Threats Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The paper deals with phenomena arising from radical disruptions in numerous spheres of human activity that challenge the conventional understanding of security. Authors endeavour to contribute to understanding of these changes and the... more

The paper deals with phenomena arising from radical disruptions in numerous spheres of human activity that challenge the conventional understanding of security. Authors endeavour to contribute to understanding of these changes and the emerging paradigm. The notions of cyber security, information security in relation to the cyber-physical systems security, and information security in broader sense which describes safeguarding the information flows to cyberspace and media were considered. Authors explore modern manifestations of these threats, and then dive into the hybrid nature of the threats to cyber-and information security, describing cyber threats and cyber attacks as merged with existing 'conventional' techniques. The examination of hybrids threats-the cyber leverages to diplomacy, the practice of cyber retaliation, cyber sabotage and espionage, cyber weapons and the cyber arms race-was given.

Zagrożenia towarzyszyły człowiekowi najprawdopodobniej już od samych początków jego niełatwej egzystencji i zawsze były związane z adekwatnym do nich poziomem odczuwanego bezpieczeństwa. Początkowo były one związane wyłącznie z siłami... more

Zagrożenia towarzyszyły człowiekowi najprawdopodobniej już od samych
początków jego niełatwej egzystencji i zawsze były związane z adekwatnym do nich
poziomem odczuwanego bezpieczeństwa. Początkowo były one związane wyłącznie z
siłami natury, ale z czasem zaczęły pojawić się zagrożenia innego charakteru związane na
przykład z rozwojem cywilizacyjnym, postępem technicznym oraz rozwojem
demograficznym ludności.

Tekst jest zapisem wywiadu, jaki z autorem przeprowadziła red. Katarzyna Kachel. Przedmiotem wywiadu były możliwości i ograniczenia sztucznej inteligencji. Omówiono różne zastosowania i sukcesy sztucznej inteligencji, ale podjęto także... more

Tekst jest zapisem wywiadu, jaki z autorem przeprowadziła red. Katarzyna Kachel. Przedmiotem wywiadu były możliwości i ograniczenia sztucznej inteligencji. Omówiono różne zastosowania i sukcesy sztucznej inteligencji, ale podjęto także bardzo rzeczową dyskusję na temat potencjalnych zagrożeń rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji.

The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate how Cox´s (1981) conceptualization of structures and historical structure could be driven to change by Campbell’s (1998) notion of constructed narratives of apparent threats behind events such... more

The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate how Cox´s (1981) conceptualization of structures and historical structure could be driven to change by Campbell’s (1998) notion of constructed narratives of apparent threats behind events such as an attack in a state’s homeland soil; by analyzing both the cases of the French response to November 2015 Paris attacks and the American one after 9/11.

The dice snake, Natrix tessellata, in Jordan still occurs in viable populations, particularly in northwestern areas of the country. But numerous populations have become extinct, following habitat degradation due to irrigation and water... more

The dice snake, Natrix tessellata, in Jordan still occurs in viable populations, particularly in northwestern
areas of the country. But numerous populations have become extinct, following habitat degradation due to irrigation
and water pollution. Summary notes on morphology and ecology of Jordanian dice snakes is presented, including
aspects of habitat and coexisting herpetofauna, mating, diet, defense behavior, predation and parasites. Literature
comparisons indicate that the biology of the dice snake in Jordan fits the common profile of this species.

Over 5.5 million Syrian refugees were forcibly displaced worldwide according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2017), fleeing an inhumane war in their country. Many of them are now facing a different kind of war: they are being accused of... more

