Vince Cable (original) (raw)
- Sir John Vincent Cable (York, 9 de maig de 1943) és un polític britànic qui fou líder dels Liberal Demòcrates entre el 2017 i el 2019. Va ser membre del Parlament del Regne Unit per Twickenham entre 1997 i 2015, i entre 2017 i 2019. També va ser membre del Gabinet del Regne Unit com a entre 2010 i 2015. La seva carrera política començà al Partit Laborista on va ser regidor a Glasgow als anys 1970. Però va deixar el partit per ser membre del per ser membre del Partit Socialdemòcrata al 1982. Aquest partit, junt amb el Partit Liberal, va formar els Liberal Demòcrates al 1988. El 1997 fou escollit membre del Parlament del Regne Unit per Twickenham, i al 2006 fou escollit com a . Dimití l'any 2006 a l'aconseguir el càrrec de conceller de negocis, innovació i competències al 2010. Al 2015 perdé el seu escon al parlament, malgrat això, la va guanyar de nou al 2017. Tot seguit, fou escollit líder dels Liberal Demòcrates. A maig del 2019, els liberal demòcrates van aconseguir el seu millor rendiment electoral des del 2010, guanyant 15 escons a les . Tot seguit va anunciar la seva decisió de jubilar-se com a polític i dimití com a líder el 22 de juliol del 2019. (ca)
- السير جون فينسنت كيبل (بالإنجليزية: Vince Cable) (من مواليد 9 مايو 1943) هو سياسي بريطاني وزعيم حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين منذ عام 2017 حتى عام 2019. وكان عضوًا في البرلمان عن تويكنهام منذ عام 1997 حتى عام 2015، ومنذ عام 2017 حتى عام 2019. وخدم في مجلس الوزراء بصفته وزير دولة للأعمال والابتكار والمهارات منذ عام 2010 حتى عام 2015. درس كيبل الاقتصاد في جامعتي كامبريدج وغلاسكو، قبل أن يعمل كمستشار اقتصادي لحكومة كينيا في ستينيات القرن العشرين، ولأمانة الكومنولث في سبعينيات وثمانينيات القرن العشرين. وخلال هذه الفترة، حاضر أيضًا في الاقتصاد في جامعة غلاسكو. وقد عمل لاحقًا كرئيس الخبراء الاقتصاديين في شركة شل (رويال داتش شل) في تسعينيات القرن العشرين. نشط كيبل في البداية في حزب العمال، وأصبح مستشارًا للعمال في جامعة غلاسكو في سبعينيات القرن العشرين، وخلال تلك الفترة كان يعمل أيضًا كمستشار خاص لوزير التجارة آنذاك جون سميث. ولكن في عام 1982، انضم إلى الحزب الديمقراطي الاجتماعي المشكل حديثًا، والذي دمج في وقت لاحق مع الحزب الليبرالي لتشكيل حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين. بعد فشل ترشحه للبرلمان أربع مرات، انتُخب كيبل عن تويكنهام في عام 1997. وسرعان ما عُين ناطقًا رسميًا عن حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين في وزارة الخزينة، وانتُخب لاحقًا نائبًا لزعيم الحزب في عام 2006. استقال كيبل من هذين المنصبين في مايو عام 2010 بعد تعيينه وزير دولة للأعمال والابتكار والمهارات في الحكومة الائتلافية. وخسر منصبه في عام 2015، على الرغم من أنه استعاده في وقت لاحق في عام 2017. وبعد ذلك ترشح كيبل في انتخابات القيادة ليحل محل تيم فارون، وانتخب بالتزكية. في مايو عام 2019، قاد كيبل الديمقراطيين الليبراليين إلى أفضل أداء انتخابي وطني لهم منذ انتخابات عام 2010، وحصل على خمسة عشر مقعدًا في انتخابات البرلمان الأوروبي. وجاء ذلك في أعقاب حملة قام فيها الحزب بتشغيل منصة معارضة لانسحاب المملكة المتحدة من الاتحاد الأوروبي تحت شعار «بولوكس تو بريكست». ثم أعلن بعد ذلك عن نيته التقاعد من العمل السياسي، واستقال من منصبه كزعيم للحزب في 22 يوليو عام 2019، عند انتخاب جو سوينسون؛ واستقال من البرلمان في الانتخابات العامة لعام 2019. (ar)
- Sir John Vincent „Vince“ Cable (* 9. Mai 1943 in York, England) ist ein britischer Politiker der Liberal Democrats. Von Mai 2010 bis Juni 2015 war er Minister für Unternehmen, Innovation und Qualifikationen (Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills) im Kabinett Cameron I und als solcher auch Präsident des Board of Trade. Von Juni 2017 bis Juli 2019 war er Parteichef der Liberal Democrats. (de)
- John Vincent Cable MP (York, 9 de mayo de 1943), conocido como Vince Cable, es un político británico, líder de los Liberal Demócratas y miembro del parlamento por Twickenham. Fue desde 2010 hasta 2015. (es)
- Polaiteoir de chuid Pháirtí Daonlathach Liobrálach sa Ríocht Aontaithe is ea Sir John Vincent "Vince" Cable. Rugadh é in Eabhrac, Sasana ar an 9 Bealtaine 1943. (ga)
- Sir John Vincent Cable, dit Vince Cable, né le 9 mai 1943 à York, est un économiste et personnalité politique membre des Libéraux-démocrates (LibDems). Économiste formé à Cambridge, il est tour à tour universitaire, fonctionnaire et cadre dans le secteur privé. En 1997 et après un premier échec en 1992, il se fait élire député de Twickenham, dans le Grand Londres. Il rejoint la direction des LibDems en 2003 comme porte-parole pour le trésor, avant d'être nommé en 2006 chef adjoint du parti par Sir Menzies Campbell. Il assure brièvement l'intérim à la tête des Libéraux-démocrates en 2007. Après la formation d'un gouvernement de coalition par le conservateur David Cameron en 2010, Cable devient secrétaire d'État aux Affaires, à l'Innovation et aux Compétences. À l'issue de la législature, il est battu aux élections générales de 2015, mais retrouve son mandat aux élections anticipées de 2017. Il est ensuite élu chef des LibDems. (fr)
