Joan of Arc Featured Page of The Day List (original) (raw)


See a Timeline Showing the Major Events in the Life of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Timeline of the life of Saint Joan of Arc 1412 January 6 Accepted date of the birth of Saint Joan of Arc. 1415 October 25 French Defeat at Battle of Agincourt Decimates Military 1422 October 21 Charles VI, king of France, dies leaving� Click to Read More


Discover the Essential Facts of St. Joan of Arc's life on the Quick Facts Page - Click Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. Joan of Arc was born around January 6, 1412. The exact date of Joan of Arc's birthday was not recorded but is generally accepted to be� Click to Read More


Learn About Joan by Reading the Actual Words that She Spoke on the Quotes Page - Go Here
QUOTES BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER: ***Included in Maid of Heaven as part of the story are many famous quotes by Saint Joan of Arc. Using actual quotes by her helps bring her alive and give the reader some idea what her personality was� Click to Read More


Find Detailed Historcial Information about Joan of Arc on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Maid of Heaven is a complete biography about the life of Saint Joan of Arc and my hope is that anyone, after reading, will know as much about Saint Joan as I do. That said, I believe that no one's education is ever finished, as there is always more that can be learned about� Click to Read More


Read Tribute by Ben D. Kennedy to St. Joan of Arc for Her Birthday - Click Here
A Tribute to Saint Joan of Arc for Her Birthday by Ben D. Kennedy From a personal standpoint the greatest thing I can ever say about Saint Joan of Arc is that she leads me� Click to Read More


Celebrate Joan of Arc's Birthday Today on this Special Birthday Page - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc's Birthday Celebrate Saint Joan of Arc's Birthday Every January 6th on the Feast of the Epiphany! Joan of Arc's birth was not officially recorded in the small town where she was born however the people of her town remembered that she was born on Epiphany, or Twelfth-night, which is January 6. The Epiphany celebrates� Click to Read More


Read About How Joan of Arc'c Birthday is Celebrated Each Year - Click Here
CELEBRATE Joan of Ar's Birthday! "She is easily the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced." January 6, 2012 marks the 600th anniversary of St. Joan of Arc�s birth and there are few people in all of history as deserving of honor and remembrance on their birthday. As Mark Twain very accurately said� Click to Read More


Read a Description of Joan and Her Birth Written by a Contemporary While She Was Alive - Go Here
Already, I am sure, news has reached your ears of a certain Maid, sent to us, as we devoutly believe, by God, and in order that I may briefly set forth her life, deeds, station and character, and shall first tell of her origin. She was born in the small village of Domremy, in the country of Bar, within the confines of the Kingdom of France, on the river Meuse, near Lorraine, of� Click to Read More


Read Ben D. Kennedy's Paper About The Significance of Joan of Arc's Birth on the Epiphany - Go Here
Saint Joan of Arc: A Brilliantly Shining Light of God The Significance of Joan of Arc's Birth on the Epiphany "Most beautiful Maid of Heaven, how brilliant is your light. Like a shining star you point the way to the Father of all light." These opening sentences to Maid of Heaven serve not only as a poetic tribute to� Click to Read More


Learn About Isabelle Romee the Mother of Joan of Arc on this page - Click Here
Isabelle Rome� or Isabelle d'Arc (born circa 1377; died November 28, 1458) was the mother of Joan of Arc and exerted a great Christian influence upon Joan in her formative years. Isabelle's surname Rome� is thought to have been an honorary reference to a pilgrimage she had once made to Rome to the papal city. Whatever the truth about her name, Isabelle was a devout Catholic who� Click to Read More


Learn about Jacques d'Arc the Father of Joan of Arc on this page - Click Here
Jacques d'Arc was the father of Joan Of Arc and was a farmer who owned about fifty acres of land around the small town of Domremy. Jacques was part of the "peasant class" but seems to have provided a comfortable level of living for his family that included Joan and three brothers and his wife Isabelle. When Joan was� Click to Read More


Learn About Domremy the Town where Joan was Born and Grew Up - Click Here
"I was born in the town of Domremy which makes one with Greux. It is in Greux that the principle church is." Joan of Arc testifying about her hometown at her trial in Rouen Joan Of Arc was born and lived in the small village of Domremy (now called Domremy-la-Pucelle meaning Domremy the Maid to honor Joan) until she left when she was sixteen to� Click to Read More


See a Map of Lorraine the Region Where Joan of Arc Lived - click Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. Joan of Arc was from a part of eastern France know as Lorraine. Prophecy foretold that France would be saved by a maid from Lorraine. This prediction was well� Click to Read More


Read About Joan's life Growing Up in Domremy and Lorraine France - Click Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 2 DOMREMY. PROPHECIES, FAITH, AND FAIRIES Domremy, in which Jeanne was born (January 6, 1412?), is one of many villages that nestle by the banks of the Upper Meuse. The straggling� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Birth and Childhood - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Birth and Childhood Joan of Arc was born on January 6, 1412 (Actual date was not recorded but historians have generally accepted this date) in the small village of Domremy in the region of France known as Lorraine. "Joan busied herself like any other girl; she did the house work� Click to Read More


Read Descriptions of Joan of Arc When She Was a Child Growing Up in Domremy - Click Here
To get an idea of what Joan of Arc was like it is best to read the words of the people who knew her while she was alive. Below are actual descriptions of Joan by different people who knew her at the different stages of her life. CHILDHOOD "Joan the Maid, in the time of her youth until she left her father's house, was a good, chaste and simple girl, modest in manner� Click to Read More


See and Learn about Statue of Young Joan inside Joan of Arc Center in Domremy - Click Here
Statue of a young Joan of Arc inside the Joan of Arc Center in Domremy. The base of the statue is inscribed in Hebrew from Psalm 27 (verse 1 & 3) and reads: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall� Click to Read More


Learn About the Chapel of Bermont Where Joan of Arc liked to Pray When She Was Young
Chapel of Bermont & Joan of Arc Joan of Arc liked to visit a chapel a few miles north of Domremy located in the woods for some quiet time alone in prayer. The Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bermont is the small building in the center-left of the picture above. Several of the people who knew Joan while she was growing up later described her visits to this small chapel: "She was good� Click to Read More


See Picture of Stained Glass Window of Joan Praying located in Capel of Bermont - Click Here
Stained Glass Window of Joan Chapel of Notre Dame de Bermont Stained glass window of Joan praying located in the Chapel of Bermont near Domremy� Click to Read More


See Drawing Inside Chapel of Bermont that May Be Actual Drawing of Joan of Arc - Go Here
Several years ago some drawings were discovered underneath the paint on a wall inside the Chapel of Bermont. Many believe that the picture below is a drawing of Joan of Arc and may have been drawn by someone who knew her. Since Joan spent so much time at� Click to Read More


Learn About the Basilica of St. Joan of Arc Located Near Domremy - Click Here
The Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc is located about a mile south of Joan's hometown of Domremy. Construction on the basilica started in 1881 and it was dedicated in 1926. The Basilica is an amazing tribute to Joan of Arc and contains many statues and dedic Click to Read More


See Picture of Joan of Arc Statue Located in Front of the Basilica of St. Joan of Arc - Go Here
Joan Of Arc Statue at Basilica of St. Joan Joan of Arc Statue at the Basilica of St. Joan near Domremy showing Joan with her Voices St. Michael, St. Margaret, St. Catherine� Click to Read More


See Statue Depicting Joan Listening to Her Voices as a Young Women in Domremy - Go Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Statue by Henri Chapu of Joan of Arc listening to her Voices titled: "Jeanne d'Arc � Domr�my� Click to Read More


Learn All About the �Voices� that Guided Joan of Arc Her During Her Life � Click Here for More
Joan of Arc's "Voices" as she called them are an integral part of the story of Joan of Arc but will always remain somewhat of a mystery as they are part of the mystical side of Joan. Whatever one decides to believe about Joan's Voices one should always remember that� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Voices on the Long Biography Page - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Faith & Voices "When I was thirteen years old, I had a Voice from God to help me govern my conduct. And the first time I was very fearful. And came this Voice, about the hour of noon, in the summer-time, in my father's garden; I had not fasted on the eve preceding that day." Joan of Arc testified at her trial that� Click to Read More


See Famous Painting of Joan with Her Voices Used on Cover of Maid of Heaven - Click Here
The picture on the cover of Maid of Heaven is from the famous painting of Joan of Arc by Jules Bastien-Lepage painted in 1879 depicting Joan in her father�s garden at her home hearing the �Voices� of divine revelation. The original painting is now on public display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City� Click to Read More


Read Chapter About Joan of Arc's Voices in Biography by Francis C. Lowell - Click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 3 THE VOICES Soon after this raid, at about noon in the summertime, Joan was in her father's garden, a small plot of ground between the house and the church. At her left hand, toward the church, she saw a great light and had a vision of the archangel Michael, surrounded by� Click to Read More


Read Ben D. Kennedy's Answer to Question About Joan of Arc's Voices - Click Here
Frequently Asked Questions Relating To The Life And History of Saint Joan Of Arc Do you suppose that Joan of Arc was actually hearing voices from God or was it just her conscious? I do not think that there is another plausible explanation for all that Joan of Arc was able to accomplish other than that she was� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc with Her Voices by Gaston Bussiere - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painting by Gaston Bussiere of Joan of Arc with her Voices titled "Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Learn About the Archangel Michael one of Joan of Arc's Voices - Click Here
Saint Michael the Archangel "The Voice was sent to me by God and, after I had thrice heard this Voice, I knew that it was the voice of an angel. This Voice has always guarded me well and I have always understood it clearly." Saint Joan speaking at her trial One of the Voices that spoke to and guided Joan of Arc was Saint Michael� Click to Read More


Learn About St. Catherine of Alexandria one of The Voices that Spoke to Joan of Arc - Go Here
Saint Catherine of Alexandria One of the Voices that spoke to Joan of Arc was Saint Catherine who was an early Christian in Alexandria, Egypt, under the control of Rome. The legend of her life is that she was a young woman of great faith who� Click to Read More


Learn About St. Margaret of Antioch one of The Voices that Spoke to Joan of Arc - Click Here
One of the Voices that spoke to Joan of Arc was Saint Margaret who was an early church martyr who lived in the Roman Empire about 300 A.D. The legend of her life is that she was the daughter of a pagan priest in Antioch who disowned her when she converted to Christianity. She left� Click to Read More


See Statue and Ceiling of Joan with Her Voices Inside Basilica of St. Joan of Arc - Go Here
Statue of Joan of Arc inside Basilica of St. Joan of Arc Joan of Arc statue inside the Basilica of St. Joan with beautiful ceiling mural in the background. To learn more and view more pictures visit our page about� Click to Read More


Learn About the Mission Given to Joan of Arc by Her Voices from God - Click Here
The Archangel Michael also gave her instructions as to her mission: "The Voice told me, two or three times a week, that I, Joan, must go away and that I must go into France. My father knew nothing of my going. The Voice kept urging me to go into France; it said I could no longer remain where I was. The Voice told me that I should� Click to Read More


Read a Discussion of Joan of Arc's Mission by Ben D. Kennedy - Click Here
On the surface Saint Joan's mission seemed pretty clear; that of expelling the English invaders from France, however there were many other elements of her mission that were required in order to fulfill the central objective. One essential element was her ability to� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Mission on the Long Biography Page - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Mission "I have been commanded to do two things on the part of the King of Heaven: one, to raise the siege of Orleans; the other, to conduct the King to Reims for his sacrament and his coronation." Joan later stated at her trial that: "Since God had commanded it, it was� Click to Read More


Read Background History of France That Had Caused the Hundred Years War - Click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 1 THE CONDITION OF FRANCE THE personality of Joan of Arc was so strong that her life takes its chief interest therefrom rather than from her surroundings. But no man can exist apart from his circumstances; these must, in any case, be� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to the Hundred Years War on the Long Biography Page - Click Here
Background history pertinent to the life of Saint Joan of Arc - Hundred Years War Joan of Arc's life took place during what is known in history as the Hundred Years War. To completely understand her life it is necessary to have some understanding about� Click to Read More


Learn About Battle of Agincourt that Destroyed the French Army When Joan was a child � Go Here
The play Henry V by William Shakespeare is a good portrayal of the Battle of Agincourt which was a great victory for the English and a disaster for the French. The Battle of Agincourt, fought on October 15, 1415, drastically turned the tide of the Hundred Years War in favor of� Click to Read More


See Picture of Joan of Arc as a Young Women Just Before She Left Home for War - Click Here
Steel Engraving of Joan of Arc from 1867 painting by Henrietta Ward titled "The Maid of Orleans" inspired by the words below from Philip Henry Stanhope's Historical Essays "Her young heart beat high with enthusiasm for her native France, now beset and beleaguered by the� Click to Read More


Read Chapter about the Poor Condition of France When Joan was Growing Up - Click Here
Never perhaps in modern times had a country sunk so low as France, when, in the year 1420, the treaty of Troyes was signed. Henry V. of England had made himself master of nearly the whole kingdom; and although the treaty only conferred the� Click to Read More


See Map of Divided France in 1429 When Joan Left Home to Begin Her Mission - Go Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. Her voices told her she must deliver her country from the invading English. Read more about Joan's mission here. Map shows part of France controlled by England and their Burgundian allies� Click to Read More


See Statue in Domremy of Joan Leaving Her Simple Life and Taking Up the Sword - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc Statue in Domremy Statue by Pierson Martin of Saint Joan of Arc leaving the Distaff for the Sword� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Own Words about Her Leaving Home for War on the Quotes Page - Click Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC "Two or three times a week this Voice exhorted me to go to France. My father knew nothing of my going. The Voice kept urging me; I could no longer� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan Leaving Home to Begin Her Mission to Save France - Click Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Leaves Home� Vaucouleurs "Two or three times a week this Voice exhorted me to go to France. My father knew nothing of my going. The Voice kept� Click to Read More


