Mineral Species sorted by the element Te Tellurium (original) (raw)

Tellurium (Te) Element Properties

Atomic Mass 127.6
Atomic Number 52
Name Origins Latin, tellus = "earth."
Year Discovered 1783
Discovery Credits Discovered by Baron Franz Joseph Muller von Reichenstein at Subiu, Romania.
Remarks Silvery white, metallic looking in bulk but usually obtained as dark gray powder. Semi-metal. Burns in air or oxygen. Unaffected by water or HCl but dissolves in HNO3. Used in alloys to improve machine ability; chemicals, catalysts, electronics.Diagnostic tests: Tellurium and tellurides are detected by heating the powdered mineral in a test tube with 5cc of concentrated H2SO4 acid. The presence of a reddish-violet color suggests Te. After cooling, addition of water will cause the color to disappear and a grayish black precipitate of tellurium will appear. Open tube test of the powdered mineral oxidizes tellurium to TeO2 which passes up the tube as a white smoke and condenses near the heated part as a white coating. The coating can be fused into a globule which is yellow when hot and white when cold. Closed tube test of the powdered mineral causes tellurium to volatize and condense on the hot glass as fused globules having a metallic luster. Minor amounts of white oxide may be produced along with the metallic globules. On charcoal, the blowpipe produces a white sublimate near the assay somewhat resembling the test for antimony. The sublimate can be blasted with the blowpipe flame and imparts a pale greenish color to the flame test.
References Emsley, J., 1991; THE ELEMENTS : Sec. Ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 251 p.
See Also WebElements,ChemiCool

Naturally Occurring Isotopes

Symbol Isotope Mass Isotope Nuclide Number Isotope Number Natural Abundance Half-life Half-life Units Decay Mode Decay Mode MeV Decay Mode %
Te 119.904048 120 52 0.0090% Stable
Te 121.903054 122 52 2.5700% Stable
Te 122.904271 123 52 0.8900% 1.3x1013 Years EC 0.052 100.00%
Te 123.902823 124 52 4.7600% Stable
Te 124.904433 125 52 7.1000% Stable
Te 125.903314 126 52 18.8900% Stable beta 0.697 100.00%
Te 126.905227 127 52 0.0000% 9.8 Hours
Te 127.904463 128 52 31.7300% Stable
Te 129.906229 130 52 33.97 2.4x1023 Years ? ? 100.00%

Mineral Species sorted by the element Te (Tellurium )

