Travel Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more

Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through to the New Kingdom. Traveling activity attested for various professions demonstrates that Egyptian society exercised a high degree of mobility. In the majority of cases, a journey was undertaken within the scope of the traveler’s work and on behalf of the pharaoh. Travel had a significant impact on the Egyptian world-view as well as on the development of the
identity of Egyptian society as an entity.

The aim of the study was to examine the consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism. Qualitative analysis was adopted, whereas data were collected from secondary sources like journals, newspapers, statistical data obtained from... more

The aim of the study was to examine the consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism. Qualitative analysis was adopted, whereas data were collected from secondary sources like journals, newspapers, statistical data obtained from international to urism organizations, and websites on COVID-19 incidences in tourism. Due to the outbreak, it had a severe adverse impact on tourism and employment. Airlines have canceled flights, and hotels are almost vacant; thus, supporting tourism agencies face substantial economic losses and employ ment cuts. This study develops a framework with a recovery plan for future tourism across a slogan: putting people first and travel tomorrow.

Numerous studies have focused on delineating the relationship between tourism and economic growth. In this article, we present the results of a rigorous meta-regression analysis based on 545 estimates drawn from 113 studies that... more

Numerous studies have focused on delineating the relationship between tourism and economic growth. In this article, we present the results of a rigorous meta-regression analysis based on 545 estimates drawn from 113 studies that empirically tested the tourism-led growth hypothesis (TLGH). The results suggest the presence of publication bias in the literature on this topic, where the majority of studies report positive and statistically significant estimates. Findings provide support for the TLGH, but they also suggest that the estimates are sensitive to a number of factors that are related to country data, specification, and estimation characteristics, and time span. Such sensitivities suggest that greater emphasis should be placed on reporting estimates of the relationship between tourism and economic growth across a variety of methodological characteristics and specification and estimation choices. The implications of the results for theory development are also discussed.

Honolulu is susceptible to coastal flooding hazards. Like other coastal cities, Honolulu&s long-term economic viability and sustainability depends on how well it can adapt to changes in the natural and built environment. While there is a... more

Honolulu is susceptible to coastal flooding hazards. Like other coastal cities, Honolulu&s long-term economic viability and sustainability depends on how well it can adapt to changes in the natural and built environment. While there is a disagreement over the magnitude and extent of localized impacts associated with climate change, it is widely accepted that by 2100 there will be at least a meter in sea level rise (SLR) and an increase in extreme weather events. Increased exposure and vulnerabilities associated with urbanization and location of human activities in coastal areas warrants serious consideration by planners and policy makers. This article has three objectives. First, flooding due to the combined effects of SLR and episodic hydro-meteorological and geophysical events in Honolulu are investigated and the risks to the community are quantified. Second, the risks and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure and the surface transportation system are described. Third, using ...

During March 2013-February 24, 2017, annual epidemics of avian influenza A(H7N9) in China resulted in 1,258 avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infections in humans being reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the National Health... more

During March 2013-February 24, 2017, annual epidemics of avian influenza A(H7N9) in China resulted in 1,258 avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infections in humans being reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China and other regional sources (1). During the first four epidemics, 88% of patients developed pneumonia, 68% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and 41% died (2). Candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) were developed, and vaccine was manufactured based on representative viruses detected after the emergence of A(H7N9) virus in humans in 2013. During the ongoing fifth epidemic (beginning October 1, 2016),* 460 human infections with A(H7N9) virus have been reported, including 453 in mainland China, six associated with travel to mainland China from Hong Kong (four cases), Macao (one) and Taiwan (one), and one in an asymptomatic poultry worker in Macao (1). Although the clinical characteristics and risk factors for human...

Africa has been for many years misinterpreted and often referred to a continent of political instability, refugee’s crisis, civil wars, corruption and under development. This perception leads and undermines confidence to venture into new... more

Africa has been for many years misinterpreted and often referred to a continent of political instability, refugee’s crisis, civil wars, corruption and under development.
This perception leads and undermines confidence to venture into new businesses across the continent.
Despite many challenges the continent faces, the travel and tourism sector seems to keep moving on a safe pace.

Blastocystis hominis, previously considered a harmless yeast, is now classified as a protozoan inhabiting the human intestinal tract. The pathogenicity of B. hominis remains controversial and is currently the subject of extensive... more

Blastocystis hominis, previously considered a harmless yeast, is now classified as a protozoan inhabiting the human intestinal tract. The pathogenicity of B. hominis remains controversial and is currently the subject of extensive debate.1- 5 As a result of the uncertainty surrounding the pathogenic role of B. hominis, large-scale treatment trials of B. hominis infection have so far been lacking. In spite of this, several drugs have been reported to be active against the parasite.6-8 The present study was carried out in order to evaluate the efficacy of metronidazole treatment in inducing clinical remission and parasitologic eradication in immunocompetent individuals with B. hominis as the only evident cause of diarrhea.

