Tianshui (original) (raw)

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تيانشوي (بالصينية: 天水市) هي مدينة من مدن الصين. يبلغ عدد سكانها 3262548 نسمة حسب إحصائيات سنة 2010. يبلغ ارتفاع المدينة عن سطح البحر قرابة 1171 متر. تبلغ مساحتها 14300 كم².


Property Value
dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaMetro 5866.0
dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaTotal 14280.0
dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaUrban 5866.0
dbo:abstract تيانشوي (بالصينية: 天水市) هي مدينة من مدن الصين. يبلغ عدد سكانها 3262548 نسمة حسب إحصائيات سنة 2010. يبلغ ارتفاع المدينة عن سطح البحر قرابة 1171 متر. تبلغ مساحتها 14300 كم². (ar) Tchien-šuej (čínsky pchin-jinem Tiānshuǐ Shì, znaky 天水市) je městská prefektura v Čínské lidové republice. Leží na řece Wej-che v místě jejího křížení s historickou severní větví Hedvábné stezky na východě provincii Kan-su. Celá prefektura má rozlohu 14 300 km² a v roce 2010 v ní žilo přes tři milióny obyvatel. (cs) Tianshui (chinesisch 天水市, Pinyin Tiānshuǐ Shì) ist die zweitgrößte Stadt der chinesischen Provinz Gansu. Die Stadt hat eine Fläche von 14.359 km² und 3.354.900 Einwohner (Stand: Ende 2018). In dem eigentlichen städtischen Siedlungsgebiet von Tianshui leben 544.441 Personen (Zensus 2010). Tianshui liegt an der alten Route der nördlichen Seidenstraße am Wei-Fluss. Die denkmalgeschützten Maijishan-Grotten und der daoistische Jadequellen-Tempel liegen auf ihrem Gebiet. Das Königreich der Qin aus welchem später die Qin-Dynastie hervorging, die das chinesische Reich zum ersten Mal einte, entstammt diesem Gebiet. Tianshui ist des Weiteren eine derzeit unbesetzte katholische Diözese. (de) Tianshui (léase Tián-Shuéi, en chino simplificado, 天水市; pinyin, Tiānshuǐ shì, literalmente: agua celeste) es una ciudad-prefectura en la provincia de Gansu, República Popular China. A una distancia aproximada de 220 km de la capital provincial. Limita al norte y oeste con Dingxi, al sur con Longnan y al este con la provincia de Shaanxi. Su área es de 14 392 km² y su población es de 3,5 millones. (es) Tianshui (txinera sinplifikatuz: 天水; pinyinez: Tiānshuǐ), Gansu probintzian kokatutako prefektura mailako hiria da. Guztira, 3.250.000 biztanle inguru dauzka eta probintziako bigarren hiririk handiena da. (eu) Tianshui (chinois : 天水市 ; pinyin : tiānshuǐ shì) est une ville-préfecture de la province du Gansu en Chine. (fr) Tianshui adalah kota terbesar kedua di provinsi Gansu, Tiongkok. Populasinya berjumlah sekitar 3.5 juta. Kota tersebut dan wilayah sekitarnya memainkan peran penting dalam sejarah awal Tiongkok, seperti yang masih terlihat dalam bentuk situs-situs sejarah. (in) 天水市(てんすい-し)は、中華人民共和国甘粛省南東部に位置する地級市。西安と蘭州の中間に位置する。 (ja) Tianshui is the second-largest city in Gansu Province, China. The city is located in the southeast of the province, along the upper reaches of the Wei River and at the boundary of the Loess Plateau and the Qinling Mountains. As of the 2020 census, its population was 2,984,659 inhabitants, of which 1,212,791 lived in the built-up (or metro) area made of the 2 urban districts of Qinzhou and Maiji. The city and its surroundings have played an important role in the early history of China, as still visible in the form of historic sites such as the Maijishan Grottoes. (en) 톈수이(천수, 중국어: 天水, 병음: Tiānshuǐ)는 중화인민공화국 간쑤성 남동부에 위치하는 지급시이다. 간쑤 성에서 두 번째로 큰 도시로 인구는 약 350만명이다. 