Carl S Ehrlich | York University (original) (raw)

Monographs by Carl S Ehrlich

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Bibel und Judentum: Beiträge aus dem christlich-jüdischen Gespräch (Zürich: PANO-Verlag, 2004).

Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine Sammlung Essays, die ihren Ursprung im aktuellen christlich-jüdischen... more Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine Sammlung Essays, die ihren Ursprung im aktuellen christlich-jüdischen Gespräch im deutschsprachigen Raum haben. Es eröffnet einen weiten Horizont, der von der Antike bis in die Moderne reicht.
Die Beiträge sind Ergebnis fundierter wissenschaftlicher Forschungen, durch ihren leicht lesbaren Stil bleiben sie aber auch für ein breiteres Publikum verständlich und können so zur interreligiösen und multikulturellen Verständigung beitragen.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Understanding Judaism: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Holy Texts, Sacred Places (London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2004/London: Watkins Publishing, 2010).

Understanding Judaism provides a succinct, authoritative, and accessible introduction to one of t... more Understanding Judaism provides a succinct, authoritative, and accessible introduction to one of the great religious traditions. The book is organized around nine key themes: Origins and Historical Development, Aspects of the Divine, Sacred Texts, Sacred Persons, Ethical Principles, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, Death and the Afterlife, and Society and Religion. Each of these themes is supplemented by extracts from or summaries of historical texts, with an author commentary that explains the significance of each piece or places it in context.
This book has also been translated into: Dutch, French, German, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.

[Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, The Philistines in Transition: A History from ca. 1000-730 BCE (Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East [= SHCANE] 10; Leiden-New York-Köln: E. J. Brill, 1996).](

This study of the history of the Philistines during the first quarter of the first millennium BCE... more This study of the history of the Philistines during the first quarter of the first millennium BCE has a twofold aim: First, to examine in detail a number of ancient texts, mainly biblical until the rise of the neo-assyrian empire, while evaluating each text in its own right as a potential historical source. Second, to offer a synthetic reconstruction of the course of Philistine history between 1000-730 BCE, employing the results of the textual study in conjunction with those of recent archaeological excavations in Philistia.

Edited Volumes by Carl S Ehrlich

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich & Sara R. Horowitz (eds.), Jewish Studies on Premodern Periods (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2023)

Jewish Studies on Premodern Periods: A Handbook, 2023

The essays in this volume provide the development over the last three decades in the field of pre... more The essays in this volume provide the development over the last three decades in the field of premodern Jewish studies. International experts on the First Temple Period, the Second Temple Period, the Rabbinic Period, and the Medieval Period explore major trends and current debates in scholarship through the lenses of history, religion, literature, and art, as well as the questions that will animate the field in the foreseeable future.

Research paper thumbnail of Robert A. Kenedy, Uzi Rebhun, and Carl S. Ehrlich (eds.), Israel and the Diaspora: Jewish Connectivity in a Changing World (Springer Nature, 2022) proofs front matter

The thirteen chapters in this volume discuss contemporary Jewish identity, Israel-diaspora relati... more The thirteen chapters in this volume discuss contemporary Jewish identity, Israel-diaspora relations, and how Jewish life has been transformed in light of various types of antisemitism. We consider the diasporic Jewish experiences through the prism of the intersections between various Jewish communities sociologically. These themes are explored by drawing upon diverse academic disciplines and scientific approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Leonard H. Ehrlich & Edith Ehrlich, Choices under Duress of the Holocaust: Benjamin Murmelstein and the Fate of Viennese Jewry, Volume I: Vienna (edited by Carl S. Ehrlich; Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2018) - page proofs.

A historical/philosophical investigation into the decision-making process of Jewish leadership un... more A historical/philosophical investigation into the decision-making process of Jewish leadership under Nazi domination, using as its test-case that of Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Murmelstein, the leader of the Jewish communities of Vienna and Theresienstadt/Terezin. This first volume of two examines the period 1938-1942 and focuses on the fate of the Jewish community of Vienna during the first years of Nazi domination.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Anders Runesson, and Eileen Schuller (eds.), Purity, Holiness, and Identity in Judaism and Christianity: Essays in Memory of Susan Haber (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 305; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013).

