Montenegro (original) (raw)

[Ottoman                                     Empire] de jure to 13 Jul 1878 [Montenegro c.1763 - c.1773                                     Prince's Flag, merchant flag                                     1878-1880] c.1763 - c.1773 Prince's Flag; 1878 - c.1880 Merchant Flag [Montenegro Prince's Flag                                   c.1852-c.1861] c.1852 - c.1861 Prince's Flag
[Montenegro Royal flag                                   c.1861-1878, 1910-1918] c.1861 - 1878, 1910 - 26 Nov 1918 Royal Flag [Montenegro Civil Ensign                                     1879-1880] 1879 - 1880 Civil Ensign [Montenegro Civil Ensign                                     1880-1881] 1880 - 1881 Civil Ensign
[Montenegro Civil Ensign                                   1881-1918, July 1941] 1881 - 28 Nov 1918, Jul 1941 Civil Ensign [Montenegro state flag                                     1910-1918] 15 Aug 1910 - 28 Nov 1918 State Flag [Flag                                     of Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1918-1946] 1 Dec 1918 - 18 Apr 1941; 15 Dec 1944 - 31 Jan 1946
[Federal Peoples' Republic of                                     Yugoslavia, 1946-1992] 31 Jan 1946 - 27 Apr 1992 [Flag of                                     Federal Republic of Yugoslavia                                     1992-2003, Serbia and Montenegro                                     2003-2006] 27 Apr 1992 - 21 Dec 1993 [Flag of                                     Montenegro 1993-2004] 21 Dec 1993 - 12 Jul 2004
[Flag of                                     Montenegro] Adopted 12 Jul 2004
Map of Montenegro Hear National Anthem "Oj, Svijetla Majska Zoro" (O' The Bright Dawn of May) Adopted 12 Jul 2004 Hear Former Anthem "Ubavoj nam Crnoj Gori" (To Our Beautiful Montenegro) (17 Oct 1870-28 Nov 1918) Constitution (22 Oct 2007) ------------------------------------ Former Constitutions (12 Oct 1992 - 22 Oct 2007; 19 Dec 1905 - 1918 amended 1910)
Capital: Podgorica (Titograd 13 Jul 1946-2 Apr 1992; Podgorica 4 Nov 1918 - 26 Apr 1922; Cetinje 1482-1918, 1922-1946; Obod 1475-1482; �abljak Crnojevića 1427-1475; Bar [Antivari] 1403-1408 1412-1421/27; Ulcinj [Dulcigno] 1385-1403; Skadar [Shkodra] c.900-c.960, c.1042-1385, 1408-1412; Prapratna c.960-1042) Historic Capital: Cetinje (designated 12 Oct 1992) Currency: Euro (EUR) 2 Nov 1999-28 Feb 2002 German Mark (DEM); 1918-1999 Yugoslav Dinar (YUD); 1941-1943 Italian Lira (ITL); 1852-1918 Montenegro Perper (MEP) National Holiday: 13 Jul (1878) Dan Dr�avnosti (Statehood Day) ------------------------------------- 1860-1918: 7 Oct [25 Sep] (1841) Birthday of King Nikola Population: 599,849 (2024) 615,035 (1991) 311,341 (1921) 436,800 (1918) 200,000 (1852)
GDP: 17.12billion(2023)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:17.12 billion (2023) Exports: 17.12billion(2023)Exports:3.77 billion (2023) Imports: $5.16 billion (2023) Ethnic groups: Montenegrin 45%, Serbian 28.7%, Bosniak 8.7%, Albanian 4.9%, Muslim 3.3%, Romani 1%, Croat 1%, other 2.6%, unspecified 4.9% (2011)
Total Active Armed Forces: 3,127 (2010) 37,000 (1914) Merchant marine: 18 ships (2023) (22 ships [1909]) Religions: Orthodox 72.1%, Muslim 19.1%, Catholic 3.4%, atheist 1.2%, other 1.5%, unspecified 2.6% (2011)
International Organizations/Treaties: before 1918: ICRM, ITU, PCA, UPU; from 2006: APM, BSEC (dialogue partner), BIS (candidate), BTWC, CCM, CE, CEFTA, CEI, CTBT, CWC, DC (observer), EAPC, EBRD, ESCR, EU (candidate), Eutelsat, FAO, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICCt, ICRM, ICSID, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, IRENA, ISA, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC, MIGA, NAM (observer), NATO, NPT, NTBT,OAS (observer), OIF (observer), OPCW, OSCE, PAM, PCA, SECP, SELEC, UN, UNCLOS, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFCC, UNFCC-KP, UNFCC-PA, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNWTO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO
Montenegro Index Chronology 168 BC - 395 AD Part of the Roman Empire. 18 Jan 395 Part of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine)Empire. 7th cent. Settled predominantlyby Slavs, nominally under Greek suzerainty, the coastal cities, if not abandoned, remained Greek. c.900 Principality of Dioclea (Greek:Di�kleia), which is nominally a Byzantine vassal. c.995 - 1018 Bulgarian vassal. 1018 - 1077 Byzantine vassal. Aug 1036 - Dec 1037 Byzantine occupation. 1077 Kingdom of Dioclea (Latin: Dioclea; Serbian: Duklja) recognized as independent by the Pope. 1102 - 1113 Byzantine vassal. 1131 - 1186 Byzantine vassal Jan 1186 Incorporated into the Serb state, with autonomy. 1216 Autonomy revoked. 1296 Name Crna Gora (Italian: Monte Negro, "Black Mountain") is first used as a geographical designation for the mountainous parts of modern Montenegro (in a Serbian royal grant to the local bishop), eventually coming to mean the quasi- autonomous bishopric within the Ottoman Empire and thus later the independent state of Montenegro. 1376 Quasi-independence (Lordship of Zeta). 14 Apr 1396 Skadar/Scutari/Shkodra ceded to Venice. 28 Apr 1421 - 27 Jun 1441 Zeta under Serbian rule. 1477 - 1482 Ottoman occupation. 12 Jan 1479 Ottoman rule in Shkodra (treaty ratified 25 Apr 1479); part of E yalet of Rumelia. 1485 Seat of the Metropolitan of Zeta is transferred to Cetinje. Nov 1496 DefinitiveOttoman Turkish occupation of the remaining parts of Zeta; administered as part of the Sanjak of Ishkodra (see Albania). The event is sometimes incorrectly dated to 1516 (with a second set of lords Stěpan, Ivan and Đurađ (Djuradj) listed to fill the perceived gap). From this era, local bishops exercise de facto secular rule over the mountainous interior as Vladika ("Lord"). 1513 - 1528 Karadağ ("Black Mountain") a separate Ottoman Sanjak Nov 1691 - 1702? Ottoman occupation of Cetinje. 