Monica Barnes | American Museum of Natural History (original) (raw)

Books by Monica Barnes

Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives on the Inca

by Monica Barnes, Ines de Castro, Doris Kurella, Donato Amado Gonzales, Javier Flores Espinoza, Brian Bauer, Kerstin Nowack, David Ernesto Oshige Adams, Kylie Quave, Donato Amado, Steven A Wernke, and Karoline Noack

This book includes the following papers: "Buscando un Inca de aqui y de alla. Los incas de nue... more This book includes the following papers: "Buscando un Inca de aqui y de alla. Los incas de nuestro tiempo, Alemania y Lima, Peru" by Karoline Noack; "Collecting Inca Antiquities: Antiquarianism and the Inca Past in 19th Century Cusco" by Stefanie Gaenger; "The Inca Collection at the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Genesis and Contexts" by Manuela Fisher; "Visions of the Inca Dynasty. Narrative Syyles, Emblematic Dress and the Power of Ancestors" by Ann H. Peters; "How did Huanuco Pampa Become a Ruin? From Thriving Settlement to Disappearing Walls" by Monica Barnes; "The Material Remains of Inca Power among Imperial Heartland Communities" by Kylie E. Quave and R. Alan Covey; "The Inca Takeover of the Ancient Centers in the Highlands of Piura" by Cesar W. Astuhuaman Gonzales; "Las motivaciones economicas y religiosas de la expansion incaica hacia la cuenca del lago Titicaca" by David Oshige Adams; "Inca Offerings Associated with the Frozen Mummies from Mount Llullaillaco" by Constanza Ceruti; "Tracing the Inca Past. Ritual Movement and Social Memory in the Inca Imperial Capital" by Steve Kosiba; "The Situa Ritual of the Inca. Metaphor and Performance of the State" by Brian S. Bauer and David A. Reid; "Building Tension, Dilemmas of the Built Environment through Inca and Spanish Rule" by Steven A. Wernke; "Sistema de tenencia de tierras de ayllus y panacas incas en el valle del Cusco, siglos XVI–XVII” by Donato Amado Gonzales; “What Would Have Happened After the Inca Civil War” by Kerstin Nowack.

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Papers by Monica Barnes

Research paper thumbnail of A Possible Hunting or Herding Trap on the Pampa de Huánuco

Andean Past, 2024

This research report argues that an enigmatic stone structure near the important provincial Inca ... more This research report argues that an enigmatic stone structure near the important provincial Inca site of Huánuco Pampa is an animal trap used in the royal hunts known from historical sources to have occurred on the Pampa de Huánuco. If so, it is the first such royal structure to have been identified.

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Research paper thumbnail of Un enfoque interseccional de la equidad, la inequidad y la arqueología: Un camino a través de la comunidad (Supplementary Material 1)

Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2022

El año 2020 fue un despertar para algunes. Para otres, reiteró la persistente injusticia social e... more El año 2020 fue un despertar para algunes. Para otres, reiteró la persistente injusticia social en los Estados Unidos. Impulsades por estos eventos, 30 personas diversas se reunieron entre enero y mayo de 2021 para un seminario de un semestre de duración que exploraba la inequidad en la práctica arqueológica. Los debates del seminario destacaron la inequidad y las injusticias sociales que están profundamente arraigadas en la disciplina. Sin embargo, la inequidad en la arqueología a menudo se ignora o se trata de manera limitada como problemas discretos, aunque poco vinculados. Un enfoque amplio de la inequidad en la arqueología reveló que la injusticia es interseccional, con efectos compuestos. A través de los temas generales de individue, comunidad, teoría y práctica, nosotres (un subconjunto de les participantes del seminario) exploramos la inequidad y su papel en varias facetas de la arqueología, incluidas las relaciones norte-sur, publicación, distribución de recursos, diferencias de clase, accesibilidad, inclusión teorías, servicio a comunidades no arqueológicas, trabajo de campo, tutorías, y más. Nos enfocamos en la creación de una hoja de ruta para comprender la interseccionalidad de los problemas de inequidad y sugerir vías para la educación continua y la participación directa. Argumentamos que la construcción de comunidad-al proporcionar apoyo mutuo y construir alianzas-ofrece un camino para lograr una mayor equidad en nuestra disciplina.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Intersectional Approach to Equity, Inequity, and Archaeology A Pathway through Community

Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2022

The year 2020 was an awakening for some. For others, it reiterated the persistent social injustic... more The year 2020 was an awakening for some. For others, it reiterated the persistent social injustice in the United States. Compelled by these events, 30 diverse individuals came together from January to May 2021 for a semester-long seminar exploring inequity in archaeological practice. The seminar's discussions spotlighted the inequity and social injustices that are deeply embedded within the discipline. However, inequity in archaeology is often ignored or treated narrowly as discrete, if loosely bound, problems. A broad approach to inequity in archaeology revealed injustice to be intersectional, with compounding effects. Through the overarching themes of individual, community, theory, and practice, we (a subset of the seminar's participants) explore inequity and its role in various facets of archaeology, including North-South relations, publication, resource distribution, class differences, accessibility, inclusive theories, service to nonarchaeological communities, fieldwork, mentorship, and more. We focus on creating a roadmap for understanding the intersectionality of issues of inequity and suggesting avenues for continued education and direct engagement. We argue that community-building-by providing mutual support and building alliances-provides a pathway for realizing greater equity in our discipline.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating an Equity-Based Seminar in Content and Format: A Case Study and Call to Action

The SAA Archaeological Record, 2022

Spurred by ongoing social injustices both within and outside the field of archaeology, a group of... more Spurred by ongoing social injustices both within and outside the field of archaeology, a group of students, professors, practitioners, and researchers co-produced a Zoom format graduate seminar during the spring 2021 semester that explored topics at the intersection of equity and archaeological practice. Lectures and discussions explored the nature of inequity in our field. We use this article to add our voices to the urgent call for conversation and action to address inequity in our discipline.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creación de un seminario basado en la equidad de contenido y Creación de un seminario basado en la equidad de contenido y formato: Un estudio de caso y un llamado a la acción formato: Un estudio de caso y un llamado a la acción

The Archaeological Record, 2022

This is a Spanish language version of Creating an Equity-Based Seminar in Content and Format: A C... more This is a Spanish language version of Creating an Equity-Based Seminar in Content and Format: A Case Study and Call to Action.

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Research paper thumbnail of He Perished Ere He Published: Records of the Work of Gary Stockton Vescelius in the American Museum of Natural History

Gary Stockton Vescelius (1930-1982) was an extremely active archaeologist who conducted extensive... more Gary Stockton Vescelius (1930-1982) was an extremely active archaeologist who conducted extensive surveys and numerous excavations in North America, the Caribbean, and Peru. Although he was influential while alive, his almost complete failure to publish the results of his work has caused him to fade into obscurity. The interventions that he made a many important sites have been largely forgotten. However, collections that he amassed have been preserved at Yale University, at the American Museum of Natural History, and in Peru. This paper presents a short biography of Vescelius and evaluates his work.

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Research paper thumbnail of How Did Huanuco Pampa Become a Ruin? From Thriving Settlement to Disappearing Walls

Perspectives on the Inca

This paper discusses the forces and events that reduced a city to crumbling walls. Huanuco Pampa,... more This paper discusses the forces and events that reduced a city to crumbling walls. Huanuco Pampa, a large provincial Inca installation, was largely abandoned during the Spanish conquest. Warfare, quarrying, treasure hunting, extirpation of idolatry, ranching and farming, and archaeological excavation and reconstruction destroyed much of its physical integrity. Today Huanuco Pampa once again functions as a ceremonial center.

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Research paper thumbnail of Luis Barreda Murillo's Excavations at Huanuco Pampa, 1965

This paper discusses Barreda Murillo's excavations of the portals, the bath, and the "Unfinished ... more This paper discusses Barreda Murillo's excavations of the portals, the bath, and the "Unfinished Temple" at the Inca site of Huanuco Pampa under the auspices of John Victor Murra's "A Study of Provincial Inca Life" project. It presents Barreda Murillo's plans of the bath and the "temple" for the first time.

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Research paper thumbnail of Huanuco Pampa

Inka: Konige der Anden, 2013

Die Autorin konzentriert sich in diesem Artikel auf Huánuco Pampa, eine sehr bedeutende Stätte de... more Die Autorin konzentriert sich in diesem Artikel auf Huánuco Pampa, eine sehr bedeutende Stätte der Provinzial-Inka-Zeit im zentralen Hochland Perus. Sie betrachtet insbesondere die Zeit zwischen dem bevorstehenden Verlassen durch die Inka in den 1530er Jahren und der Gegenwart. Über den gesamten Zeitraum hinweg diente Huánuco Pampa immer wieder den unterschiedlichsten Zwecken. Es war Kriegsschauplatz, Steinbruch, Bauernhof, Naturdenkmal, Standort einer christlichen Kapelle, Friedhof für ungetaufte Kinder, ein Rastplatz für Maultiertreiber, Endstation eines Zweigs des kolonialen Postsystems, Fußballplatz, Rast- und Zeltplatz, Abstellplatz für Autos und schließlich Festplatz. Zusätzlich verlief die Nationalstraße, eine der zentralen Verkehrsachsen des peruanischen Hochlandes, mitten durch die archäologische Stätte. Huánuco Pampa wurde darüber hinaus durch archäologische Ausgrabungen und Rekonstruktionen verändert und auch die „Kampagnen zur Ausrottung der Götzendienste“ beschädigten vermutlich die Ruinen aus der Inka-Zeit. Selten konnte die „Taphonomie“ einer andinen archäologischen Fundstätte derart detailliert rekonstruiert werden. Die Autorin vertritt die Auffassung, dass Archäologen bei ihren Interpretationen zur Funktion und Bedeutung Huánuco Pampas die Veränderungen, die es im Laufe der Jahrhunderte durchlaufen musste, mit berücksichtigen müssen und die Stätte nicht als unberührtes Baudenkmal betrachten können.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Colonial Human Burial Excavated in 1965 between portals 5 and 6 at Huanuco Pampa

This research report discusses a burial excavated in 1965 at the Peruvian Inca site of Huanuco Pa... more This research report discusses a burial excavated in 1965 at the Peruvian Inca site of Huanuco Pampa by Daniel E. Shea.

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Research paper thumbnail of Almacenaje en Huanuco Pampa: Una Reevaluacion

Memoria XVII Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina y Amazonica Alfredo Torrero Fernandez de Cordoba, 22-27 de agosto de 2011, 2012

Entre 1963 y 1966, John Victor Murra dirigio estudios de campo y de archivo que giraron en torno ... more Entre 1963 y 1966, John Victor Murra dirigio estudios de campo y de archivo que giraron en torno al gran yacimiento incaico de Huanuco Pampa, Peru. El y su equipo emprendieron exploraciones arqueologicas en este lugar y su region, efectuaron una extensa excavacion en area en la parte monumental del mismo Huanuco Pampa, llevaron a cabo una importante reconstruccion arquitectonica del sitio, hicieron cateos en otros mas pequenos, efectuaron estudios etnograficos y trabajo de archivo, y volvieron a publicar fuentes coloniales importantes, relevantes para la region de Huanuco. En el transcurso de estos trabajos documentaron un campo de cimientos de piedra alineados en la margen occidental de Huanuco Pampa, en una zona del lugar denominada Muyuwaynin segun las notas de campo de Murra. Sugiero que estos son los restos de un grupo de depositos no incluido por Craig Morris en su tesis, Storage in Tawantinsuyu, o en las publicaciones derivadas de la misma. Si mi interpretacion es correcta, estos depositos semejan los que fueran encontrados en el valle de Cochabamba en Bolivia, posteriormente estudiados por Morris. Alli unos cimientos circulares de grandes piedras encierran pisos de grava y sirvieron como base para muros de barro y techos de paja. En lo que venia a ser una suerte de arqueologia experimental, el equipo de Murra reconstruyo uno de los depositos semicilindricos y de paredes de piedra en el "Cerro de las Collcas".

