modern linguistics. The book’s second part discusses some of the main concepts and dichotomies of the CLG (constitution of the linguistic method, arbitrariness of sign, main dichotomies), under the light of both the original manuscripts and recent linguistic developments (influence of dialectology or translation studies). The third and last part handles the pragmatic and semantic dimensions of language, suggesting new avenues of reflection that could not yet have been fully taken into account within the CLG itself.
Uniting 14 scholarly articles, together with an introduction, an index locorum and a collective bibliography, this volume hopes to encourage readers with its reappraisal and reinterpretation of Saussure’s ground-breaking work and thus contribute to the future development of linguistics and humanities.
Pentru a pune bazele lingvisticii integrale, Eugeniu Coşeriu propune, cum se ştie, o modificare radicală a perspectivei asupra limbajului, respectiv explorarea întregului câmp fenomenal al "faptelor" lingvistice din punctul de vedere al... more
Pentru a pune bazele lingvisticii integrale, Eugeniu Coşeriu propune, cum se ştie, o modificare radicală a perspectivei asupra limbajului, respectiv explorarea întregului câmp fenomenal al "faptelor" lingvistice din punctul de vedere al vorbirii, nu al limbii, avansând, drept cadru preliminar al acestei explorări, o schemă generală a planurilor care se disting în vorbire, precum şi a competenţelor lingvistice corespunzătoare. Capacitatea generală de expresie conţine elementele nonverbale care acompaniază vorbirea şi competenţa lingvistică în totalitatea sa, care este, pe de o parte, psihofizică, iar pe de altă parte, culturală. "Nivelul cultural" al vorbirii este caracterizat drept activitate umană universală, care se realizează în situaţii determinate prin vorbitori individuali, ca reprezentanţi ai unor comunităţi lingvistice tradiţionale. Sunt distinse în acest fel cele trei planuri pe care se manifestă activitatea culturală a vorbirii: cel universal, comun tuturor limbilor, cel istoric, ce contine vorbirea într-o anumită limbă, si planul individual. În ceea ce priveste palierul individual, Coseriu subliniază că vorbirea este întotdeauna o executie individuală, nu „corală”, iar pe de altă parte, ea are loc întotdeauna într-o situatie determinată.
La notion de valeur est souvent présentée comme l’une des clés de la théorie de la langue proposée par Saussure. Mais elle est aussi l’un des concepts les plus difficiles et les plus discutés de l’édifice saussurien. Dans la présente... more
La notion de valeur est souvent présentée comme l’une des clés de la théorie de la langue proposée par Saussure. Mais elle est aussi l’un des concepts les plus difficiles et les plus discutés de l’édifice saussurien. Dans la présente contribution, nous proposons une petite histoire de la problématique, en essayant de la situer avant que Saussure ne la formalise, pour, ensuite, ladite « formalisation » ayant été effectuée, suivre la discussion suscitée par leurs différentes interprétations. Nous n’avons pas procédé à un examen exhaustif, mais seulement choisi quelques lectures que nous considérons « phares » et qui résument, probablement, la plupart des positions existantes de nos jours.
Ritwik Kumar Ghatak, the maverick Bengali filmmaker remains one of the most celebrated cinematic auteurs of Indian cinema. Dismantling the conventional constructs of commercial cinema, Ghatak along with Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen laid... more
Ritwik Kumar Ghatak, the maverick Bengali filmmaker remains one of the most celebrated cinematic auteurs of Indian cinema. Dismantling the conventional constructs of commercial cinema, Ghatak along with Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen laid the foundation of the alternative or parallel cinema in Bengal during the 60s and 70s. This paper attempts to semiologically study the multiple layers of meanings and functions in Ghatak's seminal film, Subarnarekha (1962) and explore the impact of Partition and the tragic predicament of the innumerable immigrants which has been portrayed through the skillful cinematic technique in which Ghatak has blended melodrama with social realism. In addition, it is also aimed at discussing the linkage between communication and semiotics and is expected to generate positive contributions in underlining the significance of semiotic theory and further researches in related fields or specific areas.
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of sexuation integrated with his work in discourse theory and topology.
Part I places this study into context by examining scholarship from the established fields of hermeneutics, phenomenology, (post)structuralism, aesthetic theory and psychoanalysis in order to extract out their respective theory of meaning. These theories reveal that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the Reformation and reaches near crisis proportions in the 20th century. On the one hand this crisis is mollified by the rise of Heideggerian-Gadamerian hermeneutical phenomenology which questions traditional epistemological approaches to the text using a new ontological conceptualization of meaning and a conscious rejection of methodology. On the other hand this crisis is exacerbated when the ubiquitous nature of meaning is itself challenged by (post)structuralism's discovery of the signifier which inscribes a limit to meaning, and by the domains of sense and nonsense newly opened up by aesthetic theory. These historical developments culminate in the field of psychoanalysis which most consequentially delimits a cause of meaning said to be closely linked to the core of subjectivity.