톈수이 시는 고대 실크로드의 를 따라 자리하며, 이곳을 통해 중국과 서역은 많은 무역을 하였다. 근처의 마이지산 석굴(麦积山石窟)은 천불동이 있으며, 북위 초기의 작품들과 송나라 말기까지의 작품들을 볼 수 있다. (ko) Tianshui is de tweede grootste stadsprefectuur van de Chinese provincie Gansu. De bevolking leeft vooral van de landbouw. Tianshui is ook een bisdom van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk. (nl) Tianshui (cinese: 天水; pinyin: Tiānshuǐ) è una città-prefettura della Cina nella provincia del Gansu, lungo il corso del fiume Wei. (it) Tianshui (chiń. 天水; pinyin: Tiānshuǐ) – miasto o statusie prefektury miejskiej w Chinach, w prowincji Gansu. W 2010 roku liczba mieszkańców miasta wynosiła 178 873. Prefektura miejska w 1999 roku liczyła 3 355 814 mieszkańców. Miasto leży nad rzeką Wei He. We wschodniej części Tianshui znajduje się dworzec kolejowy i port lotniczy. Siedziba rzymskokatolickiej diecezji Tianshui. (pl) Tianshui, tidigare stavat Tienshui, är en stad på prefekturnivå och den andra största staden i Gansu-provinsen i nordvästra Kina. Den ligger omkring 240 kilometer sydost om provinshuvudstaden Lanzhou. (sv) Tianshui (em chinês 天水) é uma cidade da República Popular da China, localizada no sudeste da Província de Gansu, no , no centro-norte do país. Limita-se ao norte com , ao sul com , e ao leste com Shaanxi. Foi um lugar importante ao longo da Rota da Seda. Atualmente é cortada por uma importante rodovia e pela desde de 1947. Está numa região que é considerada o berço da civilização chinesa, com registros arqueológicos que datam da época do neolítico. Nos tempos antigos, era conhecido como Gui, e na época da Dinastia Han (206 AC -220 DC), passou a ser conhecida como Gui Xian, ou Shanggui Xian. Na época da Dinastia Song (960-1279) foi rebatizada como Chengji Xian. Na época da Dinastia Ming (1368-1644) foi rebatizada como , nome que continuou a utilizar durante a Dinastia Qing (1644-1911/12). Seu nome atual é empregado desde 1950. Entre 763 e 845 esteve sob domínio dos tibetanos, depois foi dominada pelos Tangutes até 1127, quando caiu sob domínio dos . Entre 1215 e 1368 esteve sob domínio dos mongóis. Durante o Século V foi parte da principal via pela qual o budismo foi introduzido na China. A cerca de 25 Km da cidade existe o complexo de templos rupestres do , que foi um importante centro budista durante a Dinastia Sui (581-618) e a Dinastia Tang, atualmente o local é um destino turístico. A cidade fica em uma pequena bacia fértil, que conta com um antigo sistema de irrigação. Produz principalmente painço, milho, trigo, sorgo, algodão e tabaco. A oeste da cidade existe uma jazida de carvão mineral. Atualmente é um importante centro industrial, onde há produção de máquinas, produtos têxteis, eletrodomésticos, vinho e móveis. A comunidade muçulmana (Hui) foi dizimada na época da Revolta Dungan, mas uma considerável população muçulmana permanece em uma área a nordeste. Em 2002, sua população estimada do núcleo urbano principal era de 480.638 habitantes. Em 2007, a população estimada da cidade e do entorno era de 1.225.000 habitantes. (pt) Тяньшу́й (кит. упр. 天水, пиньинь Tiānshuǐ) — городской округ в провинции Ганьсу КНР. Название происходит от истории «Тянь хэ чжу шуй» (天河注水, «небесная река вливает воду»), которую услышал ханьский император, и решил использовать первый и последний иероглифы названия в качестве названия нового округа. (ru) 天水市,古称上邽、成纪、秦州,是中华人民共和国甘肃省下辖的地级市,位于甘肃省东南部,丝绸之路上的重要节点,是甘肃省人民政府批复的甘肃省省域副中心城市,甘肃省第二大城市,陇东南中心城市,关中—天水经济区次核心城市,关中平原城市群重要节点城市,位于渭河上游。