Hukbalahap Rebellion (original) (raw)
- تمرد هوكبالاهاب هو تمرد نظم من قِبل أو الجنود المعادين للجيش الياباني ضد الحكومة الفلبينية خلال فترة الاحتلال الياباني للفلبين عام 1942 واستمر في الفترة الرئاسية لمانويل روكساس وانتهى في عام 1954 تحت ظل حكومة رامون ماجسايساي. (ar)
- The Hukbalahap Rebellion was a rebellion staged by former Hukbalahap or Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (People's Army against the Japanese) soldiers against the Philippine government. It started during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in 1942 and continued during the presidency of Manuel Roxas and ended in 1954 under the presidency of Ramon Magsaysay. (en)
- La rebelión de Hukbalahap fue una rebelión organizada por soldados del ex Hukbalahap o Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Ejército Anti-japonés) contra el gobierno filipino. Esta rebelión comenzó en durante la en 1942 y continuó durante la presidencia de Manuel Roxas, y terminó en 1954 bajo la presidencia de Ramón Magsaysay. (es)
- 후크발라합 반란(Hukbalahap Rebellion)은 후크발라합 군인들이 필리핀 정부에 대항해서 일으킨 반란이다. 이 조직은 원래 1942년 일본군의 필리핀 점령에 저항하기 위해 항일 목적으로 결성된 조직이다. 마누엘 로하스 대통령 재임시까지 계속되다가, 1954년 라몬 막사이사이 대통령에 의해 끝을 맺는다. (ko)
- Rebelião Hukbalahap foi uma rebelião organizada pelos antigos soldados do ou Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Exército Anti-Japonês) contra o governo filipino. Teve inicio durante a ocupação japonesa das Filipinas em 1942 e continuou durante a presidência de Manuel Roxas, terminando em 1954 sob a presidência de Ramon Magsaysay. (pt)
- Хукбалахапское восстание (также Восстание хуков) — антиправительственное восстание прокоммунистически настроенного крестьянства и бывших солдат Хукбалахапа, вооружённого крыла Компартии Филиппин, охватившее центральную часть филиппинского острова Лусон в 1946—1954 годах. Возглавлял восстание Луис Тарук, его заместителем был Кастро Алехандрино. К 1950 году восставшие добились определённых успехов, однако в 1954 году избранный за год до этого президент Рамон Магсайсай подавил восстание с помощью поставок вооружений из США. Вооружённое движение коммунистического толка зародилось на Лусоне ещё в начале 1930-х годов, когда Филиппины были колонией США, значительно усилившись после оккупации страны японской армией в 1942 году в ходе Второй мировой войны. К концу Второй мировой войны партизанские отряды Хукбалахапа контролировали на Лусоне значительные территории, создав фактически собственное правительство, уничтожив большое количество японских солдат и конфисковав имения казнённых ими за сотрудничество с оккупантами местных помещиков, однако после возвращения в 1945 году американских войск эти отряды были вынуждены самораспуститься, хотя с недоверием относились к обещаниям американцев предоставить стране независимость и крайне неохотно сдавали оружие. После получения Филиппинами независимости в 1946 году и выборов в парламент Коммунистическая партия Филиппин получила в нём места, однако проиграла выборы Либеральной партии. После этой неудачи значительное количество ветеранов партизанского движения заявили о непризнании легитимности «олигархического» правительства, которое они считали марионеточным, и вновь начали партизанскую войну в джунглях Лусона, сумев, как оказалось, укрыть от американцев в 1945 году большое количество вооружений. Тогдашний президент Филиппин Мануэль Рохас бросил большую часть филиппинской армии против повстанцев (политическое руководство подавлением восстания осуществлял либерал Корнелио Вильяреаль, возглавлявший парламентскую Комиссию по расследованию антифилиппинской деятельности). Однако в плане подготовки и боевого духа правительственные войска существенно уступали бывшим хукбалахапцам, пользовавшимся к тому же поддержкой значительной части населения. К 1950 году под контролем восставших оказалась большая часть центрального Лусона, возникла непосредственная угроза Маниле. Однако после начала в 1952 году получения Филиппинами непосредственных поставок новейших вооружений из бывшей метрополии, Соединённых Штатов, и прихода к власти спустя год Рамона Магсайсая, пообещавшего проведение некоторых социальных реформ, положение повстанцев стало стремительно ухудшаться. Ситуация осложнялась и тем, что в результате успешной операции филиппинских спецслужб было захвачен тайный штаб «хуков» в Маниле, что привело к аресту многих видных лидеров движения. Сам Тарук с последними отрядами сдался, выйдя из джунглей, в 1954 году. В 1948 году была объявлена частичная амнистия участникам восстания. (ru)
- 虎克军反叛是由虎克军发动的反对菲律宾政府的武装叛乱。叛乱开始于1942年日占菲律宾时期,然后经曼努埃尔·罗哈斯总统时期一直持续到1954年拉蒙·麦格塞塞总统时期结束。 (zh)