Part II extends these findings by rigorously constructing out of the Lacanian sexuated formulae a decidedly non-hermeneutical phenomenological approach useful in demonstrating the sexual nature of meaning. Explicated in their static state by way of an account of their original derivation from the Aristotelian logical square, it is argued that these four formulae are relevant to basic concerns of textual theory inclusive of the hermeneutical circle of meaning. These formulae are then set into motion by integrating them with Lacan's four discourses to demonstrate the breakdown of meaning. Finally, the cuts and sutures of two-dimensional space that is topology as set down in L'étourdit are performed to confirm how the very field of meaning is ultimately suspended from a nonsensical singular point known in Lacanian psychoanalysis as objet a. The contention is that by occupying this point the subject frees himself from the debilitating grip of meaning."
Course in General Linguistics written by Ferdinand de Saussure is considered as one of the trustable scientific work on linguistics. No linguistic class begins the course without quoting Saussure. He is a Swiss Linguist. He is one of the... more
Course in General Linguistics written by Ferdinand de Saussure is considered as one of the trustable scientific work on linguistics. No linguistic class begins the course without quoting Saussure. He is a Swiss Linguist. He is one of the founders of 20th century Western linguistics. It is my interest in linguistics what made me to choose this book. This book is actually a collection of lectures taken by Saussure and those lectures are compiled in the book format by his students. This book primarily contains a systematic approach to the scientific study of language. Language is primary when compared with speech. Speech is only a helper of language. Saussure is a structuralist linguist who gives importance to the structure of language. He interprets language as a system of signs. It is what the structure of a language give meaning. That is the reason why even when a language becomes unfamiliar to the present generation, those languages can be learned with the help of its linguistic features. It is how Saussure proceeds with the presentation of the ideas.
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This deliberate inquiry can be contrasted with “folk semiotic” accounts, which assume that there is some intrinsic feature about, say, the human voice or a painted board that makes them capable of signifying. Such a naive assumption does not withstand serious scrutiny. From a philosophical standpoint, what makes something a sign is an involvement in a specific sort of triadic relation. This relation is found in human/nonhuman and deliberate/nondeliberate signs alike. Semiosis, the action of signs, is what permits communication, but it is wider than communication. For example, if while in an adjacent room I smell that the turkey in the oven is ready, my pet dog can smell it too, and the turkey is not trying to “tell” us anything. But if the cook in the kitchen tells me it is ready, I receive that message, while my dog hears the sounds but is none the wiser (in contemporary semiotic parlance, my dog and I couple our Umwelten via indices, but the symbols at hand generate interpretants only in my anthroposemiosis). In spite of the fact that it has a long and distinguished history (especially during the medieval period), general inquiry into signs became an organized research program only in the mid-20th century. Today, in addition to philosophers, semiotics attracts a wide range of scholars, such as ethologists, cognitive scientists, linguists, art historians, logicians, media theorists, literary critics, computer programmers, biologists, sociologists, and so on. From a methodological standpoint, then, parochialism is not an option. The scholarly literature can nevertheless be fruitfully divided into theoretical and applied strands. Not surprisingly, most philosophers drawn to semiotic questions work in the former strand. Semiotics is not to be confused with “semiology,” a (now largely defunct) project that originated in the lectures of the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and which was active in the 1960s, mainly in France. Semiotics, by contrast, is a vibrant tradition that continues to flourish worldwide. Although some persist in employing the term “semiotics” when discussing narrow studies that focus exclusively on cultural codes, such terminological misuse masks the fact that a study of signs is broader than a study of language. A sustained philosophy of signs, then, promises (as Locke initially surmised) to yield truly novel insights.
This paper presents the results of a study in the field of speech linguistics, which studies linguistic phenomena starting from the activity of speaking, not from language. From the perspective of the three linguistic levels proposed by... more
This paper presents the results of a study in the field of speech linguistics, which studies linguistic phenomena starting from the activity of speaking, not from language. From the perspective of the three linguistic levels proposed by Eugenio Coseriu, the creation of metaphors is situated at the universal level. This paper investigates the common ground that integral linguistics and cognitive semantics share. An illustrative case study is proposed in order to highlight the manner in which the two semantic approaches may complement one another to the benefit of research in the field of metaphor.