市境北界平凉市,西邻定西市,南接陇南市,东毗陕西省宝鸡市。 地处黄土高原与秦岭交界,西北部为黄土梁峁和沟壑区,东南部秦岭、关山为土石山区和森林。全市横跨长江、黄河两大流域,渭河自西向东横贯市境。全市总面积14,277平方公里,人口331.17万,市人民政府驻秦州区。 天水是国家历史文化名城,古“丝绸之路”必经之地,有“西北小江南”之称。境内文化古迹甚多,其中麦积山石窟入选世界文化遗产名录。 (zh) Тяньшу́й (спрощ.: 天水; піньїнь: Tiānshuǐ) — міський округ у китайській провінції Ганьсу. Назва походить від історії «Тянь хе чжу шуй» (天河注水, «небесна річка вливає воду»), яку почув ханський імператор і вирішив назвати так нове місто в своїй державі. (uk)
dbo:areaCode 0938
dbo:areaMetro 5866000000.000000 (xsd:double)
dbo:areaTotal 14280000000.000000 (xsd:double)
dbo:areaUrban 5866000000.000000 (xsd:double)
dbo:elevation 1171.000000 (xsd:double)
dbo:isoCodeRegion CN-GS-05
dbo:originalName 天水市 (en)
dbo:populationMetro 1212791 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
dbo:populationTotal 2984659 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
dbo:populationUrban 1212791 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
dbo:postalCode 741000
dbo:subdivision dbr:Gansu
dbo:thumbnail wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/伏羲庙牌坊.jpg?width=300
dbo:timeZone dbr:China_Standard_Time
dbo:type dbr:Prefecture-level_city
dbo:utcOffset +8
dbo:wikiPageExternalLink http://www.tianshui.gov.cn/
dbo:wikiPageID 1660540 (xsd:integer)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Prefecture-level_city dbr:Provinces_of_China dbr:Qin'an_County dbr:Qin_dynasty dbr:Qingshui_County dbr:Qinling dbr:Qinzhou dbr:Qinzhou_District dbr:Monsoon dbr:List_of_Chinese_dynasties dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_China dbc:Cities_in_Gansu dbr:Köppen_climate_classification dbr:Qin_Prefecture_(Gansu) dbr:Hanzi dbr:Western_Zhou_dynasty dbc:Tianshui dbr:Emperor_Wu_of_Han dbr:G30_Lianyungang–Khorgas_Expressway dbr:G7011_Shiyan–Tianshui_Expressway dbr:G8513_Pingliang–Mianyang_Expressway dbr:Gangu_County dbr:Gansu dbr:Gautama_Buddha dbr:Northern_Silk_Road dbr:Li_County,_Gansu dbr:Li_Guang dbr:Maiji_District dbr:China_National_Highway_310 dbr:Zhangjiachuan_Hui_Autonomous_County dbr:China_Standard_Time dbr:Maijishan_Grottoes dbr:Buckwheat dbr:Tianshui_Maijishan_Airport dbr:Tianshui_South_railway_station dbr:Tianshui_Tram dbr:Tianshui_railway_station dbr:Tianshui–Longnan_railway dbr:Wei_River dbr:Loess_Plateau dbr:AVIC_Tianshui_Aviation_Industry dbr:Dadiwan_culture dbr:Five_Dynasties dbr:Northern_Wei dbr:Fangmatan dbr:Han_dynasty dbc:Prefecture-level_divisions_of_Gansu dbr:Tang_dynasty dbr:Tarim_Basin dbr:Humid_continental_climate dbr:Chang'an dbr:Pingliang dbr:Guanyin dbr:Huaniu dbr:Tianshui_Commandery dbr:Ming_dynasty dbr:Semi-arid_climate dbr:Wushan_County,_Gansu dbr:Xi'an dbr:Xirong dbr:Longxi_Commandery dbr:ISO_3166-2:CN dbr:List_of_twin_towns_and_sister_cities_in_China dbr:Longhai_Railway dbr:Tianshui_Association dbr:Fuxi_Temple_(Tianshui) dbr:Yuquan_Temple_(Tianshui) dbr:Song_Dynasty dbr:Hanyu_Pinyin dbr:Early_Imperial_China dbr:List_of_Chinese_provinces dbr:Postal_code_of_China dbr:State_of_Qin dbr:Cities_in_Gansu dbr:Qin'an dbr:Qin_Empire dbr:Quanqiu dbr:Chenghua_era dbr:Chengji dbr:Zhou_(Chinese_province) dbr:House_of_Ying dbr:Northern_Wei_dynasty dbr:Buddhism_in_China dbr:Western_Wei_dynasty dbr:File:TianshuiStation.JPG dbr:Fuxi_Temple dbr:Gui_County_(Qin) dbr:Mount_Long dbr:Tianshui_Normal_University dbr:Wiktionary:天水