25 Dec 1702 De facto independence by uprising (New Style date 3 Jan 1703), community is led by the local Bishop, with that office, that had been elective, becoming de facto hereditary under the Petrović Njego� dynasty. Jul 1712 Ottoman brief occupation of Cetinje. 22 Sep 1796 Brda highlands incorporated. 1799 Forged (of 1837) Ottoman "ferman" claimed the Sultan recognized that Montenegro was no longer under Ottoman suzerainty from 1799. 13 Mar 1852 Principality of Montenegro (Knja�evina Crna Gora) (Old Style date 1 Mar 1852). May 1858 Montenegro acquires areas of Grahovo, Rudine, and Kola�in (ratified Apr 1860). 31 Aug 1862 Montenegro forced to acknowledge Ottoman vassal status by the Convention of Shkod�r/Scutari. 13 Jul 1878 Ottoman Empire recognizes the independence of Montenegro by Treaty of Berlin (with Germany, Austria, France, U.K., Italy and Russia)(ratified 3 Aug 1878)(Old Style dates 1 Jul 1878, 22 Jul 1878).13 Jul 1878 Montenegro annexes the areas of Bar, Ulcinj [from 30 Nov 1880], and Podgorica. 10 Sep 1879 - 28 Oct 1908 Austria-Hungary occupies the western part of the Sanjak of Novi Pazar (see under Serbia), however it remains part of the Ottoman Empire. 28 Aug 1910 Kingdom of Montenegro (Kraljevina Crna Gora) (Old Style date 15 Aug 1910). 24 Apr 1913 - 14 May 1913 Montenegro occupies Shkodra/Shkod�r in Albania. 10 Aug 1913 Sanjak of Novi Pazar partitioned between Serbia and Montenegro (Montenegro acquiresBerane, Bijelo, Brodarevo, Dečani, Đakovica [Djakovica], P�c, Plav, Pljevlja, Polje, and Ro�aje). 27 Jun 1915 - 23 Jan 1916 Montenegro occupies Shkodra/Shkod�r in Albania. 14 Jan 1916 - 4 Nov 1918 Austria-Hungary occupies Montenegro. Feb 1916 - 4 Nov 1918 Military General Government of Montenegro (Milit�r- Generalgouvernement Montenegro) of Austria-Hungary. 1 Mar 1916 New Style Calendar introduced by military government. 4 Nov 1918 Austria-Hungary withdraws from Cetinje. 6 Nov 1918 Occupied by Serbia (in Podgorica 31 Oct 1918, and Cetinje 6 Nov 1918). 26 Nov 1918 King deposed, unified with Serbia (by decision of the Great National Assembly). 1 Dec 1918 Serbia merged into what becomes Yugoslavia as Montenegro province (Pokrajina Crna Gora)(see under Serbia)(Old Style date 18 Nov 1918). 29 Apr 1919 Formally part of Yugoslavia; the People's Executive Committee dissolved (by resolution and ceremony). 11 Dec 1920 By Treaty of Rapallo (signed 12 Nov 1920) the Allies and Associated Powers recognize, de facto, the union of Montenegro with Serbia. 13 Jul 1921 Paris Ambassadors Conference recognizes, de jure, the unification of Montenegro with Serbia. 28 Apr 1922 Organized as Zeta (oblast) region within Yugoslavia. 14 Sep 1929 Mihailo Petrović Njego�, exile king, renounces his dynasty's claim to the throne of Montenegro and declares allegiance to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. 4 Oct 1929 Part of Zetska banovina (Banate of the Zeta), within Yugoslavia. 18 Apr 1941 - 12 Sep 1943 Occupied by Italy (subordinated to Albania)(Kotor is annexed to Italy 18 May 1941 - 15 Sep 1943; and from 3 Dec 1941 areas of Bar,Gusinje, Plav, P�c, and Ulcinj are annexed to Albania). 12 Jul 1941 Kingdom of Montenegro (Kraljevina Crna Gora)(style State of Montenegro [_Dr�ava Crna Gora_] also in use) declares independence as sovereign and independent and constitutional monarchy (under Italian protectorate). Exiled King Mihailo refuses the throne, the crown is then offered to Russian Prince Roman Petrovich Romanov (b. 1896 - d. 1978), who also refuses the throne. 13 Jul 1941 - Nov 1941 Communist backed Partisan uprising in Montenegro liberates most of the country (except Podgorica, Cetinje, Nik�ić, and Pljevlja). 24 Jul 1941 Independence canceled by Italy, military rule is instituted (Governorate of Montenegro). 12 Sep 1943 - 15 Dec 1944 Occupied by Germany (subordinated to Albania Nov 1943 - 1 Jun 1944)(inCetinje to 17 Nov 1944, Podgorica to 18 Nov 1944, Kotor to 21 Nov 1944, in Budva to 22 Nov 1944)(Feldkommandantur Montenegro to Nov 1943, then part of Milit�rbefehlshaber Albanien und Montenegro Nov 1943 - 1 Jun 1944, and then Feldkommandantur 1040 [M ontenegro ] to 15 Dec 1944). 29 Nov 1943 Re-incorporation into Yugoslavia declared, in opposition to occupation (see underSerbia). Jul 1944 - May 1945 Montenegrin State Council established by Chetnik forces in exile. 14 Jul 1944 Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Montenegro constituted as the highest state authority of Montenegro as part of Yugoslavia. 14 Jul 1944 Montenegro (Crna Gora); style also in use Federal Montenegro (Federalna Crna Gora)(within Yugoslavia). 15 Apr 1945 Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Montenegro turns into the National Assembly. 31 Jan 1946 People's Republic of Montenegro (Narodna Republika Crna Gora)(within Yugoslavia). 7 Apr 1963 Socialist Republic of Montenegro (Socijalistička Republika Crna Gora)(within Yugoslavia) 2 Aug 1991 Republic of Montenegro (Republika Crna Gora) (confirmed 12 Oct 1992). 27 Apr 1992 Part of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (with only Serbia)(see under Serbia). 4 Mar 2003 - 3 Jun 2006 Part of Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro form a state union)(Zajednica dr�avna Srbija i Crna Gora) see under Serbia). 21 May 2006 Independence referendum approved 55.5% to 44.5%. 3 Jun 2006 Independence declared (Republic of Montenegro). 8 Jun 2006 Independence recognized by Serbia (formally from 15 Jun 2006). 22 Oct 2007 Montenegrin becomes official language (orthography established on 10 Jul 2009). 22 Oct 2007 Montenegro (Crna Gora).
Socialist Republic of Montenegro (1945-1991)
Kingdom in Exile (1918-1929)
Boka Kotorska (Cattaro) (1373-1814, 1941-1944)
Montenegrin Orthodox Church
Montenegrin Orthodox Church (Schismatic from 1993)
Ethnic map of Montenegro (2002)
Historical Maps of Montenegro

