Germany Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) is one of the most frequent diseases treated in emergency departments. Extensive studies addressing evidence-based treatment criteria have been published, the indication for CT scans depending on... more

The mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) is one of the most frequent diseases treated in emergency departments. Extensive studies addressing evidence-based treatment criteria have been published, the indication for CT scans depending on clinical symptoms appeared to be one of the critical issues. In this study, the question was raised whether or not the developed evidence-based criteria may be transferred to the patients of a German level 1 trauma centre. Within 2 years (2004/05) 1841 patients with a traumatic brain injury were treated, 1042 patients with a mild traumatic brain injury and with an age over 14 years were included in the study. The indication for a head CT scan was checked by criteria of a phase 3 study (New Orleans Criteria - NOC). Furthermore, the length of hospitalisation, number and character of secondary aggravation, and kind of inpatient care were analysed. 69.5 % of our patients were diagnosed with the help of a CT scan, according to the evidence criteria 98.8 % o...

With the increase of refugee movements since 2014 in Europe and the Near East, the debate of how to plan appropriate shelters and emergency accommodation has gained a new momentum. Established techno-managerial approaches have been... more

With the increase of refugee movements since 2014 in Europe and the Near East, the debate of how to plan appropriate shelters and emergency accommodation has gained a new momentum. Established techno-managerial approaches have been criticised as inappropriate and the professional community of planners and architects was increasingly drawn into debates for alternative solutions. This article traces the “innovations” that promise better, more effective, and more humane emergency shelters using the examples of the “Tempohomes” in Berlin as well as the Jordanian refugee camps of Zaatari and Azraq. In both cases, planners were employed to address the ambivalent reality of protracted refugee camps and include “lessons” from failures of earlier solutions. While the article acknowledges the genuine attempt of planners to engage with the more complex needs and expectations of refugees, a careful look at the results of the planning for better camps reveals ambivalent outcomes. As camps acquir...

This Article documents how and why the sixteenth-century Lutheran Reformation helped to build the modern public education system of the West. Rejecting the medieval tradition of church education primarily for and by the clergy, Martin... more

This Article documents how and why the sixteenth-century Lutheran Reformation helped to build the modern public education system of the West. Rejecting the medieval tradition of church education primarily for and by the clergy, Martin Luther argued that all Christians need to be educated to be able to read the Bible on their own, to participate fully in the life of the church, state, and society, and to prepare for their distinct vocations. Lutheran Germany and Scandinavia thus set up public schools as "civic seminaries," in Philip Melanchthon's apt phrase, designed to offer general spiritual and civic education for all. In early modern Lutheran lands, the state replaced the church as the chief educator of the community, and free basic education with standard curricula was made compulsory for all children, boys and girls alike. The Article offers case studies of new German city and territorial laws on education on the books and in action, and it reflects on the enduring significance of this early experiment in education even in our day.

Kinderarmut in Deutschland - arm dran in einem reichen Land.

This article is published by invitation in a special symposium issue of the John Marshall Law Review entitled “International Law in the 21st Century: The Law and Politics of the International Criminal Court.” The article compares the... more

This article is published by invitation in a special symposium issue of the John Marshall Law Review entitled “International Law in the 21st Century: The Law and Politics of the International Criminal Court.” The article compares the International Military Tribunal (also known as the Nuremberg Tribunal) with the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (also known as the Tokyo Tribunal), the two ad hoc international war crimes tribunals the Allies established after World War II to prosecute suspected atrocity perpetrators from Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, respectively. The article examines these two tribunals’ similarities and differences, especially as they relate to the tribunals’ designs, staffs, and operations. The article concludes by suggesting that future research should consider whether and, if so, how similarities and differences between the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals affected their results, including their durations and judgments.

