Zwingli Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Wie Luther und Melanchthon übersetzte auch Huldrych Zwingli zusammen mit anderen Gelehrten der Zürcher Hohen Schule die Bibel aus dem Urtext ins Deutsche. Doch im Unterschied zu den Wittenbergern war das Zürcher Übersetzungswerk fünf... more
Wie Luther und Melanchthon übersetzte auch Huldrych Zwingli zusammen mit anderen Gelehrten der Zürcher Hohen Schule die Bibel aus dem Urtext ins Deutsche. Doch im Unterschied zu den Wittenbergern war das Zürcher Übersetzungswerk fünf Jahre vorher (1529) abgeschlossen. Von den zahlreichen Bibeln und Bibelteilen, die seit 1524 bei Christoph Froschauer erschienen sind, gehört die v. a. von Hans Holbein d. J. illustrierte Foliobibel von 1531 zu den schönsten und wichtigsten Druckwerken der Zeit.
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkritisi dari pandangan Ulrich Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Pada penulisan ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deksriptif dengan studi literatur. Penekanannya adalah... more
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkritisi dari pandangan Ulrich Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Pada penulisan ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deksriptif dengan studi literatur. Penekanannya adalah pada kajian sejarah terhadap sumber-sumber pustaka dan menguraikannya dalam sebuah kerangka analisis yang dimulai dari latar belakang Ulrich Zwingli, lalu secara khusus diarahkan untuk meneliti dan mengkritisi dari pandangan Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Dari hal tersebut didapatkan bahwa banyak sekali kurang cermatnya dari Zwingli dalam memandang tentang musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Bahkan di dalam Alkitab sendiri musik sudah menjadi bagian dalam proses ibadah. Alkitab sendiri menunjukkan bahwa doa, pujian dan penyembahan sudah menjadi bagian yang esensial dalam suatu ibadah dan itu semua sudah di dukung baik dalam Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru. Musik tidak hanya sebatas instumen seperti piano, gitar dan sebagainya semata, ...
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
Ein Überblick über die schweizerische Reformation
Lässt sich die Theologie von Calvin, Luther und den anderen Reformatoren in einem Satz oder gar mit einem Bild erfassen? Mit ihren Siegeln und Wappen bringen sie auf den Punkt, woran sie glauben. Wer genauer hinschaut, entdeckt... more
Lässt sich die Theologie von Calvin, Luther und den anderen Reformatoren in einem Satz oder gar mit einem Bild erfassen? Mit ihren Siegeln und Wappen bringen sie auf den Punkt, woran sie glauben. Wer genauer hinschaut, entdeckt gravierende Unterschiede.
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
The patristic doctrine of deification found in such writers as Irenaeus, Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, and Augustine is a biblical doctrine of the universal church affirmed by the Reformers and their immediate heirs. It is neither an... more
The patristic doctrine of deification found in such writers as Irenaeus, Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, and Augustine is a biblical doctrine of the universal church affirmed by the Reformers and their immediate heirs. It is neither an exotic import nor invasive species in the garden of Reformed theology. Like Nicene Trinitarianism, creatio ex nihilo, and the canon of the New Testament, it is a constitutive part of the catholic inheritance which the Reformers sought to uphold and defend. Early Reformed theologians like Huldrych Zwingli, Martin Bucer, Peter Martyr Vermigli, and John Calvin affirmed that it is appropriate to describe the goal or telos of salvation in terms of deification.
