Mobility/Mobilities Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Travel has a long association with the idea of transformation, both in terms of the self and social collectives. Some of the earliest surviving works of literature, such as The Epic of Gilgamesh ([eighteenth-tenth century BCE] 1972) and... more
Travel has a long association with the idea of transformation, both in terms of the self and social collectives. Some of the earliest surviving works of literature, such as The Epic of Gilgamesh ([eighteenth-tenth century BCE] 1972) and Homer's The Odyssey ([eighth century BCE] 2004), tell tales of individuals heading off on 'heroic' quests that would strip them of their worldly possessions, status and relationships, bringing them to the bare essentials of being and, consequently, transforming their thinking and behaviours. One need only scan the back-cover blurbs of the travel books at their local book store to see that this trope is still alive and well. Even if we consider pre-recorded history, archaeology and genetic science locate the origin of the human species in East Africa, our ancestors rising to their feet, spreading across the globe and forming diverse social structures and cultures in relationship with the unique contexts in which they found themselves. Physical mobility enabled these social groups to move, and interact, in various ways around the world -to varying degrees of distance, through different modes of travel and with divergent intentionsexploring, '(to name only a few limited and vague labels) across, and between, continents in processes that were undeniably transformative for both 'visitor' and 'visited'. Beyond individuals, these collective movements acted to alter and mark spaces, places, landscapes and ecosystems. And of course these places, in all their various stages of alteration, acted upon the individuals, collectives, minds, bodies, life-forms and objects moving through, engaging with and relocating to them, along with those inhabiting (whether 'temporarily' or 'permanently'), in varying ways. As such, our present selves, and social, cultural and ecological landscapes, are indelibly marked by, and entwined in, this complex history of human mobility.
- by and +1
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- Cultural Studies, Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Tourism Studies
Roskilde Universitet " Nowadays we are all on the move " (Bauman 1998: 77) " It sometimes seems as if all the world is on the move " (Urry 2007: 1) Introduktion Dette kapitel saetter fokus på mobiliteten og bevaegelsens sociologi. Det... more
Roskilde Universitet " Nowadays we are all on the move " (Bauman 1998: 77) " It sometimes seems as if all the world is on the move " (Urry 2007: 1) Introduktion Dette kapitel saetter fokus på mobiliteten og bevaegelsens sociologi. Det diskuteres hvordan mobilitet er et menneskeligt og samfundsmaessigt grundvilkår. Mobilitet er således ikke noget nyt men med det moderne samfunds udvikling blev mobiliteten i stigende grad understøttet af teknologier og derfor mere intensiv og omfattende. Med udgangspunkt i nutidens samfund diskuterer jeg hvordan bevaegelser mellem lande og kulturer har stor betydning for, hvordan det naere hverdagsliv og verden opleves samt hvorfor mennesker rejser. I den vestlige verden tages det for givet, at man kan konsumere alverdens forbrugs-og medieprodukter, kommunikere med fjerne mennesker og rejse til eksotiske steder. Men samtidig er rekord mange mennesker på flugt fra fattigdom, krig og ødelaeggelse. Kapitlet introducerer således til centrale sociologiske teorier og diskussioner om nutidens mobilitet og turisme, og det viser, at netop mobilitet og turisme er afgørende for menneskers erfaringer med og oplevelser af vores globale samtid. Samtidig viser jeg, at nutidens omfattende mobilitet udretter irreversible skader på miljøet. Sociologerne Zygmunt Bauman og isaer John Urry har beskaeftiget sig indgående med mobilitet, og kapitlet vil derfor have saerligt fokus på dem, men klassikerne Karl Marx og George Simmel inddrages ligeledes. Overordnet diskuterer kapitlet det mobile samfunds forskellige sol-og skyggesider, og den gennemgående pointe er, at mobilitet er blevet et nøglebegreb og-faenomen for nutidens sociologi og samfundsvidenskab mere bredt. Kapitlet indledes med et oprids af mobilitetens omfang og betydning for moderne samfund, der praeges af intensive strømme af objekter, teknologier, informationer og
Tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo, le corti europee adottarono politiche demografiche di riforma dei rispettivi territori di confine attraverso l’impianto di coloni stranieri. Questo saggio prova a fornire un primo inquadramento di questo tipo... more
Tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo, le corti europee adottarono politiche demografiche di riforma dei rispettivi territori di confine attraverso l’impianto di coloni stranieri. Questo saggio prova a fornire un primo inquadramento di questo tipo di intervento pubblico osservandolo da una prospettiva logistica.