Die (österreichische) archäologische Denkmalpflege befindet sich in einer schweren Krise: das ursprünglich 1923 erstmals erlassene und seither nur unwesentlich novellierte Denkmalschutzgesetz (DMSG) ist hochgradig veraltet und genügt... more

Die (österreichische) archäologische Denkmalpflege befindet sich in einer schweren Krise: das ursprünglich 1923 erstmals erlassene und seither nur unwesentlich novellierte Denkmalschutzgesetz (DMSG) ist hochgradig veraltet und genügt modernen denkmalpflegerischen und wissenschaftlich-archäologischen Erfordernissen nicht mehr. Als reaktives Gesetz beruht das DMSG in erster Linie auf dem traditionellen Schutzlistenprinzip; im Bereich der archäologischen Denkmalpflege ergänzt um eine Meldepflicht für Zufallsfunde und damit verbundene, kurzfristige Arbeitseinstellungspflichten bei der zufälligen Entdeckung sogenannter "Bodendenkmale". Das war 1923, als selbst Baugruben noch mehrheitlich von Arbeitern händisch mit der Spitzhacke und Schaufel ausgehoben wurden, durchaus adäquat, weil allfällig durch Bauarbeiten betroffene archäologische Denkmale dabei unweigerlich auffielen und daher - als Zufallsfunde - geschützt waren. Heute hingegen sind Bau-, Land- und Forstwirtschaft durchgehend maschinisiert und industrialisiert und Zufallsfunde archäologischer Denkmale kommen daher bei bodenverändernden Arbeiten so gut wie gar nicht mehr vor, weil allfällig vorhandene archäologische Denkmale von den Arbeitern einfach nicht bemerkt werden. Es bedarf daher heute eines präventiven archäologischen Denkmalschutzes, bei dem vorausschauend vor bodenverändernden Arbeiten nach archäologischen Überresten gesucht und diese erforderlichenfalls vor Beginn der Erdarbeiten wissenschaftlich erforscht (d.h. ausgegraben) werden. Das DMSG und insbesondere seine Auslegung durch die für seinen Vollzug verantwortliche Behörde, das Bundesdenkmalamt, behindern eine derartige, moderne präventive archäologische Denkmalpflege massiv. Stattdessen versucht die Behörde mittels des inzwischen untauglichen Gesetzes einen totalen Denkmalschutz zu erreichen, der dem explizit ausgedrückten Willen des Gesetzgebers diametral widerspricht und betreibt somit rechtswidrige Denkmalpflege.

Almanya her iki dünya savaşını kaybetmesine, büyük bir yıkım yaşamasına ve işgal edilmesine, savaş sonrası bölünmesine, Soğuk Savaş’ın kısıtlamalarına maruz kalmasına ve 1990’daki birleşmeye kadar tam bağımsızlığını elde edememesine... more

Almanya her iki dünya savaşını kaybetmesine, büyük bir yıkım yaşamasına ve işgal edilmesine, savaş sonrası bölünmesine, Soğuk Savaş’ın kısıtlamalarına maruz kalmasına ve 1990’daki birleşmeye kadar tam bağımsızlığını elde edememesine rağmen, bugün dünyanın en gelişmiş ve en güçlü ülkeleri arasında yer aldı. Son otuz yılda, Almanya, diğer Batı Avrupa ülkelerinden çok daha fazla değişti. Bunun en önemli nedeni, Soğuk Savaş sisteminin çöküşünden Federal Cumhuriyet ile aynı ölçüde başka hiçbir ülkenin etkilenmediği gerçeğinden kaynaklanmaktaydı. Bölünmenin ve Soğuk Savaş’ın sıkıntıları ve kısıtlamalarından kurtulan dış politika; Almanya’nın daha aktif bir rol oynaması beklenen bir alan olarak öne çıkarak, Alman dış politikasının gelecekteki seyri üzerine çok yönlü tartışmalara yol açtı. Bu bağlamda birleşmeden günümüze kadar devam eden Alman dış politikasının geleceğine yönelik tartışmaların eşliğinde bu çalışmada; Alman dış politikasında bir değişimin yaşandığı iddiasıyla, 1990 sonrası Alman dış politikasında yaşanan gelişmeler ve değişimler açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır.

60 years after the labour migration from Turkey to Germany, unfortunately there are not many publications in Turkey towards Alevi citizens, whom many researchers consider to be the most exposed to migration, and their efforts to exist in... more