- *
- *Commonwealth of the Philippines
- 1942–1945:
- 1942–1946:
- Hukbalahap
- dbr:Benigno_Ramos
- dbr:Jose_Lava
- dbr:Jose_P._Laurel
- dbr:Vicente_Lava
- dbr:Masaharu_Homma
- dbr:Edward_Lansdale
- dbr:Elpidio_Quirino
- dbr:Luis_Taruc
- dbr:Tomoyuki_Yamashita
- dbr:Juan_Feleo
- dbr:Hideki_Tojo
- dbr:Artemio_Ricarte
- dbr:Douglas_MacArthur
- dbr:Manuel_L._Quezon
- dbr:Manuel_Roxas
- dbr:Emperor_Hirohito
- dbr:Ramon_Magsaysay
- dbr:Sergio_Osmena
- 1942-03-29 (xsd:date)
- Government victory
- First Phase:
- *Capture ofLuis Tarucin 1954
- *End of the Rebellion
- *End of theOccupationin 1945
- *Rebellion resume in 1946
- *Beginning of Communist insurgency in the Philippines in the 1960s
- Huk victory
- Second Phase:
- *Tension rises between theU.S Backed governmentand the Huks
- 12,800 (peak)
- 15,000–30,000 (1942–1946)
- 56,000 (1946–1954)
- 17283304 (xsd:integer)
- 43569 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1121727082 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Bell_Trade_Act
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1942
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1943
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1944
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1945
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1946
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1947
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1948
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1949
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1951
- dbc:Philippines_in_World_War_II
- dbc:Communist_armed_conflicts_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Benigno_Ramos
- dbr:Death_by_natural_causes
- dbr:Democratic_Alliance_(Philippines)
- dbr:Department_of_National_Defense_(Philippines)
- dbr:Department_of_the_Interior_and_Local_Government
- dbr:Hukbalahap
- dbr:Jose_Lava
- dbr:Jose_P._Laurel
- dbr:Pedro_Abad_Santos
- dbr:Republic_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:United_States_Army
- dbr:United_States_Army_Air_Forces
- dbr:United_States_Army_Forces_in_the_Far_East
- dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:United_States_Navy
- dbr:Vicente_Lava
- dbr:Gapan,_Nueva_Ecija
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1953
- dbc:Military_history_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Congress_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Masaharu_Homma
- dbr:Sakdalista
- dbr:Kempeitai
- dbr:Cold_War
- dbr:Collaboration_with_the_Axis_Powers
- dbr:Edward_Lansdale
- dbr:Elpidio_Quirino
- dbr:Nacionalista_Party
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbc:Proxy_wars
- dbc:Rebellions_in_the_Philippines
- dbc:Insurgencies_in_Asia
- dbc:1940s_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Liberal_Party_(Philippines)
- dbr:Luis_Taruc
- dbr:Makapili
- dbr:Malolos
- dbr:Sierra_Madre_(Philippines)
- dbr:Sino-Soviet_split
- dbr:Friars_in_Spanish_Philippines
- dbc:Communism-based_civil_wars
- dbc:Communist_rebellions
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1952
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1954
- dbr:Aurora_Quezon
- dbr:Bulacan
- dbr:Central_Intelligence_Agency
- dbr:Central_Luzon
- dbr:Tomoyuki_Yamashita
- dbr:Japanese_occupation_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Aguman_ding_Maldang_Talapagobra
- dbc:Military_history_of_the_Philippines_during_World_War_II
- dbc:Wars_involving_the_Philippines
- dbr:Nueva_Ecija
- dbr:Pampanga
- dbr:Partido_Komunista_ng_Pilipinas-1930
- dbr:Juan_Feleo
- dbr:Harvard_University
- dbr:Hideki_Tojo
- dbr:Talavera,_Nueva_Ecija
- dbr:Counterintelligence_Corps
- dbr:Artemio_Ricarte
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1950
- dbr:Katipunan_ng_mga_Anak-Pawis_sa_Pilipinas
- dbc:1950s_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Jose_Zulueta
- dbr:Divide_and_rule
- dbr:Douglas_MacArthur
- dbr:Manuel_L._Quezon
- dbr:Manuel_Roxas
- dbr:Philippine_Air_Force
- dbr:Philippine_Army
- dbr:Philippine_Army_Air_Corps
- dbr:Philippine_Constabulary
- dbr:Philippine_Red_Cross
- dbr:Philippine_resistance_against_Japan
- dbr:Philippines_campaign_(1941–1942)
- dbr:Philippine–American_War
- dbr:Soviet_Union
- dbr:Spanish–American_War
- dbr:Filipino_nationalism
- dbr:Guerrilla_warfare
- dbr:Emperor_Hirohito
- dbr:Encomienda_system
- dbr:Imperial_Japanese_Navy_Land_Forces
- dbr:Casto_Alejandrino
- dbr:Ramon_Magsaysay
- dbr:Second_World_War
- dbr:Senate_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Sergio_Osmena
- dbr:Sergio_Osmeña
- dbr:Japanese_Special_Naval_Landing_Forces
- dbc:History_of_the_Philippines_(1946–1965)