Note: Serbiantransliteration based on the Roman equivalents as used for Croatian and Slovenian and as recommended by the United Nations (1977). Dates before 1/13 Mar 1852 are given according to Old Style (Julian) calendar, and after according to New Style (Gregorian) calendar. New Style was formally introduced in Montenegro under occupation on 1 Mar 1916, and was officially adopted from 28 Jan 1919.

**�rchons/Princes of *Dioclea ... - 97. Prelimir (Predimir)
97. - 9.. Hvalimir
9.. - 998 Petrislav (Petar?)Hvalimirović (b. 9.. - d. 998)
998 - 22 May 1016 Vladimir Petrislavić (b. 9.. - d. 1016)
22 May 1016 - 1018 Dragomir Hvalimirović (b. 9.. - d. 1018)
1018 - Aug 1036 Vojislav (Dobroslav) Dragomirović (b. 9.. - d. 1043)
(1st time)
Aug 1036 - Dec 1037 Byzantine occupation
Dec 1037 - 1043 Vojislav (Dobroslav) Dragomirović (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1043 - 1054 Gojislav Vojislavljević (b. 102. - d.1054)
1054 - 1077 Mihailo Vojislavljević (b. 102. - d. 1081)
(Mihajlo Vo�slavić)
Kings of Dioclea� (in Skadar [Shkodra])
1077 - 1081 Mihailo (I) Vojislavljević (s.a.)
1081 - 110. Konstantin Bodin Mihailović (b. 10.. - d. 1099)
(Petăr III of Bulgaria 1072)
(1091 - .... Byzantine prisoner)
1091 - .... Jakvinta (f) -Regent (d. af.1115)
110. Dobroslav Mihailović (b. 107. - d. af.1114)
110. - 110. Kočapar Radoslavić (b. 10.. - d. 110.)
110. - 1114 Vladimir Vladimirović (b. 10.. - d. 1114)
1114 - 1118 Đorđe (Djordje "Juraj") (b. 10.. - d. 1131)
Konstantinović (1st time)
1118 - 1125 Grube�a Branislavljević (b. 10.. - d. 1125)
(Grŭbe�a Branislavić)
1125 - 1131 Đorđe Konstantinović (2nd time) (s.a.)
1131 - 1146 Gradinja Branislavljević (b. 10.. - d. 1146)
(Gradina Branislavić)
1146 - 1162 Radoslav Gradi�nić (Gradinić) (b. 11.. - d. 1162)
1162 - Jan 1186 Mihailo (II) Radoslavić (b. 11.. - d. 1186)
Grand Princes of Zeta (in Skadar [Shkodra])
Jan 1186 - May 1208 Stefan Vukan Nemanjić (b. 115. - d. 1209)
May 1208 - 1216 Đorđe (Djordje)Vukanović (b. 118. - d. 1248?)
1216 - 1276 direct Serbian rule
1276 - 8 Feb 1314 Elena (Helen� Angelina)(f) (b. 124. - d. 1314)
8 Feb 1314 - 6 Jan 1322 Stefan Konstantin (b. 128. - d. 1323)
6 Jan 1322 - 21 Aug 1331 Stefan Du�an (b. 1308 - d. 1355)
21 Aug 1331 - May 1362 *direct Serbian rule Lords of Zeta and Littoral (in Skadar [Shkodra])
May 1362 - 15 Jan 1373 Stracimir Bal�ić (b. 133. - d. 1373)
- jointly with the following two -
May 1362 - 13 Jan 1378 Đurađ (Djuradj) Bal�ić (b. 133. - d. 1378)May 1362 - 18 Sep 1385 Bal�a Bal�ić (b. 133. - d. 1385)18 Sep 1385 - Apr 1403 Đurađ (Djuradj) Stracimirović (b. 136. - d. 1403)
(in Ulcinj)
Apr 1403 - 28 Apr 1421 Bal�a Đurađović (Djuradjović) (b. 1387 - d. 1421)
(Bal�a Gjurgević)
Apr 1403 - 1405 Elena Lazarević (f) -Regent (b. c.1370 - d. 1443)
28 Apr 1421 - 1435
*direct Serbian rule
Lords of Zeta (in Skadar [Shkodra])
1435 - Jan 1465 Stěpan Gjurgević (b. 13.. - d. 1465)
Jan 1465 - Jul 1490 Ivan (Jovan) Stěpanović (b. 143. - d. 1490)
Jul 1490 - Nov 1496 Đurađ (Djuradj) Ivanović (b. 147. - d. 1504)
Sanjak Bey of Karadağ
1513 - 1528/30 Iskender-beg Ivanbegovic (d. 1528/30)
(Stani�a Crnojević) Bishops and Governors (and from 16th cent. Vladika i upravitelj Crne Gore )(inCetinje)�
Nov 1496 - 1520 Vavila (Vavil)(bishop from c.1493)
1520 Roman
1520 - 1530 German II
1530 Pavel
1530 - 1532 Romil (1st time) (b. 15.. - d. c.1560)
1532 - 1540 Vasilije I
1540 Nikodim
1540 - 1550 Romil (2nd time) (s.a.)
1550 - 1558 Makarije
1558 - 1559 Dionisije
1559 - 1561 Romil II
1561 - 1568 Ruvim I (b. 15.. - d. 156.)
1568 - 1573 Pahomije (Pachomius) II Komanin (b. 15.. - d. 157.)
1573 - 1582 Gerasim
1582 - 1591 Venijamin (b. 15.. - d. 159.)
1591 - 1593 Stefan
1593 - 1637 Ruvim II Njegu� (b. 15.. - d. c.1640)
Jul 1637 - 1647 Mardarije Kornećanin (1st time) (b. 15.. - d. c.1662)
1647 - 1654 Visarion I Kolinović
1654 - 1662 Mardarije Kornećanin (2nd time) (s.a.)
1662 - Aug 1685 Ruvim III Boljević (b. 16.. - d. 1685)
1685 Vasilije II (not consecrated?)
1685 - Jul 1692 Visarion II Borilović Bajica (b. 16.. - d. 1692)
1692 - 19 Jul 1697 Savatije (Sava I) Kaluđeričić (b. 1612? - d. 1697)
(Kaluđerović)(Kaludjerović) Očinić
(consecrated 27 Nov 1694)

19 Jul 1697 - 4 Jan 1735 Danilo I �ćepčev Petrović(b. c.1670 - d. 1735)

4 Jan 1735 - 7 Mar 1781 Sava II Ivanov Petrović (b. c.1700 - d. 1781)

(co-adjutor 1719-1735)

11 Aug 1750 - 10 Mar 1766 Vasilije Radulov Petrović -Regent (b. 1709 - d. 1766)

17 Oct 1767 - 22 Sep 1773 �ćepan "Mali" ("the Short") (b. c.1734 - d. 1773)

(false Russian Emperor Peter III; titled

Tsar and given civil authority by Sava II)

7 Mar 1781 - 15 May 1784 Arsenije Plamenac -Regent (b. c.1700 - d. 1784)

Mar 1782 - 18 Oct 1830 Petar I Petrović Njego� (b. 1747 - d. 1830)

19 Oct 1830 - 19 Oct 1851 Petar II Petrović Njego� (b. 1813 - d. 1851)

20 Oct 1851 - 1 Jan 1852 Pero Petrović Njego� -Regent (b. 1811 - d. 1854)

(regent; assumes style, but not position, of Prince)

1 Jan 1852 - 13 Mar 1852 Danilo II Petrović Njego� (b. 1826 - d. 1860)


13 Mar 1852 - 13 Aug 1860 Danilo I (= Danilo II) (s.a.)

13 Aug 1860 - 28 Aug 1910 Nikola I (b. 1841 - d. 1921)


28 Aug 1910 - 26 Nov 1918 Nikola I (s.a.)

(in France exile from 14 Jan 1916)

Austro-Hungarian Military Governors-general14 Jan 1916 - 29 Feb 1916 Hermann Albin Josef Freiherr (b. 1854 - d. 1924)

K�vess von K�vessh�za

(commandant of the 3rd Army)

1 Mar 1916 - 16 Jul 1917 Viktor Maria Willibald Weber Edler (b. 1861 - d. 1932)

von Webenau
16 Jul 1917 - 11 Oct 1918 Heinrich Karl Maria Graf Clam- (b. 1863 - d. 1932)


12 Oct 1918 - 4 Nov 1918 Karl Freiherr von Pflanzer-Baltin (b. 1855 - d. 1925)

(commandant of the Army Group Albania)

Serbian Military Commandant (ofAdriatic Troops)
5 Nov 1918 - 29 Nov 1918 Dragutin Milutinović (b. 1865 - d. 1941)

President of the Central Executive Committee for the Union of Serbia and Montenegro

5 Nov 1918 - 26 Nov 1918 Svetozar Tomić (in Berane) (b. 1872 - d. 1954)

President of the Great National Assembly of the Serb People in Montenegro

26 Nov 1918 - 28 Nov 1918 Savo Cerović

President of the National Executive Committee
28 Nov 1918 - 29 Apr 1919 vojvoda Stevo Petrović Vukotić (b. 1861 - d. 1922) Mil

Yugoslav Commissioner of the Royal Government for Montenegro
29 Apr 1919 - 28 Apr 1922 Ivan "Ivo" Pavićević (b. 1869 - d. 1926) Non-party

Great Prefects (veliki �upan) of Zeta

26 Apr 1922 - 14 Jun 1927 Milovan Đaković (Djaković)

14 Jun 1927 - 9 Oct 1929 Janićije Krasojević (b. 1886 - d. 1967)

Bans of the Zeta

9 Oct 1929 - 10 Jan 1931 Krsto Smiljanić (b. 1868 - d. 1944)
10 Jan 1931 - 4 Jul 1932 Uro� Krulj (b. 1875 - d. 1961)
4 Jul 1932 - 23 Apr 1934 Aleksa Stani�ić (b. 1877 - d. 1934)
23 Apr 1934 - 13 Aug 1936 Risto "Mujo" Sočica (b. 1882 - d. 1941)
13 Aug 1936 - 25 May 1939 Petar Ivani�ević (b. 1878 - d. 1961)
25 May 1939 - 27 Mar 1941 Bo�idar Krstić