This paper's ambition is to explore how the material, social and symbolic legacy of conflicts that have taken place since the turn of the 20th century may be made more resonant and comprehensible to visitors. We take the Spanish Civil War... more
This paper's ambition is to explore how the material, social and symbolic legacy of conflicts that have taken place since the turn of the 20th century may be made more resonant and comprehensible to visitors. We take the Spanish Civil War sites in Catalonia as emblematic of the issues and entrenchments which to date hinder their full potential as sites of reconciliation, awareness and identity-shaping for Europeans. After analysing their current situation and embedding in place strategies, which is remarkably different – one in a peripheral mountain location and one in the very core of Barcelona's touristscape –, our research examines the way in which historical memory is constructed, narrated and practiced in those spaces, underlining unsolved issues and contradictions. In retrospect, this research contributes to the critique of the very concept of historical memory, its patrimonialisation and the modes of social construction of heritage in the 'age of mobilities'.
Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through to the New Kingdom. Traveling activity attested for various professions demonstrates that Egyptian society exercised a high degree of mobility. In the majority of cases, a journey was undertaken within the scope of the traveler’s work and on behalf of the pharaoh. Travel had a significant impact on the Egyptian world-view as well as on the development of the
identity of Egyptian society as an entity.
Nonhuman bodies in many sizes and diverse social roles are central to Israel's control mechanism in the Occupied West Bank. Delving into the agricultural record of the Israeli Civil Administration, I ask how the Israeli system of control... more
Nonhuman bodies in many sizes and diverse social roles are central to Israel's control mechanism in the Occupied West Bank. Delving into the agricultural record of the Israeli Civil Administration, I ask how the Israeli system of control operates through animal bodies. What does a bureaucratic record so invested in monitoring animals' production, treatment, disease, and death tell about the potential disruption of power? Through a political ecology of human-animal entanglement, I argue that nonhuman bodies both reproduce human colonial relations and allow their constant interruption. Nonhumans challenge the power regime through their unpredictable mobility as well as in their role as both objects of a political economy and subjects of potential agricultural diseases, ecological risks, or public health threats. Breaking from contemporary multispecies scholarly literature's focus on endangered species and relations of care, I place nonhuman bodies as actors of international-interspecies relations in colonial conditions and point to nonhumans, which are here to stay in the climate change era. By doing so, I reflect on the continuous significance of nonhuman bodies to the operation of power in the "borderlands" of Israel/Palestine and beyond.
Capte la atención de los lectores mediante una cita importante extraída del documento o utilice este espacio para resaltar un punto clave. Para colocar el cuadro de texto en cualquier lugar de la página, solo tiene que arrastrarlo.]... more
Capte la atención de los lectores mediante una cita importante extraída del documento o utilice este espacio para resaltar un punto clave. Para colocar el cuadro de texto en cualquier lugar de la página, solo tiene que arrastrarlo.] INFORME Desplazamiento por violencia en el Norte de Centroamérica: historias de supervivencia
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation around the world like dandelion seeds adrift on turbulent winds. We find ourselves, in the early twenty-first century, in a world where every major domain of human activity has become increasingly defined by motion. 1 We have entered a new historical era defined in large part by movement and mobility and are now in need of a new historical on-tology appropriate to our time. The observation that the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first was marked by an increasingly " liquid " and " mobile modernity " is now something widely recognized in the scholarly literature at the turn of the century. 2 Today, however, our orientation to this event is quite different. Almost twenty years into the twenty-first century we now find ourselves situated on the other side of this heralded transition. The question that confronts us today is thus a new one: how to fold all that has melted back up into new solids. 3
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose unself-consciousty through the routine daily behaviors of many individual users coming together in supportive space and place. In different ways. both thinkers ask whether, today, a similar manner of vital urban district can be made to happen self-conscioustv through explicit understanding transformed into design and policy principles. The aim for both Alexander and Hillier is place-based urban communities marked by lively streets, serendipitous public encounters, and informal sociability. The article begins by examining commonalities and differences in Alexander and Hillier's conceptions of environmental wholeness and urban place. Next. the article considers implications for urban design and, last, indicates the considerable value that the two thinkers' ideas offer environmental philosophy, particularly for understanding environmental wholes.
