Dhruv Grewal | Babson College (original) (raw)

Papers by Dhruv Grewal

Research paper thumbnail of Value Creation in Markets: A Critical Area of Focus for Business-to-Business Markets

Industrial Marketing Management, May 1, 2001

The business market has been undergoing a paradigmatic change. The rise of the Internet, market f... more The business market has been undergoing a paradigmatic change. The rise of the Internet, market fragmentation, and increasing global competition is changing the “value” that business marketers provide. This paradigmatic transformation requires changes in the way companies are ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Role of Complaint Handling on Consumer Loyalty in Service Relationships

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 15332660802516029, Dec 8, 2008

The authors explore the role of 5 drivers of loyalty: customer usage level, service pricing, serv... more The authors explore the role of 5 drivers of loyalty: customer usage level, service pricing, service quality, membership in the firm's loyalty program, and satisfaction with complaint handling. The effects of these drivers may differ for customers who complain versus those who do not complain, as well as for satisfied complainers versus dissatisfied complainers. Testing the proposed models with customers of a large airline, the authors found that satisfaction with complaint handling was key to consumer recommendation of the service to others. The results also underscore the importance of service quality and service pricing as determinants of customer loyalty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Building Store Loyalty Through Service Strategies

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 15332660802508406, Dec 8, 2008

... Dhruv Grewal is the Toyota Chair of E-Commerce and Professor of Marketing, Babson College, Ba... more ... Dhruv Grewal is the Toyota Chair of E-Commerce and Professor of Marketing, Babson College, Babson Park, MA. Ram Krishnan is a Research Professor of Marketing, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. ... narrow; Gauri, Trivedi, & Grewal, 2008). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Emerging trends in retail pricing practice : implications for research

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Multiple Extrinsic Cues on Quality Perceptions: A Matter of Consistency

Journal of Consumer Research, Feb 1, 2005

... Procedure. Executive MBA participants ( ) were assigned randomly to pretested experimental co... more ... Procedure. Executive MBA participants ( ) were assigned randomly to pretested experimental conditions, which were presented as evaluations of a new plastic automobile tire (Shimp and Bearden 1982). ... Shimp and Bearden 1982; ). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of 消費者の評価と購買意図に対するストア・ネーム、ブランド・ネーム、価格割引の効果

インストアマーケティングに関する欧米の研究論文集, Mar 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Regret from Postpurchase Discovery of Lower Market Prices: Do Price Refunds Help?

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1509 Jm 10 0271, May 29, 2013

ABSTRACT Consumer regret can result in unfavorable outcomes for marketers. To prevent regret, man... more ABSTRACT Consumer regret can result in unfavorable outcomes for marketers. To prevent regret, many retailers promise to refund money to consumers who discover lower prices after purchase. The authors show that a refund's effect on felt regret depends on how consumers view these promises. If consumers mainly view them as protective tools (i.e., adopt a protection focus), postrefund regret is minimal. If consumers primarily view such promises as sources of information about the retailer's price status (i. e., adopt an information focus), regret persists even after refund. The authors show that regret persists with these consumers because finding a lower price results in a perception of trust violation. They find that subject to boundary conditions, using a disclaimer that states that the retailer does not claim to offer the lowest prices helps avoid this negative outcome for information-focused consumers. The authors contribute to the literature on outcome reversibility and regret by showing that outcome reversal does not necessarily obviate regret. In addition, they show that regulatory focus serves as the motivational basis for how consumers view refund promises.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacite du marketing relationnel: Une meta-analyse

Recherche Et Applications En Marketing, Mar 1, 2007

... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7... more ... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7. Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacité du marketing relationnel : une méta-analyse 85 commun dans la culture, les valeurs et les buts. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Service Convenience

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1509 Jmkg 66 3 1 18505, May 29, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Wait Expectations, Store Atmosphere and Merchandise Value Perceptions on Store Patronage Intentions

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of The Moderating Effects of Message Framing and

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Research paper thumbnail of A Three-Stage View of Perceived Control in Technology-Based Self-Services Recovery

This study explored customer’s reactions to self-service technology (SST) failures. Drawing from ... more This study explored customer’s reactions to self-service technology (SST) failures. Drawing from the attribution and expectancy theory, we probed a psychological process customers undergo during SST failures, and in particular, the formation of customers’ expectation for fixing the problem by themselves. We also examined the behavioral intention and actual reactions customers take to recovery SST failures. In addition, we investigated

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Research paper thumbnail of B2B Channel Partner Programs: Disentangling Indebtedness from Gratitude