- Sir John Vincent Cable (born 9 May 1943) is a British politician who was Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2017 to 2019. He was Member of Parliament (MP) for Twickenham from 1997 to 2015 and from 2017 to 2019. He also served in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from 2010 to 2015. Cable studied Economics at Cambridge and Glasgow, before working as an economic adviser to the Government of Kenya in the 1960s, and for the Commonwealth Secretariat in the 1970s and 1980s. During this period, he also lectured in economics at Glasgow. He later served as Chief Economist for Shell in the 1990s. Initially active in the Labour Party, Cable became a Labour councillor in Glasgow in the 1970s, during which time he also served as a special adviser to then-Trade Secretary John Smith. In 1982, however, he defected to the newly formed Social Democratic Party, which later amalgamated with the Liberal Party to form the Liberal Democrats. After standing unsuccessfully for Parliament four times, Cable was elected for Twickenham in 1997. He was quickly appointed the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson, and was later elected as Deputy Leader in 2006. Cable resigned from both of these positions in May 2010 after being appointed as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in the coalition government. He lost his seat in 2015, although later regained it in 2017. Cable subsequently stood in the leadership election to replace Tim Farron, and was elected unopposed. In May 2019, Cable led the Liberal Democrats to their best national electoral performance since the 2010 election, gaining fifteen seats in the European Parliament election. This followed a campaign in which the party ran on an anti-Brexit platform. He subsequently announced his intention to retire from politics, and stood down as leader on 22 July 2019, upon the election of Jo Swinson; he stood down from Parliament at the 2019 general election. On 2 July 2022, Cable was announced as Vice President of the European Movement. (en)
- 존 빈스 케이블(영어: John Vincent Cable, 1943년 5월 9일 ~ )은 영국의 정치인으로 2017년부터 2019년까지 자유민주당(이하 자민당)의 대표를 지냈다. 1997년부터 2015년까지 트위크넘의 국회의원직을 역임했으며, 2017년 복귀해 현재까지 재직 중이다. 일전에 2010년부터 2015년까지 사업혁신기술부 장관을 지낸 바 있다. 캠브리지 대학교 및 글래스고 대학교에서 경제학을 전공했으며, 1960년대 케냐 정부의 경제고문으로 활동했고, 1970년대부터 1980년대까지 영연방 사무국에서 일했다. 이 시절 글래스고 대학교에서 경제학 교수로도 활동했었다. 1990년대에는 쉘의 경제수석으로도 활동했다. 정치 활동도 일찍이 시작했는데, 본래 노동당원이었으며, 1970년대 글래스고 시의원으로 활동했으며, 비슷한 시기 후에 경제 고문이 되는 존 스미스의 특별고문이기도 했다. 하지만 1982년 새로 창당된 사회민주당으로 이적했으며, 후에 자유당과 합당해 자유민주당으로 재창당되면서 자연스레 자민당원이 되었다. 4번의 낙선 경력이 있는 그는 1997년 트위큰햄 선거구의 국회의원으로 당선되었으며, 곧바로 자민당 재무대변인으로 임명되었다 2006년에는 당 부대표로 선출되었으나, 2010년 5월 사업혁신기술부 장관으로 임명되면서 두 직 모두 내려놓았다. 2015년 재선에 실패해 한동안 원외에 있다가, 2017년 재선에 성공해 다시 원내로 복귀했다. 이후 전당대회에 출마해 만장일치로 팀 패런의 후임 당대표로 선출되었다. 2019년 5월 유럽의회 선거에서 자민당이 15석을 획득하면서, 2010년 총선 이후 당을 승리로 이끌었다. 이는 "브렉시트는 X소리"라는 구호를 내걸고 적극적인 반(反)브렉시트 노선을 강조한 결과였다. 하지만 7월 22일 정계 은퇴 및 당대표직 사임 의사를 밝혔으며, 차기 총선 불출마를 선언했다. 당대표직은 이후 조 스윈슨이 승계했다. (ko)
- Doctor John Vincent (Vince) Cable (York, 9 maggio 1943) è un politico ed economista britannico. Laureato in economia, tra gli anni sessanta e ottanta Cable fu consulente per il governo britannico e per alcuni governi del Commonwealth. Negli anni Novanta fu dirigente per la Shell. Nella sua carriera politica aderì inizialmente ai laburisti, ma in seguito passò al Partito Socialdemocratico (questo partito confluì negli attuali Liberal Democratici). Nel 1997 Cable venne eletto alla Camera dei Comuni nel collegio di Twickenham. Dal 2010 al 2015, è stato Ministro del Commercio e dell'Industria del governo di coalizione di David Cameron. Nel 2017 è nuovamente eletto. Il 20 luglio 2017 è stato eletto Leader del Partito Liberal Democratico dopo le dimissioni di Tim Farron. Si dimette dalla carica il 24 maggio 2019. Cable guida comunque il partito durante la campagna elettorale per le Elezioni europee del 26 maggio, dove i liberali otterranno un ottimo 20% (primo risultato a doppia cifra dopo nove anni). (it)
- Sir John Vincent Cable (New York, 9 mei 1943) is een Brits politicus die van 2017 tot 2019 leider was van de Liberal Democrats. Hij was lid van het parlement voor het Londense kiesdistrict Twickenham van 1997 tot 2015 en van 2017 tot 2019. Hij was verder werkzaam in het kabinet als staatssecretaris voor Business, Innovation and Skills, van 2010 tot 2015. (nl)
- Джон Винсент (Винс) Кэйбл (англ. John Vincent Cable; род. 9 мая 1943, Йорк, Великобритания) — британский политик и экономист; министр по делам бизнеса, инноваций и профессионального образования с мая 2010 по май 2015. Лидер партии Либеральных демократов (2017—2019). (ru)
- Vince Cable, właśc. John Vincent Cable (ur. 9 maja 1943 w Yorku) – brytyjski polityk. Działacz Liberalnych Demokratów, w 2007 p.o. lidera, a w latach 2017–2019 lider partii. W latach 1997–2015 i 2017–2019 poseł do Izby Gmin, w latach 2010–2015 minister w koalicyjnym rządzie Davida Camerona, (pl)
- John Vincent "Vince" Cable, född 9 maj 1943 i York i Yorkshire, är en brittisk politiker (Liberaldemokraterna). Han var näringsminister 2010–2015 och partiledare mellan 2017 och 2019. Cable var ledamot av underhuset för mellan 1997 och 2015 samt mellan 2017 och 2019. Han har tidigare arbetat som chefsekonom på Shell och varit partiets talesman i finanspolitik 2003–2010. (sv)