Learn About Vaucouleurs the City Where Joan Went to Ask for Help with Her Mission - Go Here
Vaucouleurs - Where Joan's Mission Began "God has great pity for the people of France. Go to Vaucouleurs and thou wilt find there a captain who will conduct thee safely to France, and to the King. Be without fear." Joan of Arc testifying at her trial in Rouen about� Click to Read More


Read Chapter from Warrior Maid Describing Joan's Time in Vaucouleurs - Click Here
JOAN OF ARC The Warrior Maid Chapter 10 The First Step On the subject of Jeann's sincerity I have raisedno doubts. It is impossible to suspect her of lying; she firmly believed that she received her mission from her Voices� Click to Read More


Read Joan of Arc's Own Words about Her Meeting with Sir Robert de Baudricourt - Click Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC Joan of Arc speaking to Robert de Baudricourt: "I have come to you on the part of my Lord, in order that you may send word to the Dauphin, to hold fast, and to not cease war against his enemies. Before mid-Lent� Click to Read More


See Stained Glass Window Showing Joan of Arc Meeting with Robert de Baudricourt - Go Here
Stained Glass Window of Joan of Arc before Robert de Baudricourt in Vaucouleurs Stained glass window of Joan of Arc before Robert de Baudricourt in Vaucouleurs� Click to Read More


Read About the Prophecy Joan of Arc Made About the Battle of Rouvray(Herrings) - Click Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 7 JEANNE'S SECOND VISIT TO VAUCOULEURS There is a conceivable answer to our question. In the Journal du Siege d' Orleans, and in a kind of synoptic and composite chronicle which� Click to Read More


Read Eyewitness Accounts of Joan in Vaucouleurs by People who Knew Joan of Arc - Go Here
When Jeannette was at Vaucouleurs, I saw her dressed in a red dress, poor and worn; she lived at the house of one named Henri Leroyer. "What are you doing here, my friend?" I said to her. "Must the King be driven from the kingdom; and are we� Click to Read More


Learn About Jean de Metz the First Knight to Believe in Joan of Arc and Help Her - Click Here
Jean de Metz - Joan's Loyal Knight (Jean de Novelonpont) Jean de Novelonpont, the present Nouillonpont, on the right bank of the Othain, of the arondissement of Montm�dy -- was also called Jean de Metz, squire. It was he who discovered Jeanne, when she was dressed in a poor red dress, and�" Click to Read More


See Pictures of Statue in Vaucouleurs Honoring St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Statue of Joan of Arc on horseback in Vaucouleurs Plaque on the front reads: "To the glory of Joan of Arc, a pure symbol of French heroism� Click to Read More


Read Article about Joan�s Departure from Vaucouleurs to Begin Her Mission to Save France - Go Here
On February 23, 1429, Joan of Arc finally received the blessing of Sir Robert de Baudricourt and departed Vaucouleurs to begin her mission. Joan had to make three attempts requesting help from de Baudricourt before he finally relented and agreed to send her to� Click to Read More


Read Chapter from Biography Maid of France About Joan's Departure from Vaucouleurs - Go Here
What manner of maid, to outward view, was she that on February 23, 1429, rode through the gate of Vaucouleurs to achieve her great adventure? Even according to the English tradition Jeanne d'Arc was beautiful. In Shakespeare's Henry vi (Part I. Act 1. Scene 2) she explains her beauty by a� Click to Read More


Read About Joan's Famous Quote "I am Not Afraid...I Was Born For This" - Click Here"
"As Joan of Arc was leaving Vaucouleurs to begin her mission to save France she was asked by a women: "How can you make such a journey when on all sides are soldiers?" to which Joan responded: "I do not fear the soldiers, for� Click to Read More


See T-Shirt With Joan of Arc's Quote "I am Not Afraid...I Was Born For This" - Click Here"
"Joan of Arc T-Shirt created by Ben D. Kennedy showing her coat-of-arms and her famous quote: "I Am Not Afraid For God Is With Me I Was Born For This!... Click to Read More


See French Postage Stamp Commemorating Joan of Arc's Departure from Vaucouleurs - Go Here
Joan of Arc Postage Stamp Showing Joan Departing Vaucouleurs French Postage Stamp showing Joan of Arc departing Vaucouleurs in 1429� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan's Journey to Chinon to See Charles VII - Click Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Joan of Arc's Journey To See Charles VII "From Vaucouleurs I set out, clad as a man, wearing a sword which the captain had given me, without other arms. Accompanied by� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Own Words About Leaving Vaucouleurs to Begin Her Journey to Chinon - Go Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC "From Vaucouleurs I set out, clad as a man, wearing a sword which the captain had given me, without other arms. Accompanied by a knight, a squire, and four followers, I directed my� Click to Read More


Read Chapter About Joan of Arc's Journey to Chinon to See Charles VII - Click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 5 CHINON AT Chinon in Touraine Charles VII. kept his court. From Vaucouleurs to Chinon was nearly three hundred miles, and the first half of the road lay through a country which acknowledged Henry as king. Joan and her� Click to Read More


Read Eyewitness Accounts of Joan's Journey to Chinon by Her Two Knights - Go Here
Joan of Arc's Journey to Chinon by Jean de Metz & Bertrand de Poulengy On February 23, 1429, Joan of Arc left the town of Vaucouleurs to travel to Chinon to see Charles VII. The journey was around 400 miles and much of it was through territory controlled by her enemies so it was quite a remarkable feat that she was able to accomplish the trip in only eleven days. The two� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan & Her Escort on the Road to Chinon in Book Warrior Maid - Go Here
JOAN OF ARC The Warrior Maid Chapter 15 Starting the Great Adventure FAR INTO THE NIGHT THEY RODE But Jeanne turned a smiling face toward him; a face as blithe and bright as that of a fair youth. �Have no fear,� she said, with calm confidence. �My brothers in� Click to Read More


Read Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to Charles VII on the Road to Chinon - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Letter To Charles VII March 1429 As described by Joan at her trial she sent "letters" to Charles VII while she was at the town of St. Catherine de Fierbois on her way to Chinon. In the letter or letters Joan said she had traveled "a good hundred and fifty leagues to reach him for his aid and knew many things for his good." She also� Click to Read More


Learn All About Charles VII Who Became King of France - Click Here
Charles VII of France was born on February 22, 1403 and died on July 22, 1461 and ruled France from 1422 until his death. Charles came to be known as "Charles the Victorious" for having ultimately won the Hundred Years War however it is his association with St. Joan of Arc for which he is best known today. As Regine Pernoud explains� Click to Read More


See a Picture of Chinon the City Joan of Arc Travelled to in March of 1429 - Go Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. She traveled 375 miles in the late Winter of 1429 to Chinon to see Charles VII Recent photo of Chinon Joan was able to� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan's First Meeting With Charles VII - click Here
Joan of Arc Arrives in Chinon and Meets Charles "Very illustrious Lord Dauphin, I am come, being sent on the part of God, to give succour to the kingdom and to you." The first meeting between Joan and Charles VII is one of the legendary events in the life� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Meeting Charles VII for the First Time - Click Here
Joan of Arc Painting Her Appeal to the Dauphin Painting by Maurice Bouted de Monvel in 1906 of Joan of Arc kneeling before Charles VII in Chinon titled: "Her Appeal to the Dauphin� Click to Read More


Learn All About the First Meeting Between Joan of Arc and Charles VII - Go Here
Joan of Arc & Charles VII: First Meeting The first meeting between Joan of Arc and Charles VII is one of the legendary events in the life of Joan. According to the history Joan was able to recognize Charles and located him in a crowd even though she had never before met him or had any idea what� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's First Meeting with Charles VII - Click Here
Joan of Arc Meets Charles VII "After dinner, I went to the King, who was at the Castle. When I entered the room where he was I recognized him among many others by the counsel of my Voice, which revealed him to me. I told him that I wished to go and make war on the English." Charles VII, always shrewd when it came to his own survival, tested Joan by� Click to Read More


Read Chapter About Joan First Meeting Charles VII in Book Story of Joan of Arc - Go Here
The Story of Joan of Arc Chapter 5 HOW THE MAID SAW THE DAUPHIN WHEN Joan reached Chinon, she was lodged with a lady who was very kind, and she waited to see the Dauphin. His advisers were not sure that he ought to see the Maid at all; but probably he was curious, and� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Before the Court of Charles VII - Click Here
Joan of Arc Before Charles VII Painting by Gillot Saint-Evre in 1896 of Joan of Arc before Charles VII in Chinon titled: "Joan of Arc In The Presence Of Charles VII� Click to Read More


Read a Firsthand Account of the Examinations that Joan Underwent by Charles VII - Click Here
Trial of Nullification (Rehabilitation) JEANNE'S FRIENDS PART 2 JEAN D'AULON: 1456. (The examination of d'Aulon, who served Jeanne d'Arc as Steward, and who, at the time of being examined, was Seneschal of Beaucaire, is the only evidence preserved in the original French.) And first, Deponent said that, twenty years ago or thereabouts, the King being� Click to Read More


See Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc Being Led Away to Her Examinations - Click Here
Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc Being Led to Her Examination Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc being led to her examination in Chinon included in series of pictures in an 1484 manuscript about the Hundred Years War titled Les Vigiles de Charles VII� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan's Examinations on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Is Tested by Charles VII ""Why have you come? The King wishes to know what impulse prompted you to seek him out." Joan replied: "As I guarded the animals a Voice appeared to me. This Voice said to me: 'God has great pity for the people of France. It is� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan of Arc's Legendary Virginity � Click Here for More
Joan of Arc is one of the most renowned virgins in all of history and has frequently been called the "Virgin Warrior." For Joan remaining a virgin, or a "maid" as Joan preferred to be called, was an outward sign of her inward devotion to God. As author Ben D. Kennedy explained in an interview about Joan of Arc: "The term Maid was� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan Examinations at Poitiers - Click Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Chapter 8 So we traveled to Poitiers, to endure there three weeks of tedious delay while this poor child was being daily questioned and badgered before a great bench of� Click to Read More


Read Chapter from Biography Maid of France About Joan's Examinations at Poitiers - Go Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 9 THE NEW ST. CATHERINE AT POITIERS At Chinon much time was wasted. It was, no doubt, desirable that a set of learned divines should look� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Responses to Questions During Her Examination at Poitiers - Click Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC "In God's name, I well know that I shall have much to go through at Poitiers! But God will aid me. Now let us be going." When Joan of Arc was asked at Poitiers why she had come: "As I guarded the animals a Voice appeared to me. This Voice said... Click to Read More


Learn More About Joan's Famous Quote "Aid yourself and God will aid you" - Click Here
"Aide toi et Dieu t'aidera" (Aid yourself and God will aid you) St. Joan of Arc lived out these words throughout her life. When Joan was just a young girl living in the small village of Domremy she impressed everyone around her with her devotion to God and her frequency of prayer however she did not stop there. Even though Joan was� Click to Read More


Read Letter Sent by Theologians to Charles VII Giving Their Approval of Joan - Go Here
"Report to Charles VII by the Doctors of Poitiers about Saint Joan of Arc OPINIONS OF THE DOCTORS THAT THE KING HAS ASKED, TOUCHING THE CASE OF THE MAID SENT FROM GOD The King, in view of�" Click to Read More


Read Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to the English on March 22, 1429 - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Letter to the English March 22, 1429 +JESUS MARIA+ King of England, and you, Duke of Bedford, who call yourself Regent of the kingdom France; you William de la Pole, Count of Suffolk; John, Lord Talbot; and you Thomas, Lord Scales, who call� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc Preparing for Battle on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Joan of Arc Prepares For Battle "In God's name, the soldiers will fight and God will give the victory" "En nom De, les gens d'armes batailleront et Dieu donnera victoire" is the famous response Joan gave when she was� Click to Read More


Read Joan of Arc's Own Words About The Way She Obtained Her Sword - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Letter To Clergy at St. Catherine de Fierbois Late March Early April 1429 As described by Joan at her trial she sent a letter to the clergy at St. Catherine de Fierbois with instructions for locating a sword at their church. February 27, 1431 Joan testified at her� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan of Arc's Famous Sword of Saint Catherine - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Sword Joan of Arc had several swords that she carried from time to time but the most famous was the sword she obtained from the church of Saint Catherine of Fierbois which legend has it once belonged to Charles Martel who� Click to Read More


Read Account of Joan With Her Sword in Book A Heroine of France - Click Here
A Heroine of France: The Story of Joan of Arc Chapter 8 How the Maid Marched For Orleans Methinks the Maid loved that ancient sword better than all her shining armour of silver! Strange to say, the jewelled sheath of the� Click to Read More


See Picture of a Statue of Joan of Arc Holding Her Sword and Her Banner - Click Here
Joan of Arc with Sword & Banner Statue Statue of Joan of Arc with her Banner and Sword� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan of Arc's Banner that She Carried into Battle - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Banner Joan Of Arc carried a special banner (battle standard) that had been made by a Scottish painter (Hauves Poulvoir) while she was at Tours preparing herself to lead the army of France. Joan testified abut her banner at her trial and said that it had been created by the command of God and that she was given instructions about the design by� Click to Read More


See Holy Card Showing Joan of Arc on a Horse Holding Her Banner - Click Here
Colored Joan of Arc Holy Card Colored Holy Card showing Joan of Arc on horseback with her banner leading her soldiers� Click to Read More