60 years after the labour migration from Turkey to Germany, unfortunately there are
not many publications in Turkey towards Alevi citizens, whom many researchers consider
to be the most exposed to migration, and their efforts to exist in Germany. However,
Germany stands out as the country where the struggles of Alevis to exist in the urban
environment, which many researchers call “the Alevi awakening” and which started to
rise with the 1990’s, first appeared. This paper analyses the German Alevi organisation
process that revealed its first official corporate identity in 1987. The paper emphasizes the
“idea-event connection” on the bases of the History of Islam’s Denominations. It also
uses research methods from social sciences. In this context, we especially used qualitative
research method in our study on the institutionalisation process of Alevis in Germany.
Since we adopted the participatory observation and interview method and benefited from
the experiences of the persons we interviewed, we chose the phenomenological approach
of qualitive research method within the scope of our study. Thus, in this context, we
conducted in-depth interviews with a significant number of the names, who initiated the
Alevi institutionalisation in Germany, using semi-structured questionnaire, and we tried
to document the organisation process through the information they provided. For the
study, we selected corporate structures emerged for the purpose of representing in the
religious sphere Alevis living in different cities in Germany, and we chose as “purposive
sample” the names who have taken part in the establishment process of these institutional
structures or are already in their management. While carrying out the phenomenological
approach, we tried to pay maximum attention to the trust of the names that we chose
as phenomenon and who played important roles in the institutionalisation of Alevis.
In order to provide a trust environment, we particularly prioritized our Alevi identity.
We tried to reach the correct information by comparing information and documents
about the institutional process obtained from our interviewers with the stories from the
memoirs as well as the information given by other interviewers.
Keywords: Alevi institutionalisation, Germany, Alevis, Alevism, dede-centred,

Kosmas von Prag über das Liebesleben von Mathilde von Tuszien und Welf V. is a paper I have written for an university seminar before. It contains a small research about Mathilda of Canossa and her much younger second husband Welf V. The... more

Kosmas von Prag über das Liebesleben von Mathilde von Tuszien und Welf V. is a paper I have written for an university seminar before. It contains a small research about Mathilda of Canossa and her much younger second husband Welf V. The source used in this paper is from Cosmas of Prague.
It might not be perfect, but since there isn't much info gathered about medieval "love", I thought it should be published. :-) The bibliography is linked.

The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the comics controversy in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, paying special attention to the debate over effects, which was paramount. A guiding principle of this investigation is to relate the... more

The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the comics controversy in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, paying special attention to the debate over effects, which was paramount. A guiding principle of this investigation is to relate the arguments of the comics debate to a broader political, social, and cultural context. The main source of information are selected articles published in the German press at that time.

Funding models influence provision and development of palliative care services. As palliative care integrates into mainstream health care provision, opportunities to develop funding mechanisms arise. However, little has been reported on... more

Funding models influence provision and development of palliative care services. As palliative care integrates into mainstream health care provision, opportunities to develop funding mechanisms arise. However, little has been reported on what funding models exist or how we can learn from them. To assess national models and methods for financing and reimbursing palliative care. Initial literature scoping yielded limited evidence on the subject as national policy documents are difficult to identify, access and interpret. We undertook expert consultations to appraise national models of palliative care financing in England, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States and Wales. These represent different levels of service development and a variety of funding mechanisms. Funding mechanisms reflect country-specific context and local variations in care provision. Patterns emerging include the following: Pr...

Mary Fulbrook’un Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi’nden 2018 yılında yayımlanan Almanya’nın Kısa Tarihi (A Concise History of Germany) isimli kitabı, Roma İmparatorluğu’nun çöküşünden sonra oluşan siyasi boşluktan Berlin duvarının çöküşüne... more

Mary Fulbrook’un Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi’nden 2018 yılında yayımlanan Almanya’nın Kısa Tarihi (A Concise History of Germany) isimli kitabı, Roma İmparatorluğu’nun çöküşünden sonra oluşan siyasi boşluktan Berlin duvarının çöküşüne kadar geçen sürede, Alman prensliklerini, devletlerini, krallıklarını ve imparatorluklarını siyasi, iktisadi ve askeri açıdan inceleyerek okuyucuya sunmaktadır. Alman tarihinin kronolojik olarak anlatılması ve gerçekleşen sosyal, ekonomik, siyasi değişikliklerin nedenleri ve sonuçlarının bir bütünlük içinde gösterilmesi açısından kitap orijinalliğe sahiptir. Kitap Alman Devleti’nin tarihi gelişimi bağlamında bir yandan tarihsel kırılmalara ve savrulmalara ışık tutarak Alman Devleti tarihinin önemli dönüşümlerine ve bu dönüşümlerin nedenleri ve sonuçlarına ışık tutarken bir diğer yandan da Alman tarih yazıcılığının bu tarihi kaleme alırken içine düştüğü problemli yönlere ışık tutması açısından orijinallikler taşımaktadır. Bir başka katkı, Alman tarihi bağlamında aslında Alman Devleti’nin ilişki içinde bulunduğu devlet ve coğrafyaların tarihine de ışık tutması olarak tespit edilebilir. Kitap içerisine yerleştirilen 41 adet görsel ve 13 adet harita sürekli değişen sınırların ve tarihi atmosferin zihinde somutlaştırılmasını kolaylaştırmakta, önsözden sonra oluşturulan dokuz ana başlığın her birisi anlatılan tarih aralığını alt başlıklara ayırmakta ve bu ayrım ile okuyucunun spesifik olayları görmesi sağlanmaktadır.