- 温斯·凯博爵士(英語:Sir Vince Cable;1943年5月9日-),英国自由民主党籍政治家和经济学家、前任卡梅伦联合内阁商业、创新及技能大臣、1997年至2015年及2017年起擔任议员、2017至2019年間自民黨領袖。 凯博在大学学习经济学, 并在1966年担任肯尼亚政府经济顾问。在20世纪70年代至20世纪80年代,凯博担任英国政府和英联邦秘书处顾问。1995-1997年任皇家壳牌公司首席经济学家。在1970年代, 凯博活跃于工党并担任格拉斯哥市市长。但是在1982年,他加入社会民主党(后演变为自由民主党),在1983,1987和1992年参加议会选举,但直到1997年才当选为伦敦选区国会议员。 从2003年到2010年5月,凯博一直是自民党发言人。他在2006年当选为自民党副领导人,并在2007年10月时任领导人坎贝尔辞职后代理领导人2个月直到克莱格当选。凯博在2007-2010年的金融危机中表现突出,因在危機中警告個人債務過高而備受讃賞。2010年5月辞去副领导人之职,以尊注在與保守黨新合組聯合政府中的商業大臣內閣職務。 2015年伴隨自民黨的慘敗,失去議席予保守黨員。但於2017年提前大選中取回議席,並於同年在無競爭對手的情況下獲選為黨魁。在帶領該黨於2019年5月歐洲議會選舉取得佳績後,他旋即辭去黨魁,並於7月正式卸任。之後獲繼任者斯溫森先後安排擔任該黨在國會的健康及社會關懷,和內閣辦公室發言人。他亦宣布放棄競選連任議員。 (zh)
- Джон Вінсент (Вінс) Кейбл (англ. John Vincent Cable; нар. 9 травня 1943, Йорк, Велика Британія) — британський політик і економіст; міністр у справах бізнесу, інновацій та професійної освіти з травня 2010 по травень 2015. Заступник лідера партії ліберальних демократів. (uk)
- dbr:Vince_Cable__Tenure__1
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- dbr:Vince_Cable__Tenure__6
- dbr:Cabinet_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Cameron–Clegg_coalition
- dbr:Capital_Gains_Tax
- dbr:Capital_expenditure
- dbr:Cass_Business_School
- dbc:Social_Democratic_Party_(UK)_parliamentary_candidates
- dbr:President_of_France
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Privatisation
- dbr:Privy_Council_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Privy_Council_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Public_service
- dbr:Robert_Mugabe
- dbr:Robert_Skidelsky,_Baron_Skidelsky
- dbr:Rowntree's
- dbr:Royal_Dutch_Shell
- dbr:Royal_Mail
- dbr:Royal_Saudi_Air_Force
- dbr:Sani_Abacha
- dbr:Saudi_Arabia
- dbr:Saudi_Arabian-led_intervention_in_Yemen
- dbr:Sayeeda_Warsi,_Baroness_Warsi
- dbr:Electoral_alliance
- dbr:Say_on_pay
- dbr:Privatization
- dbr:Glasgow_Corporation
- dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_government_formation
- dbr:Bob_Hawke
- dbr:Boris_Johnson
- dbr:Breast_cancer
- dbr:Brexit
- dbr:David_Cameron
- dbr:David_Laws
- dbr:Department_of_Health_and_Social_Care
- dbr:Desert_Island_Discs
- dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:House_of_Lords
- dbr:Hugh_Carless
- dbr:John_Smith_(Labour_Party_leader)
- dbr:John_Vickers
- dbr:Joseph_Stalin
- dbr:Julia_Hartley-Brewer
- dbr:List_of_Deputy_Leaders_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Paveway_IV
- dbr:People's_Vote
- dbr:Peter_Mandelson
- dbr:Peter_Oborne
- dbr:Peter_Stringfellow
- dbr:Peter_Thorneycroft
- dbc:Leaders_of_the_Liberal_Democrats_(UK)
- dbr:United_Nations
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:Universities_Superannuation_Scheme
- dbr:University
- dbr:University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:University_of_Glasgow
- dbr:University_of_Nottingham
- dbr:Vince_Cable
- dbr:David_Abrahams_(businessman)
- dbr:Cambridge_Union_Society
- dbr:Deregulation
- dbr:Income_tax_threshold
- dbr:Industrialisation
- dbr:Interest_rate
- dbr:Investor
- dbr:Personal_allowance
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_Treasury_spokesperson
- dbr:Liberalism
- dbr:President_of_the_Board_of_Trade
- dbr:President_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbc:Living_people
- dbr:1979_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:1983_Commonwealth_Heads_of_Government_Meeting
- dbr:1983_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:1985_Commonwealth_Heads_of_Government_Meeting
- dbr:1987_Commonwealth_Heads_of_Government_Meeting
- dbr:1987_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:1989_Commonwealth_Heads_of_Government_Meeting
- dbr:1992_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:Commercial_diplomacy
- dbr:Commonwealth_Heads_of_Government_Meeting
- dbr:Compass_(think_tank)
- dbr:Confederation_of_British_Industry
- dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK)
- dbr:Councillor
- dbr:Matthew_Taylor,_Baron_Taylor_of_Goss_Moor
- dbr:Menzies_Campbell
- dbr:Rupa_Huq
- dbr:Rupert_Murdoch
- dbr:SDP–Liberal_Alliance
- dbr:Sajid_Javid
- dbr:Sal_Brinton
- dbr:Nationalisation_of_Northern_Rock
- dbr:The_Orange_Book:_Reclaiming_Liberalism
- dbr:Wealth_tax
- dbr:Safe_seat
- dbr:City_of_London
- dbr:Elbit_Hermes_900
- dbr:Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Emergency_Economic_Stabilization_Act_of_2008
- dbr:Emmanuel_Macron
- dbr:Free_trade
- dbr:Gaza–Israel_conflict
- dbr:George_W._Bush
- dbr:Goan_Catholics
- dbr:Google
- dbr:Gordon_Brown
- dbr:Brandt_Report
- dbr:Ministry_of_Defence_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Morning_Star_(British_newspaper)
- dbr:Mr._Bean
- dbr:Munira_Wilson
- dbr:Conservative–Liberal_Democrat_coalition_agreement
- dbr:Consumer_debt
- dbr:The_Observer
- dbr:The_Right_Honourable
- dbr:The_Times
- dbr:Labour_market_flexibility
- dbr:1970_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2017_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2019_European_Parliament_election_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:2019_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:2019_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:Andrew_Rawnsley
- dbr:Ann_Widdecombe
- dbr:Lee_Kuan_Yew
- dbr:Len_Goodman
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_Frontbench_Team