This collection of essays deals with matters of central concern to the theologies of Judaism and ... more This collection of essays deals with matters of central concern to the theologies of Judaism and Christianity: purity, holiness, and identity. The juxtaposition of these essays should foster interreligious debate and dialog.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich (ed.), From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009, 2011) (with contributions by G. Beckman, C.S. Ehrlich, B. R. Foster, S.T. Hollis, I. Kottsieper, W.T. Pitard, and G. Rubio).

Carl S. Ehrlich (ed.), From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009, 2011) (with contributions by G. Beckman, C.S. Ehrlich, B. R. Foster, S.T. Hollis, I. Kottsieper, W.T. Pitard, and G. Rubio).

Many of the world's first written records have been found in the area of the ancient Near East, i... more Many of the world's first written records have been found in the area of the ancient Near East, in what is today known as the Middle East. While many people are familiar with the ancient Israelite literature recorded in the Hebrew Bible, most Near Eastern literature remains a mystery. From an Antique Land lifts the veil from these fascinating writings, explaining the ancient stories in the context of their cultures.
From the invention of writing through the conquest of Alexander the Great, expert scholars examine literature originally written in Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Ugaritic, Canaanite, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Each chapter includes an overview of the culture, a discussion of literary genres, and descriptions and short analyses of the major literary works. Photos of archaeological remains further illustrate these people and their writings.
Contributors: Gary Beckman, Carl S. Ehrlich, Benjamin R. Foster, Susan Tower Hollis, Ingo Kottsieper, Wayne T. Pitard, Gonzalo Rubio.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich with Marsha C. White (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 47; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006).

The essays collected in this book examine Saul from a number of perspectives. They provide an int... more The essays collected in this book examine Saul from a number of perspectives. They provide an introduction to the subject matter and survey the state of the field. In addition, they forge new paths. In distinction to many books on biblical literature, this book also devotes considerable attention to the post-biblical interpretative traditions, which include literature, art, and music.

Articles by Carl S Ehrlich

Research paper thumbnail of Memory and Marginalisation

Voices of Hope: 36 Essays Written in Response to 7 October, edited by Simon Eder and Adam Zagoria-Moffet (London: Izzun Books and Louis Jacobs Foundation), 2023

A brief response to the horrific events of October 7, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Reading Rape Narratives in the Tanakh (Preview), in Durch die Zeiten/Through the Ages, Katja Soennecken, Patrick Leiferkus, Jennifer Zimni, and Katharina Schmidt, eds. (FS Dieter Vieweger; Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, November 2023) 91-109.

Durch die Zeiten/Through the Ages, 2023

An examination and systematization of narrative texts dealing with the unpleasant topic of rape i... more An examination and systematization of narrative texts dealing with the unpleasant topic of rape in the Hebrew Bible. This essay also examines the language used in such passages. Please contact me directly, if you'd like to receive a copy of this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of “Royal apologetics,” in The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel: Samuel, ed. David Arnovitz (Jerusalem: Koren, April 2021) 2-3.

The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel: Samuel, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of David and Achish: Remembrance of Things Past, Present, or Future?

Hannes Bezzel & Reinhard G. Kratz, eds. David in the Desert. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter., 2021

A critical examination of the biblical accounts of the relationship between King David of Israel/... more A critical examination of the biblical accounts of the relationship between King David of Israel/Judah and King Achish of Gath.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanakh and My Search for Jewish Identity, 2021

A personal reflection on how the author ended up in the field of Hebrew Bible.

Research paper thumbnail of Judaism and the Psalms: Life and Liturgy

“Mit meinem Gott überspringe ich eine Mauer”/“By my God I can leap over a wall”: Interreligiöse Horizonte in den Psalmen und Psalmenstudien/Interreligious Horizons in Psalms and Psalms Studies, Christian Frevel, ed. (Herders Biblische Studien 96; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder), 2020

In diesem Aufsatz wird die Stellung der Psalmen im jüdischen Leben und in der jüdischen Liturgie... more In diesem Aufsatz wird die Stellung der Psalmen im jüdischen Leben und in
der jüdischen Liturgie dargestellt. Fragen der Beziehung der Psalmen zur Tora
und der Zuschreibung zu König David werden im ersten Teil behandelt. Im
zweiten Teil geht es zuerst um den Gebrauch der Psalmen im Rahmen des
täglichen jüdischen Gebets. Danach wird das Rezitieren von Psalmen zu besonderen
Angelegenheiten im jüdischen Leben kurz angesprochen. Schließlich
wird die Frage der aus moderner Sicht schwierigen Stellen in den Psalmen,
die in der Liturgie vorkommen, erörtert.