27 Mar 1941 - 17 Apr 1941 Bla�o Đukanović (Djukanović) (b. 1883 - d. 1943) Mil

**It alian Commandant(of 14th Army Corps)(in Podgorica)
18 Apr 1941 - Jul 1941 Luigi Mentasti (b. 1883 - d. 1958) Mil
**Italian Civil Commissioner (from 22 May 1941, High Commissioner) for Montenegro

(from 12 Jul 1941, also styled Regent [ Namjesnik [ Reggente ])
30 Apr 1941 - 23 Jul 1941 Serafino, conte Mazzolini (b. 1890 - d. 1945) PNF

(= Grof Serafino Macolini)
President of the Assembly
12 Jul 1941 - Jul 1941 Mihailo Ivanović (b. 1874 - d. 1949) CFS
Italian Governors of Montenegro (in Cetinje)
23 Jul 1941 - 21 Jul 1943 Alessandro, principe Pirzio Biroli (b. 1877 - d. 1962) Mil
21 Jul 1943 - 10 Sep 1943 Curio, conte Barbasetti di Prun (b. 1885 - d. 1962) Mil
German Military Commander in Albania and Montenegro
9 Sep 1943 - 31 May 1944 Theodor Geib (b. 1885 - d. 1944) Mil
German General Representative in Montenegro
1 Jun 1944 - 17 Nov 1944 Wilhelm Keiper (b. 1893 - d. 1957) Mil
German Commanding General (of the 21st Mountain Army Corps)
21 Oct 1944 - 17 Nov 1944 Ernst Ulrich Hans von Leyser (b. 1889 - d. 1962) Mil

President of the Presidency

27 Dec 1990 - 15 Jan 1993 Momir Bulatović (b. 1956 - d. 2019) SKCG;1991 DPS

15 Jan 1993 - 15 Jan 1998 Momir Bulatović (b. 1956) DPS

15 Jan 1998 - 25 Nov 2002 Milo Đukanović(Djukanović) (b. 1962) DPS

(1st time)

25 Nov 2002 - 19 May 2003 Filip Vujanović (1st time) (b. 1954) DPS


19 May 2003 - 22 May 2003 Rifat Rastoder (b. 1950 - d. 2023) SDP

+ Dragan Kujović (b. 1948 - d. 2010) DPS

22 May 2003 - 20 May 2018 Filip Vujanović (2nd time) (s.a.) DPS
20 May 2018 - 20 May 2023 Milo Đukanović (Djukanović) (s.a.) DPS
(2nd time)
20 May 2023 - Jakov Milatović (b. 1986) PES

Governors (Guvernadur)

16.. - 1... Đikan Vukotić(Dijkan Vukotić)
1... - 1718 Vukota/Vukajle Vukotić (Ozrinić)
1718 - 17.. Stani�a (Stano) Popov Randonjić
171. - 173. Stefan Kovačević
173. - 17.. Vukadin Vukotić
Nov 1756 - 17 Mar 1758 Stanislav Vukolajev Radonjić (b. 1690 - d. 1758)
1758 - 1762 Vukolaj Stanov Radonjić (b. 17.. - d. 1765)
1762 - 1764 ... Vukotić
1764 - 8 Jul 1803 Jovan Stanov Radonjić (b. 1748 - d. 1803)
15 May 1804 - 17 Nov 1831 Vukolaj Jovanov Randonjić (b. 1765 - d. 1832)
17 Nov 1831 Post abolished

Prime ministers (Presidents of the Council of Ministers)

20 Mar 1879 - 18 Dec 1905 Bo�o Petrović-Njego� (b. 1846 - d. 1929) Non-party

18 Dec 1905 - 23 Nov 1906 Lazar Miju�ković (1st time) (b. 1867 - d. 1936) PNS

23 Nov 1906 - 31 Jan 1907 Marko Radulović (b. 1866 -

31 Jan 1907 - 16 Apr 1907 Andrija Radović (1st time) (b. 1872 - d. 1947) NS

16 Apr 1907 - 18 Jun 1912 Lazar Tomanović (b. 1845 - d. 1932) Non-party

18 Jun 1912 - 7 May 1913 Mitar Bo�kov Martinović (b. 1870 - d. 1954) Mil

7 May 1913 - 15 Jul 1915 Janko Stankov Vukotić (b. 1866 - d. 1927) Mil

16 Jul 1914 - 15 Jul 1915 Risto Popović (acting for Vukotić) (b. 1871 - d. 1924) PNS

15 Jul 1915 - 2 Jan 1916 Milo Matanović (1st time) (b. 1879 - d. 1955) Mil

2 Jan 1916 - 11 May 1916 Lazar Miju�ković (2nd time) (s.a.) PNS

(in France exile from 13 Jan 1916)

11 May 1916 - 16 Jan 1917 Andrija Radović (2nd time) (s.a.) NS

(in Bordeaux, France exile to Oct 1916;

from Oct 1916 in Neuilly-sur-Seine)

16 Jan 1917 - 10 Jun 1917 Milo Matanović (2nd time) (s.a.) Mil

(in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France exile)

10 Jun 1917 - 26 Nov 1918 Evgenije Popović (b. 1842 - d. 1931) Non-party

(in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France exile)

Chairman of the Advisory Council

28 Apr 1941 - 22 May 1941 Jovo Popović (b. 1905 - d. 1952) Non-party?

Prime minister

12 Jul 1941 - 1941 Sekula Drljević (b. 1884 - d. 1945) CFS

Presidents of the National Committee (in opposition)

1941 - 1943 Bla�o Đukanović(Djukanović) (s.a.) Mil/chetnik

1943 Ljubo Vukčević (d. 1943) Mil/chetnik

**Chairman of the Montenegrin State Council

Jul 1944 - May 1945 Sekula Drljević (s.a.) Mil/chetnik
(in Zagreb, Croatia [from May 1945 Austria] exile)

Prime ministers

15 Feb 1991 - 5 Feb 1998 Milo Đukanović (Djukanović) (s.a.) SKCG;1991 DPS

(1st time)

5 Feb 1998 - 8 Jan 2003 Filip Vujanović (s.a.) DPS

5 Nov 2002 - 8 Jan 2003 Dragan Đurović (Djurović) (b. 1959) DPS

(acting for Vujanović)

8 Jan 2003 - 10 Nov 2006 Milo Đukanović (2nd time) (s.a.) DPS

10 Nov 2006 - 29 Feb 2008 �eljko �turanović (b. 1960 - d. 2014) DPS

29 Feb 2008 - 29 Dec 2010 Milo Đukanović (3rd time) (s.a.) DPS
29 Dec 2010 - 4 Dec 2012 Igor Luk�ić (b. 1976) DPS
4 Dec 2012 - 28 Nov 2016 Milo Đukanović (4th time) (s.a.) DPS
28 Nov 2016 - 4 Dec 2020 Du�ko Marković (b. 1958) DPS

4 Dec 2020 - 28 Apr 2022 Zdravko Krivokapić (b. 1958) Non-party

28 Apr 2022 - 31 Oct 2023 Dritan Abazović (b. 1985) URA

31 Oct 2023 - Milojko "Mickey" Spajić (b. 1987) PES

Kingdom of Montenegro in Exile

[Montenegro state flag

26 Nov 1918 - 1 Mar 1921 Nikola I Petrović Njego� (s.a.)
(in France exile from 14 Jan 1916
[to Mar 1916 in Lyon; Mar - Oct 1916
in Bordeaux; Oct 1916 - 1920 in
Neuilly-sur-Seine; from 1920 in Antibes])
1 Mar 1921 - 7 Mar 1921 Danilo I Petrović Njego� (b. 1871 - d. 1939)
(in San Remo, Italy exile)
7 Mar 1921 - 14 Sep 1929 Mihailo I Petrović Njego� (b. 1908 - d. 1986)
(in San Remo, Italy exile)
7 Mar 1921 - 14 Sep 1929 Regents
(in San Remo, Italy exile)
- Queen Milena Petrov Vukotić (f)(b. 1847 - d. 1923)
(to 16 Mar 1923)
- Anto Mićunov Gvozdenović (b. 1853 - d. 1935) Mil