Over 5.5 million Syrian refugees were forcibly displaced worldwide according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2017), fleeing an inhumane war in their country. Many of them are now facing a different kind of war: they are being accused of being terrorists, parasites and rapists, through a powerful and almost unstoppable hate speech propaganda on social media. Throughout this study I posit that host society youth are key players in the integration and the inclusion of these refugees. However, programs in educational settings are ill-designed to equip youth and empower them to face racism and to withstand the online flux of disinformation, let alone to play a leadership role in counterbalancing social media propaganda and manipulation.
The objective of my study was twofold: First I wanted to understand how this youth viewed their role in the integration and the inclusion of refugees in their societies, in a context where the image of refugees was deeply influenced by social media, especially after terror attacks. Second, I wanted to discover the knowledge and the skills they developed through the process of learning about themselves, more specifically through identifying the construct systems they used when facing digital propaganda targeting sensitive and controversial issues such as the Syrian refugee crisis. To meet this objective, I conducted 66 in-depth interviews with 22 youth between 18 and 24 years old from Canada. The instruments I used stemmed from Personal Construct Psychology because this theory considers experiences to be at the core of how construals about concepts are formed. During the first meetings, the participants were convinced that despite the fact that they were able to withstand the digital propaganda against the refugees, they were helpless when it came to helping others recognize the signs of manipulation. Through the in-depth discussions, however, the participants had an “aha” moment. They suddenly realized that not only they could control how social media influenced them, but also that they could and should shape the online image that was shared online of the refugee presence in Canada. Their bystander stance was by itself an act against the resettlement of refugees, and this act had to stop. They started questioning their own answers, reflecting on their own behaviours online, trying to make sense of their decisions and of what made them think that they were different than other Canadians. Their empathy towards refugees increased and another developed towards the groups who rejected refugees. They identified factors that could lead to islamophobia, racism and fear and developed strategies to counterbalance them and to help host societies make informed choices. The results of this study provide a concrete model, tools and strategies to be adopted by educators, civic educators, social workers, curriculum developers, policy makers and parents to help youth learn about themselves, as a first step to cease being manipulated by the media, and to become ready to confront hate speech, to act as influential agents of change, and to voice their concerns and ideas in the matters that affect their lives.

As of late Ransomware infection programming spread like a violent wind winds. A twister wind makes damage properties; similarly ransomware makes PC information non secure. Each client is moving towards digitization. Client keep... more

As of late Ransomware infection programming spread like a violent wind winds. A twister wind makes damage properties; similarly ransomware makes PC information non secure. Each client is moving towards digitization. Client keep information sec ure in his or her PC. A ransomware is one of the program infection that commandeer client's information. A ransomware may secure the framework a way which isn't for a normal individual to reverse.It not just targets home computers but business additional ly gets influenced. It scrambles information so that ordinary individual can never again unscramble. An individual needs to pay payment to unscramble it. However, it doesn't produce that documents will be discharged. This paper gives a concise investiga tion of Ryuk ransomware, its impact on PC world and its preventive measures to control ransomware on PC framework.

Commentary on Surviving and Thriving in the 21st Century: a discussion and Call to Action on Global Catastrophic Risks (2020) arising from a roundtable of the Commission for the Human Future. Risks? Threats? Challenges? Goals? Initiatives... more

Commentary on Surviving and Thriving in the 21st Century: a discussion and Call to Action on Global Catastrophic Risks (2020) arising from a roundtable of the Commission for the Human Future.
Risks? Threats? Challenges? Goals?
Initiatives articulating global threats, risks, challenges and goals?
How many global threats, risks, challenges and goals merit recognition?
Habitual use of a 10-fold strategic framework?
Systemic perspective potentially implied by "Ten Commandments"?
Eliciting a 10-fold systemic framework
Experimental animations in 3D of 10-fold configurations of strategic dimensions
Strategic comprehension and dimensional compactification
Application to insights offered by the Club of Rome
Reconciling disparate strategic frameworks

The article discusses the threat of bioterrorism and the importance of biodefense in the wake of COVID-19. In other words, it questions if the U.S. biodefense system is ready for a potential bioterror attack by bringing up some of the... more

The article discusses the threat of bioterrorism and the importance of biodefense in the wake of COVID-19. In other words, it questions if the U.S. biodefense system is ready for a potential bioterror attack by bringing up some of the catastrophic impacts of the pandemic on individuals, economies, and institutions.

Artykuł zawiera prawną analizę sytuacji kryzysowej, której definicja znajduje się w ustawie z dnia 26 kwietnia 2007 r. o zarządzaniu kryzysowym. Artykuł analizuje obecną i wcześniejszą definicję sytuacji kryzysowej. Następnie odnosi ją do... more

Artykuł zawiera prawną analizę sytuacji kryzysowej, której definicja znajduje się w ustawie z dnia 26 kwietnia 2007 r. o zarządzaniu kryzysowym. Artykuł analizuje obecną i wcześniejszą definicję sytuacji kryzysowej. Następnie odnosi ją do sytemu bezpieczeństwa państwa przez porównanie z tzw. zagrożeniami codziennymi i zagrożeniami szczególnymi.