Journal of Retailing, 2015

ABSTRACT Many suppliers invest heavily in channel partner programs that incentivize selling and l... more ABSTRACT Many suppliers invest heavily in channel partner programs that incentivize selling and learning. The authors conduct a multi-wave field study to investigate the roles of indebtedness and gratitude in transforming these investments into returns. The results show that indebtedness has negative effects on commitment to the supplier, as well as the reseller's sales effort. Gratitude however attenuates the effects of indebtedness on sales effort and commitment, and thus offers a buffer against indebtedness’ negative effects. Indebtedness and gratitude thus play key roles in channel partner programs. In addition, the results highlight the importance of perceived motives as they differentially predict these two states. Benevolent motives are found to increase gratitude, though ulterior motives do not detract from it. Ulterior motives do however increase indebtedness. Finally, the results also reveal how entitlement negatively impacts channel partner programs: It decreases the positive effect of perceived program value on partner gratitude while increasing the effect of ulterior motives on indebtedness. This study thus assesses the simultaneous yet contrasting role of gratitude and indebtedness, as well as the complexity associated with realizing the full benefits of channel partner programs. The findings have implications for suppliers, marketers, and further research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacite du marketing relationnel: Une meta-analyse

Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2007

... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7... more ... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7. Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacité du marketing relationnel : une méta-analyse 85 commun dans la culture, les valeurs et les buts. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a multidimensional measure of perceived product quality

Journal of Quality Management, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of How Does the Presence of a Guarantee Cue Impact Evaluations of a Retailer?: It Depends on Cue Typicality and the Reputation Cue’s Valence

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Insights from In-store Experiments

Retailers increasingly experiment with a wide variety of store elements; this article focuses on ... more Retailers increasingly experiment with a wide variety of store elements; this article focuses on in-store marketing tactics and reports the results of 12 in-store experiments conducted in cooperation with different retail chains. Experiments 1–3 address in-store signage (digital, floor) and reveal that digital screens and signage can draw customers toward merchandise and deeper into shopping aisles. Experiments 4–6 explore the impact of the organization of a display (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, waterfall) and generally demonstrate the superiority of vertical organizations of merchandise. In Experiments 7–9, results pertaining to the location of a product in a store highlight the importance of placing merchandise at eye level. With Experiments 10 and 11, the authors reinforce the importance of retail atmospherics (scent, lighting). Finally, Experiment 12 explores product placement and other factors that can enhance the effectiveness of in-store merchandise demonstrations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Decision Making for Sequential Experiential Products: Does the Product Serial Position Matter?

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Consumers’ Interpretations of the Semantic Phrases Found in Comparative Price Advertisements

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Responses to Price and its Contextual Information Cues

Review of Marketing Research, 2007

... Often, much of this information is presented in the context of the many different price promo... more ... Often, much of this information is presented in the context of the many different price promo-tions offered by retailers (Biswas and Blair, 1991; Biswas et al., 1999; Compeau and Grewal, 1994; Compeau, Grewal, and Chandrashekaran, 2002; Compeau, Grewal, and Grewal ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Value Creation in Markets: A Critical Area of Focus for Business-to-Business Markets

Industrial Marketing Management, May 1, 2001

The business market has been undergoing a paradigmatic change. The rise of the Internet, market f... more The business market has been undergoing a paradigmatic change. The rise of the Internet, market fragmentation, and increasing global competition is changing the “value” that business marketers provide. This paradigmatic transformation requires changes in the way companies are ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Role of Complaint Handling on Consumer Loyalty in Service Relationships

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 15332660802516029, Dec 8, 2008

The authors explore the role of 5 drivers of loyalty: customer usage level, service pricing, serv... more The authors explore the role of 5 drivers of loyalty: customer usage level, service pricing, service quality, membership in the firm's loyalty program, and satisfaction with complaint handling. The effects of these drivers may differ for customers who complain versus those who do not complain, as well as for satisfied complainers versus dissatisfied complainers. Testing the proposed models with customers of a large airline, the authors found that satisfaction with complaint handling was key to consumer recommendation of the service to others. The results also underscore the importance of service quality and service pricing as determinants of customer loyalty.

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Research paper thumbnail of Building Store Loyalty Through Service Strategies

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 15332660802508406, Dec 8, 2008

... Dhruv Grewal is the Toyota Chair of E-Commerce and Professor of Marketing, Babson College, Ba... more ... Dhruv Grewal is the Toyota Chair of E-Commerce and Professor of Marketing, Babson College, Babson Park, MA. Ram Krishnan is a Research Professor of Marketing, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. ... narrow; Gauri, Trivedi, & Grewal, 2008). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Emerging trends in retail pricing practice : implications for research

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Multiple Extrinsic Cues on Quality Perceptions: A Matter of Consistency

Journal of Consumer Research, Feb 1, 2005

... Procedure. Executive MBA participants ( ) were assigned randomly to pretested experimental co... more ... Procedure. Executive MBA participants ( ) were assigned randomly to pretested experimental conditions, which were presented as evaluations of a new plastic automobile tire (Shimp and Bearden 1982). ... Shimp and Bearden 1982; ). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of 消費者の評価と購買意図に対するストア・ネーム、ブランド・ネーム、価格割引の効果

インストアマーケティングに関する欧米の研究論文集, Mar 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Regret from Postpurchase Discovery of Lower Market Prices: Do Price Refunds Help?

