Giovanni Fragalà | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (original) (raw)

Papers by Giovanni Fragalà

Research paper thumbnail of A Late Roman villa in Dürres (Albania). Digital restitution from an integrated archaeological, remote sensing and geophysical research

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote sensing campaign at the Roman Villa of Caddeddi on the Tellaro river (Noto, Italy)

Exploration Geophysics

The Villa of Caddeddi, in the territory of Noto (Siracusa) is located on the south bank of the Te... more The Villa of Caddeddi, in the territory of Noto (Siracusa) is located on the south bank of the Tellaro river, about 3 km from its mouth. The site, interpreted as a rural luxury residence dated to the fourth-fifth century CE, was first discovered in 1972 and intermittently investigated in the subsequent decades and mostly studied from the perspectives of the splendid mosaic floors there uncovered. The excavated structure accounts for just a portion of the complex, which is partially covered by an eighteenth-nineteenth century farmhouse. After a long period of neglect, the villa, mainly known in literature for its exquisite mosaic floors, has been recently restored and opened to the public and become subject of new studies by the University of South Florida's Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx) and the Institute of Heritage Science-CNR which between 2019 and 2022 conducted a remote sensing, using ground penetrating radar method, campaign in partnership with the Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa, Eloro, Villa del Tellaro e Akrai. The results related to the digital exploration and ground penetrating radar allow new knowledge relating to the Roman villa and allows a scientific reconstruction of the villa.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical survey in the area of aguglia d’agosta (Priolo Gargallo, Sicily)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Syracuse and its countryside played a crucial role in the economy of ancient Sicily. Despite its ... more Syracuse and its countryside played a crucial role in the economy of ancient Sicily. Despite its historical and economic importance in the Roman and Medieval periods, our knowledge about the organization of its agricultural production, and economic circuit between the rural settlements and the city are limited. From 2009 the researches of the “Institute of Heritage Sciences – CNR” attempt to remedy this omission by outlining a preliminary picture of the rich historical and archaeological heritage of Priolo Gargallo, which will be analysed using a multidisciplinary approach (archaeological survey, geophysical investigations, aerial photography analysis, etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging History, photography after the fact

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Research paper thumbnail of La comunicazione ai tempi del grande plastico di Pompei. Dal modello in sughero al modello digitale

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic geophysical survey to investigate illegal looting of a site of historical importance

Archaeological Prospection, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Priolo Gargallo e la Valle dell'Aci. Ricerche sui paesaggi antichi della Sicilia sud-orientale

The research recently undertaken by IBAM in the territory of Priolo Gargallo and in the Valle del... more The research recently undertaken by IBAM in the territory of Priolo Gargallo and in the Valle dell’Aci, both areas of fundamental importance situated on the eastern coast of Sicily, aimed to define the transformations that occurred in the countryside between the Hellenistic and medieval periods. For the first time this research shed light on the territories of Syracuse and Catania, cities for which, despite their important political and economic roles in Roman and medieval Sicily, there is a lack of data for the surrounding countryside. Indeed, the interest in this question derives from the absence of research whose main aim is the understanding of the social-economic role of the city in the Mediterranean during the long transition from the Roman to the medieval period, an investigation that cannot ignore the rural areas closest to the urban centres.

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeo-Geophysics Surveys in Pompeii

Surveys in Geophysics, 2018

Within the extraordinary archaeological site of Pompeii, the Porta Nocera necropolis represents o... more Within the extraordinary archaeological site of Pompeii, the Porta Nocera necropolis represents one of the most important sites with funerary monuments, burials and associated graves. The inherent informative potential of the archaeological/monumental heritage present in the Porta Nocera necropolis poses notable problems for the conservation and restoration of the structures and surfaces of the funerary monuments. Brought to light at different times during the second half of last century, they show signs of degradation caused by atmospheric agents and the rising level of the water table, which threatens the foundations. Other important monuments could be still buried. In order to verify both the state of preservation of the foundations of funerary buildings, the presence of still active causes of deterioration and the probable presence of other buried archaeological structures, integrated geophysical surveys, with ground penetrating radar (GPR), passive (Self Potential—SP) and active electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), were undertaken. Furthermore a three-dimensional model of the entire necropolis was created. This involved the creation of a specific survey methodology, combining laser scanning with ortho-photogrammetry using shots taken on the ground and from the air by the use of a drone. The integration of the acquired data allows us to plan future interventions of restoration.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage)

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Research paper thumbnail of Il plastico ottocentesco di Pompei al sorgere della fotografia: un \u201cdoppio\u201d archivio 3D?