This paper analyzes the LL in the city of Bautzen / Budyšin in Germany, a town which is frequently considered the “capital” of the Slavonic minority of the Sorbs. It focuses on the societal role of Sorbian in relation to practices and... more

This paper analyzes the LL in the city of Bautzen / Budyšin in Germany, a town which is frequently considered the “capital” of the Slavonic minority of the Sorbs. It focuses on the societal role of Sorbian in relation to practices and ideologies of mainstream German society. The vast majority of signs in Bautzen / Budyšin are in German only. Sorbian is essentially restricted to explicitly Sorbian institutions and to local and regional administration. Interviews conducted in shops and on the streets reveal that paternalistic attitudes common to perceptions of language policies and minority languages in Germany dominate; practices maintain the common monolingual habitus in German society. Members of the majority population show little awareness of Sorbian issues, and Sorbian signage is seen as a generous gesture but considered essentially unnecessary. Only in most recent times, a reaction by the Sorbian community has challenged these practices and attitudes.

Previous studies have reported MRI abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), although only a few studies have directly compared callosal areas in psychotic versus nonpsychotic patients with this... more

Previous studies have reported MRI abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), although only a few studies have directly compared callosal areas in psychotic versus nonpsychotic patients with this disorder. We sought to compare regional callosal areas in a large international multicentre sample of patients with BD and healthy controls. We analyzed anatomic T1 MRI data of patients with BD-I and healthy controls recruited from 4 sites (France, Germany, Ireland and the United States). We obtained the mid-sagittal areas of 7 CC subregions using an automatic CC delineation. Differences in regional callosal areas between patients and controls were compared using linear mixed models (adjusting for age, sex, handedness, brain volume, history of alcohol abuse/dependence, lithium or antipsychotic medication status, symptomatic status and site) and multiple comparisons correction. We also compared regional areas of the CC between patients with BD with and ...

Five case reports on cowpox virus infections in cats, humans, and for the first time in a horse are presented. It becomes obvious that in most cases the diagnosis cowpox is suspected rather late, although fast and reliable diagnostic... more

Five case reports on cowpox virus infections in cats, humans, and for the first time in a horse are presented. It becomes obvious that in most cases the diagnosis cowpox is suspected rather late, although fast and reliable diagnostic tools such as pathohistological examination and polymerase chain reaction are available. The threat of a zoonotic transmission mainly through cats is gaining importance. Although wild rodents have been claimed to be the reservoir and source for cowpox viruses in cats, very little is known about the epidemiology of cowpox virus. Based on the different genome organizations found in the German isolates, we conclude that various subtypes of cowpox virus are circulating in Germany at one time.

What are the some basic things necessary for an intimate life? Good music, fragrance and a romantic set up would be some of the things that will pop up in your mind. However, most of you might completely skip on the most basic ingredient... more

What are the some basic things necessary for an intimate life? Good music, fragrance and a romantic set up would be some of the things that will pop up in your mind. However, most of you might completely skip on the most basic ingredient necessary for an intimate life and that is compatibility amongst the couples. If there is no romantic compatibility between the couple then no music, fragrance or candle can create the required magic. The reason for lack of compatibility can be due to temporary tiff or one prime reason can be impotency on part of the couples. Yes, male impotency is one of the major reasons that create problems in romantic relationships. The male is not able to maintain stiffness due to lack of blood flow in the male private parts which results in the situation of male impotency. Kamagra is one drug that helps men deal with this problem by increasing the flow of blood into male private parts. This way the man is able to retain and get the erect posture. Hence, the romantic experience feels complete and the man is able to satisfy his woman to the core.