dbp:altname Qinzhou (en) Hanyang Commandery (en) Hanyang County (en) Tianshui Commandery (en)
dbp:aprHighC 19.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:aprHumidity 57 (xsd:integer)
dbp:aprLowC 7.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:aprMeanC 13 (xsd:integer)
dbp:aprPercentsun 47 (xsd:integer)
dbp:aprPrecipitationDays 8.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:aprPrecipitationMm 34.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:aprRecordHighC 31.800000 (xsd:double)
dbp:aprRecordLowC −6.4 (en)
dbp:aprSun 182 (xsd:integer)
dbp:areaCode 938 (xsd:integer)
dbp:areaMetroKm 5866 (xsd:integer)
dbp:areaTotalKm 14280 (xsd:integer)
dbp:areaUrbanKm 5866 (xsd:integer)
dbp:augHighC 27.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:augHumidity 71 (xsd:integer)
dbp:augLowC 17.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:augMeanC 22 (xsd:integer)
dbp:augPercentsun 47 (xsd:integer)
dbp:augPrecipitationDays 10.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:augPrecipitationMm 86.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:augRecordHighC 36.100000 (xsd:double)
dbp:augRecordLowC 8.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:augSun 193.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:blankInfo (en)
dbp:blankName dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_China
dbp:coorPinpoint Tianshui municipal government (en)
dbp:decHighC 5.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:decHumidity 64 (xsd:integer)
dbp:decLowC −4.3 (en)
dbp:decMeanC −0.4 (en)
dbp:decPercentsun 50 (xsd:integer)
dbp:decPrecipitationDays 3 (xsd:integer)
dbp:decPrecipitationMm 3.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:decRecordHighC 14.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:decRecordLowC −17.4 (en)
dbp:decSun 151 (xsd:integer)
dbp:elevationM 1171 (xsd:integer)
dbp:febHighC 7.500000 (xsd:double)
dbp:febHumidity 60 (xsd:integer)
dbp:febLowC −2.2 (en)
dbp:febMeanC 1.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:febPercentsun 42 (xsd:integer)
dbp:febPrecipitationDays 5.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:febPrecipitationMm 6.800000 (xsd:double)
dbp:febRecordHighC 20.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:febRecordLowC −16.6 (en)
dbp:febSun 128.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:imageCaption Tianshui Fuyi pedestrian street , Tianshui skyline (en)
dbp:imageMap Location of Tianshui Prefecture within Gansu .png (en)
dbp:isoCode dbr:ISO_3166-2:CN
dbp:janHighC 3.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:janHumidity 61 (xsd:integer)
dbp:janLowC −5.4 (en)
dbp:janMeanC −1.5 (en)
dbp:janPercentsun 46 (xsd:integer)
dbp:janPrecipitationDays 5 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:janRecordLowC −19.2 (en)
dbp:janSun 144.300000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:julPercentsun 45 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:julRecordLowC 10.600000 (xsd:double)
dbp:julSun 195.700000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:junHumidity 64 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:junPercentsun 44 (xsd:integer)
dbp:junPrecipitationDays 11.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:junPrecipitationMm 71.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:junRecordHighC 37.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:junRecordLowC 5.500000 (xsd:double)