Prime ministers
26 Nov 1918 - 17 Feb 1919 Evgenije Popović (s.a.) Non-party
(in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France exile)
Dec 1918 - 17 Feb 1919 Pero Đ. �oć (acting for Popović) (b. 1884 - d. 1966)
17 Feb 1919 - 28 Jun 1921 Jovan Simonov Plamenac (1st time)(b. 1873 - d. 1944) PNS
(in San Remo, Italy exile)
28 Jun 1921 - 14 Sep 1922 Milutin Mijajlov Vučinić (b. 1869 - d. 1922) Mil
(in San Remo, Italy exile)
14 Sep 1922 - 23 Oct 1923 Jovan Simonov Plamenac (2nd time)(s.a.) PNS
23 Oct 1923 - 14 Sep 1929 Anto Mićunov Gvozdenović (s.a.) Mil
(in San Remo, Italy exile)

�title of the rulers (minor and major variations in exist):
(a) to 1077 (in Greek): �rchontes Di�kleias ("Rulers of Dioclea"), (in Slavic): Knezi duklje ("Princes of Duklja");
(b) 1077 - Jan 1186 (in Latin): Dioclie atque Dalmatie R ex ("Dioclean and Dalmatian King");
(c) Jan 1186 - 1331: Knezi velie zetskie ("Grand Princes of Zeta");
(d) May 1362 - 1435: Samodr�avnie gospodini vsoi zetskoi i pomorskoi zemli ("Sovereign Lords of All Lands of the Zeta and Littoral");
(e) 1435 - Nov 1496:Gospodari Zetě ("Grand Lords of Zeta");
(f) 18th cent.: Vladika Cetinjski ("Lord of Cetinji");
(g) c.1830 - 1852: Vladika Crnogorski i Brcki ("Lord of Montenegro and the Highlands");
(h) 13 Mar 1852 - 28 Aug 1910: Po milosti Bo�joj, knjaz i gospodar slobodne Crne Gore i Brdah ("By the grace of God, Prince and Lord of Free Montenegro and the Highlands");
(i) 28 Aug 1910 - 26 Nov 1918/1929: Po milosti Bo�joj, kralj i gospodar Crne Gore ("By the grace of God, King and Lord of Montenegro").

Territorial Disputes: Montenegro-Bosnia and Herzegovina countries signed a border agreement in Aug 2015; sovereignty of the disputed Sutorina territory was given to Montenegro; Montenegro-Croatia in 2002 reached a temporary agreement designating the Prevlaka Peninsula as part of Croatia, in Oct 2020, a Montenegrin official resurrected the dormant dispute over the Prevlaka Peninsula by stating that Montenegro had a good chance of winning it through international arbitration; a 2015 border agreement was ratified by Montenegro in 2015 and by Kosovo in 2018, but the actual demarcation has not been completed; the former Montenegro-Serbia republic boundary � when the two countries were one and called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia � serves as the boundary until a line is formally delimited and demarcated.

**Noble Titles: be y, beg = chieftain; conte, graf = count; _freiherr_= baron; knez, f�rst, principe, prinz = prince; vladika = lord.

Party abbreviations: DPS = Demokratska Partija Socijalista Crna Gore (Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, populist, nationalist, liberal, from c.2010 pro-European, formerly democratic socialist, former SKGC, est.22 Jul 1991); PES = Pokret "Evropa sad!" ("Europe Now!" Movement, centrist, populist, economic and social liberal, anti-corruption, pro-European, est.26 Jun 2022); SDP = Socijaldemokratska Partija Crne Gore (Social Democratic Party of Montenegro, socialist, est.12 Jun 1993); SNP = Socijalistička Narodna Partija Crne Gore (Socialist People's Party of Montenegro, center-left, social democratic, social conservative, pro-European from 2007, pro-Serbia union to 2007, federalist to 2007, split from DPS, est.18 Feb 1998); URA = Građanski Pokret Ujedinjena Reformska Akcija (Civic Movement United Reform Action, green liberal, progressive, social liberal, center-left, pro-European, split from SDP, est.14 Mar 2015); Mil = Military;
- Former parties: CFS = Crnogorska Federalistička Stranka (Montenegrin Federalist Party, Montenegro nationalist, 1922-1945); KPCG = Komunistička Partija Crne Gore (Communist Party of Montenegro, communist, state party, Oct 1948-1952, renamed SKCG); LSCG = Liberalni Savez Crne Gore (Liberal Alliance of Montenegro, liberal, pro-Montenegro independence, 26 Jan 1990-Mar 2005); NS = Narodna Stranka (People's Party, pro-democracy, pro-Serbia union, 1906-1919, 1990-2017); PNF = Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party, Italian fascist, nationalist, 9 Nov 1921-27 Jul 1943); PNS = Prava Narodna Stranka (Right People's Party, supporters of King Nikola, split from NS, 1907-1913, merged into NS); SKCG = Savez Komunista Crne Gore (League of Communists of Montenegro, communist, state party, former KPCG, 1952-22 Jul 1991, renamed DPS)

Socialist Republic of Montenegro

[Flag of Socialist
                        Republic of Montenegro 1946-1993 (Yugoslavia)]
31 Dec 1946 - 27 Apr 1992

8 Feb 1942 National Liberation Committee for Montenegro and Boka Kotorska
(Narodnooslobodilački odbor za Crnu Goru i Boku Kotorsku)
established at Ostrog.
15 Nov 1943 Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of
Montenegro and Boka Kotorska (Zemaljsko antifa�ističko
vijeće narodnog oslobođenja Crne Gore i Boke), from 14 Jul
1944, Montenegrin Anti-Fascist Assembly of the People's
Liberation (ASNO)(Crnogorska Antifa�istička Skup�tina Narodnog Oslobođenja) established, in opposition to occupation.
29 Nov 1943 Re-incorporation into Yugoslavia declared, in opposition to
14 Jul 1944 Montenegro (Crna Gora); also in use Federal Montenegro
(Federalna Crna Gora)(within Yugoslavia).
31 Jan 1946 People's Republic of Montenegro (Narodna Republika Crna Gora)
(within Yugoslavia).
15 Feb 1946 Name of the state is approved in accordance with a law passed by
the National Assembly.
7 Apr 1963 Socialist Republic of Montenegro (Socijalistička Republika Crna
Gora)(within Yugoslavia)
2 Aug 1991 Republic of Montenegro (Republika Crna Gora).

Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia for Montenegro (and to 14 Jul 1944, Boka Kotorska)
May 1943 - 1949 Bla�o Jovanović (b. 1907 - d. 1976)
Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Montenegro (from 7 Nov 1952, League of Communists of Montenegro)
1949 - 29 Jun 1963 Bla�o Jovanović (s.a.)
29 Jun 1963 - Oct 1966 Đorđije "Đoko" Pajković (b. 1917 - d. 1980)
(Djordje "Djoka" Pajković)
Presidents of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro
Oct 1966 - 14 Dec 1968 Đorđije "Đoko" Pajković (s.a.)
14 Dec 1968 - 21 Mar 1977 Veselin Đuranović (Djuranović) (b. 1925 - d. 1997)
21 Mar 1977 - 1 Jul 1982 Vojislav "Vojo" Srzentić (b. 1934)
Presidents of the Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro
1 Jul 1982 - May 1984 Dobroslav "Toro" Čulafić (b. 1926 - d. 2011)
May 1984 - 30 Jul 1984 Vidoje �arković (b. 1927 - d. 2000)
30 Jul 1984 - May 1986 Marko Orlandić (b. 1930 - d. 2019)
May 1986 - 11 Jan 1989 Miljan Radović (b. 1933 - d. 2015)
11 Jan 1989 - 26 Apr 1989 Veselin Vukotić (acting) (b. 1949)
26 Apr 1989 - 28 Apr 1989 Milica Pejanović Đuri�ić (f) (b. 1959)
(Djuri�ić) (acting)
28 Apr 1989 - 22 Jun 1991 Momir Bulatović (b. 1956 - d. 2019)