Users nowadays have several web accounts for email, banking, blogging, social media, online shopping, and other services. The choice of passwords for these different web accounts poses a problem, resulting in a dilemma. Since users tend... more

Users nowadays have several web accounts for email, banking, blogging, social media, online shopping, and other services. The choice of passwords for these different web accounts poses a problem, resulting in a dilemma. Since users tend to have the same password for all of these accounts, if an attacker gains access to one of them, he will have access to all of the other user's accounts, including his banking passwords, email, and online shopping passwords. Users can have a propensity to use easy-toremember or weak passwords if they use different passwords for different systems, and there is also a high risk of users losing their passwords, raising the associated user support required for password resets. A secure password manager capable of storing multiple user accounts and passwords can be used to solve this issue, relieving users of the stress and challenge of remembering multiple accounts and passwords. To address this problem, an effective tool for managing password is designed and implemented.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is having a massive impact globally with a rapid spread across the globe. Which made the World Health Organization declare it a pandemic. COVID-19 has prompted countries to adopt new behaviors such as... more

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is having a massive impact globally with a rapid spread across the globe. Which made the World Health Organization declare it a pandemic. COVID-19 has prompted countries to adopt new behaviors such as social distancing, remote work and the closure of some important businesses and sectors. At the same time, the White Berets are doing their best to absorb the epidemic. However, while white hats protect people, black hats are taking advantage of the situation, leading to the spread of a cybersecurity pandemic.
Organizations have had to adapt to the demand for remote work quickly and at scale. Many have been forced to renovate their physical offices and policies set up in a panic to enable employees to work from home without the necessary training or well-made arrangements. Most of these companies and organizations have no plans on the ground to facilitate this radical and sudden change within a short period.
In fact, only 38% of companies have a cybersecurity policy. By moving to an online environment, organizations and companies around the world have implemented a "work from home" (WFH) business model that increases attack vectors and risks to internal data.
It is noteworthy that WFH has become the new normal for people all over the world. In most scenarios, this refers to requiring employees to use their personal devices and home networks, which are often inherently insecure and lack the required security standards. [1]
The pandemic has created a formidable challenge for companies around the world. The IT they have long relied on—data centers, clouds, departmental servers, and the digital devices their remote employees use to stay connected to each other and to company data—is becoming more important. Overnight, the demands placed on digital infrastructure skyrocketed. [3]
The paper presents cybersecurity attacks during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a lot of information has been collected from the World Health Organization (WHO), trusted organizations, news sources, official government reports and available research articles. The paper then categorizes cybersecurity attacks and threats in the COVID-19 period and provides recommendations and countermeasures for each type. This paper discusses cybersecurity attacks and their countermeasures and reports on ongoing cybersecurity attacks and threats in this time period. Moreover, it is also a step towards analyzing the efficiency of the state's infrastructure as well as the social behavior of hackers and criminals at the time of the pandemic. [2]

Rap music has had a contentious relationship with the legal system, including censorship, regulation, and artists being arrested for lewd and profane performances. More recently, rap lyrics have been introduced by prosecutors to establish... more

Rap music has had a contentious relationship with the legal system, including censorship, regulation, and artists being arrested for lewd and profane performances. More recently, rap lyrics have been introduced by prosecutors to establish guilt in criminal trials. Some fear this form of artistic expression will be inappropriately interpreted as literal and threatening, perhaps because of stereotypes. Only a handful of studies have examined whether rap lyrics are evaluated using stereotypes, yet these studies were conducted in the 1990s—a period of heightened scrutiny for rap—and used nonoptimal methods. This study presents 3 experiments that examine the impact of genre-specific stereotypes on the evaluation of violent song lyrics by manipulating the musical genre (rap vs. country) while holding constant the actual lyrics. Study 1, a direct replication of previous research, found that participants deemed identical lyrics more literal, offensive, and in greater need of regulation when they were characterized as rap compared with country. Study 2 was a conceptual replication (i.e., same design but different stimuli), and again detected this effect. Study 3 used the same approach but experimentally manipulated the race of the author of the lyrics. A main effect was detected for the genre, with rap evaluated more negatively than country or a control condition with no label. However, no effects were found for the race of the lyrics' author nor were interactions were detected. Collectively, these findings highlight the possibility that rap lyrics could inappropriately impact jurors when admitted as evidence to prove guilt.

