Swarm behaviour (original) (raw)
- سلوك السرب أو الإحتشاد (بالإنجليزية: Swarm behaviour)، هو سلوك جماعي تظهره كيانات، لا سيما الحيوانات، ذات الحجم المماثل والتي تتجمع معًا، وربما تتجمع حول نفس المكان أو ربما تتحرك بشكل جماعي أو تهاجر في إتجاه ما. إنه موضوع متعدد التخصصات للغاية. كمصطلح يتم تطبيق التطهير بشكل خاص على الحشرات، ولكن يمكن أيضًا تطبيقه على أي كيان أو حيوان آخر يظهر سلوك السرب. يمكن أن يشير مصطلح التدفق أو النفخة على وجه التحديد إلى سلوك السرب في الطيور، والرعي للإشارة إلى سلوك السرب في رباعيات الأطراف، والتدفئة أو التعليم للإشارة إلى سلوك السرب في الأسماك. تتجمع العوالق النباتية أيضًا في أسراب ضخمة تسمى الإزهار، على الرغم من أن هذه الكائنات هي طحالب وليست ذاتية الدفع كما هي الحال بالنسبة للحيوانات. بالتبعية مصطلح «سرب» ينطبق أيضًا على الكيانات غير الحية التي تظهر سلوكيات موازية، كما هو الحال في سرب الروبوت، أو سرب الزلازل، أو سرب من النجوم. (ar)
- Schwarmverhalten bezeichnet das Verhalten von Fischen, insbesondere den Schwarmfischen, von Vögeln, Insekten und anderen Tieren, sich zu Aggregationen zusammenzuschließen. Die Individuen in einem Schwarm gehören meist derselben Art an, es können sich jedoch auch gemischte Schwärme aus Tieren unterschiedlicher Arten und Altersstadien bilden. Typische Schwarm-bildende Tiere sind beispielsweise Heringe, Stare und Wanderheuschrecken. Bei Meeressäugern wie Delfinen, die sich zu einem Verband zusammenschließen, spricht man auch von einer Schule, bei Landsäugetieren von einer Herde. Bei schneller Fortbewegung ist der Fachbegriff Stampede üblich. Das Phänomen Schwarm und Schwarmverhalten wird in verschiedenen biologischen Disziplinen untersucht, und zwar per Verhaltensanalyse und Modellierung. Forschung findet auch z. B. auch in der Informatik (siehe Partikelschwarmoptimierung). Anwendungen gibt es in der Computergrafik (siehe Partikelsystem) und beim Militär. (de)
- Swarm behaviour, or swarming, is a collective behaviour exhibited by entities, particularly animals, of similar size which aggregate together, perhaps milling about the same spot or perhaps moving en masse or migrating in some direction. It is a highly interdisciplinary topic. As a term, swarming is applied particularly to insects, but can also be applied to any other entity or animal that exhibits swarm behaviour. The term flocking or murmuration can refer specifically to swarm behaviour in birds, herding to refer to swarm behaviour in tetrapods, and shoaling or schooling to refer to swarm behaviour in fish. Phytoplankton also gather in huge swarms called blooms, although these organisms are algae and are not self-propelled the way animals are. By extension, the term "swarm" is applied also to inanimate entities which exhibit parallel behaviours, as in a robot swarm, an earthquake swarm, or a swarm of stars. From a more abstract point of view, swarm behaviour is the collective motion of a large number of self-propelled entities. From the perspective of the mathematical modeller, it is an emergent behaviour arising from simple rules that are followed by individuals and does not involve any central coordination. Swarm behaviour is also studied by active matter physicists as a phenomenon which is not in thermodynamic equilibrium, and as such requires the development of tools beyond those available from the statistical physics of systems