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Research paper thumbnail of John L. Cotter's Excavations at Huanuco Pampa and his Role in the Regional Survey

John L. Cotter (1911-1999), best know for his early work on palaeoindian sites and materials, and... more John L. Cotter (1911-1999), best know for his early work on palaeoindian sites and materials, and for his later work in historical archaeology, worked briefly at the Peruvian Inca site of Huanuco Pampa under the overall direction of John Victor Murra. This paper reconstructs Cotter's activities at Huanuco.

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra's Provincial Inca Life Project and an American National Anthropology

Antiquity on-line, 2010

John Murra's landmark study of Inca life (1963-1966) is placed in the context of U.S. federally s... more John Murra's landmark study of Inca life (1963-1966) is placed in the context of U.S. federally sponsored anthropology

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra, arqueologo accidental: de Cerro Narrio a Huanuco Pampa

Historia de la arqueologia en el Peru del siglo XX, 2013

Aunque se le conoce como un antropologo y etnohistoriador, John Murra tuvo dos grandes intervenci... more Aunque se le conoce como un antropologo y etnohistoriador, John Murra tuvo dos grandes intervenciones en la arqueología sudamericana. Con Donald Collier llevo a cabo exploraciones en el Ecuador entre 1941 y 1942. Durante su segunda intervención (1965) Murra dirigió excavaciones y restauración de Huanuco Pampa. Reconstruyo los muros del Ushnu, las kallankas, los portales y una collca. Demolió edificios en la plaza del Ushnu, los cuales considero eran los restos del asentamiento espanol. El poco conocido trabajo arqueológico de Murra en Huanuco esta documentado en mas de 232 rollos de película y aproximadamente dos pies lineales de notas de campo. Este archivo se encuentra en el American Museum of Natural History en Nueva York.

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Research paper thumbnail of Filtration-Gallery Irrigation in the Spanish New World

It has been claimed that the puquios, a subterranean irrigation system of the Nazca drainage, are... more It has been claimed that the puquios, a subterranean irrigation system of the Nazca drainage, are a unique prehispanic innovation. However, documentary evidence indicates that many puquios were constructed and managed by Spaniards. In Iberia such systems were built by Islamic engineers and were extended by Christians after the Moors were expelled in 1492. The Spaniards brought this technology to Mexico and the Andes, beginning in the mid-sixteenth century. They employed it in agriculture, in urban water systems, and to drain mines. This paper presents new evidence on the 21 Andean areas where puquios were constructed and controlled by the Spaniards and evaluates arguments pertaining to the origin of the Nazca puquios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Acerca de la fecha de origen de los puquios de Nazca

Turismo y Patrimonio 1, 2000

Indagar una fecha correcta o probable del establecimiento en Sudamérica occidental del sistema de... more Indagar una fecha correcta o probable del establecimiento en Sudamérica occidental del sistema de manejo de agua--conocido en el Perú como puquio, y genéricamente llamado galería filtrante o qanat--es importante porque su supuesta existencia a mediados del primer milenio d.C. ha sido un elemento importante en la reconstrucción de ocupaciones humanas prehistóricas en la región Nazca.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dating of Nazca aqueducts

A colonial document in Peru's Archivo General de la Nacion sets out the distribution of the Visam... more A colonial document in Peru's Archivo General de la Nacion sets out the distribution of the Visambre puquio of Nazca. A call is made for the excavation of Nazca puquios (filtration galleries).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Worldwide Distribution of Filtration Gallery Systems and the Social Mechanisms Underlying their Construction and Management

Culture and Environment: A Fragile Co-existence: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, 1993

This paper focuses on the water management systems known as qanats, puquios, or filtration galler... more This paper focuses on the water management systems known as qanats, puquios, or filtration galleries. The authors argue that complex, state-run management systems are not necessary to build and maintain such galleries.

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Research paper thumbnail of History, Science, and National Identity: The Case of Filtration Gallery Irrigation

Archaeology into the New Millennium: Pubish or Perish

Filtration galleries (also called fogaras, qanats, ras, viajes, minas, cimbras, puquios, apantles... more Filtration galleries (also called fogaras, qanats, ras, viajes, minas, cimbras, puquios, apantles con tragaluces, and chain wells) are underground water delivery systems consisting of tunnels and vertical shafts. They are found throughout the Islamic and Hispanic worlds. In Spain, this technology is believed to have been introduced by the Arab and Berber Conquerors of Iberia, although a Roman origin is possible. In Mexico, the question of origin remained open until historical studies and excavation established that filtration galleries were an innovation of the Spanish settlers and first build in the sixteenth century. In Chile filtration galleries are also believed to be a European introduction. However, in Peru scholars unaware of the extent of identical works in Spain, the Canary Islands, Mexico, Chile, and elsewhere in Peru postulated that the puquios of the Nazca Valley represent a unique innovation of the precolombian Nasca culture. Both scientific evidence and national ideology have played roles int he cultural assignment of filtration galleries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives on the Inca

by Monica Barnes, Ines de Castro, Doris Kurella, Donato Amado Gonzales, Javier Flores Espinoza, Brian Bauer, Kerstin Nowack, David Ernesto Oshige Adams, Kylie Quave, Donato Amado, Steven A Wernke, and Karoline Noack

This book includes the following papers: "Buscando un Inca de aqui y de alla. Los incas de nue... more This book includes the following papers: "Buscando un Inca de aqui y de alla. Los incas de nuestro tiempo, Alemania y Lima, Peru" by Karoline Noack; "Collecting Inca Antiquities: Antiquarianism and the Inca Past in 19th Century Cusco" by Stefanie Gaenger; "The Inca Collection at the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Genesis and Contexts" by Manuela Fisher; "Visions of the Inca Dynasty. Narrative Syyles, Emblematic Dress and the Power of Ancestors" by Ann H. Peters; "How did Huanuco Pampa Become a Ruin? From Thriving Settlement to Disappearing Walls" by Monica Barnes; "The Material Remains of Inca Power among Imperial Heartland Communities" by Kylie E. Quave and R. Alan Covey; "The Inca Takeover of the Ancient Centers in the Highlands of Piura" by Cesar W. Astuhuaman Gonzales; "Las motivaciones economicas y religiosas de la expansion incaica hacia la cuenca del lago Titicaca" by David Oshige Adams; "Inca Offerings Associated with the Frozen Mummies from Mount Llullaillaco" by Constanza Ceruti; "Tracing the Inca Past. Ritual Movement and Social Memory in the Inca Imperial Capital" by Steve Kosiba; "The Situa Ritual of the Inca. Metaphor and Performance of the State" by Brian S. Bauer and David A. Reid; "Building Tension, Dilemmas of the Built Environment through Inca and Spanish Rule" by Steven A. Wernke; "Sistema de tenencia de tierras de ayllus y panacas incas en el valle del Cusco, siglos XVI–XVII” by Donato Amado Gonzales; “What Would Have Happened After the Inca Civil War” by Kerstin Nowack.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Possible Hunting or Herding Trap on the Pampa de Huánuco

Andean Past, 2024

This research report argues that an enigmatic stone structure near the important provincial Inca ... more This research report argues that an enigmatic stone structure near the important provincial Inca site of Huánuco Pampa is an animal trap used in the royal hunts known from historical sources to have occurred on the Pampa de Huánuco. If so, it is the first such royal structure to have been identified.

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Research paper thumbnail of Un enfoque interseccional de la equidad, la inequidad y la arqueología: Un camino a través de la comunidad (Supplementary Material 1)

Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2022

El año 2020 fue un despertar para algunes. Para otres, reiteró la persistente injusticia social e... more El año 2020 fue un despertar para algunes. Para otres, reiteró la persistente injusticia social en los Estados Unidos. Impulsades por estos eventos, 30 personas diversas se reunieron entre enero y mayo de 2021 para un seminario de un semestre de duración que exploraba la inequidad en la práctica arqueológica. Los debates del seminario destacaron la inequidad y las injusticias sociales que están profundamente arraigadas en la disciplina. Sin embargo, la inequidad en la arqueología a menudo se ignora o se trata de manera limitada como problemas discretos, aunque poco vinculados. Un enfoque amplio de la inequidad en la arqueología reveló que la injusticia es interseccional, con efectos compuestos. A través de los temas generales de individue, comunidad, teoría y práctica, nosotres (un subconjunto de les participantes del seminario) exploramos la inequidad y su papel en varias facetas de la arqueología, incluidas las relaciones norte-sur, publicación, distribución de recursos, diferencias de clase, accesibilidad, inclusión teorías, servicio a comunidades no arqueológicas, trabajo de campo, tutorías, y más. Nos enfocamos en la creación de una hoja de ruta para comprender la interseccionalidad de los problemas de inequidad y sugerir vías para la educación continua y la participación directa. Argumentamos que la construcción de comunidad-al proporcionar apoyo mutuo y construir alianzas-ofrece un camino para lograr una mayor equidad en nuestra disciplina.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Intersectional Approach to Equity, Inequity, and Archaeology A Pathway through Community

Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2022

The year 2020 was an awakening for some. For others, it reiterated the persistent social injustic... more The year 2020 was an awakening for some. For others, it reiterated the persistent social injustice in the United States. Compelled by these events, 30 diverse individuals came together from January to May 2021 for a semester-long seminar exploring inequity in archaeological practice. The seminar's discussions spotlighted the inequity and social injustices that are deeply embedded within the discipline. However, inequity in archaeology is often ignored or treated narrowly as discrete, if loosely bound, problems. A broad approach to inequity in archaeology revealed injustice to be intersectional, with compounding effects. Through the overarching themes of individual, community, theory, and practice, we (a subset of the seminar's participants) explore inequity and its role in various facets of archaeology, including North-South relations, publication, resource distribution, class differences, accessibility, inclusive theories, service to nonarchaeological communities, fieldwork, mentorship, and more. We focus on creating a roadmap for understanding the intersectionality of issues of inequity and suggesting avenues for continued education and direct engagement. We argue that community-building-by providing mutual support and building alliances-provides a pathway for realizing greater equity in our discipline.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating an Equity-Based Seminar in Content and Format: A Case Study and Call to Action

The SAA Archaeological Record, 2022

Spurred by ongoing social injustices both within and outside the field of archaeology, a group of... more Spurred by ongoing social injustices both within and outside the field of archaeology, a group of students, professors, practitioners, and researchers co-produced a Zoom format graduate seminar during the spring 2021 semester that explored topics at the intersection of equity and archaeological practice. Lectures and discussions explored the nature of inequity in our field. We use this article to add our voices to the urgent call for conversation and action to address inequity in our discipline.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creación de un seminario basado en la equidad de contenido y Creación de un seminario basado en la equidad de contenido y formato: Un estudio de caso y un llamado a la acción formato: Un estudio de caso y un llamado a la acción

The Archaeological Record, 2022

This is a Spanish language version of Creating an Equity-Based Seminar in Content and Format: A C... more This is a Spanish language version of Creating an Equity-Based Seminar in Content and Format: A Case Study and Call to Action.

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Research paper thumbnail of He Perished Ere He Published: Records of the Work of Gary Stockton Vescelius in the American Museum of Natural History

Gary Stockton Vescelius (1930-1982) was an extremely active archaeologist who conducted extensive... more Gary Stockton Vescelius (1930-1982) was an extremely active archaeologist who conducted extensive surveys and numerous excavations in North America, the Caribbean, and Peru. Although he was influential while alive, his almost complete failure to publish the results of his work has caused him to fade into obscurity. The interventions that he made a many important sites have been largely forgotten. However, collections that he amassed have been preserved at Yale University, at the American Museum of Natural History, and in Peru. This paper presents a short biography of Vescelius and evaluates his work.

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Research paper thumbnail of How Did Huanuco Pampa Become a Ruin? From Thriving Settlement to Disappearing Walls

Perspectives on the Inca

This paper discusses the forces and events that reduced a city to crumbling walls. Huanuco Pampa,... more This paper discusses the forces and events that reduced a city to crumbling walls. Huanuco Pampa, a large provincial Inca installation, was largely abandoned during the Spanish conquest. Warfare, quarrying, treasure hunting, extirpation of idolatry, ranching and farming, and archaeological excavation and reconstruction destroyed much of its physical integrity. Today Huanuco Pampa once again functions as a ceremonial center.