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%Te Mineral Name Chemical Formula MW
100.00%Te Tellurium Te 127.60
90.19%Te Dilithium * Li2Te 141.48
82.05%Te Frohbergite FeTe2 311.05
81.30%Te Melonite NiTe2 313.89
81.24%Te Mattagamite CoTe2 314.13
79.95%Te Paratellurite TeO2 159.60
79.95%Te Tellurite TeO2 159.60
72.24%Te Walfordite ! (Fe+++,Te++++++)Te++++3O8 591.76
69.78%Te Cameronite AgCu7Te10 1,828.69
69.49%Te Carlfriesite CaTe++++2Te++++++O8 550.87
68.52%Te Winstanleyite TiTe++++3O8 558.68
68.50%Te Imgreite ? NiTe 186.29
66.76%Te Vulcanite CuTe 191.15
66.21%Te Kostovite CuAuTe4 770.91
64.98%Te Denningite (Mn,Zn)Te2O5 392.75
64.00%Te Rajite CuTe++++2O5 398.74
63.90%Te Gaotaiite Ir3Te8 1,597.46
62.54%Te Mackayite Fe+++Te2O5(OH) 408.05
61.16%Te Spiroffite (Mn,Zn)2Te3O8 625.90
61.12%Te Tellurantimony Sb2Te3 626.30
60.01%Te Rodalquilarite H3Fe+++2(Te++++O3)4Cl 850.55
59.95%Te Blakeite Fe2(TeO3)3 638.49
59.67%Te Zincospiroffite ! Zn2Te3O8 641.58
59.39%Te Merenskyite (Pd,Pt)(Te,Bi)2 386.76
59.36%Te Sylvanite (Au,Ag)2Te4 429.89
58.92%Te Rickardite Cu7Te5 1,082.82
58.22%Te Radhakrishnaite PbTe3(Cl,S)2 657.52
57.04%Te Shuangfengite IrTe2 447.42
56.75%Te Emmonsite Fe+++2Te++++3O9•2(H2O) 674.52
56.44%Te Calaverite AuTe2 452.17
56.44%Te Krennerite AuTe2 452.17
53.69%Te Empressite AgTe 235.27
53.65%Te Borovskite Pd3SbTe4 951.41
53.36%Te Balyakinite CuTeO3 239.14
52.38%Te Kinichilite Mg0.5[Mn++Fe+++(TeO3)3]•4.5(H2O) 730.80
52.11%Te Keystoneite Mg0.5[Ni++Fe++(TeO3)3]•4.5(H2O) 734.55
51.79%Te Montbrayite (Au,Sb)2Te3 739.12
51.64%Te Zemannite Mg0.5[Zn++Fe+++(TeO3)3]•4.5(H2O) 741.25
51.38%Te Weissite Cu1.9Te 248.34
50.15%Te Vavrinite ! Ni2SbTe2 491.04
50.05%Te Cliffordite UTe3O9 764.82
49.62%Te Graemite CuTeO3•(H2O) 257.16
49.14%Te Mroseite CaTe++++(CO3)O2 259.69
48.64%Te Hexatestibiopanickelite (Ni,Pd)(Te,Sb) 196.76
48.11%Te Kitkaite NiTeSe 265.25
47.89%Te Sonoraite Fe+++Te++++O3(OH)•(H2O) 266.47
47.80%Te Tellurobismuthite Bi2Te3 800.76
47.34%Te Chekhovichite (Bi,Pb,Fe)2Te4O11 1,078.24
46.90%Te Henryite Cu4Ag3Te4 1,088.19
46.51%Te Muthmannite AgAuTe2 556.88
46.37%Te Teineite CuTeO3•2(H2O) 275.17
46.15%Te Tlapallite H6(Ca,Pb)2Cu3(SO4)(Te++++O3)4(Te++++++O6) 1,382.46
46.13%Te Kochkarite PbBi4Te7 1,936.32
44.93%Te Rucklidgeite (Bi,Pb)3Te4 1,136.01
44.65%Te Testibiopalladite PdTe(Sb,Te) 357.23
44.61%Te Volynskite AgBiTe2 572.05
43.02%Te Stutzite Ag5-xTe3,(x=0.24-0.36) 889.78
42.63%Te Mazzettiite ! Ag3HgPbSbTe5 1,493.72
42.41%Te Temagamite Pd3HgTe3 902.65
41.63%Te Poughite Fe+++2(TeO3)2(SO4)•3(H2O) 613.00
40.83%Te Moncheite (Pt,Pd)(Te,Bi)2 468.81
40.47%Te Sopcheite Ag4Pd3Te4 1,261.13
39.88%Te Choloalite CuPb(Te++++O3)2 639.96
38.95%Te Xocolatlite ! Ca2Mn++++2Te++++++2O12•H2O 655.24
38.88%Te Coloradoite HgTe 328.19
38.11%Te Altaite PbTe 334.80
37.91%Te Tsumoite BiTe 336.58
37.62%Te Kotulskite Pd(Te,Bi) 254.37
37.16%Te Hessite Ag2Te 343.34
36.19%Te Tetradymite Bi2Te2S 705.23
36.18%Te Frankhawthorneite Cu2Te++++++O4(OH)2 352.70
34.76%Te Telluropalladinite Pd9Te4 1,468.18
33.42%Te Yafsoanite Ca3Te2Zn3O12 763.60
33.33%Te Fairbankite PbTe++++O3 382.80
33.33%Te Plumbotellurite PbTe++++O3 382.80
33.09%Te Utahite ! Cu5Zn3(Te++++++O4)4(OH)8•7(H2O) 1,542.46
32.90%Te Petzite Ag3AuTe2 775.77
32.77%Te Cuzticite Fe+++2Te++++++O6•3(H2O) 389.34
31.62%Te Cesbronite Cu5(TeO3)2(OH)6•2(H2O) 807.00
31.62%Te Cesbronite-x Cu5(TeO3)2(OH)6•2(H2O) 807.00
31.54%Te Kawazulite Bi2(Te,Se,S)3 728.32
31.45%Te Kolarite PbTeCl2 405.71
31.41%Te Pilsenite Bi4Te3 1,218.72
30.81%Te Moctezumite Pb(UO2)(TeO3)2 828.42
