Cagdas Dedeoglu | Yorkville University (original) (raw)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles by Cagdas Dedeoglu

Research paper thumbnail of Posthuman citizenship

Citizenship Studies, 2023

Citizenship and the posthuman have not been often theorized together. In this paper, I want to th... more Citizenship and the posthuman have not been often theorized together. In this paper, I want to think about their coalition both as a new episode in the efforts of politics for citizenship, including knowledge politics, and as a source of rebalancing power against governmental and corporate interests in citizenship politics. Here, I seek to address two questions: (1) What is posthuman citizenship? (2) What does posthuman citizenship bring to analysis of intersectional, complex, and multi-layered struggles of citizenship? Section I of the article addresses possible conceptual connections between citizenship and posthumanism at the posthuman political system level. Section II concentrates on a posthuman genealogy of citizenship to show why posthuman citizenship is a much-needed ontopolitical praxis. Section III details the main principles of posthuman citizenship with respect to mediation of rights, political agency, and political responsibility. The paper contributes to the understanding of politics of/for citizenship with two concepts: augmented political responsibility and posthuman deeds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Metahuman Futures Forum and Ontological Therapies

Journal of Posthumanism, 2023

This special issue is dedicated to the 1 st Metahuman Futures Forum held in Lesvos on 1-2 October... more This special issue is dedicated to the 1 st Metahuman Futures Forum held in Lesvos on 1-2 October 2022, as part of the Bodynet-Khorós project co-funded by the European Union 3 and contains part of the theoretical research of the project. The issue comprises a collection of seven papers, a book review, and the Metahuman Futures Manifesto, all of which contribute to the understanding of metahumanism and its relationship with posthumanism and transhumanism in the age of planetary holocaust.

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Research paper thumbnail of Posthumanism for Sustainability: A Scoping Review

Journal of Posthumanism, 2023

The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between posthumanism and sustainability ... more The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between posthumanism and sustainability and contribute to the interdisciplinary concept of posthuman sustainability. We conducted a scoping review of 45 peer-reviewed journal articles that met our inclusion criteria and employed co-occurrence analysis based on the clustering techniques of the VOSviewer. We identified five themes within the articles: post-humanism, post-anthropocentrism, post-dualism, post-Enlightenment, and post-technologism. Through our analysis, we found that posthumanism can offer insights into ecological issues and help promote alternative sustainable practices. We also identified three immediate concerns for post/humanities scholars: (1) fostering dialogue between critical humanist and posthumanist scholarship based on onto-epistemological plurality, (2) achieving conceptual clarity in the field, and (3) advocating for meaningful engagement with indigenous worldviews in a multidimensional and multitemporal manner. By exploring the relationship between posthumanism and sustainability, we hope to expand our knowledge of the urgent ecological issues we face and contribute to interdisciplinary efforts to address them.

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Research paper thumbnail of Riverine Plastic Pollution in Asia: Results from a Bibliometric Assessment

Land, Jul 21, 2022

Rivers are important ecosystems, vital to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of humans and o... more Rivers are important ecosystems, vital to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of humans and other species. Despite their environmental, social, and economic importance, current use of rivers is unsustainable, due to a combination of solid waste and high levels of pollutants. Plastic materials are among the most predominant of such pollutants. Based on the need for additional research in this area, this study examines pressures put to rivers and explores trends related to riverine plastic pollution, with a focus on Asia. Apart from the bibliometric analysis, and relying on the collected information, examples describing the drivers of riverine plastic pollution in a sample of Asian countries are described, outlining the specific problem and its scope. Among some of the results obtained from it, mention can be made to the fact that much of the literature focuses on plastic pollution as a whole and less on one of its most significant ramifications, namely microplastics. Additionally, there is a need related to data availability on riverine plastic data and improving the understanding of transport mechanisms in relation to riverine plastic emission into the ocean. The results from this study illustrate the significance of the problems posed by plastic waste to Asian rivers and point out the fact that there are still significant gaps in respect of regulations and standards, which prevent improvements that are highlighted in this study. Based on the results of this bibliometric assessment, specific measures via which levels of riverine plastic pollution may be reduced are presented, bringing relevant new insights on this topic beyond the existing reviews.

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Research paper thumbnail of Information Infrastructures and the Future of Ecological Citizenship in the Anthropocene

Social Sciences, 2020

In the last two decades, the concept of ecological citizenship has become a recurrent theme in bo... more In the last two decades, the concept of ecological citizenship has become a recurrent theme in both popular and academic discussions. Discussions around the prospects of, and limitations to, ecological citizenship have mostly focused on the idea of political agency and the civic responsibility of individuals in relation to their environments, with an emphasis on environmental justice and sustainability. However, the current scholarship has yet to adequately characterize its conceptual bases and empirical applications from an information perspective. Therefore, this paper provides an overview of citizenship studies and infrastructure studies for developing more nuanced understanding(s) of epistemological models for ecological citizenship in our networked world. Drawing on the literature on information infrastructure, this paper then proposes a conceptual framework to understand ecological citizenship as constituted both discursively and techno-materially through neoliberal, anthropocentric information infrastructures.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ontology of Security and Its Implications for Maritime Security