The task of this text is to refute the church's doctrine of predestionation in order to remove obstacles in the understanding of the Christian faith, of man and of human history in general. Die Aufgabe dieses Textes ist es, die... more
Questo breve saggio cerca di dimostrare la valenza tendenzialmente rivoluzionaria del movimento protestante, sia dal punto di vista teologico ed ideologico, sia da quello delle conseguenti formazioni politico-civili e/o economico-sociali... more
Questo breve saggio cerca di dimostrare la valenza tendenzialmente rivoluzionaria del movimento protestante, sia dal punto di vista teologico ed ideologico, sia da quello delle conseguenti formazioni politico-civili e/o economico-sociali alle quali ha dato adito e sviluppo. All’interno di questo orizzonte comune cerca poi di distinguere fra tre differenti componenti e tendenze politiche, in lotta reciproca: una di centro (Lutero), una di sinistra (Müntzer, Anabattismo), una di destra (Calvino). Valuta quindi le conseguenze di questo movimento sia sul piano oggettivo, sia su quello della formazione di una nuova mentalità soggettiva (individuale e/o collettiva).
Marvin Jones (ed.), Investigating the Magisterial Reformation and Its Radical Contenders. Contemporary Evangelicals on Reformation Research: from Lutheranism and Zwinglianism to Anabaptism and Baptism [Celebrating 500 Years since the... more
Marvin Jones (ed.), Investigating the Magisterial Reformation and Its Radical Contenders. Contemporary Evangelicals on Reformation Research: from Lutheranism and Zwinglianism to Anabaptism and Baptism [Celebrating 500 Years since the Reformation, 1517-2017: Tome quatrième] (Oradea, Warsaw, Berlin, and Enschede: Emanuel University Press, De Gruyter Open, and Refo500, 2017).
The beatific vision is widely perceived as a Roman Catholic doctrine. Many continue to view deification as a distinctively Eastern Orthodox doctrine incompatible with the Western theological tradition, especially its Protestant... more
The beatific vision is widely perceived as a Roman Catholic doctrine. Many continue to view deification as a distinctively Eastern Orthodox doctrine incompatible with the Western theological tradition, especially its Protestant expressions. This essay will demonstrate that several Reformers of the first and second generation promoted a vision of redemption that culminates with deification and beatific vision. They affirmed these concepts without apology in confessional statements, dogmatic works, biblical commentaries, and polemical treatises. Attention will focus on figures in the Reformed tradition though one could produce similar surveys for the Lutheran and Anglican branches of the Reformation as well. John Calvin will receive extended treatment because some scholars dispute whether he affirmed deification. This essay presents important evidence thus far overlooked which should settle the question.
No, the clarity of Scripture is not a uniquely Protestant assertion (it's found in most religious traditions regarding insiders perceiving, with generosity, the best assertions of sacred texts... typically in a way benefiting the... more
This essay is an earlier version of the general introduction to Born of Water and the Spirit, Volume 6 in the Mercersburg Theology Study Series. It provides significantly more documentation for the discussions of Zwingli, Puritanism,... more
This essay is an earlier version of the general introduction to Born of Water and the Spirit, Volume 6 in the Mercersburg Theology Study Series. It provides significantly more documentation for the discussions of Zwingli, Puritanism, revivalism, and Finney, and presents more of Nevin’s work from the 1830s. The final version of this material can be found on pp. 1–31 of Born of Water and the Spirit.
Dr. Sizer
Westmont College
World History of Christianity
List of resources and texts used in my PhD.
This essay is about the state of the doctrine of justification by faith alone today in light of recent critiques, and about the ways in which the doctrine continues to shape Protestants who no longer formally subscribe to it. The argument... more
This essay is about the state of the doctrine of justification by faith alone today in light of recent critiques, and about the ways in which the doctrine continues to shape Protestants who no longer formally subscribe to it. The argument is first and foremost theological rather than historical, but it is driven by an interest in how evaluations of justification by faith have changed over time to get us where we are today. My hope is that a thoughtful evaluation of the current state of this doctrine as it looks from within the protestant fold will give us a some new insight into this important dimension of the relation between protestant and Catholic theological traditions, as we look back over 500 years of division. Ultimately, it will give us some new purchase on the old question of 'the nature of Protestantism' through analysis of a certain kind of orientation to psychological and affective realities in protestant theology.