Research paper thumbnail of Bathsheba the Kingmaker, 2020

Bathsheba first appears as the object of David’s lust, then as the mother of Solomon, who pleads ... more Bathsheba first appears as the object of David’s lust, then as the mother of Solomon, who pleads with the king to make her son his heir. And yet, a close look at her actions shows her to be someone with agency, able to manipulate her husband and even her son to ensure Solomon’s safety and rule.

Research paper thumbnail of Kedushah: Did the Angels Actually Say It?, 2020

The Kedushah prayer is based on two quotes from angels: “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts..... more The Kedushah prayer is based on two quotes from angels: “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts...” (Isa 6:3) and “Blessed be the Glory of the Lord from its place” (Ezek 3:12). However, Shadal, the 19th century polymath, explains that the second verse is not a quote by angels, but the result of a scribal error.

Research paper thumbnail of Ezekiel's Vision of God and the Chariot, 2019

How are we to understand Ezekiel’s bizarre vision of the chariot in its historical context? What ... more How are we to understand Ezekiel’s bizarre vision of the chariot in its historical context? What makes it theologically so dangerous in the eyes of the rabbis?

Research paper thumbnail of Ist die Bibel ein europäisches Buch? Eine Außenseiterperspektive, in: Christentum und Europa: XVI. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie (10.-13. September 2017 in Wien), Michael Meyer-Blanck, ed. (VWGTh 57; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2019) 33-49 (page proofs).

An examination of the question whether the Bible may be considered a European book. The perspecti... more An examination of the question whether the Bible may be considered a European book. The perspective of the article is that of an outsider on many different levels. More questions are raised than answered.

Research paper thumbnail of L'image de Moise dans la litterature midrashique, Foi et vie 118/3 (Octobre 2018) 34-48.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Bibel und Judentum: Beiträge aus dem christlich-jüdischen Gespräch (Zürich: PANO-Verlag, 2004).

Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine Sammlung Essays, die ihren Ursprung im aktuellen christlich-jüdischen... more Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine Sammlung Essays, die ihren Ursprung im aktuellen christlich-jüdischen Gespräch im deutschsprachigen Raum haben. Es eröffnet einen weiten Horizont, der von der Antike bis in die Moderne reicht.
Die Beiträge sind Ergebnis fundierter wissenschaftlicher Forschungen, durch ihren leicht lesbaren Stil bleiben sie aber auch für ein breiteres Publikum verständlich und können so zur interreligiösen und multikulturellen Verständigung beitragen.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Understanding Judaism: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Holy Texts, Sacred Places (London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2004/London: Watkins Publishing, 2010).

Understanding Judaism provides a succinct, authoritative, and accessible introduction to one of t... more Understanding Judaism provides a succinct, authoritative, and accessible introduction to one of the great religious traditions. The book is organized around nine key themes: Origins and Historical Development, Aspects of the Divine, Sacred Texts, Sacred Persons, Ethical Principles, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, Death and the Afterlife, and Society and Religion. Each of these themes is supplemented by extracts from or summaries of historical texts, with an author commentary that explains the significance of each piece or places it in context.
This book has also been translated into: Dutch, French, German, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.

[Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, The Philistines in Transition: A History from ca. 1000-730 BCE (Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East [= SHCANE] 10; Leiden-New York-Köln: E. J. Brill, 1996).](

This study of the history of the Philistines during the first quarter of the first millennium BCE... more This study of the history of the Philistines during the first quarter of the first millennium BCE has a twofold aim: First, to examine in detail a number of ancient texts, mainly biblical until the rise of the neo-assyrian empire, while evaluating each text in its own right as a potential historical source. Second, to offer a synthetic reconstruction of the course of Philistine history between 1000-730 BCE, employing the results of the textual study in conjunction with those of recent archaeological excavations in Philistia.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich & Sara R. Horowitz (eds.), Jewish Studies on Premodern Periods (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2023)

Jewish Studies on Premodern Periods: A Handbook, 2023

The essays in this volume provide the development over the last three decades in the field of pre... more The essays in this volume provide the development over the last three decades in the field of premodern Jewish studies. International experts on the First Temple Period, the Second Temple Period, the Rabbinic Period, and the Medieval Period explore major trends and current debates in scholarship through the lenses of history, religion, literature, and art, as well as the questions that will animate the field in the foreseeable future.

Research paper thumbnail of Robert A. Kenedy, Uzi Rebhun, and Carl S. Ehrlich (eds.), Israel and the Diaspora: Jewish Connectivity in a Changing World (Springer Nature, 2022) proofs front matter

The thirteen chapters in this volume discuss contemporary Jewish identity, Israel-diaspora relati... more The thirteen chapters in this volume discuss contemporary Jewish identity, Israel-diaspora relations, and how Jewish life has been transformed in light of various types of antisemitism. We consider the diasporic Jewish experiences through the prism of the intersections between various Jewish communities sociologically. These themes are explored by drawing upon diverse academic disciplines and scientific approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Leonard H. Ehrlich & Edith Ehrlich, Choices under Duress of the Holocaust: Benjamin Murmelstein and the Fate of Viennese Jewry, Volume I: Vienna (edited by Carl S. Ehrlich; Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2018) - page proofs.

A historical/philosophical investigation into the decision-making process of Jewish leadership un... more A historical/philosophical investigation into the decision-making process of Jewish leadership under Nazi domination, using as its test-case that of Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Murmelstein, the leader of the Jewish communities of Vienna and Theresienstadt/Terezin. This first volume of two examines the period 1938-1942 and focuses on the fate of the Jewish community of Vienna during the first years of Nazi domination.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Anders Runesson, and Eileen Schuller (eds.), Purity, Holiness, and Identity in Judaism and Christianity: Essays in Memory of Susan Haber (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 305; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013).

This collection of essays deals with matters of central concern to the theologies of Judaism and ... more This collection of essays deals with matters of central concern to the theologies of Judaism and Christianity: purity, holiness, and identity. The juxtaposition of these essays should foster interreligious debate and dialog.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich (ed.), From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009, 2011) (with contributions by G. Beckman, C.S. Ehrlich, B. R. Foster, S.T. Hollis, I. Kottsieper, W.T. Pitard, and G. Rubio).

Carl S. Ehrlich (ed.), From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009, 2011) (with contributions by G. Beckman, C.S. Ehrlich, B. R. Foster, S.T. Hollis, I. Kottsieper, W.T. Pitard, and G. Rubio).

Many of the world's first written records have been found in the area of the ancient Near East, i... more Many of the world's first written records have been found in the area of the ancient Near East, in what is today known as the Middle East. While many people are familiar with the ancient Israelite literature recorded in the Hebrew Bible, most Near Eastern literature remains a mystery. From an Antique Land lifts the veil from these fascinating writings, explaining the ancient stories in the context of their cultures.
From the invention of writing through the conquest of Alexander the Great, expert scholars examine literature originally written in Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Ugaritic, Canaanite, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Each chapter includes an overview of the culture, a discussion of literary genres, and descriptions and short analyses of the major literary works. Photos of archaeological remains further illustrate these people and their writings.
Contributors: Gary Beckman, Carl S. Ehrlich, Benjamin R. Foster, Susan Tower Hollis, Ingo Kottsieper, Wayne T. Pitard, Gonzalo Rubio.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich with Marsha C. White (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 47; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006).

The essays collected in this book examine Saul from a number of perspectives. They provide an int... more The essays collected in this book examine Saul from a number of perspectives. They provide an introduction to the subject matter and survey the state of the field. In addition, they forge new paths. In distinction to many books on biblical literature, this book also devotes considerable attention to the post-biblical interpretative traditions, which include literature, art, and music.

