Jack and the Beanstalk (original) (raw)
- Les mongetes màgiques és un conte popular anglès recollit a Els llibres de les fades. Se n'han fet diverses adaptacions a musicals, obres teatrals i fins i tot un curt de dibuixos animats protagonitzat per Mickey Mouse. (ca)
- Hans und die Bohnenranke (Jack and the Beanstalk) ist ein englisches Märchen, von dem es eine Vielzahl von Versionen gibt. Die erste niedergeschriebene Version stammt von Benjamin Tabart aus dem Jahre 1807, bekannt wurde die Geschichte aber erst 1890 durch die Veröffentlichung in den Englischen Märchen von Joseph Jacobs; diese Version ist die am häufigsten verbreitete. (de)
- «جاك وشجرة الفاصولياء» حكاية خرافية إنجليزية. وكان أول ظهور لها في نسخة الموعظة المطبوعة عن طريق الناشر بنيامين تابارت عام 1807. تُعتبر الأكثر شهرة في «حكايات جاك»، ووفقًا للباحثين في جامعتي درم ولشبونة، نشأت القصة منذ أكثر من خمسة آلاف عام، بناءً على شكل قصة عتيقة واسعة الانتشار. (ar)
- "Jack and the Beanstalk" is an English fairy tale. It appeared as "The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean" in 1734 and as Benjamin Tabart's moralized "The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk" in 1807. Henry Cole, publishing under pen name Felix Summerly, popularized the tale in The Home Treasury (1845), and Joseph Jacobs rewrote it in English Fairy Tales (1890). Jacobs' version is most commonly reprinted today, and is believed to be closer to the oral versions than Tabart's because it lacks the moralizing. "Jack and the Beanstalk" is the best known of the "Jack tales", a series of stories featuring the archetypal Cornish and English hero and stock character Jack. According to researchers at Durham University and Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the story originated more than five millennia ago, based on a wide-spread archaic story form which is now classified by folklorists as ATU 328 The Boy Who Stole Ogre's Treasure. (en)
- Jack y las habichuelas mágicas (Jack and the Beanstalk) es un cuento inglés de tradición oral, convertido en mito universal, que sigue inspirando ediciones, espectáculos de teatro y películas de cine. Erróneamente atribuido a Hans Christian Andersen, la primera versión literaria aparece por primera vez en 1730 en el libro Round About our Coal-Fire: or Christmas Entertainments. El cuento fue reescrito en 1807 por Benjamin Tabart en su versión “The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk” y más tarde, en 1890, en su versión más conocida, por Joseph Jacobs en Historias inglesas de hadas. La filóloga inglesa Flora Annie Steel, en su edición de Cuentos Populares Ingleses (1918), iniciaba el cuento así: “Hace muchos años, cuando el mundo era joven y todas las cosas parecían buenas, vivía en el campo un niño llamado Jack”. (es)
- Jack et le Haricot magique ou Jacques et le Haricot magique au Québec (Jack and the Beanstalk) est un conte populaire anglais. Il comporte certaines similitudes avec Jack le tueur de géants, autre conte mettant en scène un héros des Cornouailles. Les origines de Jack et le Haricot magique sont incertaines. On peut voir dans une version parodique parue dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle une première variante littéraire de l'histoire. En 1807, Benjamin Tabart publie à Londres une version moralisée, plus proche de la version connue actuellement. Par la suite, Henry Cole popularisera l'histoire dans The Home Treasury (1842), et Joseph Jacobs en donnera encore une autre version dans English Fairy Tales (1890). Cette dernière est la version qui, aujourd'hui, est le plus souvent reproduite dans les recueils en langue anglaise et, du fait que la morale en est absente et par son traitement littéraire plus « sec », elle est souvent considérée comme étant plus fidèle aux versions orales que celle de Tabart. Sur ce point, cependant, aucune certitude ne peut exister. Jack et le Haricot magique figure parmi les contes populaires les plus célèbres et a fait, jusqu'à nos jours, l'objet de nombreuses adaptations sous différentes formes. (fr)