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_frontbench
- dbr:Liberal_Democrats_(UK)
- dbr:Liberal_Party_(UK)
- dbr:London_School_of_Economics
- dbr:Cambridge_Mafia
- dbr:Cambridge_University_Liberal_Association
- dbr:Shridath_Ramphal
- dbr:Simon_Hughes
- dbr:Sky_UK
- dbr:Social_Democratic_Party_(UK)
- dbr:Strictly_Come_Dancing
- dbr:Stroke
- dbc:Politics_of_the_London_Borough_of_Richmond_upon_Thames
- dbr:Committees_on_Arms_Export_Controls
- dbr:Commonwealth_Secretary-General
- dbr:Compulsory_purchase_in_England_and_Wales
- dbr:Demutualization
- dbr:Department_for_Business,_Energy_and_Industrial_Strategy
- dbr:Zero-sum_game
- dbr:Empty_dwelling_management_order
- dbr:Hampstead_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Housing_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Paradise_Papers
- dbr:Picketing
- dbr:Press_Complaints_Commission
- dbr:Prime_Minister's_Questions
- dbr:Special_adviser_(UK)
- dbr:Middle_class
- dbr:1997_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2005_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2006_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:Ayrton_Cable
- dbr:BBC_Radio_4
- dbr:Bank_of_England
- dbc:1943_births
- dbc:Alumni_of_the_University_of_Glasgow
- dbc:Knights_Bachelor
- dbc:Members_of_the_Privy_Council_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Board_of_Trade
- dbr:Building_society
- dbc:Alumni_of_Fitzwilliam_College,_Cambridge
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Cambridge_Union
- dbc:UK_MPs_1997–2001
- dbc:UK_MPs_2001–2005
- dbc:UK_MPs_2005–2010
- dbc:UK_MPs_2010–2015
- dbc:UK_MPs_2017–2019
- dbr:Central_America
- dbr:Central_American_Integration_System
- dbr:Central_London
- dbr:Centrist
- dbr:Ageism
- dbc:Scottish_Labour_parliamentary_candidates
- dbr:Tim_Farron
- dbr:Toby_Jessel
- dbr:Tom_Watson_(Labour_politician)
- dbr:Trade_unions
- dbr:UK_Trade_&_Investment
- dbr:Winston_Churchill
- dbr:Doctor_of_Philosophy
- dbr:Claim_(legal)
- dbr:Glasgow_Hillhead_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Glen_O'Hara
- dbr:Crown_dependencies
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Line_of_credit
- dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Business,_Innovation_and_Skills
- dbr:2015_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum
- dbr:2016–present_purges_in_Turkey
- dbr:2017_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:21st_Century_Fox
- dbr:Adam_Smith
- dbr:Adam_Smith_Institute
- dbr:2006_Liberal_Democrats_deputy_leadership_election
- dbr:Advisory_board
- dbr:Alcoholism
- dbr:Alliance_of_Liberals_and_Democrats_for_Europe_group
- dbr:Amazon_(company)
- dbr:Danny_Alexander
- dbr:Ealing_Central_and_Acton_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Economics
- dbr:Ed_Miliband
- dbr:Erin_Boag
- dbr:European_Single_Market
- dbr:European_Union
- dbr:Facebook
- dbr:Financial_Times
- dbr:Financial_crisis_of_2007–2008
- dbr:Finastra
- dbr:Fitzwilliam_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Flip-flop_(politics)
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- dbr:Foxtrot
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- dbr:Bankers'_bonuses
- dbr:Nick_Clegg
- dbr:Northern_Rock
- dbr:Overseas_Development_Institute
- dbr:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Capitalism
- dbr:Forum_of_Private_Business
- dbr:Globalization
- dbr:Golden_Rule_(fiscal_policy)
- dbr:Government_failure
- dbr:Government_of_Kenya
- dbr:John_Rentoul
- dbr:Knight_Bachelor
- dbr:Privy_council
- dbr:Sovereign_wealth_fund
- dbr:Progressive_alliance_(UK)
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- dbr:Quantitative_easing
- dbr:Red_tape
- dbr:Return_on_investment
- dbr:2015_Dissolution_Honours
- dbr:Green_Party_of_England_and_Wales
- dbr:HMV
- dbr:HM_Revenue_and_Customs
- dbr:Israel
- dbr:Jamal_Khashoggi
- dbr:Tam_Galbraith
- dbr:Tania_Mathias
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- dbr:The_Economist
- dbr:The_Guardian
- dbr:The_Independent
- dbr:Hung_parliament
- dbr:Hypothecated_tax
- dbr:Association_of_British_Insurers
- dbc:Liberal_Democrats_(UK)_MPs_for_English_constituencies
- dbr:Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer
- dbr:Charles_Kennedy
- dbr:Charlie_Mullins
- dbc:Politicians_from_York
- dbr:Jeremy_Corbyn
- dbr:Jo_Johnson
- dbr:Jo_Swinson
- dbr:John_Maynard_Keynes
- dbr:Ken_Livingstone
- dbr:Kenneth_Clarke
- dbr:Kenya
- dbr:LBC
- dbr:Labour_Party_(UK)
- dbr:Latin_America
- dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Coalition_government
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- dbr:Economic_liberalism
- dbr:High_Street
- dbr:High_tech
- dbr:Honorific
- dbr:Terry's
- dbr:Wedding_ring
- dbr:The_Wealth_of_Nations
- dbr:Referendums_related_to_the_European_Union
- dbr:Dividend
- dbr:Donald_Trump
- dbr:Mantis
- dbr:Maoism
- dbr:Margaret_Thatcher
- dbr:Philip_Hammond
- dbr:Polycystic_kidney_disease
- dbr:Social_democracy
- dbr:South_America
- dbr:Free_market
- dbr:Green_belt_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Green_paper
- dbr:The_Telegraph_(London)
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- 2001 (xsd:integer)