in thermodynamic equilibrium. In this regard, swarming has been compared to the mathematics of superfluids, specifically in the context of starling flocks (murmuration). Swarm behaviour was first simulated on a computer in 1986 with the simulation program boids. This program simulates simple agents (boids) that are allowed to move according to a set of basic rules. The model was originally designed to mimic the flocking behaviour of birds, but it can be applied also to schooling fish and other swarming entities. (en)
- La formazione a sciame o lo sciamare, è un comportamento collettivo esibito da entità, in particolare animali, di dimensioni simili che si aggregano insieme, muovendosi pressappoco o nello stesso punto o in massa o migrando in una direzione. È un argomento altamente interdisciplinare. Il termine sciamare o brulicare viene applicato in particolare agli insetti, ma può anche essere applicato a qualsiasi altra entità o animale che presenti un comportamento simile. Il termine o mormorio può riferirsi in modo specifico allo sciamare negli uccelli, al radunarsi in gregge in riferimento alla sciamatura nei tetrapodi e all'aggregazione in banchi per indicare lo sciamare nei pesci. Anche il fitoplancton si riunisce in enormi sciami chiamati , anche se questi organismi sono alghe e non sono semoventi come gli animali. Per estensione, il termine "sciame" viene applicato anche alle entità inanimate che presentano comportamenti paralleli, come in uno sciame di robot, uno sciame di terremoti o uno sciame di stelle. Da un punto di vista più astratto, la formazione a sciame è il movimento collettivo di un gran numero di . Dal punto di vista di chi crea modelli matematici, si tratta di un comportamento emergente derivante da semplici regole che sono seguite dagli individui e non comporta alcun coordinamento centrale. La formazione a sciame è anche studiata dai fisici della materia attiva come fenomeno che non è in equilibrio termodinamico, e come tale richiede lo sviluppo di strumenti ulteriori a quelli disponibili dalla fisica statistica dei sistemi in equilibrio termodinamico. La formazione a sciame è stata simulata per la prima volta su un computer nel 1986 con il software di simulazione Boids. Questo software simula semplici (boids) che possono spostarsi secondo una serie di regole base. Il modello è stato originariamente progettato per imitare il comportamento dello stormo degli uccelli, ma può essere applicato anche al branco dei pesci e ad altre entità che sciamano. (it)
- Svärmning är ett flockbeteende hos insekter. (sv)
- 群行行為(Swarm behavior)、群行(Swarming)是一種集體動物行為,一群實體聚集在一起兜圈或朝特定方向行動。這是一個高度跨學科的主題。 昆蟲、鳥類、魚類、水生動物、人與細菌都會出現群行行為。廣義上來看,機器的集群行動也可用此術語描述。 (zh)
- dbr:Candidate_solution
- dbr:Carbon_cycle
- dbr:Carbon_sink
- dbr:Carrion
- dbc:Group_processes
- dbr:Robot
- dbr:Robotics
- dbr:Rome
- dbr:Sardine
- dbr:Schistocerca_gregaria
- dbr:Exuvia
- dbr:Molecular_motor
- dbc:Aquatic_ecology
- dbc:Fisheries_science
- dbr:Batman_Returns
- dbr:Beetle
- dbr:Benthos
- dbr:Biomass
- dbr:Bird_of_prey
- dbr:Algal_bloom
- dbr:Animal_migration
- dbr:Anisota_virginiensis
- dbc:Animal_cognition
- dbr:Antarctic_krill
- dbr:Apis_dorsata
- dbr:Honey_bee
- dbr:Pest_(organism)
- dbr:Ritual
- dbr:Decentralization
- dbr:Douglas_A._Lawson
- dbr:Earthquake_swarm