- "Jack dan Pohon Kacang" (bahasa Inggris: Jack and the Beanstalk) adalah sebuah Inggris. Kisah tersebut muncul dengan judul "The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean" pada 1734 dan sebagai "The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk" yang dimoralisasikan oleh pada 1807. Henry Cole, yang menerbitkannya di bawah nama pena Felix Summerly mempopulerkan kisah tersebut dalam The Home Treasury (1845), dan menuliskannya ulang dalam English Fairy Tales (1890). Versi Jacobs adalah yang paling umum yang dicetak ulang pada masa sekarang dan diyakini mendekati versi lisan ketimbang versi Tabrat karena kurang termoralisasi. "Jack dan Pohon Kacang" adalah karya paling terkenal dari "", serangkaian cerita yang menampilkan karakter dan pahlawan dan . Menurut para peneliti di universitas-universitas di Durham dan , cerita tersebut berasal dari lebih dari 5,000 tahun yang lalu, berdasarkan pada sebuah bentuk cerita umum yang sekarang diklasifikasikan oleh para fokloris sebagai ATU 328 The Boy Who Stole Ogre's Treasure. (in)
- 《잭과 콩나무》 또는 《잭과 콩줄기》(영어: Jack and the Beanstalk)는 영국의 동화이다. (ko)
- Jack e la pianta di fagioli (Jack and the Beanstalk) è un racconto popolare inglese, diffuso in Gran Bretagna e Stati Uniti. Ne esistono numerose varianti, ed è nota con diversi titoli; in italiano "Jack" diventa talvolta "Giacomino". Il racconto è conosciuto anche con il titolo Jack e il fagiolo magico. (it)
- 『ジャックと豆の木』(英: Jack and the Beanstalk)は、イギリスの童話。 (ja)
- Jaap en de bonenstaak is de Nederlandstalige titel van een sprookje van een onbekende auteur. In Nederland hanteert men de titel Jaap, Jacob, Sjaak of Sjakie en de bonenstaak, in België heet de hoofdpersoon veelal Jaak. Het verhaal komt meer dan waarschijnlijk vanuit Engeland, waar het Jack and the beanstalk heet. (nl)
- João e o Pé de Feijão é um conto de fadas de origem inglesa. A versão conhecida mais antiga é a de , publicada em 1807 e popularizada por Joseph Jacobs em 1890, com a publicação de English Fairy Tales. A versão de Jacobs é mais comumente publicada atualmente e acredita-se que seja mais próxima e fiel às versões orais do que a de Tabart, porque nesta falta a moral que há naquela. (pt)
- Jaś i magiczna fasola (Jack and the Beanstalk) – angielska baśń, znana już w XVII w. Istnieje w kilkunastu wersjach, z których najbardziej rozpowszechniona jest ta opublikowana w 1860 r. w zbiorze English Fairy Tales przez . Bajka była wielokrotnie ekranizowania i wystawiana na deskach teatralnych. Popularności tej bajki dowodzi jedna z nazw windy kosmicznej (ang. Beanstalk). (pl)
- Джек и бобовый стебель (англ. Jack and the Beanstalk) — английская народная сказка о смелом пареньке Джеке, победившем великана. (ru)
- Джек і бобове зерно — англійська народна казка, що вперше вийшла друком в 1734 році. Генрі Коул, під псевдонімом Фелікс Саммерлі, популяризував казку в книжці "Домашня скарбниця (1845), а Джозеф Джейкобс переписав її в збірці «Англійські казки» (1890). Версія Джейкобса найчастіше передруковується сьогодні, і вважається, що вона найближча до усних версій. (uk)
- Jack och bönstjälken (eller "Jack och bönstängeln") är en engelsk folksaga (originaltitel: Jack and the Beanstalk). (sv)