GSD, 2019

A substantial number of state and non-state actors have published strategies for maritime securit... more A substantial number of state and non-state actors have published strategies for maritime security and governance in the last decade. These strategies have been criticized in the sense that they do not reflect the ever-changing nature of security context. The critics mostly deal with adaptation to new risks and threats from an anthropocentric perspective. This study instead focuses on the comparison of the classical and post-classical ontologies of security. It assumes that the classical ontology of security enables certain assumptions while ignoring others. Thus, an ontological critique appears to be a necessity to address the security concerns of the complex global security context adequately. With this, this paper contributes to Christian Bueger's maritime security matrix from a paradigm-oriented approach. As a result, the paper makes a case for the post-classical ontology of security and defines its main features as diffusion, interrelation, adaptation, non-linearity, and inclusiveness.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmology of the Ergene River Pollution

Arcadia, 2019

How to cite: Dedeoğlu, Çağdaş. “Cosmology of the Ergene River Pollution.” Environment & Society P... more How to cite: Dedeoğlu, Çağdaş. “Cosmology of the Ergene River Pollution.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Autumn 2019), no. 38. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Toxic Bios: Toxic Autobiographies—A Public Environmental Humanities Project

Environmental Justice, 2019

In this article, we present Toxic Bios, a public environmental humanities (EH) project that aims ... more In this article, we present Toxic Bios, a public environmental humanities (EH) project that aims to coproduce, gather, and make visible stories of contamination and resistance. To explain the rationale of the project and its potentialities, first we offer a brief reflection on the field of the EH and its (possible) contribution to environmental justice research, then, we illustrate the guerrilla narrative strategy experimented through the project.

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Research paper thumbnail of NATO's Energy Security Agenda and US Strategy

Energy and Diplomacy Journal, 2015

This paper examines North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as one of the most important instru... more This paper examines North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as one of the most important instruments of the U.S. Strategy from energy security perspective. The main purpose, here, is to discuss the evolution of NATO in late 2000s and to show how it was designed in that period as a dimension of the U.S. Strategy for sustaining energy security. The paper argues that NATO has been transformed in various ways and the process was mainly managed by the U.S. Administration. Therefore, an analogy between the transformation of NATO and the U.S. Administration’s priorities about energy security in late 2000s can be made. Today, natural gas is also a key factor together with oil. Any state’s target to expand its circle and area of interest towards Middle East can be associated with distribution of oil reserves. On the other hand, when it comes to Eurosia, natural gas also becomes key element of energy activities. As a result of efforts of the late 2000s, NATO came to a position that was compatible with the U.S. Strategy. It can be said that the U.S. Strategy had produced a threat perception to unify NATO members for the purpose of influencing energy game. On the other hand, the confrontations in Georgia before or in Ukraine last year show that the Alliance cannot resolve every conflict in its own terms.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenlik Bağlamında Risk ve Risk Yönetimi (Risk Management in the Context of Security [in Turkish])](

GSD, 5(10), 9-34, 2009

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Papers by Cagdas Dedeoglu

[Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19, Posthüman Güvenlik ve Canlılığın Geleceği (COVID-19, Posthuman Security, and the Future of Life [in Turkish])](

ATASAREN Bülteni, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Islam and Climate Engineering

Playing God? Multi-Faith Responses to the Prospect of Climate Engineering, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of the study of religion and nature to adaptive co-management in polycentric climate governance

INOGOV WP Series, 2018

The latest developments in climate change science and policy counter the traditional political an... more The latest developments in climate change science and policy counter the traditional political and economic global structure. In this paper, approaching climate change as a collective action problem, I focused on adaptive co-management (ACM) as an innovative management concept. I assumed that the ACM might help us to inaugurate an inclusive social-ecological contract among humans, and between humans and other species. With the aim of enhancing the concept of adaptive co-management, I benefitted from the analytical studies conducted in the field of religion and nature. I first reviewed the literatures on adaptive co-management, and on religion and nature. Further, I elaborated the concepts of religion, religiosity, and Homo religiosus as well as the development of the religion and nature discipline. I then scrutinized the religious dimension of the ACM, and evaluated the religious challenges to it, using the findings of selected studies. Finally, I discussed the implications of the human mind’s comprehension of (ecological) reality. The conceptual discussion confirmed by the findings indicated that the hegemonic regime of truth still rests on an egocentric cosmology, and this attitude is independent of whether it relies on monotheistic faith or positivist science. In either case, human beings display the characteristics of Homo religiosus, connecting to reality in a dogmatic way.

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Books by Cagdas Dedeoglu

[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenliğin Doğası Doğanın Güvenliği (Nature of Security, Security of Nature [in Turkish])](

Paraf Yayınları, Nov 2013

A monograph focusing on the concept of security from both theoretical and historical aspects; and... more A monograph focusing on the concept of security from both theoretical and historical aspects; and discussing alternatives such as environmental security and ecological security using the case study of Ergene River Basin in Turkey.