President of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Montenegro and Boka Kotorska
15 Nov 1943 - 14 Jul 1944 Nikola Miljanić (b. 1892 - d. 1957) Non-party
President of the **MontenegrinAnti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation
14 Jul 1944 - 15 Apr 1945 Nikola Miljanić (s.a.) Non-party
President of the Montenegrin National Assembly
15 Apr 1945 - 31 Jan 1946 Milo� Ra�ović (b. 1893 - d. 1988) KPJ
President of the National Assembly 31 Jan 1946 - 21 Nov 1946 Milo� Ra�ović (s.a.) KPJ
President of the Presidium of the Constituent Assembly
21 Nov 1946 - 31 Dec 1946 Milo� Ra�ović (s.a.) KPJ
Presidents of the Presidium of the National Assembly
31 Dec 1946 - 6 Nov 1950 Milo� Ra�ović (s.a.) KPJ;1948 KPCG
6 Nov 1950 - 4 Feb 1953 Nikola Kovačević (b. 1890 - d. 1964) KPCG;
Presidents of the National Assembly 1952 SKCG
4 Feb 1950 - 16 Dec 1953 Nikola Kovačević (s.a.) SKCG
16 Dec 1953 - 14 Jul 1962 Bla�o Jovanović (s.a.) SKCG
14 Jul 1962 - 25 Jun 1963 Filip Bajković (b. 1910 - d. 1985) SKCG
Presidents of the Assembly
25 Jun 1963 - 5 May 1967 Andrija Mugo�a (b. 1912 - d. 2006) SKCG
5 May 1967 - 6 Oct 1969 Veljko Milatović (b. 1921 - d. 2004) SKCG
6 Oct 1969 - 6 May 1974 Vidoje �arković (s.a.) SKCG
Presidents of the Presidency
6 May 1974 - 7 May 1982 Veljko Milatović (s.a.) SKCG
7 May 1982 - 6 May 1983 Veselin Đuranović (s.a.) SKCG
6 May 1983 - 7 May 1984 Marko Orlandić (s.a.) SKCG
7 May 1984 - 7 May 1985 Miodrag Vlahović (b. 1924 - d. 2006) SKCG
7 May 1985 - 6 May 1986 Branislav �o�kić (b. 1922 - d. 2022) SKCG
6 May 1986 - 6 May 1988 Radivoje Brajović (b. 1935) SKCG
6 May 1988 - 15 Feb 1989 Bo�ina Ivanović (b. 1931 - d. 2002) SKCG
15 Feb 1989 - 17 Mar 1989 Slobodan Simović (acting) (b. 1939 - d. 1998) SKCG
(president of organizational political council)
17 Mar 1989 - 27 Dec 1990 Branko Kostić (b. 1939 - d. 2020) SKCG
27 Dec 1990 - 15 Jan 1993 Momir Bulatović (s.a.) SKCG

Minister for Montenegro (part of Yugoslav government)
7 Mar 1945 - 17 Apr 1945 Milovan Đilas (Djilas) (b. 1911 - d. 1993) KPJ
President of People's Government (prime minister)
17 Apr 1945 - 4 Feb 1953 Bla�o Jovanović (s.a.) KPJ;1948 KPCG;
Presidents of the Executive Council of the National Assembly 1952 SKCG
4 Feb 1953 - 16 Dec 1953 Bla�o Jovanović (s.a.) SKCG
16 Dec 1953 - 14 Jul 1962 Filip Bajković (s.a.) SKCG
14 Jul 1962 - 25 Jun 1963 Đorđije "Đoko" Pajković (s.a.) SKCG
Presidents of the Executive Council of the Assembly
25 Jun 1963 - 8 Dec 1966 Veselin Đuranović (s.a.) SKCG
8 Dec 1966 - 5 May 1967 Miju�ko �ibalić (b. 1915 - d. 1995) SKCG
5 May 1967 - 7 Oct 1969 Vidoje �arković (s.a.) SKCG
7 Oct 1969 - 6 May 1974 �arko Bulajić (b. 1922 - d. 2009) SKCG
6 May 1974 - 28 Apr 1978 Marko Orlandić (s.a.) SKCG
28 Apr 1978 - 7 May 1982 Momčilo Cerović (b. 1928 - d. 2001) SKCG
7 May 1982 - 6 Jun 1986 Radivoje Brajović (s.a.) SKCG
6 Jun 1986 - 29 Mar 1989 Vuko Vukadinović (b. 1937 - d. 1993) SKCG
29 Mar 1989 - 15 Feb 1991 Radoje Kontić (b. 1937) SKCG

Party abbreviations: DPS = Demokratska Partija Socijalista Crna Gore (Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, democratic socialist, nationalist, former SKCG, est.22 Jul 1991); KPCG = Komunistička Partija Crne Gore (Communist Party of Montenegro, communist, state party, Oct 1948-1952, renamed SKCG); KPJ = Komunisticka Partija Jugoslavije (Communist Party of Yugoslavia, state party from 1945, communist, 12 Apr 1919-7 Nov 1952, renamed SKJ); SKCG = Savez Komunista Crne Gore (League of Communists of Montenegro, communist, state party, former KPCG, 1952-22 Jul 1991, renamed DPS)

Boka Kotorska (Bay of Kotor) (Cattaro)

1391 - 1420 Kotor (Cattaro) an independent city state.
1420 Part of Venetian Republic (Bocche di Cattaro)(see Dalmatia
under Croatia).
1687 Venetian possessions in present-day Montenegro (Boka Kotorska and
coastal Montenegro) organized as one administrative unit named
"Albania Veneta," which is subordinated to Venetian Dalmatia.
4 Oct 1797 Occupied by Austria.
24 Aug 1798 Part of Austria.
23 Nov 1804 Cattaro submitted to Dalmatia.
26 Dec 1805 Ceded to France by Austria in the Treaty of Pressburg, but not
4 Mar 1806 - 26 Aug 1807 Russian occupation.
7 Jul 1807 Ceded to France by Russia by the Treaty of Tilsit.
26 Aug 1807 French rule; part of Dalmatia province [from 24 Mar 1808 General
Inspectorate of Dalmatia] of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.
14 Oct 1809 Annexed to France as part of the Illyrian provinces (and part
of its province of Raguse-et-Bouches-du-Cattaro (de jure 25 Dec
5 Jan 1814 French garrison in Cattaro (Kotor) fort surrenders.
5 Jan 1814 - 12 Jan 1814 British occupation of Cattaro (Kotor).
12 Jan 1814 - 10 Jun 1814 Ruled by a central commission, based in Dobrota under the
ruler of Montenegro.
10 Jun 1814 Restored to Austria; part of Austrian crownland of Dalmatia
(see under Croatia).
1 Dec 1918 Part of Yugoslavia (part of Croatia).
17 Apr 1941 - 15 Sep 1943 Italian occupation of Boka Kotorska.
7 Jun 1941 - 15 Sep 1943 Annexed byItaly, as the province of Cattaro (pr ovincia di Cattaro)
(including Cattaro [Kotor], Canali [Konavle], Dobrota [Dobroto],
Gruda [Gruda], Perasto [Perast], Castelnuovo [Herceg Novi], Zuppa
[Lastva Grbaljska], and islands of Cazza [Su�ac], Saseno [Sazan])
(by Royal legislative decree No. 452 of 18 May 1941).
7 Jun 1941 - 19 Aug 1943 Subordinated to the Italian Governorate of Dalmatia.
8 Sep 1943 - 19 Sep 1943 Administration loyal to the Kingdom of Italy under Pietro Badoglio.
15 Sep 1943 - 21 Nov 1944 German military administration (Milit�rverwaltung Kotor)
(but claimed by Independent State of Croatia, as part of
velika �upa Dubrava).
21 Nov 1944 Re-incorporated into Yugoslavia.
15 Apr 1945 Part of Montenegro.