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Research paper thumbnail of Luis Barreda Murillo's Excavations at Huanuco Pampa, 1965

This paper discusses Barreda Murillo's excavations of the portals, the bath, and the "Unfinished ... more This paper discusses Barreda Murillo's excavations of the portals, the bath, and the "Unfinished Temple" at the Inca site of Huanuco Pampa under the auspices of John Victor Murra's "A Study of Provincial Inca Life" project. It presents Barreda Murillo's plans of the bath and the "temple" for the first time.

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Research paper thumbnail of Huanuco Pampa

Inka: Konige der Anden, 2013

Die Autorin konzentriert sich in diesem Artikel auf Huánuco Pampa, eine sehr bedeutende Stätte de... more Die Autorin konzentriert sich in diesem Artikel auf Huánuco Pampa, eine sehr bedeutende Stätte der Provinzial-Inka-Zeit im zentralen Hochland Perus. Sie betrachtet insbesondere die Zeit zwischen dem bevorstehenden Verlassen durch die Inka in den 1530er Jahren und der Gegenwart. Über den gesamten Zeitraum hinweg diente Huánuco Pampa immer wieder den unterschiedlichsten Zwecken. Es war Kriegsschauplatz, Steinbruch, Bauernhof, Naturdenkmal, Standort einer christlichen Kapelle, Friedhof für ungetaufte Kinder, ein Rastplatz für Maultiertreiber, Endstation eines Zweigs des kolonialen Postsystems, Fußballplatz, Rast- und Zeltplatz, Abstellplatz für Autos und schließlich Festplatz. Zusätzlich verlief die Nationalstraße, eine der zentralen Verkehrsachsen des peruanischen Hochlandes, mitten durch die archäologische Stätte. Huánuco Pampa wurde darüber hinaus durch archäologische Ausgrabungen und Rekonstruktionen verändert und auch die „Kampagnen zur Ausrottung der Götzendienste“ beschädigten vermutlich die Ruinen aus der Inka-Zeit. Selten konnte die „Taphonomie“ einer andinen archäologischen Fundstätte derart detailliert rekonstruiert werden. Die Autorin vertritt die Auffassung, dass Archäologen bei ihren Interpretationen zur Funktion und Bedeutung Huánuco Pampas die Veränderungen, die es im Laufe der Jahrhunderte durchlaufen musste, mit berücksichtigen müssen und die Stätte nicht als unberührtes Baudenkmal betrachten können.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Colonial Human Burial Excavated in 1965 between portals 5 and 6 at Huanuco Pampa

This research report discusses a burial excavated in 1965 at the Peruvian Inca site of Huanuco Pa... more This research report discusses a burial excavated in 1965 at the Peruvian Inca site of Huanuco Pampa by Daniel E. Shea.

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Research paper thumbnail of Almacenaje en Huanuco Pampa: Una Reevaluacion

Memoria XVII Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina y Amazonica Alfredo Torrero Fernandez de Cordoba, 22-27 de agosto de 2011, 2012

Entre 1963 y 1966, John Victor Murra dirigio estudios de campo y de archivo que giraron en torno ... more Entre 1963 y 1966, John Victor Murra dirigio estudios de campo y de archivo que giraron en torno al gran yacimiento incaico de Huanuco Pampa, Peru. El y su equipo emprendieron exploraciones arqueologicas en este lugar y su region, efectuaron una extensa excavacion en area en la parte monumental del mismo Huanuco Pampa, llevaron a cabo una importante reconstruccion arquitectonica del sitio, hicieron cateos en otros mas pequenos, efectuaron estudios etnograficos y trabajo de archivo, y volvieron a publicar fuentes coloniales importantes, relevantes para la region de Huanuco. En el transcurso de estos trabajos documentaron un campo de cimientos de piedra alineados en la margen occidental de Huanuco Pampa, en una zona del lugar denominada Muyuwaynin segun las notas de campo de Murra. Sugiero que estos son los restos de un grupo de depositos no incluido por Craig Morris en su tesis, Storage in Tawantinsuyu, o en las publicaciones derivadas de la misma. Si mi interpretacion es correcta, estos depositos semejan los que fueran encontrados en el valle de Cochabamba en Bolivia, posteriormente estudiados por Morris. Alli unos cimientos circulares de grandes piedras encierran pisos de grava y sirvieron como base para muros de barro y techos de paja. En lo que venia a ser una suerte de arqueologia experimental, el equipo de Murra reconstruyo uno de los depositos semicilindricos y de paredes de piedra en el "Cerro de las Collcas".

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Research paper thumbnail of John L. Cotter's Excavations at Huanuco Pampa and his Role in the Regional Survey

John L. Cotter (1911-1999), best know for his early work on palaeoindian sites and materials, and... more John L. Cotter (1911-1999), best know for his early work on palaeoindian sites and materials, and for his later work in historical archaeology, worked briefly at the Peruvian Inca site of Huanuco Pampa under the overall direction of John Victor Murra. This paper reconstructs Cotter's activities at Huanuco.

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra's Provincial Inca Life Project and an American National Anthropology

Antiquity on-line, 2010

John Murra's landmark study of Inca life (1963-1966) is placed in the context of U.S. federally s... more John Murra's landmark study of Inca life (1963-1966) is placed in the context of U.S. federally sponsored anthropology

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra, arqueologo accidental: de Cerro Narrio a Huanuco Pampa

Historia de la arqueologia en el Peru del siglo XX, 2013

Aunque se le conoce como un antropologo y etnohistoriador, John Murra tuvo dos grandes intervenci... more Aunque se le conoce como un antropologo y etnohistoriador, John Murra tuvo dos grandes intervenciones en la arqueología sudamericana. Con Donald Collier llevo a cabo exploraciones en el Ecuador entre 1941 y 1942. Durante su segunda intervención (1965) Murra dirigió excavaciones y restauración de Huanuco Pampa. Reconstruyo los muros del Ushnu, las kallankas, los portales y una collca. Demolió edificios en la plaza del Ushnu, los cuales considero eran los restos del asentamiento espanol. El poco conocido trabajo arqueológico de Murra en Huanuco esta documentado en mas de 232 rollos de película y aproximadamente dos pies lineales de notas de campo. Este archivo se encuentra en el American Museum of Natural History en Nueva York.

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Research paper thumbnail of Filtration-Gallery Irrigation in the Spanish New World

It has been claimed that the puquios, a subterranean irrigation system of the Nazca drainage, are... more It has been claimed that the puquios, a subterranean irrigation system of the Nazca drainage, are a unique prehispanic innovation. However, documentary evidence indicates that many puquios were constructed and managed by Spaniards. In Iberia such systems were built by Islamic engineers and were extended by Christians after the Moors were expelled in 1492. The Spaniards brought this technology to Mexico and the Andes, beginning in the mid-sixteenth century. They employed it in agriculture, in urban water systems, and to drain mines. This paper presents new evidence on the 21 Andean areas where puquios were constructed and controlled by the Spaniards and evaluates arguments pertaining to the origin of the Nazca puquios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Acerca de la fecha de origen de los puquios de Nazca

Turismo y Patrimonio 1, 2000

Indagar una fecha correcta o probable del establecimiento en Sudamérica occidental del sistema de... more Indagar una fecha correcta o probable del establecimiento en Sudamérica occidental del sistema de manejo de agua--conocido en el Perú como puquio, y genéricamente llamado galería filtrante o qanat--es importante porque su supuesta existencia a mediados del primer milenio d.C. ha sido un elemento importante en la reconstrucción de ocupaciones humanas prehistóricas en la región Nazca.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dating of Nazca aqueducts

A colonial document in Peru's Archivo General de la Nacion sets out the distribution of the Visam... more A colonial document in Peru's Archivo General de la Nacion sets out the distribution of the Visambre puquio of Nazca. A call is made for the excavation of Nazca puquios (filtration galleries).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Worldwide Distribution of Filtration Gallery Systems and the Social Mechanisms Underlying their Construction and Management

Culture and Environment: A Fragile Co-existence: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, 1993

This paper focuses on the water management systems known as qanats, puquios, or filtration galler... more This paper focuses on the water management systems known as qanats, puquios, or filtration galleries. The authors argue that complex, state-run management systems are not necessary to build and maintain such galleries.

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Research paper thumbnail of History, Science, and National Identity: The Case of Filtration Gallery Irrigation

Archaeology into the New Millennium: Pubish or Perish

Filtration galleries (also called fogaras, qanats, ras, viajes, minas, cimbras, puquios, apantles... more Filtration galleries (also called fogaras, qanats, ras, viajes, minas, cimbras, puquios, apantles con tragaluces, and chain wells) are underground water delivery systems consisting of tunnels and vertical shafts. They are found throughout the Islamic and Hispanic worlds. In Spain, this technology is believed to have been introduced by the Arab and Berber Conquerors of Iberia, although a Roman origin is possible. In Mexico, the question of origin remained open until historical studies and excavation established that filtration galleries were an innovation of the Spanish settlers and first build in the sixteenth century. In Chile filtration galleries are also believed to be a European introduction. However, in Peru scholars unaware of the extent of identical works in Spain, the Canary Islands, Mexico, Chile, and elsewhere in Peru postulated that the puquios of the Nazca Valley represent a unique innovation of the precolombian Nasca culture. Both scientific evidence and national ideology have played roles int he cultural assignment of filtration galleries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Irrigation

Encyclopedia of Latin American History, 1996

An overview of irrigation in Latin America with emphasis on prehispanic water management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 14

Andean Past, 2024

Andean Past 14 contains the following obituaries: Robert L. Carneiro by Monica Barnes; Luis Guill... more Andean Past 14 contains the following obituaries: Robert L. Carneiro by Monica Barnes; Luis Guillermo Lumbreras Salcedo by Henry Tantaleán; Thomas F. Lynch by Monica Barnes; Ellen FitzSimmons Steinberg by Monica Barnes; Patrick Henry Carmichael by Monica Barnes. It contains the following articles: Petroglyphs in Context: Another Look at the Chillihuay Archaeological Complex by Danny Zborover, Alex Elvis Badillo, María Cecilia Lozada, Erika Simborth Lozada, and Damaso Wile Huascayo Chávez; Technological Analysis of a Formative Lithic Assemblage in the Northern Peruvian Amazon by Edwin Silva and Antonio Pérez-Balarezo; Possible Symbols of Status or Authority among the Wari by Brian S. Bauer and Javier Fonseca Santa Cruz; Huacaypata: The Sacred Qocha of the Incas by Carlos Delgado González and Jaime Guardapuccla Aragón; Contemporary Observations on the Procurement, Processing, and Consumption of Shellfish and Seaweed in Huanchaco, North Coast of Peru: Notes for Interpreting Archaeological Assemblages by Gabriel Prieto. It contains the following research reports: Quipa, Chilca Valley, Peru by Andrés Ocas Quispe, Robert A. Benfer, Neil Andrew Duncan, and Bernardino Ojeda; The Cerro Ilucán Collection of Wari Objects by Brian S. Bauer; Pre-Columbian Tattooing Methods on the Peruvian Central Coast by Aaron Deter-Wolf, Benoit Robitaille, Rhoda Fromme, Robin Gerst, and Danny Riday; A Possible Hunting or Herding Trap on the Pampa de Huánuco by Monica Barnes; Shell Remains from the Quebrada de Topará-Proyecto Topará, Instituto Arqueológico Alemán, Bonn, Germany by Daniel H. Sandweiss and María del Carmen Sandweiss; Ethnographic Data on Mollusk Collection on the North Coast of Peru by Dan Sandweiss. Also included are notices of the deaths of Ana María Soldi Gasca, William J Conklin, Shozo Masuda, Joan Wells Lathrap, Jorge Aníbal Flores Ochoa, Ana María Lorandi, Luis Eduardo Briones Morales, María Victoria Castro Rojas, Warren Richard DeBoer, Geoffrey Conrad, Alina Wong, Donald G. Jackson Squella, John Wayne Janusek, Sarah Anne Jolly, Paul Ossa, Arnaldo Ramos Cuba, Eduardo Pareja Siani, Luis Watanabe, and Miguel Pazos Rivera.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethno-Categories of a Regional Khipu

Andean Past Special Publication 13, Jan 16, 2024

The work of John V. Murra remains fundamental to an understanding of Andean human ecology and Inc... more The work of John V. Murra remains fundamental to an understanding of Andean human ecology and Inca economics. Nevertheless, some of his most important articles have never been published in English. At the request of Heather Lechtman, Murra translated “Las etno-categories de un khipu estatal”. In this work, Murra reconstructed a quipu prepared and maintained by the lords of Xauxa (Jauja) in the Peruvian central Andes during the early Colonial Period and explored what it may have recorded in terms of Andean thought. We publish Murra’s translation for the first time.