The Anthropology of Globalization provides an ethnographic introduction to the world of flows and interconnections. It is concerned with tracking the paths taken by the various cultural flows that crisscross the globe, as well as with... more
The Anthropology of Globalization provides an ethnographic introduction to the world of flows and interconnections. It is concerned with tracking the paths taken by the various cultural flows that crisscross the globe, as well as with exploring the experiences of people as more of their everyday lives become contingent on globally extensive social relations. The volume, in other words, simultaneously focuses on the large-scale processes through which the globe is becoming increasingly interconnected and on the ways people around the world – from African and Asia to the Caribbean and North America – mediate these processes in culturally specific ways. The Anthropology of Globalization is concerned, in short, with highlighting the conjunctural and situated character of globalization.
The rising fame of multiethnic and multiracial or ‘mixed’ celebrities in Japan, such as tennis player Naomi Osaka, has brought into focus the roles of Japan’s Nationality Law and understandings of nationality and citizenship in shaping... more
The rising fame of multiethnic and multiracial or ‘mixed’ celebrities in Japan, such as tennis player Naomi Osaka, has brought into focus the roles of Japan’s Nationality Law and understandings of nationality and citizenship in shaping identity. According to Article 14 of Japan’s Nationality Law, persons holding multiple nationalities must choose to forfeit all but one before the age of 22. In this article I aim to address how multiethnic and multiracial youths of Japanese descent in Australia are approaching the ambiguities surrounding their citizenship and nationality rights. To do so I will closely examine to what extent the Nationality Law affects their future decisions and identities by drawing upon evidence from in-depth interviews I conducted with mixed Japanese youth who are the child of one Japanese parent and one non-Japanese parent and live in Australia. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital, I argue that mixed Japanese youth in Australia perceive citizenship less as an agent of identity and more as an index of socioeconomic opportunity. My findings demonstrate that these individuals actively strive to maintain their dual citizenship and strategically align their cultural capital to realise meaningful cross-cultural careers that communicate between Australia, Japan, and their own mixed identities.
Ecrit avec M. Mundler, publié dans Tracés
Drawing from ethnographic research of expatriates who use and similar digitally based social organizing platforms to access events in Paris, this paper explores how on- and offline meet-up rhetoric and routines contribute to... more
Drawing from ethnographic research of expatriates who use and similar digitally based social organizing platforms to access events in Paris, this paper explores how on- and offline meet-up rhetoric and routines contribute to the production of a mobile “sense of place” for people who have relocated or traveled alone. By highlighting how participants may use digital media to create a sense of belonging to an “international community” extendable across a series of local places, this research diverges from earlier studies that have focused on how migrants use media to maintain connections to a “homeland” or to reconstitute the home abroad. Although the paper celebrates new agencies afforded by mobile place-making, particularly for women, I suggest that as professional labor trends increasingly assert the value of placeless-ness, tools that combine communication with location-based digital organizing will only grow in importance and the “support” provided by them should be continually interrogated. For a PDF of this article, email the author.
La multi-résidentialité, définie comme ensemble de « pratiques fondées sur l’utilisation temporaire, plus ou moins régulière, d’au moins deux lieux de résidence distincts » est un phénomène à multiples facettes. Nous proposons une... more
La multi-résidentialité, définie comme ensemble de « pratiques fondées sur l’utilisation temporaire, plus ou moins régulière, d’au moins deux lieux de résidence distincts » est un phénomène à multiples facettes. Nous proposons une première approche chronotopique (Drevon et al., 2017) ciblée du phénomène, en nous attachant aux comportements d’une
population spécifique, celle des retraités qui ne sont pas en situation de dépendance c’est à dire selon les nomenclatures spécialisées du Groupe Iso-Ressource - GIR 6 - « Personne encore autonome pour les actes essentiels de la vie courante » (Grille AGGIR -, à leurs modes de vie et à leurs manières d’habiter comme « mode de connaissance du monde et type de relations affectives loin d’une approche abstraite ou technocratique de l’espace » (Dardel, 1952).