Под дијахроним идентитетом културема Прометеј у антици, потом у француској књижевности од XVI века до данас, подразумевамо „низ синхроних идентитета” овог културема приликом његовог књижевног трансфера из античког политеизма у хришћански... more
Под дијахроним идентитетом културема Прометеј у антици, потом у француској књижевности од XVI века до данас, подразумевамо „низ синхроних идентитета” овог културема приликом његовог
књижевног трансфера из античког политеизма у хришћански монотеизам и модерни и постмодерни антитеизам/посттеизам. Док идентитет Прометеја у политеизму подразумева hybris отвореног бунтовникаи латентног хероја, у монотеизму он је слабо развијен и непостојан, а заснива се на сличности с Богом и Христом. Коначно, занимање француских књижевника за Прометеја почиње у Ренесанси, а кулминира од Француске револуције надаље: Прометеј постаје отелотворење модерног
човека, његове слободе и интелектуалне и друштвене еманципације. Оваква инверзија вредносних полова у односу на класични мит проистиче из дубоке трансформације западног метанаратива, која подразумева десакрализовање божанског и сакрализовање људског.
Ongoing discussion of this paper here: Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic... more
Ongoing discussion of this paper here:
Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic phenomenology of the human condition. Part of the problem is the ongoing confusion as to what philosophy actually amounts to, and what it can achieve. It is necessary to demystify philosophy, and have it restricted to the discipline of critical thinking, and it should not be thought of as possessing any substantial theoretical content of its own. It is a method, a skillset, a series of techniques, not a repository of various highbrow theories, whether about mind, epistemology, ontology, cosmology, science, or anything else. Metaphysics is an entirely distinct and separate field of inquiry, and concerns the human predicament, and ultimate human fulfilment, and it is to this end that critical thinking skills can usefully be applied. The purpose of this short study is to give some help to those hoping to gain an insight into the metaphysical realms of their being, and who would like some guidance with regard to those formal and academic disciplines supposedly geared to dealing with that very subject.
ABSTRACT: this article aims to present an analysis of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), by the saussurian structuralist bias. This is the snippet of our study and research for the seminar theories and conceptions of language in which... more
ABSTRACT: this article aims to present an analysis of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), by the saussurian structuralist bias. This is the snippet of our study and research for the seminar theories and conceptions of language in which the theme of our talk was "How structuralism conceives the issue of meaning" presented by us in the PhD course in Estudos de Linguagens (Language Studies) of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT). We select important elements of Libras to analyze in light of the concepts of diachrony and synchrony proposed by Saussure and also, to visualize concretely through Libras the concept of syntagmatic axis and associative or paradigmatic axis. We hope, therefore, to contribute to the grammatical categorization of Libras, thus strengthening its conception as language and structure, as well as to guide the users of this language a linear reading with the possibility of production of meaning. As a result of this work, we point out the perception of similarity and verisimilitude of the phenomena and elements of the other languages in relation to Libras. We believe that this attributes, at the same time, the character of the linguistic system.
Saussure’s lifetime goal was to define the scientific criteria for linguistics, the study of languages. In light of this, this paper looks at Saussure’s discussion of analogy as the source for the various aspects of his theory about the... more
Saussure’s lifetime goal was to define the scientific criteria for linguistics, the study of languages. In light of this, this paper looks at Saussure’s discussion of analogy as the source for the various aspects of his theory about the nature of human languages. As part of this study, this paper introduces the history of the concept of analogy, from the classical grammarians and concluding with Saussure clarifying Saussure's position in the history of linguistics. According to the proposal, Saussure was less as a revolutionary and more as a theorist of his time who dealt with the challenges of his contemporaries. His uniqueness, accordingly, is in his ability to recognize the consequences of the conclusions from the conceptual analysis of analogies. Furthermore, this portrayal of Saussure’s theory touches on his epistemological and ontological assumptions, more specifically it examines his thoughts concerning the question of what justifies the scientific value of a linguistic inquiry.
Puede parecer extraño publicar un ensayo titulado “El legado estructuralista” en un volumen dedicado a la filosofía francesa de los 80 y 90. Después de todo, ¿no dominó el estructuralismo sólo un breve período de tiempo en los 60 (y... more
Puede parecer extraño publicar un ensayo titulado “El legado estructuralista” en un volumen dedicado a la filosofía francesa de los 80 y 90. Después de todo, ¿no dominó el estructuralismo sólo un breve período de tiempo en los 60 (y quizás apenas desde el 66 al 682)? ¿Y no fue rápidamente desautorizado por sus propios líderes (dando algunos de ellos paso al “post estructuralismo”), siendo también cuestionado respecto a su propia identidad, tanto por oscilar entre la filosofía y las ciencias sociales, como por el hecho de evolucionar progresivamente hacia proyectos individuales dudosamente compatibles, como los de Lévi-Strauss, Lacan, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze o Derrida? Asimismo, desde una perspectiva científica, ¿no ha sido reemplazado por el cognitivismo como el nuevo paradigma transversal de las ciencias sociales?