Counts (Conti di Cattaro)
1373 - 1399 Giorgio da Zara
Jul 1399 - Aug 1399 Biagio Abraso
Aug 1399 - Oct 1399 Biagio Golia
Oct 1399 - Nov 1399 Matteo de Palma
Nov 1399 - Dec 1399 Marino Drago
Dec 1399 - Apr 1400 Michele Bucchia
Apr 1400 - 1417 Marino Mesca
1417 - 1419 Giorgio
1419 - 1420 Marino Pacchi
1420 Marino Bisanti
Venetian Counts (Conti di Bocche di Cattaro)
1420 - 1421 Antonio delle Boccole
(Conte e Capitano)
1421 - 1423 Marco Barbarigo
(Provveditore e Conte)
1423 - 1425 Stefano Querini
1425 - 1427 Pietro Duodo
1427 - 1429 Zuanne Balbi
1429 - 1432 Niccol� Pisani
1432 - 1434 Antonio Pesaro
1434 - 1436 Lorenzo (or Vincenzo) Vitturi
1436 - 1438 Paolo Contarini
1438 - 1440 Albano Sagredo
1440 - 1442 Pietro Dalmario
1442 - 1444 Leonardo Bembo
1444 - 1447 Zuanne Nani
1447 Nicol� Miani
1447 - 1449 Jacopo (or Giacomo) Morosini
1449 Leone da Molin
1449 - 1451 Zuanne Lion
1451 - 1453 Lodovico Barbo
1453 Nicol� Soranzo
1453 - 1454 Nicol� Trevisan
1454 - 1456 Zuanne Barbo
1456 - 1457 Paolo Barbo
1457 - 1459 Alvise Duodo
1459 - 1462 Antonio Don� (or Donato)
1462 - 1465 Paolo Priuli
1465 - 1467 Alvise (or Lodovico) Bon
1467 - 1469 Eustachio ("Stae") Balbi
1469 - 1472 Bertuccio Gabriel
1472 - 1474 Michele Michiel
1474 - 1477 Giovanni Donato
1477 - 1480 Francesco Lippomano
Venetian Rectors and Superintendents
(Rettori e provveditori della citt� di Cattaro)
1480 - 1483 Antonio Ferro di Giovanni
1483 - 1485 Marin Zeno
1485 - 1486 Francesco Lion
1486 - 1488 Francesco Basadonna
1488 - 1489 Priamo Tr�n
1489 - 1491 Paolo Erizzo
1491 - 1492 Michele Emo
1492 - 1494 Girolamo Orio
1494 Lorenzo Gritti
1494 - 1496 Zuanne Nani
1496 - 1497 Piero Lion
1497 - 1498 Francesco Cicogna
1498 - 1500 Francesco Querini
1500 - 1501 Zan Paolo Gradenigo
1501 - 1503 Sebastiano Contarini
1503 - 1504 Girolamo Foscarini
1504 - 1505 Alvise Zeno
1505 - 1507 Oliviero Contarini
1507 - 1509 Nicol� Coppo
1509 - Nov 1510 Paolo Vallaresso
1510 - 1511 Marco Arimondo
1511 - 1513 Anzolo Malipiero
Aug 1513 - 1515 Francesco Gradenigo
1515 - 1516 Pietro Zeno
1516 - 1517 Bernardino da Riva
1517 - 1519 Simone Capello
1519 - 1520 Vincenzo Tr�n
1520 - 1521 Alvise Capello
1521 - 1523 Vettore Diedo
1523 - 1525 Moise Venier
1525 - 1526 Francesco Taiapiera
1526 - 1527 Domenico Gritti
1527 - 1528 Marco Barbo
1528 - 1530 Alvise Muazzo
1530 - 1532 Benedetto Valier
1532 - 1533 Trifon Gradenigo
1533 - 1534 Francesco Sanudo
1534 - 1536 Andrea Valerio
1536 - 1538 Melchiorre Michiel
1538 - 1540 Givanni Matteo Bembo
1540 - 1542 Alvise da Riva
1542 - 1544 Lorenzo Salamon
1544 - 1545 Alvise Renier
1545 - 1546 Francesco (or Federigo) da Mosto
1546 - 1548 Gianbattista Barbaro
1548 - 1549 Francesco Pisani
1549 - 1551 Valerio da Mosto
1551 - 1552 Zan Francesco da Canal
1552 - 1553 Paolo Don� (or Donato)
1553 - 1554 Lunardo Bollani
1554 - 1556 Benardino Renier
1556 - 1558 Domenico Priuli
1558 - 1560 Marin Pisani
1560 - 1562 Delfin Valier
1562 - 1563 Francesco Priuli
1563 - 1565 Andrea Duodo
1565 - 1567 Jacopo Celsi
1567 - 1569 Alvise Minotto
1569 - 1570 Zaccaria Salamon
1570 - 1571 Bernardo Contarini
1571 - 1572 Antonio Bragadin
1572 - 1574 Zanbattista Calbo
1574 - 1576 Benetto Erizzo
1576 - 1579 Pellegrino Bragadin
1579 - 1581 Marco Diedo
1581 - 1583 Vincenzo da Canal
1583 - 1586 Marcantonio Venier
1586 - 1588 Andrea Gabriel
1588 - 1590 Girolamo Pisani
1590 - 1592 Giovanni (or Zuanne) Loredano
1592 - 1594 Zuanne Lippomano
1594 - 1596 Alvise Barbaro
1596 - 1598 Zuanne Garzoni
1598 - 1600 Zuanne Magno
1600 - 1602 Antonio Grimani
1602 - 1604 Zuan Marco da Molin
1604 - 1606 Zuanfrancesco Bragadin
1606 - 1608 Tomaso Contarini
1608 - 1610 Francesco Morosini
1610 - 1612 Girolamo da Molin
1612 - 1614 Zaccaria Soranzo
1614 - 1616 Zanfrancesco Dolfin
1616 - 1618 Camillo Michiel
1618 - 1620 Marcantonio Contarini
1620 - 1623 Paris Malipiero
1623 - 1625 Iseppo Michiel
1625 - 1627 Pietro Morosini
1627 - 1628 Francesco Contarini
1628 - 1630 Girolamo Loredan
1630 - 1633 Francesco Tiepolo
1633 - 1635 Agostino da Canal
1635 - 1637 Girolamo Molin
1637 - 1638 Alesandro Contarini
1638 - 1640 Zorzi (or Giorgio) Morosini
1640 - 1641 Anzolo Gabriel
1641 - 1644 Marino Pisauro
1644 - 1646 Zuan Trevisan
1646 - 1648 Paolo Donato
1648 - 1650 Alvise Gabriel
1650 - 1652 Antonio Diedo
8 Apr 1651 -1652 Marco Bembo
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1652 - 1654 Francesco Bragadin
1654 - 1656 Francesco Battaglia
1656 - 1657 Tommaso Tron
1657 - 1658 Zuan Briani
1658 - 1659 Marcantonio Pasqualigo
1659 - 1660 Pietro Gabriel
1660 - 1661 Zuan Paolo Foscarini
1661 - 1663 Nicola Calergi
1663 - 1666 Antonio Maria Bernardo
1666 - 1668 Alvise Foscarini
1667 Giacomo Loredan
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1668 - 1670 Santo Barbaro
1670 - 1672 Leonardo Venier
1672 - 1674 Girolamo Morosini
1674 - 1676 Lorenzo Bembo
1676 - 1678 Vincenzo da Riva
1678 - 1679 Alvise Foscarini
1679 - 1681 Lorenzo Tiepolo
1681 - 1683 Benetto Valier
1683 - 1685 Alessandro Beregano
1685 - 1687 Lucio Balbi
1687 Alvise Marcello
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1687 - 1690 Zuan Michele Pizzamano
1690 - 1692 Stefano Balbi
1692 - 1694 Ferigo Papafava
1694 - 1695 Francesco Foscarini
1695 - 1697 Filippo Bragadin
1697 - 1699 Giovanni Silvestro Zane
1699 - 1701 Andrea Bembo
1701 - 1703 Francesco Dandolo
1703 - 1704 Domenico Malipiero
1704 - 1706 Andrea Pasqualigo
1706 - 1708 Nicol� Barbaro
1708 - 1709 Paolo Foscolo
1709 - 1711 Pietro Donato
1711 - 1713 Zanfrancesco Zorzi
1713 - 1715 Girolamo Loredan
1715 - 1716 Foscarino Foscarini
1716 - 1718 Bartolo Pisani
1718 - 1720 Angelo Barbaro
1720 - 1722 Pietro Badoer
1721 - 1722 Daniele Venier
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1722 - 1724 Marino da Riva