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Research paper thumbnail of Indagini geofisiche nell'area dell'Anfiteatro romano di Catania

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Research paper thumbnail of Relazione preliminare delle indagini geofisiche nell'area dell'Anfiteatro romano di Catania

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia della Sicilia romana, tardorromana e medievale: focus e prospettive di ricerca su documenti, cultura materiale e paesaggi

Actas Del I Congreso Internacional Sobre Estudios Ceramicos Recurso Electronico Homenaje a La Dra Mercedes Vegas Cadiz Del 1 Al 5 De Noviembre De 2010 2013 Isbn 978 84 9828 401 0 Pags 1101 1141, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The potential of integrated GPR survey and aerial photographic analysis of historic urban areas: A case study and digital reconstruction of a Late Roman villa in Durrës (Albania)

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Visualizing the invisible: Digital restitution from an integrated archaeological, remote sensing, and geophysical research of a late Roman villa in Durres (Albania)

2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013

ABSTRACT Paper focused on the first results of a joint geo-archaeological research project of urb... more ABSTRACT Paper focused on the first results of a joint geo-archaeological research project of urban archeology in the ancient Roman city of Durres. Starting from the reading of the historical evidence and interpretation of archival records (i.e. aerial photos related to the twenties, thirties and forties years of last century, before the urban transformations between the two World Wars and later, and satellite images of the sixties and recent years) the research proposes to develop targeted investigations with the integrated use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method and image processing techniques of contemporary photographs in order to locate a late Roman villa. All the information provided by aerial and GPR analysis as well as literature references constituted the basis for attempting a virtual reconstruction of the lost Roman's villa in order to give the visual idea of how it probably was. Accordingly to London and Seville Charter principles, different levels of reliability in data interpretation have been identified and characterized aiming at making transparent the methodological choices and the accuracy of reconstruction undertaken.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging history. Imagining antiquity. A photographic exhibition

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Archaeological and Geophysical Surveys in the Historical Center of Augusta (Eastern Sicily, Italy)

ABSTRACT Syracuse (Eastern Sicily, Italy) and its vast hinterland played a crucial role in the ec... more ABSTRACT Syracuse (Eastern Sicily, Italy) and its vast hinterland played a crucial role in the economy of ancient Sicily, largely because of the management, exploitation and trade of agricultural supply. Nevertheless, the socio-economic aspects of its territorial management and the relation between the countryside and coastal centres in the complex system of the Mediterranean markets have not yet been analysed in depth by scholars. Despite the historical, monumental and economic importance of the surrounding area of Syracuse in the Antiquity, the knowledge of the roman and medieval landscape and archaeological sites are still limited. The research undertaken by Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali - CNR of Catania (Sicily, Italy) attempted to remedy this omission by outlining a preliminary picture of the rich historical and archaeological heritage of Syracuse and its surrounding territory, which will be analysed using a multidisciplinary approach. Augusta, a town near Syracuse (Sicily), was founded by emperor Frederick of Suavia between 1232 and 1239. In medieval period, the area of Giardini Pubblici was the downtown and untill the XVII Cent. AD it was occupied by two urban blocks of buildings. In 1670 they were demolished to allow free area firing line from the near castle. Integrated archaeological and geophysical investigations allowed a wide range knowledge of the roman and medieval landscapes, archaeological sites and monumental remains. Particularly the geophysical surveys undertaken in the historical center of Augusta, by means Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR), allowed a 3D reconstruction of archaeological structures in the subsoil until the depth of about 4m. The geophysical survey has identified the building of medieval and modern urban settlement of Augusta and has allowed to recreate the urban plan and its transformation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project: the activities of IBAM-CNR

The researches carried out by the IBAM-CNR in the area of the Necropolis of Porta Nocera at Pompe... more The researches carried out by the IBAM-CNR in the area of the Necropolis of Porta Nocera at Pompeii have led to create an innovative system for the documentation, representation and preservation of archaeological contexts. The scientific rigour and precision of the traditional instrumental mapping together with the use of new technologies and geophysical methods have produced high-definition 3D models of the funerary monuments and necropolis as tools to store and manage scientific information.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging History Imagining Antiquity

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Research paper thumbnail of AAerea 10 2016 Fragalà sommario

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Research paper thumbnail of A Late Roman villa in Dürres (Albania). Digital restitution from an integrated archaeological, remote sensing and geophysical research