Aunque ésta puede bien ser la concepción corriente, la convicción que subyace a este ensayo es que el estructuralismo ha sido la matriz fundamental de la filosofía francesa de postguerra, influyendo hasta el final de siglo -una matriz articulada en una constelación divergente de respuestas a problemas filosóficos originados por la introducción del método estructuralista en las ciencias sociales. Pero es necesario decir desde el principio que no entenderemos aquí al estructuralismo como una serie determinada de proposiciones que sostienen una identidad abultada, dogmática, sino más bien como un movimiento que presenta una unidad problemática.3 Esta unidad se deriva de reformas metodológicas en varias ciencias empíricas que advirtieron, cada una a su manera, que no podían consolidarse sin pasar por reflexiones filosóficas sobre la extraña naturaleza ontológica de algunas nuevas entidades que habían sido introducidas en el dominio científico, como las entidades puramente diferenciales y posicionales que Ferdinand de Saussure llamó “signos”.
Attempts at combining Uexküll’s ideas with those of Peirce within a single quasi-discipline called ‘biosemiotics’ are ill-founded. Peirce’s ‘interpretant’ sensu lato refers to two qualitatively different mental states, one relating to... more
Attempts at combining Uexküll’s ideas with those of Peirce within a
single quasi-discipline called ‘biosemiotics’ are ill-founded. Peirce’s
‘interpretant’ sensu lato refers to two qualitatively different mental
states, one relating to indexes and icons (INT 1) and the other to
symbols (INT 2). Animal communication is dyadic – the referent is
a directly induced mental state (INT 1). Glottocentric
communication is triadic because the connection between symbol
and INT 1 is mediated by INT 2. Whereas the gradualist view of
glottogenesis is erroneous, Müller’s and Chomsky’s saltationist
theories may imply that the idea of language Rubicon is antievolutionary.
However, the views of Pavlov and Vygotsky and of
their modern followers, Deacon and Tomasello, while being
Darwinian, support the saltationist scenario. The emergence of the
second signal system, of symbols, and of INT 2 was a
psychological leap. In human communication, apart from the
semiotic triangle (INT 1 – INT 2 – symbol), the dyadic relation
between non-symbolic signs and INT 1 still holds.
This texts aims at demonstrating one aspect of Saussure’s thought and, broadly, at observing its consequences on Culioli’s enunciative theory: the paradoxical relationship between linguistic conservation and variation. To develop this... more
This texts aims at demonstrating one aspect of Saussure’s thought and, broadly, at observing its consequences on Culioli’s enunciative theory: the paradoxical relationship between linguistic conservation and variation. To develop this relationship, a theoretical and conceptual methodology is used, which departs from the heuristic consideration of
the dialogue about the topic that occurred between C. Normand and A. Culioli (CULIOLI, NORMAND, 2005). Afterward, we seek support on Saussure’s analyses about analogy and phonetic changes in order to propose that linguistic regularity (that is, related to “langue”) sustains a
perspective of change in its use. The conclusion suggests broadening the debate so as to include the speaker as a fundamental theoretical formulation on the movements of linguistic conservation and linguistic change.
Este artigo mostra que Freud, embora não contasse com os recursos da lingüística, já concebia o inconsciente em termos de linguagem, e que Lacan, usando ferramentas teóricas tomadas a Saussure e Jakobson, aprofundou a concepção freudiana.... more
Este artigo mostra que Freud, embora não contasse com os recursos da lingüística, já concebia o inconsciente em termos de linguagem, e que Lacan, usando ferramentas teóricas tomadas a Saussure e Jakobson, aprofundou a concepção freudiana. Assim, pode-se dizer que as formações do inconsciente (o sonho, o chiste, o lapso) e os sintomas neuróticos são articulações envolvendo significantes. O trabalho analisa, em particular, como os mecanismos de elaboração onírica seguem o modus operandi das figuras estilísticas. Estando na base tanto do inconsciente como da ordem social, a linguagem provê o fio de continuidade entre eles. / This article shows that Freud, even without the resources of linguistic, already conceived the unconscious in terms of language, and that Lacan, by using theoretical tools taken from Saussure and Jakobson, furthered the Freudian conception. Thus, we can say that the formations of the unconscious (the dream, the joke, the slip) and the neurotic symptoms are articulations involving signifiers: the work analyses particularly how mechanisms of oniric elaboration follow the modus operandi of stylistic figures. Laying on the basis of the unconscious as well as of the social order, the language provides the continuity thread between them.