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1509 Jm 10 0271, May 29, 2013

ABSTRACT Consumer regret can result in unfavorable outcomes for marketers. To prevent regret, man... more ABSTRACT Consumer regret can result in unfavorable outcomes for marketers. To prevent regret, many retailers promise to refund money to consumers who discover lower prices after purchase. The authors show that a refund's effect on felt regret depends on how consumers view these promises. If consumers mainly view them as protective tools (i.e., adopt a protection focus), postrefund regret is minimal. If consumers primarily view such promises as sources of information about the retailer's price status (i. e., adopt an information focus), regret persists even after refund. The authors show that regret persists with these consumers because finding a lower price results in a perception of trust violation. They find that subject to boundary conditions, using a disclaimer that states that the retailer does not claim to offer the lowest prices helps avoid this negative outcome for information-focused consumers. The authors contribute to the literature on outcome reversibility and regret by showing that outcome reversal does not necessarily obviate regret. In addition, they show that regulatory focus serves as the motivational basis for how consumers view refund promises.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacite du marketing relationnel: Une meta-analyse

Recherche Et Applications En Marketing, Mar 1, 2007

... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7... more ... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7. Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacité du marketing relationnel : une méta-analyse 85 commun dans la culture, les valeurs et les buts. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Service Convenience

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1509 Jmkg 66 3 1 18505, May 29, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Wait Expectations, Store Atmosphere and Merchandise Value Perceptions on Store Patronage Intentions

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of The Moderating Effects of Message Framing and

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Research paper thumbnail of A Three-Stage View of Perceived Control in Technology-Based Self-Services Recovery

This study explored customer’s reactions to self-service technology (SST) failures. Drawing from ... more This study explored customer’s reactions to self-service technology (SST) failures. Drawing from the attribution and expectancy theory, we probed a psychological process customers undergo during SST failures, and in particular, the formation of customers’ expectation for fixing the problem by themselves. We also examined the behavioral intention and actual reactions customers take to recovery SST failures. In addition, we investigated

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Research paper thumbnail of B2B Channel Partner Programs: Disentangling Indebtedness from Gratitude

Journal of Retailing, 2015

ABSTRACT Many suppliers invest heavily in channel partner programs that incentivize selling and l... more ABSTRACT Many suppliers invest heavily in channel partner programs that incentivize selling and learning. The authors conduct a multi-wave field study to investigate the roles of indebtedness and gratitude in transforming these investments into returns. The results show that indebtedness has negative effects on commitment to the supplier, as well as the reseller's sales effort. Gratitude however attenuates the effects of indebtedness on sales effort and commitment, and thus offers a buffer against indebtedness’ negative effects. Indebtedness and gratitude thus play key roles in channel partner programs. In addition, the results highlight the importance of perceived motives as they differentially predict these two states. Benevolent motives are found to increase gratitude, though ulterior motives do not detract from it. Ulterior motives do however increase indebtedness. Finally, the results also reveal how entitlement negatively impacts channel partner programs: It decreases the positive effect of perceived program value on partner gratitude while increasing the effect of ulterior motives on indebtedness. This study thus assesses the simultaneous yet contrasting role of gratitude and indebtedness, as well as the complexity associated with realizing the full benefits of channel partner programs. The findings have implications for suppliers, marketers, and further research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacite du marketing relationnel: Une meta-analyse

Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2007

... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7... more ... Par exemple la communication, à ... Pour les entreprises, elle correspond à ce qui est Page 7. Les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacité du marketing relationnel : une méta-analyse 85 commun dans la culture, les valeurs et les buts. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a multidimensional measure of perceived product quality

Journal of Quality Management, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of How Does the Presence of a Guarantee Cue Impact Evaluations of a Retailer?: It Depends on Cue Typicality and the Reputation Cue’s Valence

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Insights from In-store Experiments

Retailers increasingly experiment with a wide variety of store elements; this article focuses on ... more Retailers increasingly experiment with a wide variety of store elements; this article focuses on in-store marketing tactics and reports the results of 12 in-store experiments conducted in cooperation with different retail chains. Experiments 1–3 address in-store signage (digital, floor) and reveal that digital screens and signage can draw customers toward merchandise and deeper into shopping aisles. Experiments 4–6 explore the impact of the organization of a display (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, waterfall) and generally demonstrate the superiority of vertical organizations of merchandise. In Experiments 7–9, results pertaining to the location of a product in a store highlight the importance of placing merchandise at eye level. With Experiments 10 and 11, the authors reinforce the importance of retail atmospherics (scent, lighting). Finally, Experiment 12 explores product placement and other factors that can enhance the effectiveness of in-store merchandise demonstrations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Decision Making for Sequential Experiential Products: Does the Product Serial Position Matter?

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Consumers’ Interpretations of the Semantic Phrases Found in Comparative Price Advertisements

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Responses to Price and its Contextual Information Cues

Review of Marketing Research, 2007

... Often, much of this information is presented in the context of the many different price promo... more ... Often, much of this information is presented in the context of the many different price promo-tions offered by retailers (Biswas and Blair, 1991; Biswas et al., 1999; Compeau and Grewal, 1994; Compeau, Grewal, and Chandrashekaran, 2002; Compeau, Grewal, and Grewal ...

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