- 2004 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Rachel Smith (en)
- Olympia Rebelo (en)
- 1999 (xsd:integer)
- 2003 (xsd:integer)
- 2015 (xsd:integer)
- 2017 (xsd:integer)
- 2019 (xsd:integer)
- 2007-12-18 (xsd:date)
- 2010-05-26 (xsd:date)
- 2015-03-30 (xsd:date)
- 2015-05-12 (xsd:date)
- 2019-07-22 (xsd:date)
- 2019-11-06 (xsd:date)
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- dbr:Leader_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Business,_Energy_and_Industrial_Strategy
- dbr:Member_of_Parliament_(United_Kingdom)
- for Twickenham (en)
- dbc:Social_Democratic_Party_(UK)_parliamentary_candidates
- dbc:Leaders_of_the_Liberal_Democrats_(UK)
- dbc:Living_people
- dbc:Politics_of_the_London_Borough_of_Richmond_upon_Thames
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- dbc:Alumni_of_the_University_of_Glasgow
- dbc:Knights_Bachelor
- dbc:Members_of_the_Privy_Council_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Board_of_Trade
- dbc:Alumni_of_Fitzwilliam_College,_Cambridge
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Cambridge_Union
- dbc:UK_MPs_1997–2001
- dbc:UK_MPs_2001–2005
- dbc:UK_MPs_2005–2010
- dbc:UK_MPs_2010–2015
- dbc:UK_MPs_2017–2019
- dbc:Scottish_Labour_parliamentary_candidates
- dbc:Liberal_Democrats_(UK)_MPs_for_English_constituencies
- dbc:Politicians_from_York
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- yago:WikicatAlumniOfTheUniversityOfOxford
- yago:WikicatPeopleFromYork
- yago:WikicatPresidentsOfTheCambridgeUnionSociety
- dbo:OfficeHolder
- Sir John Vincent „Vince“ Cable (* 9. Mai 1943 in York, England) ist ein britischer Politiker der Liberal Democrats. Von Mai 2010 bis Juni 2015 war er Minister für Unternehmen, Innovation und Qualifikationen (Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills) im Kabinett Cameron I und als solcher auch Präsident des Board of Trade. Von Juni 2017 bis Juli 2019 war er Parteichef der Liberal Democrats. (de)
- John Vincent Cable MP (York, 9 de mayo de 1943), conocido como Vince Cable, es un político británico, líder de los Liberal Demócratas y miembro del parlamento por Twickenham. Fue desde 2010 hasta 2015. (es)
- Polaiteoir de chuid Pháirtí Daonlathach Liobrálach sa Ríocht Aontaithe is ea Sir John Vincent "Vince" Cable. Rugadh é in Eabhrac, Sasana ar an 9 Bealtaine 1943. (ga)
- Sir John Vincent Cable (New York, 9 mei 1943) is een Brits politicus die van 2017 tot 2019 leider was van de Liberal Democrats. Hij was lid van het parlement voor het Londense kiesdistrict Twickenham van 1997 tot 2015 en van 2017 tot 2019. Hij was verder werkzaam in het kabinet als staatssecretaris voor Business, Innovation and Skills, van 2010 tot 2015. (nl)
- Джон Винсент (Винс) Кэйбл (англ. John Vincent Cable; род. 9 мая 1943, Йорк, Великобритания) — британский политик и экономист; министр по делам бизнеса, инноваций и профессионального образования с мая 2010 по май 2015. Лидер партии Либеральных демократов (2017—2019). (ru)
- Vince Cable, właśc. John Vincent Cable (ur. 9 maja 1943 w Yorku) – brytyjski polityk. Działacz Liberalnych Demokratów, w 2007 p.o. lidera, a w latach 2017–2019 lider partii. W latach 1997–2015 i 2017–2019 poseł do Izby Gmin, w latach 2010–2015 minister w koalicyjnym rządzie Davida Camerona, (pl)
- John Vincent "Vince" Cable, född 9 maj 1943 i York i Yorkshire, är en brittisk politiker (Liberaldemokraterna). Han var näringsminister 2010–2015 och partiledare mellan 2017 och 2019. Cable var ledamot av underhuset för mellan 1997 och 2015 samt mellan 2017 och 2019. Han har tidigare arbetat som chefsekonom på Shell och varit partiets talesman i finanspolitik 2003–2010. (sv)
- Джон Вінсент (Вінс) Кейбл (англ. John Vincent Cable; нар. 9 травня 1943, Йорк, Велика Британія) — британський політик і економіст; міністр у справах бізнесу, інновацій та професійної освіти з травня 2010 по травень 2015. Заступник лідера партії ліберальних демократів. (uk)
- السير جون فينسنت كيبل (بالإنجليزية: Vince Cable) (من مواليد 9 مايو 1943) هو سياسي بريطاني وزعيم حزب الديمقراطيين الليبراليين منذ عام 2017 حتى عام 2019. وكان عضوًا في البرلمان عن تويكنهام منذ عام 1997 حتى عام 2015، ومنذ عام 2017 حتى عام 2019. وخدم في مجلس الوزراء بصفته وزير دولة للأعمال والابتكار والمهارات منذ عام 2010 حتى عام 2015. (ar)
- Sir John Vincent Cable (York, 9 de maig de 1943) és un polític britànic qui fou líder dels Liberal Demòcrates entre el 2017 i el 2019. Va ser membre del Parlament del Regne Unit per Twickenham entre 1997 i 2015, i entre 2017 i 2019. També va ser membre del Gabinet del Regne Unit com a entre 2010 i 2015. La seva carrera política començà al Partit Laborista on va ser regidor a Glasgow als anys 1970. Però va deixar el partit per ser membre del per ser membre del Partit Socialdemòcrata al 1982. Aquest partit, junt amb el Partit Liberal, va formar els Liberal Demòcrates al 1988. (ca)
- Sir John Vincent Cable, dit Vince Cable, né le 9 mai 1943 à York, est un économiste et personnalité politique membre des Libéraux-démocrates (LibDems). Économiste formé à Cambridge, il est tour à tour universitaire, fonctionnaire et cadre dans le secteur privé. En 1997 et après un premier échec en 1992, il se fait élire député de Twickenham, dans le Grand Londres. Il rejoint la direction des LibDems en 2003 comme porte-parole pour le trésor, avant d'être nommé en 2006 chef adjoint du parti par Sir Menzies Campbell. Il assure brièvement l'intérim à la tête des Libéraux-démocrates en 2007. (fr)