- 《傑克與豌豆》(Jack and the Beanstalk)是一則英國童話,它是最著名的故事。 1734年首次出現於《傑克‧史普林金與魔豆的故事》(The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean),1807年時出現在(Benjamin Tabart)的版本《傑克與魔豆史話》(The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk),但最普及的是(Joseph Jacobs)的版本(1890年)。有看法認為,約瑟夫的版本可能比較接近口語流傳時的版本,因為班傑明的版本中含有說教勸世的內容,而口語流傳時的版本通常比較沒有這類成份。 (zh)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20001204155100/http:/www.disneyshorts.org/
- http://www.jacketleharicotmagique.fr/
- http://www.storycardtheater.com/products.html%23jack
- https://www.seekcasino.com/slot/jack-and-the-beanstalk-slot
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130112130225/http:/www2.ferrum.edu/applit/bibs/tales/index.htm%23Jack
- http://www.tonightsbedtimestory.com/jack-and-the-bean-stalk/
- https://www.surlalunefairytales.com/h-r/jack-beanstalk/jack-beanstalk-tale.html
- http://fameproductions.in
- http://www.limelightscripts.co.uk
- https://www.surlalunefairytales.com
- https://web.archive.org/web/20080704110625/http:/storynory.com/2006/01/31/jack-and-the-beanstalk-part-one/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20090604063717/http:/afterdarktheatre.co.uk/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20091101184102/http:/www.storyresources.com/jack_and_the_beanstalk_felt_board_story.php
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110724194339/http:/www.storyresources.co.nz/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160309170701/http:/jackandthebeanstalk.in/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160420164752/http:/www.disneyshorts.org/shorts.aspx%3FshortID=4
- https://web.archive.org/web/20201109044856/http:/www.storycardtheater.com/products.html%23jack
- dbr:Cassidy_Freeman
- dbr:Beanstalk_Bunny
- dbr:Ben_Wright_(American_actor)
- dbr:Privateering_(album)
- dbr:Proto-Indo-European_language
- dbr:Puss_in_Boots_(2011_film)
- dbr:Sammy_Cahn
- dbr:Mickey_Mouse
- dbr:Merrie_Melodies
- dbr:Terraglyph_Interactive_Studios
- dbr:Animated_short
- dbr:Barney_&_Friends
- dbr:Bart_Simpson
- dbr:Bill_Barretta
- dbr:Billie_Lou_Watt
- dbr:Bowser_(character)
- dbr:Brian_Henson
- dbr:Dee_Jay_Daniels
- dbr:Dennis_Christopher
- dbr:How_the_Dragon_Was_Tricked
- dbr:Jorge_Garcia
- dbr:Joseph_Jacobs
- dbr:Betty_Boop
- dbr:List_of_Kamen_Rider_Saber_characters
- dbr:List_of_Mario_television_episodes
- dbr:Revolting_Rhymes_(film)
- dbr:Roald_Dahl
- dbr:United_Artists
- dbr:Donald_Duck
- dbr:Jack_tales
- dbr:Tiny_Toon_Adventures:_Buster_and_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:D.L._Hughley
- dbr:Cornish_people
- dbr:Matthew_Modine
- dbr:Russia
- dbr:Chicken
- dbr:Elmer_Fudd
- dbr:The_Pink_Panther
- dbr:Christopher_Lloyd
- dbr:Chuck_Jones
- dbr:Cinderella
- dbr:Colin_Ford
- dbr:Edwin_S._Porter
- dbr:Elliott_Gould
- dbr:Emmy_Award
- dbr:Friz_Freleng
- dbr:Fun_and_Fancy_Free
- dbr:Gene_Kelly
- dbr:Gilbert_Gottfried
- dbr:Gilligan's_Island
- dbr:Gilligan's_Island_(season_2)
- dbr:Gogmagog_(giant)
- dbr:Goofy
- dbr:The_Magic_School_Bus_(TV_series)
- dbr:The_Simpsons:_Bart_&_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:The_Super_Mario_Bros._Super_Show!
- dbr:The_Three_Stooges
- dbr:Thirteenth_(fairy_tale)
- dbr:Andrew_Lang
- dbr:Animaniacs
- dbr:Apollo_17
- dbr:Benjamin_Tabart
- dbr:Luana_Patten
- dbr:MS-DOS
- dbr:Blunderbore
- dbr:Stephen_Sondheim
- dbr:Sterling_Holloway
- dbr:Stuart_Pankin
- dbr:Comic_book
- dbc:Jack_tales
- dbr:Fe,_Fi,_Fo,_Fum,_and_Phooey
- dbr:Fee-fi-fo-fum
- dbr:Henry_Cole
- dbr:The_BFG
- dbr:Gisaburo_Sugii
- dbr:Professor
- dbr:Sumo_(band)
- dbr:Brothers_Grimm
- dbr:Bryan_Singer
- dbr:Tiny_(Once_Upon_a_Time)
- dbr:Tiny_Toon_Adventures
- dbr:Tokusatsu
- dbr:Tom_and_Jerry's_Giant_Adventure
- dbr:Tone_Loc
- dbr:Tweenies
- dbr:Wallace_Shawn
- dbr:Walt_Disney_Animation_Studios
- dbr:Walt_Disney_anthology_television_series
- dbr:Warner_Bros.