- dbr:Insect_migration
- dbr:Moth
- dbc:Articles_containing_video_clips
- dbr:Copepod
- dbr:Coral_reef
- dbr:Crustacean
- dbr:Ant_colonies
- dbr:Maxima_and_minima
- dbr:SRI_International
- dbr:Escape_response
- dbr:Nymph_(biology)
- dbr:Self-organization
- dbr:Cockroach
- dbr:Emergence
- dbr:Genetic_algorithm
- dbr:Gibraltar
- dbr:Grasshopper
- dbr:Monarch_butterfly
- dbr:Myxobacteria
- dbr:Conga_line
- dbr:Convergent_evolution
- dbr:Critical_mass_(sociodynamics)
- dbr:Crowd_simulation
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings_(film_series)
- dbr:The_Trials_of_Life
- dbr:Ant
- dbr:Antenna_(biology)
- dbr:Altruism_in_animals
- dbr:Lek_mating
- dbr:Lemming
- dbr:Lobster
- dbr:Boids
- dbr:Shoaling_and_schooling
- dbr:Clutch_(eggs)
- dbr:Colony_(biology)
- dbr:Computer_simulation
- dbr:Zebrafish
- dbr:Zooplankton
- dbr:Feeding_frenzy
- dbr:File:Red_weaver_ants_transporting_a_dead_gecko,_in_Laos_(video).webm
- dbr:Leptoconops_torrens
- dbr:Glider_aircraft
- dbr:Particle_swarm_optimization
- dbr:Peloton
- dbr:Point_particle
- dbr:Starling
- dbr:Superorganism
- dbr:Swarm
- dbr:Swarming_(honey_bee)
- dbr:Swarming_(military)
- dbr:Marketing
- dbr:Mass_suicide
- dbr:Bacteria
- dbr:Butterfly
- dbr:Active_matter
- dbc:Crowds
- dbr:Central_America
- dbr:Agent-based_model
- dbr:Agent-based_model_in_biology
- dbr:Tonne
- dbr:Traffic_flow
- dbr:Trilobite
- dbr:Diurnality
- dbr:James_Kennedy_(social_psychologist)
- dbr:Fatigue_(medical)
- dbr:Fault-tolerant_system
- dbr:Lateral_line
- dbr:Lecture_Notes_in_Computer_Science
- dbr:Locust
- dbr:Minnow
- dbr:Acrididae
- dbr:Agulhas_Bank
- dbr:Algae
- dbr:Culicoides
- dbr:Dragonfly
- dbr:Dunlin
- dbc:Animal_migration
- dbr:Erasmus_Darwin
- dbr:Euler_equations_(fluid_dynamics)
- dbr:European_honey_buzzard
- dbr:Evolution
- dbr:Florida_Institute_of_Technology
- dbc:Periodic_phenomena
- dbr:Breeding_in_the_wild
- dbr:Passenger_pigeon
- dbr:Cellular_automaton
- dbr:Centibots
- dbr:Diapause
- dbr:Discrete_optimization
- dbr:Falsterbo
- dbr:Flocking_(behavior)
- dbr:Forage_fish
- dbr:Foraging
- dbr:Gerardo_Beni
- dbr:Golden_shiner
- dbr:File:Krill_swarm.jpg
- dbr:Stolon
- dbr:Wingtip_vortices
- dbr:Wolfram_Demonstrations_Project
- dbr:Russell_C._Eberhart
- dbr:Greenhouse_gas
- dbr:Hamilton's_rule
- dbr:Jellyfish
- dbr:Bacterial_gliding
- dbc:Networking_algorithms
- dbr:Tamás_Vicsek
- dbr:Bosphorus
- dbr:Craig_Reynolds_(computer_graphics)
- dbr:Tetrapods
- dbr:The_Economist
- dbr:Selfish_herd_theory
- dbr:Thermodynamic_equilibrium
- dbr:Tokunagayusurika_akamusi
- dbr:Army_ant
- dbr:Artificial_intelligence
- dbc:Zoology
- dbr:Ladybird
- dbr:Bidirectional_traffic
- dbr:Biological_organisation
- dbr:Biomimetics
- dbr:Bird_migration
- dbr:Swarm_robotics
- dbr:Ecdysis
- dbr:Herd
- dbr:Herring
- dbr:Signal_transduction
- dbr:Salp
- dbr:Diel_vertical_migration
- dbr:Marco_Dorigo
- dbr:Pheromone
- dbr:Pheromones
- dbr:Phytoplankton
- dbr:Piranha
- dbr:Plankton
- dbr:Spiny_lobster
- dbr:Circadian_clock
- dbr:Field_(physics)
- dbr:Guerrilla_warfare
- dbr:IRobot
- dbr:Insect
- dbr:Krill
- dbr:Ants
- dbr:Office_of_Naval_Research
- dbr:RFID
- dbr:Red_knot
- dbr:Self-propelled_particles
- dbr:Serotonin
- dbr:Swarm_intelligence
- dbr:V_formation
- dbr:Nigel_R._Franks
- dbr:Exoskeleton
- dbr:Imprinting_(psychology)