The pavement is a complex structure that is influenced by various environmental and loading conditions. The regular assessment of pavement performance is essential for road network maintenance. International roughness index (IRI) and... more
The pavement is a complex structure that is influenced by various environmental and loading conditions. The regular assessment of pavement performance is essential for road network maintenance. International roughness index (IRI) and pavement condition index (PCI) are well-known indices used for smoothness and surface condition assessment, respectively. Machine learning techniques have recently made significant advancements in pavement engineering. This paper presents a novel roughness-distress study using random forest (RF). After determining the PCI and IRI values for the sample units, the PCI prediction process is advanced using RF and random forest trained with a genetic algorithm (RF-GA). The models are validated using correlation coefficient (CC), scatter index (SI), and Willmott's index of agreement (WI) criteria. For the RF method, the values of the three parameters mentioned were −0.177, 0.296, and 0.281, respectively, whereas in the RF-GA method, −0.031, 0.238, and 0.297 values were obtained for these parameters. This paper aims to fulfill the literature's identified gaps and help pavement engineers overcome the challenges with the conventional pavement maintenance systems.
In the Course at the College de France of 1977-1978, Foucault famously states that since the XVIII century, the emergence of dispositives of security relies on a governmental rationale that consists in "organizing circulation, eliminating... more
In the Course at the College de France of 1977-1978, Foucault famously states that since the XVIII century, the emergence of dispositives of security relies on a governmental rationale that consists in "organizing circulation, eliminating its dangerous elements, making a division between good and bad circulation, and maximizing the good circulation by diminishing the bad" (Foucault, 2007: 18).
Understanding and shaping an ongoing technology revolution is one of our most important challenges. The fourth industrial revolution—4.0 as it is called—captures the convergence of new technologies and their increasing impact on... more
Understanding and shaping an ongoing technology revolution is one of our most important challenges. The fourth industrial revolution—4.0 as it is called—captures the convergence of new technologies and their increasing impact on contemporary societies. What is this revolution and why does it matter, especially for the Philippines?
This paper describes young Europeans’ labour migration to Asian global cities as one emerging consequence of European bureaucrats’ vision of the ideal citizen. Qualitative interviews with highly educated European millennials working in... more
This paper describes young Europeans’ labour migration to Asian global cities as one emerging consequence of European bureaucrats’ vision of the ideal citizen. Qualitative interviews with highly educated European millennials working in Singapore and Tokyo demonstrate that they have internalised mobility as a norm. They perceive international experience as beneficial for their career and self-development and view the lack of such experience as a personal deficiency. They pursue migration to socio-culturally distant Asian cities as a means of distinguishing them- selves; in addition, these cities offer good employment and a high living standard whereas Europe’s economic power is decreasing. I argue that these migrants are using mobility to Asia as a practice of middle-class reproduction. They are avoiding constraints on their cosmopolitan and professional aspirations in their home countries by moving to locations where they anticipate that the cultural and social capital gained during previous overseas sojourns will be more valued. The longitudinal research design reveals that fear of immobility at home deters many of these ‘ideal’ young Europeans from returning and instead propels them towards on-going geographical mobility. I conclude by problematising the celebration of mobility in discourse on Europeanisation and higher education and by reflecting on the implications of this new mobility pattern.
E-mobility technology is commonly expected to fully meet future mobility demands. However, during the next two or three decades, the number of vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) will not only remain high but will... more
E-mobility technology is commonly expected to fully meet future mobility demands. However, during the next two or three decades,
the number of vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) will not only remain high but will probably increase in absolute
numbers. Oil as the dominant energy source for transportation purposes is limited, and it is expected that e-mobility will not be able to
substitute the demand for ICE vehicles. Renewable liquid energy sources will be needed to ensure future mobility.