dbp:junSun 190 (xsd:integer)
dbp:l dbr:State_of_Qin dbr:Zhou_(Chinese_province) City of Sky and Water (en) Commandery of Heaven and Water (en)
dbp:location Tianshui (en)
dbp:mapCaption Location of Tianshui City jurisdiction in Gansu (en)
dbp:marHighC 13 (xsd:integer)
dbp:marHumidity 59 (xsd:integer)
dbp:marLowC 2.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:marMeanC 6.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:marPercentsun 39 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:marRecordLowC -10 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:mayPercentsun 47 (xsd:integer)
dbp:mayPrecipitationDays 10.500000 (xsd:double)
dbp:mayPrecipitationMm 53.100000 (xsd:double)
dbp:mayRecordHighC 33.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:mayRecordLowC 1.800000 (xsd:double)
dbp:maySun 201.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:metricFirst Y (en)
dbp:name Tianshui (en)
dbp:nativeName 天水市 (en)
dbp:nativeNameLang zh (en)
dbp:novHighC 10.900000 (xsd:double)
dbp:novHumidity 70 (xsd:integer)
dbp:novLowC 1 (xsd:integer)
dbp:novMeanC 5.100000 (xsd:double)
dbp:novPercentsun 43 (xsd:integer)
dbp:novPrecipitationDays 5.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:novPrecipitationMm 10.700000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:novRecordLowC −11.6 (en)
dbp:novSun 133.400000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:octLowC 7.500000 (xsd:double)
dbp:octMeanC 11.300000 (xsd:double)
dbp:octPercentsun 35 (xsd:integer)
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dbp:octPrecipitationMm 46.500000 (xsd:double)
dbp:octRecordHighC 28.500000 (xsd:double)
dbp:octRecordLowC −5.1 (en)
dbp:octSun 123.700000 (xsd:double)
dbp:order st (en)
dbp:p Qínzhōu (en) Hànyángjùn (en) Hànyángxiàn (en) Tiānshuǐjùn (en) Tiānshuǐshì (en)
dbp:pic 伏羲庙内_01.jpg (en)
dbp:piccap The entrance to the Fuxi Temple in Tianshui (en)
dbp:picsize 250 (xsd:integer)
dbp:populationAsOf 2020 (xsd:integer)
dbp:populationDensityKm auto (en)
dbp:populationDensityMetroKm auto (en)
dbp:populationDensityUrbanKm auto (en)
dbp:populationMetro 1212791 (xsd:integer)
dbp:populationTotal 2984659 (xsd:integer)
dbp:populationUrban 1212791 (xsd:integer)
dbp:postalCode 741000 (xsd:integer)
dbp:postalCodeType dbr:Postal_code_of_China
dbp:precipitationColour green (en)
dbp:psp Tsinchow (en)
dbp:scale 580 (xsd:integer)
dbp:seat dbr:Qinzhou_District
dbp:seatType Municipal seat (en)
dbp:sepHighC 22.600000 (xsd:double)
dbp:sepHumidity 76 (xsd:integer)
dbp:sepLowC 13.300000 (xsd:double)
dbp:sepMeanC 17.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:sepPercentsun 34 (xsd:integer)
dbp:sepPrecipitationDays 11.200000 (xsd:double)
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dbp:sepRecordHighC 36.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:sepRecordLowC 1.200000 (xsd:double)
dbp:sepSun 125.400000 (xsd:double)
dbp:settlementType dbr:Prefecture-level_city
dbp:singleLine Y (en)
dbp:source China Meteorological Administration (en)
dbp:subdivisionName dbr:Gansu People's Republic of China (en)
dbp:subdivisionType dbr:Provinces_of_China Country (en)
dbp:text dbr:Qin'an_County dbr:Qingshui_County dbr:Qinzhou_District dbr:Gangu_County dbr:Maiji_District dbr:Zhangjiachuan_Hui_Autonomous_County dbr:Wushan_County,_Gansu