- Doctor John Vincent (Vince) Cable (York, 9 maggio 1943) è un politico ed economista britannico. Laureato in economia, tra gli anni sessanta e ottanta Cable fu consulente per il governo britannico e per alcuni governi del Commonwealth. Negli anni Novanta fu dirigente per la Shell. Nella sua carriera politica aderì inizialmente ai laburisti, ma in seguito passò al Partito Socialdemocratico (questo partito confluì negli attuali Liberal Democratici). (it)
- Sir John Vincent Cable (born 9 May 1943) is a British politician who was Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2017 to 2019. He was Member of Parliament (MP) for Twickenham from 1997 to 2015 and from 2017 to 2019. He also served in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from 2010 to 2015. On 2 July 2022, Cable was announced as Vice President of the European Movement. (en)
- 존 빈스 케이블(영어: John Vincent Cable, 1943년 5월 9일 ~ )은 영국의 정치인으로 2017년부터 2019년까지 자유민주당(이하 자민당)의 대표를 지냈다. 1997년부터 2015년까지 트위크넘의 국회의원직을 역임했으며, 2017년 복귀해 현재까지 재직 중이다. 일전에 2010년부터 2015년까지 사업혁신기술부 장관을 지낸 바 있다. 캠브리지 대학교 및 글래스고 대학교에서 경제학을 전공했으며, 1960년대 케냐 정부의 경제고문으로 활동했고, 1970년대부터 1980년대까지 영연방 사무국에서 일했다. 이 시절 글래스고 대학교에서 경제학 교수로도 활동했었다. 1990년대에는 쉘의 경제수석으로도 활동했다. 정치 활동도 일찍이 시작했는데, 본래 노동당원이었으며, 1970년대 글래스고 시의원으로 활동했으며, 비슷한 시기 후에 경제 고문이 되는 존 스미스의 특별고문이기도 했다. 하지만 1982년 새로 창당된 사회민주당으로 이적했으며, 후에 자유당과 합당해 자유민주당으로 재창당되면서 자연스레 자민당원이 되었다. (ko)
- 温斯·凯博爵士(英語:Sir Vince Cable;1943年5月9日-),英国自由民主党籍政治家和经济学家、前任卡梅伦联合内阁商业、创新及技能大臣、1997年至2015年及2017年起擔任议员、2017至2019年間自民黨領袖。 凯博在大学学习经济学, 并在1966年担任肯尼亚政府经济顾问。在20世纪70年代至20世纪80年代,凯博担任英国政府和英联邦秘书处顾问。1995-1997年任皇家壳牌公司首席经济学家。在1970年代, 凯博活跃于工党并担任格拉斯哥市市长。但是在1982年,他加入社会民主党(后演变为自由民主党),在1983,1987和1992年参加议会选举,但直到1997年才当选为伦敦选区国会议员。 从2003年到2010年5月,凯博一直是自民党发言人。他在2006年当选为自民党副领导人,并在2007年10月时任领导人坎贝尔辞职后代理领导人2个月直到克莱格当选。凯博在2007-2010年的金融危机中表现突出,因在危機中警告個人債務過高而備受讃賞。2010年5月辞去副领导人之职,以尊注在與保守黨新合組聯合政府中的商業大臣內閣職務。 (zh)
- Vince Cable (en)
- فينس كيبل (ar)
- Vince Cable (ca)
- Vince Cable (de)
- Vince Cable (es)
- Vince Cable (fr)
- Vince Cable (ga)
- Vince Cable (it)
- 빈스 케이블 (ko)
- Vince Cable (nl)
- Vince Cable (pl)
- Vince Cable (sv)
- Кейбл, Винс (ru)
- Вінс Кейбл (uk)
- 温斯·凯博 (zh)
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is dbo:leader of
- dbr:Kate_Parminter,_Baroness_Parminter__Tenure__2
- dbr:Consumer_Futures
- dbr:Judith_Jolly,_Baroness_Jolly__Tenure__1
- dbr:Judith_Jolly,_Baroness_Jolly__Tenure__2
- dbr:Julia_Goldsworthy__Tenure__2
- dbr:David_Heath_(politician)__Tenure__4
- dbr:Jo_Swinson__Tenure__2
- dbr:Lynne_Featherstone__Tenure__1
- dbr:Michael_Moore_(Scottish_politician)__Tenure__5
- dbr:Chris_Huhne__Tenure__3
- dbr:Ben_Stoneham,_Baron_Stoneham_of_Droxford__Tenure__1
- dbr:Lorely_Burt__Tenure__1
- dbr:Alistair_Carmichael__Tenure__10
- dbr:Alistair_Carmichael__Tenure__6
- dbr:Alistair_Carmichael__Tenure__9
- dbr:Tom_Brake__Tenure__4
- dbr:Tom_Brake__Tenure__5
- dbr:Tom_Brake__Tenure__6
- dbr:Tom_McNally,_Baron_McNally__Tenure__4
- dbr:Catherine_Bearder__Tenure__1
- dbr:Kirsty_Williams__Tenure__3
- dbr:Christine_Humphreys__Tenure__1
- dbr:Christine_Jardine__Tenure__5
- dbr:Chuka_Umunna__Tenure__5
- dbr:Layla_Moran__Tenure__2
- dbr:Sal_Brinton__Tenure__2
- dbr:Nick_Harvey__Tenure__1
- dbr:Nick_Harvey__Tenure__4
- dbr:Nicol_Stephen__Tenure__1
- dbr:Simon_Hughes__Tenure__3
- dbr:Stephen_Lloyd__Tenure__1
- dbr:Norman_Lamb__Tenure__5
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- dbr:Premiership_of_David_Cameron
- dbr:Premiership_of_Theresa_May
- dbr:Roy_Jenkins
- dbr:Royal_Bank_of_Scotland
- dbr:Royal_Mail
- dbr:Sarah_Olney
- dbr:School_Strike_for_Climate
- dbr:Electoral_history_of_Vince_Cable
- dbr:Endorsements_in_the_2017_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:Episode_1_(company)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_MPs:_C
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_MPs_by_seniority_(2010–2015)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_MPs_by_seniority_(2017–2019)
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Cambridge_people
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Glasgow_people
- dbr:List_of_alumni_of_Fitzwilliam_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:List_of_current_members_of_the_British_Privy_Council
- dbr:Parliamentary_votes_on_Brexit
- dbr:Pride_of_Britain_Awards
- dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_government_formation
- dbr:2010_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:2011_London_anti-cuts_protest
- dbr:2011_Oldham_East_and_Saddleworth_by-election
- dbr:Ben_Stoneham,_Baron_Stoneham_of_Droxford
- dbr:Beveridge_Group
- dbr:Big_Star's_Little_Star
- dbr:Brendan_Barber
- dbr:David_Currie,_Baron_Currie_of_Marylebone
- dbr:David_Darling_(entrepreneur)
- dbr:David_Heath_(politician)
- dbr:Dee_Doocey
- dbr:John_Pugh
- dbr:John_Shipley,_Baron_Shipley
- dbr:John_Thurso
- dbr:Judith_Jolly,_Baroness_Jolly
- dbr:Julia_Goldsworthy
- dbr:List_of_Dead_Ringers_episodes