In 1916, three years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, the Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) was published in Geneva. This foundational work marked the beginning of a discipline that has profoundly influenced the development of... more
In 1916, three years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, the Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) was published in Geneva. This foundational work marked the beginning of a discipline that has profoundly influenced the development of the humanities ever since.
What sources influenced the CLG? Do the main concepts of this seminal work have the same validity today as they did in 1916? How has the recent development of language sciences influenced its reception? How does this text account for meaning and communication within the context of speech (parole)? In order to explore these questions, one hundred years after the publication of Ferdinand de Saussure’s seminal work on General Linguistics, Polis—The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities held an interdisciplinary conference that gathered 14 international specialists from various disciplines: general linguistics, pragmatics, philology, dialectology, translation studies, terminology, and philosophy.
- by christophe rico and +4
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- Semiotics, Languages, Programming Languages, Anthropology
Es corriente señalar que el pensamiento social contemporáneo se ha visto profundamente transformado por el impacto que en él ha tenido la reflexión sobre el lenguaje, ya sea que esta viniera en un formato científico (a través de la... more
Es corriente señalar que el pensamiento social contemporáneo se ha visto profundamente transformado por el impacto que en él ha tenido la reflexión sobre el lenguaje, ya sea que esta viniera en un formato científico (a través de la lingüística: el estructuralismo) o filosófico (la hermenéutica en el ámbito alemán y las corrientes analíticas y pragmáticas en el ámbito anglosajón).
En este trabajo nos ocuparemos de algunas transformaciones en una de las regiones donde ese efecto ha sido particularmente intenso: en la corriente, principalmente francesa, que se ha dado a conocer con el nombre de “estructuralismo”.
Realizaremos, para comenzar, una caracterización general de esta corriente, inscribiremos su peculiaridad en la historia del pensamiento filosófico como un capítulo de la relación conflictiva entre ciencia y subjetividad (ver Maniglier, 2010: 56). La peculiaridad del estructuralismo fue el intento de compatibilizarlas, buscando así superar el problema planteado por Kant, según el cual no es posible para la ciencia aprehender a los sujetos en cuanto tales. La síntesis entre ciencia y subjetividad resultó posible en la medida en que el mundo científicamente objetivable en el que el estructuralismo localiza a los sujetos no es ya la naturaleza, sino la cultura entendida no como una función del sujeto, como sugieren los términos alemán Geisteswissenschaften (ciencias del espíritu) e inglés “moral sciences” del que aquel se deriva (ver Gadamer, 1996: 31), sino como sistema simbólico. Esta síntesis se /dio debido a ciertas características de estos sistemas que giran en torno a la peculiar ontología del signo saussureano. Así, si en una vena tradicional se creía que los sujetos humanos estaban más allá de la objetivación científica en virtud de su modo de ser (el “libre arbitrio” principalmente, presuposición que se expresa en la disputa entre Erklärung y Verstehen en el siglo XIX alemán), en el pensamiento estructuralista se afirmaba que era precisamente en virtud del modo de ser de los sujetos humanos (seres de lenguaje y por ello, Saussure mediante, de sistema) que estos resultaban accesibles al conocimiento científico.
Si afirmamos que este hito en la historia del pensamiento remite a la ontología del signo saussureano, ello es porque el mismo no consistió en que, bajo una continuidad estricta de las entidades, se descubriera sucesivamente que éstas poseían unas características diferentes de las que hasta entonces se habían asumido. Por el contrario, este movimiento realiza la construcción de su objeto a través de un conjunto de operaciones especificables que configuran una ruptura epistemológica (ver Sazbón, 1987: 12), lo que hace inevitable referirnos a la ontología de signo propuesta por Saussure. Nuestro recorrido, como el lector podrá apreciar, se detiene en algunos movimientos conceptuales que se sucedieron a partir de la fundación saussureana, atendiendo siempre al problema de la relación entre ciencia y subjetividad. A la presentación de los fundamentos de la ruptura saussureana le seguirán el análisis de las propuestas de Levi-Strauss, Benveniste y Lacan. El análisis de estas propuestas nos permitirá apreciar que la respuesta saussureana, lejos de presentar una solución definitiva al problema aludido, constituyó un foco de tensiones e inestabilidades. Con ello queremos indicar que no se trata de un fracaso puro y simple sino de la instauración de una dinámica de pensamiento innovador que condujo a la producción de una nueva problemática: la de las relaciones entre discurso y subjetividad.