- dbr:Warner_Bros._Animation
- dbr:Weetabix
- dbr:William_Shakespeare
- dbr:Hawkman
- dbr:Revolting_Rhymes
- dbr:AWS_Elastic_Beanstalk
- dbr:Aarne-Thompson_tale-type
- dbr:Aarne–Thompson–Uther_Index
- dbr:Amazon_Web_Services
- dbr:DVD
- dbr:Daniel_Huttlestone
- dbr:Durham_University
- dbr:Edgar_Bergen
- dbr:Faerie_Tale_Theatre
- dbr:Fairy_tale
- dbr:Fairy_tales
- dbr:Family_Guy
- dbr:Fleischer_Studios
- dbr:Flora_Annie_Steel
- dbr:Frances_de_la_Tour
- dbr:Nicholas_Hoult
- dbr:Nintendo_Entertainment_System
- dbr:Pantomime
- dbr:Charlie_McCarthy
- dbr:Beanstalks_and_Bad_Eggs
- dbr:Legion_of_Doom
- dbr:Grimm_Job
- dbr:Group_TAC
- dbr:HBO
- dbr:Hanna-Barbera
- dbr:Hansel_and_Gretel
- dbr:Happily_Ever_After:_Fairy_Tales_for_Every_Child
- dbr:Happy_Tree_Friends
- dbr:Hercules:_The_Legendary_Journeys
- dbr:Hero
- dbr:Into_the_Woods
- dbr:Into_the_Woods_(film)
- dbr:Jack_(hero)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk:_The_Real_Story
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1931_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1952_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1967_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1974_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(2009_film)
- dbr:Jack_the_Giant_Killer
- dbr:Jack_the_Giant_Killer_(2013_film)
- dbr:Jack_the_Giant_Slayer
- dbr:Jack_the_Giantkiller
- dbr:Jake_and_the_Never_Land_Pirates
- dbr:James_Earl_Jones
- dbr:James_Still
- dbr:Janet_Waldo
- dbr:Jean_Stapleton
- dbc:English_fairy_tales
- dbr:Andrew_Lang's_Fairy_Books
- dbr:Tallahassee_(Once_Upon_a_Time)
- dbr:Tangled
- dbr:Ted_Cassidy
- dbr:The_Asylum
- dbr:The_Devil_With_the_Three_Golden_Hairs
- dbr:The_Goodies_(TV_series)
- dbr:The_Hughleys
- dbr:The_Jim_Henson_Company
- dbr:Hymiskviða
- dbr:Arthur_Rackham
- dbc:British_fairy_tales
- dbc:Cannibalism_in_fiction
- dbc:Fiction_about_giants
- dbr:Abbott_and_Costello
- dbc:ATU_300-399
- dbr:Challenge_of_the_Super_Friends
- dbr:Chevy_Chase
- dbr:Chloë_Grace_Moretz
- dbr:Jimmy_Van_Heusen
- dbr:Jumpin'_Kid:_Jack_to_Mame_no_Ki_Monogatari
- dbr:Kamen_Rider_Saber
- dbr:Katey_Sagal
- dbr:Katherine_Helmond
- dbr:King_Lear
- dbr:Lamont_Johnson
- dbc:Plants_in_children_literature
- dbr:Super_Friends
- dbr:Super_Why!
- dbr:Edison_Manufacturing_Company
- dbr:Jack-Wabbit_and_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1902_film)
- dbr:Jack_of_Fables
- dbr:Jacob's_Ladder
- dbr:Dick_Beals
- dbr:Direct-to-DVD
- dbr:Marian_McKnight
- dbr:Mark_Blankfield
- dbr:Mark_Knopfler
- dbr:Marni_Nixon
- dbr:PlayStation_(console)
- dbr:Poland
- dbr:Cinematronics
- dbr:Green_Eggs_and_Ham
- dbr:Willie_the_Giant
- dbr:Michael_Davis_(director)
- dbr:Mickey_Mouse_Clubhouse
- dbr:Nathan_Greno
- dbr:Nathan_Parsons
- dbr:Once_Upon_a_Time_(TV_series)
- dbr:Once_Upon_a_Time_(season_2)
- dbr:Once_Upon_a_Time_(season_7)
- dbr:One_Piece
- dbr:Seattle
- dbr:Wolves,_Witches_and_Giants
- dbr:Henry_Mills_(Once_Upon_a_Time)
- dbr:Universidade_Nova_de_Lisboa
- dbr:NewKidCo
- dbr:Tweety_and_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:Fables_(comics)
- dbr:Live-action/animated_film
- dbr:Ludwig_Von_Drake
- dbr:Giantland
- dbr:Toyman
- dbr:Full_Moon_Entertainment
- dbr:Mortimer_Snerd
- dbr:The_Goodies_and_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:Mickey_and_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:The_Eighth_Witch
- dbr:Tiny_Toon_Adventures:_The_Great_Beanstalk
- dbr:The_goose_that_laid_the_golden_eggs
- dbr:Order_of_the_Stick
- dbr:Talkartoon
- dbr:Cat_and_the_Pinkstalk
- dbr:Famiclones
- dbr:Proto-Indo-Iranian
- dbr:Moonbeam_Entertainment
- dbr:Low-budget
- dbr:List_of_characters_of_The_Magic_School_Bus_(TV_series)
- dbr:File:Cambridge_panto_season_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1133677.jpg
- dbr:File:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_1917.jpg