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_2005_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_2010_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_2015_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:Paul_Marshall_(investor)
- dbr:People's_Vote
- dbr:Peston_(TV_programme)
- dbr:Peston_on_Sunday
- dbr:Peter_Mandelson
- dbr:Richard_Branson
- dbr:Charles_Lysaght
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- dbr:University_of_Glasgow
- dbr:University_of_Strathclyde
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- dbr:Vince_Cable
- dbr:Vincent
- dbr:Defence_Reform_Act_2014
- dbr:Deputy_leader_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Indigo_Era
- dbr:International_Affairs_(journal)
- dbr:May_9
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_Conference
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_General_Election_Cabinet,_2015
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_Treasury_spokesperson
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_Voice
- dbr:Liberal_Democrat_frontbench_team
- dbr:Liberal_Reform
- dbr:Liberalism_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Lib–Con_pact
- dbr:List_of_international_prime_ministerial_trips_made_by_David_Cameron
- dbr:List_of_people_from_York
- dbr:List_of_presidents_of_the_Cambridge_Union
- dbr:Professor_John_Perkins'_Review_of_Engineering_Skills
- dbr:Rajeeb_Dey
- dbr:Payday_loans_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Prime_Minister_parodies_(Private_Eye)
- dbr:President_of_the_Board_of_Trade
- dbr:Timeline_of_Brexit
- dbr:Timeline_of_events_in_the_2006_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:"Go_Home"_vans
- dbr:1982_Richmond_upon_Thames_London_Borough_Council_election
- dbr:Consumer_Futures
- dbr:Crossrail
- dbr:Matthew_Oakeshott,_Baron_Oakeshott_of_Seagrove_Bay
- dbr:Matthew_Taylor,_Baron_Taylor_of_Goss_Moor
- dbr:Menzies_Campbell
- dbr:Rupa_Huq
- dbr:Sajid_Javid
- dbr:Sal_Brinton
- dbr:Chief_Whip_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Nationalisation_of_Northern_Rock
- dbr:Open_Arms
- dbr:Pig_wrestling
- dbr:Safe_seat
- dbr:Timeline_of_events_in_the_2007_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:Timeline_of_tuition_fees_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Chris_Clarke_(politician)
- dbr:Chris_Huhne
- dbr:Christine_Humphreys
- dbr:Christine_Jardine
- dbr:Chuka_Umunna
- dbr:City_of_York_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Election_(TV_series)
- dbr:Fred_Goodwin
- dbr:Frontbench_Team_of_Jo_Swinson
- dbr:Frontbench_Team_of_Tim_Farron
- dbr:Gil_Paterson
- dbr:Gina_Miller
- dbr:Gordon_Birtwistle
- dbr:Graham_Allen_(politician)
- dbr:Ministerial_broadcast
- dbr:More_United
- dbr:Moya_Greene
- dbr:Munira_Wilson
- dbr:Conservative–Liberal_Democrat_coalition_agreement
- dbr:Construction_2025
- dbr:Criticisms_of_Sky_UK
- dbr:This_Week_(2003_TV_programme)
- dbr:Eriko_Takano
- dbr:Martin_Waller
- dbr:Open–closed_political_spectrum
- dbr:Opposition_to_Brexit
- dbr:2017_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2018_Lewisham_East_by-election
- dbr:2018_Oxford_City_Council_election
- dbr:2018_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:2019_European_Parliament_election_in_Gibraltar
- dbr:2019_European_Parliament_election_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:2019_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:2019_Ribble_Valley_Borough_Council_election
- dbr:2019_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2019_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:2020_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:2010_Liberal_Democrats_deputy_leadership_election
- dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_general_election_debates
- dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_student_protests
- dbr:2010_in_British_television
- dbr:2010s_in_United_Kingdom_political_history
- dbr:2012_United_Kingdom_budget
- dbr:Andrew_Neil
- dbr:Leszek_Borysiewicz
- dbr:Liberal_Democrats_(UK)
- dbr:Lorely_Burt
- dbr:Luciana_Berger
- dbr:Lynne_Featherstone
- dbr:Cambridge_Mafia
- dbr:Cambridge_Union
- dbr:Cambridge_University_Liberal_Association
- dbr:Chipping_Norton_set
- dbr:Simon_Hughes
- dbr:Simon_Mann
- dbr:St_Mary's_University,_Twickenham
- dbr:Stephen_Lloyd
- dbr:Stuart_Semple
- dbr:Department_for_Business,_Innovation_and_Skills
- dbr:Frontbench_Team_of_Charles_Kennedy
- dbr:Frontbench_Team_of_Nick_Clegg
- dbr:Frontbench_Team_of_Paddy_Ashdown
- dbr:Help_to_Buy
- dbr:Prime_Minister's_Questions
- dbr:Private_finance_initiative
- dbr:Sputnik_(TV_programme)
- dbr:Mansion_tax
- dbr:2006_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:Ayrton_Cable
- dbr:Bristol_and_Bath_Science_Park
- dbr:British_Business_Bank
- dbr:Burnley
- dbr:Catherine_Bearder
- dbr:Tim_Farron
- dbr:Timeline_of_York
- dbr:Toby_Jessel
- dbr:Tom_Brake
- dbr:Tom_McNally,_Baron_McNally
- dbr:Tracey_Breaks_the_News
- dbr:UK_Youth_Parliament
- dbr:Wera_Hobhouse
- dbr:William_Lewis_(journalist)
- dbr:Gandhi_Foundation
- dbr:Glasgow_Hillhead_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:June_2010_United_Kingdom_budget