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Book Chapters by Cagdas Dedeoglu

Research paper thumbnail of Reading (Through) COVID 19: Towards a Posthumanist Strategy in Higher Education

Teaching in the Post COVID-19 Era, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of "Hey Siri: Do You Believe in God?" A Posthuman Exposé of Belief Bias in AI Programming

Technology and Theology, 2020

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in various sectors ranging from h... more The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in various sectors ranging from health and education to banking and insurance has changed the way we experience the world. However, the development of AI is not free from ethical and religious issues. In this chapter, I have aimed to bridge the gap between the studies of the ethics of AI with theology and AI. For this, I have employed a qualitative content analysis of interview data gathered from the four well-known AI personal assistants. I have approached the literature on religion, theology, and AI from a posthuman religious perspective as well as benefit from the studies on Natural Learning Processing and dialogue systems. I have offered a preliminary analysis showing that the programming of AI personal assistants, for belief related questions, can be biased towards commonsense knowledge shaped by humanist, dualist, and anthropocentric worldviews.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenliğin Ontolojileri ve Ekolojik Güvenlik (The Ontologies of Security and Ecological Security [in Turkish])](

Küresel Ekolojik Güvenlik Uluslararasi Sempozyum Kitabi, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Modern Is not Secular: Mapping the Idea of Secularism in the Works of Steve Bruce, Charles Taylor, and Talal Asad

Revisiting Secularism in Theory and Practice: Genealogy and Cases, 2020

This chapter attempted to do three things: 1) Discuss the idea of secularism in the exemplary wor... more This chapter attempted to do three things:

  1. Discuss the idea of secularism in the exemplary works of three scholars having diverse onto-epistemologies
  2. Distinguish between "secular" and "secularism"
  3. Introduce the concept of Green Secularism

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenliğin Doğası Doğanın Güvenliği Üzerine Bazı Notlar (Some Notes on the Nature of Security, the Security of Nature [in Turkish])](

Devlet Doğasının Değişimi: Güvenliğin Sınırları (TASAM Yayınları), 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of Çin'in Büyük Stratejisi Açısından Suriye (Syria in China's Grand Strategy [in Turkish])](

Uluslararası Politikada Suriye Krizi (Beta Yayınları), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Posthuman citizenship

Citizenship Studies, 2023

Citizenship and the posthuman have not been often theorized together. In this paper, I want to th... more Citizenship and the posthuman have not been often theorized together. In this paper, I want to think about their coalition both as a new episode in the efforts of politics for citizenship, including knowledge politics, and as a source of rebalancing power against governmental and corporate interests in citizenship politics. Here, I seek to address two questions: (1) What is posthuman citizenship? (2) What does posthuman citizenship bring to analysis of intersectional, complex, and multi-layered struggles of citizenship? Section I of the article addresses possible conceptual connections between citizenship and posthumanism at the posthuman political system level. Section II concentrates on a posthuman genealogy of citizenship to show why posthuman citizenship is a much-needed ontopolitical praxis. Section III details the main principles of posthuman citizenship with respect to mediation of rights, political agency, and political responsibility. The paper contributes to the understanding of politics of/for citizenship with two concepts: augmented political responsibility and posthuman deeds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Metahuman Futures Forum and Ontological Therapies

Journal of Posthumanism, 2023

This special issue is dedicated to the 1 st Metahuman Futures Forum held in Lesvos on 1-2 October... more This special issue is dedicated to the 1 st Metahuman Futures Forum held in Lesvos on 1-2 October 2022, as part of the Bodynet-Khorós project co-funded by the European Union 3 and contains part of the theoretical research of the project. The issue comprises a collection of seven papers, a book review, and the Metahuman Futures Manifesto, all of which contribute to the understanding of metahumanism and its relationship with posthumanism and transhumanism in the age of planetary holocaust.

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Research paper thumbnail of Posthumanism for Sustainability: A Scoping Review

Journal of Posthumanism, 2023

The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between posthumanism and sustainability ... more The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between posthumanism and sustainability and contribute to the interdisciplinary concept of posthuman sustainability. We conducted a scoping review of 45 peer-reviewed journal articles that met our inclusion criteria and employed co-occurrence analysis based on the clustering techniques of the VOSviewer. We identified five themes within the articles: post-humanism, post-anthropocentrism, post-dualism, post-Enlightenment, and post-technologism. Through our analysis, we found that posthumanism can offer insights into ecological issues and help promote alternative sustainable practices. We also identified three immediate concerns for post/humanities scholars: (1) fostering dialogue between critical humanist and posthumanist scholarship based on onto-epistemological plurality, (2) achieving conceptual clarity in the field, and (3) advocating for meaningful engagement with indigenous worldviews in a multidimensional and multitemporal manner. By exploring the relationship between posthumanism and sustainability, we hope to expand our knowledge of the urgent ecological issues we face and contribute to interdisciplinary efforts to address them.