- dbr:File:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_Cruikshank_1854.jpg
- dbr:File:The_Red_Fairy_Book-141.jpg
- dbr:File:Walter_Crane19.jpg
- Jack and the Giant man (en)
- Illustration by Arthur Rackham, 1918, in English Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel (en)
- Benjamin Tabart, The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk (en)
- Joseph Jacobs, English Fairy Tales (en)
- Les mongetes màgiques és un conte popular anglès recollit a Els llibres de les fades. Se n'han fet diverses adaptacions a musicals, obres teatrals i fins i tot un curt de dibuixos animats protagonitzat per Mickey Mouse. (ca)
- Hans und die Bohnenranke (Jack and the Beanstalk) ist ein englisches Märchen, von dem es eine Vielzahl von Versionen gibt. Die erste niedergeschriebene Version stammt von Benjamin Tabart aus dem Jahre 1807, bekannt wurde die Geschichte aber erst 1890 durch die Veröffentlichung in den Englischen Märchen von Joseph Jacobs; diese Version ist die am häufigsten verbreitete. (de)
- «جاك وشجرة الفاصولياء» حكاية خرافية إنجليزية. وكان أول ظهور لها في نسخة الموعظة المطبوعة عن طريق الناشر بنيامين تابارت عام 1807. تُعتبر الأكثر شهرة في «حكايات جاك»، ووفقًا للباحثين في جامعتي درم ولشبونة، نشأت القصة منذ أكثر من خمسة آلاف عام، بناءً على شكل قصة عتيقة واسعة الانتشار. (ar)
- 《잭과 콩나무》 또는 《잭과 콩줄기》(영어: Jack and the Beanstalk)는 영국의 동화이다. (ko)
- Jack e la pianta di fagioli (Jack and the Beanstalk) è un racconto popolare inglese, diffuso in Gran Bretagna e Stati Uniti. Ne esistono numerose varianti, ed è nota con diversi titoli; in italiano "Jack" diventa talvolta "Giacomino". Il racconto è conosciuto anche con il titolo Jack e il fagiolo magico. (it)
- 『ジャックと豆の木』(英: Jack and the Beanstalk)は、イギリスの童話。 (ja)
- Jaap en de bonenstaak is de Nederlandstalige titel van een sprookje van een onbekende auteur. In Nederland hanteert men de titel Jaap, Jacob, Sjaak of Sjakie en de bonenstaak, in België heet de hoofdpersoon veelal Jaak. Het verhaal komt meer dan waarschijnlijk vanuit Engeland, waar het Jack and the beanstalk heet. (nl)
- João e o Pé de Feijão é um conto de fadas de origem inglesa. A versão conhecida mais antiga é a de , publicada em 1807 e popularizada por Joseph Jacobs em 1890, com a publicação de English Fairy Tales. A versão de Jacobs é mais comumente publicada atualmente e acredita-se que seja mais próxima e fiel às versões orais do que a de Tabart, porque nesta falta a moral que há naquela. (pt)
- Jaś i magiczna fasola (Jack and the Beanstalk) – angielska baśń, znana już w XVII w. Istnieje w kilkunastu wersjach, z których najbardziej rozpowszechniona jest ta opublikowana w 1860 r. w zbiorze English Fairy Tales przez . Bajka była wielokrotnie ekranizowania i wystawiana na deskach teatralnych. Popularności tej bajki dowodzi jedna z nazw windy kosmicznej (ang. Beanstalk). (pl)
- Джек и бобовый стебель (англ. Jack and the Beanstalk) — английская народная сказка о смелом пареньке Джеке, победившем великана. (ru)
- Джек і бобове зерно — англійська народна казка, що вперше вийшла друком в 1734 році. Генрі Коул, під псевдонімом Фелікс Саммерлі, популяризував казку в книжці "Домашня скарбниця (1845), а Джозеф Джейкобс переписав її в збірці «Англійські казки» (1890). Версія Джейкобса найчастіше передруковується сьогодні, і вважається, що вона найближча до усних версій. (uk)
- Jack och bönstjälken (eller "Jack och bönstängeln") är en engelsk folksaga (originaltitel: Jack and the Beanstalk). (sv)
- 《傑克與豌豆》(Jack and the Beanstalk)是一則英國童話,它是最著名的故事。 1734年首次出現於《傑克‧史普林金與魔豆的故事》(The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean),1807年時出現在(Benjamin Tabart)的版本《傑克與魔豆史話》(The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk),但最普及的是(Joseph Jacobs)的版本(1890年)。有看法認為,約瑟夫的版本可能比較接近口語流傳時的版本,因為班傑明的版本中含有說教勸世的內容,而口語流傳時的版本通常比較沒有這類成份。 (zh)