Monografia dotyczy problemu legitymizacji działań władzy publicznej podejmowanych w obliczu zagrożenia, którego skala oraz szybkość eskalacji pozwala na stwierdzenie wystąpienia sytuacji nadzwyczajnej (public emergency). Praca ma... more

Monografia dotyczy problemu legitymizacji działań władzy publicznej podejmowanych w obliczu zagrożenia, którego skala oraz szybkość eskalacji pozwala na stwierdzenie wystąpienia sytuacji nadzwyczajnej (public emergency). Praca ma odpowiedzieć na pytanie czy aktywność podejmowana w celu jej opanowania powinna zawsze znajdować podstawę w prawie pozytywnym, czy, przynajmniej w niektórych przypadkach, może opierać się na sytuacyjnej konieczności? Dogmatyczne nauki prawne nie dostarczają pełnej odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Traktują one zjawisko public emergency przede wszystkim jako tło dla analiz norm prawa pozytywnego. Niniejsza praca ma wyjaśnić, w jaki sposób reakcja organów państwa na sytuację nadzwyczajną wpisuje się w określoną filozofię prawa, warunkującą procesy jego tworzenia, stosowania i obowiązywania. Autor porusza szereg kwestii o charakterze metaprawnym. Szczególnym zagrożeniom publicznym towarzyszyć mogą kontrowersyjne działania legislacyjne, jak również rozwój aktywizmu sędziowskiego – stanowiącego wyraz współdziałania wymiaru sprawiedliwości z władzą wykonawczą lub, przeciwnie, zmierzającego do zapobieżenia nadużyciom tej władzy w szczególnych okolicznościach. Zmianie ulega sposób argumentacji prawniczej i metody wykładni. Zwiększa się skala występowania tzw. zdarzeń granicznych, które filozofia prawa zna i rozpatruje pod nazwą trudnych przypadków.

This paper 2 extends a proposed theory on information security using pilot data to further refine and elaborate. We argue that the goal of information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of... more

This paper 2 extends a proposed theory on information security using pilot data to further refine and elaborate. We argue that the goal of information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of why efforts are made to engage in information security. The goal of information security is widely recognized as the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information however we argue that the goal is actually to create business resources. This paper responds to calls for more theory in information systems and challenges our thinking. In a phenomenological grounded theory study, this paper identifies the core concepts of information security, and describes the relationships between these concepts. The paper provides the theoretical base for understanding why information is protected, in addition to theoretical and practical implications, and future research suggestions.

The Entire World is Facing the threat of Global Extinction, never before witnessed by humanity. Scientists predict that more than 1 million species are fast-tracked for extinction within the next few decades. Now Climatologists are... more

The Entire World is Facing the threat of Global Extinction, never before witnessed by humanity. Scientists predict that more than 1 million species are fast-tracked for extinction within the next few decades. Now Climatologists are Warning us that Humanity is faced with the most serious existential threat, due to the laissez-faire attitudes of Dialectic Materialism and Pseudo Intellectual Existentialists. Action needs to be take NOW! If not by the Government, then by the Citizens who will be the ultimate beneficiaries or Losers as the Case may be.

Over the centuries, there has been a widespread destruction of wildlife species at the global level. Some of the causes of wildlife extinctions have been the loss of habitats due to global population growth rates. Some areas which used to... more

Over the centuries, there has been a widespread destruction of wildlife species at the global level. Some of the causes of wildlife extinctions have been the loss of habitats due to global population growth rates. Some areas which used to be habitats for wildlife have been turned into commercial farms, towns and cities. In traditional Africa wildlife co-existed peacefully with human populations. Although some animals were occasionally hunted for meat and ivory, this practice could never upset the ecological balance due to the primitive nature of the weapons which were employed. However, with the advent of colonialism, many animal species were driven to extinction due to the efficiency of the weapons which were used. The use of fire arms in hunting expeditions became a major threat to animals such as elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, lions and impalas. While in North America many species such as the passenger pigeon disappeared, in Africa many have survived although they are still under threat from poachers. This paper examines the challenges which confront the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (PWMA) in the conservation of wildlife species such as elephants, lions, rhinos, buffaloes and impala. It focuses on the challenges which have occurred since 2000 during the ‘Fast Track Land Reform Programme’ (FTLRP). It is based on information which was collected in October, 2017. This involved the use of secondary and primary sources of information including interviews and questionnaires.

Online banking and other e-banking modes are a very convenient way to banking in terms of speed, convenience and delivery costs, but they have brought many risks alongside them. Online banking has created a new risk orientation and even... more

Online banking and other e-banking modes are a very convenient way to banking in terms of speed, convenience and delivery costs, but they have brought many risks alongside them. Online banking has created a new risk orientation and even new forms of risk. Technology plays an important role as both a source and a tool for risk control. The purpose of this research is to identify the security situation of the e-banking application and to analyze the risks and attacks that could occur to the customers that, although it's an ebanking application attacks could happen. Several mitigations were mentioned to overcome attacks like, access control is to mitigate eavesdropping this means that, restricting access to sensitive data is mandatory. Another way to mitigate is, update and patch which is for SQL injection meaning, it's vital to apply patches and updates when it's available. These attacks may attack the whole application or target an individual where private information is stolen or changed. This research also shows how to apply several more different protections measures to protect oneself and organization from being targets of cybercrime.