- dbr:Philippine_Commonwealth_Army
- dbr:Japanese_Occupation_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Philippine_Government
- dbr:USAFFE
- dbr:Japanese_Imperial_Army
- dbr:File:Ramon-Magsaysay-01.jpg
- dbr:File:Manuel_Roxas.jpg
- dbr:File:Ph_central_luzon.png
- dbr:File:Hukbalahap_Veterans_Card.jpg
- dbr:File:Ph_fil_central_luzon.png
- dbr:File:President_Quirino_receiving_Huk_leaders_at_Malacañan_Palace.jpg
- Vina Lanzona (en)
- InternetArchiveBot (en)
- * Murder of Juan Feleo * Massacre of Squadron 77 * Unseating of elected Huks to the Congress (en)
- 1942 (xsd:integer)
- * (en)
- * Commonwealth of the Philippines Hukbalahap (en)
- 1946 (xsd:integer)
- Republic of the Philippines (en)
- Supported by: (en)
- * Central Intelligence Agency (en)
- 1946 (xsd:integer)
- Communist Party (en)
- * Hukbalahap Alleged support: (en)
- 1942 (xsd:integer)
- Douglas MacArthur (en)
- Elpidio Quirino (en)
- Ramon Magsaysay (en)
- (en)
- Jose P. Laurel (en)
- Masaharu Homma (en)
- Tomoyuki Yamashita (en)
- Luis Taruc (en)
- Hideki Tojo (en)
- Emperor Shōwa (en)
- Artemio Ricarte # (en)
- Benigno Ramos1946–1954: (en)
- Edward Lansdale (en)
- Jose Lava (en)
- Juan Feleo (en)
- Luis Taruc1946–1954: (en)
- Manuel L. Quezon # (en)
- Manuel Roxas # (en)
- Sergio Osmena (en)
- Vicente Lava (en)
- Hukbalahap Rebellion (en)
- 0001-03-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 2011-05-21 (xsd:date)
- (en)
- April 2018 (en)
- yes (en)
- the Second World War and the Cold War (en)
- Central Luzon, Philippines (en)
- 1960.0
- First Phase: (en)
- Huk victory *End of the Occupation in 1945 *Tension rises between the U.S Backed government and the Huks *Rebellion resume in 1946 Second Phase: (en)
- 12800 (xsd:integer)
- 15000 (xsd:integer)
- 56000 (xsd:integer)
- In the old days … the landlord-tenant relationship was a real paternalistic one. The landlord thought of himself as a grandfather to all tenants, and so he was concerned with all aspects of their lives. … But the system had to be changed over time as the hacienda has to be put in a sound economic footing.. The landlord tenant relationship is a business partnership, it is not a family. The landlord has invested capital in the land, and the tenants give their labor... I was enthused about putting modern machinery to work like the modern farms I'd seen in the US. … The only machine here is the Japanese rice thresher. … Meanwhile, I try to make the tenants do as I said so the land will be more productive. If you tell a machine something it will do it. It's not the way with tenants. (en)
- Since situations in which guerrillas were killed or wounded were common, the Huks organized a medical division composed mostly of women who worked as nurses and caretakers. Just as in the mainstream society, most if not all nurses in the Hukbalahap were women. Many women embraced this responsibility, believing that they were best equipped to care for and nurture their comrades. These women felt they needed little if any training to perform the tasks of caring for comrades and attending to the sick. Many would have agreed with Prima Sobrevinas, who remarked that women “...have been trained their whole lives for this work." (en)
- A significant number of women joined the movement after its formation and forced the leadership to reconsider its gendered recruitment policy. Women themselves placed the issue of their participation on the agenda of the Huk movement. Outraged by stories, and in many cases direct experience, of Japanese brutality, and sometimes fearful for their personal safety, many young women from Central and Southern Luzon and even Manila responded to the call for mobilization. Most were between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five, single, and lived in peasant households. Some responded by joining the Huk camps and donating their services directly to the guerrilla movement. But most stayed in the villages, working within the BUDCs to collect supplies, money, and information for the guerrillas. These village-based BUDCs became important sites for female mobilization and politicization where women, operating under the nominal protection of the Japanese, could communicate with other villagers, discreetly gather information about the Japanese, and organize support for guerrilla activities without attracting suspicion. (en)
- Women’s prewar experience in peasant movements in Central Luzon made them ideal organizers for the Hukbalahap. Often appearing inconspicuously, women were less suspicious in the eyes of the Japanese and moved freely around the villages, ostensibly just talking to people but actually exchanging information on guerrilla activities. Organizers such as Teofista Valerio and Elang Santa Ana understood that they were representatives of the People’s Liberation Army in the barrios. (en)
