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Districts in Nepal are second level of administrative divisions after provinces. Districts are subdivided in municipalities and rural municipalities. There are seven provinces and 77 districts in Nepal. After the state's reconstruction of administrative divisions, Nawalparasi District and Rukum District were divided into Parasi District (officially Nawalparasi (West of Bardaghat Susta) District) and Nawalpur District (officially Nawalparasi (East of Bardaghat Susta) District), and Eastern Rukum District and Western Rukum District respectively. District official include: * Chief District Officer, an official under Ministry of Home Affairs is appointed by the government as the highest administrative officer in a district. The C.D.O is responsible for proper inspection of all the departments in a district such as health, education, security and all other government offices. * District Coordination Committee acts as an executive to the District Assembly. The DCC coordinates with the Provincial Assembly to establish coordination between the Provincial Assembly and rural municipalities and municipalities and to settle disputes, if any, of political nature. It also maintains coordination between the provincial and Federal government and the local bodies in the district. (en) Le Népal est subdivisé en 77 « districts » (en népalais : जिल्ला, jillā), regroupés en sept « provinces », conformément à la Constitution népalaise de 2015. Auparavant, le Népal était subdivisé en 75 districts regroupés en quatorze « zones » (à raison de quatre à huit districts par zone), elles-mêmes regroupées en 5 régions de développement. (fr) Dit artikel beschrijft de districten van Nepal. De 14 zones van Nepal zijn onderverdeeld in 75 districten (Nepalees: िजल्ला of jillā). (nl) I distretti del Nepal (in lingua nepalese: जिल्ला, jillā) costituiscono la suddivisione territoriale di secondo livello del Paese, dopo le province, e ammontano a 77; ciascuno di essi si suddivide a sua volta in municipalità cittadine o rurali. (it) O Nepal está dividido em 75 distritos (जिल्ल, jilla), agrupadas em 14 zonas (de 4 a 8 distritos por zona). Por sua vez, os distritos estão divididos em municípios em 3 915 village development committees (tradução livre: "comités de desenvolvimento de aldeia") ou VDC's (em nepali: गाउँ विकास समिति; romaniz.: gāun bikās samiti) e em 58 municípios, sendo esta última designação reservada a localidades de caráter mais urbano do que rural. (pt) Dystrykt Nepalu – jednostka podziału administracyjnego Nepalu. Jest ich 75 w 14 strefach. Dystrykty to administracyjnie najbardziej aktywne jednostki podziału kraju. Dystrykty dzielą się dalej na: village development committee (VDC; "komitet rozwoju wsi") dla obszarów wiejskich lub dla obszarów miejskich. Ich liczba jest różna dla różnych dystryktów, np. Dystrykt Saptari ma 115 podjednostek, a Dystrykt Manang 15. Według podziału Nepalu według charakterystyki topograficznej, w górskim regionie kraju jest 16 dystryktów, we wzgórzystej 39, a na nizinach 20. (pl) |
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Le Népal est subdivisé en 77 « districts » (en népalais : जिल्ला, jillā), regroupés en sept « provinces », conformément à la Constitution népalaise de 2015. Auparavant, le Népal était subdivisé en 75 districts regroupés en quatorze « zones » (à raison de quatre à huit districts par zone), elles-mêmes regroupées en 5 régions de développement. (fr) Dit artikel beschrijft de districten van Nepal. De 14 zones van Nepal zijn onderverdeeld in 75 districten (Nepalees: िजल्ला of jillā). (nl) I distretti del Nepal (in lingua nepalese: जिल्ला, jillā) costituiscono la suddivisione territoriale di secondo livello del Paese, dopo le province, e ammontano a 77; ciascuno di essi si suddivide a sua volta in municipalità cittadine o rurali. (it) O Nepal está dividido em 75 distritos (जिल्ल, jilla), agrupadas em 14 zonas (de 4 a 8 distritos por zona). Por sua vez, os distritos estão divididos em municípios em 3 915 village development committees (tradução livre: "comités de desenvolvimento de aldeia") ou VDC's (em nepali: गाउँ विकास समिति; romaniz.: gāun bikās samiti) e em 58 municípios, sendo esta última designação reservada a localidades de caráter mais urbano do que rural. (pt) Dystrykt Nepalu – jednostka podziału administracyjnego Nepalu. Jest ich 75 w 14 strefach. Dystrykty to administracyjnie najbardziej aktywne jednostki podziału kraju. Dystrykty dzielą się dalej na: village development committee (VDC; "komitet rozwoju wsi") dla obszarów wiejskich lub dla obszarów miejskich. Ich liczba jest różna dla różnych dystryktów, np. Dystrykt Saptari ma 115 podjednostek, a Dystrykt Manang 15. Według podziału Nepalu według charakterystyki topograficznej, w górskim regionie kraju jest 16 dystryktów, we wzgórzystej 39, a na nizinach 20. (pl) Districts in Nepal are second level of administrative divisions after provinces. Districts are subdivided in municipalities and rural municipalities. There are seven provinces and 77 districts in Nepal. After the state's reconstruction of administrative divisions, Nawalparasi District and Rukum District were divided into Parasi District (officially Nawalparasi (West of Bardaghat Susta) District) and Nawalpur District (officially Nawalparasi (East of Bardaghat Susta) District), and Eastern Rukum District and Western Rukum District respectively. District official include: (en) |