India is the developing nation of the 21st century and is developing in several sectors, especially, the secondary and the tertiary sector. India, as a developing economy heavily relies in its network connectivity. However, several issues... more

India is the developing nation of the 21st century and is developing in several sectors, especially, the secondary and the tertiary sector. India, as a developing economy heavily relies in its network connectivity. However, several issues are encountered in its connectivity, one of which is the high cost of broadband and other network infrastructure. Roaming network is one of the grave (serious) issues network consumer face in India. To resolve this issue India provides best broadband infrastructure of the network which is affordable and convenient for out coming sources. The smart phone is one of the most widely used platforms by business and users. This paper describes the functional requirements of mobility issues in wireless networking. Hence, one can say that India does have connectivity issues. This research study aims to explore the types of attacks in smart phones.

IPB doctrine states that all four mission variables—including civil considerations—and their interactions must be analyzed if the process is to be effective. Staffs must “determine how the interactions of friendly forces, enemy forces,... more

IPB doctrine states that all four mission variables—including civil considerations—and their interactions must be analyzed if the process is to be effective. Staffs must “determine how the interactions of friendly forces, enemy forces, and indigenous populations affect each other.” However, in practice, the process tends to emphasize the enemy and not holistically account for the civil considerations.

Artykuł w sposób poglądowy i przeglądowy analizuje zagrożenia, jakie wiążą się z coraz powszechniejszym i coraz głębszym "zanurzaniem się" ludzi w cyberprzestrzeni. Internet jest epokowym wynalazkiem, który - jeśli jest dobrze... more

Artykuł w sposób poglądowy i przeglądowy analizuje zagrożenia, jakie wiążą się z coraz powszechniejszym i coraz głębszym "zanurzaniem się" ludzi w cyberprzestrzeni. Internet jest epokowym wynalazkiem, który - jeśli jest dobrze wykorzystywany - służy do szerzenia wiedzy. Natomiast skala migracji do cyberprzestrzeni, jaką się ostatnio obserwuje, jest niepokojąca. Zagadnienie to w artykule jest rozważane w skali światowej i w skali ogólnopolskiej. Na tym tle zagrożenia pojawiające się w cyberprzestrzeni, nawet pozornie niewinne spamy, nabierają znaczenia. Artykuł klasyfikuje zagrożenia i wskazuje sposoby ich przezwyciężania.

Recent incident analysis from CERT-MU has found that there have been an increase in cybercrime activities including unauthorised access, electronic fraud, identity theft, denial of service, spamming and fake accounts. This paper describes... more

Recent incident analysis from CERT-MU has found that there have been an increase in cybercrime activities including unauthorised access, electronic fraud, identity theft, denial of service, spamming and fake accounts. This paper describes the most common global vulnerabilities and threats and also provide an overview of countermeasures such as encryption, back-tracing and the use of common security standards and protocols such as ISO 127K. In addition, the security issues of emerging technologies such as IPv6, Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing are investigated. The system and infrastructure of the Mauritian Cybersecurity framework is also reviewed and recommendations are provided to build a strong and resilient cyber security framework in the country. This is particularly important given that Mauritius is embarking on the ambitious project of deploying smart cities with the integration of all these emerging technologies. Security must indeed be at the centre of all considerations in this endeavour.

Na teorijskoj ravni,ali i u praktičnoj izvedbi vrlo često postoje nesuglasice oko pitanja ko ocjenjuje i rangira sigurnosne prijetnje, što u krajnjoj mjeri može postati kontraproduktivno po vitalni interes države i društva. U Bosni i... more

Na teorijskoj ravni,ali i u praktičnoj izvedbi vrlo često postoje nesuglasice oko pitanja ko ocjenjuje i rangira sigurnosne prijetnje, što u krajnjoj mjeri može postati kontraproduktivno po vitalni interes države i društva. U Bosni i Hercegovini egzistiraju 22 agencije koje rade procjenu
sigurnosnih rizika. Postojanje ovakvog kolopleta agencija koji bez jedinstvene metodologije vrše procjenu sigurnosnih rizika otežava efikasno upravljanje sigurnosnim rizicima. Cilj teksta je analiza procjene sigurnosnih prijetnji u Bosni i Hercegovini, oslanjajući se na relevantne
institucionalne i empirijske rezultate istraživanja. Osim toga namjera nam je ukazati na probleme koji otežavaju trenutni razvoj jedinstvenog sistema za upravljanje rizicima u Bosni i Hercegovini, odnosno stanje koje je odraz atomiziranosti sektora unutarnje sigurnosti u Bosni i