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkritisi dari pandangan Ulrich Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Pada penulisan ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deksriptif dengan studi literatur. Penekanannya adalah... more
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkritisi dari pandangan Ulrich Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Pada penulisan ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deksriptif dengan studi literatur. Penekanannya adalah pada kajian sejarah terhadap sumber-sumber pustaka dan menguraikannya dalam sebuah kerangka analisis yang dimulai dari latar belakang Ulrich Zwingli, lalu secara khusus diarahkan untuk meneliti dan mengkritisi dari pandangan Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Dari hal tersebut didapatkan bahwa banyak sekali kurang cermatnya dari Zwingli dalam memandang tentang musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Bahkan di dalam Alkitab sendiri musik sudah menjadi bagian dalam proses ibadah. Alkitab sendiri menunjukkan bahwa doa, pujian dan penyembahan sudah menjadi bagian yang esensial dalam suatu ibadah dan itu semua sudah di dukung baik dalam Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru. Musik tidak hanya sebatas instumen seperti piano, gitar dan sebagainya semata, akan tetapi manusia dan alam juga merupakan bagian dari musik tersebut. Hal tersebut menjadi jawaban krusial dalam menanggapi kontroversi Ulrich Zwingli.
The article discusses a theological debate on church discipline between Calvinist pastors living in the French speaking territory of Pays de Vaud and the Zwinglian City-state of Berne from the mid-1530s to 1560. From 1536 Pays de Vaud... more
The article discusses a theological debate on church discipline between Calvinist pastors living in the French speaking territory of Pays de Vaud and the Zwinglian City-state of Berne from the mid-1530s to 1560. From 1536 Pays de Vaud belonged to the Bernese protestant administration but consisted primarily of French refugee pastors allegiant to Calvin and his ideas. They Calvinists of Pays de Vaud questioned the civil magistrate's right to interfere into church affairs especially into the practice of church discipline, such as exclusion from the Lord's Supper and excom-munication from the congregation. According to the Zwinglian establishment of Berne the right for exclusion and excommunication belonged to the civil magistrates. In the Calvinists' view the appropriate administrator of the exclusion and excommunication was the Genevian-type consistory, consisting of both clerical and civilian elected members. Noteworthy significance can be attributed to the events in the Pays de Vaud. On the one hand, banished from Bernese territory most of the Calvinist pastors of Vaud were sent to reinforce the French underground evangelical movement. The Calvinists' failure in the Pays de Vaud turned Calvin's attention to France by which the Calvinism became a world phenomenon. On the other hand, from this struggle emerged a theological justification for the state's supremacy over church affairs, namely by Wolfgang Musculus' De Magistratibus. Interestingly, this justification played a more important role in later times than in the actual controversy: Thomas Erastus, the builder of the territorial state– church of the Palatinate, John Withgift, the archbishop of Canterbury and the protector of Tudor-Absolutism against the Puritans, and the Dutch Remonstrants all were influenced by the teaching of Musculus. The goal of this paper is to present how the two controversial sides regulated its church affairs and, in addition, to show the highpoint of the debate between Calvin's Vaudois adherers and the Bernese Magistrate for the government of the church, especially for the right of excommunication.
In Zwingli's "Subsidiary Essay on the Eucharist" of August 1525 on the proper interpretation of the Lord's Supper, Zwingli challenges Roman Catholics in arguing for the very first time from covenantal continuity and lay thereby the ground... more
In Zwingli's "Subsidiary Essay on the Eucharist" of August 1525 on the proper interpretation of the Lord's Supper, Zwingli challenges Roman Catholics in arguing for the very first time from covenantal continuity and lay thereby the ground for the subsequent development of covenant theology in the Reformed tradition.
In October 1529, the Reformation took a significant turn following the events of the Marburg Colloquy. Although Oecolampadius and Melanchthon may best be known together for participating on opposite sides at the Marburg Colloquy, their... more
In October 1529, the Reformation took a significant turn following the events of the Marburg Colloquy. Although Oecolampadius and Melanchthon may best be known together for participating on opposite sides at the Marburg Colloquy, their relationship actually extended back far earlier and went far deeper than simply being on opposite sides of an important debate. This article focuses on the development and breakdown of the relationship between Oecolampadius and Melanchthon in connection with events at the time of the Reformation.