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Research paper thumbnail of Riverine Plastic Pollution in Asia: Results from a Bibliometric Assessment

Land, Jul 21, 2022

Rivers are important ecosystems, vital to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of humans and o... more Rivers are important ecosystems, vital to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of humans and other species. Despite their environmental, social, and economic importance, current use of rivers is unsustainable, due to a combination of solid waste and high levels of pollutants. Plastic materials are among the most predominant of such pollutants. Based on the need for additional research in this area, this study examines pressures put to rivers and explores trends related to riverine plastic pollution, with a focus on Asia. Apart from the bibliometric analysis, and relying on the collected information, examples describing the drivers of riverine plastic pollution in a sample of Asian countries are described, outlining the specific problem and its scope. Among some of the results obtained from it, mention can be made to the fact that much of the literature focuses on plastic pollution as a whole and less on one of its most significant ramifications, namely microplastics. Additionally, there is a need related to data availability on riverine plastic data and improving the understanding of transport mechanisms in relation to riverine plastic emission into the ocean. The results from this study illustrate the significance of the problems posed by plastic waste to Asian rivers and point out the fact that there are still significant gaps in respect of regulations and standards, which prevent improvements that are highlighted in this study. Based on the results of this bibliometric assessment, specific measures via which levels of riverine plastic pollution may be reduced are presented, bringing relevant new insights on this topic beyond the existing reviews.

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Research paper thumbnail of Information Infrastructures and the Future of Ecological Citizenship in the Anthropocene

Social Sciences, 2020

In the last two decades, the concept of ecological citizenship has become a recurrent theme in bo... more In the last two decades, the concept of ecological citizenship has become a recurrent theme in both popular and academic discussions. Discussions around the prospects of, and limitations to, ecological citizenship have mostly focused on the idea of political agency and the civic responsibility of individuals in relation to their environments, with an emphasis on environmental justice and sustainability. However, the current scholarship has yet to adequately characterize its conceptual bases and empirical applications from an information perspective. Therefore, this paper provides an overview of citizenship studies and infrastructure studies for developing more nuanced understanding(s) of epistemological models for ecological citizenship in our networked world. Drawing on the literature on information infrastructure, this paper then proposes a conceptual framework to understand ecological citizenship as constituted both discursively and techno-materially through neoliberal, anthropocentric information infrastructures.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ontology of Security and Its Implications for Maritime Security

GSD, 2019

A substantial number of state and non-state actors have published strategies for maritime securit... more A substantial number of state and non-state actors have published strategies for maritime security and governance in the last decade. These strategies have been criticized in the sense that they do not reflect the ever-changing nature of security context. The critics mostly deal with adaptation to new risks and threats from an anthropocentric perspective. This study instead focuses on the comparison of the classical and post-classical ontologies of security. It assumes that the classical ontology of security enables certain assumptions while ignoring others. Thus, an ontological critique appears to be a necessity to address the security concerns of the complex global security context adequately. With this, this paper contributes to Christian Bueger's maritime security matrix from a paradigm-oriented approach. As a result, the paper makes a case for the post-classical ontology of security and defines its main features as diffusion, interrelation, adaptation, non-linearity, and inclusiveness.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmology of the Ergene River Pollution

Arcadia, 2019

How to cite: Dedeoğlu, Çağdaş. “Cosmology of the Ergene River Pollution.” Environment & Society P... more How to cite: Dedeoğlu, Çağdaş. “Cosmology of the Ergene River Pollution.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Autumn 2019), no. 38. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Toxic Bios: Toxic Autobiographies—A Public Environmental Humanities Project

Environmental Justice, 2019

In this article, we present Toxic Bios, a public environmental humanities (EH) project that aims ... more In this article, we present Toxic Bios, a public environmental humanities (EH) project that aims to coproduce, gather, and make visible stories of contamination and resistance. To explain the rationale of the project and its potentialities, first we offer a brief reflection on the field of the EH and its (possible) contribution to environmental justice research, then, we illustrate the guerrilla narrative strategy experimented through the project.

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Research paper thumbnail of NATO's Energy Security Agenda and US Strategy

Energy and Diplomacy Journal, 2015

This paper examines North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as one of the most important instru... more This paper examines North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as one of the most important instruments of the U.S. Strategy from energy security perspective. The main purpose, here, is to discuss the evolution of NATO in late 2000s and to show how it was designed in that period as a dimension of the U.S. Strategy for sustaining energy security. The paper argues that NATO has been transformed in various ways and the process was mainly managed by the U.S. Administration. Therefore, an analogy between the transformation of NATO and the U.S. Administration’s priorities about energy security in late 2000s can be made. Today, natural gas is also a key factor together with oil. Any state’s target to expand its circle and area of interest towards Middle East can be associated with distribution of oil reserves. On the other hand, when it comes to Eurosia, natural gas also becomes key element of energy activities. As a result of efforts of the late 2000s, NATO came to a position that was compatible with the U.S. Strategy. It can be said that the U.S. Strategy had produced a threat perception to unify NATO members for the purpose of influencing energy game. On the other hand, the confrontations in Georgia before or in Ukraine last year show that the Alliance cannot resolve every conflict in its own terms.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenlik Bağlamında Risk ve Risk Yönetimi (Risk Management in the Context of Security [in Turkish])](

GSD, 5(10), 9-34, 2009

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[Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19, Posthüman Güvenlik ve Canlılığın Geleceği (COVID-19, Posthuman Security, and the Future of Life [in Turkish])](