Research paper thumbnail of Memory and Marginalisation

Voices of Hope: 36 Essays Written in Response to 7 October, edited by Simon Eder and Adam Zagoria-Moffet (London: Izzun Books and Louis Jacobs Foundation), 2023

A brief response to the horrific events of October 7, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Reading Rape Narratives in the Tanakh (Preview), in Durch die Zeiten/Through the Ages, Katja Soennecken, Patrick Leiferkus, Jennifer Zimni, and Katharina Schmidt, eds. (FS Dieter Vieweger; Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, November 2023) 91-109.

Durch die Zeiten/Through the Ages, 2023

An examination and systematization of narrative texts dealing with the unpleasant topic of rape i... more An examination and systematization of narrative texts dealing with the unpleasant topic of rape in the Hebrew Bible. This essay also examines the language used in such passages. Please contact me directly, if you'd like to receive a copy of this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of “Royal apologetics,” in The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel: Samuel, ed. David Arnovitz (Jerusalem: Koren, April 2021) 2-3.

The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel: Samuel, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of David and Achish: Remembrance of Things Past, Present, or Future?

Hannes Bezzel & Reinhard G. Kratz, eds. David in the Desert. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter., 2021

A critical examination of the biblical accounts of the relationship between King David of Israel/... more A critical examination of the biblical accounts of the relationship between King David of Israel/Judah and King Achish of Gath.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanakh and My Search for Jewish Identity, 2021

A personal reflection on how the author ended up in the field of Hebrew Bible.

Research paper thumbnail of Judaism and the Psalms: Life and Liturgy

“Mit meinem Gott überspringe ich eine Mauer”/“By my God I can leap over a wall”: Interreligiöse Horizonte in den Psalmen und Psalmenstudien/Interreligious Horizons in Psalms and Psalms Studies, Christian Frevel, ed. (Herders Biblische Studien 96; Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder), 2020

In diesem Aufsatz wird die Stellung der Psalmen im jüdischen Leben und in der jüdischen Liturgie... more In diesem Aufsatz wird die Stellung der Psalmen im jüdischen Leben und in
der jüdischen Liturgie dargestellt. Fragen der Beziehung der Psalmen zur Tora
und der Zuschreibung zu König David werden im ersten Teil behandelt. Im
zweiten Teil geht es zuerst um den Gebrauch der Psalmen im Rahmen des
täglichen jüdischen Gebets. Danach wird das Rezitieren von Psalmen zu besonderen
Angelegenheiten im jüdischen Leben kurz angesprochen. Schließlich
wird die Frage der aus moderner Sicht schwierigen Stellen in den Psalmen,
die in der Liturgie vorkommen, erörtert.

Research paper thumbnail of Bathsheba the Kingmaker, 2020

Bathsheba first appears as the object of David’s lust, then as the mother of Solomon, who pleads ... more Bathsheba first appears as the object of David’s lust, then as the mother of Solomon, who pleads with the king to make her son his heir. And yet, a close look at her actions shows her to be someone with agency, able to manipulate her husband and even her son to ensure Solomon’s safety and rule.

Research paper thumbnail of Kedushah: Did the Angels Actually Say It?, 2020

The Kedushah prayer is based on two quotes from angels: “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts..... more The Kedushah prayer is based on two quotes from angels: “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts...” (Isa 6:3) and “Blessed be the Glory of the Lord from its place” (Ezek 3:12). However, Shadal, the 19th century polymath, explains that the second verse is not a quote by angels, but the result of a scribal error.

Research paper thumbnail of Ezekiel's Vision of God and the Chariot, 2019

How are we to understand Ezekiel’s bizarre vision of the chariot in its historical context? What ... more How are we to understand Ezekiel’s bizarre vision of the chariot in its historical context? What makes it theologically so dangerous in the eyes of the rabbis?

Research paper thumbnail of Ist die Bibel ein europäisches Buch? Eine Außenseiterperspektive, in: Christentum und Europa: XVI. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie (10.-13. September 2017 in Wien), Michael Meyer-Blanck, ed. (VWGTh 57; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2019) 33-49 (page proofs).