- dbr:Fish_migration
- dbr:Fitness_(biology)
- dbr:Stigmergy
- dbr:Statistical_physics
- dbr:Waggle_dance
- dbr:Smart_card
- dbr:Stochastic_optimization
- dbr:Sardine_run
- dbr:Traffic_wave
- dbr:Bacteria_swarm
- dbr:Massive_(software)
- dbr:Upwash
- dbr:Université_Libre_de_Bruxelles
- dbr:Secondary_productivity
- dbr:Topological
- dbr:Ampyx_priscus
- dbr:Emergent_behaviour
- dbr:Flocking_behaviour
- dbr:Ram_feeding
- dbr:Swirlonic_state
- dbr:Hydrodynamic
- dbr:Distributed_system
- dbr:Mathematical_formulae
- dbr:Superfluids
- dbr:Aerial_robot
- dbr:Collective_animal_behaviour
- dbr:Collective_behaviour
- dbr:Insect_swarm
- dbr:Sea_grass
- dbr:Herd_behaviour
- dbr:File:Police_protect_Nick_Altrock_from_adoring_crowd,_1906_World_Series.jpg
- dbr:File:Moofushi_Kandu_fish.jpg
- dbr:File:PSM_V84_D217_2_Flocking_habit_of_migratory_birds_fig5.jpg
- dbr:File:Auklet_flock_Shumagins_1986.jpg
- dbr:File:Schwarm_Wanderheuschrecke.jpg
- dbr:File:Border_Collie_sheepdog_trial.jpg
- dbr:File:Bee_swarm_feb08.jpg
- dbr:File:Flock_of_birds_at_Rome.ogg
- dbr:File:Metric_vs_topological_distance_in_schools_of_fish.png
- dbr:File:Monarch_flock.jpg
- dbr:File:Mueckenschwarm_50p_1600kbit.ogv
- dbr:File:Rail_Bridge_Swarm_of_Starlings._-_geograph.org.uk_-_124591.jpg
- dbr:File:SWARM-vs-guerilla.png
- dbr:File:ThaiFledermaus.gif
- dbr:File:Linear_clusters_of_Ampyx_priscus_2.png
- dbr:File:Nuvola_apps_kaboodle.svg
- dbr:File:Copepodkils.jpg
- dbr:File:Sort_sol_ved_Ørnsø_2007.jpg
- dbr:File:Kilobot_robot_swarm.JPG
- 160 (xsd:integer)
- 220 (xsd:integer)
- 228 (xsd:integer)
- 230 (xsd:integer)
- Svärmning är ett flockbeteende hos insekter. (sv)
- 群行行為(Swarm behavior)、群行(Swarming)是一種集體動物行為,一群實體聚集在一起兜圈或朝特定方向行動。這是一個高度跨學科的主題。 昆蟲、鳥類、魚類、水生動物、人與細菌都會出現群行行為。廣義上來看,機器的集群行動也可用此術語描述。 (zh)
- سلوك السرب أو الإحتشاد (بالإنجليزية: Swarm behaviour)، هو سلوك جماعي تظهره كيانات، لا سيما الحيوانات، ذات الحجم المماثل والتي تتجمع معًا، وربما تتجمع حول نفس المكان أو ربما تتحرك بشكل جماعي أو تهاجر في إتجاه ما. إنه موضوع متعدد التخصصات للغاية. كمصطلح يتم تطبيق التطهير بشكل خاص على الحشرات، ولكن يمكن أيضًا تطبيقه على أي كيان أو حيوان آخر يظهر سلوك السرب. يمكن أن يشير مصطلح التدفق أو النفخة على وجه التحديد إلى سلوك السرب في الطيور، والرعي للإشارة إلى سلوك السرب في رباعيات الأطراف، والتدفئة أو التعليم للإشارة إلى سلوك السرب في الأسماك. (ar)
- Schwarmverhalten bezeichnet das Verhalten von Fischen, insbesondere den Schwarmfischen, von Vögeln, Insekten und anderen Tieren, sich zu Aggregationen zusammenzuschließen. Die Individuen in einem Schwarm gehören meist derselben Art an, es können sich jedoch auch gemischte Schwärme aus Tieren unterschiedlicher Arten und Altersstadien bilden. Typische Schwarm-bildende Tiere sind beispielsweise Heringe, Stare und Wanderheuschrecken. (de)
- Swarm behaviour, or swarming, is a collective behaviour exhibited by entities, particularly animals, of similar size which aggregate together, perhaps milling about the same spot or perhaps moving en masse or migrating in some direction. It is a highly interdisciplinary topic. As a term, swarming is applied particularly to insects, but can also be applied to any other entity or animal that exhibits swarm behaviour. The term flocking or murmuration can refer specifically to swarm behaviour in birds, herding to refer to swarm behaviour in tetrapods, and shoaling or schooling to refer to swarm behaviour in fish. Phytoplankton also gather in huge swarms called blooms, although these organisms are algae and are not self-propelled the way animals are. By extension, the term "swarm" is applied al (en)