ATASAREN Bülteni, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Islam and Climate Engineering

Playing God? Multi-Faith Responses to the Prospect of Climate Engineering, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of the study of religion and nature to adaptive co-management in polycentric climate governance

INOGOV WP Series, 2018

The latest developments in climate change science and policy counter the traditional political an... more The latest developments in climate change science and policy counter the traditional political and economic global structure. In this paper, approaching climate change as a collective action problem, I focused on adaptive co-management (ACM) as an innovative management concept. I assumed that the ACM might help us to inaugurate an inclusive social-ecological contract among humans, and between humans and other species. With the aim of enhancing the concept of adaptive co-management, I benefitted from the analytical studies conducted in the field of religion and nature. I first reviewed the literatures on adaptive co-management, and on religion and nature. Further, I elaborated the concepts of religion, religiosity, and Homo religiosus as well as the development of the religion and nature discipline. I then scrutinized the religious dimension of the ACM, and evaluated the religious challenges to it, using the findings of selected studies. Finally, I discussed the implications of the human mind’s comprehension of (ecological) reality. The conceptual discussion confirmed by the findings indicated that the hegemonic regime of truth still rests on an egocentric cosmology, and this attitude is independent of whether it relies on monotheistic faith or positivist science. In either case, human beings display the characteristics of Homo religiosus, connecting to reality in a dogmatic way.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenliğin Doğası Doğanın Güvenliği (Nature of Security, Security of Nature [in Turkish])](

Paraf Yayınları, Nov 2013

A monograph focusing on the concept of security from both theoretical and historical aspects; and... more A monograph focusing on the concept of security from both theoretical and historical aspects; and discussing alternatives such as environmental security and ecological security using the case study of Ergene River Basin in Turkey.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reading (Through) COVID 19: Towards a Posthumanist Strategy in Higher Education

Teaching in the Post COVID-19 Era, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of "Hey Siri: Do You Believe in God?" A Posthuman Exposé of Belief Bias in AI Programming

Technology and Theology, 2020

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in various sectors ranging from h... more The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in various sectors ranging from health and education to banking and insurance has changed the way we experience the world. However, the development of AI is not free from ethical and religious issues. In this chapter, I have aimed to bridge the gap between the studies of the ethics of AI with theology and AI. For this, I have employed a qualitative content analysis of interview data gathered from the four well-known AI personal assistants. I have approached the literature on religion, theology, and AI from a posthuman religious perspective as well as benefit from the studies on Natural Learning Processing and dialogue systems. I have offered a preliminary analysis showing that the programming of AI personal assistants, for belief related questions, can be biased towards commonsense knowledge shaped by humanist, dualist, and anthropocentric worldviews.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenliğin Ontolojileri ve Ekolojik Güvenlik (The Ontologies of Security and Ecological Security [in Turkish])](

Küresel Ekolojik Güvenlik Uluslararasi Sempozyum Kitabi, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Modern Is not Secular: Mapping the Idea of Secularism in the Works of Steve Bruce, Charles Taylor, and Talal Asad

Revisiting Secularism in Theory and Practice: Genealogy and Cases, 2020

This chapter attempted to do three things: 1) Discuss the idea of secularism in the exemplary wor... more This chapter attempted to do three things:

  1. Discuss the idea of secularism in the exemplary works of three scholars having diverse onto-epistemologies
  2. Distinguish between "secular" and "secularism"
  3. Introduce the concept of Green Secularism

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[Research paper thumbnail of Güvenliğin Doğası Doğanın Güvenliği Üzerine Bazı Notlar (Some Notes on the Nature of Security, the Security of Nature [in Turkish])](

Devlet Doğasının Değişimi: Güvenliğin Sınırları (TASAM Yayınları), 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of Çin'in Büyük Stratejisi Açısından Suriye (Syria in China's Grand Strategy [in Turkish])](

Uluslararası Politikada Suriye Krizi (Beta Yayınları), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The Contradictions of Erdoganism: Political Triumph versus Socio-Cultural Failure

Another Brick in the Barricade (Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung), 2015\_title&titleID=37 „After more than two years, what has r... more

„After more than two years, what has remained of the Gezi Park protests?“ „Is Gezi`s critique of political power still valid?“ „What has changed after Gezi?“ These valid questions linger; not properly answered, not yet properly discussed. Perhaps Gezi`s enduring effects and legacy can be discovered in the resistances, dissents and practices of political critique that have been created since June 2013. In this book, fourteen authors discuss and elaborate on such questions from both political and quotidian perspectives.
Critique of the power of the multitude, the anthropology and ethnography of resistance, the causes, effects and continuity of the Gezi Park protests are among the issues covered in „Another Brick in the Barricade: The Gezi Resistance and Its Aftermath.“ This book does not offer all-explaining narratives of singular objective truths. It does not represent the whole of the multitude. A wide perspective of analyses ranging from political science to sociology, psychology to anthropology, economics to media studies consider Gezi resistance not only as an exceptional state of resistance, but also in terms of the new possibilities it offers for political critique. These possibilities constitute the fieldwork for academic studies, which in turn become part of social struggle.
This volume seeks to make diversity its distinguishing aspect. The phenomena it considers - Gezi and its aftermath - requires this. The interdisciplinary approach and variety of discussions in the volume provide not just critique about power and dominance in Turkey, but also inspire resistance against domination and power around the world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Posthumanisms beyond Disciplines