Read Description of Joan's Banner in Historical Novel A Monk of Fife - Click Here
A MONK OF FIFE A Romance of the Days of Jeanne D'Arc - Joan of Arc by Andrew Lang "But we speak idly, and thou hast not seen the standard, and the banner, and the pennon of the Maid that my father is painting." Then I must lean on her shoulder, as, indeed, I still had� Click to Read More


See Statue of Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner Over Her Head After Victory - Click Here
Victorious Joan of Arc Statue Statue of a victorious Joan of Arc holding her banner high over her head located in St. Pierre le Moutier Read about Joan's Victory at� Click to Read More


Learn All About the Armor that Joan of Arc Wore In Battle - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Armor Joan of Arc was given a suit of "white armor" by Charles VII which was constructed at Tours in March of 1429 while she prepared for battle. White armor was a� Click to Read More


Read Description of Joan's Armor in Maid of France Biography - Click Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 10 In Tours, a city well known for its smiths, Jeanne was to have a complete suit of "white armour" made, and� Click to Read More


See Picture of Mural of Joan of Arc in Armor on Horseback - Click Here
Joan of Arc on Horseback Mural Mural of Joan of Arc on Horseback with St. Margaret and St. Catherine painted on a wall in France� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc in Her Armor Sleeping by George W. Joy - Go Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painting by George W. Joy in 1895 of Joan of Arc sleeping titled: "Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan's Time at Tours Preparing for Battle - Click Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Everything was humming there at Tours. Every now and then one heard the bray and crash of military music, every little while one heard the measured tramp of marching men--squads of recruits leaving for Blois; songs and shoutings and huzzas filled the air night and day, the town was� Click to Read More


Learn All About Jean d'Aulon the Head of Joan's Military Household - Click Here
Jean d'Aulon was in charge of Joan of Arc's military household and was also Joan's personal bodyguard and was considered "one of the best men in the kingdom" which is why he was given the special duty of protecting Joan. He began his duties with Joan� Click to Read More


Learn All About the Duke of Alencon who was Joan's Closest Friend in Her Army - Click Here
Jean Duke of Alencon was born in 1407 into an illustrious family of soldiers. His great-grandfather had been killed at the Battle of Crecy, his grandfather spent his life fighting the English as a comrade of the legendary warrior du Guesclin and his father had died a hero at the battle of Agincourt. Alencon began his own military career when� Click to Read More


Learn All About "Lahire" Who Was One of Joan's Best Commanders - Learn More Here
La Hire (Etienne de Vignolles) Etienne de Vignolles (born circa 1390) or La Hire as he was known was one of Joan of Arc's best military commanders. La Hire spent almost his entire life as a soldier fighting the English and may have started as early as the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. He was definitely fighting for the cause of Charles VII by 1418 and participated in all of Joan of Arc's major battles. At Patay he� Click to Read More


Read More About Lahire Including His Legendary "Prayer" - Click Here
Joan of Arc Part 21 LA HIRE'S PRAYER Next morning, the 5th of May, was the festival of the Ascension, and as a festival was it kept at Orleans ; no new attack made upon the English, and the whole day devoted to public prayers and thanksgiving. In these Joan, as� Click to Read More


Learn About Gilles de Rais Who Was a Military Commander in Joan of Arc's Army - Go Here
Gilles de Rais Gilles de Rais is associated with Saint Joan of Arc because of his military service in her army during the Hundred Years War. A book titled The Saint and the Devil may be the most accurate way to describe the� Click to Read More


Learn about the Beatification of Joan of Arc On April 11, 1909 Declaring Joan Blessed - Click Here
The official Beatification of Joan of Arc took place in April of 1909 when the Roman Catholic Church declared her to be Blessed. This was the second step on her path to being declared a Saint by the Church having been declared Venerable in 1894. The official pronouncement by� Click to Read More


See Statue titled "Joan the Saint" Showing Joan of Arc in Armor - Click Here
"Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painted version of d'Epinay's statue "Joan The Saint� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan of Arc's Chaplain Father Jean Pasquerel - Click Here
Father Jean Pasquerel Father Jean Pasquerel served as the chaplain in Joan of Arc's military household and was also Joan's personal chaplain and confessor. He was an Augustian who met Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Poulengy, the two knights who had conducted Joan of Arc to Charles VII, on a pilgrimage he� Click to Read More


See Painting Showing Joan of Arc Receiving Communion from Priest - Click Here
Joan of Arc Receiving Communion Joan of Arc Receiving Communion at Mass with Her Army Painting by Maurice Denis 1909� Click to Read More


Read Descriptions of Joan of Arc's Faith by Men in Her Army - Click Here
Descriptions of Joan of Arc FAITH "Many times I saw Joan on her knees. She seemed at her prayers, but I did not well understand what she said. Often enough she wept." Louis de Coutes "From everything that I knew of her, Joan appeared to� Click to Read More


See Stained Glass Window Showing Joan of Arc at Worsip With Her Soldiers - Click Here
Stained Glass Window of Saint Joan of Arc Receiving Communion Stained glass window of Joan of Arc receiving communion at a church in Compiegne, France� Click to Read More


Learn How Important the Names Jesus + Maria Were to Joan of Arc - Click Here
Jesus Maria Joan of Arc had a great love for God and one of the most visible ways that she demonstrated her love was in displaying the names of her lord Jesus Christ and his mother Mary on many of her most personal items. Joan had these names placed on� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about the Importance of Communion to Joan of Arc - Go Here
Joan of Arc, Easter and Communion "At least in your final hours, you once again enjoyed the Church�s mercies in preparing your soul." from book Maid of Heaven Today is traditionally the day during Holy Week when Christians remember the� Click to Read More


See Holy Card Displaying Joan of Arc Receiving Communion at Worship Service - Click Here
Joan of Arc Communion Holy Card French Holy Card of Joan of Arc receiving communion in church� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Saint Joan and Easter - Click Here
Saint Joan and Easter While there are no historic accounts remaining of Saint Joan of Arc specifically celebrating Easter it is easy to imagine her in worship as she was once described by one of her� Click to Read More


Read an Account of How Joan of Arc Spoke to Her Army as They Prepared for War - Go Here
A Heroine of France: The Story of Joan of Arc Chapter 8 How the Maid Marched For Orleans But the Maid assembled the army together, and thus addressed them. At least, this was the substance of her words; nothing can reproduce the wonderful earnestness and power of her voice and� Click to Read More


See Stained Glass Window Showing Joan of Arc in a Crowd of Followers - Click Here
Stained Glass Window of Joan of Arc on Horseback with Banner Stained glass window of Joan of Arc on horseback with her banner surrounded by a crowd of adoring people� Click to Read More


Read the Words of Joan's Soldiers About Her Spirtual Impact Upon Her Army - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Faith Joan's great faith was a positive influence upon everyone around her and several of her friends later spoke about her spiritual leadership during her Trial of Rehabilitation: "From everything that I knew of her, Joan appeared to me a good and modest woman who lived a Christian life. She heard the� Click to Read More


See Statue of Joan of Arc with Her Hands Clasped in Prayer in a Church in Blois - Go Here
Statue of Joan of Arc with hands clasped in prayer Statue of Joan of Arc with hands clasped in prayer inside a church in Blois, France� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of the Days Joan of Arc Spent at Bois - Click Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc WE WERE at Blois three days. Oh, that camp, it is one of the treasures of my memory! Order? There was no more order among those brigands than there is among the wolves and the hyenas. They went� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Famous Departure from Blois - Go Here
Anniversary of Joan�s Departure from Blois On April 26, 1429, Joan of Arc led her army out of Blois to relieve the besieged city of Orleans and began her military career. I wrote about this grand event in Maid of Heaven as follows� Click to Read More


Learn About The Siege of Orleans and The Background History Leading Up to The Siege - Go Here
Joan of Arc Chapter THE SIEGE OF ORLEANS To understand the operations for the relief of Orleans, it is necessary first to know something of the siege and of the campaign which preceded it� Click to Read More


See a Picture of Orleans As it Looked When Joan of Arc Arrived With Her Army in April 1429 - Go Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. She led her army to Orleans in late April, 1429 to lift the English siege. Orleans as it looked in Joan of Arc's time� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Entry Into Orleans on April 29, 1429 - Go Here
Anniversary of Joan of Arc Entering Orleans On April 29, 1429, Joan of Arc arrived with her army before the city of Orleans and was greeted by the military commander of the city Jean Count of Dunois known as the Bastard of Orleans. Joan was not at all hap Click to Read More


See a Painting Showing Joan of Arc First Entering the Town of Orleans - Click Here
Joan of Arc on Horseback 1843 Painting by Henry Scheffer of Joan of Arc on horseback entering the town of Orleans� Click to Read More


Listen to Music Played by Scottish Soldiers To Celebrate Joan or Arc's Arrival in Orleans - Go Here
Joan of Arc and her Scottish Knights The video below commemorates the Auld Alliance and contains music played by the Scottish Soldiers when Joan of Arc rode into Orleans to relieve the city on April 29,1429� Click to Read More


Learn All About Orleans the City that Joan of Arc Saved in 1429 - Click Here
Orleans and Joan of Arc "Send me to Orleans and I will show the sign for which I was sent" Joan of Arc during her examination at Poitiers Orleans was where Joan of Arc showed her "sign" in May of 1429 by� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to The Battle that Joan of Arc Fought at Orleans - Click Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Shows Her "Sign" At Orleans "Trust in God. God will aid the city of Orleans and expel the enemy." Joan of Arc's victory at Orleans is one of the great victories in the history of warfare and was the final turning point in the Hundred Years War. In only three days of fighting Joan was� Click to Read More


See Map of Orleans In May of 1429 When Joan of Arc Liberated the City - Click Here
Map of Orleans when Saint Joan of Arc liberated the city in May of 1429. Plan D'Orleans Siege de 1429(Plan of Orleans City During the Siege of 1429)� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Final Warning to English - Go Here
Joan�s Final Warning to English in Orleans After Joan of Arc arrived in Orleans she continued to try to warn the English besieging the town to leave with two more letters (Joan first warned the English in a letter on March 22, 1429). Joan sent a letter to Lord Talbot, the English leader in� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Longest Day on May 7, 1429 - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Longest Day "The next day May 7, 1429 would be long and hard, but would end with spectacular success. You asked Father Pasquerel to always stay near your side, so he could aid you in your distress. 'Tomorrow blood will flow from my body, above the breast,' to the father you had to confess." from Maid of Heaven On May 7 in 1429 at Orleans St. Joan of Arc led her� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Victory in Orleans on May 8, 1429 - Go Here
Joan of Arc's Victory at Orleans On Sunday May 8, 1429, Saint Joan of Arc achieved complete victory at Orleans and fulfilled the promise she had made only few months earlier to liberate the city. On the morning of May 8th following the previous day's� Click to Read More


Read Firsthand Account of Joan�s Actions at Orleans by Lord Dunois the Bastard of Orleans - Go Here
JEAN, Bastard of Orleans, Count de Dunois. I think that Jeanne was sent by God, and that her behavior in war was a fact divine rather than human. Many reasons make me think so. I was at Orleans, then besieged by the English, when the report spread that a young girl, commonly called the Maid, had just passed through Gien, going to the � Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc on Horseback in Battle at Orleans - Click Here
Joan of Arc on Horseback Painting Painting by William Etty of Joan of Arc on Horseback at the Battle of Orleans� Click to Read More


Read the Official Parliament of Paris Entry About Joan of Arc's Victory in Orleans - Go Here
Joan of Arc's Victory at Orleans Official Entry in Parliament of Paris Record May 10, 1429 On May 10, 1429 news of Joan of Arc's victory at Orleans reached Paris and was recorded in the official register for the Parliament of Paris by the clerk� Click to Read More


Read Account of How Joan of Arc Became Known as the Maid of Orleans - Go Here
A Heroine of France: The Story of Joan of Arc Chapter 13 How the Maid Won a New Name �Entrez, entrez�de la part de Dieu�all is yours!� Thus spoke the Maid, as we rushed the� Click to Read More


See Equestrian Statue of Joan of Arc in Orleans, France - Click Here
Equestrian Statue of Joan of Arc on Horseback in Orleans, France Joan of Arc on horseback with sword statue by Denis Foyatier at place du Martroi Orleans, France� Click to Read More


Read Commentary About Joan of Arc's Victory in Orleans Written by Pope Pius II in 1450's - Go Here
Joan of Arc Victory at Orleans Commentary by Pope Pius II One of the earliest commentaries on Joan of Arc's victory at Orleans was written by Pope Pius II (Enea Silvio Piccolomini) while he was Pope (1458-1464) as part of his� Click to Read More


See Holy Card Celebrating the Deliverance of Orleans by Joan of Arc - Click Here
Joan of Arc "The Deliverance" Holy Card French Holy Card of Joan of Arc on horseback with her banner leading her soldiers titled: "The Deliverance� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc's Movements After Winning the Battle at Orleans - Click Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 13 AFTER ORLEANS ON entering Orleans the French gave praise to God in all the churches of the city. The people had� Click to Read More


Celebrate the Anniversary of Joan of Arc Being Named a Saint by the Catholic Church - Click Here
THE OFFICIAL PRONOUNCEMENT OF CANONIZATION of SAINT JOAN OF ARC AT THE SOLEMN CANONIZATION of Blessed Joan of Arc, held in the Vatican Basilica, on the sixteenth day of May, 1920, on the Sunday within the Octave of the Lord's Ascension. To the threefold petition, "fervently, more fervently, most fervently," made through the� Click to Read More