- Most of the women who worked in the headquarters served as clerks. Elena Sawit remembers typing documents written by and for Politburo leaders. Belen Simpauco arranged the movement’s paperwork. Celia Reyes and Avelina Santos worked as treasurers in their respective camps. They usually handled money for the movement, making sure that they had enough funds to give the guerrillas what they needed, especially food. (en)
- Women were ideal couriers, and Huk leaders quickly recognized their potential, skill, and willingness to carry out this hazardous task. In the eyes of the Japanese, women were innocuous and unthreatening, figures whose presence in the barrios, usually with baskets of fruit and vegetables, gossiping mindlessly with their neighbors, was unremarkable. These impressions allowed women to travel from one barrio to another rarely suspected of being guerrillas. (en)
- Women also played a major role in the intelligence networks, the part of the communication division that gathered information about the activities of the Japanese in the barrios. Like courier work, intelligence gathering looked effortless but was often risky. However, people who were part of the BUDCs were willing to do it. Loreta Betangkul insisted that the Japanese and their spies thought women were idle, sitting around in their homes and gossiping the whole day. They did not realize that these women were collecting information about Japanese plans and relaying it to the Huks. (en)
- Amazons of the Huk Rebellion: Gender, Sex, and Revolution in the Philippines (en)
- 1942 (xsd:integer)
- Central Intelligence Agency (en)
- People's Liberation Army (en)
- Philippine Air Force (en)
- Philippine Army (en)
- Philippine Army Air Corps (en)
- United States Army (en)
- United States Army Air Forces (en)
- United States Marine Corps (en)
- United States Navy (en)
- Supported by: (en)
- Philippine Constabulary (en)
- *Kempeitai (en)
- Makapili1946–1954: (en)
- People's Army against the Japanese1946–1954: (en)
- Philippine Commonwealth Army (en)
- Recognized Guerrilla Units (en)
- * Special Naval Landing Forces * Imperial Japanese Navy Land Forces Bureau of Constabulary (en)
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Blockquote
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cold_War
- dbt:Coord_missing
- dbt:Dead_link
- dbt:Flag
- dbt:Flagicon
- dbt:Flagicon_image
- dbt:Hr
- dbt:Infobox_military_conflict
- dbt:Quote
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Use_mdy_dates
- dbt:Webarchive
- dbt:Age_in_years,_months,_weeks_and_days
- dbt:Army
- dbt:Flagdeco
- dbt:Navy
- dbt:POW
- dbt:Surrender
- dbt:Philippines_conflicts
- dbt:Communism_in_the_Philippines
- dbt:History_of_the_Philippines
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1942
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1943
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1944
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1945
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1946
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1947
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1948
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1949
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1951
- dbc:Philippines_in_World_War_II
- dbc:Communist_armed_conflicts_in_the_Philippines
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1953
- dbc:Military_history_of_the_Philippines
- dbc:Proxy_wars
- dbc:Rebellions_in_the_Philippines
- dbc:Insurgencies_in_Asia
- dbc:1940s_in_the_Philippines
- dbc:Communism-based_civil_wars
- dbc:Communist_rebellions
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1952
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1954
- dbc:Military_history_of_the_Philippines_during_World_War_II
- dbc:Wars_involving_the_Philippines
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1950
- dbc:1950s_in_the_Philippines
- dbc:History_of_the_Philippines_(1946–1965)
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
- dul:Event
- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
- yago:WikicatCommunism-basedCivilWars
- yago:WikicatWarsInvolvingThePhilippines
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Act100030358
- yago:CivilWar100962567
- yago:Conflict100958896
- yago:Event100029378
- yago:GroupAction101080366
- yago:Insurgency100963241
- yago:MilitaryAction100952963
