Torpedoes Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Comunistul Paul Niculescu-Mizil a amintit în memoriile sale despre sprijinul militar pe care autorităţile comuniste de la Bucureşti l-au acordat în anul 1967 Republicii Democrate Vietnam, însă nu a precizat deloc tipurile de produse... more
Comunistul Paul Niculescu-Mizil a amintit în memoriile sale despre sprijinul militar pe care autorităţile comuniste de la Bucureşti l-au acordat în anul 1967 Republicii Democrate Vietnam, însă nu a precizat deloc tipurile de produse speciale şi cantităţile expediate de statul român guvernului de la Hanoi. Acel sprijin a fost oferit la cererea autorităţilor nord-vietnameze şi politicienii americani ştiau, probabil, despre existenţa sa de la serviciile proprii de informaţii. Cu toate acestea, jocul diplomatic a fost continuat de către ambele părţi, americană şi română – politicienii comunişti de la Bucureşti fiind consultaţi din când în când de administraţia de la Casa Albă în legătură cu modul de rezolvare a conflictului militar din Vietnam şi Kampuchia.
Pentru a rezolva o mică parte din enigma lăsată de Paul Niculescu-Mizil se poate apela în prezent la fosta arhivă a Comitetului Central al P.C.R. În aceasta există un raport întocmit la 28 martie 1967 de generalul-colonel Ion Ioniţă – după şase zile de la întâlnirea de la Bucureşti dintre Nicolae Ceauşescu şi Richard Nixon. Documentul în cauză – pe care îl prezentăm în continuare, în întregime – oferă o imagine despre solicitările militare suplimentare ale autorităţilor de la Hanoi şi posibilităţile foarte limitate ale României de a acorda un ajutor consistent şi valoros din punct de vedere militar.
This paper presents the outcomes of sidescan sonar and archaeological diving surveys in 2015 of two wrecked vessels located off Flotta Island, Orkney, North Scotland. Archival research indicates these are the remains of Anti-Torpedo Close... more
This paper presents the outcomes of sidescan sonar and archaeological diving surveys in 2015 of two wrecked vessels located off Flotta Island, Orkney, North Scotland. Archival research indicates these are the remains of Anti-Torpedo Close Protection Pontoons (ATCPP), an experimental protection device used for close protection of naval vessels at anchor in Scapa Flow from attack by aircraft-launch torpedoes. The pontoons were only in operation in Scapa Flow for 13 months (March 1941-April 1942) and few were brought into service. As such they represent a rare heritage resource, for which very little is known about their operation.
The aim of this article is not to, highlight problems in defence acquisitions, bring out policy deficiencies or inadequacies of public/private industry in delivering a quality product on time, but to seek ‘green shoots’ of synergy... more
The aim of this article is not to, highlight problems in defence acquisitions, bring out policy deficiencies or inadequacies of public/private industry in delivering a quality product on time, but to seek ‘green shoots’ of synergy specific to the Indian Navy in an otherwise grim procurement and outfitting scenario.
The fact remains that for the elusive underwater lethal threat the submarine, the torpedo is the most potent weapon in the inventory of the Navies. The HWTs on ships to attack enemy submarines, still suffer from the ship - submarine... more
The fact remains that for the elusive underwater lethal threat the submarine, the torpedo is the most potent weapon in the inventory of the Navies. The HWTs on ships to attack enemy submarines, still suffer from the ship - submarine detection range disadvantage vis-a-vis the submarine - ship detection and anti ship torpedo launch capability. The helicopter/aircraft launched LWTs coupled with advanced detection and tracking systems provide a very safe and secure way of dealing with hostile submarine threats.
n einem Zeitalter, das noch keine militärische Luftfahrt kannte, war eine schlagkräftige Hochseeflotte das einzige Mittel zur weltweiten Durchsetzung nationaler Interessen. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass der technische Fortschritt... more
n einem Zeitalter, das noch keine militärische Luftfahrt kannte, war eine schlagkräftige Hochseeflotte das einzige Mittel zur weltweiten Durchsetzung nationaler Interessen. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass der technische Fortschritt besonders im Bereich der Flottenpolitik zu Tage trat und sich das Bild der Seekriegsführung vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg radikal änderte. Besonders zwei Erfindungen – der Torpedo und das Unterseeboot – revolutionierten das tradierte Konzept der Schlachtflotte. Nachdem in den ersten drei Kapiteln die technischen Entwicklungen im Vordergrund stehen, folgt dann die Analyse nationaler Flottenrüstung am Beispiel Italiens, Russlands, Frankreichs, Großbritanniens, Deutschlands, der USA und Japans. Anschließend werden die ersten Einsätze der technisch-militärischen Neuerungen anhand verschiedener Seeschlachten untersucht. Das Ziel der Studie ist es, nicht isolierte Untersuchungen der einzelnen Länder und technischer Neuerungen zu liefern, sondern vielmehr die Entwicklung des „großen Ganzen“ zu skizzieren. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit mit einer ausführlichen Auflistung der zur Torpedoentwicklung angemeldeten Patente.
The aim of this article, is to dwell upon trends of three major classes of weapons currently in the armoury of a naval ship to tackle threats from underwater, surface and the air. The discussion therefore will focus on the naval gun in... more
The aim of this article, is to dwell upon trends of three major classes of weapons currently in the armoury of a naval ship to tackle threats from underwater, surface and the air. The discussion therefore will focus on the naval gun in dual role, the heavy weight torpedo and the cruise missile.