As estratégias de desenvolvimento dos territórios têm assentado nas oportunidades do turismo, essencialmente na valorização dos recursos endógenos. Para o desenvolvimento sustentável de um destino turístico devem ser articuladas várias... more
As estratégias de desenvolvimento dos territórios têm assentado nas oportunidades do turismo, essencialmente na valorização dos recursos endógenos. Para o desenvolvimento sustentável de um destino turístico devem ser articuladas várias representações sobre o mesmo, nomeadamente a acessibilidade a estes destinos, assim como as diferentes visões dos atores intervenientes nestes territórios. Na presente comunicação pretende-se debater a importância da atividade turística para o desenvolvimento do município de Boticas. Com recurso à análise da acessibilidade ao destino e à perceção dos atores locais em matéria de turismo, em resultado da aplicação, em 2014, de entrevistas semiestruturadas aos principais atores regionais e locais, é proposta uma estratégia de promoção turística, assente nas especificidades do município de Boticas. Da análise estratégica do território, considera-se que as políticas de turismo à escala local não vertem as estratégias definidas em matéria de turismo à escala regional e nacional, designadamente as consignadas no Plano Estratégico Nacional do Turismo (PENT).
- by Hélder Lopes and +1
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- Tourism Studies, Tourism Management, Mobility/Mobilities, Stakeholders
1 Integrationsförderung der Stadt Zürich Fachtagung Integration vom 15. Oktober 2008 Referat von Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS), Université de Neuchâtel Die Mobilität von hochqualifizierten... more
1 Integrationsförderung der Stadt Zürich Fachtagung Integration vom 15. Oktober 2008 Referat von Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS), Université de Neuchâtel Die Mobilität von hochqualifizierten Fachkräften 1 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich möchte meinen Vortrag gern mit der Geschichte und den Worten einer kürzlich interviewten Person beginnen. Diese Frau verkörpert gewissermassen die Thematik, die uns heute interessiert, nämlich die Einwanderung von hochqualifizierten Fachkräften. Frau Manghini stammt aus Italien, hat einen Hochschulabschluss in Kommunikationswissenschaften und arbeitet seit 2004 in Neuenburg. Warum kam sie in die Schweiz? Sie war bereits in Italien für die Firma tätig, wo deren Hauptsitz liegt. Sie hatte deshalb um eine Versetzung in die Schweiz gebeten, kam zunächst für 6 Monate und erhielt anschliessend die Möglichkeit zu bleiben. Frau Manghini ist verantwortlich für die Weiterbildung der Mitarbeitenden dieser Firma, in der Schweiz wie in ganz Europa. Sie arbeitet für ein Unternehmen, das Luxusgüter, Bijouterie, Parfums, etc. produziert. Wir haben Frau Manghini gefragt -wie auch andere in dieser spezifischen Studie -welche verschiedenen Gruppen sie in Neuenburg identifizieren würde. Wir wollten ganz einfach wissen, welches aus ihrer Sicht die marginalisierten Gruppen oder die Gruppen mit besonderer Verankerung in dieser Stadt seien. Sie antwortete: "Vraiment, je ne sais pas. Je ne connais pas ce monde. Même si je travaille dans ce monde-là. Les sociétés multi nationales, c'est autre chose que les fabriques locales. […] Je ne sais pas. Je ne connais pas Neuchâtel sur ce plan là. C'est difficile pour moi de dire quelque chose que je ne connais pas. Je ne vis pas beaucoup à Neuchâtel. Je voyage beaucoup et quand j'ai congé je rentre à Rome où j'ai mon ami ».
This research sought to deepen in the daily journeys taken by women in the urban environment to investigate and collect information that can contribute to the construction of knowledge in relation to their urban mobility experiences.... more
This research sought to deepen in the daily journeys taken by women in the urban environment to investigate and collect information that can contribute to the construction of knowledge in relation to their urban mobility experiences. After a literature review on the dimensions related to women's mobility in the urban environment, quantitative analyzes were carried out with data from two surveys, one on a large scale (Pesquisa OD) and other on a medium scale (on the traffic safety of university students with a focus in women). With the results, a qualitative and approximate observation of a group of eleven female university students was made to collect information about their experience and perceptions in relation to their displacements made in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. As a result, at first, it was expected that issues of insecurity and the fear of suffering some type of sexual violence would be the main lements highlighted by women. But the way they access the means of public transport, the poor quality of the public transport system, the time they travel, waiting at bus stops and terminals and subway and train stations, in addition to countless transfers, crossed this work. showing how important factors in the precautions taken by the students and the insecurity and fear felt by them. On another way, there was an indication of desire for autonomy and ways of coping with the limitations of urban mobility in the metropolis of São Paulo.
The onset of a global pandemic has put contemporary social life on a stand still. People’s movements have been constrained due to border closures, travel restrictions, and lockdowns. As a result, many people have increasingly relied on... more
The onset of a global pandemic has put contemporary social life on a stand still. People’s movements have been constrained due to border closures, travel restrictions, and lockdowns. As a result, many people have increasingly relied on digital communication technologies to forge and maintain ties. Notably, navigating an indefinite period of physical separation through digital media use is a familiar scenario among migrants and their left-behind family members. Even before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were already heavily relying on communication technologies to sustain long-distance relationships. The expansive literature on the intersections of migration and digital media shows how digital practices facilitate a sense...
Starting from a reflection on Latin America cities that have promoted innovative public transport policies, the article focuses on the case of San José in Costa Rica. By questioning a governmental proposal for building a new elevated... more
Starting from a reflection on Latin America cities that have promoted innovative public transport policies, the article focuses on the case of San José in Costa Rica. By questioning a governmental proposal for building a new elevated Light Rapid Transit line, the text presents alternative solutions for the recovery of an underused interurban railway, its doubling and integration into the metropolitan context of San José. These solutions consider both recurrent technical features of the infrastructure and its morpho-functional relationships with the crossed urban settlement, with the aim to identify the thickness of the project, and to provide design solutions for the upgrading of the service and the integration of the rail infrastructure into the context.
Accepting abstracts for the College Art Association 2019 Conference.
Within the framework of sustainable development, it is important to take into account environmental aspects of urban areas related to their energy use. In this article, a methodology is proposed for assessing residential energy uses for... more
Within the framework of sustainable development, it is important to take into account environmental aspects of urban areas related to their energy use. In this article, a methodology is proposed for assessing residential energy uses for buildings and transport at the city scale.
Depuis 2005, l'Union européenne explicite son approche des migrations dans le cadre de ce qu'elle a baptisé la « Global approach to migration ». Cette « approche globale » est conçue, dans les termes des documents de présentation rédigés... more
Depuis 2005, l'Union européenne explicite son approche des migrations dans le cadre de ce qu'elle a baptisé la « Global approach to migration ». Cette « approche globale » est conçue, dans les termes des documents de présentation rédigés par la Commission européenne, comme « the EU's framework for dialogue and cooperation with non-EU countries of origin, transit and destination. It enables migration and asylum issues to be addressed in a comprehensive way 1 . » Ses trois objectifs affichés sont : 3 Michel Foucault, Il faut défendre la société, Cours au collège de France
Although one’s neighbourhood is continuously structuring everyday lives and influences encounters between different people, place of residence is only partially the site where interactions and possibly integration between population... more
Although one’s neighbourhood is continuously structuring everyday lives and influences encounters between different people, place of residence is only partially the site where interactions and possibly integration between population categories occur. Another well-known domain is the place of work, where many spend hours per day and may meet various ‘others’. However, people’s mobility is also strongly differentiated between class and ethnicity. Here too, different modes of transport may offer opportunities for encounter and engaging with others. In order to assess exposure to diversity of individuals from various ethnic and social class backgrounds to ‘the other’ we focus on these three important realms of daily life: neighbourhoods, workplaces and modes of transport. We use individual level data from the Mobilities Netherlands Database combined with detailed individual level register data from the Social Statistical Database. We found that, overall, higher income natives are, compared to the other combinations of country of origin and income category most frequently cocooning in homogeneous residential, workplace, and mobility spaces. However, native Dutch with a low income stand out in the residential domain, where they are living more frequently in homogeneous neighbourhoods than high-income natives.
What do the Rolling Stones’ worldwide tours and a visual artist who is coming to settle in a gentrified place of a cultural capital such as Berlin have in common? This question led us to think artistic mobility with a broad sense, taking... more
What do the Rolling Stones’ worldwide tours and a visual artist who is coming to settle in a gentrified place of a cultural capital such as Berlin have in common? This question led us to think artistic mobility with a broad sense, taking into account the diversity of practices and going beyond art’s disciplinary boundaries. That is why our study combines two complementary corpuses on visual arts and performing arts: the first one offering a general overview of artists’ mobilities through an extensive database; the second one constituted from interviews, allowing for an in-depth understanding of artists’ motivations. With this methodological choice, we can tackle the topic of artistic mobility focusing on spatialities on the move that stress out the connection between routes and roots, between travels and immersion into places.