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:Rebellion100962129
- yago:Rebellion101177327
- yago:WikicatInsurgencies
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Event
- dbo:MilitaryConflict
- yago:Resistance101169317
- yago:War100973077
- yago:WikicatRebellionsInThePhilippines
- umbel-rc:ConflictEvent
- تمرد هوكبالاهاب هو تمرد نظم من قِبل أو الجنود المعادين للجيش الياباني ضد الحكومة الفلبينية خلال فترة الاحتلال الياباني للفلبين عام 1942 واستمر في الفترة الرئاسية لمانويل روكساس وانتهى في عام 1954 تحت ظل حكومة رامون ماجسايساي. (ar)
- The Hukbalahap Rebellion was a rebellion staged by former Hukbalahap or Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (People's Army against the Japanese) soldiers against the Philippine government. It started during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in 1942 and continued during the presidency of Manuel Roxas and ended in 1954 under the presidency of Ramon Magsaysay. (en)
- La rebelión de Hukbalahap fue una rebelión organizada por soldados del ex Hukbalahap o Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Ejército Anti-japonés) contra el gobierno filipino. Esta rebelión comenzó en durante la en 1942 y continuó durante la presidencia de Manuel Roxas, y terminó en 1954 bajo la presidencia de Ramón Magsaysay. (es)
- 후크발라합 반란(Hukbalahap Rebellion)은 후크발라합 군인들이 필리핀 정부에 대항해서 일으킨 반란이다. 이 조직은 원래 1942년 일본군의 필리핀 점령에 저항하기 위해 항일 목적으로 결성된 조직이다. 마누엘 로하스 대통령 재임시까지 계속되다가, 1954년 라몬 막사이사이 대통령에 의해 끝을 맺는다. (ko)
- Rebelião Hukbalahap foi uma rebelião organizada pelos antigos soldados do ou Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Exército Anti-Japonês) contra o governo filipino. Teve inicio durante a ocupação japonesa das Filipinas em 1942 e continuou durante a presidência de Manuel Roxas, terminando em 1954 sob a presidência de Ramon Magsaysay. (pt)
- 虎克军反叛是由虎克军发动的反对菲律宾政府的武装叛乱。叛乱开始于1942年日占菲律宾时期,然后经曼努埃尔·罗哈斯总统时期一直持续到1954年拉蒙·麦格塞塞总统时期结束。 (zh)
- Хукбалахапское восстание (также Восстание хуков) — антиправительственное восстание прокоммунистически настроенного крестьянства и бывших солдат Хукбалахапа, вооружённого крыла Компартии Филиппин, охватившее центральную часть филиппинского острова Лусон в 1946—1954 годах. Возглавлял восстание Луис Тарук, его заместителем был Кастро Алехандрино. К 1950 году восставшие добились определённых успехов, однако в 1954 году избранный за год до этого президент Рамон Магсайсай подавил восстание с помощью поставок вооружений из США. (ru)
- Hukbalahap Rebellion (en)
- تمرد هوكبالاهاب (ar)
- Rebelión de Hukbalahap (es)
- 후크발라합 반란 (ko)
- Rebelião Hukbalahap (pt)
- Хукбалахапское восстание (ru)
- 虎克軍反叛 (zh)
- freebase:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- yago-res:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- wikidata:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-ar:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-es:Hukbalahap Rebellion
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- dbpedia-fi:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-ka:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-ko:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-pt:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-ru:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-th:Hukbalahap Rebellion
- dbpedia-zh:Hukbalahap Rebellion
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- Hukbalahap Rebellion (en)
is dbo:battle of
- dbr:Jose_T._Almonte
- dbr:Rafael_Ileto__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:Edward_Lansdale
- dbr:Fabian_Ver__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:1st_Scout_Ranger_Regiment
- dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(Philippines)
- dbr:5th_Infantry_Division_(Philippines)
- dbr:Philippine_Air_Force
- dbr:Philippine_Army
is dbo:usedInWar of
- dbr:M7_grenade_launcher
- dbr:Boys_anti-tank_rifle
- dbr:Nagant_M1895
- dbr:Nambu_pistol
- dbr:M1917_Enfield__US_Rifle,_Model_of_1917,_Caliber_30__1
- dbr:M1918_Browning_Automatic_Rifle
- dbr:M1941_Johnson_machine_gun
- dbr:M1_Garand
- dbr:M1_carbine
- dbr:M3_Scout_Car
- dbr:M50_Reising
- dbr:Type_92_heavy_machine_gun
- dbr:Type_97_grenade
- dbr:Type_99_light_machine_gun
- dbr:Type_99_rifle
- dbr:F-1_grenade_(Russia)
- dbr:PPD-40
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Carlos_Bulosan
- dbr:San_Jose_del_Monte
- dbr:List_of_assassinations_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:List_of_conflicts_related_to_the_Cold_War
- dbr:List_of_coups_and_coup_attempts_by_country
- dbr:M7_grenade_launcher
- dbr:Boys_anti-tank_rifle
- dbr:Anti-Subversion_Act_of_1957
- dbr:Huk!