This article introduces the concept of mindfulness meditation as an on-the-spot intervention to be used in specific workplace situations. It presents a model of when, why, and how on-the-spot mindfulness meditation is likely to be helpful... more

This article introduces the concept of mindfulness meditation as an on-the-spot intervention to be used in specific workplace situations. It presents a model of when, why, and how on-the-spot mindfulness meditation is likely to be helpful or harmful for aspects of job performance. The article begins with a brief review of the mindfulness literature and a rationale for why mindfulness could be used on-the-spot in the workplace. It then delineates consequences of on-the-spot mindfulness interventions on four aspects of job performance - escalation of commitment, counterproductive work behaviors, negotiation performance, and task motivation. The article closes with three necessary conditions for an on-the-spot mindfulness intervention to be effectively used, as well as suggestions for how organizations, managers, and employees can facilitate the fulfillment of these necessary conditions. Possible negative consequences of mindfulness and which types of meditation to use are considered. Taken together, these arguments deepen our understanding of state mindfulness and introduce a new manner in which mindfulness can be used in the workplace.

The depiction of animals and their significance in Egyptian tomb art from the Old Kingdom is well documented; however, animals presented in literary texts such as tomb biographies or in this particular case, threat-formulae, is less so.... more

The depiction of animals and their significance in Egyptian tomb art from the Old Kingdom is well documented; however, animals presented in literary texts such as tomb biographies or in this particular case, threat-formulae, is less so. Hippopotamus, snakes, scorpions, lions, crocodiles, and birds are just some of the animals that have been documented in Old Kingdom threat-formulae during this study; their importance, however, has been largely overlooked in favour of understanding the historical significance of tomb biographies. Threat-Formulae in Old Kingdom tombs are modes of thinking that follow a certain template or outline with little variation between examples
and appear in multiple tombs. They are used in mastabas and tombs with the intention of warding off evil and may be understood to be representative of the magical inclinations of the deceased.
Though threats and curses are apparent in all periods of Egyptian history, Old Kingdom tomb threats appear to have begun during the mid to late Fourth Dynasty (approximately 2600 BCE) and then exploded with popularity, becoming a common inclusion in tombs by the Sixth Dynasty
and dying out with the decline of the Old Kingdom and rise of the First Intermediate Period (approximately 2180 BCE). Despite their extensive usage, not every tomb features a threat formula and fewer still include animal motifs; thus, understanding their significance is important and documenting their prevalence, distribution and differences is key to understanding this curious aspect of Old Kingdom culture.

More than half a century of cross-cultural research has demonstrated group-level differences in psychological and behavioral phenomena, from values to attention to neural responses. However, cultures are not static, with several specific... more

More than half a century of cross-cultural research has demonstrated group-level differences in psychological and behavioral phenomena, from values to attention to neural responses. However, cultures are not static, with several specific changes documented for cultural products, practices, and values. How and why do societies change? Here we juxtapose theory and insights from cultural evolution and social ecology. Evolutionary approaches enable an understanding of the how of cultural change, suggesting transmission mechanisms by which the contents of culture may change. Ecological approaches provide insights into the why of cultural change: They identify specific environmental pressures, which evoke shifts in psychology and thereby enable greater precision in predictions of specific cultural changes based on changes in ecological conditions. Complementary insights from the ecological and cultural evolutionary approaches can jointly clarify the process by which cultures change. We end by discussing the relevance of cultural change research for the contemporary societal shifts, and by highlighting several critical challenges and future directions for the emerging field of cross-temporal research on culture and psychology.

There are several issues should be addressed and taken into consideration prior to initiating the e-voting system. The proposed system in this paper will ensure the integrity and the transparency of the electoral process. The paper will... more

There are several issues should be addressed and taken into consideration prior to initiating the e-voting system. The proposed system in this paper will ensure the integrity and the transparency of the electoral process. The paper will also focus on what's really needed to design a robust, secure and scalable electronic voting system that ensures accuracy, neutrality, transparency, simplicity, flexibility, Sustainability, and security of the information. With respect to accuracy, the system must be safe and secure in the face of numerous threats. In order to safeguard the neutrality of voter registration process, the system should not favour a particular party or group. Looking at the risks and benefit associated with transparency, the process must be clear in terms of counting the electronic votes, taking the political and legal setting into account. For simplicity, the process must be easy to understand for citizens and elected politicians. The simplicity allows for extreme flexibility in adapting to disabled and illiterate voters as well. All the above mentioned points will be addressed in the proposed contribution.