- "Jack and the Beanstalk" is an English fairy tale. It appeared as "The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean" in 1734 and as Benjamin Tabart's moralized "The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk" in 1807. Henry Cole, publishing under pen name Felix Summerly, popularized the tale in The Home Treasury (1845), and Joseph Jacobs rewrote it in English Fairy Tales (1890). Jacobs' version is most commonly reprinted today, and is believed to be closer to the oral versions than Tabart's because it lacks the moralizing. (en)
- Jack y las habichuelas mágicas (Jack and the Beanstalk) es un cuento inglés de tradición oral, convertido en mito universal, que sigue inspirando ediciones, espectáculos de teatro y películas de cine. Erróneamente atribuido a Hans Christian Andersen, la primera versión literaria aparece por primera vez en 1730 en el libro Round About our Coal-Fire: or Christmas Entertainments. El cuento fue reescrito en 1807 por Benjamin Tabart en su versión “The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk” y más tarde, en 1890, en su versión más conocida, por Joseph Jacobs en Historias inglesas de hadas. (es)
- "Jack dan Pohon Kacang" (bahasa Inggris: Jack and the Beanstalk) adalah sebuah Inggris. Kisah tersebut muncul dengan judul "The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean" pada 1734 dan sebagai "The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk" yang dimoralisasikan oleh pada 1807. Henry Cole, yang menerbitkannya di bawah nama pena Felix Summerly mempopulerkan kisah tersebut dalam The Home Treasury (1845), dan menuliskannya ulang dalam English Fairy Tales (1890). Versi Jacobs adalah yang paling umum yang dicetak ulang pada masa sekarang dan diyakini mendekati versi lisan ketimbang versi Tabrat karena kurang termoralisasi. (in)
- Jack et le Haricot magique ou Jacques et le Haricot magique au Québec (Jack and the Beanstalk) est un conte populaire anglais. Il comporte certaines similitudes avec Jack le tueur de géants, autre conte mettant en scène un héros des Cornouailles. Les origines de Jack et le Haricot magique sont incertaines. On peut voir dans une version parodique parue dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle une première variante littéraire de l'histoire. En 1807, Benjamin Tabart publie à Londres une version moralisée, plus proche de la version connue actuellement. Par la suite, Henry Cole popularisera l'histoire dans The Home Treasury (1842), et Joseph Jacobs en donnera encore une autre version dans English Fairy Tales (1890). Cette dernière est la version qui, aujourd'hui, est le plus souvent reproduite (fr)
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cap'n_O._G._Readmore
- dbr:Carl_Reiner
- dbr:American_McGee's_Grimm
- dbr:Beanstalk_Bunny
- dbr:Ben_Nicholas
- dbr:Ben_Wright_(American_actor)
- dbr:Princes_Hall
- dbr:Producers'_Showcase
- dbr:Promi_Big_Brother_(season_8)
- dbr:Puss_in_Boots_(2011_film)
- dbr:Puss_in_Boots_(video_game)
- dbr:Robert_Lopez
- dbr:Roberta_Leigh
- dbr:Samantha_Womack
- dbr:Santa_and_the_Ice_Cream_Bunny
- dbr:Sarah_Thomas_(actress)
- dbr:List_of_Wishbone_books
- dbr:List_of_anime_by_release_date_(1939–1945)
- dbr:List_of_commercial_failures_in_video_games
- dbr:List_of_cultural_icons_of_England
- dbr:List_of_fairy_tales
- dbr:Merle_Louise
- dbr:Montreal_Children's_Theatre
- dbr:Once_Long_Ago
- dbr:Barry_Lupino
- dbr:Batfink
- dbr:Ben_Hatke
- dbr:Ben_James-Ellis
- dbr:Bill_Buckley_(radio_presenter)
- dbr:Blackboard_Jungle
- dbr:Blue_Collar_TV
- dbr:Bob_Homme
- dbr:Bob_Hornery
- dbr:Bobby_Davro
- dbr:Bonnie_Langford
- dbr:Bradley_Walsh
- dbr:David_Fleeshman
- dbr:Denise_Welch
- dbr:Denise_van_Outen
- dbr:History_of_anime_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Joseph_Barbera
- dbr:Joseph_Jacobs
- dbr:Joseph_Tabrar
