Strengths Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community based work, similar to Jane Addams' settlement house, and individual case-work/care management aligned with Mary Richmond's approach to care... more

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community based work, similar to Jane Addams' settlement house, and individual case-work/care management aligned with Mary Richmond's approach to care (Gollins et al., 2016). The visit by Jane Addams in the 1880s to Toynbee Hall, a settlement house founded in London in 1884 to assist the poor through providing opportunities that would lead to social reform, is often cited as a key inspiration for the inception of social work in the US (Addams, 1910). In Addam's description, there was an early recognition of a need to balance focus on youth and older people and to create intergenerational capacity in strengths. That interest remains present today and, with burgeoning numbers of people growing older globally (WHO, 2018), countries have responded in varying ways to this challenge to prepare for the future. Often this is driven by a need to reconcile competing agendas. The move to personalisa-tion and personal budgets under recent UK Governments was an attempt to shift control of care to individual choices, a strengths view, but at the same time, those budgets were being reduced in line with Government austerity measures. This policy and practice environment has shaped the conceptualisation of and approaches to strength-based practice for older people in the UK in ways that are different from the US. This chapter will provide background on the UK policy and practice context for strengths-based approaches and on the work of G-8-a group of gerontological social work academics who advocate for strengthening practice, education and

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community-based work, similar to Jane Addams’ settlement house, and individual casework/care management aligned with Mary Richmond’s approach to care... more

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community-based work, similar to Jane Addams’ settlement house, and individual casework/care management aligned with Mary Richmond’s approach to care (Gollins et al., 2016). The visit by Jane Addams in the 1880s to Toynbee Hall, a settlement house founded in London in 1884 to assist the poor through providing opportunities that would lead to social reform, is often cited as a key inspiration for the inception of social work in the US (Addams, 1910). In Addam’s description, there was an early recognition of a need to balance focus on youth and older people and to create intergenerational capacity in strengths. That interest remains present today and, with burgeoning numbers of people growing older globally (WHO, 2018), countries have responded in varying ways to this challenge to prepare for the future. Often this is driven by a need to reconcile competing agendas. The move to personalisation and persona...

The present research establishes a relationship of bulged diameter with densification and hydrostatic stress in forming of sintered fly ash. In present study A mix design has been done for M25 Grade of concrete by IS method. Ordinary... more

The present research establishes a relationship of bulged diameter with densification and hydrostatic stress in forming of sintered fly ash. In present study A mix design has been done for M25 Grade of concrete by IS method. Ordinary Portland cement of 43 Grade is selected and sintered fly ash aggregates were prepared by mixing sintered fly ash with cement and water for making low cost concrete. Which is a waste material of coal firing Thermal power plants (TPPs) and its accumulation near power plant.The sintered fly ash is obtained from Gallant group of industries. This industry is located near Sector-23, GIDA Sahjanwa city in Gorakhpur district in Uttar Pradesh state. In this paper author investigate the Compressive Strength and Flexural strength test of the concrete at different ages i.e. 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, 56 days and 90 days. Sintered Fly Ash Aggregates is replaced 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in the place of Corse aggregate. These theses explain the various utilization of sintered fly ash and its ordinary Portland cement and properties in concretecauses severe pollution problems. Its utilization as a raw material for cube (Brick) making will be a very usefully solution in our economical and environmental aspects.

In the Philippines, English is an official language. It is used as a medium of instruction. Yet, most Filipinos learn English as an additional language because they have various mother tongues. The diverse linguistic backgrounds of... more

In the Philippines, English is an official language. It is used as a medium of instruction. Yet, most Filipinos learn English as an additional language because they have various mother tongues. The diverse linguistic backgrounds of Filipinos create a challenge for both English teachers and learners of English as an additional language. As all linguists continue to think of innovative ways to teach English to speakers of Filipino languages, the Philippine context presents some particular factors that must be taken into consideration today. This study explored the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to the teaching of English as an additional language in the Philippines. Results show that English teaching and learning in the Philippines has been successful in general but has areas for improvement. Results are based on data collected from eight individual written interviews conducted with English educators, linguistic leaders and experts of Teaching English to spea...

研究背景・研究目的 認知症は脳機能の衰退により、自立した日常生活を困難にさせるという性質上、周囲からは外見的な症状や問題が注目されてきた。日本では、認知症の人の意思が尊重され、できる限り住み慣れた地域のよい環境で自分らしく暮らし続けることができる社会の実現が目指されている。認知症の人やその家族の視点が重要である。当事者不在から当事者主体の取り組みへとシフトされ始めている。つまり、周囲によるステレオタイプの脱却から、その人のもつ本来の力である“強み”への注目が課題とされる。... more

The purpose of this qualitative, grounded theory study was to understand the relationship between positive psychology coaching and thriving in the workplace. Thriving was defined as a marked sense of learning, vitality, energy, and... more

The purpose of this qualitative, grounded theory study was to understand the relationship between positive psychology coaching and thriving in the workplace. Thriving was defined as a marked sense of learning, vitality, energy, and connectivity to others and the work, and positive psychology coaches included coaches who are trained in strengthsbased, appreciative, co-active, and positive psychology coaching methods. Twenty people who had participated in positive psychology coaching as a method for achieving change in attitudes, behaviors, or skills were interviewed to understand the key activities of the coaching process that contribute to thriving as well as to understand the individual outcomes of thriving and how they contribute to emotional well-being and vitality. Data analysis indicated a need to revise the definition of thriving since coachees did not distinguish between states of vitality and energy and thriving is more temporal than originally predicted. Other findings reve...