Andean Past Special Publication 13 contains a preface and notes by Monica Barnes, an account by Heather Lechtman, previously published in Chungara Revista de Antropología Chilena, of how she made use of Murra’s article in her MIT classes, and the Spanish language version of this article, first published in 1974.

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Research paper thumbnail of Julio C. Tello and the Institute of Andean Research: 1936-1943

Andean Past Monograph 5, 2021

In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett continues his discussion of the influence of politics upon ... more In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett continues his discussion of the influence of politics upon the work of Peru’s first professional archaeologist, Julio C. Tello. He began his analysis of this topic in his previous Andean Past monograph entitled Julio C. Tello, Politics, and Peruvian Archaeology: 1930–1936. The focus of this second work is an in-depth discussion of the nature and extent of Tello’s connection with the Institute of Andean Research, from its creation in 1936. In addition to numerous articles published in the Peruvian press, Daggett makes extensive use of correspondence housed in archives both in Peru and in the United States.

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Research paper thumbnail of Colin McEwan The Complete Americanist from Scotland

Colin McEwan: The Complete Americanist from Scotland, 2021

his substantial contributions to the archaeology and anthropology of Latin America. It shows how ... more his substantial contributions to the archaeology and anthropology of Latin America. It shows how he came to be the consummate scholar he was and how his life experiences and education shaped his persona and ultimately forged The Complete Americanist from Scotland that he became. His hunger for knowledge and understanding of the Americas, past and present, led McEwan to explore and conduct research in diverse Latin American localities, from the frigid landscape of Tierra del Fuego, to the humid tropical rainforests of Colombia, from the islands on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, to the mountains of the Peruvian Andes, and beyond in Central America, Mesoamerica, and the Caribbean. As curator and head of the Americas section in the Department of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas of the British Museum (1993–2012), he skillfully introduced a broad international public to the richness and diversity of ancient Latin American civilizations through his spectacular and well-researched exhibitions As director of Pre-Columbian Studies at Dumbarton Oaks (2012–2019), he developed a research project entitled Art from Central America and Colombia (2014–2017), consisting of intense international workshops to contextualize, problematize, and shed new light on the Robert W. Bliss collections. This begat (in 2018) another ambitious project titled Waves of Influence–Revisiting Costal Connections between Northwest South America and Mesoamerica. McEwan was driven by a deep need to share his knowledge of Pre-Columbian America with everyone, from indigenous groups and the general public, to research fellows, students, and academic specialists. His many publications have left their mark and are enumerated in the bibliography incorporated into this monograph. This biography captures not just Colin McEwan as the central subject, but also a generation of diverse actors, encapsulating an era in the history of anthropology and archaeology.

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Andean Past Monograph 3, 2020

Maritime resources played a significant economic role in the prehistoric coastal communities of C... more Maritime resources played a significant economic role in the prehistoric coastal communities of Central and Northern Peru, and, prior to the current study, it was reasonable to assume they were equally important on the South Coast. In the 1980s, researchers postulated that the Nasca culture of the Early Intermediate Period was a state-level society based on inland agriculture, heavily augmented by aquatic foodstuffs gathered and processed at coastal settlements. Carmichael calls this the Nasca Maritime Hypothesis. It envisioned permanent, ocean front towns providing massive amounts of marine resources to inland centers, in exchange for agricultural produce. The research reported here was designed to test this hypothesis by means of a systematic ground survey covering a fifteen kilometer wide strip back from the shores, stretching from the north end of the Bahía de la Independencia to the southern boundary of the Bahía San Nicolás, a two hundred kilometer straight-line distance more than doubled by the winding coastline, and covering all of the coastlands opposite the inland valleys of Ica and Nazca. In the process, sites from all time periods were recorded, and all ecological zones within the study area were sampled, providing the first comprehensive overview of human exploitation in this region through time.

Also included is a report by Alana Cordy-Collins on her visit to the site of Carhua where Chavín style painted textiles were reportedly found.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life, Death, and Burial during the Inca Occupation of Farfan on Peru's North Coast, Sections I, II

Andean Past Monograph 2, Sections I, II, 2020

This is the Front Matter and Sections I and II of a report on Inca burials excavated at the site ... more This is the Front Matter and Sections I and II of a report on Inca burials excavated at the site of Farfán on Peru’s North Coast. Farfán was excavated by Carol J. Mackey from 1999 until 2004. Bioarchaeologist Andrew J. Nelson analyzed the human remains recovered. An important provincial center, Farfán was occupied successively by the Lambayeque, Chimu, and Inca cultures. This monograph postulates that female Inca burials at Farfán were those of aqlla, the “chosen women”, virgins who played important roles variously as weavers of fine cloth and brewers of chicha, as high status brides of important men, as religious officiants, and as the victims of human sacrifices. Farfán is one of only three sites where aqlla burials have been scientifically excavated. Tomb architecture is revealed and grave goods are illustrated and analyzed. Included is a complete inventory of ceramics recovered and analyses of textiles, camelid bones, and isotopic studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life, Death and Burial Practices during the Inca Occupation of Farfan on Peru's North Coast, Section III

Andean Past Monograph 2 (Section III), 2020

This is Section III of a report on Inca burials excavated at the site of Farfán on Peru’s North C... more This is Section III of a report on Inca burials excavated at the site of Farfán on Peru’s North Coast. Farfán was excavated by Carol J. Mackey from 1999 until 2004. Bioarchaeologist Andrew J. Nelson analyzed the human remains recovered. An important provincial center, Farfán was occupied successively by the Chimu, Lambayeque, and Inca cultures. This monograph postulates that female Inca burials at Farfán were those of aqlla, the “chosen women”, virgins who played important roles variously as weavers of fine cloth and brewers of chicha, as high status brides of important men, as religious officiants, and as the victims of human sacrifices. Farfán is one of only three sites where aqlla burials have been scientifically excavated. Tomb architecture is revealed and grave goods are illustrated and analyzed. Included is a complete inventory of ceramics recovered and analyses of textiles, camelid bones, and isotopic studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life, Death and Burial Practices during the Inca Occupation of Farfan on Peru's North Coast, Section IV

Andean Past Monograph 2 Section IV appendices bibliography, 2020

This is Section III, the appendices, and the bibliography of a report on Inca burials excavated a... more This is Section III, the appendices, and the bibliography of a report on Inca burials excavated at the site of Farfán on Peru’s North Coast. Farfán was excavated by Carol J. Mackey from 1999 until 2004. Bioarchaeologist Andrew J. Nelson analyzed the human remains recovered. An important provincial center, Farfán was occupied successively by the , Chimu, Lambayeque and Inca cultures. This monograph postulates that female Inca burials at Farfán were those of aqlla, the “chosen women”, virgins who played important roles variously as weavers of fine cloth and brewers of chicha, as high status brides of important men, as religious officiants, and as the victims of human sacrifices. Farfán is one of only three sites where aqlla burials have been scientifically excavated. Tomb architecture is revealed and grave goods are illustrated and analyzed. Included is a complete inventory of ceramics recovered and analyses of textiles, camelid bones, and isotopic studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Julio C. Tello, Politics, and Peruvian Archaeology 1930--1936

In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett elucidates the life and work of pioneering Peruvian archaeo... more In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett elucidates the life and work of pioneering Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello. He emphases the influence that national and professional politics had upon Tello, often setting up obstacles that had to be overcome. Daggett bases himself largely on contemporary newspaper accounts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigations of the Andean Past: Papers from the First Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory

Investigations of the Andean Past: Papers from the First Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, 1983

This volume contains the following papers: "The Preceramic Occupations of the Casma Valley, Peru"... more This volume contains the following papers: "The Preceramic Occupations of the Casma Valley, Peru" by Michael A. Malpass; "The Historical Development of a Coastal Andean Social Formation in Central Peru, 6000 to 500 B.C." by Thomas C. Patterson; "Stone Tools in Ceramic Contexts: Exploring the Unstructured" by Joan M. Gero; Possible Uses, Roles, and Meanings of Chavin-style Painted Textiles of South Coast Peru" by Rebecca R. Stone; "Megalithic Sties int he Nepena Valley, Peru" by Richard E. Daggett; "Huaca del Loro Revisited: The Nasca-Huarpa Connection" by Allison C. Paulsen; "Spatial Patterning and the Function of a Huari Architectural Compound" by Christine C. Brewster-Wray; "The Development of Huari Administrative Architecture" by Lynda E. Spickard; "Aspects of State Ideology in Huari and Tiwanaku Iconography: The Central Deity and the Sacrificer" by Anita G. Cook; "Shared Ideology and Parallel Political Development: Huari and Tiwanaku" by William H. Isbell; "Casma Incised Pottery: An Analysis of Collections from the Nepena Valley" by Cheryl Daggett: "High Altitude Land Use in the Huamachuco Area" by T. McGreevy and R. Shaughnessy; "La Lengua Pescadora: The Lost Dialect of Chimu Fishermen" by Joel Rabinowitz; and "The Chancas of Angaraes: 1450 (?)-1765" by Paul H. Dillon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent Studies in Andean Prehistory and Protohistory: Papers from the Second Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory

Recent Studies in Andean Prehistory and Protohistory: Papers from the Second Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistoiry, 1985

This volume contains the following papers: "Preface" by D. Peter Kvietok and Daniel H. Sandweiss;... more This volume contains the following papers: "Preface" by D. Peter Kvietok and Daniel H. Sandweiss; "General Introduction" by Daniel H. Sandweiss and D. Peter Kvietok; "Two Preceramic and Formative Period Occupations in the Cordillera Negra: Preliminary Report" by Michael A. Malpass; "The Early Horizon-Early Intermediate Period Transition: A View from the Nepena and Viru Valleys" by Richard E. Daggett; "Paracas in Chincha and Pisco: A Reappraisal of the Ocucaje Sequence" by Dwight T. Wallace; "Impressions in Metal: Reconstructing Burial Context at Loma Negra, Peru" by Anne-Louise Schaffer; "The Moche Moon" by Elizabeth P. Benson; "Archaeological Investigation in the Andean Piedmont and High Llanos of Western Venezuela: A Preliminary Report" by Charles Spencer and Elsa M. Redmond; "Pachacamac--An Andean Oracle Under Inca Rule" by Thomas C. Patterson; "The Spanish League and Inca Sites: A Reassessment of the Itinerary of Juan de Matienzo through N.W. Argentina" by Gordon C. Pollard; and "Written Sources on Andean Cosmogony" by George Kubler.