The activity of the yellow fever virus is reemerging in areas without recent transmission history, such as northern Argentina and Paraguay, and persists in an epidemic mode in other countries in Africa and Latin America. Thus more and... more

The activity of the yellow fever virus is reemerging in areas without recent transmission history, such as northern Argentina and Paraguay, and persists in an epidemic mode in other countries in Africa and Latin America. Thus more and more travelers are at risk of being exposed to this disease. The population is becoming older, sometimes suffering from multiple pathologies. Moreover, the risk of serious adverse events associated with live-attenuated YF17D vaccine, such as multiple organ failure (YEL-AVD), reaches 1/50,000 vaccines in people over 65 versus 1/200,000 in the general population. We analyzed, in a retrospective study, the results of neutralizing antibody titers against yellow fever in people aged 60 and older, who had been previously vaccinated against yellow fever and had visited the International Vaccination Centre of the Institut Pasteur between January 2005 and February 2009. In this population of 84 persons (median age 69 years), the date of the last vaccination was...

Shipping companies were surveyed to evaluate the effect of public health measures during the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic of 2009 on ship and port operations. Of 31 companies that operated 960 cruise, cargo, and other ships, 32%... more

Shipping companies were surveyed to evaluate the effect of public health measures during the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic of 2009 on ship and port operations. Of 31 companies that operated 960 cruise, cargo, and other ships, 32% experienced health-screening measures by port health authorities. Approximately a quarter of ports (26%) performed screening at embarkation and 77% of shipping companies changed procedures during the early stage of the pandemic. Four companies reported outbreaks of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 on ships, which were ultimately stopped through infection control practices. Public health measures did not interfere substantially with port and ship operations with the exception of some port authorities that delayed embarking and disembarking procedures in a few ships. However, in the shipping companies' experience, measures were inconsistent between port health authorities. Access to antiviral drugs and pandemic vaccine was not provided in all ports. Current...

Damro is home to the starting point for Arunachal Pradesh’s longest hanging bridge. At 1,000 feet, the bridge is the most powerful traction for all visitors. Damro is beautified with thatched bamboo dwellings, swinging suspension bridges,... more

Damro is home to the starting point for Arunachal Pradesh’s longest hanging bridge. At 1,000 feet, the bridge is the most powerful traction for all visitors. Damro is beautified with thatched bamboo dwellings, swinging suspension bridges, and laid-back people making it unquestionably a hidden aisle to heaven, wellness, and calm headspace.

In questo articolo l’autore analizza i viaggi di Montesquieu, dove si manifesta il trionfo del piacere della scoperta. Il viaggio è indagine della realtà sociale, politica e istituzionale. Le certezze e le nozioni iniziali sono... more

In questo articolo l’autore analizza i viaggi di Montesquieu, dove si manifesta il trionfo del piacere della scoperta. Il viaggio è indagine della realtà sociale, politica e istituzionale. Le certezze e le nozioni iniziali sono riconsiderate o temprate dalle conferme dell’osservata realtà. Il viaggio con una vena di disincanto porta con sé il fascino di nuove idee e diventa strumento originale di analisi comparativa della realtà europea dell’epoca. L’autore vuole sottolineare l’imprescindibilità del viaggio nella formazione delle riflessioni di Montesquieu. La teoria da sola non è sufficiente, il barone de La Brède trova nel suo cammino per l’Europa l’ispirazione che solo l’osservazione empirica può dare. Scrutare la realtà da vicino diviene fondamentale, fa comprendere a Montesquieu come siano numerose le variabili che influenzano gli eventi e la politica di uno Stato. L’autore, dopo l’attenta analisi effettuata, giunge alla conclusione che alcune delle riflessioni contenute nel De l’Esprit des Lois, oltre che di derivazione libresca, sono figlie dell’originale metodo d’indagine costituito dai viaggi di Montesquieu.

This paper looks at the conditions of the emergence of "race" as a new scientific category during the eighteenth century, arguing that two modes of discourse and visualization played a significant role: that on society,... more

This paper looks at the conditions of the emergence of "race" as a new scientific category during the eighteenth century, arguing that two modes of discourse and visualization played a significant role: that on society, civility, and civilization -- as found principally in the travel literature -- and that on nature, as found in natural history writings, especially in botanical classifications. The European colonizing enterprise had resulted in an extensive flow of new objects at every level. Visual representations of these new objects circulated in the European cultural world and were transferred and transformed within travelogue and natural history writings. The nature, boundaries, and potentialities of humankind were discussed in this exchange within the conceptual grid of classifications and their visual representations. Over the course of the century the discourse on society, civility, and civilization collapsed into the discourse on nature. Humans became classified a...