The objective of this research was designing the student’s sports development strategy in Kermanshah University. The type of this research is a survey which was carried out as field study and analyzed with a descriptive method. The... more

The objective of this research was designing the student’s sports development strategy in Kermanshah University. The type of this research is a survey which was carried out as field study and analyzed with a descriptive method. The statistical population included managers, experts in physical education and faculty members of Kermanshah University. The sample of research were selected through enumeration answered to 75 questionnaires. The tools for data collection are open and close questionnaires who some professors and experts confirmed the validity of these questionnaires. The reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha with the coefficient of 0.89. As well as interviews with the population of the research took place as much as the saturation comments in order to recognized mission statement, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The obtained information was concluded according to the comments of The Strategic Council 7 strengths 9 weaknesses, 8 opportunities, and 7 ultimate threat. The Kolmogorov - Smirnov test was used to verify the normal distribution of data. To analyze the data, in addition to descriptive indicators of the Friedman test also internal and external assessment matrix was used. According to the final score of 2.79 the matrix of internal factors and the score 2.22 the matrix of external factors and the necessary calculations the strategic position of competitive sport of Kermanshah University was identified. By using analysis matrix of SWOT, the strategies of WT, four strategies of WO, five strategies of ST, five strategies of SO, in total 17 strategies was identified.

Background: Child Mental Health is gaining a lot of importance in India today. Thanks to the contribution of research, education and media. However, adequate support and care needs to be extended to all children in this regard keeping in... more

The aim of this study is to identify the possible correlations between the strengths that are taught in school and those which are necessary for reaching personal success. In order to test the extent to which these strengths correlate, we... more

The aim of this study is to identify the possible correlations between the strengths that are taught in school and those which are necessary for reaching personal success. In order to test the extent to which these strengths correlate, we applied a psychological-assessment tool composed of 24 strengths with a Likert-type response scale. The subjects selected for this research were 100 teachers from Romania, both male and female. The results were processed in SPSS Statistics, where we also calculated Pearson's correlation coefficient. After analyzing the descriptive statistics and the correlation coefficient we noticed that the "Vitality" strength showed a statistically significant negative correlation between the two groups, therefore it is not taught in school but it is considered important for achieving personal success. The "Citizenship" strength showed a statistically significant positive correlation, being concurrently promoted in school and important in achieving success. The neuro-linguistic reprogramming of a young individual will need a considerable effort, first of all as regards being aware of the values which render his well-being, and secondly as regards his orientation towards these values, which as it seems he was not at all oriented to. The new student profile of today's society, also known as the digital native, needs to assimilate a full set of positive psychology values in order to create a complete model of success for nowadays' world.

Este trabajo es la continuación del publi-cado en el número 8 de la Revista de Historia de las Vegas Altas titulado Nuestras fortalezas I: El Castillo de Medellín. El objetivo de esta serie estudios es cono-cer las fortalezas existentes... more

Este trabajo es la continuación del publi-cado en el número 8 de la Revista de Historia de las Vegas Altas titulado Nuestras fortalezas I: El Castillo de Medellín.
El objetivo de esta serie estudios es cono-cer las fortalezas existentes en Extremadura. En este caso nos centramos en la localidad de la comarca de la Sibera, Puebla de Alcocer.

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community-based work, similar to Jane Addams’ settlement house, and individual casework/care management aligned with Mary Richmond’s approach to care... more

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community-based work, similar to Jane Addams’ settlement house, and individual casework/care management aligned with Mary Richmond’s approach to care (Gollins et al., 2016). The visit by Jane Addams in the 1880s to Toynbee Hall, a settlement house founded in London in 1884 to assist the poor through providing opportunities that would lead to social reform, is often cited as a key inspiration for the inception of social work in the US (Addams, 1910). In Addam’s description, there was an early recognition of a need to balance focus on youth and older people and to create intergenerational capacity in strengths. That interest remains present today and, with burgeoning numbers of people growing older globally (WHO, 2018), countries have responded in varying ways to this challenge to prepare for the future. Often this is driven by a need to reconcile competing agendas. The move to personalisation and persona...

