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Rudolf Miethig (17 octobre 1921 - 10 juin 1943) est un pilote de chasse allemand de la Luftwaffe durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un des grands as avec 101 victoires aériennes à son palmarès. (fr) Rudolf Miethig (17 October 1921 – 10 June 1943) was a German Luftwaffe military aviator during World War II, a fighter ace credited with 101 aerial victories—that is, 101 aerial combat encounters resulting in the destruction of the enemy aircraft. All of his victories were claimed over the Soviet Air Forces in an unknown number of combat missions. Born in Zwickau, Miethig was trained as a fighter pilot and posted to Jagdgeschwader 52 (JG 52–52nd Fighter Wing) in early 1941. Fighting on the Eastern Front, he claimed his first aerial victory on 14 November 1941 during Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union. In July 1942, Miethig was appointed Staffelkapitän (squadron leader) of 3. Staffel (3rd squadron) of JG 52. Three months later, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 29 October 1942. On 8 June 1943, Miethig was credited with his 100th aerial victory. Two days later, he was killed in action following a mid-air collision with an enemy aircraft over the Kuban bridgehead. (en) Рудольф Мітіг (нім. Rudolf Miethig; 17 жовтня 1921, Цвікау, Чехословаччина — 10 червня 1943, Кримськ, РРФСР) — німецький льотчик-ас винищувальної авіації, гауптман люфтваффе. Кавалер Лицарського хреста Залізного хреста. (uk) Rudolf Miethig (Zwickau, Alemanha, 17 de Outubro de 1921 – 10 de Junho de 1943, perto de Krymsk, Rússia) foi um piloto alemão da Luftwaffe durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Voou em centenas de missões de combate, nas quais abateu 101 aeronaves inimigas, o que fez dele um ás da aviação. No dia em chegou à sua centésima vitória, abateu a sua centésima primeira aeronave ao lançar o seu avião contra ela, o que provocou a sua morte. Foi condecorado com a Cruz de Cavaleiro da Cruz de Ferro. (pt) |
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Rudolf Miethig (17 octobre 1921 - 10 juin 1943) est un pilote de chasse allemand de la Luftwaffe durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un des grands as avec 101 victoires aériennes à son palmarès. (fr) Рудольф Мітіг (нім. Rudolf Miethig; 17 жовтня 1921, Цвікау, Чехословаччина — 10 червня 1943, Кримськ, РРФСР) — німецький льотчик-ас винищувальної авіації, гауптман люфтваффе. Кавалер Лицарського хреста Залізного хреста. (uk) Rudolf Miethig (Zwickau, Alemanha, 17 de Outubro de 1921 – 10 de Junho de 1943, perto de Krymsk, Rússia) foi um piloto alemão da Luftwaffe durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Voou em centenas de missões de combate, nas quais abateu 101 aeronaves inimigas, o que fez dele um ás da aviação. No dia em chegou à sua centésima vitória, abateu a sua centésima primeira aeronave ao lançar o seu avião contra ela, o que provocou a sua morte. Foi condecorado com a Cruz de Cavaleiro da Cruz de Ferro. (pt) Rudolf Miethig (17 October 1921 – 10 June 1943) was a German Luftwaffe military aviator during World War II, a fighter ace credited with 101 aerial victories—that is, 101 aerial combat encounters resulting in the destruction of the enemy aircraft. All of his victories were claimed over the Soviet Air Forces in an unknown number of combat missions. (en) |