The Heart 200 route is a unique road trip around some of the most beautiful locations in Central Scotland. Two hundred miles running through Stirlingshire and Perthshire, Heart 200 takes its visitors on an epic adventure to suit every... more

The Heart 200 route is a unique road trip around some of the most beautiful locations in Central Scotland. Two hundred miles running through Stirlingshire and Perthshire, Heart 200 takes its visitors on an epic adventure to suit every taste - whether you are an outdoors enthusiast, an aficionado of history, or simply looking to enjoy yourself in some of the most stunning natural surroundings in the world.
Written with the full approval and co-operation of the Heart 200 team, The Heart 200 Book is a guide to the very best that the route has to offer. You will discover the history and culture of this remarkable region, from antiquity to the modern day, with more than a few unexpected insights along the way. Over the millennia, this amazing land has made its mark on world history thanks to famous figures ranging from the ancient Celts and the Roman Empire to King Robert the Bruce and Mary Queen of Scots, by way of Bonnie Prince Charlie, Rob Roy MacGregor, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Queen Victoria and even The Beatles!
So whether you're travelling by foot, car, motorhome or bike, get ready for a journey like no other as the Heart 200 invites you to encounter standing stones and steamships, castles and chocolatiers, watersports and whisky distilleries... and surprising secrets aplenty! Illustrated with full-colour photography and complete with Internet hyperlinks to accompany the attractions, The Heart 200 Book will introduce you to some of the most remarkable places in all of Scotland and encourage you to experience each and every one for yourself. It really will be a tour that you’ll never forget.

Buddhism has provided solace to several people in a world of chaos and human isolation. Charting new trajectories of Buddhist travels provide new experiences of Buddha’s footprints for seeking spirituality and internal peace. The sojourn... more

Buddhism has provided solace to several people in a world of chaos and human isolation. Charting new trajectories of Buddhist travels provide new experiences of Buddha’s footprints for seeking spirituality and internal peace. The sojourn starts from Bodh Gaya proceeds to Sarnath, Kolkatta, and ends in Yangon. The suggested traveling trail traces the footsteps of the Buddha that endeavors to capture a glimpse of the historical reality in Bodh Gaya and Sarnath. The article seeks to unravel the role of Buddhism in the creation of an Asian identity and elements of trade, oral historicity, and illustration of Buddhism in the creation of National identity.

International outreach by schools and colleges of pharmacy is increasing. In this paper, we provide current practice guidelines to establish and maintain successful global/international advanced pharmacy practice experiences (G/I APPEs)... more

International outreach by schools and colleges of pharmacy is increasing. In this paper, we provide current practice guidelines to establish and maintain successful global/international advanced pharmacy practice experiences (G/I APPEs) with specific recommendations for home/host country and host site/institution. The paper is based on a literature review (2000-2014) in databases and Internet searches with specific keywords or terms. Educational documents such as syllabi and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) from pharmacy programs were also examined. In addition, a preliminary draft was developed and the findings and recommendations were reviewed in a 90-minute roundtable discussion at the 2014 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Recommendations for the host country include travel considerations (eg, passport, visa, air travel), safety, housing, transportation, travel alerts and warnings, health issues, and financial considerations. For the home country, con...

Cũng tham khảo bài viết dưới đây của chúng tôi để tìm hiểu rõ hơn về những lễ hội hoa anh đào nổi tiếng và một số điều đặc biệt trong lễ hội hoa anh đào nhé.

Jet lag is a travel-induced circadian rhythm phenomenon that afflicts healthy individuals following long- distance flights through several time zones. The typical jet-lag manifestations - insomnia during local sleep time, day fatigue,... more

Jet lag is a travel-induced circadian rhythm phenomenon that afflicts healthy individuals following long- distance flights through several time zones. The typical jet-lag manifestations - insomnia during local sleep time, day fatigue, reduced concentration, irritability, and exhaustion with mild depression - are attributed to transient desynchronization in the circadian rhythm until the internal biological clock is rephased to the new environmental conditions. There is strong evidence relating affective disorders with circadian rhythm abnormalities. Less convincing suggestions relate jet lag to psychosis. It can be hypothesized that in predisposed individuals jet lag may play a role in triggering exacerbation or even de novo affective disorders. Furthermore, we propose the possibility that psychosis and even schizophrenia can be elicited by jet lag. This outlook gains its support from case studies and some common underlying phase-advanced biological denominators involved in both jet lag sufferers and psychotic patients.