See Painting based upon the Vaticans Canonization Banner for St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Joan of Arc Canonization Banner Painting Painting in 1920 based upon the Vatican's canonization banner for Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


See Picture of Adoration of St. Joan of Arc Wood Relief at Smithsonian Art Museum - Click Here
Adoration of St. Joan of Arc Fire Etched Wood Relief 1896 Wood Relief by J. William Fosdick in three panels titled "Adoration of St. Joan of Arc" located at Smithsonian American Art Museum� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc�s Last Campaign in May of 1430 - Click Here
The Maid of FranceBeing The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 19 JEANNE'S LAST CAMPAIGN THE truces with Burgundy lasted till Easter, or, as some hold, ended a� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan of Arc's Movenents Leading Up to Her Capture - Click Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Chapter 41 YES, IT was as I have said: Joan had Paris and France in her grip, and the Hundred Years' War under her heel, and the King made her open her fist and take away her foot. Now followed about eight months of drifting about with the King and his� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc's Last Day Under Arms in Biography Maid of France - Click Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 20 THE LAST DAY UNDER ARMS A MINOR miracle which occurred at this time, proves that good men prayed for the Maid, not knowing, as she knew, that her fate was� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Own Words About Knowing Beforehand that She Would Be Captured - Click Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC Responding to her captives question about whether she knew she would be captured� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D Kennedy about the Anniversary of Joan of Arc's Capture - Click Here
The anniversary of Joan�s capture on May 23, 1430, is not one I really like to remember but I thought I would use it this year as an opportunity to clear up a big misconception that exists about her capture. It seems that most movies and even� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Led Away After Her Capture at Compiegne - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Capture Painting by Adolphe-Alexandre Dillens of Joan of Arc Being Led Away after Her Capture on May 23, 1430. Click to Read More


Read Commentary by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Capture - Click Here
How was she captured? She had predicted when she first started that she would only last about a year but I think she was hoping she would be killed in battle. She was told by her Voices several months before her capture that she would be captured but they did not tell her� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D Kennedy about St. Joan of Arc's Memorial Day - Click Here
St. Joan of Arc's Memorial Day "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" Every year on Memorial Day we remember our fallen soldiers and their sacrifices in the service of our country. In much the� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Led to Her Execution at the Stake in Rouen - Click Here
Joan of Arc Led to Stake Painting Painting by Isidore Patrois in 1867 of Joan of Arc being led to her execution in Rouen titled: "Joan of Arc Led to the Stake� Click to Read More


Learn All About the City of Rouen Where Joan of Arc Was Burned to Death at the Stake - Go Here
Rouen and Joan of Arc Rouen was where Joan of Arc died on May 30, 1431, when she was burned to death in the Old Market Square (Place de Vieux-Marche). Joan first arrived in Rouen in late December 1430 and was imprisoned in� Click to Read More


Remember St. Joan of Arc Today on Her Feast Day and Anniversary of Her Death - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc Feast Day Celebrate Saint Joan of Arc's life on May 30th every year on her Feast Day! The feast day for Joan of Arc is celebrated on May 30th every year which is the anniversary of her death by burning in the old square of Rouen on May 30, 1431. Saint Joan of Arc's feast day is� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan of Arc's Execution and Death - Click Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Chapter 24 AT NINE o'clock the Maid of Orleans, Deliverer of France, went forth in the grace of her innocence and her youth to lay down her life for the country she loved with such devotion, and for the� Click to Read More


See Photo of Statue in Rouen Church of Joan of Arc Being Burned at the Stake - Click Here
Joan of Arc Burning at the Stake Statue Joan of Arc burning at the stake statue located at the Saint Joan of Arc Church in Rouen, France� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Execution & Death on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Joan of Arc's Execution and Death "Alas! Am I to be so horribly and cruelly treated? Alas! That my body, clean and whole, which has never been corrupted, should this day be consumed and burned to ashes! Ah! I would far rather have my head chopped off seven times over, than to be burned!" After Joan� Click to Read More


See & Learn all about Joan of Arc's Coat-of-Arms Given to Her by Charles VII - Click Here
Joan of Arc was given armorial bearings by Charles VII on June 2 , 1429, which he was reported to have drawn himself. The design as depicted in the image at the beginning of this page contained two fleur-de-lis "in a field azure" (meaning on a French roya Click to Read More


See Antique Medal Displaying Joan of Arc�s Coat of Arms - Click Here
Antique French Medal of Joan of Arc Antique French Medal showing Joan of Arc with coat of arms on front and her banner on back� Click to Read More


See T-Shirt Emblazoned With Shield Containing Joan of Arc�s Coat of Arms - Click Here
Joan of Arc T-Shirt created by Ben D. Kennedy showing her coat-of-arms and her famous quote: "I Am Not Afraid For God Is With Me I Was Born For This!... Click to Read More


Read About How Joan of Arc Prepared the Way for Charles VII to Go to Reims - Click Here
The Story of Joan of Arc Chapter 8 AFTER Orleans was quite safe, and when Talbot had led the English army to the town of Meun, Joan wanted to take the Dauphin to Rheims, to be crowned and anointed with the holy oil, and made King in earnest. But the� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Loire Valley Campaign on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc Joan of Arc And The Loire Valley Campaign "Noble Dauphin, come at once to Reims." Having fulfilled the first part of her mission, Joan immediately went on the offensive in a march through the Loire Valley to clear the way for the coronation of Charles VII at Reims. At the� Click to Read More


See Color Drawing of Joan of Arc Moving With Her Army - Click Here
Joan of Arc Color Drawing Drawing of Joan of Arc on Horseback with her Army by O.D.V Guillonnet in 1912 included in book The Beautiful Story of Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Read Letter by Young Knight Guy de Laval About Joan of Arc - Click Here
Guy de Laval (January 28, 1406 - September 2, 1486) was a young knight who joined Joan of Arc for the Loire Valley campaign and fought with her until the defeat at Paris. Guy was extremely impressed with Joan of Arc and wrote a highly complimentary letter to his mother and grandmother that constitutes a living portrait of Joan and probably echoes the sentiments of many of the young knights that� Click to Read More


See Portrait of Joan of Arc by Artist Harold H. Piffard - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painting by Harold H. Piffard of Joan of Arc holding her banner titled: "Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Read About How Joan of Arc Liberated the Town of Jargeau in June of 1429 - Click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 9 THE CAMPAIGN OF THE LOIRE. � JARGEAU JOAN'S victory before Orleans had a great effect. The French regained the natural courage which their many defeats and misfortunes had shaken, and the English, both leaders and soldiers, lost much of the boastful confidence which� Click to Read More


Read Joan of Arc's Own Words that She Spoke to Rally Her Soldiers at the Battle of Jargeau - Go Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC First day at Jargeau when some of her army was apprehensive Joan of Arc said: "Fear no multitude whatsoever. Do not hesitate to assault the English. God conducts our work. If I had not this assurance, I would� Click to Read More


See Statue Commemorating Joan of Arc's Victory in Jargeau on June 12, 1429 - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Statue of Joan of Arc commemorating her victory at Jargeau on June 12, 1429� Click to Read More


Read About Joan's Movements After She Won the Battle at Jargeau - click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 10 THE CAMPAIGN OF THE LOIRE. � PATAY ON the same evening, or on the next morning, Joan and Alen�on went back to Orleans, whence news of the victory was sent to the king. He had moved to� Click to Read More


See a Painting of Joan of Arc Leading the French Calvary into Battle - Click Here
Joan of Arc in Battle Painting Painting by Frank Craig (1874-1918) in 1907 showing Joan of Arc leading the French cavalry into battle� Click to Read More


Read About How Joan of Arc Liberated the Town of Meun During Her Week of Victories - go Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc)CHAPTER 14 THE WEEK OF VICTORIES On the evening of June 14, at Orleans, the indefatigable Maid said to d'Alengon,"Tomorrow, after dinner, I wish to pay a visit to the English at Meun� Click to Read More


See Mural of Joan of Arc in Battle on wall inside Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc - Click Here
Mural of Joan of Arc at Patay inside Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc Mural inside the Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc by Lionel-Noel Royer of Joan Leading the Charge at Patay� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan of Arc and the Battle of Patay - Click Here
Battle of Patay The Battle of Patay was fought on June 18, 1429 between French and English forces just outside the little village of Patay in north-central France. The battle was the final one in a phase of operations by the French known as the Loire Valley campaign and� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about the Anniversary of Joan of Arc's Victory at Patay - Go Here
Battle of Patay Anniversary: Joan's Great Victory! On June 18, 1429, Joan of Arc achieved her most overwhelming victory in her military career when her forces annihilated an English army of over 6000 that had been sent to stop her after her victory at Orleans the previous� Click to Read More


See Statue of Victorious Joan of Arc Holding Her Sword & Banner with French Flag - Click Here
Victorious Joan of Arc with Sword & Banner Statue Statue of Victorious Joan of Arc with her Banner and Sword and French Flag� Click to Read More


Learn about English Commander John Talbot Captured by Joan of Arc's Men at Patay - Go Here
John Talbot, the first Earl of Shewsbury (1388?-1453), was considered one of the most audacious of the English generals of his time. He went to France about 1419, was present at the sieges of Melun and Meaux. He fought at Verneuil, and was made a Knight of the Garter in 1424. In 1425 he became the� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain�s Commentary About the Great Effect of Joan of Arc�s Victory at Patay � Go Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Chapter 31 JOAN HAD said true: France was on the way to be free. The war called the Hundred Years' War was very sick to-day. Sick on its English side--for the very first time since its birth� Click to Read More


Read About How Joan of Arc Urged Charles VII to Proceed With Her to Reims After Patay - Click Here
The Life of Joan of Arc By Anatole France VOLUME 1 CHAPTER 16 From Patay the victorious army marched to Orl�ans. The inhabitants were expecting the King. They had hung up tapestries ready for his entrance.[1297] But the King and his Chamberlain, fearing and not without reason, some aggressive movement on� Click to Read More


See Wall Mural of Joan of Arc Kneeling Before Charles VII - Click Here
Mural of Joan Arc Kneeling Before Charles VII Inside Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc Mural inside the Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc by Lionel-Noel Royer of Joan Kneeling Before Charles VII� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc's Movements After Battle of Patay in Maid of France Biography - Go Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 15 AFTER Patay, the Maid rode to Orleans in triumph. The people expected the Dauphin to make their town the base of the expedition to Reims; they decorated the streets, but he, always skulking, remained the� Click to Read More


Read The Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to the Town of Tournai on June 25, 1429 - click Here
Joan of Arc's Letter to the City of Tournai June 25, 1429 Addressed: To the loyal French of the city of Tournay + Jesus Maria + Noble loyal Frenchmen of the town of Tournai, the Maid informs you of the tidings from here: that in eight days she has driven the English out of� Click to Read More


See Statue of Joan of Arc Praying & Giving Thanks to God in a Church - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc Church Statue Beautiful statue of Joan of Arc Praying and Giving Thanks to God located behind the alter at a church with the words:"Jesus Maria� Click to Read More


Read Eyewitness Account of Joan of Arc�s Meetings With Charles VII Prior to March to Reims - Go Here
Trial of Nullification (Rehabilitation) ORLEANS JEAN, Bastard of Orleans, Count de Dunois. At Loches, after the raising of the siege of Orleans, I remember that, one day, the King, being in his private room with the Sieur Christopher d'Harcourt, the� Click to Read More


See Wall Mural of Joan of Arc Hearing Words of God "Go Go Daughter of God Go!" - Click Here"
"Joan of Arc on Horseback Mural Mural of Joan of Arc on Horseback with St. Margaret and St. Catherine with Famous Words Spoken to Joan: "Va Va Fille de Dieu!" (Go Go Daughter of God Go!) painted on a wall in France� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc's Bloodless March to Reims that Began on July 29, 1429 - Click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 11 THE MARCH TO RHEIMS THE battle of Patay was won on Saturday, June 18, in the afternoon. That night the army slept at or about Patay; on Sunday, after an early dinner, Joan returned to Orleans with Alen�on and most of the� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc on Horseback in Armor Leading Her Army as it Marched Forward - Go Here
Joan of Arc Series by Monvel The Maid in Armor on Horseback Joan of Arc Painting by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel of Joan in Armor on Horseback titled: "The Maid in Armor on Horseback� Click to Read More


See Timeline to Understand The Movements of Joan of Arc's Army on the March to Reims - Click Here
Timeline of the life of Saint Joan of Arc 1429 June 29 Joan of Arc with royal army departs Gien. 1429 July 1-3 Army camped near the pro-Burgundian city of Auxerre, which refuses to surrender but agrees to neutrality. 1429 July 4 Joan sends letter to the city of Troyes as her army� Click to Read More


Read about Joan of Arc at the Town of Auxerre in Early July 1429 - Click Here
The Life of Joan of Arc By Anatole France VOLUME 1 CHAPTER 17 THE The royal heralds summoned the people of Auxerre to receive the King as their natural and lawful lord. Such a summons, backed by lances, placed them in a very embarrassing position. Alike by refusing and by� Click to Read More


Read About How Joan of Arc Was Able to Liberate the Town of Troyes Without a Fight - Go Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 3 On the 4th of July the royal force had reached Saint-Fal, near Troyes. Joan of Arc despatched a messenger summoning that place to open its gates to the King; but Troyes was strongly garrisoned by a force of half English half Burgundian soldiers, and� Click to Read More


Read Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to the Town of Troyes on July 4, 1429 - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Letter to the City of Troyes July 4, 1429 Addressed: To the lords and burgesses of the city of Troyes + Jesus Maria + Very dear and good friends - if you don't mind - lords, bourgeois, and inhabitants of the town of Troyes, Joan the Maid sends� Click to Read More