dbp:timezone dbr:China_Standard_Time
dbp:title Tianshui (en)
dbp:unitPrecipitationDays 0.1
dbp:utcOffset +8 (en)
dbp:w Chin-chou (en) Han-yang Chun (en) Han-yang Hsien (en) Tien-shui Chün (en) Tien-shui Shih (en)
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georss:point 34.5815 105.7248
rdf:type owl:Thing dbo:Place dbo:Location schema:City schema:Place wikidata:Q486972 wikidata:Q515 dbo:PopulatedPlace yago:WikicatCitiesInGansu geo:SpatialThing yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Activity100407535 yago:AdministrativeDistrict108491826 yago:City108524735 yago:Commandership100590626 yago:County108546183 yago:District108552138 yago:Event100029378 yago:GeographicalArea108574314 yago:Location100027167 yago:Municipality108626283 yago:Object100002684 yago:Occupation100582388 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:Position100586262 yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:Region108630039 yago:Region108630985 yago:YagoGeoEntity yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity dbo:City dbo:Settlement yago:UrbanArea108675967 yago:WikicatFormerCommanderiesOfChina yago:WikicatFormerCountiesOfChina
rdfs:comment تيانشوي (بالصينية: 天水市) هي مدينة من مدن الصين. يبلغ عدد سكانها 3262548 نسمة حسب إحصائيات سنة 2010. يبلغ ارتفاع المدينة عن سطح البحر قرابة 1171 متر. تبلغ مساحتها 14300 كم². (ar) Tchien-šuej (čínsky pchin-jinem Tiānshuǐ Shì, znaky 天水市) je městská prefektura v Čínské lidové republice. Leží na řece Wej-che v místě jejího křížení s historickou severní větví Hedvábné stezky na východě provincii Kan-su. Celá prefektura má rozlohu 14 300 km² a v roce 2010 v ní žilo přes tři milióny obyvatel. (cs) Tianshui (léase Tián-Shuéi, en chino simplificado, 天水市; pinyin, Tiānshuǐ shì, literalmente: agua celeste) es una ciudad-prefectura en la provincia de Gansu, República Popular China. A una distancia aproximada de 220 km de la capital provincial. Limita al norte y oeste con Dingxi, al sur con Longnan y al este con la provincia de Shaanxi. Su área es de 14 392 km² y su población es de 3,5 millones. (es) Tianshui (txinera sinplifikatuz: 天水; pinyinez: Tiānshuǐ), Gansu probintzian kokatutako prefektura mailako hiria da. Guztira, 3.250.000 biztanle inguru dauzka eta probintziako bigarren hiririk handiena da. (eu) Tianshui (chinois : 天水市 ; pinyin : tiānshuǐ shì) est une ville-préfecture de la province du Gansu en Chine. (fr) Tianshui adalah kota terbesar kedua di provinsi Gansu, Tiongkok. Populasinya berjumlah sekitar 3.5 juta. Kota tersebut dan wilayah sekitarnya memainkan peran penting dalam sejarah awal Tiongkok, seperti yang masih terlihat dalam bentuk situs-situs sejarah. (in) 天水市(てんすい-し)は、中華人民共和国甘粛省南東部に位置する地級市。西安と蘭州の中間に位置する。 (ja) Tianshui is the second-largest city in Gansu Province, China. The city is located in the southeast of the province, along the upper reaches of the Wei River and at the boundary of the Loess Plateau and the Qinling Mountains. As of the 2020 census, its population was 2,984,659 inhabitants, of which 1,212,791 lived in the built-up (or metro) area made of the 2 urban districts of Qinzhou and Maiji. The city and its surroundings have played an important role in the early history of China, as still visible in the form of historic sites such as the Maijishan Grottoes. (en) 톈수이(천수, 중국어: 天水, 병음: Tiānshuǐ)는 중화인민공화국 간쑤성 남동부에 위치하는 지급시이다. 간쑤 성에서 두 번째로 큰 도시로 인구는 약 350만명이다. 