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote sensing campaign at the Roman Villa of Caddeddi on the Tellaro river (Noto, Italy)

Exploration Geophysics

The Villa of Caddeddi, in the territory of Noto (Siracusa) is located on the south bank of the Te... more The Villa of Caddeddi, in the territory of Noto (Siracusa) is located on the south bank of the Tellaro river, about 3 km from its mouth. The site, interpreted as a rural luxury residence dated to the fourth-fifth century CE, was first discovered in 1972 and intermittently investigated in the subsequent decades and mostly studied from the perspectives of the splendid mosaic floors there uncovered. The excavated structure accounts for just a portion of the complex, which is partially covered by an eighteenth-nineteenth century farmhouse. After a long period of neglect, the villa, mainly known in literature for its exquisite mosaic floors, has been recently restored and opened to the public and become subject of new studies by the University of South Florida's Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx) and the Institute of Heritage Science-CNR which between 2019 and 2022 conducted a remote sensing, using ground penetrating radar method, campaign in partnership with the Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa, Eloro, Villa del Tellaro e Akrai. The results related to the digital exploration and ground penetrating radar allow new knowledge relating to the Roman villa and allows a scientific reconstruction of the villa.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical survey in the area of aguglia d’agosta (Priolo Gargallo, Sicily)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Syracuse and its countryside played a crucial role in the economy of ancient Sicily. Despite its ... more Syracuse and its countryside played a crucial role in the economy of ancient Sicily. Despite its historical and economic importance in the Roman and Medieval periods, our knowledge about the organization of its agricultural production, and economic circuit between the rural settlements and the city are limited. From 2009 the researches of the “Institute of Heritage Sciences – CNR” attempt to remedy this omission by outlining a preliminary picture of the rich historical and archaeological heritage of Priolo Gargallo, which will be analysed using a multidisciplinary approach (archaeological survey, geophysical investigations, aerial photography analysis, etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging History, photography after the fact

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Research paper thumbnail of La comunicazione ai tempi del grande plastico di Pompei. Dal modello in sughero al modello digitale

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Research paper thumbnail of Forensic geophysical survey to investigate illegal looting of a site of historical importance

Archaeological Prospection, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Priolo Gargallo e la Valle dell'Aci. Ricerche sui paesaggi antichi della Sicilia sud-orientale

The research recently undertaken by IBAM in the territory of Priolo Gargallo and in the Valle del... more The research recently undertaken by IBAM in the territory of Priolo Gargallo and in the Valle dell’Aci, both areas of fundamental importance situated on the eastern coast of Sicily, aimed to define the transformations that occurred in the countryside between the Hellenistic and medieval periods. For the first time this research shed light on the territories of Syracuse and Catania, cities for which, despite their important political and economic roles in Roman and medieval Sicily, there is a lack of data for the surrounding countryside. Indeed, the interest in this question derives from the absence of research whose main aim is the understanding of the social-economic role of the city in the Mediterranean during the long transition from the Roman to the medieval period, an investigation that cannot ignore the rural areas closest to the urban centres.

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeo-Geophysics Surveys in Pompeii

Surveys in Geophysics, 2018

Within the extraordinary archaeological site of Pompeii, the Porta Nocera necropolis represents o... more Within the extraordinary archaeological site of Pompeii, the Porta Nocera necropolis represents one of the most important sites with funerary monuments, burials and associated graves. The inherent informative potential of the archaeological/monumental heritage present in the Porta Nocera necropolis poses notable problems for the conservation and restoration of the structures and surfaces of the funerary monuments. Brought to light at different times during the second half of last century, they show signs of degradation caused by atmospheric agents and the rising level of the water table, which threatens the foundations. Other important monuments could be still buried. In order to verify both the state of preservation of the foundations of funerary buildings, the presence of still active causes of deterioration and the probable presence of other buried archaeological structures, integrated geophysical surveys, with ground penetrating radar (GPR), passive (Self Potential—SP) and active electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), were undertaken. Furthermore a three-dimensional model of the entire necropolis was created. This involved the creation of a specific survey methodology, combining laser scanning with ortho-photogrammetry using shots taken on the ground and from the air by the use of a drone. The integration of the acquired data allows us to plan future interventions of restoration.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage)

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Research paper thumbnail of Il plastico ottocentesco di Pompei al sorgere della fotografia: un \u201cdoppio\u201d archivio 3D?