RESUMO: A filologia saussuriana, desde os anos 60, tem contribuído para elaboração de trajetórias de leitura dos textos de Ferdinand de Saussure que produzem inúmeras interpretações da fertilidade e originalidade do pensamento deste... more
RESUMO: A filologia saussuriana, desde os anos 60, tem contribuído para elaboração de trajetórias de leitura dos textos de Ferdinand de Saussure que produzem inúmeras interpretações da fertilidade e originalidade do pensamento deste célebre linguista. No presente artigo, oferecemos uma breve retomada de referências que permitem localizar o corpus textual de Ferdinand de Saussure no contexto histórico e científico no qual foi produzido. Para desenvolver essa abordagem histórica, retornamos cem anos antes da publicação do Curso de Linguística Geral a fim de apresentar o desenvolvimento da epistemologia da gramática comparada do século XIX. Em um panorama histórico, apresentamos inicialmente o microcosmo científico no qual Ferdinand de Saussure se desenvolveu e, num segundo momento, traçaremos a constituição do objeto de estudo que norteou as ambições científicas de Franz Bopp, Jacob Grimm e Karl Verner e dos neogramáticos de Leipzig, pesquisadores com os quais o jovem linguista realizou sua formação acadêmica. Tendo explorado o contexto histórico e científico no qual Saussure desenvolveu suas investigações, ressaltamos a caracterização saussuriana do objeto linguístico enquanto entidade imaterial, virtual e relativa como o índice de uma inovação no modo de se produzir ciência sobre o fenômeno linguístico nas últimas décadas do século XIX. ABSTRACT: Saussurean philology has contributed since the 1960s to the elaboration of reading trajectories of Ferdinand de Saussure's texts which bring forth countless interpretations of the originality and fertility of this famous linguist's work. In this article, we offer a brief reminder of the references which allow to locate Saussure's textual corpus in the scientific and historical context in which it was produced. In order to deploy such an historical approach, we go back a hundred years before the publishing of the Course in General Linguistics so as to present the development of the epistemology of comparative grammar in the XIXth century. In an historical overview we present at first the scientific microcosmos in which Ferdinand de Saussure grew as a researcher and, in a second moment, we retrace the constitution of the study object that was the north of Franz Bopp's, Jacob Grimm's and Karl Verner's scientific ambitions as well as that of Leipzig's Neogrammarians, researchers responsible for Saussure's academic formation. Once the exploration of the historical and scientific context in which Saussure developped his investigations is finished, we bring attention to the saussurean depiction of the linguistic object as an imaterial, virtual and relative entity, understood as an indication of an innovation in how science on the linguistic phenomenon is produced in the XIXth century.
Our contribution will provide both descriptions and proposals. The description will consist in mentioning the contemporary philosophies of language that have contributed to the building of a representation of language, or even a real... more
Our contribution will provide both descriptions and proposals. The description will consist in mentioning the contemporary philosophies of language that have contributed to the building of a representation of language, or even a real theory of linguistic value, under a more or less conscious influence of the doctrines of political economics. We will criticize these interpretations as Ferruccio Rossi-Landi did through his own semiotics. The proposal of our paper will consist in a critical extension of his approach, thus showing a complete homology between the value of a sign product and the value of a material product as it was formulated in The Capital.
Öz Bu çalışma anlambilim teorilerindeki düz ve yan anlam kavramlarını ele almakta ve anlambilimin çeviribilim açısından yerini sorgulamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada öncelikle Ferdinand De Saussure'un yapısal dilbilim üzerine... more
Öz Bu çalışma anlambilim teorilerindeki düz ve yan anlam kavramlarını ele almakta ve anlambilimin çeviribilim açısından yerini sorgulamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada öncelikle Ferdinand De Saussure'un yapısal dilbilim üzerine çalışmalarından yola çıkılarak, bununla ilgili "gösteren", "gösterilen", "gönderge", "gönderim" ve "mana" gibi bazı kavramlar okuyucuya tanıtılmıştır. Düz ve yan anlam kavramlarını iyi anlayabilmek için, bu noktaların kavramların incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Ayrıca, düz ve yan anlam kavramlarıyla ilgili bilim insanlarının kuramları yukarıdaki kavramlar açıkça bir şekilde anlaşılırsa anlam kazanabilir. Bu noktalar ve kavramlar çeviribilim anlambilim arasındaki ilişkinin anlaşılması açısından da önem taşımaktadır.