An examination of the question whether the Bible may be considered a European book. The perspecti... more An examination of the question whether the Bible may be considered a European book. The perspective of the article is that of an outsider on many different levels. More questions are raised than answered.

Research paper thumbnail of L'image de Moise dans la litterature midrashique, Foi et vie 118/3 (Octobre 2018) 34-48.

Research paper thumbnail of Balaam the Seer: From the Bible to the Deir ʿAlla Inscription ( June 2018)

What we know about where he lived, the language he spoke, and the gods he worshiped.

[Research paper thumbnail of “Lamarr, Hedy,” in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 15 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, [August] 2017) 629-632.](

Research paper thumbnail of Biblical Gentilics and Israelite Ethnicity, in: The Books of Samuel: Stories – History – Reception History, Walter Dietrich, Cynthia Edenburg, & Ph. Hugo, eds. (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 284; Louvain: Peeters, July 2016) 413-421.

An examination of the use of gentilics in the Hebrew Bible and of their interpretation. The genti... more An examination of the use of gentilics in the Hebrew Bible and of their interpretation. The gentilic designation of Uriah the Hittite is the starting point for questioning the usual interpretation in biblical studies of the use of gentilics to indicate ethnic identity.

[Research paper thumbnail of Joshua (Book & Person) III. Judaism C. Medieval Judaism (EBR 14 [2017])](

Research paper thumbnail of Esther in Film, in: The Bible in Motion: A Handbook of the Bible and Its Reception in Film Part 1, Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch, ed. (Handbooks of the Bible and Its Reception 2; Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016) 119-136 (page proofs).

Research paper thumbnail of " Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better ": Joshua as Moses (

The haftarah of Simchat Torah (Josh 1:1-18 in the Ashkenazi tradition, Josh 1:1-9 in the Sephardi... more The haftarah of Simchat Torah (Josh 1:1-18 in the Ashkenazi tradition, Josh 1:1-9 in the Sephardi) [1] is one of only three taken from the Book of Joshua, which likely reflects the Rabbis' discomfort with the excessively violent contents of the first half of the book [2] and of the less than exciting nature of the second. [3] Indeed, none of the three haftarot taken from Joshua deals directly either with the conquest narrative, which forms the major theme of the first half of the book, or with the apportioning of the land among the tribes, which forms that of the second. Rather, all the passages chosen as haftarot portray Joshua as the worthy successor to Moses and indicate the continuation of Israel's story even after the latter's death.

Research paper thumbnail of The World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Ancient Near East

Leading Experts Introduce the People and Contexts of the Old Testament What people groups intera... more Leading Experts Introduce the People and Contexts of the Old Testament

What people groups interacted with ancient Israel? Who were the Hurrians and why do they matter? What do we know about the Philistines, the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and others?

In this up-to-date volume, leading experts introduce the peoples and places of the world around the Old Testament, providing students with a fresh exploration of the ancient Near East. The contributors offer comprehensive orientations to the main cultures and people groups that surrounded ancient Israel in the wider ancient Near East, including not only Mesopotamia and the northern Levant but also Egypt, Arabia, and Greece. They also explore the contributions of each people group or culture to our understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures.

This supplementary text is organized by geographic region, making it especially suitable for the classroom and useful in a variety of Old Testament courses. Approximately eighty-five illustrative items are included throughout the book.

Bill T. Arnold and Brent A. Strawn
1. The Amorites
Daniel E. Fleming
2. Assyria and the Assyrians
Christopher B. Hays with Peter Machinist
3. Babylonia and the Babylonians
David S. Vanderhooft
4. Ugarit and the Ugaritians
Mark S. Smith
5. Egypt and the Egyptians
Joel M. LeMon
6. The Hittites and the Hurrians
Billie Jean Collins
7. Aram and the Arameans
K. Lawson Younger Jr.
8. Phoenicia and the Phoenicians
Christopher A. Rollston
9. Transjordan: The Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites
Joel S. Burnett
10. Philistia and the Philistines
Carl S. Ehrlich
11. Persia and the Persians
Pierre Briant
12. Arabia and the Arabians
David F. Graf
13. Greece and the Greeks
Walter Burkert†

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Hosea: Loving God Erotically, (June 2016)

Research paper thumbnail of Exodus as Mnemohistory (2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Review of Eric M. Meyers, An Accidental Archaeologist: A Personal Memoir (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2022).