톈수이 시는 고대 실크로드의 를 따라 자리하며, 이곳을 통해 중국과 서역은 많은 무역을 하였다. 근처의 마이지산 석굴(麦积山石窟)은 천불동이 있으며, 북위 초기의 작품들과 송나라 말기까지의 작품들을 볼 수 있다. (ko) Tianshui is de tweede grootste stadsprefectuur van de Chinese provincie Gansu. De bevolking leeft vooral van de landbouw. Tianshui is ook een bisdom van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk. (nl) Tianshui (cinese: 天水; pinyin: Tiānshuǐ) è una città-prefettura della Cina nella provincia del Gansu, lungo il corso del fiume Wei. (it) Tianshui (chiń. 天水; pinyin: Tiānshuǐ) – miasto o statusie prefektury miejskiej w Chinach, w prowincji Gansu. W 2010 roku liczba mieszkańców miasta wynosiła 178 873. Prefektura miejska w 1999 roku liczyła 3 355 814 mieszkańców. Miasto leży nad rzeką Wei He. We wschodniej części Tianshui znajduje się dworzec kolejowy i port lotniczy. Siedziba rzymskokatolickiej diecezji Tianshui. (pl) Tianshui, tidigare stavat Tienshui, är en stad på prefekturnivå och den andra största staden i Gansu-provinsen i nordvästra Kina. Den ligger omkring 240 kilometer sydost om provinshuvudstaden Lanzhou. (sv) Тяньшу́й (кит. упр. 天水, пиньинь Tiānshuǐ) — городской округ в провинции Ганьсу КНР. Название происходит от истории «Тянь хэ чжу шуй» (天河注水, «небесная река вливает воду»), которую услышал ханьский император, и решил использовать первый и последний иероглифы названия в качестве названия нового округа. (ru) 天水市,古称上邽、成纪、秦州,是中华人民共和国甘肃省下辖的地级市,位于甘肃省东南部,丝绸之路上的重要节点,是甘肃省人民政府批复的甘肃省省域副中心城市,甘肃省第二大城市,陇东南中心城市,关中—天水经济区次核心城市,关中平原城市群重要节点城市,位于渭河上游。市境北界平凉市,西邻定西市,南接陇南市,东毗陕西省宝鸡市。 地处黄土高原与秦岭交界,西北部为黄土梁峁和沟壑区,东南部秦岭、关山为土石山区和森林。全市横跨长江、黄河两大流域,渭河自西向东横贯市境。全市总面积14,277平方公里,人口331.17万,市人民政府驻秦州区。 天水是国家历史文化名城,古“丝绸之路”必经之地,有“西北小江南”之称。境内文化古迹甚多,其中麦积山石窟入选世界文化遗产名录。 (zh) Тяньшу́й (спрощ.: 天水; піньїнь: Tiānshuǐ) — міський округ у китайській провінції Ганьсу. Назва походить від історії «Тянь хе чжу шуй» (天河注水, «небесна річка вливає воду»), яку почув ханський імператор і вирішив назвати так нове місто в своїй державі. (uk) Tianshui (chinesisch 天水市, Pinyin Tiānshuǐ Shì) ist die zweitgrößte Stadt der chinesischen Provinz Gansu. Die Stadt hat eine Fläche von 14.359 km² und 3.354.900 Einwohner (Stand: Ende 2018). In dem eigentlichen städtischen Siedlungsgebiet von Tianshui leben 544.441 Personen (Zensus 2010). (de) Tianshui (em chinês 天水) é uma cidade da República Popular da China, localizada no sudeste da Província de Gansu, no , no centro-norte do país. Limita-se ao norte com , ao sul com , e ao leste com Shaanxi. Foi um lugar importante ao longo da Rota da Seda. Atualmente é cortada por uma importante rodovia e pela desde de 1947. Entre 763 e 845 esteve sob domínio dos tibetanos, depois foi dominada pelos Tangutes até 1127, quando caiu sob domínio dos . Entre 1215 e 1368 esteve sob domínio dos mongóis. (pt)
rdfs:label Tianshui (en) تيانشوي (ar) Tchien-šuej (cs) Tianshui (de) Tianshui (es) Tianshui (eu) Tianshui (in) Tianshui (fr) Tianshui (it) 天水市 (ja) 톈수이시 (ko) Tianshui (nl) Tianshui (pl) Tianshui (pt) Тяньшуй (ru) Tianshui (sv) Тяньшуй (uk) 天水市 (zh)
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geo:geometry POINT(105.72480010986 34.58150100708)
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foaf:homepage http://www.tianshui.gov.cn/
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:Tianshui
foaf:name Tianshui (en)