All critical infrastructures around the globe have become an increasing target of cyberattacks day by day. These cyberattacks are significantly concerning the healthcare sector as their primary target [1,2]. The last few years have seen... more

All critical infrastructures around the globe have become an increasing target of cyberattacks day by day. These cyberattacks are significantly concerning the healthcare sector as their primary target [1,2]. The last few years have seen the healthcare sector is undergoing an extraordinary transformation. There is a substantial shift from traditional system procedures towards modern, automated, and complex systems [2]. The outdated IT infrastructure, insecure database approaches, vulnerability systems still exist in most early level healthcare firms. They are not efficient to manage the high amount of data processing, new types of equipment and storage needs. When examining the adoption of Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) in the healthcare industry, the security of patient's data, data of hospital employees and hospital informational data is the most overbearing restrictions to access for the cyber attackers [3]. The study will discuss the critical infrastructure security of the healthcare industry, and threats to healthcare infrastructure and various techniques that can use to prevent happening cyberattacks and how to apply them to the IoT [Internet of Things] based health care sector. The study also focuses on Encryption standards used in the health care sector to defend its infrastructure from cyber threats.

The mobile digital wallet has been revolving around the world. However, factors are influencing the adoption and use of a mobile wallet. The purpose of the qualitative phenomenological study was to examine the perceptions of the use of... more

The mobile digital wallet has been revolving around the world. However, factors are influencing the adoption and use of a mobile wallet. The purpose of the qualitative phenomenological study was to examine the perceptions of the use of mobile wallet among the users in Toronto, Canada.
Participants of this study included 17 individuals who have embraced and utilized a mobile wallet for different transactions. Their perceptions about the security mechanism and motivation for adoption allows for a deeper understanding of their experiences during and after the adoption. Most available researches have been mainly focussing on users’ initial adoption and the usage of mobile payment, whereas postadoption usage has not been fully investigated, therefore, this research tries to close the gap.
Amazon Mechanical Turks (MTurks) was used to recruit the participants while Skype® technology was used to conduct online interviews. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model was used to describe the perception of the users and NVivo 12 ® software was used to analyze the transcribed data from the open-ended interviews. The findings identified the factors that influence the adoption and continuance use of a mobile wallet.
The six themes emerged from the analysis are Consumers’ Mindset, Motivations for Adoption, Challenges in Mobile Wallet Enrollment, Physical and Mobile Wallet Comparison, Consumer’s Security Perceptions, and Consumer’s Perceptions of Mobile Wallet Transactions. The findings from this study may benefit consumers, device manufacturers, and mobile wallet application, vendors. Future research is recommended to replicate the study using a quantitative methodology, however, in a different setting with a larger sample of older adults as participants.

A century ago, tigers (Panthera tigris Linnaeus, 1758) were so common in parts of Southeast Asia as to be considered pests, and governments sponsored their killing. Habitat loss and fragmentation, market-driven poaching and loss of prey... more

A century ago, tigers (Panthera tigris Linnaeus, 1758) were so common in parts of Southeast Asia as to be considered pests, and governments sponsored their killing. Habitat loss and fragmentation, market-driven poaching and loss of prey have since led to the disappearance of Indochinese tigers from most their former range. Despite 15 years of dedicated tiger conservation funding, national estimates of Indochinese tiger subpopulations can at best only be roughly approximated. The future for the subspecies appears grim unless very focused efforts can be applied to stabilize and recover subpopulations. On a regional scale, the 2 proposed subspecies Panthera tigris corbetti and P. tigris jacksoni are effectively managed as separate conservation units. Evaluating where to place conservation efforts should consider the vulnerability (likelihood of extinction) and irreplaceability (likelihood that an area contributes uniquely to regional conservation) of tiger subpopulations. Only 1 site in Thailand supporting <200 individuals (Huai Kha Khaeng–Thung Yai) is considered low vulnerability, and is irreplaceable. Five sites in Lao, Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia are medium vulnerability and irreplaceable. Priorities at these 6 sites are to double tiger numbers within 10 years through protection and monitoring. Seven sites in Lao, Thailand and Myanmar are high vulnerability and irreplaceable, and might be recovered if government commitment to tigers, staff capacity and legal frameworks for tiger protection are established. Tigers are extremely vulnerable or even extinct in Cambodia’s Eastern Plains and the site is irreplaceable for tigers because it represents the only large
2 (>10 000 km ) block of dry forest habitat available in the region. A reintroduction program is the only option to recover tigers there.

Maintaining auditor independence and objectivity has benefits, while violating auditor independence and objectivity carries some costs. In this research, I described these benefits and costs. I then highlighted several main threats to... more

Maintaining auditor independence and objectivity has benefits, while violating auditor independence and objectivity carries some costs. In this research, I described these benefits and costs. I then highlighted several main threats to auditor independence and objectivity. I also reviewed possible solutions and critically assessed them. The main conclusion is that, notwithstanding the adoption of some of these solutions by new regulations, many of the threats to auditor independence and objectivity are still very potent.

Symptoms of Harm OCD are described in order to make diagnosis more straightforward. In addition, differential diagnosis between Harm OCD and other conditions is examined. The problem of the prediction of dangerousness is examined and... more

Symptoms of Harm OCD are described in order to make diagnosis more straightforward. In addition, differential diagnosis between Harm OCD and other conditions is examined. The problem of the prediction of dangerousness is examined and there is a discussion of what to do about actionable and non-actionable threats

The possibilities for artificial intelligence (AI) are growing at an unprecedented rate. AI has many areas of social utility: from machine translation and medical diagnostics to electronic trading and education. Less investigated are the... more

The possibilities for artificial intelligence (AI) are growing at an unprecedented rate. AI has many areas of social utility: from machine translation and medical diagnostics to electronic trading and education. Less investigated are the areas and types of the malicious use of artificial intelligence (MUAI), which should be given further attention. It is impossible to exclude global, disastrous, rapid and latent consequences of MUAI. MUAI implies the possibility of using multiple weaknesses of individual and human civilization as a whole. For instance, AI could integrate with a nuclear or biological attack, and even improve its effectiveness. However, AI could similarly be used as a most efficient defence instrument. The international experience in monitoring online content and predictive analytics indicates the possibility of creating an AI system, based on the information disseminated in the digital environment, that could not only indicate threats to information and psychological security in a timely manner but also offer scenarios of counteraction (including counteracting offensive weapons’ systems).

The idea to connect everything to anything and at any point of time is what vaguely defines the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is not only about providing connectivity but also facilitating interaction among these... more

The idea to connect everything to anything and at any point of time is what vaguely defines the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is not only about providing connectivity but also facilitating interaction among these connected things. Though the term IoT was introduced in 1999 but has drawn significant attention during the past few years, the pace at which new devices are being integrated into the system will profoundly impact the world in a good way but also poses some severe queries about security and privacy. IoT in its current form is susceptible to a multitudinous set of attacks. One of the most significant concerns of IoT is to provide security assurance for the data exchange because data is vulnerable to some attacks by the attackers at each layer of IoT. The IoT has a layered structure where each layer provides a service. The security needs vary from layer to layer as each layer serves a different purpose. This paper aims to analyze the various security and privacy threats related to IoT. Some attacks have been discussed along with some existing and proposed countermeasures.

Cloud computing is set of resources and services offered through the Internet. Cloud services are delivered from data centers located throughout the world. Cloud computing facilitates its consumers by providing virtual resources via... more

Cloud computing is set of resources and services offered through the Internet. Cloud services are delivered from data centers located throughout the world. Cloud computing facilitates its consumers by providing virtual resources via internet. The biggest challenge in cloud computing is the security and privacy problems caused by its multi-tenancy nature and the outsourcing of infrastructure, sensitive data and critical applications. Enterprises are rapidly adopting cloud services for their businesses, measures need to be developed so that organizations can be assured of security in their businesses and can choose a suitable vendor for their computing needs. Cloud computing depends on the internet as a medium for users to access the required services at any time on pay-per-use pattern. However this technology is still in its initial stages of development, as it suffers from threats and vulnerabilities that prevent the users from trusting it. Various malicious activities from illegal users have threatened this technology such as data misuse, inflexible access control and limited monitoring. The occurrence of these threats may result into damaging or illegal access of critical and confidential data of users. In this paper we identify the most vulnerable security threats/attacks in cloud computing, which will enable both end users and vendors t o k n o w a b o u t the k e y se c ur it y threats associated with cloud computing and propose relevant solution directives to strengthen security in the Cloud environment. We also propose secure cloud architecture for organizations to strengthen the security.