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Leadership_approval_opinion_polling_for_the_2019_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_British_Press_Awards_Scoops_of_the_Year
- dbr:List_of_British_political_memoirs
- dbr:Total_Politics
- dbr:2015_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:2015_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:2017_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:2006_Liberal_Democrats_deputy_leadership_election
- dbr:2009_Speaker_of_the_British_House_of_Commons_election
- dbr:Alison_Suttie,_Baroness_Suttie
- dbr:Alistair_Carmichael
- dbr:Alistair_Darling
- dbr:Danny_Alexander
- dbr:Ed_Davey
- dbr:Ed_Miliband
- dbr:Erin_Boag
- dbr:Fitzwilliam_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Bank_referral_scheme
- dbr:Bristol_Festival_of_Ideas
- dbr:Nick_Clegg
- dbr:Nick_Harvey
- dbr:Nicol_Stephen
- dbr:Nominal_income_target
- dbr:Norman_Lamb
- dbr:Norton_Motorcycle_Company
- dbr:Overseas_Development_Institute
- dbr:Parliamentary_constituencies_in_London
- dbr:Capital_for_Enterprise
- dbr:Graduate_tax
- dbr:List_of_Have_I_Got_News_for_You_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Liberal_Democrat_MPs
- dbr:List_of_MPs_who_lost_their_seat_in_the_1997_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_who_lost_their_seat_in_the_2015_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_who_lost_their_seat_in_the_2017_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_Privy_Counsellors_(1952–2022)
- dbr:List_of_Question_Time_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Strictly_Come_Dancing_specials
- dbr:List_of_economists
- dbr:Postal_Services_Act_2011
- dbr:Richard_Hooper_(civil_servant)
- dbr:1999_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election
- dbr:2015_Dissolution_Honours
- dbr:Green_Investment_Group
- dbr:Greybull_Capital
- dbr:It's_Only_a_Theory
- dbr:Jacob_Rees-Mogg
- dbr:BPP_University
- dbr:Tania_Mathias
- dbr:Teddington_School
- dbr:Tessa_Munt
- dbr:Thangam_Debbonaire
- dbr:The_Agenda_with_Tom_Bradby
- dbr:The_Daily_Telegraph
- dbr:Vote_for_Students_pledge
- dbr:2017_West_of_England_mayoral_election
- dbr:2017_Westminster_sexual_misconduct_allegations
- dbr:2019_vote_of_confidence_in_the_May_ministry
- dbr:Adrian_Beecroft
- dbr:Advanced_Manufacturing_Park
- dbr:Advanced_Propulsion_Centre
- dbr:Change_UK
- dbr:Channel_4
- dbr:Channel_Four_Television_Corporation
- dbr:Jeremy_Hunt
- dbr:Jo_Swinson
- dbr:Kate_Parminter,_Baroness_Parminter
- dbr:Keith_Vaz
- dbr:Ken_Livingstone
- dbr:Ladybird_Expert
- dbr:Layla_Moran
- dbr:Bishnodat_Persaud
- dbr:Syrris_Ltd
- dbr:Colin_Phipps
- dbr:Economic_Advisory_Committee
- dbr:Effects_of_the_April_2010_Eyjafjallajökull_eruption
- dbr:Modern_immigration_to_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Reactions_to_the_2017_Catalan_independence_referendum
- dbr:Reactions_to_the_Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill
- dbr:Reactions_to_the_Panama_Papers
- dbr:Reactions_to_the_assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi
- dbr:Audit_Commission_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Margaret_Hodge
- dbr:Mark_Francis_Russell
- dbr:Bollocks_to_Brexit
- dbr:Philip_Green
- dbr:Political_positions_of_David_Cameron
- dbr:Postal_Services_Commission
- dbr:Social_history_of_the_United_Kingdom_(1979–present)
- dbr:South_East_Midlands_Local_Enterprise_Partnership
- dbr:City_Literary_Institute
- dbr:Greater_Birmingham_and_Solihull_Local_Enterprise_Partnership
- dbr:Green_liberalism
- dbr:UK-ASEAN_Business_Council
- dbr:Ian_Hislop
- dbr:Ian_Swales
- dbr:Kingsford_Community_School
- dbr:Kirsty_Williams
- dbr:Michael_Hayman
- dbr:Michael_Moore_(Scottish_politician)
- dbr:Middle_name
- dbr:Millthorpe_School
- dbr:Browne_Review
- dbr:Budget_Day
- dbr:Official_Cantonese_translations_of_English_names_for_British_officials
- dbr:Opinion_polling_for_the_2019_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:Changez_Charity
- dbr:Second_Frontbench_Team_of_Vince_Cable
- dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Business,_Energy_and_Industrial_Strategy
- dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Education
- dbr:Shakira_Martin_(NUS_president)
- dbr:Shared_appreciation_mortgage
- dbr:Cable_(surname)
- dbr:Young_Fabians
- dbr:Loss_of_United_Kingdom_child_benefit_data_(2007)
- dbr:Sam_Walton_(peace_activist)
- dbr:Social_Liberal_Forum
- dbr:Twickenham_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Vince
is dbp:leader of
- dbr:Ben_Stoneham,_Baron_Stoneham_of_Droxford
- dbr:David_Heath_(politician)
- dbr:Judith_Jolly,_Baroness_Jolly
- dbr:Julia_Goldsworthy
- dbr:Sal_Brinton
- dbr:Chief_Whip_of_the_Liberal_Democrats
- dbr:Christine_Humphreys
- dbr:Christine_Jardine
- dbr:Chuka_Umunna
- dbr:2018_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:2019_European_Parliament_election_in_Gibraltar
- dbr:2019_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:Lorely_Burt
- dbr:Lynne_Featherstone
- dbr:Simon_Hughes
- dbr:Stephen_Lloyd
- dbr:Catherine_Bearder
- dbr:Tom_Brake
- dbr:Alistair_Carmichael
- dbr:Nick_Harvey
- dbr:Nicol_Stephen
- dbr:Norman_Lamb
- dbr:Jo_Swinson
- dbr:Kate_Parminter,_Baroness_Parminter
- dbr:Layla_Moran
is dbp:successor of