Read About How the Town of Troyes Responded to Joan of Arc's Letter - Click Here
JOAN OF ARC The Warrior Maid Chapter 22 Jeanne�s letter was to the people, in which she summoned them to their allegiance in the name of the Sovereign Lord of all. They must recognize their rightful Lord who was moving on Paris by way of Reims, with the aid of King Jesus, she� Click to Read More


See a Miniature portrait of Joan of Arc & Charles VII Receiving the Keys to Troyes - Go Here
Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc with Charles VII Receiving the Keys to Troyes Miniature portrait of Joan of Arc & Charles VII receiving the keys to Troyes included in series of pictures in an 1484 manuscript about the Hundred Years War titled Les Vigiles de Charles VII� Click to Read More


Read Document Overturning Joan of Arc�s Trial & Declaring Her a Martyr on July 7, 1456 - Go Here
Joan of Arc's Trial of Nullification (Rehabilitation)The Sentence of Rehabilitation On July 7, 1456, the first trial of Joan of Arc conducted by the Church in Rouen in 1431 was declared nullified in a ceremony held at the Great Hall of the archiepiscopal palace of Rouen. The following is from� Click to Read More


See Holy Card "The Martyr" Honoring Saint Joan of Arc - Click Here
Joan of Arc "The Martyr" Holy Card French Holy Card of Joan of Arc at the stake with priest holding crucifix titled: "The Martyr� Click to Read More


Learn About Joan of Arc's Trial of Nullification/Rehabilitation Conducted After Her Death - Go Here
Joan of Arc's Trial of Nullification or Rehabilitation Almost twenty years after Joan's death efforts began to clear her name and overturn the ruling in her Trial of Condemnation of 1431. In early 1450 an official inquiry was brought before the Church by Charles VII in� Click to Read More


Read About Great Deeds Performed by Joan of Arc During Her Life According to Mark Twain - Go Here
Great Deeds of Joan of Arc By Mark Twain The great deeds of Joan of Arc are five: 1. The Raising of the Siege. 2. The Victory of Patay. 3. The Reconciliation at Sully-sur-Loire. 4. The Coronation of the King. 5. The Bloodless March. We shall come to the Bloodless March presently� Click to Read More


See Picture of Equestrian Statue of Joan of Arc in Reims France - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Statue by Paul Dubois of Joan of Arc on horseback first erected in Reims in 1896 to honor Joan� Click to Read More


Read About The Final Phase of Joan of Arc's Bloodless March to Reims - Click Here
JOAN OF ARC The Warrior Maid Chapter 22 The day after the surrender Charles entered the city in splendor, and went at once to the cathedral, where he received the oaths of loyalty of the burghers. The day following the troops marched on to Ch�lons, but met with no resistance. All opposition� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc's Time in Chalons During the March to Reims - Go Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 15 From Troyes the Archbishop of Reims wrote to the people of his town, bidding them to submit. The next important stage was Chalons. The Bishop submissively met the Dauphin, who entered the town on July 14. Here the Maid met� Click to Read More


Read Actual Words of Joan of Arc's Friend From Domremy Who She Spoke With at Chalons - Go Here
THE SECOND INQUIRY: 1455 DOMREMY JEAN MOREL, of Greux, laborer I have no more to say, except that in the month of July I was at Chalons, at the time when it was said that the King was going to Reims to be anointed� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Triumphantly entering Reims for Coronation of Charles VII - click Here
Entry of Maid of Orleans into Reims Painting by Jan Matejko (1838-1893) of Joan of Arc triumphantly entering Reims titled: "Entry of Maid of Orleans into Reims� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan of Arc's Entry into Reims for Charles VII's Coronation - Go Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Chapter 35 We marched, marched, kept on marching; and at last, on the 16th of July, we came in sight of our goal, and saw the great cathedraled towers of Rheims rise out of� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Crowning Achievement on July 17, 1429 - Go Here
Crowning Achievement of Joan of Arc Noble King, now is accomplished the pleasure of God, who willed that I should raise the siege of Orleans and should bring you to this city of Reims to receive your holy coronation, thus showing that you are the true King, him to whom the throne of France must� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII in Reims Cathedral - Click Here
Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII in Reims Cathedral Painting by Ladislaus Bakalowicz in 1865 of Joan of Arc at Charles VII Coronation titled: "Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII in Reims Cathedral� Click to Read More


Learn All About Reims the City Where Joan of Arc Crowned Charles VII King of France - Go Here
Reims & Joan of Arc The pinnacle of Joan of Arc's career occurred on July17, 1429 when Charles VII was crowned King of France in the Cathedral of Reims. Joan was later described as kneeling before Charles while� Click to Read More


Read About Joan of Arc at the Coronation Ceremony for Charles VII in Reims Cathedral - Click Here
Joan of Arc Chapter 3 THE CORONATION AT RHEIMS Throughout that night the preparations for the coronation were feverishly made both within and without the cathedral. On the 17th of July, with all the pomp and ceremony that the church and army could bestow, the King was crowned and anointed with� Click to Read More


Read Eyewitness Account of The Coronation Ceremony Involving Charles VII and Joan of Arc -Click Here
Coronation of Charles VII Letter Describing The letter below describing the coronation and anointing of Charles VII was written by three gentlemen of Anjou to Queens Marie and Yolande (wife and mother-in-law of Charles VII) as a report to them on the pro Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner During the Coronation of Charles VII - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres of Joan of Arc painted in 1854 titled: "Jeanne at the coronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reims� Click to Read More


Read Joan of Arc's Own Words About Holding Her Banner at the Coronation of Charles VII - Go Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC QUOTES BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER: Response when asked why she carried her banner at the coronation of Charles VII: "It had borne the burden; it was� Click to Read More


See Holy Medal Depicting Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner at the Coronation of Charles VII - Go Here
Joan of Arc Holy Medal Coronation Charles VII Antique Joan of Arc Holy Medal depicting Joan at the Coronation of Charles VII� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc And The Coronation Of Charles VII - Click Here
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc With the coronation of Charles VII as King of France, Joan of Arc reached the height of her success. She accomplished her impossible prediction "to conduct the King to Reims for his sacrament and his� Click to Read More


See Painting by Maurice Denis of Joan of Arc at Charles VII's Coronation - Click Here
Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII By Maurice Denis Painting by Maurice Denis in 1909 of Joan of Arc at Charles VII's Coronation titled: "Jeanne d'Arc au sacre de Charles VII� Click to Read More


Read About Charles VII's Reward to Joan of Arc Exempting Her Hometown Domremy From Taxes - Go Here
It is certain that Jacques was extremely proud of Joan by then and probably became even more so the day after the coronation when Charles, the newly crowned King, gave him a present of sixty francs, a large sum for a peasant of that day, and more importantly decreed that his hometown of Domremy was� Click to Read More


Read a Discussion of How the Crowning of Charles VII Was The Peak of Joan of Arc's Career - Go Here
Jeanne d'Arc: Her Life and Death Chapter 7 The epic so brief, so exciting, so full of wonder had now reached its climax. Whatever we may think on the question as to whether Jeanne had now reached the limit of her commission, it is at least evident that she had reached the highest point of� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Riding with Scots Guards Who Protected the King of France - Click Here
St. Joan of Arc And The Scots Connection Inspired by John Duncan's painting of Joan of Arc riding with the Scots Guards, DAVID KERR marks the 100th anniversary of Joan of Arc's� Click to Read More


Read Descriptions of Joan of Arc by People Who Knew Her While She Was Alive - Click Here
To get an idea of what Joan of Arc was like it is best to read the words of the people who knew her while she was alive. Below are actual descriptions of Joan by different people who knew her at the different stages of her life. "Joan the Maid, in the time of her youth until she left her father's house, was a good, chaste and simple girl, modest in manner, taking not the name of God nor of His saints in vain, fearing God. She went frequently to church and frequently� Click to Read More


Read Historical Poem about Joan of Arc written while Joan lived - Click Here
The Song of Joan of Arc or Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc is an epic poem written in 1429 by the esteemed poet of France at that time Christine de Pisan. The poem was finished on July 31, 1429 at the height of Joan of Arc's success and reflects the national sentiments toward Joan at that time. In addition to being a highly regarded literary work this poem is also a great... resource for historians as Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan's Incredible Faith - Click Here
The final words of Joan Of Arc, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" reflect the focus of her life and being better than anything else. Anyone wanting to understand who Joan of Arc was has to come to an understanding of how deeply she loved God and how this love impacted everything that she did while she was alive. Joan's life exemplified the� Click to Read More


Famous Joan of Arc Quote "I am not Afraid�I Was Born for This" Explained - Click Here"
As Joan of Arc was leaving Vaucouleurs to begin her mission to save France she was asked by a women: "How can you make such a journey when on all sides are soldiers?" to which Joan responded: "I do not fear the soldiers, for� Click to Read More


Joan of Arc�s �Voices� Guided Her During Her Life � Click Here for More
Joan of Arc's Voices are an integral part of the story of Joan of Arc but will always remain somewhat of a mystery as they are part of the mystical side of Joan. Whatever one decides to believe about Joan's Voices one should always remember that� Click to Read More


When Joan was a Young Girl She liked to Pray at the Chapel of Bermont - Click Here for More
Joan of Arc liked to visit a chapel a few miles north of Domremy located in the woods for some quiet time alone in prayer. The Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bermont is the small building in the center-left of the picture above. Several of the people who knew Joan while she was growing up later described her visits to this small chapel� Click to Read More


Read Letter Joan Sent to People of Reims on August 5, 1429 - Click Here
Letter to the people of Reims dated August 5, 1429, from Joan of Arc Addressed: To the loyal French people of the city of Reims My dear and good friends, the obedient and loyal Frenchmen of the city of Rheims, Joan the Maid lets you know of her tidings, and asks and requests that� Click to Read More


Page about Joan of Arc's English Enemy the Duke of Bedford - Click Here
John of Lancaster the Duke of Bedford (June 20, 1389 - September 14, 1435) was Joan of Arc's primary antagonist and the person most responsible for her trial and death at the stake. A younger brother to Henry V, he became the defacto ruler of England when Henry, shortly before he died in 1422, appointed him guardian of his infant son Henry VI and all of England and� Click to Read More


Read Letter from Duke of Bedford on August 7, 1429 insulting Joan of Arc - Click Here
The text below comprises a letter sent by the Duke of Bedford (John of Lancaster) to Charles VII in early August of 1429 shortly after Charles was crowned King in Reims. The letter openly insults both Charles and Joan of Arc and challenges Charles to meet the English in open battle. This letter provides some interesting insight into the Duke of Bedford and how he operated� Click to Read More


Famous Author Mark Twain wrote extensively about Joan of Arc - Click Here to Learn More
Most people are unaware that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) spent over a decade researching Saint Joan of Arc and wrote what he considered to be his greatest work about her. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc was originally published in Harpers Magazine in 1895 as chapters attributed to the fictitious author Sieur Louis de Conte. There was a certain amount of� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Online - Click Here
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc by The Sieur Louis de Conte (Her Page and Secretary)Freely translated out of the Ancient French into Modern English from the original unpublished manuscript in the National Archives of France by Jean Fran�ois Alden. To my wife Olivia Langdon Clemens this book is tendered on our anniversary in grateful recognition of her twenty-five years of valued service as my literary adviser and editor 1870-1895 The Author� Click to Read More


Etienne de Vignolles or "Lahire" was one of Joan's Best Commanders - Learn More Here
Etienne de Vignolles (born circa 1390) or La Hire as he was known was one of Joan of Arc's best military commanders. La Hire spent almost his entire life as a soldier fighting the English and may have started as early as the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. He was definitely fighting for the cause of Charles VII by 1418 and participated in all of Joan of Arc's major battles. At Patay he� Click to Read More


Learn about the Armor Joan of Arc wore in Battle - Click Here
"Joan of Arc was given a suit of ""white armor"" by Charles VII which was constructed at Tours in March of 1429 while she prepared for battle. White armor was a type of armor worn in the medieval period that was highly polished and when viewed it looked almost white. When Joan wore her armor the effect was probably dazzling giving her an almost ethereal glow that� Click to Read More


Watch Famous Movie Passion of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Considered by many to be one of the greatest movies ever made The Passion of Joan of Arc is a deeply moving portrayal of Joan's trial and execution. Produced in 1928 the film was directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer and stars Ren�e Jeanne Falconetti and Antonin Artaud. For a more� Click to Read More


Joan is Called the Virgin Warrior Because of Her Virginity � Click Here for More
Joan of Arc is one of the most renowned virgins in all of history and has frequently been called the "Virgin Warrior." For Joan remaining a virgin, or a "maid" as Joan preferred to be called, was an outward sign of her inward devotion to God. As author Ben D. Kennedy explained in an interview about Joan of Arc: "The term Maid was� Click to Read More


Find the Answer to Your Question About Joan of Arc on the FAQ Page - Click Here
Who was Joan of Arc? Joan of Arc was a young women who led the armies of France to several key victories over the English during the Hundred Years War. A great hero to the French she was hated by the English who ultimately captured her and had her burned at the stake for heresy. The full history of Joan of Arc is both fascinating and Click to Read More


Prayer was Extremely Important to Joan of Arc - Learn More by Clicking Here
Prayer was a central part of Joan of Arc's daily life and she lived out St. Paul's admonition to believers to "pray without ceasing." As Joan's own mother described about her prayer life while she was growing up: "Because the people suffered so much, she had a great compassion for them in her heart and despite her youth she would fast and pray for them with� Click to Read More