Jakob Brücker (1696- 1770), “Historia critica philosophiae a mundi incunabulis ad nostram usque aetatem deducta” (Leipzig 1742-1744) adlı kitabında felsefenin başlangıcını “beşik”e (daha doğrusu ilk insanın kundaklanmasına) kadar götürür.... more
Jakob Brücker (1696- 1770), “Historia critica philosophiae a mundi incunabulis ad nostram usque aetatem deducta” (Leipzig 1742-1744) adlı kitabında felsefenin başlangıcını “beşik”e (daha doğrusu ilk insanın kundaklanmasına) kadar götürür. Kitabın I. cildinin ilk sayfasında bir resim vardır; bir ayı tek pençesi ile bir şey yer gibi tasvir olunmaktadır. Buna ilişkin ifade ise “ipsa alimenta sibi”dir yani “O, kendi(si) kendisinin yemeğidir.” Bu ifade Horaz kökenli sanılmasına rağmen aslen Properz III, 24, 4’tendir. Sextus Propertius’un mısrası şu şekildedir: “Ipse alimenta sibi maxima praebet amor” yani felsefe başka bir gıdaya ihtiyacı olmaksızın (yani evvelki bilim ve sanatlara muhtaç bulunmaksızın) inkişaf edebilme kabiliyetine; kendi kendine yetebilme tavrına sahiptir. Yani felsefe kendi kendinden huruç etmektedir.
En işlevsel metafor teorilerinden olan Kittay’ın “İçeriği İkiye Katlama Teorisi” semiotiğin imkânlarından faydalanmak sureti ile metaforu izah bakımından diğer teorilerden ayrılır. Dolayısı ile bir tarafta Richards, Black, İpsen, Jolles, Trier, Porzig, Coseriu ve Weinrich gibi metafor teorisyenleri dururken diğer tarafta da Peirce, Morris, Cassirer ve Eco gibi semiotikçiler vardır. Kittay tam olarak bu iki tarafı birleştirmeye muvaffak olmuştur, denebilir. “Metafor ve Semiyotik” isimli çalışmamızda evvela teoriyi tanımladık. Daha sonra “semiotik”, metafor bağlantısı koparılmadan izah edilmiştir. Bu minvalde “göstergebilim” yanlış adlandırması, sembol- simge farkı ve semiotik imlasının (y’siz) doğruluğu da ihmal edilmemiştir. Akabinde Kittay için temel olan etkileşim ve alan teorileri ele alındı.
Metafor ve semiotik bağlantısı idrak edilmekle sadece ayı ve elindeki şey değil; ağaçlar, orman, ormandaki diğer hayvanlar ve birbirleri ile olan rabıtaları, beslenme şekilleri ve dahi sindirim sistemi vb. hakkında da malumat edinilebilecektir.
Le linguiste développe, en sus de ses études sur les langues, un geste réflexif sur sa pratique d’homme de science. Cette réflexivité spontanée du savant, non directement alignée sur les préceptes d’une analyse historique ou d’un examen... more
Le linguiste développe, en sus de ses études sur les langues, un geste réflexif sur sa pratique d’homme de science. Cette réflexivité spontanée du savant, non directement alignée sur les préceptes d’une analyse historique ou d’un examen philosophique, constitue un registre de discours accompagnant les études linguistiques sous forme de notes préliminaires et marginales, d’articles, voire d’ouvrages, les justifiant et les mettant en perspective, selon les dimensions d’une histoire censément « critique » de la discipline ou selon des dimensions plus larges encore. Un tel registre discursif est par essence rhétorique car son objectif est de convaincre le lecteur, et parfois de se convaincre soi-même, du bien fondé, de l’efficacité ou de la justesse de vue des études entreprises. L’argumentation historicisante et philosophante est le moyen ordinaire de ce discours, non sans que se déploie souvent, en même temps ou juste à côté, à travers des marques énonciatives et l’usage de figures passionnelles, un imaginaire épistémique, avec des attentes déontologiques, épistémologiques, gnoséologiques, ontologiques, métaphysiques et éthiques sauvages.
Autour du nom de Saussure et de divers attributs — textes, écrits, manuscrits, pensée, théorie… — s’est construit, depuis la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, un thème qui est devenu bientôt spécifique à ce registre de discours et qu’il a du reste largement contribué à identifier. En tant que thème, le nom saussurien, avec ses attributs, irrigue la réflexion critique spontanée, propage sa culture parmi les linguistes, et finit aussi par devenir un enjeu au sein des sciences du langage, s’agglutinant de manière récurrente à d’autres thèmes et enjeux détachés, sinon même divergents, des objectifs scientifiques ordinairement déclarés.
Notre approche rhétorique consistera à regarder comment, de Hjelmslev à Rastier, en passant par Jakobson, Greimas, Martinet, Benveniste, Coseriu et quelques autres, ce thème saussurien s’est développé et a fini par constituer une sorte de passion, toute de mystères et supplices. Nous espérons ainsi, à notre manière, contribuer à montrer au linguiste ce qu’il fait.
