French battleship Patrie (original) (raw)
La Patrie est un cuirassé pré-Dreadnought de la classe République construit pour la Marine française. Lancé en 1903, le navire entre en service en 1907 et rejoint l'escadre de Méditerranée où il est encore lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914. Avec son sister-ship le République, il participe au combat d'Antivari puis au blocus de la flotte austro-hongroise dans la mer Adriatique jusqu'en 1916, où les deux navires rejoignent Thessalonique et les eaux grecques qu'ils ne quittent plus jusqu'à la fin de la Guerre. La Patrie est mise en réserve en 1919, transformée en navire-école de torpillage puis démolie en 1928.
Property | Value |
dbo:MeanOfTransportation/length | 135250.0 |
dbo:abstract | Patrie was the second and final member of the République class of pre-dreadnought battleships of the French Navy built between her keel laying in April 1902 and her commissioning in July 1907. Armed with a main battery of four 305 mm (12.0 in) guns, she was outclassed before even entering service by the revolutionary British battleship HMS Dreadnought, that had been commissioned the previous December and was armed with a battery of ten guns of the same caliber. Though built to an obsolescent design, Patrie proved to be a workhorse of the French fleet, particularly during World War I. During the ship's peacetime career, Patrie served with the Mediterranean Squadron; this period was occupied with training exercises and cruises in the western Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. She served as the squadron's flagship until replaced by newer vessels in 1911. Following the outbreak of war in July 1914, Patrie was used to escort troopship convoys carrying elements of the French Army from French North Africa to face the Germans invading northern France. She thereafter steamed to contain the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the Adriatic Sea, taking part in the minor Battle of Antivari in August. The increasing threat of Austro-Hungarian U-boats and the unwillingness of the Austro-Hungarian fleet to engage in battle led to a period of inactivity that ended with a transfer of the vessel to the Dardanelles Division fighting in the Gallipoli Campaign, where she bombarded Ottoman forces. Following the Allied withdrawal from Gallipoli in 1916, Patrie became involved in events in Greece, being stationed in Salonika to put pressure on the Greek government to enter the war on the side of the Allies. She contributed men to a landing party that went ashore in Athens to support a pro-Allied coup. She saw little activity in 1917 and 1918 after the coup succeeded. Following the end of the war in late 1918, she was sent to Constantinople to support the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, though she took no active role and served as a barracks ship. She then became a training ship, a role she filled in one capacity or another until 1936, when she was withdrawn from service and sold for scrap the following year. (en) La Patrie est un cuirassé pré-Dreadnought de la classe République construit pour la Marine française. Lancé en 1903, le navire entre en service en 1907 et rejoint l'escadre de