As François Lambert (1486/87-1530) experimented with religious identity in his passage from the Franciscan Observance to Lutheran Reform, he presents a valuable witness to the processes of identity formation and self-understanding in a... more
As François Lambert (1486/87-1530) experimented with religious identity in his passage from the Franciscan Observance to Lutheran Reform, he presents a valuable witness to the processes of identity formation and self-understanding in a period of religious turmoil that was still open to many different solutions. From 1522 to 1530 his choices led him from Avignon to Genève, Lausanne, Bern, Zurich, Basel, Wittenberg, Metz, Strasbourg, Marburg, in a life marked by projects of reform and moments of fear, illusions and delusions, success and failure. Lambert wrote a type of autobiography of this itinerary, which is traceable from his first work composed in Wittenberg until the very last letter that he wrote a few days before his death. Moreover, his non-linear religious journey forced him to come to terms with his previous identity as Franciscan, as friar, as preacher.
The existing literature on François Lambert already traces the major details of his life and writings. Here, by means of what I suggest calling the “confessions” of Lambert, I would like to investigate the way in which he recounted his experiences, tried to give them unity and meaning, and built his own identity. Apart from his radical conversion, this article examines whether it is possible to detect elements of continuity with his previous commitment to the Franciscan Observant religious life.
Családi vitákról nem szokás beszélni. Lehet-e a reformáció emlékévében a protestantizmus családján belül lezajlott vitáról szólni? Talán csak az adhat erre felhatalmazást, ha ezáltal közelebb kerülünk felekezeti identitásunk mélyebb... more
Családi vitákról nem szokás beszélni. Lehet-e a reformáció emlékévében a protestantizmus családján belül lezajlott vitáról szólni? Talán csak az adhat erre felhatalmazást, ha ezáltal közelebb kerülünk felekezeti identitásunk mélyebb megismeréséhez.
A mű középpontjában álló, 1536 és 1560 között lezajlott konfliktus fő kérdése az volt, ki gyakorolhatja az úrvacsorától való eltiltás és a gyülekezetből való kiközösítés jogát? A berni tanács ezt a jogot Zwingli teológiai öröksége alapján magának tartotta fent. A berni hatalom alatt élő Lausanne környéki, francia nyelvű lelkipásztorok viszont Kálvin tanításait követve ezt a jogot az egyházi és világi tisztségviselőkből közösen alkotott konzisztóriumnak, modern presbitériumaink előképének, tulajdonították.
A vita nemcsak teológiai eszközökkel folyt. Megfélemlítés, bebörtönzés és száműzés egyaránt szerepelt az előjogát féltő államhatalom eszköztárában. A velük szembenállók között pedig a történelemben először forrt ki egy olyan identitás, amelynek alapja Kálvin Szentírás-magyarázatához való ragaszkodás volt. Ezt az új identitást, amely a francia nyelvű lelkészeket összekötötte és arra is késszé tette, hogy felvállalásáért hátratételt szenvedjenek, méltán nevezhetjük kálvinizmusnak, őket pedig, bár biztosan tiltakoztak volna ez ellen a megnevezés ellen, az első kálvinistáknak. Ezáltal pedig ezt az új, közös identitást előhívó konfliktust a kálvinizmus nyitányának.
Erster Teil zur Biographie des Zürcher Söldnerführers Onoffrion Setzstab, veröffentlicht im "Zürcher Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 2016" . Der Artikel zeichnet den Werdegang Setzstabs vom belesenen Kaufmann zum Söldner in den frühen Jahren des... more
Erster Teil zur Biographie des Zürcher Söldnerführers Onoffrion Setzstab, veröffentlicht im "Zürcher Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 2016" . Der Artikel zeichnet den Werdegang Setzstabs vom belesenen Kaufmann zum Söldner in den frühen Jahren des 16. Jahrhunderts nach. Setzstab stieg in der Folge der eidgenössischen Feldzüge in Oberitalien rasch vom einfachen Reisläufer in den Rang eines Hauptmanns auf. Er beteiligte sich als Dolmetscher an den Friedensverhandlungen von Galarate am 8./9. September 1515.