This article analyses the historical roots of the recent revival of the mutual prejudice between Germany and Italy in Europeanpolitics.The paper seeks to explain the longevity of stereotyped representations of ‘the other’in German-Italian... more

This article analyses the historical roots of the recent revival of the mutual prejudice between Germany and Italy in Europeanpolitics.The paper seeks to explain the longevity of stereotyped representations of ‘the other’in German-Italian relations down to the present day. To this end, both the national post-war memories and the ‘memory cultures’ of the two countries have to be taken into account. Furthermore, it argues that the resurgence of mutual prejudice between Germany and Italy can also be seen as the expression of a recurrent historical pattern in European politics after 1945. Despite the image of peaceful cooperation that has often been conveyed,the history of European integration has seen disagreements and conflict between the member states, periodically exhuming historic bones of contention and asymmetries. At points of heightened tension, one-sided or controversial post-war historical memories have tended to surface, steeped in stereotype, commonplace and prejudice.One recurrent cause of tension between Italy and Germany has been the prospect of a ‘variable-geometry’ or ‘multiple-speed’ Europe.

A large prospective long-term study with users of natural family planning (NFP) methods has been conducted to analyze the relation between unintended pregnancy rates and sexual behavior with special reference to barrier method use in the... more

A large prospective long-term study with users of natural family planning (NFP) methods has been conducted to analyze the relation between unintended pregnancy rates and sexual behavior with special reference to barrier method use in the fertile phase. Seven hundred and fifty eight NFP beginners, 19-45 years of age, 14870 cycles, 28 unintended pregnancies were studied. Of the couples, 54.2% use NFP only or predominantly and 45.9% use mixed methods (additional barrier method use in the fertile phase in 55.7% of the cycles). The overall pregnancy rate after 12 cycles of exposure is 2.2% according to the actuarial method. There is no significant difference between NFP users and mixed methods users and also no significant effect of duration of use in the first 5 years of exposure. During "perfect use" the pregnancy rate at 12 months is 0.63%. When only protected intercourse takes place in the fertile phase the pregnancy rate is 0.45%. The symptothermal method of NFP is most un...

Personal reflections on “The Roots of Russia”, written by the late Dr. Lev Dobriansky (1918-2008), a renowned Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, and former US Ambassador to the Bahamas. The Dobriansky article was published,... more

Personal reflections on “The Roots of Russia”, written by the late Dr. Lev Dobriansky (1918-2008), a renowned Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, and former US Ambassador to the Bahamas. The Dobriansky article was published, courtesy of the (US) Naval Institute Proceedings-April 1963, in An Cosantoir (The Defender), The Irish Defence Journal, Dublin in January 1964, under the auspices of the Irish Defence Forces. European coherence largely depends on two critical factors today: Russia's ability to respect Ukraine sovereign choices and to restore itself to international and multilateral collaboration, and Germany's ability to think "outside the box", and with some modesty realise that in the wider EU, it is a minority nation, for there is no majority one, and should therefore exert its influence more positively to build consensus around options and choices for European futures. Even Russia would be a minority country if and when it joins the EU. This neighbourhood no longer has any room for bullies.

Previous research indicates positive effects of a person’s attractiveness on evaluations of opposite-sex persons, but less positive or even negative effects of attractiveness on same-sex evaluations. These biases are consistent with... more

Previous research indicates positive effects of a person’s attractiveness on evaluations of opposite-sex persons, but less positive or even negative effects of attractiveness on same-sex evaluations. These biases are consistent with social motives linked to mate search and intrasexual rivalry. In line with the hypothesis that such motives should not become operative until after puberty, 6to 12-year-old participants (i.e., children) displayed no evidence for biased social evaluations based on other people’s attractiveness. In contrast, 13to 19-year-old participants (i.e., adolescents) displayed positive and negative attractiveness biases toward oppositeand same-sex targets, respectively. Moreover, these biases increased with the age—and thus the reproductive relevance—of the targets being evaluated. Findings corroborate the relevance of mating-related motives for social judgment and illustrate how such biases Hum Nat (2013) 24:182–195 DOI 10.1007/s12110-013-9166-z M. Agthe :D. Frey :...