See Famous Painting of Joan of Arc Praying - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc: Painting by Peter Paul Rubens of Joan of Arc in armor praying titled: "Joan of Arc at Prayer" Click to Read More


Learn about Joan of Arc's Mother on this page - Click Here
Isabelle Rome� or Isabelle d'Arc (born circa 1377; died November 28, 1458) was the mother of Joan of Arc and exerted a great Christian influence upon Joan in her formative years. Isabelle's surname Rome� is thought to have been an honorary reference to a pilgrimage she had once made to Rome to the papal city. Whatever the truth about her name, Isabelle was a devout Catholic who� Click to Read More


Learn about Joan of Arc's Father on this page - Click Here
Jacques d'Arc was the father of Joan Of Arc and was a farmer who owned about fifty acres of land around the small town of Domremy. Jacques was part of the "peasant class" but seems to have provided a comfortable level of living for his family that included Joan and three brothers and his wife Isabelle. When Joan was� Click to Read More


Keep Up with Important Events of Joan's life on Timeline Page - Click Here
Timeline of the life of Saint Joan of Arc 1412 January 6 Accepted date of the birth of Saint Joan of Arc. 1422 October 21 Charles VI, king of France, dies leaving a controversy about his legal heir. 1424 Summer Joan of Arc is first visited by a "Voice" in her father's garden� Click to Read More


See & Learn About Famous Painting of Joan with Her Voices - Click Here
The picture on the cover of Maid of Heaven is from the famous painting of Joan of Arc by Jules Bastien-Lepage painted in 1879 depicting Joan in her father�s garden at her home hearing the �Voices� of divine revelation. The original painting is now on public display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Own Words that She Spoke on Quotes Page - Click Here
QUOTES BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER: Included in Maid of Heaven as part of the story are many famous quotes by Saint Joan of Arc. Using actual quotes by her helps bring her alive and give the reader some idea what her personality was like. Below are some more of her famous quotes� Click to Read More


Read Letter From Joan to Count of Armagnac on August 22, 1429 - Click Here
Letter to the Count of Armagnac dated August, 22, 1429, from Joan of Arc Jesus + Maria Count of Armagnac, my very dear and good friend: Joan the Maid informs you that your messenger has arrived, who told me that you sent him here in order to learn from me which of the three Popes, which you asked about in your letter, you should believe in. Concerning which, I cannot very well tell you truly for the time being, until I am at at Paris� Click to Read More


See What Joan of Arc's Actual Signature Looks Like - Click Here
Actual signature of Joan of Arc from a letter to the people of Reims on March 28, 1430 (signed with her real name Jehanne)� Click to Read More


Learn about Joan of Arc's real name Jehanne d'Arc - Click Here
Saint Joan Of Arc's Name Her real name was Jehanne d'Arc. Joan of Arc is an English bastardization of her name that was never used while she was alive. She preferred to be called "Jehanne la Pucelle" or Joan the maid. At her trial Joan herself testified that: "In my town they called me Jeannette, and since I came into France I have been called Joan� Click to Read More


Page about the Duke of Alencon who was Joan's closest friend - Click Here
Jean the Duke of Alencon was born in 1407 into an illustrious family of soldiers. His great-grandfather had been killed at the Battle of Crecy, his grandfather spent his life fighting the English as a comrade of the legendary warrior du Guesclin and his father had died a hero at the battle of Agincourt. Alencon began his own military career when� Click to Read More


Learn all about Joan of Arc's Friends and Companions - Click Here
Joan Of Arc had many friends and companions during her life that varied from the simple peasants the she lived with in her hometown of Domremy to the leaders of France that included Charles VII the King of France as well as those who fought against her for the English. Joan was a military leader so many of her closest friends were most likely her brothers in arms that� Click to Read More


Read Glowing Description of Joan in Letter by Guy de Laval - Click Here
Guy de Laval (January 28, 1406 - September 2, 1486) was a young knight who joined Joan of Arc for the Loire Valley campaign and fought with her until the defeat at Paris. Guy was extremely impressed with Joan of Arc and wrote a highly complimentary letter to his mother and grandmother that constitutes a living portrait of Joan and probably echoes the sentiments of many of the young knights that� Click to Read More


Read About the Events Leading up to the Battle to Liberate Paris - Click Here
After August 28 the King of France, to conciliate the Duke of Burgundy, recognised him as holding Paris against the Maid, while the Maid was allowed to attack Paris. Her victory in these circumstances would have been a miracle, and an event most untoward for her King, whose sole aim was to conciliate the Duke of Burgundy. Charles, therefore, prevented the� Click to Read More


Page about Lahire one of Joan of Arc's Best Military Commanders - Click Here
Etienne de Vignolles (born circa 1390) or La Hire as he was known was one of Joan of Arc's best military commanders. La Hire spent almost his entire life as a soldier fighting the English and may have started as early as the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. He was definitely fighting for the cause of Charles VII by 1418 and participated in all of Joan of Arc's major battles� Click to Read More


Read Christine de Pisan's Sentiments about Upcoming Battle for Paris - Click Here
The Song of Joan of Arc By Christine de Pisan Stanza 53 I don't know if Paris will hold out, (For they have not reached there yet), or if the Maid will delay or� Click to Read More


Learn about Joan's Famous Sword of St. Catherine - Click Here
Joan of Arc had several swords that she carried from time to time but the most famous was the sword she obtained from the church of Saint Catherine of Fierbois which legend has it once belonged to Charles Martel who left it there as an offering of thanks for his victory at the Battle of Tours over� Click to Read More


See Minature Picture of Joan with Sword before Paris Battle - Click Here
Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc Chasing Prostitutes From Her Camp Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc chasing prostitutes from her army's camp just before the battle at Paris included in series of pictures in an 1484 manuscript about the Hundred Years War titled Les Vigiles de Charles VII� Click to Read More


Learn about the Banner that Joan Carried into Battle - Click Here
Joan Of Arc carried a special banner (battle standard) that had been made by a Scottish painter (Hauves Poulvoir) while she was at Tours preparing herself to lead the army of France. Joan testified abut her banner at her trial and said that it had been created by the command of God and that she was given instructions about the design by� Click to Read More


See Photo of Statue of Joan of Arc in Paris - Click Here
Joan of Arc Statue in Paris by Emmanuel Fremiet Statue by sculptor Emmanuel Fremiet of Joan of Arc at place des Pyramides in Paris� Click to Read More


Learn all about Joan of Arc's Coat-of-Arms - Click Here
Joan of Arc was given armorial bearings by Charles VII on June 2 , 1429, which he was reported to have drawn himself. The design as depicted in the image at the beginning of this page contained two fleur-de-lis ""in a field azure"" (meaning on a French royal blue background) with a sword between them supporting a crown. Joan was�" Click to Read More


Read fictional description of Joan in Prayer before Battle at Paris - Click Here
And there we both stood astonished, for we saw the Maid as never yet I had seen her. She was bareheaded, but wore the rest of her harness, holding in her hand a measure of corn. All the fowls of the air seemed to be about her, expecting their meat. But she was not throwing the grain among them, for she stood as still as a graven image, and, wonderful to tell, a dove was perched on her� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Praying before Battle - Click Here
Joan of Arc Painting by Annie Louisa Swynnerton Painting by Annie Louisa Swynnerton in 1904 of Joan of Arc in armor with sword praying titled: "Joan of Arc" Click to Read More


Read Ben D. Kennedy's Article about Joan's Attempt to Liberate Paris - Click Here
This beautiful statue of Joan of Arc is located at Place des Pyramides in Paris. Unfortunately, Joan herself never saw more than the outside walls of Paris as the attempt she made to liberate the city on September 8, 1429, ended in failure. This was Joan�s first� Click to Read More


Anniversary of Joan of Arc's Battle for Paris on September 8, 1429 - Learn More Here
Joan of Arc And Paris "By my staff, the place would have been taken!" After crowning Charles VII, Joan and her best military commanders wanted to immediately march to Paris and liberate France's largest city. If Joan had been fully supported by Charles and immediately gone to Paris she would have succeeded because the city was� Click to Read More


Read eyewitness accounts about Joan's assault at Paris - Click Here
On Thursday, Day of Our Lady, eighth day of the month of September, 1429, the Maid, the Duke of Alencon, the Mrshals de Boussac and de Rais, with a great number of soldiers and archers, left at about eight in the morning from la Chapelle , near Paris, in fine order; some to give battle, the others to support those who would make the assault� Click to Read More


See Minature Portrait of Joan of Arc Fighting at Paris - Click Here
Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc Fighting at Paris Miniature portrait of Joan of Arc fighting at Paris included in a series of pictures in an 1484 manuscript about the Hundred Years War titled Les Vigiles de Charles VII� Click to Read More


Read About the Failure by Joan's Army to Liberate Paris - Click Here
CONCERNING the attack of the Royal army on Paris, all authorities, friendly or hostile, agree that it was a failure only redeemed by the splendid courage and tenacity of the Maid. On few other points is there agreement. We shall prefer the evidence of Jeanne herself, and of a cool observer within the walls of Paris. By both� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan Leaving Her Armor at the Alter of St. Denis - Click Here
Painting of Saint Joan of Arc Leaving her Armor & Sword at St. Denis Painting of Saint Joan of Arc leaving her Armor and sword as an offering at St. Denis after the failure to liberate Paris on September 8, 1429� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan's Incredible Faith & Love for God - Click Here
The final words of Joan Of Arc, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" reflect the focus of her life and being better than anything else. Anyone wanting to understand who Joan of Arc was has to come to an understanding of how deeply she loved God and how this love impacted everything that she did while she was alive. Joan's life exemplified the� Click to Read More


Find a Good Book or Movie to Learn More About Joan on Reviews Page - Click Here
In the nearly 600 years since Saint Joan of Arc died there have been a great number of books written about her life. There have also been quite a few movies that have tried to portray her. While all of these books and movies claim to be about Saint Joan there are vast differences in the way that her story has been told. It has always� Click to Read More


Page With List of Complete Books Available Online at � Click Here
Joan of Arc Books Online at If you are looking for a good book to read about Joan of Arc and have limited funds then try one of the complete books available here online at The list below contains some excellent biographies by renowned writers� Click to Read More


Learn About Scottish Soldiers Who Fought with Joan of Arc - Click Here
Inspired by John Duncan's painting, DAVID KERR marks the 100th anniversary of Joan of Arc's beatification ahead of the saint's feast day this month. Here he explores her extraordinary life, her martyrdom and the role Scotland played in her epic battles against England. EVER seen this painting before? The chances are that� Click to Read More


Learn About Scottish Captain Hugh Kennedy and See His Battle Shield - Click Here
The coat-of-arms above belonged to Sir Hugh Kennedy who was a knight from Scotland that fought with the French and Joan of Arc as part of the Auld Alliance. Kennedy was one of thousands of Scots who arrived in 1420 to help Charles VII fight their common enemy the English. He distinguished himself at the battle of Baug� in 1421 and was rewarded� Click to Read More


Read A Monk of Fife a fictional account of Scottish soldiers fighting with Joan - Click Here
A MONK OF FIFE A Romance of the Days of Jeanne D'Arc(Joan of Arc) DONE INTO ENGLISH FROM THE MANUSCRIPT IN THE SCOTS COLLEGE OF RATISBON By Andrew Lang Preface Norman Leslie of Pitcullo, whose narrative the reader has in his hands, refers more than once to his... Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan of Arc's Famous Jesus Maria Ring - Click Here
All that is known about Joan of Arc's ring comes from Joan's own trial testimony. According to Joan she had two rings, one was given to her by her father or mother at Domremy and the other was given to her by her brother. The one given to her by her father or mother is the one that she described as having three crosses and the names Jesus and Maria in tribute to Jesus Christ and� Click to Read More


Page About Why the Names Jesus and Maria were so special to Joan of Arc - Click Here
The names Jesus and Maria were very important to Saint Joan of Arc and are the names of Jesus Christ and his mother Mary. Joan of Arc had a great love for God and one of the most visible ways that she demonstrated her love was in displaying the names of her lord Jesus Christ and his mother Mary on many of her� Click to Read More


See Holy Card Showing Joan on Horseback with Her Banner Displaying Jesus Maria - Click Here
Colored Joan of Arc Holy Card Colored Holy Card showing Joan of Arc on horseback with her banner leading her soldiers� Click to Read More


Browse Through a Long Sequence of Pictures Displaying Joan of Arc - Click Here
While there have been a vast number of pictures created to honor Saint Joan of Arc, none were painted while she was alive so we can only guess as to what she really looked like. There is some historical evidence about her appearance in the writings of her contemporaries like Jean d'Aulon, the head of her military household, who said she was� Click to Read More


Learn About the �Voices� that Guided Joan of Arc Her During Her Life � Click Here for More
Joan of Arc's "Voices" as she called them are an integral part of the story of Joan of Arc but will always remain somewhat of a mystery as they are part of the mystical side of Joan. Whatever one decides to believe about Joan's Voices one should always remember that� Click to Read More


See Statue of Joan with Her Voices located at Basillica of St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Joan of Arc Statue at Basilica of St. Joan Joan of Arc Statue at the Basilica of St. Joan near Domremy showing Joan with her Voices St. Michael, St. Margaret, St. Catherine� Click to Read More


See Famous Painting of Joan with Her Voices by Jules Bastien-Lepage - Click Here
The picture appearing on the cover of Maid of Heaven is from the famous painting of Joan of Arc by Jules Bastien-Lepage painted in 1879 depicting Joan in her father�s garden at her home hearing the �Voices� of divine revelation. The original painting is now on public display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City� Click to Read More