Review of Biblical Literature, 2024

It is always a pleasure to read the (auto-)biographies of scholars in one's general field of stud... more It is always a pleasure to read the (auto-)biographies of scholars in one's general field of study. With this slender yet engaging volume, Eric M. Meyers joins his slightly older contemporaries William G. Dever and Seymour Gitin in allowing us insight into his family background, his life, his loves (cultural, intellectual, and personal), and his professional development.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Brandon R. Grafius, Reading the Bible with Horror (Horror and Scripture; Lanham, MD: Lexington/Fortress Academic, 2020).

Review of Biblical Literature, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Review of Isaac Kalimi, Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible: Wordplay as a Literary and Exegetical Device (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, 2018).

Hebrew Higher Education 22, 2020

Metathesis is a term with which those of us who have dabbled in biblical textual criticism are fa... more Metathesis is a term with which those of us who have dabbled in biblical textual criticism are familiar. It refers in this instance to the inadvertent transposition of letters in a word, which is one of the more common scribal errors one encounters. In this new study, however, Isaac Kalimi expands the definition of metathesis to include both the unintentional and the intentional "transposition, inversion, or reversal of contiguous letters within a single word in comparison to another word within a text-unit, which typically comprises a sentence or a couple of sentences" (p. 1). In other words, Kalimi's major theoretical innovation is to expand the scope of metathesis to encompass deliberate stylistic decisions, which in other contexts have been referred to as alliteration or wordplay.

Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, Review of K. Lawson Younger, Jr., A Political History of the Arameans: From Their Origins to the End of Their Polities (Archaeology and Biblical Studies 13; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016) in Review of Biblical Literature (October 2018)

Despite the heftiness of his tome, Younger modestly claims that his aims are more limited than th... more Despite the heftiness of his tome, Younger modestly claims that his aims are more limited than those of his impressive predecessors, who dealt not only with the political history of the Arameans but also with their society, religion, and culture. While this is true to the extent that Younger does not include separate chapters on these latter subjects, as do Dion and Lipiński, his work is so comprehensive and detailed that he touches upon many of these issues within the context of his presentation and analysis of his various sources of evidence, which are mainly linguistic but also archaeological. Indeed, he reveals a particular penchant for detailed linguistic analysis in a plethora of ancient Near Eastern

[Research paper thumbnail of Carl S. Ehrlich, review of Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò, Goliath’s Legacy: Philistines and Hebrews in Biblical Times, Review of Biblical Literature [] (2017).](

Over the course of the last few decades, the study of the Philistines has become one of the hotte... more Over the course of the last few decades, the study of the Philistines has become one of the hottest topics in biblical studies in general and in "biblical" archaeology in particular. To a great extent this interest in the Philistines has been motivated by the many excavations already concluded and still ongoing in Philistia, broadly defined.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of A. Demsky, J. A. Reif, & J. Tabory, eds., These Are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 1997) in: Names: A Journal of Onomastics 46 (1998) 290-298.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Jacob Milgrom, Numbers (JPS Torah Commentary; Philadelphia-New York-Jerusalem: JPS, 1989) in: Hebrew Studies 36 (1995) 171-174.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of J. van Ruiten & J. C. de Vos (eds.), The Land of Israel in Bible, History, and Theology: Studies in Honour of Ed Noort. (SVT 124; Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2009) in: Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 42/3 (2011) 431-432.

Journal for the Study of Judaism, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Review of D. T. Barnard, With Skilful Hand: The Story of King David (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004) in: The University of Toronto Quarterly, “Letters in Canada 2005” 76.1 (Winter 2007) 366-367

University of Toronto Quarterly, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Uwe F. W. Bauer, All diese Worte: Impulse zur Schriftauslegung aus Amsterdam. Expliziert an der Schilfmeererzählung in Exodus 13,17-14,31 (Europäische Hochschulschriften 23/442; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1991), in: Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (1999) 340-342.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Andrew G. Vaughn & Ann E. Killebrew, eds., Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period (Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series 18; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003) in: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (2006).