- dbr:Hukbalahap
- dbr:Jose_T._Almonte
- dbr:List_of_conflicts_in_Asia
- dbr:List_of_conflicts_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Pedro_Abad_Santos
- dbr:Domino_theory
- dbr:Integrated_Civilian_Home_Defense_Forces
- dbr:List_of_peasant_revolts
- dbr:Timeline_of_events_in_the_Cold_War
- dbr:Communist_rebellion_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Anarchism_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Operation_Mongoose
- dbr:Political_history_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Edward_Lansdale
- dbr:Nagant_M1895
- dbr:Nambu_pistol
- dbr:Luis_Taruc
- dbr:M1903_Springfield
- dbr:M1917_Enfield
- dbr:M1918_Browning_Automatic_Rifle
- dbr:M1941_Johnson_machine_gun
- dbr:M1_Garand
- dbr:M1_carbine
- dbr:M1_helmet
- dbr:M3_Scout_Car
- dbr:M3_Stuart
- dbr:M50_Reising
- dbr:Communist_armed_conflicts_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Emilio_S._Liwanag
- dbr:March_1942
- dbr:1st_Scout_Ranger_Regiment
- dbr:1954_in_Vietnam
- dbr:Bulacan
- dbr:Bulacan's_1st_congressional_district
- dbr:Type_38_rifle
- dbr:Type_92_heavy_machine_gun
- dbr:Type_97_grenade
- dbr:Type_99_light_machine_gun
- dbr:Type_99_rifle
- dbr:William_J._Pomeroy
- dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(Philippines)
- dbr:5th_Infantry_Division_(Philippines)
- dbr:Amado_V._Hernandez
- dbr:F-1_grenade_(Russia)
- dbr:Fabian_Ver
- dbr:PPD-40
- dbr:Pampanga
- dbr:Pampanga's_2nd_congressional_district
- dbr:1st_Congress_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Armed_Forces_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:August_1946
- dbr:Philippine_Air_Force
- dbr:Philippine_Army
- dbr:Philippines
- dbr:Politics_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Kumander_Liwayway
- dbr:Oriental_Mindoro
- dbr:Rafael_Ileto
- dbr:Ramon_Magsaysay
- dbr:Communist_insurgency
- dbr:List_of_war_films_and_TV_specials_set_between_1945_and_2001
- dbr:List_of_wars:_1900–1944
- dbr:List_of_wars:_1945–1989
- dbr:List_of_wars_involving_the_Philippines
- dbr:Hukbalahap_rebellion
- dbr:Huk_Rebellion
is dbp:battles of
- dbr:Edward_Lansdale
- dbr:1st_Scout_Ranger_Regiment
- dbr:4th_Infantry_Division_(Philippines)
- dbr:5th_Infantry_Division_(Philippines)
- dbr:Fabian_Ver
- dbr:Philippine_Army
is dbp:wars of
- dbr:M7_grenade_launcher
- dbr:Nagant_M1895
- dbr:Nambu_pistol
- dbr:M1917_Enfield
- dbr:M1918_Browning_Automatic_Rifle
- dbr:M1941_Johnson_machine_gun
- dbr:M1_helmet
- dbr:M3_Scout_Car
- dbr:M50_Reising
- dbr:Type_92_heavy_machine_gun
- dbr:Type_97_grenade
- dbr:Type_99_rifle
- dbr:F-1_grenade_(Russia)
- dbr:PPD-40
is foaf:primaryTopic of