Learn All About Domremy the Town where Joan was Born and Grew Up - Click Here
Domremy-la-Pucelle The Hometown of Joan of Arc Joan Of Arc was born and lived in the small village of Domremy (now called Domremy-la-Pucelle meaning Domremy the Maid to honor Joan) until she left when she was sixteen to� Click to Read More


See Photo of a Statue of Joan located in her hometown of Domremy - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc Statue in Domremy Statue by Pierson Martin of Saint Joan of Arc leaving the Distaff for the Sword� Click to Read More


See and Learn about Statue of Joan inside Joan of Arc Center in Domremy - Click Here
Statue of a young Joan of Arc inside the Joan of Arc Center in Domremy. The base of the statue is inscribed in Hebrew from Psalm 27 (verse 1 & 3) and reads: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall� Click to Read More


Information about Joan of Arc Pilgrimages in France that Retrace Her Footsteps - Click Here
A great way to learn more about St. Joan of Arc is to go on a pilgrimage to France and visit the places where Joan once walked. Seeing firsthand the historic locations that Joan made famous in her life is not only educating but truly inspiring. If you are interested in making such a trip then� Click to Read More


Learn about St. Therese of Lisieux's Great Devotion to Saint Joanof Arc - Click Here
Saint Th�r�se (known as St. Therese of Lisieux or the Little Flower) was a 19th century Carmelite Nun who had a great admiration for St. Joan of Arc. St. Th�r�se was a very accomplished writer who used her talent to honor Saint Joan with� Click to Read More


When Joan was Growing Up She liked to Pray at the Chapel of Bermont near Her Home - Click Here
Chapel of Bermont & Joan of Arc Joan of Arc liked to visit a chapel a few miles north of Domremy located in the woods for some quiet time alone in prayer. The Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bermont is the small building in the center-left of the picture above. S Click to Read More


See Stained Glass Window of Joan Praying in the Chapel of Bermont - Click Here
Stained Glass Window of Joan Chapel of Notre Dame de Bermont Stained glass window of Joan praying located in the Chapel of Bermont near Domremy�. Click to Read More


Locate a Church or Chapel Named in Honor of St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc Churches and Chapels There are a quite a few Churches and Chapels named in honor of Saint Joan of Arc around the world. The list below is an attempt to organize the ones I have found according to their geographic location starting with those in the United States. If you� Click to Read More


See Photo of Statue and Ceiling Inside Basilica of St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Statue of Joan of Arc inside Basilica of St. Joan of Arc Joan of Arc statue inside the Basilica of St. Joan with beautiful ceiling mural in the background. To learn more and view more pictures visit our page about� Click to Read More


Visit Page about the Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc that Honors Joan - Click Here
The Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc is located about a mile south of Joan's hometown of Domremy. Construction on the basilica started in 1881 and it was dedicated in 1926. The Basilica is an amazing tribute to Joan of Arc and contains many statues and dedications to Joan located both inside and outside... Click to Read More


Read Article About Joan's Escape Attempt by Leaping from 60 ft Tower - Click Here
Joan's Leap for Freedom During the month October in 1430, Joan of Arc was held prisoner at the Castle of Beaurevoir by the Burgundians who had captured her. Joan had been waiting since the end of May to be ransomed back to her own forces which was� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Own Trial Testimony About Her Escape Attempt - Click Here
The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 21 CAPTIVITY Jeanne's mind was entirely engaged in pity for the folk of Compiegne, and anxiety about the siege, an operation as important as the siege of Orleans. She had heard that� Click to Read More


Learn about Joan's Life while She Was Held as a Prisoner of War - Click Here
Joan of Arc was a prisoner of the Burgundians for six months. She made several attempts to escape the most daring being a jump from a tower seventy feet high. In mid-November 1430, she was sold to the English for ten thousand francs and� Click to Read More


See Index of Paintings, Statues and other Artistic Reprsentations of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Joan of Arc Pictures and Artistic Representations There are many pictures of paintings, statues and other artistic representations depicting Saint Joan of Arc available here at This page is an index to better help you to locate the different pictures� Click to Read More


Find the Basic Facts of Joan's life on the Quick Facts Page - Click Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. Joan of Arc was born around January 6, 1412. The exact date of Joan of Arc's birthday was not recorded but is generally accepted to be this date. Joan was� Click to Read More


Search for Information about Joan on the History Page - Click Here
Learn the History of Joan of Arc The life of Joan of Arc is the best documented of anyone not from modern times. She was officially examined by the Catholic Church three different times; first, in Poitiers before she was given command of the French army, second, in Rouen at the trial that condemned her, and third, when the Church overturned her� Click to Read More


Learn Why Joan's Soldiers Considered Her a Saint on the Descriptions Page - Click Here
To get an idea of what Joan of Arc was like it is best to read the words of the people who knew her while she was alive. Below are actual descriptions of Joan by different people who knew her at the different stages of her life. "The soldiers considered her a saint, for she behaved in such a godly way when� Click to Read More


Read the Official Document Starting the Process to Declare Joan a Saint - Click Here
Joan of Arc was declared Venerable by Pope Leo XIII on January 27, 1894 The process to begin Joan of Arc's journey to sainthood began on May 18, 1869, during the annual festival at Orleans to honor Joan, when Monseigneur Dupanloup, Bishop of Orleans, along with� Click to Read More


Read Poem by St. Therese of Lisieux in support of the Canonization of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Canticle To Obtain The Canonization Of The Venerable Joan of Arc 1. God of hosts, the whole Church Soon wishes to honor at the altar A martyr, a warrior virgin, Whose sweet name� Click to Read More


See 19th Century Holy Card Commemorating Joan being Declared Venerable - Click Here
Saint Joan of Arc Holy Card 19th Century Holy Card commemorating Joan of Arc Being Declared Venerable by the Roman Catholic Church and showing famous events of Joans life like her victory at Orleans� Click to Read More


Learn about the Beatification Ceremony in 1909 Declaring Joan Blessed - Click Here
The official Beatification of Joan of Arc took place in April of 1909 when the Roman Catholic Church declared her to be Blessed. This was the second step on her path to being declared a Saint by the Church having been declared Venerable in 1894. The official pronouncement by� Click to Read More


See Painting based upon the Vaticans Canonization Banner for Joan - Click Here
Joan of Arc Canonization Banner Painting Painting in 1920 based upon the Vatican's canonization banner for Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Read the Official Pronuncement of Canonization Document for St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
THE OFFICIAL PRONOUNCEMENT OF CANONIZATION of SAINT JOAN OF ARC In 1894, almost 450 years after she was rehabilitated, Joan was declared Venerable by the Roman Catholic Church. In 1909, she was further elevated to the designation Blessed, and finally she was raised to the Church's highest rank when she was canonized in� Click to Read More


See Holy Card Commemorating Joan's Pronuncement as a Saint - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Early 20th Century Holy Card commemorating the canonization of St. Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Learn All About St. Therese's Devotion to St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Saint Th�r�se (known as St. Therese of Lisieux or the Little Flower) was a 19th century Carmelite Nun who had a great admiration for St. Joan of Arc. St. Th�r�se was a very accomplished writer who used her talent to honor Saint Joan with� Click to Read More


Read Famous Quotes About St. Joan of Arc Testifying to Her Greatness - Click Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT JOAN OF ARC "She was the bravest of the brave." Andrew Lang comparing Joan to William Wallace and other brave leaders� Click to Read More


Watch Maid of Heaven Video about Joan of Arc Celebrating Her Life and Legacy - Click Here
Maid of Heaven Video about Joan of Arc The video trailer for Maid of Heaven is now available at YouTube where it seems to have had quite an impact on people who posted comments like: "I burst into tears after watching this�" Click to Read More


Find a Short Biography to Read about St. Joan of Arc on this Page - Click Here
Short Biography of Joan of Arc The book Maid of Heaven: The Story of Saint Joan of Arc may be the best short biography ever written about Joan of Arc as it provides as much of the essential information about Joan as long biographies yet can be read in under an hour� Click to Read More


Remember Anniversary of Battle of Agincourt by Reading Shakespeare's Henry V � Go Here
The play Henry V by William Shakespeare is a good portrayal of the Battle of Agincourt which was a great victory for the English and a disaster for the French. The Battle of Agincourt, fought on October 15, 1415, drastically turned the tide of the Hundred Years War in favor of� Click to Read More


View a Series of Historic Drawings depicting the Major Events in Joan�s Life � Click Here
Of the thousands of cultural portrayals of Joan of Arc over the years one of the earliest was Les Vigiles de Charles VII by Martial d'Auvergne written from 1477 to 1483 as a liturgical poem about the Hundred Years War. The original manuscript is now held by the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, France and contained within it are many "miniature portraits" depicting� Click to Read More


Read Biography of Joan of Arc by Famous Writer & Historian Jules Michelet - Click Here
Jules Michelet's famous literary work History of France contains two chapters about Joan of Arc titled The Maid of Orleans. These chapters were so highly acclaimed that that they have been published many times since as an individual biography about Joan of Arc usually titled The Maid of Orleans after the� Click to Read More


See Photo of Joan of Arc Statue Maid of Orleans - Click Here
Statue by the Princess Marie d'Orleans of Joan of Arc in Prayer titled "Maid of Orleans" Click to Read More


The Joan of Arc's History for Kids Page can Help teach Joan's story to Younger Ages - Click Here
The life of Joan of Arc is well received by children and teenagers when it is presented to them in a way that they can easily understand and relate to. Unfortunately, some of the pages here at may be a little too academically challenging for younger people not yet schooled in serious historical research. In order to try to aid our younger visitors� Click to Read More


Read Historical Novel about Joan of Arc titled Warrior Maid - Click Here
Originally published in 1919 this historical novel about Joan of Arc by Lucy Foster Madison does a good job of presenting the established history of Joan of Arc in an entertaining and easy to read manner. Originally written with a younger audience in mind this novel is a good choice for older children however adults may� Click to Read More


Read About Joan's Military Activities in the Autumn of 1429 - Click Here
"The Maid of France Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) CHAPTER 18 THE AUTUMN CAMPAIGN SAFELY arrived at Gien, Charles disbanded an army which it is said that he could no longer pay, though he�" Click to Read More


Remember St. Joan on All Saints Day as one of God's brilliant lights! - Click Here
Spectacular colored old photo of St. Therese dressed as St. Joan of Arc shows how to Celebrate All Saints Daywhich is the Christian alternative to helloween! Click to Read More


Read Descriptions of Joan as a Soldier by People who Knew Her and Fought with Her - Click Here
AS A SOLDIER "In all her acts, aside from the facts of war, she was just a simple girl. But in war she was very expert, whether to carry a lance, to assemble an army, to order a battle, or to dispose the artillery. All marveled to see how� Click to Read More


Learn about Jean d'Aulon the Head of Joan's Military Household - Click Here
Jean d'Aulon was in charge of Joan of Arc's military household and was also Joan's personal bodyguard and was considered "one of the best men in the kingdom" which is why he was given the special duty of protecting Joan. He began his duties with Joan� Click to Read More


Read Article about Joan's last Great Victory at St. Pierre-le-Moutier - Click Here
"I am not alone! I have fifty thousand of my own company to fight with me!" In the autumn of 1429, Charles VII seems to have been completely under the influence of his advisors who urged negotiation rather than battle. In light of this policy Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Browse Through a List of Articles by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc - Click Here
Ben's Blog Articles About Joan of Arc Below is a list of the most recent Blog Articles about Joan of Arc written by author and poet Ben D. Kennedy. There are close to a hundred articles posted at� Click to Read More


See Photo of Statue of Joan of Arc at Saint Pierre le Moutier - Click Here
Victorious Joan of Arc Statue Statue of a victorious Joan of Arc holding her banner high over her head located in St. Pierre le Moutier... Click to Read More


Read Chapter Discussing the Battles Joan Fought in the Autumn of 1429 - Click Here
ST. PIERRE LE MOUSTIER AND LA CHARIT� ON the arrival of the army at Gien, its leaders were divided in counsel and quarreling bitterly. For the moment, La Tr�moille's triumph was complete. He had destroyed the enthusiasm of the nobles and the� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc in Battle by Hermann Anton Stilke - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painting by Hermann Anton Stilke of Joan of Arc titled: "Joan of Arc in Battle" Click to Read More


See Photo of Statue of Joan of Arc Dedicated to Her Heroism - Click Here
Statue of Joan of Arc on horseback in Vaucouleurs Plaque on the front reads: "To the glory of Joan of Arc, a pure symbol of French heroism� Click to Read More


Read Letter Joan of Arc Sent to the people of Riom dated November 9, 1429 - Click Here
Dear and good friends: you well know how the town of Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier was taken by assault; and with God's help I intend to clear out the other places which are against the King. But because great expenditure of powder, projectiles, and other war materials had been made before the said town, and because� Click to Read More


Read Article about St. Joan of Arc and Veterans Day by Ben D. Kennedy - Click Here
Joan of Arc & Veterans Day How appropriate it is to remember Saint Joan of Arc on Veterans Day as she is the Patron Saint of Soldiers and was herself one of the greatest soldiers to ever live. Veterans Day began as Remembrance Day or Armistice Day and is celebrated every November 11th on� Click to Read More


See Color Drawing of St. Joan on Horseback Appearing to a Soldier in France - Click Here
Color Drawing of Joan of Arc from The Boken Soldier and the Maid of France God commands you," she cried. "It is for France." Color drawing of Joan of Arc on horseback pointing with sword contained in the book The Boken Soldier and the Maid of France by Henry van Dyke Read this Joan of Arc Book HERE FREE... Click to Read More