Méditerranée où il est encore lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914. Avec son sister-ship le République, il participe au combat d'Antivari puis au blocus de la flotte austro-hongroise dans la mer Adriatique jusqu'en 1916, où les deux navires rejoignent Thessalonique et les eaux grecques qu'ils ne quittent plus jusqu'à la fin de la Guerre. La Patrie est mise en réserve en 1919, transformée en navire-école de torpillage puis démolie en 1928. (fr) O Patrie foi um couraçado pré-dreadnought operado pela Marinha Nacional Francesa e a segunda e última embarcação da Classe République, depois do République. Sua construção começou em abril de 1902 na Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée e foi lançado ao mar em dezembro do ano seguinte, sendo comissionado em julho de 1907. Era armado com uma bateria principal de quatro canhões de 305 milímetros montados em duas torres de artilharia duplas, tinha um deslocamento de quase de quinze mil toneladas e conseguia alcançar uma velocidade máxima de dezoito nós. O Patrie serviu junto com a Esquadra do Mediterrâneo em tempos de paz e suas principais atividades consistiram na realização de exercícios de rotina e cruzeiros para portos estrangeiros. Com o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial em julho de 1914, o navio escoltou comboios de tropas vindos do Norte da África, em seguida sendo colocado para conter a Marinha Austro-Húngara no Mar Adriático, participando em agosto da Batalha de Antivari. Suas atividades em seguida consistiram em patrulhas pela área até a entrada da Itália na guerra em 1915, permitindo a retirada francesa. O couraçado foi enviado em 1915 para a Campanha de Galípoli a fim de bombardear fortificações otomanas, sendo depois colocado na Grécia para pressionar os gregos a entrarem na guerra pelos Aliados, chegando a enviar uma equipe de desembarque para apoiar um golpe pró-Aliados. Pouco fez durante 1917 e 1918, sendo enviado depois da guerra para apoiar a intervenção dos Aliados na Guerra Civil Russa. O Patrie foi transformado em um navio-escola em 1919 e descomissionado em 1924, porém continuou em suas funções de treinamento até ser desmontado em 1937. (pt) 祖國號戰艦(法語:Patrie)是法國海軍建造的前無畏艦,同時為共和級二號艦,其同型艦為共和號。本艦於1902年4月1日在,1903年12月17日時,並在1907年7月1日開始服役。艦上的主要武器為4門,這些主砲配置於2座雙聯裝砲塔內。其推進系統由3組與24台式鍋爐組成,在航速可達19節(35公里每小時;22英里每小時)左右;然而以全裝重型火炮(All-Big-Gun)設計概念建造的无畏号战列舰開始於1906年12月服役於英國皇家海軍,使得本艦及其同型艦在服役時即性能過時,但祖國號在服役期間仍是法國艦隊的主力艦之一,尤其是在第一次世界大戰期間。 本艦在完工後便被法國海軍分派至,這一時期的祖國號主要在地中海西部及大西洋進行多次海上演習與執行巡航任務,但本艦在這段期間曾接連發生多起意外;例如在1910年演習期間,本艦的船員不小心發射一枚魚雷擊中共和號,造成該艦艦體損毀。在1911年新型艦服役之前,祖國號一直擔任艦隊旗艦,直到新型艦服役後才被取代。當第一次世界大戰於1914年7月爆發後,祖國號被指派護送從法屬北非到法國本土的運兵艦隊,以面對德軍入侵法國北部。接著祖國號隨法國艦隊轉移至亞得里亞海,阻止奧匈帝國海軍勢力延伸至地中海海域。隨後在8月的中,祖國號協助聯軍艦隊擊沉奧匈帝國海軍的。接下來祖國號隨艦隊多次嘗試引誘奧匈帝國海軍艦艇出戰,但奧匈帝國海軍在經歷安提瓦里海戰後便不願派出海面艦艇,僅派出潛艇進行襲擊戰,迫使法國海軍僅能有限度地派遣祖國號等戰艦在亞得里亞海海域進行巡航任務,避免遭受到嚴重損失。1915年5月起,祖國號被轉移至達達尼爾海峽總隊,以便能支援在加里波利戰役中作戰的聯軍部隊。祖國號抵達該海域後,多次執行砲擊鄂圖曼沿岸防禦設施任務。 在協約國部隊於1916年從加里波利半島撤軍之後,祖國號轉而分派至希臘薩洛尼卡。接著為了向中立的希臘王國施壓,逼迫希臘加入協約國陣營,祖國號開始在薩洛尼卡與穆茲羅斯之間交替駐防,試圖對希臘政府施壓。儘管在中,登入雅典支援親協約國派的法軍部隊戰況不利,但祖國號仍在部隊登陸時提出貢獻。在政變成功後,祖國號在1917年到1918年間的海上任務驟減,多數時間僅停靠在港內。當第一次世界大戰於於1918年結束後,祖國號被派往君士坦丁堡,以便支援協約國武裝干涉俄國內戰,不過祖國號在這場衝突中並沒有任何積極作為,甚至曾一度淪為軍營艦。在1919年返回土倫後,祖國號成為一艘訓練艦,直到1927年後才被法國海軍從中除籍,並於隔年出售拆解。 (zh) «Патри» (фр. Patrie) — французский эскадренный броненосец, второй корабль типа «Републик». Корабль был заложен на верфи компании Forges et chantiers de la Méditerranée, в Ла-Сене, в апреле 1901 года, спущен на воду в декабре 1903 года, и три года спустя вступил в состав флота в декабре 1906 года, в то же самое время как и революционный британский линкор Дредноут. «Патри» служил в составе средиземноморского Флота Франции. В 1910 году во время манёвров, случайно торпедировал свой систершип «Републик» . После начала Первой мировой войны в августе 1914, броненосец участвовал в сопровождении конвоев идущих из Алжира во Францию. Участвовал в потоплении австро-венгерского легкого крейсера Зента. Во время Первой мировой войны «Патри» служил у входа в Адриатическое море, базируясь в Корфу. Блокируя Австро-венгерский флот в Адриатике. В мае 1916 «Патри» был сбит немецкий дирижабль Salonica. После войны корабль был выведен из состава флота, после чего в 1921 году отправлено на слом. (ru) |
dbo:class | dbr:Pre-dreadnought_battleship |
dbo:commissioningDate | 1907-07-01 (xsd:date) |
dbo:layingDown | 1902-04-01 (xsd:date) |
dbo:length | 135.250000 (xsd:double) |
dbo:powerType | dbr:Niclausse_boiler |
dbo:shipBeam | 24.250000 (xsd:double) |
dbo:shipDraft | 8.200000 (xsd:double) |
dbo:shipLaunch | 1903-12-17 (xsd:date) |
dbo:status | Broken up for scrap, 1937 |
dbo:thumbnail | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Patrie-Bougault-img_3133.jpg?width=300 |
dbo:topSpeed | 33.336000 (xsd:double) |
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dbp:shipArmament | *4 × 305 mm Modèle 1893/96 guns *18 × 164 mm Modèle 1896 guns *24 × guns *2 × torpedo tubes (en) |
dbp:shipArmor | *Belt: *Primary turrets: *Secondary turrets: *Conning tower: *Upper deck: *Lower deck: (en) |
dbp:shipCaption | Patrie at her mooring (en) |
dbp:shipClass | pre-dreadnought battleship (en) |
dbp:shipCommissioned | 1907-07-01 (xsd:date) |
dbp:shipComplement | *32 officers *710 enlisted men (en) |
dbp:shipCountry | France (en) |
dbp:shipFate | Broken up for scrap, 1937 (en) |
dbp:shipImage | Patrie-Bougault-img 3133.jpg (en) |
dbp:shipLaidDown | 1902-04-01 (xsd:date) |
dbp:shipLaunched | 1903-12-17 (xsd:date) |
dbp:shipLength | loa (en) |
dbp:shipName | Patrie (en) |
dbp:shipPower | *24 Niclausse boilers * (en) |
dbp:shipPropulsion | *3 × triple-expansion steam engines *3 × screw propellers (en) |
dbp:shipRange | at (en) |
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dcterms:subject | dbc:République-class_battleships dbc:Maritime_incidents_in_1910 dbc:1906_ships dbc:Ships_built_in_France dbc:Maritime_incidents_in_1907 |
gold:hypernym | dbr:Battleship |
rdf:type | owl:Thing schema:Product dbo:MeanOfTransportation wikidata:Q11446 yago:WikicatMaritimeIncidentsIn1907 yago:WikicatMaritimeIncidentsIn1910 yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Activity100407535 yago:Career100583246 yago:Cognition100023271 yago:Concept105835747 yago:Content105809192 yago:Event100029378 yago:Feature105849789 yago:Happening107283608 yago:Idea105833840 yago:Image105928118 yago:Incident107307477 yago:Occupation100582388 yago:Property105849040 yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:Representation105926676 yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity dbo:Ship |