Journal of Posthumanism, 2021

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[Research paper thumbnail of İnsana Dair Her Şeyi İnsanın Ötesinde Düşünmek (Thinking About Everything That Is Human From a Posthuman Perspective [in Turkish])](

Pasajlar Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

Posthümanizm sayısı Önsöz'ü / The Preface to Pasajlar's Issue (No 7) on Posthumanism

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Research paper thumbnail of 2. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi – UKAY 2010 Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı ve CD’si (The Proceedings of 2nd National Solid Waste Management Congress – UKAY 2010)

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Research paper thumbnail of The review of Tanhum S. Yoreh, Waste Not: A Jewish Environmental Ethics

JSRNC, 2021

As a scholar who worked for an NGO on waste management in the past and re ects on questions roote... more As a scholar who worked for an NGO on waste management in the past and re ects on questions rooted in religion, science, and environmental ethics, I was caught by this book's call to go beyond the dichotomy of dominion vs. stewardship and to understand the Jewish concept of bal tashhit (waste not) as an environmental principle. During the pandemic we have witnessed a dramatic increase in waste production, which mainly stemmed from disposable plastics. What we have experienced has important implications for the study of religion, nature, and culture. Waste Not provides us with a perspective to understand these implications within a broader environmental framework.

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Research paper thumbnail of The review of Francesca Ferrando, Philosophical Posthumanism

JSRNC, 2021

What makes Philosophical Posthumanism a generous and creative work is Francesca Ferrando's 'appre... more What makes Philosophical Posthumanism a generous and creative work is Francesca Ferrando's 'appreciation of the paradoxical structure of the posthuman condition itself', as put by Rosi Braidotti (p. xi). The book attempts to explain this paradoxical structure around three main questions, corresponding to the three parts: '(1) What is Philosophical Posthumanism? (2) Of which "human" is the posthuman a "post"? (3) Have humans always been posthuman?' (p. 1). Ferrando then lists 237 guiding questions (but the reader can nd more in the text) and addresses them throughout the following 30 dense chapters. To position philosophical posthumanism within other 'isms' utilizing the concept of 'human', Ferrando deals with a range of themes from transhumanism and antihumanism to arti cial intelligence, bioengineering, and ecology. Considering that religion and nature scholars have also been addressing similar questions for the last couple of decades, I believe this book may help to better integrate posthuman aspirations with the nexus of religion, nature, and culture. At the very beginning of the book, Ferrando de nes philosophical posthumanism as 'an onto-epistemological approach, as well as an ethical one, manifesting as a philosophy of mediation, which discharges any confrontational dualisms and hierarchical legacies; this is why it can be approached as a post-humanism, a postanthropocentrism, and a post-dualism' (p. 22). The very emphasis on approaching philosophical posthumanism as a post-humanism, a post-anthropocentrism, and a post-dualism continues throughout the book. Underlying the importance of an 'awareness of the limits of previous humanistic, anthropocentric, and dualistic assumptions: from epistemology to ontology, from bioethics to an existential inquiry' (p. 55), the author deconstructs these assumptions. While the rst part of the book primarily focuses on the dimensions of post-humanism and post-anthropocentrism, the third part gives priority to post-anthropocentrism and post-dualism. The second part bridges these two through a questioning of the sociopolitical, economic, and symbolic construction of the 'human' and the 'scienti c' framing of the Homo sapiens. The rst part traces the genealogy of posthumanism, paying attention to its connections with postmodernism, transhumanism, and antihumanism. The reader learns that the literature around the concepts of posthuman and posthumanism has been accumulating since Ihab Hassan's postmodern critique titled 'Prometheus as Performer: Toward a Posthumanist Critique?' that was published in 1977 (p. 25). By classifying Katherine Hayles' How We Became Posthuman (1999) as an example of critical posthumanism, and Donna Haraway's 'A Manifesto for Cyborgs' (1985) as a

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Research paper thumbnail of The review of Murat Akan, The Politics of Secularism: Religion, Diversity, and Institutional Change in France and Turkey

Critical Research on Religion, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Alan Mikhail, Under Osman's Tree: The Ottoman Empire Egypt and Environmental History

JSRNC, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Azza Basarudin, Humanizing the Sacred: Sisters in Islam and the Struggle for Gender Justice in Malaysia

Religion & Gender, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Amin Saikal, Iran: At the Crossroads

Nations and Nationalism, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Hümanizm ve Demokratik Eleştiri (Humanism and Democratic Criticism, Edward W. Said)

Alfa Yayınları, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Eleştirel Düşünme İçin Bir Rehber (Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking)

