Halamish wadi (Ẕuq Tamrur), Hatrurim Basin, Tamar Regional Council, Southern District (HaDarom District), Israel (original) (raw)


Formula: Ca2Mg[Si2O7]


Formula: (Fe,Ni)2P


Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621

Anastasenkoite (TL)

Formula: CaFe2+(P2O7)

Type Locality:


Britvin, S. N., Murashko, M. N., Vapnik, Y., Vlasenko, N. S., Vereshchagin, O. S., Bocharov, V. N., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Lozhkin, M. S., Zolotarev, A.


Formula: Ca3Fe3+2(SiO4)3


Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407


Formula: FeCrP


Formula: Ca(Al2Si2O8)


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.


Formula: CaCO3


Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621


Formula: BaFe3+12O19


Formula: (Fe,Ni)2P


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621

Beershevaite (TL)

Formula: CaFe3+3(PO4)3O

Type Locality:


Formula: CaCO3


Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621


Formula: NaCrS2


Galuskin, E.V., Galuskina, I.O., Vapnik, Y., Zieliński, G. (2023): Discovery of “meteoritic” layered disulphides ACrS2 (A = Na, Cr, Ag) in terrestrial rock. Minerals, 13, 381. https://doi.org/10.3390/min13030381


Formula: Fe2+Cr3+2O4


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.


Formula: Fe3C


Formula: Cu


Formula: SiO2


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Crocobelonite-1M (TL)

Formula: CaFe3+2O(PO4)2

Type Locality:


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Mikhail N., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Bocharov, Vladimir N. (2023) Crocobelonite, CaFe3+2(PO4)2O, a new oxyphosphate mineral, the product of pyrolytic oxidation of natural phosphides. American Mineralogist, 108 (10) 1973-1983 doi:10.2138/am-2022-8757


Formula: Ca8(Si2O7)2F4


Formula: Fe2+Cr3+2S4


Formula: C20H36


Formula: CaMgSi2O6


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621

'Djerfisherite Group'


Formula: Ca4(Mg3Fe3+9)O4(Si3Al8Fe3+O36)

'Ellestadite Group'

Ellinaite (TL)

Formula: CaCr2O4

Type Locality:

Description: In paralavas


Sharygin, Victor V., Britvin, Sergey N., Kaminsky, Felix V., Wirth, Richard, Nigmatulina, Elena N., Yakovlev, Grigory A., Novoselov, Konstantin A., Murashko, Mikhail N. (2021) Ellinaite, CaCr2O4, a new natural post-spinel oxide from Hatrurim Basin, Israel, and Juína kimberlite field, Brazil. European Journal of Mineralogy, 33 (6) 727-742 doi:10.5194/ejm-33-727-2021


Formula: Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12 · 26H2O


Formula: Ca8-x(Na,K)x(SiO4)4-x(PO4)x


Formula: Ca5(PO4)3F


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.


Formula: CaF2


Formula: Ca2Al[AlSiO7]


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407

Gmalimite (TL)

Formula: K6◻Fe2+24S27

Type Locality:


Formula: α-Fe3+O(OH)


Formula: CuCrS2


Galuskin, E.V., Galuskina, I.O., Vapnik, Y., Zieliński, G. (2023): Discovery of “meteoritic” layered disulphides ACrS2 (A = Na, Cr, Ag) in terrestrial rock. Minerals, 13, 381.


Formula: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3

Grossular var. Hydrogrossular

Halamishite (TL)

Formula: Ni5P4

Type Locality:


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Mikhail N., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Polekhovsky, Yury S., Krivovichev, Sergey V., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G. (2020) Halamishite, Ni5P4, a new terrestrial phosphide in the Ni–P system. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 47 (1) doi:10.1007/s00269-019-01073-7


Formula: CaFe2+Si2O6


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.


Formula: Fe2O3


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621


Formula: Fe

Kabalovite (TL)

Formula: Fe2+3Fe3+4(PO4)6

Type Locality:


Formula: Ca4(Mg3Fe3+9)O4(Fe3+9Si3)O36


Formula: Ca2SiO4

Lisanite (TL)

Formula: CaNiP2O7

Type Locality:


Formula: MgFe3+2O4


Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621

'Melilite Group'

Formula: Ca2M(XSiO7)


Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407


Formula: Ca9NaMg(PO4)7


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Murashkoite (TL)

Formula: FeP

Type Locality:


Britvin, S.N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y.S., Krivovichev, S.V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M.G., Gorelova, L.A., Vereshchagin, O.S., Shilovskikh, V.V., Zaitsev, A.N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621

Nabateaite (TL)

Formula: Fe2P2O7

Type Locality:

Nazarovite (TL)

Formula: Ni12P5

Type Locality:


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Mikhail N., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Lozhkin, Maksim S., Obolonskaya, Edita V. (2022) Nazarovite, Ni12P5, a new terrestrial and meteoritic mineral structurally related to nickelphosphide, Ni3P. American Mineralogist, 107 (10) 1946-1951 doi:10.2138/am-2022-8219

Negevite (TL)

Formula: NiP2

Type Locality:


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Michail N., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Polekhovsky, Yury S., Krivovichev, Sergey V., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G. (2020) Negevite, the pyrite-type NiP2, a new terrestrial phosphide. American Mineralogist, 105 (3) 422-427 doi:10.2138/am-2020-7192


Formula: TiN


Formula: CaTiO3


'Petroleum var. Bitumen'

Phosphocyclite-(Fe) (TL)

Formula: Fe2+2(P4O12)

Type Locality:

Phosphocyclite-(Ni) (TL)

Formula: Ni2(P4O12)

Type Locality:

Polekhovskyite (TL)

Formula: MoNiP2

Type Locality:


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Mikhail N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Permyakov, Vitalii V. (2022) Expanding the speciation of terrestrial molybdenum: Discovery of polekhovskyite, MoNiP2, and insights into the sources of Mo-phosphides in the Dead Sea Transform area. American Mineralogist, 107 (12) 2201-2211 doi:10.2138/am-2022-8261


Formula: CaSiO3


Formula: FeS2

'Pyroxene Group'

Formula: ADSi2O6


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.


Formula: Fe1-xS


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

Britvin, Sergey N., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Gorelova, Liudmila A., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Pakhomova, Anna S., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Andrey A., Bykov, Maxim, Lozhkin, Maksim S., Nestola, Fabrizio (2021) Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition. American Mineralogist, 106 (6) 944-952 doi:10.2138/am-2021-7621

Galuskin, E.V., Galuskina, I.O., Vapnik, Y., Zieliński, G. (2023): Discovery of “meteoritic” layered disulphides ACrS2 (A = Na, Cr, Ag) in terrestrial rock. Minerals, 13, 381. https://doi.org/10.3390/min13030381


Formula: Ca3TiSi2(Fe3+2Si)O14


Formula: Ca3Si2O7


Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407

Samraite (TL)

Formula: Ni2P2O7

Type Locality:


Formula: Na0.3CrS2 · H2O


Formula: (Fe,Ni)3P

Shasuite (TL)

Formula: CaNi3(P2O7)2

Type Locality:


Formula: Ca5(SiO4)2(CO3)


Formula: Ca12Al2Si18O33 (OH)36


Formula: Ni2P

Description: cotype


Formula: SiO2


Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.

'Unnamed (Ag-Cr Sulphide)'

Formula: AgCrS2


Galuskin, E.V., Galuskina, I.O., Vapnik, Y., Zieliński, G. (2023): Discovery of “meteoritic” layered disulphides ACrS2 (A = Na, Cr, Ag) in terrestrial rock. Minerals, 13, 381. https://doi.org/10.3390/min13030381

'Unnamed (Fe-Cr Sulphide Hydrate)'

Formula: {Fe0.3(Ba,Ca)0.2}CrS2 · 0.5H2O


Formula: BaCa2(Si3O9)


Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407


Formula: Ca3(Si3O9)


Krzątała, Arkadiusz, Krüger, Biljana, Galuskina, Irina, Vapnik, Yevgeny, Galuskin, Evgeny (2020) Walstromite, BaCa2(Si3O9), from Rankinite Paralava within Gehlenite Hornfels of the Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel. Minerals, 10 (5) 407 doi:10.3390/min10050407


Formula: CaNi2Fe3+(PO4)3


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Mikhail N., Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Vlasenko, Natalia S., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Pankin, Dmitrii V., Zaitsev, Anatoly N., Zolotarev, Anatoly A. (2023) Yakubovichite, CaNi2Fe3+(PO4)3, a new nickel phosphate mineral of non-meteoritic origin. American Mineralogist, 108 (11) 2142-2150 doi:10.2138/am-2022-8800

Zuktamrurite (TL)

Formula: FeP2

Type Locality:


Britvin, Sergey N., Murashko, Mikhail N., Vapnik, Yevgeny, Polekhovsky, Yury S., Krivovichev, Sergey V., Vereshchagin, Oleg S., Vlasenko, Natalia S., Shilovskikh, Vladimir V., Zaitsev, Anatoly N. (2019) Zuktamrurite, FeP2, a new mineral, the phosphide analogue of löllingite, FeAs2. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 46 (4) 361-369 doi:10.1007/s00269-018-1008-4

Britvin, S. N., Vapnik, Y., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Krivovichev, S. V., Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G., Gorelova, L. A., ... & Zaitsev, A. N. (2019) Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant. Mineralogy and Petrology: 113(2): 237-248.