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Research paper thumbnail of Indagini geofisiche nell'area dell'Anfiteatro romano di Catania

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Research paper thumbnail of Relazione preliminare delle indagini geofisiche nell'area dell'Anfiteatro romano di Catania

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Research paper thumbnail of Archeologia della Sicilia romana, tardorromana e medievale: focus e prospettive di ricerca su documenti, cultura materiale e paesaggi

Actas Del I Congreso Internacional Sobre Estudios Ceramicos Recurso Electronico Homenaje a La Dra Mercedes Vegas Cadiz Del 1 Al 5 De Noviembre De 2010 2013 Isbn 978 84 9828 401 0 Pags 1101 1141, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The potential of integrated GPR survey and aerial photographic analysis of historic urban areas: A case study and digital reconstruction of a Late Roman villa in Durrës (Albania)

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Visualizing the invisible: Digital restitution from an integrated archaeological, remote sensing, and geophysical research of a late Roman villa in Durres (Albania)

2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013

ABSTRACT Paper focused on the first results of a joint geo-archaeological research project of urb... more ABSTRACT Paper focused on the first results of a joint geo-archaeological research project of urban archeology in the ancient Roman city of Durres. Starting from the reading of the historical evidence and interpretation of archival records (i.e. aerial photos related to the twenties, thirties and forties years of last century, before the urban transformations between the two World Wars and later, and satellite images of the sixties and recent years) the research proposes to develop targeted investigations with the integrated use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method and image processing techniques of contemporary photographs in order to locate a late Roman villa. All the information provided by aerial and GPR analysis as well as literature references constituted the basis for attempting a virtual reconstruction of the lost Roman's villa in order to give the visual idea of how it probably was. Accordingly to London and Seville Charter principles, different levels of reliability in data interpretation have been identified and characterized aiming at making transparent the methodological choices and the accuracy of reconstruction undertaken.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging history. Imagining antiquity. A photographic exhibition

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Archaeological and Geophysical Surveys in the Historical Center of Augusta (Eastern Sicily, Italy)

ABSTRACT Syracuse (Eastern Sicily, Italy) and its vast hinterland played a crucial role in the ec... more ABSTRACT Syracuse (Eastern Sicily, Italy) and its vast hinterland played a crucial role in the economy of ancient Sicily, largely because of the management, exploitation and trade of agricultural supply. Nevertheless, the socio-economic aspects of its territorial management and the relation between the countryside and coastal centres in the complex system of the Mediterranean markets have not yet been analysed in depth by scholars. Despite the historical, monumental and economic importance of the surrounding area of Syracuse in the Antiquity, the knowledge of the roman and medieval landscape and archaeological sites are still limited. The research undertaken by Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali - CNR of Catania (Sicily, Italy) attempted to remedy this omission by outlining a preliminary picture of the rich historical and archaeological heritage of Syracuse and its surrounding territory, which will be analysed using a multidisciplinary approach. Augusta, a town near Syracuse (Sicily), was founded by emperor Frederick of Suavia between 1232 and 1239. In medieval period, the area of Giardini Pubblici was the downtown and untill the XVII Cent. AD it was occupied by two urban blocks of buildings. In 1670 they were demolished to allow free area firing line from the near castle. Integrated archaeological and geophysical investigations allowed a wide range knowledge of the roman and medieval landscapes, archaeological sites and monumental remains. Particularly the geophysical surveys undertaken in the historical center of Augusta, by means Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR), allowed a 3D reconstruction of archaeological structures in the subsoil until the depth of about 4m. The geophysical survey has identified the building of medieval and modern urban settlement of Augusta and has allowed to recreate the urban plan and its transformation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project: the activities of IBAM-CNR

The researches carried out by the IBAM-CNR in the area of the Necropolis of Porta Nocera at Pompe... more The researches carried out by the IBAM-CNR in the area of the Necropolis of Porta Nocera at Pompeii have led to create an innovative system for the documentation, representation and preservation of archaeological contexts. The scientific rigour and precision of the traditional instrumental mapping together with the use of new technologies and geophysical methods have produced high-definition 3D models of the funerary monuments and necropolis as tools to store and manage scientific information.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging History Imagining Antiquity

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Research paper thumbnail of AAerea 10 2016 Fragalà sommario

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicare il passato nelle città del futuro: ricerca, conoscenza, tecnologia e società. L’esperienza dell’IBAM CNR

