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Rhun ab Arthgal was a ninth-century King of Strathclyde. He is the only known son of Arthgal ap Dyfnwal, King of Alt Clut. In 870, during the latter's reign, the fortress of Alt Clut was captured by Vikings, after which Arthgal and his family may have been amongst the mass of prisoners taken back to Ireland. Two years later Arthgal is recorded to have been slain at the behest of Causantín mac Cináeda, King of the Picts. The circumstances surrounding this regicide are unknown. The fact that Rhun seems to have been Causantín's brother-in-law could account for Causantín's interference in the kingship of Alt Clut. The Viking destruction of the capital fortress of the Kingdom of Alt Clut appears to have brought about a reorientation of the kingdom towards the valley of the River Clyde. In consequence, the realm came to be known as the Kingdom of Strathclyde. Either Rhun or his father could have been the first kings of Strathclyde. In the years following the fall of Alt Clut, Rhun's realm may have endured periods of Pictish and Viking overlordship. Despite his kinship with the Pictish king, there is reason to suspect that the two clashed at some point. It is unknown when Rhun's reign came to an end or when he died. One possibility is that he fell with Causantín, who seems to have been killed warring against the Vikings in 876. Certainly, Rhun's son, Eochaid, is recorded to have succeeded Causantín's successor, Áed mac Cináeda, King of the Picts, after 878. Whether Eochaid's succession reflects the end of Eochaid's reign and life is unknown. (en) Rhun ab Arthgal merupakan abad ke-9. Ia adalah satu-satunya putra Arthgal ap Dyfnwal yang diketahui, Raja Alt Clut. Pada 870, selama masa pemerintahan yang terakhir, benteng Dùn Breatainn ditangkap oleh Viking, setelah itu Arthgal dan keluarganya mungkin termasuk di antara banyak tahanan yang dibawa kembali ke Irlandia. Dua tahun kemudian Arthgal tercatat telah terbunuh atas perintah Causantín mac Cináeda. Fakta bahwa Rhun tampaknya adalah saudara ipar Causantín dapat menjelaskan campur tangan Causantín dalam . (in) Run de Strathclyde. Roi des Bretons de Strathclyde après 872 avant 878. (fr) Run (... – ...; fl. IX secolo) regnò su Alt Clut (odierna Dumbarton Rock, in Scozia), forse a partire dalla morte di Artgal e cioè dall'872 all'878. Secondo le Harleian genealogies, era figlio di Artgal. Run si sposò con la figlia di Cináed mac Ailpín, forse su pressione del figlio di quest'ultimo Causantín I. Dalla loro unione nacque Eochaid, che, con Giric, presero il poetere in Scozia dopo la morte del cognato di Run, Áed mac Cináeda, fino a quando furono deposti da re Domnall mac Causantín. (it) Rhun van Strathclyde (gestorven: ca. 875) was waarschijnlijk een koning van Strathclyde. De exacte data van zijn regering zijn niet bekend, maar waarschijnlijk verwierf hij de troon na de dood van zijn vader in 872 tot 878 toen zijn zoon Eochaid de troon verwierf. Rhun was getrouwd met een dochter van Kenneth I van Schotland. Waarschijnlijk werd tijdens zijn regering de kerk van Sint-Constantijn in Govan gebouwd. (nl) Рун (валл. Rhun) (умер в 878) — король Альт Клута (Стратклайда) с 872 года. (ru) |
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Rhun ab Arthgal merupakan abad ke-9. Ia adalah satu-satunya putra Arthgal ap Dyfnwal yang diketahui, Raja Alt Clut. Pada 870, selama masa pemerintahan yang terakhir, benteng Dùn Breatainn ditangkap oleh Viking, setelah itu Arthgal dan keluarganya mungkin termasuk di antara banyak tahanan yang dibawa kembali ke Irlandia. Dua tahun kemudian Arthgal tercatat telah terbunuh atas perintah Causantín mac Cináeda. Fakta bahwa Rhun tampaknya adalah saudara ipar Causantín dapat menjelaskan campur tangan Causantín dalam . (in) Run de Strathclyde. Roi des Bretons de Strathclyde après 872 avant 878. (fr) Run (... – ...; fl. IX secolo) regnò su Alt Clut (odierna Dumbarton Rock, in Scozia), forse a partire dalla morte di Artgal e cioè dall'872 all'878. Secondo le Harleian genealogies, era figlio di Artgal. Run si sposò con la figlia di Cináed mac Ailpín, forse su pressione del figlio di quest'ultimo Causantín I. Dalla loro unione nacque Eochaid, che, con Giric, presero il poetere in Scozia dopo la morte del cognato di Run, Áed mac Cináeda, fino a quando furono deposti da re Domnall mac Causantín. (it) Rhun van Strathclyde (gestorven: ca. 875) was waarschijnlijk een koning van Strathclyde. De exacte data van zijn regering zijn niet bekend, maar waarschijnlijk verwierf hij de troon na de dood van zijn vader in 872 tot 878 toen zijn zoon Eochaid de troon verwierf. Rhun was getrouwd met een dochter van Kenneth I van Schotland. Waarschijnlijk werd tijdens zijn regering de kerk van Sint-Constantijn in Govan gebouwd. (nl) Рун (валл. Rhun) (умер в 878) — король Альт Клута (Стратклайда) с 872 года. (ru) Rhun ab Arthgal was a ninth-century King of Strathclyde. He is the only known son of Arthgal ap Dyfnwal, King of Alt Clut. In 870, during the latter's reign, the fortress of Alt Clut was captured by Vikings, after which Arthgal and his family may have been amongst the mass of prisoners taken back to Ireland. Two years later Arthgal is recorded to have been slain at the behest of Causantín mac Cináeda, King of the Picts. The circumstances surrounding this regicide are unknown. The fact that Rhun seems to have been Causantín's brother-in-law could account for Causantín's interference in the kingship of Alt Clut. (en) |