Read the Book The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France Online - Click Here
Joan of Arc Book The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France Table of Contents Chapter 1 - The Meeting at the Spring (On This Page Below) Chapter 2 - The Green Confessional Chapter 3 - The Absolving Dream Chapter 3 - The Victorious Penance� Click to Read More


See Trading Card Showing Joan of Arc Comforting a Wounded Soldier - Click Here
Joan of Arc Comforting Wounded Soldier Trading Card Trading Card of Joan of Arc comforting a wounded soldier from 19th Century... Click to Read More


Read About the Impact St. Joan of Arc has had on Author Ben D. Kennedy - Click Here
What are these spiritual truths that you have learned? There are many important lessons that can be learned from her life but there are two spiritual truths that I leaned from her that have made a great difference for me personally. God helps those who help themselves is something I was told was� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about a Spiritual Lesson from St. Joan - Click Here
Another Spiritual Lesson from Joan "Aide toi et Dieu t'aider" "Aid yourself and God will aid you" This spiritual truth is one that Saint Joan of Arc exemplified in her life and actions and one that I was only personally able to completely comprehend through studying Joan. I had always heard the old saying that� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan With a Procession of Priests Leading Her Army - Click Here
Joan of Arc Series by Monvel The Maid in Armor on Horseback Joan of Arc Painting by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel of Joan in Armor on Horseback titled: "The Maid in Armor on Horseback� Click to Read More


Visit Page about Robert E. Lee's Sword Engraved with Joan's Famous Quote - Click Here
There are many similarities between St. Joan of Arc and Robert E. Lee the two most obvious being that they were both great generals and they both possessed incredible faith in God. How appropriate, then, that Robert E. Lee's famous presentation sword, the one that� Click to Read More


Read Descriptions of Joan�s Incredible Faith and the Impact it Had Upon Her Soldiers - Click Here
Joan's great faith was a positive influence upon everyone around her and several of her friends later spoke about her spiritual leadership during her Trial of Rehabilitation: "From everything that I knew of her, Joan appeared to me a good and modest woman who lived a Christian life. She heard that Mass very gladly and never missed a possible opportunity of� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan Receiving Communion at Mass with Her Soldiers - Click Here
Joan of Arc Receiving Communion Joan of Arc Receiving Communion at Mass with Her Army Painting by Maurice Denis 1909� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Displaying Her Faith in Prison by Howard Pyle - Click Here
Historical Pictures of Saint Joan of Arc Painting by Howard Pyle of Joan of Arc titled: "Joan of Arc in Prison"� Click to Read More


Read Part of Letter Sent November 21, 1430 Urging for Joan�s Delivery for Trial - Click Here
NOW that Joan was bought and paid for, and safely in their hands, the English were free to act on the theory that she was a witch, or to treat her as a prisoner of war. For a short time they seemed to hesitate, and kept her at Le Crotoy, where she was all� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc as a Prisoner on Horseback - Click Here
Joan of Arc Prisoner on Horseback Painting of Joan of Arc as a prisoner riding a horse by Rowland Wheelwright� Click to Read More


Read Description of Joan of Arc While She was a Prisoner - Click Here
"I saw Joan for the first time during her imprisonment in the castle of Beaurevoir, where she was being held for the Count of Ligny [Jean de Luxemburg]. I saw her in prison several times and spoke to her often. It even� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Insulted in Prison by Patrois - Click Here
Joan of Arc Insulted in Prison Painting Painting by Isidore Patrois in 1866 of Joan of Arc while she was in prison titled: "Joan of Arc Insulted In Prison� Click to Read More


Read About Joan's time as a Prisoner of the Burgundians - Click Here
The Life of Joan of Arc By Anatole France VOLUME 2 CHAPTER 10 BEAUREVOIR�ARRAS�ROUEN�THE TRIAL FOR LAPSE IN the month of September, 1430, two inhabitants of Tournai, the chief alderman, Bietremieu Carlier, and the chief Councillor, Henri Romain, were returning from� Click to Read More


Read Answer to Question about Why Charles VII Did Nothing to Rescue Joan - Click Here
Why couldn't Charles VII help Joan of Arc when she was sold to the English? It was not that Charles couldn't help Joan but that he chose not to do anything to help her after she was captured. The most viable time for Charles to have rescued Joan was during the� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Captivity - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Captivity "I would rather die than be in the hands of the English." Joan of Arc was a prisoner of the Burgundians for six months. She made several� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Account of How Joan of Arc was Captured - Click Here
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Chapter 41 It breaks my heart. I had got myself helped up onto the walls, and from there I saw much that happened, the rest was told me long afterward by our two knights and other eye-witnesses. Joan crossed� Click to Read More


See Color Drawing of Joan of Arc Being Captured - Click Here
Quick Facts About The Life Of Saint Joan Of Arc. Saint Joan was captured by Burgundian soldiers on May 23, 1430 at Compi�gne. She fights to the end but is trapped when the drawbridge to the city is raised� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D Kennedy about the Circumstances Surrounding Joan of Arc's Capture - Click Here
The anniversary of Joan�s capture on May 23, 1430, is not one I really like to remember but I thought I would use it this year as an opportunity to clear up a big misconception that exists about her capture. It seems that most movies and even� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Led Away After Her Capture - Click Here
Joan of Arc's Capture Painting by Adolphe-Alexandre Dillens of Joan of Arc Being Led Away after Her Capture on May 23, 1430� Click to Read More


Read Joan's Own Answers to Questions about Her Capture - Click Here
FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AND BY SAINT JOAN OF ARC Responding to her captives question about whether she knew she would be captured� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to the Capture of Joan of Arc - Click Here
In the afternoon while making a sortie against a Burgundian camp, more Burgundian and English reinforcements arrived and the French were forced to retreat. Joan lead the rearguard action and was cut off from re-entering Compiegne when the drawbridge was raised. Fighting to the last she was surrounded and pulled from her horse by a� Click to Read More


Read Mark Twain's Commentary About Joan's Time as a Prisoner of War - Click Here
Joan was fated to spend the rest of her life behind bolts and bars. She was a prisoner of war, not a criminal, therefore hers was recognized as an honorable captivity. By the rules of war she� Click to Read More


Read About Joan's Transfer to the English in December of 1430 - Click Here
For the last dreary month of that winter she was sent to the fortress of Crotoy on the Somme, for what reason we are not told, probably to be more near the English into whose hands she was about to be given up� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc in Prison by Revoil - Click Here
Joan of Arc in Rouen Prison Painting Painting by Henri Revoil in 1819 of Joan of Arc in prison titled: "Joan of Arc In Rouen Prison... Click to Read More


Read Joan's Response to the Count of Ligny Claiming He Had Come to Buy Her Back - Click Here
In God's name, you mock me; for I know well that you have neither the power, nor the wish. I know well that these English will put me to death believing after my death to gain the kingdom of France. But if there were a hundred thousand godons more than now they would not� Click to Read More


Learn the Answer to Whether or Not Joan of Arc was Tortured While She Was Imprisoned - Click Here
Was Joan of Arc Tortured? On May 9, 1431, Joan of Arc was taken to the donjon tower in the castle of Rouen and threatened with torture. Whether or not Pierre Cauchon and the� Click to Read More


Read Ben's Answer to Question about Whether Joan was Raped While She Was in Prison - Click Here
Was Joan actually raped before she was executed? I really hope that she was not raped because it was bad enough everything else that they did to her. The truth is that no one really knows for sure but we do have the statement from Saint Joan herself� Click to Read More


Learn About How & Why Joan of Arc Was Brought to Trial - Click Here
THE BEGINNING OF THE TRIAL To understand the trial of Joan of Arc, it is necessary to know something of the form of trial ordinarily used in the fifteenth century, and especially of the methods of the Holy Inquisition and other� Click to Read More


See Painting of Joan of Arc at Her Trial Before Her Judges - Click Here
Trial of Joan of Arc Painting by Louis Boutet de Monvel Painting by Louis Boutet de Monvel in 1911 of Joan of Arc at trial before her judges titled: "The Trial of Joan of Arc� Click to Read More


Find Resources Related to the Trial of Joan of Arc - Click Here
The outcome of the trial of Joan of Arc was arranged long before it ever started but the Church officials involved still went to great lengths to make it appear that she was given a fair trial even though they violated Church rules throughout. Joan was the� Click to Read More


Read About the Beginning of Joan of Arc's Trial - Click Here


Read About Famous Movie The Passion of Joan of Arc Base Upon Joan's Trial - Click Here
The Passion of Joan of Arc is a great old silent film about the trial and execution of Saint Joan of Arc. Made in 1928 by Carl Dryer the film is considered one of the greatest films ever made. The centerpiece is the superb performance by the lead actress Click to Read More


Watch Entire Movie The Passion of Joan of Arc About Joan's Trial Online - Click Here
Considered by many to be one of the greatest movies ever made The Passion of Joan of Arc is a deeply moving portrayal of Joan's trial and execution. Produced in 1928 the film was directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer and stars Ren�e Jeanne Falconetti and� Click to Read More


Read The Actual Trial Transcripts from Joan of Arc's Trial - Click Here
The original records were in Latin and French and have been translated into English several times by different historians. The translation below titled The Trial of Jeanne D'Arc by W.P. Barrett is one that has been highly esteemed by historians for it's a Click to Read More


Learn About Guillaume Manchon the Principal Court Clerk at Joan's Trial
Guillaume Manchon, recorder of the Trial, notary of the ecclesiastical court of Rouen, was a canon of Rouen and Evreux, cur� of Saint Martin de Vitefleur, and later of Saint Nicolas of Rouen, and� Click to Read More


Learn About Pierre Cauchon Joan's Judge & Primary Antagonist at Her Trial - Click Here
Pierre Cauchon was born about 1371, in the environs of Reims, studied at the University of Paris. Licentiate in law in 1398, he was among the Parisian students who took part in the vote on withdrawing from obedience to Pope Benedict XIII; in 1403 he was� Click to Read More


Learn About Nicolas Loiseleur Who acted as a Spy Against Joan During Her Trial - Click Here
Nicolas Loiseleur acted as a spy in Joan's prison cell to obtain evidence to use against her in her trial. Nicolas Loiseleur, Aucupis, was born at Chartres and was master of arts at Paris in 1403. He was� Click to Read More


Find More Information about the People Who Were Involved in Joan of Arc's Trial - Click Here
To better understand Joan and her history it is beneficial to study some of the people who were her companions and below is a list containing the most prominent with a brief description and a link to more information about them� Click to Read More


Read Review of The Trial of Joan of Arc Movie and Watch Trailer - Click Here
The Trial of Joan of Arc or Proc�s de Jeanne d'Arc by Robert Bresson is an excellent film covering the trial and execution of St. Joan of Arc. Made in 1962 the screenplay was created by Bresson using the actual records from Joan's trial. Florence Delay gives a� Click to Read More


Read Chapter about Joan of Arc During Her Trial From Book Warrior Maid - Click Here
JOAN OF ARC The Warrior Maid Chapter 26 On Trial �Great in everything as she was we here see her at her greatest.� Andrew Lang. �The Maid of France� Click to Read More


Read an Analysis of Joan's Trial by French Historian Pierre Champion - Click Here
The Record of the Trial of Jeanne D'Arc (Proc�s de Condamnation) is justly one of the most celebrated documents of our history. It makes known to us a cause which has seriously shocked human conscience, and at the� Click to Read More


Read how Joan�s Imprisonment & Suffering relate to deeper meaning of Christmas - Go Here - Go Here
Your page of the day feature is wonderful and has helped me learn so much more about Joan but I was wondering why you feature pages from such a dark period of her life so close to Christmas. In setting up the page of the day feature we tried to select pages that� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc and Christmas - Click Here
Christmas for Saint Joan of Arc One can only wonder about how Saint Joan of Arc celebrated Christmas as there is unfortunately nothing in the historic records however there is little doubt that Christmas would have been a very special time for Joan given� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about St. Joan of Arc and Jesus - Click Here
Christmas is a good time to talk about the real focus of Saint Joan of Arc�s life as she was clearly focused upon serving Jesus Christ as she demonstrated in everything that she did during her life. Joan had the� Click to Read More


Visit Jesus+Maria Page To Learn About How St. Joan Demonstrated Her Great Love for God - Click Here
Joan of Arc had a great love for God and one of the most visible ways that she demonstrated her love was in displaying the names of her lord Jesus Christ and his mother Mary on many of her most personal items. Joan had these names placed on� Click to Read More


Learn All About Joan's Incredible Faith & Love for Jesus - Click Here
The final words spoken by Joan Of Arc, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" reflect the focus of her life and being better than anything else. Anyone wanting to understand who Joan of Arc was has to come to an understanding of how deeply she loved God and how this love impacted everything that she did while she was alive. Joan's life exemplified the� Click to Read More


Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy About Joan of Arc's Elevation to Nobility - Click Here
Sometime during the winter of 1429-1430 Charles VII elevated Joan of Arc and her entire family to nobility. In the official document that Charles executed he referred to Joan as �dear and beloved� and explained that her whole family was� Click to Read More


Read Chapter from Mark Twain's Biography about Joan Being Ennobled - Click Here
IT WAS vexatious to see what a to-do the whole town, and next the whole country, made over the news. Joan of Arc ennobled by the King! People went dizzy with wonder and delight over it. You cannot imagine how she was gaped at, stared at, envied. Why, one would have� Click to Read More


Learn About Joan of Arc's Coat-of-Arms and See a Picture of a Shield with Coat of Arms - Click Here
Joan of Arc was given armorial bearings by Charles VII on June 2 , 1429, which he was reported to have drawn himself. The design as depicted in the image at the beginning of this page contained two fleur-de-lis� Click to Read More