Convegno "Raccontare l’archeologia. Strategie e tecniche per la comunicazione dei risultati delle... more Convegno "Raccontare l’archeologia. Strategie e tecniche per la comunicazione dei risultati delle ricerche archeologiche" - Policastro Bussentino 14-15 maggio 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Aereofotogrammetria da drone e modelli tridimensionali per la ricerca archeologica. L’esperienza del Laboratorio di archeologia immersiva e multimedia nella Necropoli di Porta Nocera (Pompei)

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Research paper thumbnail of La comunicazione al tempo del grande plastico di Pompei. Dal modello in sughero al modello digitale


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Research paper thumbnail of Il grande plastico di Pompei al sorgere della documentazione fotografica: un "doppio" archivio 3D?

Il plastico pompeiano, sintetizzando molteplici informazioni e supporti documentari, costituisce ... more Il plastico pompeiano, sintetizzando molteplici informazioni e supporti documentari, costituisce un archivio materico tridimensionale, un’istantanea olistica del sito prossima al momento della scoperta: la topografia urbana, l’architettura residenziale, pubblica, utilitaria, l’intero patrimonio delle decorazioni parietali e musive. Voluto dall’intelligenza documentaria di Fiorelli ma realizzato dalla perizia di più mani e in un ampio arco storico, si pone emblematicamente in un momento di transizione: dalla camera lucida, dal disegno quadrettato, dall’acquarello dei quadri figurativi e delle decorazioni parietali, alla fotografia. Mentre si modellava il plastico con sughero, stucco e pennello, a Pompei l’architetto Normand eseguiva i suoi primi calotipi.
Oggi, sulla scia della campagna di rilevamento fotografico di Pompei curata dall’ICCD anni or sono, l’intero Plastico di Pompei è stato acquisito mediante fotografia digitale e restituito tridimensionalmente: dall’archivio materico ad un archivio digitale 3D. All’incrocio tra fotografia d’archivio e nuove metodologie, il suo rilievo costituisce un archivio singolare di immagini e informazioni correlate nello spazio e mediate a loro volta dal modello analogico in sughero: un efficace strumento di ricerca, conoscenza e divulgazione nell’era degli open data. Considerando alcune domus pompeiane e le loro decorazioni parietali, è possibile operare con più efficacia un confronto fra il loro stato attuale di conservazione, il corpus fotografico d’archivio in merito a quei contesti e la testimonianza del plastico mediata dal suo modello 3D.

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Research paper thumbnail of La verità inesprimibile del sughero: il rilievo tridimensionale del Plastico di Pompei

L’imponente plastico in sughero delle rovine di Pompei, conservato al Museo Nazionale Archeologic... more L’imponente plastico in sughero delle rovine di Pompei, conservato al Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Napoli, per lungo tempo non è stato tenuto abbastanza in considerazione, non solo in quanto esempio di grande maestria artigianale, ma soprattutto per il suo potenziale valore documentario nella ricerca archeologica. Eppure, prima di inoltrarsi in una preliminare ricostruzione delle fasi di realizzazione del grande modello pompeiano, occorrerà tentare di iscrivere quest’ultimo nella sua complessa tradizione, nel background culturale da cui scaturisce e da cui si allontana, cercando inoltre di valutarne le motivazioni sottese e, in quanto riproduzione, i suoi rapporti con l’originale. Obiettivo del progetto è quello di utilizzare la tecnologia di documentazione 3D come uno strumento privilegiato per mettere in evidenza le straordinarie potenzialità documentarie del plastico, ricreando un modello tridimensionale tale da consentire la fruizione, lo studio analitico e una percezione potenziata delle strutture riprodotte, con la possibilità, per l’utente/fruitore, di potersi muovere liberamente all’interno di uno spazio virtuale, ma esattamente e rigorosamente riprodotto. Attraverso tale modello sarà, ad esempio, possibile, registrare, a livello autoptico, le analogie e le differenze con lo stato attuale degli ambienti pompeiani in esso riprodotti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catania ritorna nell’arena. Guida all’anfiteatro romano di Catania

“Catania torna nell’Arena”, riappropriandosi di uno straordinario monumento, troppo a lungo trasc... more “Catania torna nell’Arena”, riappropriandosi di uno straordinario monumento, troppo a lungo trascurato. Con la medesima carica propositiva e originalità del progetto di Valorizzazione dell’Anfiteatro romano di Catania portato avanti dall’Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, da cui prende spunto, la presente guida rende conto non solo dei risultati delle più recenti indagini scientifiche condotte dall’IBAM-CNR nell’anfiteatro, ma anche dei racconti e delle curiosità nate intorno ad esso. Perché è solo con la conoscenza che la riconquista fisica di uno spazio può tramutarsi in ben più duraturo acquisto culturale.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sguardi. Da una collezione/su una collezione. Gazes. Looking at/being looked at by a collection, Catania 2018.