Der globale Aufschwung von rechten Parteien hat negative Auswirkungen auf den Kosovo. Rechtsextreme greifen die Existenz des Staates an. Im deutschsprachigen Raum sind es unter anderem Thilo Sarrazin und Peter Handke. (Publikationsdatum:... more

Der globale Aufschwung von rechten Parteien hat negative Auswirkungen auf den Kosovo. Rechtsextreme greifen die Existenz des Staates an. Im deutschsprachigen Raum sind es unter anderem Thilo Sarrazin und Peter Handke. (Publikationsdatum: 23. August 2020)

The book examines the relationship between national identity and foreign policy discourses on Russia in Germany, Poland and Finland in the years 2005–2015. The case studies focus on the Nord Stream pipeline controversy, the 2008... more

The book examines the relationship between national identity and foreign policy discourses on Russia in Germany, Poland and Finland in the years 2005–2015. The case studies focus on the Nord Stream pipeline controversy, the 2008 Russian-Georgian war, the post-electoral protests in Russian cities in 2011–2012 and the Ukraine crisis. The book argues that divergent foreign policy narratives of Russia are rooted in different national identity constructions. Most significantly, the Ukraine crisis and the Nord Stream controversy have exposed how deep-rooted and different perceptions of the Russian Other in EU member states are still influential and lead to conflicting national agendas for foreign policy towards Russia.

Jennifer Bryson describes her experience spending her sophomore year of college in 1986-1987 in the German Democratic Republic, where she studied Marxism-Leninism at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig. She offers advice for other... more

Jennifer Bryson describes her experience spending her sophomore year of college in 1986-1987 in the German Democratic Republic, where she studied Marxism-Leninism at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig. She offers advice for other Americans interested in studying in the GDR.

U knjizi su predstavljeni rezultati prvoga znanstvenog istraživanja uzroka i posljedica te obilježja novijih iseljavanja Hrvata u Saveznu Republiku Njemačku. Istraživanje je provedeno u Njemačkoj među hrvatskim iseljenicima koji su se... more

U knjizi su predstavljeni rezultati prvoga znanstvenog istraživanja uzroka i posljedica te obilježja novijih iseljavanja Hrvata u Saveznu Republiku Njemačku. Istraživanje je provedeno u Njemačkoj među hrvatskim iseljenicima koji su se iselili u razdoblju od priključenja Hrvatske EU-u, i to na uzorku od 1200 ispitanika.
Prema percepciji samih iseljenika, glavni motivi za iseljavanje nisu ekonomski. Analiza stajališta iseljenika pokazala je kako hrvatski iseljenici imaju predodžbu da u Hrvatskoj nisu institucionalizirane vrijednosti radne etike i uopće poštenja te smatraju da se hrvatsko društvo moralno slomilo.
Hrvati se stoga iseljavaju zbog nepravde, a ne zbog siromaštva. Naša istraživanja pokazuju jasnu vezu između političke etike, slabih institucija i iseljavanja. Nemoral političkih elita, pravna nesigurnost, nepotizam i korupcija svakako su među glavnim razlozima za iseljavanje. Iseljeni Hrvati svojim odlaskom nedvojbeno kažnjavaju loše politike i političare, no – ne htijući to – kažnjavaju zapravo i sve koji ostaju.
Dok se Hrvatska socijalno, moralno i gospodarski lomi, u populacijski oslabljenoj Njemačkoj Hrvati su i više nego dobrodošli jer je cijena njihova uključivanja u njemačko društvo vrlo mala ili nikakva što pak nije slučaj s useljenicima iz drugih kultura. Sa svakim iseljenim Hrvatom Hrvatska ne gubi samo svoj socijalni kapital, mogućnost biološke obnove društva i kapital uložen u njihovo obrazovanje nego nastaje i visok trošak integracije useljenika koji će doći na njihovo mjesto.
Migracije nikada nisu interesno neutralne i ne događaju se slučajno, nego se proizvode. Dok Njemačka usisava Hrvate, odgovor je hrvatske države slab ili gotovo nikakav. U BiH svjedočimo vrlo vjerojatno povijesnom odlasku Hrvata nakon kojega više nema povratka. Očito je riječ o strateškom pomicanju hrvatskog naroda iz etnički hrvatskih krajeva u etnički njemačke krajeve. Svjedočimo zapravo velikoj seobi hrvatskog naroda.