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives on Andean Prehistory and Protohistory: Papers from the Third Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory

Perspectives on Andean Prehistory and Protohistory: Papers from the Third Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, 1986

This volume contains the following papers: "Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss and D. Peter Kvietok;... more This volume contains the following papers: "Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss and D. Peter Kvietok; "General Introduction" by D. Peter Kvietok and Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Wandering Shellfish: New Insights into Intra-Regional Distribution Networks from Southeastern Coastal Ecuador" by Patricia J. Netherly; "Late Prehispanic Terracing at Chijra in the Colca Valley, Peru: Preliminary Report" by Michael A. Malpass; "The Topara Tradition: An Overview" by Dwight T. Wallace; "The Peruvian North Central Coast During the Early Intermediate Period: An Emerging Perspective" by Richard E. Daggett; "A Sequence of Monumental Architecture from Huamachuco" by John R. Topic; "Dualaity in Public Architecture in the Upper Zena Valley, Northern Peru" by Patricia J. Netherly and Tom D. Dillehay; Piruru: A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Botany of a Highland Andean Site" by Lawrence Kaplan and Elisabeth Bonnier; "Analysis of Organic Remains from Huamachuco Qollqas" by Coreen E. Chiwsell; "Aspects of Casting Practice in Perhispanic Peru" by Stuart V. Arnold; "Representations of the Cosmos: A Comparison of the Church of San Cristobal de Pampachiri with the Coricancha Drawing of Santacruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua" by Monica Barnes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 1 1987

This volume contains the following articles and obituary: "Editor's Preface" by Daniel H. Sandwei... more This volume contains the following articles and obituary: "Editor's Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Gary S. Vescelius (1930-1982)" by Richard L. Burger and Thomas F. Lynch; "A Nasca 8 Occupation at an early Nasca Site: The Room of the Posts at Cahuachi" by Helaine Silverman; "Hunters of the Dry Puna and the Salt Puna in Northern Chile" by Calogero M. Santoro and Lautaro Nnez; "Reconstructing the Evidence for Cerro Blanco and Punkuri" by Richard Daggett with an appendix, "The Tello Material from El Comercio"; "Bats in South American Iconography" by Elizabeth F. Benson; "The Iconography of the Prehispanic Snuff Trays from San Pedro de Atacama, Northern Chile" by Constantino M. Torres; "Digging Sticks or Daggerboards? A Functional Analysis of Wooden Boards from the Ica Region" by D. Peter Kvietok; "Manufacture of Beads and Spindle Wholes in Prehispanic Peru" by Stuart V. Arnold.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 2 1989

Andean Past 2 includes the following articles: "Chobschi Cave in Retrospect" by Thomas F. Lynch; ... more Andean Past 2 includes the following articles: "Chobschi Cave in Retrospect" by Thomas F. Lynch; "The Sources of Obsidian for Artifacts from Chobschi Cave, Ecuador" by Richard L. Burger, Frank Asaro, and Helen V. Michel; "Settlement Archaeology in the Jauja Region of Peru: Evidence from the Early Intermediate Period through the Late Intermediate Period: A Report on the 1986 Field Season" by Christine A. Hastorf, Timothy K. Earle, H. E. Wright Jr., Lisa LeCount, Glenn Russell, and Elsie Sandefur; Chan Chan: Chronology and Stratigraphic Contents" by Alfredo Navaez V.; and "Charles-Marie de La Condamine's Report on Ingapirca and the Development of Scientific Field Work in the Andes, 1735-1744" by Monica Barnes and David Fleming

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 3 1992

Andean Past 3 contains the following articles: "Martha B. Anders 1949-1990" by Daniel H. Sandweis... more Andean Past 3 contains the following articles: "Martha B. Anders 1949-1990" by Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Maritime Foundations and Multilinear Evolution" by Michael E. Moseley; "Early Economies of Coastal Ecuador and the Foundations of Andean Civilization" by Karen E. Stothert; "Widening the Socio-economic Foundations of Andean Civilization: Prototypes of Early Monumental Architecture" by Tom D. Dillehay; "Preceramic Architectural and Subsistence Traditions" by Robert A. Feldman; "Early Occupations and the Emergence of Fishermen on the Pacific Coast of South America" by Agustin Llagostera; "To Fish in the Afternoon: Beyond Subsistence Economies in the Study of Early Andean Civilizations" by Jeffrey Quilter; "Archaeological Occurrences of Andean Land Snails" by Alan K. Craig; "Evidence for Preceramic Houses and Household Organization in Western South America" by Michael A. Malpass and Karen E. Stothert; "Early Stone Bowls and Mortars from Northern Peru" by Thomas Pozorski and Shelia Pozorski; "A Bird Geoglyph near Casma, Peru" by Thomas Pozorski, Shelia Pozorski, and John Rick; "Sican Bottles: Marking Time in the Peruvian Bronze Age--A Five-part Typology and Seriation" by Kathryn M. Cleland and Izumi Shimada".

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 4 1994

This volume contains the following articles: "John Hyslop 1945-1993" by John V. Murra; "Recent Ex... more This volume contains the following articles: "John Hyslop 1945-1993" by John V. Murra; "Recent Excavations at Hacha in the Acari Valley, Peru" by Roger W. Robinson; "Early Cotton Textiles from Hacha, Peru" by Grace Katterman; "The Paracas Mummy Bundles of the Great Necropolis of Wari Kayan: A History" by Richard E. Daggett; "Scientific Notes on Paracas Mummy Bundle No. 294" by Rebeca Carrion Cachot de Girard; "The Life from Death Continuum in Nasca Imagery" by Patrick Carmichael; "Stylitic Variation in Proliferous Nasca Pottery" by Donald A. Proulx; "The Cemetery at Tambo Viejo, Acari Valley, Peru" by Jonathan D. Kent and Makoto Kowta; "A Cache of Inca Textiles from Rodadero, Acari Valley, Peru" by Grace Katterman and Francis A. Riddell; "Toward the Definition of Pre- and Early Chavin Art Styles in Peru" by Henning Bischof; "Valdivia Figurines and Puberty Rituals: An Hypothesis" by Costanza Di Capua; "Early Occupations at Gran Pajaten, Peru" by Warren B. Church.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 5 1998

This volume contains the following articles: "Editor's Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Heidy Fo... more This volume contains the following articles: "Editor's Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Heidy Fogel, 1956-1994" by Richard L. Burger; "Daniel Wolfman, 1939-1994" by Izumi Shimada; "The Inca Compound at La Centinela, Chincha" by Dwight Wallace; "Reconstructing the Great Hall at Inkallacta" by Vincent R. Lee; "Reconstructing Andean Shrine Systems: A Test Case from the Xaquixaguana (Anta) Region of Cusco, Peru" by Brian S. Bauer and Wilton Barrioneuvo Orosco; "The Temple of Blindness: An Investigation of the Inca Shrine of Ancocagua" by Johan Reinhard; "Ethnogenesis in Huamachuco" by John R. Topic; "Coca Production on the Inca Frontier: The Yungas of Chuquioma" by Catherine J. Julien; Creating a Ruin in Colonial Cusco: Sacsahuaman and What Was Made of It" by Carolyn S. Dean; "The Alca Obsidian Source: The Origin of Raw Material for Cusco Type Obsidian Artifacts" by Richard L. Burger, Frank Asaro, Paul Trawick, and Fred Stross; "The Chivay Obsidian Source and the Geological Origin of Titicaca Basin Type Obsidian Artifacts by Richard L. Burger, Frank Asaro, Guido Salas, and Fred Stross; "The Jampatilla Obsidian Source: Identifying the Geological Source of Pampas Type Obsidian Artifacts from Southern Peru" by Richard L. Burger, Katharina J. Schrieber, Michael D. Glascock, and Jose Ccencho; "Unifaces in Early Andean Culture History: The Nanchoc Lithic Tradition of Northern Peru" by Jack Rossen; "Lithic Provenience Analysis and Emerging Material Complexity at Formative Period Chiripa, Bolivia" by David L. Browman; "Textiles from the Lower Osmore Valley, Southern Peru: A Cultural Interpretation" by Ran Boytner; "Corbel Vaulted Sod Structures in the Context of Lake Titicaca Basin Settlement Patterns" by Sergio J. Chavez; "Archaeomagnetic Results from Peru: A.D. 700-1500 by Daniel Wolfman and Richard E. Dodson.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 6 2000/2001

by Monica Barnes, Dan Sandweiss, David Fleming, Thomas Zoubek, Maria Masucci, David Blower, Robert Bednarik, Tamara Bray, Lucy Salazar, Richard Sutter, Christine Hastorf, and Francis A. Riddell

This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Editor's Preface"... more This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Editor's Preface" by Monica Barnes; Lynda Elliot Spickard, July 14, 1944 - August 10, 1999" by Robin M. Brown; "The Nanchoc Lithic Tradition of Northern Peru: Microscopic Use-Wear Analysis" by Tom D. Dillehay and Jack Rossen; "Archaeological Investigations at the Initial Period Center of Huaca El Gallo/Huaca La Gallina, Viru Valley, Peru: the 1994 Field Season" by Thomas A. Zoubek; "Bodiless Human Heads in Paracas Necropolis Textile Iconography" by Anne Paul; "The Miraflores El Nino Disaster: Convergent Catastrophes and Prehistoric Agrarian Change in Southern Peru" by Dennis R. Satterlee, Michael E. Moseley, David K. Keefer, and Jorge E. Tapia A.; "The Jeli Phase Complex at La Emerenciana, a Late Valdivia Site in Southern El Oro Province, Ecuador by John Edward Staller; "Defining Ceramic Change and Cultural Interaction: Results of Typological, Chronological, and Technological Analyses of Guangala Phase Ceramics" by Maria Masucci; "The Many Facets of Mullu: More Than just a Spondylus Shell" by David Blower; "Inca Estates and the Encomienda: Hernando Pizarro's Holdings in Cusco" by Catherine Julien; "Age Estimates for the Petroglyph Sequence of Inca Huasi, Mizque, Bolivia" by Robert G. Bednarik; "The Puzolana Obsidian Source: Locating the Geologic Source of Ayacucho Type Obsidian" by Richard L. Burger and Michael D. Glascock; "The Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory: The First Eighteen Years" by Richard E. Daggett; "The Origins and the First 25 years (1973-1997) of the Midwestern Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory" by David L. Browman; "Pimampiro Project" by Tamara L. Bray; "Hacienda La Florida, Ayalan Cemetery, Anllulla Shell Midden Mound, and Ferdon's Surface Collection" by Earl H. Lubensky; "Pichincha Province" by Ronald D. Lippi; "Batan Grande, Lambayeque Valley" by Izumi Shimada and Julie Farnum; "Zana-Niepos Project" by Jack Rossen; "Beach Ridges, Santa Valley" by Dan Sandweiss, Daniel F. Belknap, Stacy H. Schafer Rogers, and Jeffrey N. Rogers; "Villa Salvador and Huaca Pucllana, Lima" by Kate Pechenkina; "Manchay Bajo, Lurin Valley" by Richard Burger and Lucy Salazar Burger; "La Paloma, Chilca Valley" by Bob Benfer; "Antibal, Chilca Valley" by Bob Benfer, Neil Duncan, Kate Pechenkina, and Bernardino Ojeda; "Asia Site" by Kate Pechenkina, Julie Farnum, Joe Vrandenburg, and Bob Bener; "Nazca Drainage" by Donald A. Proulx, Ana Nieves, Henry Falcon Amado, and Miriam Gavilan Roayza; "California Institute of Peruvian Studies on the South Coast" by Francis A. Riddell, Richard Brooks, Anna Noah, Alina Aparicio, Sheilagh Brooks, Sandra Asmussen, J. Arthur Freed, Marie Cottrell, Lidio Valdez, William Fowlks, Zasha Trivisonno, Frances Durocher, John Schaller, Nathan Parker, Dwight Wallace, Julio Manrique, Grace Katterman, Oscar Bendezu, Catherine Julien, Margaret Enrile, and Juan Segura; "Chivay, Colca Valley" by Dan Sandweiss, Hal Borns, and Bernardino Ojeda; "Quebrada Jaguay" by Dan Sandweiss, Roland Paredes, Bernardino Ojeda, Maria del Carmen Sandweiss, Heather McInnis, Trevor Ott, Osvaldo Chozo, Miguel Cabrera, Arturo Santos, Ted McClure, Ben Tanner, Fred Andrus, Oswaldo Chozo, Julissa Ugarte, Dave Sanger, Dolores Piperno, Elizabeth Reitz, Howard Melville, and Bruce Smith; "Dental Research" by Rick Sutter; "Taraco Project" by Christine Hastorf, Matt Bandy, Lee Stedman, Kate Moore, William Whitehead, Jose Luis Paz, Melissa Goodman, Ian Hodder, Donald Johnson, John Southon, Susan D. de France, David W. Steadman, Kate Moore, Deborah Blom, Sonia Alconini, Sigrid Arnott, Emily Dean, David Kojan, Rene Ayon, Franz Choque, and Mario Montano Aragon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 7 2005