1724 - 1726 Gianantonio Balbi
1725 Gabriel Bold
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1726 - 1729 Francesco Barozzi
1729 - 1731 Jacopo (or Giacomo) Foscarini
1731 - 1733 Gian Giacomo Querini
1733 - 1735 Marco da Riva
1735 - 1737 Lodovico Balbi
1736 Zuanne Vincenzo Don
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1737 - 1739 Marcantonio Badoer
1739 - 1741 Pietro Donato
1740 Marco Querini
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1741 - 1744 Marino Gheltof
1743 Zuan Battista Albrizzi
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1744 - 1746 Pietro Bembo
1746 - 1747 Marino Morosini
1747 - 1749 Antonio Delfin
1747 - 1749 Vincenzo Gritti
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1749 - 1751 Iseppo Contarini
1751 Valerio Antelmi
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1751 - 1753 Lorenzo Pasqualigo
1753 Zan Antonio Moro di Bartolo
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1753 - 1755 Giorgio Pizzamano
1755 - 1757 Girolamo Bragadin
1758 - 1760 Daniel Renier
1760 - 1763 Pietro Angelo Magno (or Manin?)
1763 - 1765 Nicol� Soranzo
1764 Pietro Emo
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1765 - 1767 Lorenzo Paruta
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1767 - 1769 Pasquale Cicogna
1768 - 1771 Pasquale Cicogna
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1769 - 1771 Pier Alvise Barbaro
1771 - 1773 Gaetano da Molin
1773 - 1775 Gian Carlo Zorzi
1775 - 1777 Alvise Balbi
1777 - 1779 Zuanantonio Maria Dolfin (or Delfin)
1778 Agostino Soranzo
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1779 Daniel Barbaro
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1779 - 1781 Agostino Soranzo
1781 - 1783 Alvise Soranzo
1783 - 1785 Gerardo Sagredo
1783 - 1786 Domenico Marcello
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1785 - 1787 Zuan Longo
1787 - 1789 Alvise Soranzo
1789 Giuseppe Diedo
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1789 - 1791 Marchio (or Marco) Querini
1791 - 1793 Vincenzo Dolfin
1793 Marco Zorzi
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1793 - 1794 Francesco Dandolo
1794 - 1795 Marco Zorzi
(provveditori estraordinari a Cattaro ed Albania)
1795? - 1797 Lorenzo conte di Soranzo
Austrian Civil and Military Governor of the Province of Albania
13 Oct 1797 - 1801 Thomas Freiherr von Brady (b. 1752 - d. 1827)
**Austrian Military Governors (commandants of the Bocca di Cattaro)
1801 - Jul 1802 Gauss von Starnberg
Jul 1802 - 1804 Franz von Nicoletti (b. 17.. - d. 1808)
Jun 1804 - 1806 Thomas Freiherr von Brady (s.a.)
1806 - 4 Mar 1806 Filippo Carlo, marchese Ghislieri (b. 1765 - d. 1817)
Civil Governors
1801 - Aug 1802 Bernhard Anton Maria Vincenz (b. 1756 - d. 1817)
Freiherr von Rossetti zu
Roseneck (Rosenegg)
Aug 1802 - 1806 Gian-Pietro Baroni-Cavalcab� (b. 1773 - d. 1850?)
Russian Military Commanders
4 Mar 1806 - 29 Mar 1806 Genrikh Genrikhovich Belle (Belli) (b. 1764 - d. 1826)
(= Henry Baillie)
29 Mar 1806 - 26 Jan 1807 Dmitriy Nikolayevich Senyavin (b. 1763 - d. 1831)
(commander-in-chief in Mediterranean Sea 1806-1807)
26 Jan 1807 - 26 Aug 1807 Ilya Andreyevich Baratynskiy (b. 1776 - d. 1837)
Russian Civil Governor
26 Jan 1807 - 26 Aug 1807 Stepan Andreyevich Sankovskiy (b. 1750 - d. 1818)
French Governors and Commanders of the Bouches de Cattaro
c.Aug 1807 - 1807 Louis C�sar Gabriel Berthier (b. 1765 - d. 1819)
de Berluy
c.Dec 1807 Jean Aulay de Launay (b. 1765 - d. 1841)
c.Jan 1808 - 1808 Jacques Alexandre Law de Lauriston (b. 1768 - d. 1828)
c.Aug 1808 - 1808 Bertrand Clauzel (b. 1772 - d. 1842)
1808 - 1809 Joseph Alexis, baron Delzons (b. 1775 - d. 1812)
Mar 1809 - 1810? Jean Mangind'Ouince (b. 1745 - d. 1813)
1810 - Nov? 1810 Jacques Louis Claude Vialla de (b. 1764 - d. 1849)
Sommi�res (1st time) (acting)
Nov 1810 - Apr 1811 Laurent Deviau de Saint-Sauveur (b. 1756 - d. 1836)
Apr 1811 - 1 Oct 1811 Jacques Louis Claude Vialla de (s.a.)
Sommi�res (2nd time) (acting)
1 Oct 1811 - 6 Jan 1812 Louis Bertrand de Sivray (b. 1766 - d. 1850)
c.Feb 1812 - 4 Jan 1814 Jean-Joseph Gauthier (b. 1765 - d. 1815)
Sub-delegate of Bouches-du-Cattaro
1810 - 5 Jan 1814 Luigi Paulucci (b. 1774 - d. 1844)
Allied Military Commander
5 Jan 1814 - 12 Jan 1814 William Hoste (U.K.) (b. 1780 - d. 1828) Mil
President of the Central Commission
12 Jan 1814 - 10 Jun 1814 Petar I Petrović Njego� (b. 1747 - d. 1830)
Italian Commandant of the Cattaro district 17 Apr 1941 - 7 Jun 1941 Giuseppe Pafundi (b. 1883 - d. 1969) Mil
Prefects of the Province of Cattaro
7 Jun 1941 - 15 Jun 1943 Francesco Scassellati Sforzolini (b. 1901 - d. 1967) PNF
(1st time)
15 Jun 1943 - 15 Aug 1943 Mario di Emilio Pigli (b. 1904 -
15 Aug 1943 - 1 Sep 1943 .... (acting)
1 Sep 1943 - 19 Sep 1943 Umberto Sciorilli Borrelli (b. 1892 - d. 1969) Non-party
19 Sep 1943 - Oct? 1943? Francesco Scassellati Sforzolini (s.a.) PFR
(2nd time)(reggente)
(appointed by Germans, confirmed by Italian Social Rep.)1943? - 21 Nov 1944 Balabu�ić
German Commanders of the Military Administration Kotor
(commander of, 15 Sep - Dec 1943, 118th J�ger-division;
from Dec 1943 commanders of 181st infantry division)
15 Sep 1943 - Dec 1943 Josef K�bler (b. 1896 - d. 1947) Mil
Dec 1943 - 1 Oct 1944 Hermann Fischer (b. 1894 - d. 1968) Mil
1 Oct 1944 - 21 Nov 1944 Eugen Heinrich Bleyer (b. 1896 � d. 1979) Mil

Party abbreviations: PFR = Partito Fascista Repubblicano (Republican Fascist Party, Italian fascist, nationalist, republican, former PNF, only legal party of Italian Social Republic, 13 Sep 1943-28 Apr 1945); PNF = Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party, Italian fascist, nationalist, 9 Nov 1921-27 Jul 1943); Mil = Military

� Ben Cahoon