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar o que há de inovador na proposta linguística de Ferdinand de Saussure, ao mesmo em tempo que a situa no ambiente intelectual da pesquisa em linguagem do século XIX. Nossa intenção é tornar mais... more
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar o que há de inovador na proposta linguística de Ferdinand de Saussure, ao mesmo em tempo que a situa no ambiente intelectual da pesquisa em linguagem do século XIX. Nossa intenção é tornar mais complexas as imagens associadas a esse autor, que muitas vezes vê seu papel reduzido por epítetos como " pai da linguística " , " fundador do estruturalismo " ou cuja contribuição aos estudos da linguagem por vezes leva em conta apenas o Curso de linguística geral. Através da leitura dos textos publicados em vida que abordam a língua lituana, assim como uma parte do manuscrito Notes sur l'accentuation lituanienne, apresentamos o funcionamento teórico do que consideramos ser o núcleo do pensamento saussuriano: a diferença. No que diz respeito à língua enquanto objeto da ciência saussuriana, a diferença se desdobra em três aspectos, a saber, a imaterialidade, a virtualidade e a relatividade. Após apresentar esses três elementos do que chamamos de linguística da diferença na primeira seção do trabalho, consagramos a segunda aos trabalhos em torno do lituano, trazendo um breve sumário de seu papel na obra do linguista. Na última seção, introduzimos os leitores às Notes sur l'accentuation lituanienne e analisamos alguns de seus aspectos teoricamente inovadores. Esperamos, assim, deslocar a imagem tradicional do autor Ferdinand de Sassure, possibilitando que esse nome de autor invoque também outras formas de se produzir conhecimento nos estudos da linguagem e que não se perca de vista sua participação ativa na comunidade científica da gramática histórico-comparada.
Le Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) de Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), publié en 1916, est à l'origine d'une vaste vague structuraliste en sciences humaines. L'édition posthume, réalisée par Charles Bally et Albert Sechehaye, est... more
Le Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) de Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), publié en 1916, est à l'origine d'une vaste vague structuraliste en sciences humaines. L'édition posthume, réalisée par Charles Bally et Albert Sechehaye, est basée sur les trois cours de linguistique générale que Saussure a donnés à l'Université de Genève entre 1907 et 1911. L'exégèse de la pensée linguistique de Saussure, qui dans les dernières décennies s'est constituée en un domaine de haute spécialisation philologique, avait déjà abouti au constat d'un important effort de reconstruction systématisante et homogénéisante de la part des deux éditeurs, mais n'était pas parvenue à préciser la nature de «l'avant-texte» sous-tendant l'édition définitive. Or, cet «avant-texte», ou du moins un jalon crucial dans son élaboration, est la «collation» effectuée par Albert Sechehaye et revue par Charles Bally; ce texte de travail, qui est à la base de l'édition du CLG, est conservé comme manuscrit à la Bibliothèque de Genève. C'est le texte de la «Collation Sechehaye» qui est publié ici en facsimilé et en transcription. L'édition rigoureusement philologique, en conformité avec les principes de la «génétique des textes», est précédée d'une longue introduction historique, retraçant la genèse du CLG.
In this article I analyze the occurrences of the term sémiologie in the texts and manuscripts of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) in the period from 1881 to the start of his Geneva years, in 1891. I offer suggestions concerning this... more
In this article I analyze the occurrences of the term sémiologie in the texts and manuscripts of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) in the period from 1881 to the start of his Geneva years, in 1891. I offer suggestions concerning this Saussurean notion by reffring to the explicit use of the term and to its contexts of use. I survey the occurrences of the term sémiologie by analyzing the corpus following a chronological criterion: from the document attested as the oldest to the most recent. The contexts and the epistemic changes show an articulated image of semiology in Saussure’s work across his scientific trajectory.
This paper will look at the processes of discourse within psychotherapeutic praxis (Berger, 2002), and propose that the discursive can, in and of itself, be efficacious or indeed figure within aetiology as deleterious. It is oft cited... more
This paper will look at the processes of discourse within psychotherapeutic praxis (Berger, 2002), and propose that the discursive can, in and of itself, be efficacious or indeed figure within aetiology as deleterious. It is oft cited that ‘speech, [and] language, [are] the medium without which psychoanalysis does not exist’ (Rabaté, 2003, p.7) emphasising the discursive nature of psychotherapy (Avdi and Georgaca, 2009) over empirical psychological behavioural and psychoanalytical observation, analysis and inference. The writer herein proposes that the dialogic is more than a mere medium; it is the very process of speech/talk mediated through language as a ‘normative activity’ (Heaton, 2010, p.46) which in a psychotherapeutic context is restorative.