This volume contains the following articles and obituaries: "Editor's Preface" by Daniel H. Sandw... more This volume contains the following articles and obituaries: "Editor's Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Frederic-Andre Engel (1980-2002)" by Robert A. Benfer, Jr.; "Francis Allen (Fritz) Riddell (1921-2002) by Jonathan Kent; "Susana Meneses de Alva (1948-2002)" by Christopher B. Donnan; "Early Paracas Cultural Contexts: New Evidence from Callango" by Lisa DeLeonardis; "New Studies on the Settlements and Geoglyphs in Palpa, Peru" by Johny Isla and Markus Reindel; "Exchange of Quispisisa Obsidian in Nasca: New evidence from Marcaya" by Kevin J. Vaughn and Michael D. Glascock; Monkey Saw, Monkey Did: a Stylization Model for Correlating Nasca and Wari Chronology" by Patricia J. Knobloch; "Gardens in the Desert: archaeobotanical Analysis from the Lower Ica Valley, Peru" by Anita G. Cook and Nancy Parrish; "Regional Autonomy during the Late Prehispanic Period: an Analysis of Ceramics from the Nasca Drainage" by Christina A. Conlee; "The Prehistoric Peopling of South America as Inferred from Epigenetic Dental Traits" by Richard C. Sutter; "Early Inca Expansion and the Incorporation of Local Groups: Ethnohistory and Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Region of Acos, Department of Cusco, Peru" by Dean E. Arnold; "Alfred Kidder II in the Development of American Archaeology; a Biographical and Contextual View" by Karen L. Mohr Chavez.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 8 2007

This volume contains the following articles and obituaries: "Editor's Preface" by Monica Barnes; ... more This volume contains the following articles and obituaries: "Editor's Preface" by Monica Barnes; "Gordon Randolph Willey (March 17, 1913 - April 28, 2002)" by Michael E. Moseley; "Edwin Nelson Ferdon, Jr. (June 14, 1913 - November 13, 2002)" By Earl H. Lubensky; "John Howland Rowe (June 10, 1918 - May 1, 2004)" by Richard L. Burger; "Richard Paul Schaedel (1920-2005)" by Tom D. Dillehay; "Donna McClelland (October 24, 1932 - September 11, 2004)" by Christopher B. Donnan; "Edward Craig Morris (October 7, 1939 - June 14, 2006)" by Thomas F. Lynch and Monica Barnes; "Ed Franquemont (Februry 17, 1945 - March 11, 2003)" by Ann Peters; "Anne Cheryl Paul (died April 8, 2003)" by Susan A. Niles; "Tello's 'Lost Years': 1931-1935" by Richard E. Daggett; "Bringing Ethnography Home: Knut Hjalmar Stolpe's Work in Peru (1884)" by Ellen FitzSimmons Steinberg and Jack H. Prost; "Evidence for Conjuring in Pre-Columbian Peru" by William E. Spooner and Gordon F. McEwan; "Prehispanic Use of Domestic Space at La Huerta de Huacalera" by Jorge Roberto Palma; "Archaeological Recovery at Quebrada de la Vaca" by Francis A. Riddell; "Clothing from Quebrada de la Vaca West: An Inca Cemetery on the South Coast of Peru" by Grace Katterman; "The Village of Beringa at the Periphery of the Wari Empire: A Site Overview and New Radiocarbon Dates" by Tiffiny A. Tung; "The Wari Heartland on the Arequipa Coast: Huamanga Ceramics from Beringa, Majes Valley, Peru" by Bruce Owen; "Diversity and Virtuosity in Early Nasca Fabrics" by Anne Cheryl Paul; "An Aguada Textile in an Atacamenian Context" by William J. Conklin and Barbara Mallon Conklin; "Animal Resources and Recuay Cultural Transformations at Chinchawas (Ancash, Peru)" by George F. Lau; "Late Paracas Obsidian Tools from Animas Altas, Peru" by Richard L. Burger.

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Research paper thumbnail of Patrick Henry Carmichael (23 November 1952--12 March 2020)

Andean Past, 2024

This obituary is an appreciation of the life and work of Patrick Henry Carmichael, an archaeologi... more This obituary is an appreciation of the life and work of Patrick Henry Carmichael, an archaeologist who made important contributions to our understanding of Peru's Nasca culture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ellen FitzSimmons Steinberg (16 March 1948--19 May 2022)

Andean Past, 2024

This obituary is an account of the life and work of archaeologist and Jewish food expert Ellen Fi... more This obituary is an account of the life and work of archaeologist and Jewish food expert Ellen FitzSimmons Steinberg. Among her many interests were Black educational experiences, the Ancon, Peru mummies, cranial modification, and Midwestern Jewish foodways.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thomas F. Lynch (25 February 1938-25 May 2023)

Andean Past, 2024

This obituary explores the life and work of Andean archaeologist Thomas F. Lynch.

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Research paper thumbnail of Robert Carneiro (4 June 1927-24 June 2020)

Andean Past, 2024

Robert L. Carneiro (1927-2020) made important theoretical contributions to anthropology, especial... more Robert L. Carneiro (1927-2020) made important theoretical contributions to anthropology, especially in relation to cultural evolution, cultural ecology, chiefdoms, and the development of the state. He was an ethnographer who worked among the Kuikuru, Amahuaca, and Yanomamo peoples of Amazonia. Less well known are his contributions to archaeology that are the focus of this obituary.

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra (August 14, 1916 - October 16, 2006: An Interpretative Biography

Andean Past 9, 2009

This short biography elucidates the life and work of anthropologist John Victor Murra, known for ... more This short biography elucidates the life and work of anthropologist John Victor Murra, known for his work on the Inca economic system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elizabeth Polk Benson

Andean Past, 2022

The life and work of Elizabeth P. Benson are discussed from multiple points of view.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bibliographie de Robert Leonard Carneiro

Journal de la société des américanistes, 2020

This is a bibliography of works by the late anthropologist and American Museum of Natural History... more This is a bibliography of works by the late anthropologist and American Museum of Natural History Curator Robert L. Carneiro. Over a career of more than sixty years, Carneiro produced scholarly works on Amazonian Indians, theories on the origin of the state, and the life and work of Victorian sociologist Herbert Spencer, among other subjects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Robert Leonard Carneiro (4 June 1927-24 June 2020). An essay on his contributions to archaeology

HARN blog, 2020

Robert Leonard Carneiro (4 June 1927-24 June 2020) had a long and distinguished career as an ethn... more Robert Leonard Carneiro (4 June 1927-24 June 2020) had a long and distinguished career as an ethnologist and anthropological theorist. He also made significant contributions to archaeology. These are explored in this short biographical essay.

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Research paper thumbnail of JOHN VICTOR MURRA, LOS AÑOS TEMPRANOS

Boletin de Etnohistoria 22, 2019

La vida profesional temprana de John Victor Murra

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra y el siglo XX


‘John Victor Murra y el siglo XX’ es la primera de cuatro partes de la traducción castellana por ... more ‘John Victor Murra y el siglo XX’ es la primera de cuatro partes de la traducción castellana por Luis Arana Bustamante de una presentación en inglés dado a la tercera ‘Histories of Archaeology Research Network International Conference’ por Monica Barnes llevada a cabo en la University of Central Lancashire, Preston, el 3 de noviembre de 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of John Victor Murra y psicoanalysis


Parte 3 de 4 sobre aspectos poco conocidos de la vida y obra de John Victor Murra. Consiste en un... more Parte 3 de 4 sobre aspectos poco conocidos de la vida y obra de John Victor Murra. Consiste en una discusión de los psicoanalistas del destacado antropólogo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los intervenciones de John V. Murra en la arqueologia andina

Boletin de Etnohistoria, 2019

Parte 4 de 4 sobre aspectos poco conocidos de la vida y obra de John Victor Murra. Consiste en un... more Parte 4 de 4 sobre aspectos poco conocidos de la vida y obra de John Victor Murra. Consiste en una discusión de los intervenciones de Murra en la arqueologia andina.

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This paper explores John Victor Murra's participation in some of the major movements of the twent... more This paper explores John Victor Murra's participation in some of the major movements of the twentieth century. It is being published in Spanish in four parts in the Boletin de Etnohistoria (Lima) A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the third Histories of Archaeology Research Network International Conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, U.K., November 3, 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of I always knew I would be an archaeologist

HARN Weblog (Histories of Archaeology Research Network), 2014

Monica Barnes summarizes the scholars and experiences that have influenced her work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Doris Heyden

An appreciation of the life and work of Doris Heyden, one of the last survivors of the Mexican Re... more An appreciation of the life and work of Doris Heyden, one of the last survivors of the Mexican Renaissance. She made many contributions to our understanding of prehispanic Mesoamerican art, archaeology, and cultures.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Ruiz Lopez, Hipolito (1754-1816) y Jose Antonio Pavon y Jimenez (1754-1840?) [traduccion del ingles]](

Fuentes documentales para los estudios andinos 1530-1900, volumen III, 2016

Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de las vidas y obras de los botánicos Hipólito Ruiz López (175... more Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de las vidas y obras de los botánicos Hipólito Ruiz López (1754-1816) y José Antonio Pavón y Jiménez (1754-1840?). Ellos fueron los jefes de una gran expedición al Perú y Chile en busca de plantas (1777-1788). Trabajaban en Chancay, Huaura, Lurín, La Oroya, Tarma, Ocopa, Palca, Huasahuasi, Huánuco y Huamalies en el Perú y en La Concepción de Chile.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ruiz Lopez, Hipolito (1754-1816) and Jose Antonio Pavon y Jimenez (1754-1840?)

Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Art and Archaeology, 2008

This article describes the work of botanists Hipolito Ruiz López (1754-1816) and José Antonio Pav... more This article describes the work of botanists Hipolito Ruiz López (1754-1816) and José Antonio Pavón y Jiménez (1754-1840?) in the Andes.

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[Research paper thumbnail of La Condamine, Charles-Marie de (1701-1774) [traducido del ingles]](

Fuentes documentales para los estudios andinos 1530-1900, volumen !!, 2016

Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de la vida y obras del matemático, cartógrafo y defensor de la... more Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de la vida y obras del matemático, cartógrafo y defensor de la salud pública francés Charles-Marie de La Condamine (1701-1774), famoso por sus exploraciones científicas en Sudamérica como participante en la expedición de la Academia de Ciencias de Francia a los Andes (1735-1744) con el objetivo de medir el arco de meridiano de un grado de latitud en el ecuador que sirviese para calcular la exacta circunferencia de la tierra. En el corso de esta, hizo el primer plan y la primera elevación de un sitio inca, Ingapirca en el Ecuador, y un plan preciso de la ciudad de Quito, mapas de la costa sudamericana y un mapa mas preciso que otros del río amazonas.

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Research paper thumbnail of La Condamine, Charles-Marie de (1701-1774)

Guide to Documentary Soruces for Andean Studies 1530-1900, 2008

The South American geodetic and archaeological survey work of Charles Marie de La Condamine is di... more The South American geodetic and archaeological survey work of Charles Marie de La Condamine is discussed. Focus is on his work at the Inca archaeological site of Ingapirca in what is now Ecuador.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Feuillee, Louis (1660-1732) [tradicudo del ingles]](

Fuentes documentales para los estudios andinos 1530-1900, volumen II, 2016

Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de la vida y obras del astrónomo, matemático, físico, botánico... more Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de la vida y obras del astrónomo, matemático, físico, botánico, zoólogo, explorador y sacerdote francés Louis Feuillée (1660-1732). De 1707 a 1712 hizo un viaje científico a Sudamérica con la intención de realizar un mapa preciso de las costas chilenas y peruanas. Su relato del viaje contiene sus observaciones científicas, incluso las sobre Pachacamac, una tumba incaica en Ilo y una barca hecha con las pieles de lobos de mar. Ademas, Padre Feuillée recolectó, describió e ilustró ejemplares de la flora andina.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Communities of Knowledge Production in Archaeology

HARN blog, 2020

Communities and knowledge production in archaeology, edited by Julia Roberts, Kathleen Sheppard, ... more Communities and knowledge production in archaeology, edited by Julia Roberts, Kathleen Sheppard, Ulf R. Hansson, and Jonathan Trigg is both a theoretical and informational advance in the History of Archaeology. With the perspectives of Fleck's thought collectives, Latour's actor-network theory, and Livingstone's geographies of knowledge, the contributions of Antonin Salac, 19th century amateur American archaeologists, Hanna Rydh, 16th century physician Robert Toope, Wolfgang Helbig, Rodolfo Lanciani, Carel Claudius van Essen, Maarten Vermaseren, Oscar Montelius, Adolf Furtwangler, James Henry Breasted, and Kelix Kanitz are examined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Handbook of the Incas review expanded English version20190902 80689 zhuwsp

This is an expanded English language version of a review by Monica Barnes of The Oxford Handbook ... more This is an expanded English language version of a review by Monica Barnes of The Oxford Handbook of the Incas edited by Sonia Alconini and R. Alan Covery (2018). A Spanish language version has been published in the Boletin SIARB 33 (2018).