30.12%Te Nagyagite AuPb(Sb,Bi)Te2-3S6 1,059.12
29.98%Te Keithconnite Pd3-xTe(x=0.14to0.43) 425.58
29.52%Te Mcalpineite Cu++3Te++++++O6•(H2O) 432.25
28.63%Te Schmitterite (UO2)TeO3 445.63
28.54%Te Telargpalite (Pd,Ag)3Te 447.15
28.34%Te Jensenite Cu++3Te++++++O6•2(H2O) 450.26
28.34%Te Xocomecatlite Cu3Te++++++O4(OH)4 450.26
28.24%Te Oboyerite Pb6H6(Te++++O3)3(Te++++++O6)2•2(H2O) 2,259.27
28.14%Te Eztlite Pb2Fe+++6(Te++++O3)3(Te++++++O6)(OH)10•8(H2O) 1,814.07
27.91%Te Sulphotsumoite Bi3Te2S 914.21
27.43%Te Michenerite (Pd,Pt)BiTe 465.17
27.02%Te Aleksite PbBi2Te2S2(?) 944.49
26.52%Te Leisingite ! Cu(Mg,Cu,Fe,Zn)2Te++++++O6•6(H2O) 481.14
26.27%Te Kuranakhite PbMn++++Te++++++O6 485.73
26.06%Te Pasavaite ! Pd3Pb2Te2 989.23
25.96%Te Bambollaite Cu(Se,Te)2 245.79
25.01%Te Juabite ! (Ca,Fe++)Cu10(Te++++O3)4(As+++++O4)4(OH)2•4(H2O) 2,040.94
24.95%Te Girdite Pb3H2(Te++++O3)(Te++++++O6) 1,022.81
24.36%Te Schieffelinite Pb(Te++++++,S)O4•(H2O) 392.93
24.13%Te Mayingite IrBiTe 528.80
24.00%Te Maslovite PtBiTe 531.66
24.00%Te Tsnigriite Ag9SbTe3(S,Se)3 1,595.01
23.77%Te Quetzalcoatlite Zn8Cu4(TeO3)3(OH)18 1,610.23
22.99%Te Goldfieldite Cu12(Te,Sb,As)4S13 1,665.23
22.17%Te Brumadoite ! Cu3(TeO4)(OH)4•5H2O 535.15
22.12%Te Magnolite Hg+2Te++++O3 576.78
21.78%Te Buckhornite AuPb2BiTe2S3 1,171.74
21.62%Te Bilibinskite Au3Cu2PbTe2 1,180.39
21.59%Te Cervelleite Ag4TeS 591.14
21.56%Te Saddlebackite ! Pb2Bi2Te2S3 1,183.76
21.53%Te Bogdanovite (Au,Te,Pb)3(Cu,Fe) 592.69
21.05%Te Kurilite ? (Ag,Au)2(Te,Se,S) 363.74
20.74%Te Hedleyite Bi7Te3(?) 1,845.66
20.40%Te Smirnite Bi2Te++++O5 625.56
19.47%Te Khinite PbCu++3Te++++++O6(OH)2 655.45
19.44%Te Benleonardite Ag8(Sb,As)Te2S3 1,312.68
19.32%Te Poubaite PbBi2Se2(Te,S)2 990.51
19.22%Te Oulankaite ! (Pd,Pt)5(Cu,Fe)4SnTe2S2 1,327.45
18.83%Te Montanite Bi2Te++++++O6•2(H2O) 677.59
18.58%Te Yecoraite Bi5Fe+++3(Te++++O3)(Te++++++O4)2O9•9(H2O) 2,059.88
18.45%Te Parakhinite Cu++3PbTe++++++O4(OH)6 691.48
18.05%Te Chenguodaite ! Ag9FeTe2S4 1,406.90
16.78%Te Miessiite ! Pd11Te2Se2 1,589.46
15.90%Te Baksanite ! Bi6Te2S3 1,605.28
15.59%Te Sztrokayite * Bi3TeS2 818.67
15.11%Te Tlalocite Cu10Zn6(Te++++O3)(Te++++++O4)2Cl(OH)25•27(H2O) 2,533.64
14.86%Te Pingguite Bi+++6Te++++2O13 1,717.07
14.48%Te Telluronevskite ! Bi3TeSe2 890.10
14.08%Te Skippenite Bi2Se2(Te,S) 679.60
13.65%Te Burckhardtite Pb2(Fe+++,Mn+++)Te++++(AlSi3O10)O2(OH)2•(H2O) 934.87
12.53%Te Chiluite Bi6Te++++++2Mo++++++2O21 2,036.95
12.42%Te Protojoseite * Bi4TeS2(?) 1,027.65
12.04%Te Ingodite Bi(S,Te) 264.93
11.72%Te Museumite ! Pb2(Pb,Sb)2S8[Te,Au]2 1,992.56
11.38%Te Tellurohauchecornite Ni9BiTeS8 1,121.32
10.71%Te Nabokoite Cu++7Te++++O4(SO4)5•KCl 1,191.29
10.36%Te Kuksite Pb3Zn3Te++++++O6(PO4)2 1,231.31
10.04%Te Cheremnykhite Zn3Pb3Te++++O6(VO4)2 1,271.24
9.80%Te Dugganite Pb3Zn3Te(As,V,Si)2(O,OH)14 1,302.29
9.53%Te Joseite Bi4(S,Te)3 1,003.77
9.53%Te Joseite-B Bi4(S,Te)3 1,003.77
8.91%Te Bezsmertnovite Au4Cu(Te,Pb) 1,002.89
8.20%Te Vincentite (Pd,Pt)3(As,Sb,Te) 466.99
8.02%Te Vihorlatite ! Bi24Se17Te4 6,525.04
2.52%Te Vasilite (Pd,Cu)16(S,Te)7 1,870.08
2.41%Te Arcubisite Ag6CuBiS4 1,058.03
0.77%Te Cupromakovickyite ! Cu4AgPb2Bi9S18 6,445.41
0.29%Te Skaergaardite ! CuPd 173.19
0.23%Te Paderaite Cu7((Cu,Ag)0.33Pb1.33Bi11.33)13S22 3,824.86
0.10%Te Ungavaite ! Pd4Sb3 790.08

(* - Mineral Name Is Not IMA Approved)
(! - New Dana classification added or changed from Danas New Mineralogy)
(? - IMA Discredited Mineral Species Name)

There are 154 minerals with Te in the Mineralogy Database.