rdfs:comment | La Patrie est un cuirassé pré-Dreadnought de la classe République construit pour la Marine française. Lancé en 1903, le navire entre en service en 1907 et rejoint l'escadre de Méditerranée où il est encore lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914. Avec son sister-ship le République, il participe au combat d'Antivari puis au blocus de la flotte austro-hongroise dans la mer Adriatique jusqu'en 1916, où les deux navires rejoignent Thessalonique et les eaux grecques qu'ils ne quittent plus jusqu'à la fin de la Guerre. La Patrie est mise en réserve en 1919, transformée en navire-école de torpillage puis démolie en 1928. (fr) Patrie was the second and final member of the République class of pre-dreadnought battleships of the French Navy built between her keel laying in April 1902 and her commissioning in July 1907. Armed with a main battery of four 305 mm (12.0 in) guns, she was outclassed before even entering service by the revolutionary British battleship HMS Dreadnought, that had been commissioned the previous December and was armed with a battery of ten guns of the same caliber. Though built to an obsolescent design, Patrie proved to be a workhorse of the French fleet, particularly during World War I. (en) O Patrie foi um couraçado pré-dreadnought operado pela Marinha Nacional Francesa e a segunda e última embarcação da Classe République, depois do République. Sua construção começou em abril de 1902 na Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée e foi lançado ao mar em dezembro do ano seguinte, sendo comissionado em julho de 1907. Era armado com uma bateria principal de quatro canhões de 305 milímetros montados em duas torres de artilharia duplas, tinha um deslocamento de quase de quinze mil toneladas e conseguia alcançar uma velocidade máxima de dezoito nós. (pt) «Патри» (фр. Patrie) — французский эскадренный броненосец, второй корабль типа «Републик». Корабль был заложен на верфи компании Forges et chantiers de la Méditerranée, в Ла-Сене, в апреле 1901 года, спущен на воду в декабре 1903 года, и три года спустя вступил в состав флота в декабре 1906 года, в то же самое время как и революционный британский линкор Дредноут. (ru) 祖國號戰艦(法語:Patrie)是法國海軍建造的前無畏艦,同時為共和級二號艦,其同型艦為共和號。本艦於1902年4月1日在,1903年12月17日時,並在1907年7月1日開始服役。艦上的主要武器為4門,這些主砲配置於2座雙聯裝砲塔內。其推進系統由3組與24台式鍋爐組成,在航速可達19節(35公里每小時;22英里每小時)左右;然而以全裝重型火炮(All-Big-Gun)設計概念建造的无畏号战列舰開始於1906年12月服役於英國皇家海軍,使得本艦及其同型艦在服役時即性能過時,但祖國號在服役期間仍是法國艦隊的主力艦之一,尤其是在第一次世界大戰期間。 在協約國部隊於1916年從加里波利半島撤軍之後,祖國號轉而分派至希臘薩洛尼卡。接著為了向中立的希臘王國施壓,逼迫希臘加入協約國陣營,祖國號開始在薩洛尼卡與穆茲羅斯之間交替駐防,試圖對希臘政府施壓。儘管在中,登入雅典支援親協約國派的法軍部隊戰況不利,但祖國號仍在部隊登陸時提出貢獻。在政變成功後,祖國號在1917年到1918年間的海上任務驟減,多數時間僅停靠在港內。當第一次世界大戰於於1918年結束後,祖國號被派往君士坦丁堡,以便支援協約國武裝干涉俄國內戰,不過祖國號在這場衝突中並沒有任何積極作為,甚至曾一度淪為軍營艦。在1919年返回土倫後,祖國號成為一艘訓練艦,直到1927年後才被法國海軍從中除籍,並於隔年出售拆解。 (zh) |
rdfs:label | French battleship Patrie (en) Patrie (cuirassé) (fr) Patrie (couraçado) (pt) Патри (броненосец) (ru) 祖國號戰艦 (zh) |
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prov:wasDerivedFrom | wikipedia-en:French_battleship_Patrie?oldid=1080695730&ns=0 |
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