Vorticity Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Recent papers in Vorticity

... that a LES or detached eddy simulation (DES) could provide much better predictions of film effectiveness for such flows. ... 106–114. BunkerR.S., 2002, “Film Cooling Effectiveness Due to Discrete Holes Within a Transverse Surface... more

... that a LES or detached eddy simulation (DES) could provide much better predictions of film effectiveness for such flows. ... 106–114. BunkerR.S., 2002, “Film Cooling Effectiveness Due to Discrete Holes Within a Transverse Surface Slot,” ASME Paper No. GT-2002-30178. ...

Fold geometry versus axis orientation can be used to constrain the kinematics of transpressional plate boundaries. This approach is typically based on bedding orientation data collected in the field, however, in some regions outcrop... more

Fold geometry versus axis orientation can be used to constrain the kinematics of transpressional plate boundaries. This approach is typically based on bedding orientation data collected in the field, however, in some regions outcrop quality is insufficient to provide enough measurements. We extract orientation data from a georeferenced geologic map and a digital elevation model and to constrain the kinematics of a poorly exposed, active transpressional boundary: the Central Range Fault zone in Trinidad. Strike-and-dip orientations are calculated based on contact positions extracted from the digital geologic and topographic datasets. The uncertainties in the both horizontal position and elevation of the contact are propagated into the final kinematic analysis. Analysis of folds adjacent to the Central Range Fault suggests the angle of oblique convergence in transpression (α) varies from 20° to 85°. The majority of folds, however, are consistent with a large component of contraction (...

Performance and efficiency of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine improved by using a modified turbine blade, derived from biological features, by harness more wind energy. The detailed simulations were carried in Q-blade's X-foil, Java foil and... more

Performance and efficiency of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine improved by using a modified turbine blade, derived from biological features, by harness more wind energy. The detailed simulations were carried in Q-blade's X-foil, Java foil and Sim Scale software at low wind speed with bio-mimicable cambered foil add-ons to different biostructure blades such as Maple seed leaf, Eagle wing. Among these simulations, the Corrugated Dragonfly vein FX 63-137 foil shows improved performance over cambered foils and FX 63-37 itself. The Maple-Wing combined blade structure showed an improved lift-drag ratio with a high coefficient of power.

Vortex Bladeless is an innovative to harness energy from wind, with different and exciting characteristics which makes it a revolution in alternative energy generation. Vortex technology harvest energy from a fluid when it passes through... more

Vortex Bladeless is an innovative to harness energy from wind, with different and exciting characteristics which makes it a revolution in alternative energy generation. Vortex technology harvest energy from a fluid when it passes through the surface i.e vortex shedding phenomenon, creating an aeroelastic oscillation movement on the device. It is eco-friendly, it does not include blades like Horizontal axis turbine, therefore effects spacing between each turbine. This Study is to understand about the impacts of vortex bladeless turbine and the vorticity street phenomenon behind the innovation.

We study the initial-boundary value problem of the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluids in a domain in R3\R^3R3 with compact and smooth boundary, subject to the kinematic and Navier boundary conditions. We first reformulate the... more

We study the initial-boundary value problem of the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluids in a domain in R3\R^3R3 with compact and smooth boundary, subject to the kinematic and Navier boundary conditions. We first reformulate the Navier boundary condition in terms of the vorticity, which is motivated by the Hodge theory on manifolds with boundary from the viewpoint of differential geometry,

aim of this experimental study is to determine the flow characteristics of a single and multiple slotted-staggered cylinders placed in a rectangular water channel with a narrow gap using the Particle Image Velocimetry technique.... more

aim of this experimental study is to determine the flow characteristics of
a single and multiple slotted-staggered cylinders placed in a rectangular water channel with a narrow gap using the Particle Image Velocimetry technique. Qualitative flow visualization was initially employed in order to observe the overall nature of the vortical flow patterns for different configurations of cylinders. Quantitative flow visualization was secondly employed for whole configurations of cylinders in order to understand the physics of complex flow behaviour that gives rise to unsteady loading with the eventual intent of implementing control schemes
to enchance the rate of heat transfer hydrodynamically.

Turbulence and angular momentum transport in accretion disks remains a topic of debate. With the realization that dead zones are robust features of protoplanetary disks, the search for hydrodynamical sources of turbulence continues. A... more

Turbulence and angular momentum transport in accretion disks remains a topic of debate. With the realization that dead zones are robust features of protoplanetary disks, the search for hydrodynamical sources of turbulence continues. A possible source is the baroclinic instability (BI), which has been shown to exist in unmagnetized non-barotropic disks. We present shearing box simulations of baroclinicly unstable, magnetized,

The two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations, when subject to non-standard boundary conditions which involve the normal component of the velocity and the vorticity, admit a variational formulation with three independent unknowns, the... more

The two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations, when subject to non-standard boundary conditions which involve the normal component of the velocity and the vorticity, admit a variational formulation with three independent unknowns, the vorticity, velocity and pressure. We propose a discretization of this problem by spectral element methods. A detailed numerical analysis leads to optimal error estimates for the three unknowns and numerical experiments confirm the interest of the discretization.

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