- dbr:Julie_Andrews
- dbr:Julie_Atlas_Muz
- dbr:Julie_Walters
- dbr:Betty_Huntley-Wright
- dbr:List_of_Cow_and_Chicken_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Dead_Ringers_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Faerie_Tale_Theatre_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Kamen_Rider_Saber_characters
- dbr:List_of_Mad_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Mario_television_episodes
- dbr:List_of_MÄR_characters
- dbr:List_of_Nickelodeon_Animation_Studio_productions
- dbr:List_of_Rugrats_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Shrek_characters
- dbr:List_of_Super_Friends_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Super_Why!_episodes
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- dbr:List_of_The_7D_episodes
- dbr:List_of_The_Backyardigans_episodes
- dbr:List_of_The_Magic_School_Bus_episodes
- dbr:List_of_The_Pink_Panther_cartoons
- dbr:List_of_The_Suite_Life_on_Deck_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Timon_&_Pumbaa_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Tom_&_Jerry_Kids_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Walt_Disney_Animation_Studios_films
- dbr:List_of_Yes!_PreCure_5_GoGo!_episodes
- dbr:List_of_appearances_of_Bob_Grant_on_stage_and_screen
- dbr:List_of_fictional_tricksters
- dbr:Little_Lulu
- dbr:Little_Red_Riding_Hood
- dbr:Paul_Galdone
- dbr:Paul_Lavers
- dbr:Paul_Shane
- dbr:Peggy_King
- dbr:Peter_Duncan_(actor)
- dbr:Revolting_Rhymes_(film)
- dbr:Rick_and_Morty_(season_1)
- dbr:Rik_Mayall
- dbr:Culture_of_England
- dbr:Una_McLean
- dbr:Vera_Southgate
- dbr:David_Gant
- dbr:Department_stores_by_country
- dbr:Derby_Playhouse_production_history
- dbr:Iniminimagimo
- dbr:List_of_giants_in_mythology_and_folklore
- dbr:The_Stinky_Cheese_Man_and_Other_Fairly_Stupid_Tales
- dbr:Tiny_Toon_Adventures:_Buster_and_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:Cootamundra
- dbr:Crissy_Rock
- dbr:Mary_Pope_Osborne
- dbr:Mat_Fraser_(actor)
- dbr:Matt_Roper
- dbr:Max_Boyce
- dbr:Sally_James_(presenter)
- dbr:Children's_literature
- dbr:Children_of_the_Unicorn
- dbr:Ogre
- dbr:Once_Upon_a_Time_(Fabbri_Publishing)
- dbr:Once_Upon_a_Time_(novel_series)
- dbr:Simon_the_Sorcerer_(series)
- dbr:White_Dalmatian
- dbr:The_Master_of_Thornfield
- dbr:Quintaglio_Ascension_Trilogy
- dbr:1807_in_literature
- dbr:1807_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Christian_Campbell
- dbr:Christine_Hamilton
- dbr:Christopher_Biggins
- dbr:Christopher_Pizzey
- dbr:Clive_Rowe
- dbr:Clonkeen_College
- dbr:Colin_Morgan
- dbr:Emily_Burnett
- dbr:Emmanuel_Curtil
- dbr:Entertainment_Rights
- dbr:Fun_and_Fancy_Free
- dbr:Game_Ogre
- dbr:Gemma_Bissix
- dbr:George_Sampson
- dbr:Gilligan's_Island_(season_2)
- dbr:Gold
- dbr:Golden_age_of_American_animation
- dbr:Goldie_&_Bear
- dbr:Mr_Inbetween
- dbr:Nail_(album)
- dbr:Coryse_Borg
- dbr:The_Magic_House,_St._Louis_Children's_Museum
- dbr:The_News_at_Bedtime
- dbr:The_Pagemaster
- dbr:The_Simpsons:_Bart_&_the_Beanstalk
- dbr:The_Tom_and_Jerry_Show_(1975_TV_series)
- dbr:The_Tower_House
- dbr:The_Triplets
- dbr:Theatre_at_the_Center
- dbr:Thomas_Chatterton
- dbr:Thomas_Schnauz
- dbr:Dan_Leno
- dbr:Thirteenth_(fairy_tale)
- dbr:Or_So_the_Story_Goes
- dbr:Tale_Spinners_for_Children
- dbr:Anita_Dobson
- dbr:Anne_Hegerty
- dbr:Benjamin_Tabart
- dbr:Lee_Mead
- dbr:Leela_and_the_Genestalk
- dbr:Leigh_Lawson
- dbr:Letitia_Dean
- dbr:Level_Up_(American_TV_series)
- dbr:Levington_Research_Station
- dbr:Lisa_Kelly
- dbr:Lisa_Riley
- dbr:List_of_Annoying_Orange_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Bewitched_episodes
- dbr:Loopy_De_Loop
- dbr:Lou_Briel
- dbr:Louise_English
- dbr:Lucy_Benjamin
- dbr:Lyric_Theatre_(Hammersmith)
- dbr:Blunderbore
- dbr:Bob_Carolgees
- dbr:Sierra_Boggess
- dbr:Simon_Nye