The existence of a treatment gap for persons with mental disorders has led the WHO to implore leaders around the world to integrate mental health services into the community or primary health care system. Whilst there are strengths, there... more

The existence of a treatment gap for persons with mental disorders has led the WHO to implore leaders around the world to integrate mental health services into the community or primary health care system. Whilst there are strengths, there are great challenges to the integration process that are hindering the implementation of this initiative in developing countries. The aim of this paper is to synthesize evidence from various researchers regarding the strengths and challenges to the integration of mental health services into the primary or community health care system in developing countries. The sources of information included Pubmed, Medline, Google Scholar, Ebsco Host, and the WHO website. Seventeen (17) studies met the inclusion criteria out of the search results of 2,200. The challenges most reported were inadequate support and supervision structures; lack of key resources, limited Knowledge, inadequate training, and lack of experience of healthcare providers in mental health; time constraints for the primary healthcare workers; lack of regulatory measures to encourage the integration. The strengths most reported were health care workers' acceptance of responsibility to provide mental health services in the community setting. This paper has proven a number of strengths and challenges regarding the integration of mental health services into the primary or community health care system. It is hoped that this paper will assist stakeholders and policymakers in overcoming the majority of the challenges identified in the integration of mental health services in the primary health care system.

The automotive industry includes all design, development, manufacture and selling accessories for motorised means of transportation. Iran is among the world's 20 largest automotive manufacturers and is in the number one position in the... more

The automotive industry includes all design, development, manufacture and selling accessories for motorised means of transportation. Iran is among the world's 20 largest automotive manufacturers and is in the number one position in the Middle East. Iran Khodro is the largest and most important car manufacturer in Iran and the Middle East, which was founded in 1341. It produces a variety of light and heavy vehicles in collaboration with foreign partners or alone. The aim of this study is investigating and analysing the internal and external environment of automobile manufacturing industry in Iran emphasising on Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing company. For the purpose of this study, the accumulated data of Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing company were analysed and the most important strengths and weaknesses point were compiled and presented in the aspect of internal environment and opportunities and threats in the aspect of external environment.

Penelitian yang peneliti lakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen strategi perusahaan waralaba pada KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode yang peneliti... more

Penelitian yang peneliti lakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen strategi perusahaan waralaba pada KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu adalah content analysis atau yang merupakan analisis isi. Teknik pengumpulan data Yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu adalah metode simak dan catat Hasil dari perhitungan IFAS dan EFAS yang menunjukkan bahwasannya kekuatan dan juga peluang yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan waralaba KFC lebih besar daripada kelemahan dan ancaman perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen perusahaan waralaba KFC menerapkan manajemen strategi dengan baik. Hal tersebut perlu dipertahankan serta disarankan agar dapat meningkatkan strategi manajemen agar dapat terus bersaing di bidang waralaba

Background : Child Mental Health is gaining a lot of importance in India today. Thanks to the contribution of research, education and media. However, adequate support and care needs to be extended to all children in this regard keeping in... more

Background : Child Mental Health is gaining a lot of importance in India today. Thanks to the contribution of research, education and media. However, adequate support and care needs to be extended to all children in this regard keeping in mind the unequal access and availability of resources owing to economic reasons. One of the attempts made to safeguard child health in Karnataka is through providing health services in schools. While it is important to prevent physical health issues, it poses a bigger challenge to understand the underlying mental health issues among children at an early stage. Hence the study is an attempt to know the Mental Health status of school going children in Bangalore as a base before launching a wider study of the sorts. Aim: A baseline survey was conducted as an attempt to know the mental health of children of class 7 studying in the Government schools of Bangalore, India. Method: Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) was administered on 90 child...

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community based work, similar to Jane Addams' settlement house, and individual case-work/care management aligned with Mary Richmond's approach to... more

Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community based work, similar to Jane Addams' settlement house, and individual case-work/care management aligned with Mary Richmond's approach to care (Gollins et al., 2016). The visit by Jane Addams in the 1880s to Toynbee Hall, a settlement house founded in London in 1884 to assist the poor through providing opportunities that would lead to social reform, is often cited as a key inspiration for the inception of social work in the US (Addams, 1910). In Addam's description, there was an early recognition of a need to balance focus on youth and older people and to create intergenerational capacity in strengths. That interest remains present today and, with burgeoning numbers of people growing older globally (WHO, 2018), countries have responded in varying ways to this challenge to prepare for the future. Often this is driven by a need to reconcile competing agendas. The move to personalisa-ti...

The main objective of this study was to investigate the viewpoints of graduate students towards strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats underlying the innovation-based approach to arts curricula in higher education. This descriptive... more

The main objective of this study was to investigate the viewpoints of graduate students towards strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats underlying the innovation-based approach to arts curricula in higher education. This descriptive survey made use of semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires in order to collect the required data. The validity of interviews and questionnaires was confirmed by obtaining experts’ opinions and their reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.90). The statistical population was composed of all graduate students at Art University of Isfahan. Then, the stratified random sampling (quantitative) was used in terms of sampling method and the actual process of sampling was undertaken in the format of purposeful sampling method (qualitative). The results indicated that the item “paying attention to lifelong learning in order to keep students up to date” was the most important strength point and the item “inappropriate facilities” was the most important weak point. Besides, it was indicated that the items of “fostering a culture of innovation” and “lack of new and up-to-date knowledge and technology in the country” were the most notable opportunity and threat, respectively.