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Research paper thumbnail of BOLETIN 33 SIARB Pags 102 106 Resenas

Boletin SIARB, 2019

Una resena por Monica Barnes del libro The Oxford Handbook of the Incas editado por Sonia Alconin... more Una resena por Monica Barnes del libro The Oxford Handbook of the Incas editado por Sonia Alconini y R. Alan Covey. Ademas resenas por Matthias Strecker de The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art editado por Bruno David e Ian J. McNiven; Archaeologies of Rock Art: South American Perspectives editado por Andres Troncoso, Felipe Armstrong y George Nash; y Chumbivilcas: Arte rupestre y paisajes del Cusco por Rainer Hostnig.

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Research paper thumbnail of Commentary Linden Museum Inka Exhibition Conference

unpublished paper, 2014

This is a moderator’s discussion by Monica Barnes of papers by Manuela Fischer, Stefanie Gänger, ... more This is a moderator’s discussion by Monica Barnes of papers by Manuela Fischer, Stefanie Gänger, and Karoline Noack presented at the symposium, “New Perspectives on the Inca” held at the Linden-Museum, Stuttgart, Germany, 3–5 March, 2014, in conjunction with the exhibition “Inka: Könige der Anden” curated by Doris Kurella and Inés de Castro and shown at the Linden-Museum from 12 October 2013 until 16 March 2014 and at the Lokschuppen Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany from 11 April 2014 until 23 November 2014.

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This is a review of Amara Thornton's 2018 book Archaeologists in Print: Publishing for the People... more This is a review of Amara Thornton's 2018 book Archaeologists in Print: Publishing for the People. Thornton examines the ways in which British archaeologists working in Egypt and Western Asia during late 19th and early 20th centuries commercialized themselves and their activities in order to make a living and support their research. Topics include the professional education of archaeologists, the role of women, and the output of three major publishing houses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent Studies on Guaman Poma de Ayala

Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 8 (2), 1992

A review of Guaman Poma de Ayala: The Colonial Art of an Andean Author by Rolena Adorno et al.; D... more A review of Guaman Poma de Ayala: The Colonial Art of an Andean Author by Rolena Adorno et al.; Discordancias de ayer y de hoy: El castellano de escribientes quechuas y aimaras, an article in the Boletin de Lima; Amor Brujo: Imagen y cultura del amor en los Andes by Luis Millones and Mary Pratt; Nueva Coronica y Buen Gobierno (Codex peruvien illustre) by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala (1989); and Guaman Poma, indigenismo y estetica de la dependencia en la cultura peruana by Roger A. Zapata.

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Research paper thumbnail of Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, Martin de Murua, and Blas Valera: Three Andean Chroniclers and the Search Quest for Authenticity

This book review article discusses the the work of early Spanish colonial writers Felipe Guaman P... more This book review article discusses the the work of early Spanish colonial writers Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, Martin de Murua, Blas Valera, and Don Juan de Mendoza y Luna. It mentions the Residencia of Juan Manuel de Anaya, Corregidor of Lucanas, Soras and Andamarcas, as background to Guaman Poma's writings. It evaluates documents in the possession of Clara Miccinelli that question Guaman Poma's authorship of his major work, the Nueva Chronica y Buen Gobierno. It also reviews scholarship on those documents as well as a biography of Blas Valera by Sabine Hyland.

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Research paper thumbnail of Secrets and Silence: The Extraordinary Collection of Clara Miccinelli

This review of Domenici and Domenici's Il nodi segreti degli incas and El silencio protagonista... more This review of Domenici and Domenici's Il nodi segreti degli incas and El silencio protagonista edited by Laurencich-Minelli and Numhauser Bar-Magen discusses possible interrelationships between Peruvian colonial chroniclers Guaman Poma de Ayala, Blas Valera, Martin de Murua, and other colonial figures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Religion

A literature review article considering Hacia un orden andino de las cosas by Denise Y. Arnold, ... more A literature review article considering Hacia un orden andino de las cosas by Denise Y. Arnold, Domingo Jimenez Aruquipa, and Juan de Dios Yapita; Pacariqtambo and the Mythical Origins of the Inca by Brian S. Bauer; Religion in the Andes by Sabine MacCormack; La persecucion del diablo by Fray Juan de San Pedro; Antiguades del Peru by Henrique Urbano and Ana Sanchez; The Huarochiri Manuscript by Frank Salomon and George L. Urioste; The History of a Myth by Gary Urton; and Inca Civilization in Cuzco by R. Tom Zuidema.

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Fabulas y mitos de los incas and El retorno de has huacas

Reviews books edited by Henrique Urbano, Pierre Duviols, and Luis Millones

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Signs, Songs, and Memory in the Andes: Translating Quechua Language on Culture

Reviews a book by Regina Harrison with an emphasis on women and their songs.

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Lienzos de Tepeticpac

Latin American Indian Literatures, 2000

Reviews a book on examples of Mesoamerican writing by Carmen Aguilera

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Princeton Library Chronicle LIII (3) (on Nahua and Maya writing)

reviews an issue of the Princeton Library Chronicle devoted to Mayan and Nahua writing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of A Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language

Reviews a book by Barry D. Sell and John Frederick Schwaller with Lu Anne Homza

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Art and Faith in Mexico: The Nineteenth Century Retablo Tradition

This is a review of a book on small painted religious panels sometimes called milagros, commissio... more This is a review of a book on small painted religious panels sometimes called milagros, commissioned to be offered at Mexican Catholic shrines. The editors of this book are Elizabeth Netto Calil Zarur and Charles Muir Lovell.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Inca Cloud Forest

Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 17 (1), 2001

This is a review of Forgotten Vilcabamba: Final Stronghold of the Incas by Vincent R. Lee and of ... more This is a review of Forgotten Vilcabamba: Final Stronghold of the Incas by Vincent R. Lee and of Machu Picchu: A Civil Engineering Marvel by Kenneth R. Wright and Alfredo Valencia Zegarra with Ruth M. Wright and Gordon McEwan

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Research paper thumbnail of review of The Incas and their Ancestors

Reviews an introduction to Peruvian archaeology by Michael E. Moseley

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Sculpture in the Kingdom of Quito

A review of colonial sculpture in what is now Ecuador by Gabrielle G. Palmer.

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Yawar Fiesta

Reviews Frances Horning Barraclough's English translation of the novel Yawar Fiesta by José Maria... more Reviews Frances Horning Barraclough's English translation of the novel Yawar Fiesta by José Maria Arguedas.

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Research paper thumbnail of review of Diccionario Quechua-Espanol: Estructura semantica del quechua cochabambino contemporaneo

reviews a Quechua-Spanish dictionary by Joaquín Herrero and Federico Sánchez de Lozada.

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Research paper thumbnail of Papers Presented at The Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (1982-2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction and Commentary, American Historical Association 130th Annual Meeting

This commentary discusses papers by Jeremy Ravi Mumford on Inca and Hapsburg royal kin marriages,... more This commentary discusses papers by Jeremy Ravi Mumford on Inca and Hapsburg royal kin marriages, by Stella Nair on Inca succession, by Brian Bauer on Fray Diego Ortiz and the Inca state in exile in Vilcambamba, and by Nicanor Jose Dominguez Faura on Franklin Pease, presented at the 2016 meeting of the American Historical Association.

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Research paper thumbnail of Earthquake Damage to the Nazca Puquios

In discussions of the construction date of the water management systems in Nazca, in southern Per... more In discussions of the construction date of the water management systems in Nazca, in southern Peru, known as puquios, it is asserted that some puquios have existed since the sixth century AD, despite the region's frequent earthquakes. We examined four Nazca puquios in July 1997, to test the plausibility of this assertion and to determine whether the November 1996 earthquake had visibly affected the systems. We found extensive damage to puquios within the city. We also observed that at least one system had suffered heavy damage had been repaired previously in the mid-20th century. We documented previously unmapped portions of two major puquios. Finally we discovered that the a reconstruction of the Cantalloc puquio carried out in 1987 was collapsing. We believe that the visible evidence from Nazca in 1997 argues strongly against the supposition that these systems can survive essentially intact for over one and one half millennia.

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Research paper thumbnail of The puquios of the Chancay Valley: Eighteenth-Century Legal Arguments

In 1743 attorney M. Valdivieso y Torrejon prepared a printed legal brief on behalf of his client ... more In 1743 attorney M. Valdivieso y Torrejon prepared a printed legal brief on behalf of his client don Lorenzo Joseph de Aparicio the owner of the Chancaillo Hacenda in Peru's Chancay Valley. Don Lorenzo Joseph had brought suit in Peru's water court against his neighbor, don Jacino de Rojas, the owner of the Jequan Hacienda, also in the Chancay Valley. The water from two puquios or filtration galleries was in dispute. Who would get it depended on an important legal point. If the puquios had been built by Indians before the arrival of the Spaniards in Peru, then the landowners of the Chancay Valley were required to to share their water. If, however, a landowner had built the puquios after the conquest, he had exclusive rights. This paper examines the legal arguments advanced by Valdivieso y Torrejon and his client.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andarax and Nazca: Two Coastal Valleys Compared

The Andarax Valley of southern Spain shares many similarities with the coastal valleys of Peru an... more The Andarax Valley of southern Spain shares many similarities with the coastal valleys of Peru and northern Chile. It is arid, extensively terraced, and watered for part of most years by its seasonally dry river. Viticulture is supported by ground water via medieval filtration galleries, qanat systems nearly identical to the puquios of Lima, Nazca, Azapa, Pica, and Matilla. The valley's water table is replenished mainly from precipitation falling above the 1000 meter contour of the Sierra Nevada. The Andarax river system drains into the Mediterranean at Almeria, an ancient port from which travelers embarked for the New World during Spanish colonial times. The physical and human geography of the Andarax Valley will be compared with those of the Nazca Valley of Peru's South Coast. Similarities between Andarax and Nazca have important implications for the Spanish settlement of the Andes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Are the Puquios of Nazca Prehistoric?

At the 1993 SAA meeting "definitive proof" of first millennium A.D. dates for the Nazca puquios w... more At the 1993 SAA meeting "definitive proof" of first millennium A.D. dates for the Nazca puquios was announced. Evidence is two AMS dates on component stones. Basic principles of stratigraphy are ignored. In accepting prehispanic dates we must disregard identical medieval works in Spain's Andarax Valley. Although hispanic engineers built similar water systems in Spain, the Canary and Balearic Islands, Mexico, and the Andes, we are asked to believe that they did not build, or recognize, those of Nazca. We suggest the puquios may include reused dressed masonry, and propose lines of research to resolve the dating question.