- La formazione a sciame o lo sciamare, è un comportamento collettivo esibito da entità, in particolare animali, di dimensioni simili che si aggregano insieme, muovendosi pressappoco o nello stesso punto o in massa o migrando in una direzione. È un argomento altamente interdisciplinare. Il termine sciamare o brulicare viene applicato in particolare agli insetti, ma può anche essere applicato a qualsiasi altra entità o animale che presenti un comportamento simile. Il termine o mormorio può riferirsi in modo specifico allo sciamare negli uccelli, al radunarsi in gregge in riferimento alla sciamatura nei tetrapodi e all'aggregazione in banchi per indicare lo sciamare nei pesci. Anche il fitoplancton si riunisce in enormi sciami chiamati , anche se questi organismi sono alghe e non sono semoven (it)
- سلوك السرب (ar)
- Schwarmverhalten (de)
- Formazione a sciame (it)
- Swarm behaviour (en)
- Svärmning (sv)
- 群行行為 (zh)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Epicauta_vittata
- dbr:Synchronous_flowering
- dbr:2013_Madagascar_locust_infestation
- dbr:Bat
- dbr:Bateleur
- dbr:Biohybrid_microswimmer
- dbr:Blitz_Club
- dbr:Desert_locust
- dbr:Patanga_succincta
- dbr:Culex_pipiens
- dbr:Dehaene–Changeux_model
- dbr:Internet_vigilantism
- dbr:1518
- dbr:1915_Ottoman_Syria_locust_infestation
- dbr:Collective_behavior
- dbr:Common_starling
- dbr:Mathematical_models_of_swarming
- dbr:Self-organization
- dbr:Greater_spotted_eagle
- dbr:Brachygastra_lecheguana
- dbr:Mythimna_unipuncta
- dbr:Coptotermes_gestroi
- dbr:Lordotus_pulchrissimus
- dbr:Calliptamus_italicus
- dbr:Chironomus_annularius
- dbr:Steppe_eagle
- dbr:Empis_borealis
- dbr:Leptoconops_torrens
- dbr:Plague
- dbr:Starling
- dbr:Swarm
- dbr:Swarm_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Swarming_motility
- dbr:Telfairia_pedata
- dbr:Bacterial_motility
- dbr:Active_matter
- dbr:Tyramine
- dbr:Dociostaurus_maroccanus
- dbr:Locust
- dbr:Aedes_taeniorhynchus
- dbr:Alexandra_Haeseker
- dbr:Evolutionary_models_of_swarm_behavior
- dbr:Bristol_Robotics_Laboratory
- dbr:Formation_flying
- dbr:Gnat
- dbr:Hunger_in_Syria
- dbr:Tokunagayusurika_akamusi
- dbr:2018_in_science
- dbr:Albert's_swarm
- dbr:Biological_interaction
- dbr:Biology_of_Diptera
- dbr:Swarm_robotics
- dbr:Collective_animal_behavior
- dbr:Myxococcus_xanthus
- dbr:Artificial_intelligence_industry_in_China
- dbr:Marine_prokaryotes
- dbr:C._Bingham_Newland
- dbr:Idris_Azad
- dbr:Millipede
- dbr:Scutelleridae
- dbr:You_Make_It_Feel_Like_Christmas_(song)
- dbr:Predator_satiation
- dbr:Synoeca
- dbr:Polybius_henslowii
- dbr:Scaptotrigona_postica
- dbr:Nomada
- dbr:Polybia_sericea
- dbr:Sexual_selection_in_insects
- dbr:Theoretical_ecology
- dbr:Vicsek_model
- dbr:Themiste_pyroides
- dbr:Overpopulation
- dbr:Valanga_irregularis
- dbr:Bacteria_swarm
- dbr:List_of_swarming_animals
- dbr:Insect_swarm
- dbr:Biological_swarm
- dbr:Biological_swarming
- dbr:Swarm_algorithms
- dbr:Swarm_behavior
- dbr:Swarm_models
- dbr:Swarming
- dbr:Swarming_behavior
- dbr:Swarming_behaviour