- dbr:Simon_the_Sorcerer
- dbr:Simsala_Grimm
- dbr:Snow_White
- dbr:Stephanie_Beacham
- dbr:Steven_Kellogg
- dbr:ComiColor_Cartoons
- dbr:Fe,_Fi,_Fo,_Fum,_and_Phooey
- dbr:Fee-fi-fo-fum
- dbr:The_BFG
- dbr:Pavilion_Theatre_(Glasgow)
- dbr:Politically_Correct_Bedtime_Stories
- dbr:The_Playhouse,_Weston-super-Mare
- dbr:Matt_Tavares
- dbr:1967_in_American_television
- dbr:1967_in_television
- dbr:Awesome_Magical_Tales
- dbr:BKN_International
- dbr:Banana_Prince
- dbr:Britt_Ekland
- dbr:Brock_O'Hurn
- dbr:Bubsy
- dbr:Bubsy_in_Fractured_Furry_Tales
- dbr:COVID-19_protests_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Tim_Vine
- dbr:Todd_Carty
- dbr:Tom_Shale
- dbr:Tom_and_Jerry's_Giant_Adventure
- dbr:Tonicha_Jeronimo
- dbr:Tony_Christie
- dbr:Tony_Maudsley
- dbr:Weetabix
- dbr:William_Godwin
- dbr:Dizzy_(series)
- dbr:Gary_Cooke
- dbr:Janika_Vandervelde
- dbr:Jet_Fuel_Formula
- dbr:Joanne_Malin
- dbr:Jonathan_Dokuchitz
- dbr:Lang's_Fairy_Books
- dbr:List_of_Amar_Chitra_Katha_comics
- dbr:List_of_Bewitched_characters
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(2010_Film)
- dbr:Revolting_Rhymes
- dbr:ABC_Weekend_Special
- dbr:AWS_Elastic_Beanstalk
- dbr:Aarne–Thompson–Uther_Index
- dbr:Adventures_from_the_Book_of_Virtues
- dbr:Al_Hunter_Ashton
- dbr:Al_Murray
- dbr:Alex_Blum
- dbr:Amanda_Barrie
- dbr:Amar_Chitra_Katha
- dbr:24th_Young_Artist_Awards
- dbr:Culture_(Bottom)
- dbr:Culture_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Daffy_Duck
- dbr:Dani_Harmer
- dbr:Daniel_Huttlestone
- dbr:Daniel_MacPherson
- dbr:Danielle_Steers
- dbr:Danny_Walters_(actor)
- dbr:Darren_Lemke
- dbr:Amanda_Redington
- dbr:Escape_from_Mr._Lemoncello's_Library_(film)
- dbr:Ever_After_High
- dbr:Fairy_Tale_Police_Department
- dbr:Fairy_tale
- dbr:Fairytale_Fights
- dbr:Fifi_and_the_Flowertots
- dbr:Nicholas_Hoult
- dbr:Nigel_Havers
- dbr:Over_the_Top_(TV_series)
- dbr:Pantomime
- dbr:Pat_Kirkwood_(actress)
- dbr:Care_Bears
- dbr:Beanstalk
- dbr:Fairy_tale_parody
- dbr:Fool_(stock_character)
- dbr:Francesca_Mills
- dbr:Grant_Stott
- dbr:Happy_ending
- dbr:Joseph_O'Mara
- dbr:Kathryn_Pogson
- dbr:Kinemacolor
- dbr:King's_Theatre,_Glasgow
- dbr:Lego_Ideas
- dbr:The_Civil_Wars:_A_Tree_Is_Best_Measured_When_It_Is_Down
- dbr:List_of_Disney_animated_films_based_on_fairy_tales
- dbr:List_of_Fables_characters
- dbr:List_of_Jackanory_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Manning-Sanders_tales_by_region
- dbr:List_of_Monkey_Dust_characters
- dbr:List_of_Old_Sydneians
- dbr:List_of_Strictly_Come_Dancing_specials
- dbr:List_of_The_Muny_repertory
- dbr:Pantomime_dame
- dbr:Little_Golden_Books
- dbr:The_Great_Gildersleeve
- dbr:Rabbit_Ears_Productions
- dbr:19th_Primetime_Emmy_Awards
- dbr:Greg_McHugh
- dbr:Grimm_(season_1)
- dbr:Grimm_Fairy_Tales_(comics)
- dbr:Grimm_Job
- dbr:Grimsby_Auditorium
- dbr:Happily_Ever_After:_Fairy_Tales_for_Every_Child
- dbr:Happily_N'Ever_After
- dbr:Hayley_Tamaddon
- dbr:Heston's_Feasts
- dbr:Aubrey_(TV_series)
- dbr:Into_the_Woods
- dbr:Into_the_Woods_(film)
- dbr:Iver
- dbr:Jack_(given_name)
- dbr:Jack_(hero)
- dbr:Jack_And_The_Beanstalk
- dbr:Jack_Wild
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk:_The_Real_Story
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1931_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1933_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1952_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1967_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(1974_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_(2009_film)
- dbr:Jack_and_the_beanstalk
- dbr:Jack_the_Giant_Killer
- dbr:Jack_the_Giant_Killer_(2013_film)
- dbr:Jack_the_Giant_Slayer
- dbr:Jack_the_Giantkiller
- dbr:Jake_Hendriks
- dbr:James_Lapine
- dbr:James_Riley_(writer)
- dbr:Janie_Dee
- dbr:Janine_Duvitski