is dbo:birthPlace of dbr:Ren_Farong dbr:Li_Guang__李廣__1 dbr:Liu_Chang_(actor) dbr:Lü_Jihong dbr:Deng_Baoshan dbr:Yusuf_Liu_Baojun dbr:Zhao_Ang dbr:Chen_Xiang dbr:Jiang_Xu dbr:Wu_Lizhu
is dbo:city of dbr:G30_Lianyungang–Khorgas_Expressway dbr:Tianshui_Maijishan_Airport
is dbo:deathPlace of dbr:Zhang_He
is dbo:location of dbr:Tianshui_Maijishan_Airport dbr:Tianshui_Tram dbr:Buzi_(fortification)
is dbo:origin of dbr:Huaniu
is dbo:routeEnd of dbr:G7011_Shiyan–Tianshui_Expressway dbr:China_National_Highway_310 dbr:China_National_Highway_566
is dbo:routeJunction of dbr:G8513_Pingliang–Mianyang_Expressway
is dbo:subdivision of dbr:Qin'an_County dbr:Qingshui_County dbr:Qinzhou_District dbr:Dongcha dbr:Gangu_County dbr:Longcheng,_Tianshui dbr:Maguan,_Gansu dbr:Maiji_District dbr:Yuquan,_Tianshui dbr:Zhangjiachuan_Hui_Autonomous_County dbr:Baisha,_Gansu dbr:Shifo,_Gansu dbr:Wushan_County,_Gansu dbr:Xichuan,_Gansu
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:History_of_Tianshui dbr:Hanyang_County dbr:Tianshui,_Gansu dbr:天水 dbr:天水市 dbr:Tianshui,_Gansu_Province dbr:Prefecture_Apostolic_of_Southern_Kan-Su dbr:Prefecture_Apostolic_of_Southern_Kan-su dbr:Shanggui dbr:T'ien-Shui dbr:T'ien-shui
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dbr:List_of_long_tunnels_by_type dbr:List_of_prefectures_in_China dbr:Peng_Shaohui dbr:Ren_Farong dbr:Cui_Gong dbr:Cui_Hao dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_China dbr:Dongcha dbr:Duke_Wu_of_Qin dbr:Earthquake_light dbr:List_of_longest_railway_tunnels dbr:Li_Hao_(Later_Shu) dbr:Li_Jihui dbr:Li_Maozhen dbr:Li_Rangyi dbr:Li_Sheng_(Tang_dynasty) dbr:Li_Shizhi dbr:Li_Yiyan dbr:Liang_Province_rebellion dbr:List_of_most-polluted_cities_by_particulate_matter_concentration dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(K) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(L) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(W) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(X) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(Y) dbr:List_of_people_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_(Z) dbr:List_of_prisons_in_Gansu dbr:Northwest_China_administrative_division_codes_of_the_PRC_(Division_6) dbr:Timeline_of_Chinese_history dbr:Timeline_of_the_Han_dynasty dbr:Timeline_of_the_Xiongnu dbr:1654_Tianshui_earthquake dbr:1718_Tongwei–Gansu_earthquake dbr:Conquest_of_Shu_by_Wei dbr:Meng_Chang dbr:Chengguan_Township dbr:Lu_Chengqing dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Qinzhou dbr:Wei_Siqian dbr:Qín_Prefecture dbr:Timeline_of_the_Jin_dynasty_(266–420)_and_the_Sixteen_Kingdoms_(304–439) dbr:Chu_Suiliang dbr:Cities_along_the_Silk_Road dbr:Emperor_Guangwu_of_Han dbr:Emperor_Huizong_of_Song dbr:Emperor_Wen_of_Western_Wei dbr:Emperor_Xiaoming_of_Northern_Wei dbr:Emperor_Zhaozong_of_Tang dbr:Fu_Jian_(337–385) dbr:Fu_Xiong dbr:Fuxi dbr:G30_Lianyungang–Khorgas_Expressway dbr:G7011_Shiyan–Tianshui_Expressway dbr:G8513_Pingliang–Mianyang_Expressway dbr:Gangu_County dbr:Gansu dbr:Wang_Sitong dbr:Annie_Royle_Taylor dbr:Li_Ao_(philosopher) dbr:Li_County,_Gansu dbr:Li_Guang dbr:Li_Ling dbr:Li_Xian_(Northern_Zhou_general) dbr:Lin_Zhao dbr:Liu_Chang_(actor) dbr:Longcheng,_Tianshui dbr:Longhai_railway dbr:Lü_Guang dbr:Lü_Jihong dbr:Lü_Zuan dbr:Maguan,_Gansu dbr:Maiji_District dbr:Mandarin_Chinese dbr:China_National_Highway_310 dbr:China_National_Highway_316 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