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of "Mit meinem Gott überspringe ich eine Mauer"/"By my God I can leap over a wall" : Interreligiöse Horizonte in den Psalmen und Psalmenstudien/Interreligious Horizons in Psalms and Psalms Studies

by Christian Frevel, Mustafa Abu Sway, Eberhard Bons, Carl S Ehrlich, Susan Gillingham, Kathrin Liess, Friederike Neumann, Nancy Rahn, Johannes Schnocks, Yael Sela (Teichler), and Till Magnus Steiner

Herders Biblische Studien 96, 2020

Als „kleine Biblia“ (Luther) hat der Psalter eine herausragende Rolle in Judentum und Christentum... more Als „kleine Biblia“ (Luther) hat der Psalter eine herausragende Rolle in Judentum und Christentum. Auch im Koran ist die Wertschätzung Davids hoch und die Psalmen klingen im Hintergrund mancher Sure an. Welches Potential können die Psalmen im Trialog der abrahamitischen Religionen entfalten? Was bedeutet es, wenn im Beten der Psalmen der eine Gott zum Verbindenden der Völker wird und Jerusalem zum Ort der Utopie eines nicht endenden Friedens? Dem gehen die 22 Studien zu den Psalmen im Gedenken an den herausragenden Psalmenforscher Erich Zenger nach.

As a "little Biblia" (Luther) the Psalter plays a prominent role in Judaism and Christianity. In the Qur’an, too, David is appreciated very much, and the psalms resonate in the background of many suras. What potential can evolve from the psalms in a trialogue of the Abrahamic religions? What does it imply when, in praying the psalms, God becomes the unifying factor of the peoples and Jerusalem becomes the place of the utopia of a never-ending peace? The 22 contributions on the psalms in memory of the outstanding psalm researcher Erich Zenger pursue this question.

Research paper thumbnail of Gederoth (Place)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Gob (Place)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Ittai (Person)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Goliath (Person)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Gedor (Person)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Lamarr, Hedy

Encyclopedia of the Bible Online, Aug 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Carites

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Eglon (Place)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Amalek (Person)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Dark Ages?

The Philistines in Transition

Research paper thumbnail of David and Achish: Remembrance of Things Past, Present, or Future?

De Gruyter eBooks, May 10, 2021

A critical examination of the biblical accounts of the relationship between King David of Israel/... more A critical examination of the biblical accounts of the relationship between King David of Israel/Judah and King Achish of Gath.

Research paper thumbnail of Philistine Religion: Text and Archaeology

Scripta Mediterranea, Mar 19, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Andrew G. Vaughn and Ann E. Killebrew, eds., Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period

The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Mar 6, 2009

... basing his dating of Amos to the late seventh century partially on the basis of the reference... more ... basing his dating of Amos to the late seventh century partially on the basis of the reference to Philistine Gath in Amos 6:2 ... The final word in this volume belongs to Andrew G. Vaughn, who asks and then answers his own question: “Is Biblical Archaeology Theologically Useful ...

Research paper thumbnail of With Skilful Hand: The Story of King David (review)

University of Toronto Quarterly, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Lahmi (Person)

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Pelethites

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of “How the Mighty are Fallen”: The Philistines in Their Tenth Century Context

Research paper thumbnail of Beth-Ashbea (Place)

Research paper thumbnail of Alle diese Worte: Impulse zur Schriftauslegung aus Amsterdam. Expliziert an der Schilfmeererzahlung in Exodus 13,17-14,31

Journal of Biblical Literature, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of “Anti-Judäismus” in der Hebräischen Bibel der Fall: Ezechiel

Vetus Testamentum, 1996

... mit der Wiederholung der Bundesformel8 ihren Hohepunkt erreicht, wird von Gott der nach Babyl... more ... mit der Wiederholung der Bundesformel8 ihren Hohepunkt erreicht, wird von Gott der nach Babylon exilierten Gemeinde Erlosung versprochen, woge-gen die ... vdZ legt Susan Ackerman,21 mit triftigen Argumenten dar, daB die religiose Symbolik und die Handlungen, die ...