Alfa Yayınları, 2017

Özellikle 'genç' beyinlerin, kendi görüş ve iddialarını sorgulamalarına ve gündelik olaylara iliş... more Özellikle 'genç' beyinlerin, kendi görüş ve iddialarını sorgulamalarına ve gündelik olaylara ilişkin akıl yürütmede en fazla karşılaşılan sorunların analizi temelinde bakış açılarını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak kitabın iki temel amacı olarak öne çıkıyor. Zaten eserin gücü de en hassas felsefi tartışmaları en somut örneklerle okuyucunun önüne getirmesinden kaynaklanıyor. Birinci bölüm temel kavramları açıklarken; ikinci bölüm eleştirel düşünmenin önündeki en yaygın engelleri tanımlıyor ve son bölüm ise bu engellerin üstesinden gelebilmek için bazı stratejiler öneriyor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Afrodit (Aphrodite)

Paraf Yayınları, Sep 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of NATO Civil-Military Interaction Seminar Keynote Presentation

Keynote Lecture @ NRDC-T Civil-Military Interaction Seminar 13-14 November 2018 Istanbul

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Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Bir Toplum için İnsanötesi Politik-Etik Bir Çerçeve Önerisi


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Research paper thumbnail of Röportaj - Çağdaş Dedeoğlu: “Politik Ekoloji, Ezilenlerin Ekolojisine Odaklanmamızı Sağlayabilir” (An interview in Turkish)

Hemhâl, 2021

"Yorkville Üniversitesi Genel Çalışmalar Programı Öğretim Üyesi, Eleştirel Din Çalışmaları Merkez... more "Yorkville Üniversitesi Genel Çalışmalar Programı Öğretim Üyesi, Eleştirel Din Çalışmaları Merkezi Araştırmacısı ve Journal of Posthumanism Kurucu Editörü Dr. Çağdaş Dedeoğlu ile din ve doğa ilişkisini, posthümanizm çalışmalarını ve gezegenin geleceğini politik ekoloji perspektifinden ele alan bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdik. İlginize sunarız..."

In this interview, Dr. Cagdas Dedeoglu responds to a variety of questions about our pressing techno-ecological issues at the intersections of Political Ecology, Posthumanism, Security, and the Study of Religion and Nature.

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Research paper thumbnail of İklim Değişikliğine Etik-Dinsel Bir Bakış

Hem Hal

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Research paper thumbnail of Edward Said ve Posthümanizm (in Turkish)

EK Dergi, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Çevirenin Önsözü - Eleştirel Düşünme İçin Bir Rehber (in Turkish)

Şu anda elinizde tuttuğunuz kitabın Türkçeye çevrilmesi fikri Eleştirel Düşünme, Yaratıcılık ve G... more Şu anda elinizde tuttuğunuz kitabın Türkçeye çevrilmesi fikri Eleştirel Düşünme, Yaratıcılık ve Girişimcilik dersini üniversitede ilk kez vermeye başladığım dönemde, giriştiğim kaynak arayışları sonucunda ortaya çıktı. Arayışlarım sırasında, eleştirel düşünme alanında daha önce Türkçeye çevrilmiş bazı kaynaklara rastlamış fakat karşılaştığım içerikten tam olarak tatmin olmamıştım. O esnada Duyguların Ötesinde (Eleştirel Düşünme İçin Bir Rehber) derin fakat kolay anlaşılabilir bir eser olarak dikkatimi çekti. Söz konusu kitap, eleştirel düşünme için bir rehber olma iddiası taşıyordu. Sonraki dönemde öğrencilerimle bu kitap çerçevesinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz tartışmalar bir yandan oldukça keyifli diğer yandan da düşündürücüydü.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hâkim kozmolojinin iflası - De/Da Dergisi (in Turkish)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mitoloji, Din ve Bilim: İnsan Kaynaklı İklim Değişikliğinin Politikası - Yeşil Gazete (in Turkish)

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Research paper thumbnail of Myth, Religion and Science: Politics of Framing Anthropogenic Climate Change - CRR Blog

We, as human beings, always seek some explanations in our life, mainly due to physical and psycho... more We, as human beings, always seek some explanations in our life, mainly due to physical and psychological survival needs, and we do so based on some assumptions: our realities that we exchange with others. This is also true for explaining disasters. We all try to explain a disaster we face with our perception of reality. In their work about 'appraising the meaning of disaster', Grandjean et. al (2008: 195) state that 'the human tendency to expect an effect proportionate to its cause could be the ultimate origin of our perception of justice'. In other words, our perception of justice is something related to our comprehension of reality. The question of why I faced this or that situation in my life is, in fact, a question about the perception of justice. Its implication is clear: Did I deserve this? While Irma was churning through Central Florida, I was at the University of Florida campus with six other friends (two dogs and four humans), thinking about human-nonhuman interaction, and asking how we should reframe reality to sustain eco-justice in this world. Today, we sadly know that Irma took a heavy toll on the human and nonhuman species, as Harvey and many other hurricanes did before and Maria caused later. More than 50 people in the US and the Caribbean are no longer alive and more will probably face a huge economic burden. And equally important is the loss of animals, trees, and other members of our ecosystems. For what reason? Did they really deserve this? Not surprisingly, people from different parts of society have antithetical views regarding these questions. So first let me try to classify these views and make an attempt to synthesize them. During and after Irma, we have read news and watched videos about contrary opinions, e.g. the ones seeing disaster as a way of how God punishes the sinful people (Milbank, 2017), and the others insisting on a scientific understanding of the climate events and linking them to climate change (Lewis, King and Perkins-Kirkpatrick, 2017; King, 2017). Obviously, freedom of belief and freedom of speech are integral dimensions of the democratic society and people are free to express their opinions. However, the citizens must be solidly informed to struggle against ignorance, arrogance and hate speech. Therefore, we must critically examine our frames of mind.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Bretton Woods Konferansı (The Bretton Woods Conference [in Turkish])](