Cosa cerchiamo quando visitiamo un museo? Cosa succede quando guardiamo una scultura antica? Qual... more Cosa cerchiamo quando visitiamo un museo? Cosa succede quando guardiamo una scultura antica? Quale tipo di comunicazione attiviamo quando osserviamo un oggetto musealizzato, apparentemente senza contesto? E quali dati sensoriali accendono questa comunicazione?La percezione visiva è solo una delle forme, certo la più comune, attraverso cui avviene la comunicazione tra noi e gli oggetti, ma le informazioni diverse che ciascuno di noi ricava da questa esperienza sensoriale sono alla base di ogni personale rapporto cognitivo, tanto più ricco quanto più ricca è la conoscenza del sistema informativo che sta dietro ad ogni oggetto musealizzato. Ma perché una conoscenza avvenga occorre innanzitutto un incontro e spesso gli incontri più emozionanti sono fatti di silenzi, di semplici "sguardi". Sono questi sguardi, a volte mediati come in questo caso dall'obiettivo fotografico, a permettere agli oggetti di "esistere", specialmente quando essi si trovano chiusi nei depositi dei musei.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catania ritorna nell'arena. Guida all'anfiteatro romano di Catania

“Catania torna all’Arena”, riappropriandosi di uno straordinario monumento, troppo a lungo trascu... more “Catania torna all’Arena”, riappropriandosi di uno straordinario monumento, troppo a lungo trascurato. Con la medesima carica propositiva e originalità del progetto di Valorizzazione dell’Anfiteatro romano di Catania portato avanti dall’Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, da cui prende spunto, la presente guida rende conto non solo dei risultati delle più recenti indagini scientifiche condotte dall’IBAM-CNR nell’anfiteatro, ma
anche dei racconti e delle curiosità nate intorno ad esso. Perché è solo con la conoscenza che la riconquista fisica di uno spazio può tramutarsi in ben più duraturo acquisto culturale.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catania. Archeologia e città. Il progetto OPENCiTy Banca Dati, GIS e WebGIS

by Daniele Malfitana, Antonino Mazzaglia, Giuseppe Cacciaguerra, Antonino Cannata, Giovanni Fragalà, Valerio Noti, Graziana Oliveri, Claudia Pantellaro, Maria Luisa Scrofani, Annarita Di Mauro, samuele barone, and G. Meli

OPENCiTy è un progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare avviato dall’Istituto per i beni archeologici... more OPENCiTy è un progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare avviato dall’Istituto per i beni archeologici e monumentali del Cnr sulla città di Catania. Il suo obiettivo è la creazione di uno strumento capace di accrescere, attraverso la libera condivisione dei dati, frutto della secolare attività di ricerca storico-topografica condotta in area urbana, la conoscenza collettiva, favorendo la pianificazione e la tutela territoriale. Il presente volume, primo di una serie monografica destinata ad approfondire ogni singolo aspetto della storia e della cultura di Catania, divulgandone i risultati raggiunti, è dedicato all’inquadramento del tema nell’ambito delle ricerche di archeologia urbana, al ruolo della ricerca fatta “nella città e per la città” per giungere all’analisi delle caratteristiche e delle scelte metodologiche operate nella creazione
della banca dati, della piattaforma GIS e del WebGIS, i tre elementi a cui è demandato il compito di archiviare, gestire, analizzare e rendere liberamente accessibili, su base geospaziale, i dati relativi alla complessa stratificazione urbana della città di Catania.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Matthaei, A. Anguissola, R. Kilian, M. Martelli Castaldi, S. Saba, E. Emmerling, D. Malfitana, A. Mazzaglia, G. Leucci, G. Fragalà, L. D. Giorgi, D. P. Pavone, S. Barone, S. Russo (2017): "Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project: i lavori del 2015 e il futuro del progetto"

A. Matthaei, A. Anguissola, R. Kilian, M. Martelli Castaldi, S. Saba, E. Emmerling, D. Malfitana, A. Mazzaglia, G. Leucci, G. Fragalà, L. D. Giorgi, D. P. Pavone, S. Barone, S. