Theory of Interpretations Research Papers (original) (raw)

The theories of statutory interpretation are very much important in assisting jurist, advocates or attorneys on how a particular judge is probably going to interpret certain legislation or provision. There are 6 popular statutory... more

The theories of statutory interpretation are very much important in assisting jurist, advocates or attorneys on how a particular judge is probably going to interpret certain legislation or provision. There are 6 popular statutory interpretation theories that have been mostly used throughout the course of history in South African and namely they are Literalism; Intentionalism; Literalism-cum-intentionalism; Contextualism; Purposivism and Teleological interpretation

There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT.... more

There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT. Nevertheless, in this article the author (a) problematizes the dictum of delaying a literature review in classic grounded theory, (b) presents arguments for using extant literature in the substantive field within a constructivist grounded theory, and (c) suggests data sensitizing principles in using literature, which are: theoretical agnosticism, theoretical pluralism, theoretical sampling of literature, staying grounded, theoretical playfulness, memoing extant knowledge associations, and constant reflexivity.

Was sind die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit des Verstehens? Was tun wir, wenn wir verstehen? Oder ‚geschieht‘ etwas mit uns? Können wir der Tradition kritisch begegnen und diese besser verstehen als sie sich selbst oder behält sie eine... more

Was sind die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit des Verstehens? Was tun wir, wenn wir verstehen? Oder ‚geschieht‘ etwas mit uns? Können wir der Tradition kritisch begegnen und diese besser verstehen als sie sich selbst oder behält sie eine fraglose Geltung jenseits aller Vernunftgründe? Fragen wie diese stehen im Zentrum der hermeneutischen Philosophie Hans Georg Gadamers, die von Jürgen Habermas einmal als Projekt der „Urbanisierung der Heideggerschen Provinz“ bezeichnet wurde. Der Heidegger-Schüler Gadamer präsentiert Grundgedanken seines Lehrers in der Tat in einer für die deutsche Nachkriegsphilosophie zeitgemäßen Form, die freilich heute schon wieder veraltet wirkt. Dennoch steht Gadamers Denken exemplarisch für eine Variante des Ineinanders von Konservatismus und Postmoderne. Viele seiner Gedanken, auch wenn sie noch in einem humanistisch behäbig daherkommenden Jargon der Eigentlichkeit verfasst wurden, sind heute nach wie vor Gemeinplätze einer akademischen Vernunftfeindlichkeit, die Hans Krämer treffend als „Interpretationismus“ bezeichnet hat.
Im Folgenden sollen Grundgedanken von Gadamers Hauptwerk Wahrheit und Methode und ihr aporetischer Charakter analysiert werden. Es wird sich zeigen, dass Gadamers Erörterungen einen Versuch darstellen, die Unterscheidungen von Subjekt und Objekt des Verstehens, von Interpret und Interpretandum, von Individuum und Überlieferung sowie von Erkennen und Anerkennen der Tradition aufzulösen. Dieser Versuch bringt ein Konglomerat von unversöhnlichen Widersprüchen hervor: Eine realistische technische Hermeneutik steht einer antirealistischen ontologischen Hermeneutik gegenüber, eine relativistische Bedeutungstheorie gegen eine traditionalistische und schließlich steht die Trennung von Erkennen und Anerkennen der Textbedeutung der These gegenüber, alles Verstehen sei ein Anwenden auf die Lebenspraxis und eine Übereinstimmung in der Sache

Text, vycházející z konceptu dez-interpretace Paula de Mana, si klade otázku po smyslu interpretace literárních textů. Zabývá se především dvěma významnými studie, které reflektují toto téma: esejí Susan Sontagové "Proti interpretaci" a... more

Text, vycházející z konceptu dez-interpretace Paula de Mana, si klade otázku po smyslu interpretace literárních textů. Zabývá se především dvěma významnými studie, které reflektují toto téma: esejí Susan Sontagové "Proti interpretaci" a studií Jonathana Cullera "Za hranicemi interpretace". V závěrečné části je pak z "demanovské" perspektivy zvažována otázka možného smyslu interpretace odsouzené k tomu být dez-interpretací.

In this historical study, I offer two interpretive ideas. First, the development of contemporary Chinese art is shaped by the influence of modern and contemporary Western art and art theory, and determined by the Chinese response to the... more

In this historical study, I offer two interpretive ideas. First, the development of contemporary Chinese art is shaped by the influence of modern and contemporary Western art and art theory, and determined by the Chinese response to the influence. Second, such an interpretation of the development comes from and also gives birth to my own interpretive theory, “Semiotic Structure in the Hermeneutic World.”

Was heißt es, einen literarischen Text zu interpretieren? Wie können Interpretationen begründet werden? Können wir mit Interpretationen Anspruch auf Erkenntnis erheben? Können Interpretationen wahr sein? In welcher Weise fließt das Wissen... more

Was heißt es, einen literarischen Text zu interpretieren? Wie können Interpretationen begründet werden? Können wir mit Interpretationen Anspruch auf Erkenntnis erheben? Können Interpretationen wahr sein? In welcher Weise fließt das Wissen von Interpreten in ihre Interpretationen ein? Aus der Perspektive verschiedener Disziplinen suchen die Beiträge dieses Bandes Antworten auf diese und andere fundamentale Fragen, die sich mit der Interpretation von Literatur verbinden. Der einleitende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über wichtige Themen und Probleme, die gegenwärtig im Hinblick auf die Theorie und Praxis der Literaturinterpretation diskutiert werden. Die in den folgenden vier Sektionen versammelten Studien widmen sich unter anderem Fragen nach dem Interpretationsbegriff, der Geltung und der methodisch geleiteten Begründung von Interpretationen, den kognitiven Operationen beim Verstehen und Interpretieren von Literatur sowie den Problemen, die sich in der Praxis der Literaturinterpretation angesichts der spezifischen Beschaffenheit literarischer Texte ergeben. Vertreten sind die Fachgebiete der deutschsprachigen Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie, Linguistik, Mediävistik, Anglistik und Computerphilologie.

This paper deals with Slobodan Jovanović’s (1869–1958) historiography and theory of historiography. He analyses the prejudices of the epoch, prejudices of different national historiographies, as well as personal and political prejudices... more

This paper deals with Slobodan Jovanović’s (1869–1958) historiography and theory of historiography. He analyses the prejudices of the epoch, prejudices of different national historiographies, as well as personal and political prejudices of historians. Jovanović’s study on the French Revolution precedes French critical studies of the French Revolution (Furet). Jovanović stresses the importance of the history
of English constitutional law (Dicey). Since Britain has two historical political parties, history is inseparable from politics, and vice versa. It influences the objectivity of English historians (e.g. “Whig” interpretation of history). The paper deals with Jovanović’s critique of Marxism and Marxian historiography. According to Jovanović, the Marxian
division of society into two classes and economic monism are untenable oversimplifications. There are similarities between Jovanović’s history writing and the style of historiography of the Annales School.

This introduction sets out the circumstances that gave rise to the collection of essays presented in this special issue of the «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica». Furthermore, the theoretical lines and methodological assumptions lying... more

This introduction sets out the circumstances that gave rise to the collection of essays presented in this special issue of the «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica». Furthermore, the theoretical lines and methodological assumptions lying at the bottom of the whole project
are outlined, in order to make the intertwining of the diverse perspectives at stake more evident. Finally, some indications are provided about the approaches, the topics and the authors discussed in every single text.

Tam 42 yıl sonra doktora tezimi okumak için cesaretimi topladım. Tuhaf değil mi, beğendim. Değer kaybı yaşamayan insanların yarım asırlık tutarlılığı hoşuma gitti. After 42 yours I mustered up the courage to read my Ph.D. Dissertation.... more

Tam 42 yıl sonra doktora tezimi okumak için cesaretimi topladım. Tuhaf değil mi, beğendim. Değer kaybı yaşamayan insanların yarım asırlık tutarlılığı hoşuma gitti.
After 42 yours I mustered up the courage to read my Ph.D. Dissertation. Isn't it strange I liked it! I enjoyed the consistency of those who never experince the loss of values under unconducive times.

Standing at the apex of the late 18th– early 19th century German Idealist tradition, contemporary thought has all but universally dismissed the philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel. Against this current this paper travels with those select few... more

Standing at the apex of the late 18th– early 19th century German Idealist tradition, contemporary thought has all but universally dismissed the philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel. Against this current this paper travels with those select few who today call for a serious re-examination of Hegel as the sought after theoretical foundation for true radical critique. To that end we unabashedly utilize Žižek's persuasive work to organize a re-reading of the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel's most well-known and arguably single greatest work. We begin with its first chapter on sense-certainty to find that Hegel's discussion of language is still highly relevant; then travel through its key third chapter on the understanding to put it to use to undermine our continuing and highly counterproductive obsession with deep meaning; only to end with the mother of all Hegelian topics, Absolute Knowing, to find that it is not some absurd egotistical stance but quite possibly the most modest position a modern subject can assume. Stopping along the way to reconsider a few other 'figures of consciousness', this strategy – organized as it is under the twin topics of meaning and subjectivity – amounts to a non-hermeneutical phenomenological approach to the Phenomenology which simultaneously endeavors to theorize such a textual approach in general.

course paper written December 17, 2010

Iosif Brodskij në veprën e tij “Dall’esilio” na vë në dukje se lexuesi i një vepre letrare është i “dënuar” me një rol interpretues ... 1 Kështu, ne si lexues kritikë jemi “të dënuar” për të bërë një interpretim tekstual të tregimit “Rip... more

Iosif Brodskij në veprën e tij “Dall’esilio” na vë në dukje se lexuesi i një vepre
letrare është i “dënuar” me një rol interpretues ... 1 Kështu, ne si lexues kritikë jemi “të
dënuar” për të bërë një interpretim tekstual të tregimit “Rip Van Winkle”, shkruar nga autori
amerikan Washington Irving. Punimi ynë synon analizën simbolike të tekstit, si dhe analizën e
vetë protagonistit Rip Van Winkle, si një personazh arketip i Odiseut homerian. Këto janë dy
sferat bazë mbi të cilat ndërtohet eseja jonë, prej të cilave do të zbulojmë dhe analizojmë tema
të tjera si përzierja apo miksimi i kulturave euro-amerikane, si dhe nevojën për krijimin e një
Miti Amerikan. Në këtë pikë ne do ta trajtojmë mitin si një shenjues të lindjes së një kulture
autoktone. Sipas analizës tonë, miti i Odiseut amerikan do të jetë një shënues i lindjes së Mitit
Amerikan e për pasojë dhe Kulturës Amerikane. Kështu, Washington Irving krijon
personazhin e Rip Van Winkle nga nevoja poetike për të formuluar/krijuar një kulturë
amerikane të llojit unik e përfaqësues.

Presburger arithmetic PrA is the true theory of natural numbers with addition. We study interpretations of PrA in itself. We prove that all one-dimensional self-interpretations are definably isomor-phic to the identity... more

Presburger arithmetic PrA is the true theory of natural numbers with addition. We study interpretations of PrA in itself. We prove that all one-dimensional self-interpretations are definably isomor-phic to the identity self-interpretation. In order to prove the results we show that all linear orders that are interpretable in (N, +) are scattered orders with the finite Hausdorff rank and that the ranks are bounded in terms of the dimension of the respective interpretations. From our result about self-interpretations of PrA it follows that PrA isn't one-dimensionally interpretable in any of its finite subtheories. We note that the latter was conjectured by A. Visser.

Inclusive nonindexical context-dependence occurs when the preferred interpretation of an utterance implies its lexically-derived meaning. It is argued that the corresponding processes of free or lexically mandated enrichment can be... more

Inclusive nonindexical context-dependence occurs when the preferred interpretation of an utterance implies its lexically-derived meaning. It is argued that the corresponding processes of free or lexically mandated enrichment can be modeled as abductive inference. A form of abduction is implemented in Simple Type Theory on the basis of a notion of plausibility, which is in turn regarded a preference relation over possible worlds. Since a preordering of doxastic alternatives taken for itself only amounts to a relatively vacuous ad hoc model, it needs to be combined with a rational way of learning from new evidence. Lexicographic upgrade is implemented as an example of how an agent might revise his plausibility ordering in light of new evidence. Various examples are given how this apparatus may be used to model the contextual resolution of context-dependent or semantically incomplete utterances. The described form of abduction is limited and merely serves as a proof of concept, but the idea in general has good potential as one among many ways to build a bridge between semantics and pragmatics since inclusive context-dependence is ubiquitous.

Theoretical models are often used to aid interpretation of geological data. For fold-thrust belts, structural and kinematic models have existed for over a century. While greatly contributing to our understanding of thrust systems, the... more

Theoretical models are often used to aid interpretation of geological data. For fold-thrust belts, structural and kinematic models have existed for over a century. While greatly contributing to our understanding of thrust systems, the usage of models can result in oversimplification and false kinematic interpretations. This paper investigates how experts use structural models in the interpretation of a seismic image from a deepwater fold-thrust belt. The results show that in the majority of cases experts produced interpretations that were compliant with key features in existing structural models. Those experts who returned interpretations that were not compliant, to existing models, better accounted for features present in natural and experimental analogues. This has implications for the general applicability of structural models in interpretation.