Tarihe Yön Veren 100 Olay (Hürriyet Kitap), 2018

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[Research paper thumbnail of Savaş Ekonomileri, 1914-45 (War Economies, 1914-1945 [in Turkish])](

Tarihe Yön Veren 100 Olay (Hürriyet Kitap), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Eko-merkezcilik temelinde düşünebilmek: The Ecological Citizen - Yeşil Gazete (in Turkish)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Theory of Evolution and Monotheism in Turkey A Political Ecology Debate - CRR Blog

The deprecatory attitude towards the theory of evolution the sake of so-called religion, exemplif... more The deprecatory attitude towards the theory of evolution the sake of so-called religion, exemplified by the two professors during the program, is the crux of this essay.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gorilden değerli mi? - Yeşil Gazete (in Turkish)

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Research paper thumbnail of An Undisciplined Rationality - ENTITLE Blog

Here I argued that neoliberalism, as the outcome of one-dimensional thinking, is no more than a h... more Here I argued that neoliberalism, as the outcome of one-dimensional thinking, is no more than a historical sequence. If we re-interpret neoliberalism as a mythology (we can also call this mystification " ideology "), we might have a chance to shape the future independently from today's dominant power configurations. And in order to do this, we must interfere in the dominant rationality in an undisciplined way.

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Research paper thumbnail of Homo-Religiosus and the Banalization of the Ecological Crisis - ENTITLE Blog

Throughout history, hegemonic power has appeared as the king, the caliphate, the shepherd of the ... more Throughout history, hegemonic power has appeared as the king, the caliphate, the shepherd of the earth, the head of the state, etc – all of which have re-produced the masculine hierarchy-based understanding of nature. This is why political ecology, as a tool to investigate the links between political decisions and ecological outcomes, can and must also investigate the historicity of those links.

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Research paper thumbnail of K. (in Turkish)

A Collaborative Book Project against the Abortion Law in Turkey / "K" stands for "woman"

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Research paper thumbnail of It’s Time to Secure Justice in the World and Leave God to the Individual or What Gezi Park Resistance Reveals -

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Research paper thumbnail of Kavramlar Hiyerarşisinden Sıyrılabilmek: Çin Felsefesi Tarihi (in Turkish)

Gelenekten Geleceğe

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Research paper thumbnail of Solid Wastes and Climate Change

The Proceedings of Turkish-German Solid Wastes Day (ISBN: 978-3-8356-3228)

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Posthumanism 2023 Call for Editors

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Posthumanism - Call for Papers -Metahuman Futures Special Issue

Deadline: 6 January 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of General Call for Papers 2023 "Posthumanities as Praxis" - Journal of Posthumanism

Journal of Posthumanism

We currently seek submissions for our 2023 issues. Submission of full-length articles, commentari... more We currently seek submissions for our 2023 issues. Submission of full-length articles, commentaries, interviews, book reviews, and artistic works may be made online via our online submission portal.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Special Issue Proposals "Posthuman IR and Security" - Journal of Posthumanism

Journal of Posthumanism, 2023

The Journal of Posthumanism welcomes proposals for a special issue on a theme related to posthuma... more The Journal of Posthumanism welcomes proposals for a special issue on a theme related to posthuman international relations and security (broadly defined).

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Posthumanism invites articles for the 2nd issue in 2021!

Journal of Posthumanism, 2021

Deadline: 2 August 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers - Journal of Posthumanism

Journal of Posthumanism, 2021

We've launched a new multilingual journal, the Journal of Posthumanism, to address some key quest... more We've launched a new multilingual journal, the Journal of Posthumanism, to address some key questions of our time beyond disciplinary boundaries. Here is the CfP for the inaugural issue:
Deadline: January 22, 2021

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[Research paper thumbnail of Pasajlar - Posthümanizm [Ocak 2021] Sayısı için Davet](

Son gönderim tarihi güncellendi: 22 Kasım 2020. Pasajlar Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi’nin bu özel say... more Son gönderim tarihi güncellendi: 22 Kasım 2020.

Pasajlar Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi’nin bu özel sayısı, insana dair her şeyi insanın ötesine geçen bilgiyle yeniden ele alan bir akademik yazının ortaya çıkışına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaca bağlı olarak posthüman durumu dikkate alan anlayışları Türkçe literatürün gündemine taşımayı, henüz yeterince tartışılmamış kavram, ilişki ve yaklaşımları tartışmayı ve sonuçta “hangi insan” ve “nasıl bir yaşam” gibi sorulara verilebilecek yanıtların zenginliğini göstermeyi hedeflemektedir.

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