Die verheerende Niederlage bei Marignano 1515 hatte für Setzstab schwerwiegende Folgen. Als vermeintlicher Verräter wurde er verhaftet und gefoltert, jedoch als unschuldig frei gelassen.
Als Söldnerhauptmann stand Onoffrion der Reformation in Zürich kritisch gegenüber, was später zur mehrmaligen Verbannung aus Zürich führte.
- by Adrian Baschung
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- Renaissance, Zurich, Zwingli, Biography
Because church music served no liturgical function in the Zwinglian cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy, music was largely pushed into the private sphere. From 1600 on, the thirst for music in parts gave rise to the development of... more
Because church music served no liturgical function in the Zwinglian cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy, music was largely pushed into the private sphere. From 1600 on, the thirst for music in parts gave rise to the development of Collegia Musica in the reformed cities of German-speaking Switzerland. These organizations recruited their members from the middle classes, who enjoyed a musical education from a young age. The statutes of the Collegia Musica show that their members brought their own instruments and sheet music to the Collegium and occasionally took them home as well. Gifts of sheet music, instruments or money from individual donors to the Aargauer Musikkollegium demonstrate the widespread importance of music within the middle class, and documents from Winterthur show that certain musical townspeople made extensive donations of music to the Collegia. The breadth of the musical repertoire documented is quite astonishing, ranging from music published in German-speaking regions and northern Italy to compositions from Catholic areas and even some pieces from the 16th century. At the same time, however, figures such as the Zurich merchant Salomon Ott (1653-1711) owned the latest musical prints and also favored much-frowned-upon dance music.
The problem of the unity of truth divides Luther, Melanchthon, and Zwingli. The article retraces their views on it and shows that their respective conceptions of truth not only continue late medieval positions, but are a cause of the... more
The problem of the unity of truth divides Luther, Melanchthon, and Zwingli. The article retraces their views on it and shows that their respective conceptions of truth not only continue late medieval positions, but are a cause of the division of the reformed movement into different confessional camps.
Das Martin Bucer Seminar legt im ersten Band seines Jahrbuches drei Studien vor: Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer untersucht den Bibelgebrauch von Bucer, Gerhard Gronauer untersucht Bucers Buch ‚Von der wahren Seelsorge’, der Herausgeber stellt in... more
Das Martin Bucer Seminar legt im ersten Band seines Jahrbuches drei Studien vor: Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer untersucht den Bibelgebrauch von Bucer, Gerhard Gronauer untersucht Bucers Buch ‚Von der wahren Seelsorge’, der Herausgeber stellt in ‚Bucer und die Evangelikalen’ Bucer als Vorbild für theologische Einheit in der Vielfalt vor.
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the German monk and reformer Martin Luther posting his theses (October 31, 1517), the contributors of this volume invite us to expand our understanding of “the Reformation” by an examination of... more
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the German monk and reformer Martin Luther posting his theses (October 31, 1517), the contributors of this volume invite us to expand our understanding of “the Reformation” by an examination of aspects of Reform which are lesser known than Luther to probe some less-explored corners of the Reformation. To be sure, Martin Luther himself receives attention in this volume. But the aim of this book is really to take the occasion provided by the increased attention paid to the Reformation during the year 2017 to explore other theologians, movements, and ideas. The expanding of the scholarly mind and opening up of new vistas often overshadowed by larger figures, like Luther, can only be good for the study of the Reformation and Early Modern era.
- by Jon Balserak and +1
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- Reformation History, Reformation Studies, Zwingli, Calvinism