In this paper, we consider the passenger experience of travel time, and its translation into a transport model of travel time, which is of great significance in the potential funding and construction of infrastructural projects. In the... more
In this paper, we consider the passenger experience of travel time, and its translation into a transport model of travel time, which is of great significance in the potential funding and construction of infrastructural projects. In the economic appraisals of such projects, which are often of massive scale and impact, it is presumed that travel time is wasted, dead, or empty, and therefore should be minimised. However, in this paper we show how travel time is filled with activities and fantasies. We show that there are multiple travel times and places, and not just a single measured clock time that has to be minimised in getting from point A to point B. Travel time is situated in the sociomaterial practices of travel, which include engaging with other passengers, interacting with wireless networks, views out of the window, things packed in one’s bag, and so on. We describe and evaluate various ‘moving methods’ for researching places on-the-move, from survey to ethnography. Finally, we consider how to disrupt the assumption in transport appraisal that such time is empty and should be minimised, and suggest new approaches for presencing the richness of passenger travel time in transport modelling.
- by Laura Watts and +1
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- Mobility/Mobilities, STS (Anthropology), Transport Studies, Ethnogaphy
This paper aims to apply the paradigm of human security to issues of migratory justice. A current way of phrasing dilemmas raised by international migration is to see them as a conflict of duties towards different kinds of vulnerable... more
This paper aims to apply the paradigm of human security to issues of migratory justice. A current way of phrasing dilemmas raised by international migration is to see them as a conflict of duties towards different kinds of vulnerable populations: foreigners and fellow citizens. This paper aims to show that this intuitive distinction is misleading if we want to imagine a justice in migratory and mobility issues. This paper will thus test the validity of another way of framing the question, which rests on a double conceptual shift: (a) from the discourse of rights to the discourse of human security, linked to the concepts of vulnerability on the one hand, capabilities on the other; (b) from the discourse of migration to the discourse of mobility.
d'Antropologia Social i Cultural 1 Resumen Existeix un ampli debat sobre la pràctica de nomadisme històric i contemporani als estats europeus. El que ens ocupa però, no és la tradició nòmada de diversos grups gitanos, ni les... more
d'Antropologia Social i Cultural 1 Resumen Existeix un ampli debat sobre la pràctica de nomadisme històric i contemporani als estats europeus. El que ens ocupa però, no és la tradició nòmada de diversos grups gitanos, ni les manifestacions o processos contemporanis de mobilitat, sinó més aviat la "nomadització de la cultura gitana" i alhora la tendència d'etnicització (o racialització) del nomadisme. A partir de tres casos i una primera exploració de la literatura sobre la història de la politització del terme i la pràctica del "nomadisme", tractarem de reinterpretar per què es perpetua l'associació automàtica dels gitanos amb el nomadisme, tant en els discursos populars com oficials i institucionals.
While place-based methods are increasingly being used to explore why place matters for health, how places matter for mental health and psychological wellness is less understood. Overall, approaches that consider community, environmental,... more
While place-based methods are increasingly being used to explore why place matters for health, how places matter for mental health and psychological wellness is less understood. Overall, approaches that consider community, environmental, and neighborhood-level factors have been taken up to a lesser extent by psychologists. Yet methods that situate human behavior within a spatial context have the potential to expand psychological and interdisciplinary inquiry aimed at improving mental and cognitive health. This article presents a brief overview of one type of mobile method, the go-along walk, that can be used with a variety of technologies and complementary methods to better understand how individuals respond to places and environmental stimuli, including place-based exposures. Implications for broadening the range of research questions and translational applications are discussed.
In the context of Ireland's new legislation governing abortion, I outline and examine the spatial consequences of political decision-making. I argue that Ireland's new abortion law and its clinical guidance permit travel for some pregnant... more
In the context of Ireland's new legislation governing abortion, I outline and examine the spatial consequences of political decision-making. I argue that Ireland's new abortion law and its clinical guidance permit travel for some pregnant people but impose fixity for others. I analyze the spatial consequences of legal limitations, including non-medically necessary delays and control of medication abortions, that necessitate travel for abortion. I demonstrate how current laws fix some people in place, including diverse migrant populations within Ireland, with no possibilities for abortion-related travel. This critique of the 'new' law demonstrates the Irish state's continued political and medical control of abortion.