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Research paper thumbnail of De los acueductos de Roma a los puquios de Pica: la transferencia de tecnologia al Nuevo Mundo

En el presente trabajo se postula que la tecnología de acueductos de la antigüedad romana nunca c... more En el presente trabajo se postula que la tecnología de acueductos de la antigüedad romana nunca cayo del todo en desuso. Los acueductos romanos se componían de tres partes: túneles y pozos como los que se observan en los qanats persas, estructuras menores que transportan el agua casi a nivel del suelo, y tramos de grandes arcos. Algunos de los acueductos construidos por los romanos en la Península Ibérica continuaron en servicio hasta fines del siglo XVI o comienzos del XVII, por lo menos. Uno de ellos era el acueducto de Carmona en Sevilla. Los conquistadores españoles introdujeron la tecnología romana de los acueductos en México y la región andina, si bien a menudo utilizando los diversos elementos por separado, sin combinarlos en sistemas unificados. Los acueductos de arcos que se encuentran en México y las galerías filtrantes de México, Perú y Chile son ejemplos de una antigua tecnología del Viejo Mundo que fue introducida en el hemisferio occidental durante la Era del Descubrimiento.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inca Soras

This paper is a description of the main features of Inca Soras

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Research paper thumbnail of On Women and Shoshana Rothaizer

Moment: Un revue de photo, 2014

Monica Barnes is the guest editor of issue of Moment: Une revue de photo is guest editor. It incl... more Monica Barnes is the guest editor of issue of Moment: Une revue de photo is guest editor. It includes an essay on the life and work of photographer Shoshana Rothaizer, and is features photos of women by women. In addition to Rothaizer, photographers include Diane Hardy Waller, Maria Cobb, Monica Barnes, Shelley Seccombe, Joan Katz, Nancy Sirkis, Birgit Pohl, Noel Jefferson, Sarah Rubio, Jane Klein, Emma Strugatz, Vanessa Cuneo, Leo Theinert, Adrinan Peralta, Reiko Takamatsu, and Juan Bravo Vizcarra.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rebuilding the Inca Past

Presents photos of John Murra's reconstruction of the archaeological site of Huanuco Pampa in Peru.

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Research paper thumbnail of Arlene Gottfried: Documentary Photographer

A review of a 2004 presentation by photographer Arlene Gottfried on her longitudinal study of the... more A review of a 2004 presentation by photographer Arlene Gottfried on her longitudinal study of the complex and unsettling urban existence of her friend Midnight.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mariette Pathy Allen: The Gender Frontier

A review of a 2004 presentation by photographer Mariette Pathy Allen of her published work on the... more A review of a 2004 presentation by photographer Mariette Pathy Allen of her published work on the fluidity of gender identity.

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Andean Past , 2022

This is a translation from the Spanish of a paper by Rainer Hostnig and Francois Cuynet on Pukara... more This is a translation from the Spanish of a paper by Rainer Hostnig and Francois Cuynet on Pukara monoliths found in Chumbivilcas Province, Peru.

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Andean Past, 2022

This is a translation from the Spanish of an article by Sergio Barraza Lescano, Rodrigo Areche Es... more This is a translation from the Spanish of an article by Sergio Barraza Lescano, Rodrigo Areche Espinola, & Giancarlo Marcone Flores on Inca accounting.

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Andean Past, 2022

This is a translation from the Spanish of an article by Carlos Delgado reporting on his recovery ... more This is a translation from the Spanish of an article by Carlos Delgado reporting on his recovery of an Inca sacred object from an excavation in Cusco.

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional Petroglyphs in the Central Humahuaca Valley

Latin American Indian Literatures, 1983

In 1903 Swedish archaeologist Eric Boman recorded petroglyphs in Argentina's Humahuaca Valley. Be... more In 1903 Swedish archaeologist Eric Boman recorded petroglyphs in Argentina's Humahuaca Valley. Between 1972 and 1978 Alicia A. Fernandez Distel explored that area and discovered petroglyphs not recorded by Boman. This is a translation from the Spanish of Fernandez Distel's report.

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Research paper thumbnail of Duccio Bonavia Berber (March 27, 1935--August 4, 2012)

This is a translation from Spanish to English of an obituary of Duccio Bonavia Berber by his frie... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of an obituary of Duccio Bonavia Berber by his friend and colleague Ramiro Matos Mendieta. Italo-Peruvian Bonavia had a long career in the archaeology of his adopted country. Matos highlights Bonavia’s work in a survey of the prehispanic sites of metropolitan Lima, in excavation in many of the Peruvian coastal valleys, and in the recording of murals, among many other projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pukara de Aconquija: Recent Research Including Two New Radiocarbon Dates

This is a translation from Spanish to English of Claudio Javier Patané Aráoz’s on-going excavatio... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Claudio Javier Patané Aráoz’s on-going excavations at the Pukara de Aconquija in Argentina’s Department of Andalgalá in the eastern foothills of the Andes. This is an Inca provincial site on the easternmost frontier of the Inca polity. Patané presents two new radiocarbon dates.

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This is a translation from Spanish to English of “Exchange and Ritual Funerary Consumption: Late ... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of “Exchange and Ritual Funerary Consumption: Late Marine Hunter-Gatherers of the Taltal Coast (Atacama Desert, Northern Chile) by Nicole Fuenzalida B. And Francisco Gallardo I. Fuenzalida and Gallado revisit the work of Augusto Capedeville, an amateur archaeologist active in Chile in the early twentieth century. Analysis of Capedeville’s field diaries and finds allows Fuenzalida and Gallardo to postulate that the late prehistoric cultures of the northern Chilean coast were more sophisticated than previously realized. They build their analysis within an explicitly Marxist framework.

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This is a translation from Spanish to English of Carlos Delgado Gonzalez's article, "Feasts and O... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Carlos Delgado Gonzalez's article, "Feasts and Offerings in Arcopata, Cusco", published in
Andean Past 11. A rescue excavation in Inca deposits allowed Delgado to uncover the remains of a series of feasts. He reports on his results here.

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Research paper thumbnail of Research Reports on Andean Archaeology, Andean Past 9, Tarapaca, Norte Grande

This is a translation from Spanish to English of a report on the prehispanic architecture of Tara... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of a report on the prehispanic architecture of Tarapaca in northern Chile by Mauricio Uribe, Simón Urbina A., Leonor Adán A., and Estefania Vidal M.

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This is a translation from Spanish to English of Peter Eeckhout's article on Inca storage at Pach... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Peter Eeckhout's article on Inca storage at Pachacamac. Eeckhout presents new data on Inca storehouses based on his own excavations at Pachacamac. He relates quipus and other recording devices found in situ to possible storage facilities. He interprets the overall role of Pachacamac as a pilgrimage center and shares ideas on the function of storage there and elsewhere on the Peruvian coast, drawing contrasts with Inca storage in the sierra.

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Research paper thumbnail of Juan (Hans) Santiago Rene Schobinger (February 18, 1928 - July 11, 2009)

This is a translation from Spanish to English of Constanza Ceruti’s appreciation of her mentor Ha... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Constanza Ceruti’s appreciation of her mentor Hans Schobinger. Schobinger was a pioneer of high altitude archaeology, having recovered an Inca human sacrifice on the Cerro El Toro in 1964 and on Mt. Aconcagua in 1985, both in Argentina.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Research in Andean Archaeology, Andean Past 9, Tarapaca Region

This is a translation from Spanish to English of “Tarapacá Region, a Research Report published in... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of “Tarapacá Region, a Research Report published in Andean Past 9 by Mauricio Uribe, Leonor Adán, Carolina Agüero, Cora Moragas, and Flora Viches. With this report the authors make an archaeological evaluation of the Tarapacá Region in northern Chile. They are studying associated materials to identify elements which will let them confirm or disprove the existence of the Pica-Tarapacá Complex in the Late Intermediate Period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Research in Andean Archaeology, Andean Past 9, San Pedro de Atacama

This is a translation from Spanish to English of “Recording and Chronology of the Formative Perio... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of “Recording and Chronology of the Formative Period at San Pedro de Atacama”, a Research Report published in Andean Past 9 by Carolina Agüero, Mauricio Uribe, and Carlos Carrasco. The authors make a first approximation of early settlement in the Chilean oasis of San Pedro de Atacama. They are contextualizing and building chronological and cultural sequences for the local Formative. Their ultimate goal is to clarify the nature, causes, and manifestations of the settlement process within a cultural-historical framework.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstruction of the Burial Offering at Punkuri in the Nepena Valley of Peru's North-Central Coast

This is a translation from Spanish into English of "Reconstruction of the Burial Offering at Punk... more This is a translation from Spanish into English of "Reconstruction of the Burial Offering at Punkuri in the Nepena Valley of Peru's North-Central Coast". In 1933 Julio C. Tello began field-work in the Nepena Valley. He conducted excavations at the Chavin temple site of Punkuri, uncovering a female sacrificial burial with its offerings. Among them was an engraved trumpet made from a Strombus Galeatus shell. Missing for years, Falcon and his colleagues re-located it in a museum storehouse. Falcon reconstructs Tello's excavations and discusses the finds associated with the human sacrifice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kicking off a New Perspective in Ethnohistory

This is a translation from Spanish to English of Argentinian archaeologist and ethnohistorian Ana... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Argentinian archaeologist and ethnohistorian Ana María Lorandi’s reminiscences of John Victor Murra as a mentor to women. Lorandi describes Murra’s new perspective in ethnohistory, rooted in his work centered in Huánuco, Peru during the 1960s. Murra presented his hypothesis on vertical control of ecological niches at a rock art conference in Huánuco in 1967 and led a site visit to the Inca city of Huánuco Pampa. Over the years Murra inspired Lorandi’s shift from archaeology to ethnohistory and was her link to anthropology outside her own country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eight Thousand Solutions to the Same Problem

This is a translation from Spanish to English of Argentinian scholar Silvia Raquel Palomeque’s re... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Argentinian scholar Silvia Raquel Palomeque’s reminiscences of John Victor Murra as a mentor to women. Palomeque recalls the classes Murra taught at FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana e Ciencias Sociales) in Quito during 1984. Theoretical insights derived from participation in radical activism during the 1970s combined with political and economic theory to inform the scholarship of those who focused on popular or rural segments of societies. Murra encouraged students to see Andean societies in terms of their own internal logic and revealed that in his own view anthropology was a kind of militarism.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ability to Bestow Confidence and Stimulate New Ideas

This is a translation from Spanish to English of Chilean historian, anthropologist, and archaeolo... more This is a translation from Spanish to English of Chilean historian, anthropologist, and archaeologist Victoria Castro's reminiscences of John Victor Murra as a mentor to women. Castro extols Murra's ability to bestow confidence and stimulate new ideas among his students. She provides a specific example of how he advised her when she was a young scholar. She also discusses interviewing Murra for the book Nispa Ninchis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Andean Past 4 Carrion Cachot Paracas Mummy pages 77 79

In this 1956 newspaper article Rebeca Carrion Cachot de Girard reports on the unwrapping of trans... more In this 1956 newspaper article Rebeca Carrion Cachot de Girard reports on the unwrapping of transitional Paracas Necropolis mummy bundle 294, donated by the republic of Peru to the republic of El Salvador. The mummy itself is described, as well as the textiles and other artifacts that accompanied it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Malika, A Quechua Story of the Andes

This is a translation into English of a Quechua folk tale collected by Jaime Pantigozo Montes. It... more This is a translation into English of a Quechua folk tale collected by Jaime Pantigozo Montes. It is a story of incest, magical flight, and redemption. The Quechua text is retained

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Research paper thumbnail of Cordillera of the Andes

The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert Collaborative Translation Project, 2016

This is a translation from French to English of “Cordelière des Andes” (Cordillera of the Andes) ... more This is a translation from French to English of “Cordelière des Andes” (Cordillera of the Andes) by Jean Le Rond D’Alembert, published in 1754 in Volume 4 of the Encyclopédie of Diderot and Alembert.

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives_on_the_Inca.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (NCAA(3)

Andean Past Special Publications, 2020

This is a statement on sexual harassment and community values signed by eight members of the Nort... more This is a statement on sexual harassment and community values signed by eight members of the Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (NCAAE)

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Research paper thumbnail of Sexual Harassment, COVID-19, New Publications, and Me

HARN Blog, 2020

The author shares her reactions to recent accusations of sexual harassment committed by professio... more The author shares her reactions to recent accusations of sexual harassment committed by professional Andean archaeologists, as well as to the COVID-19 lock-downs. She directs her efforts towards publication, thus creating, and helping others to create, a solid body of work in that field, mitigating some of the damage done to the field's reputation by bad actors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Megalith Hunting in Ireland

HARN Weblog, 2020

This is an account of my September 2019 visit to Ireland during which I visited prehistoric and m... more This is an account of my September 2019 visit to Ireland during which I visited prehistoric and medieval sites, and two museums, noting how they are presented to the public.

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Research paper thumbnail of India HARN 26 OCT

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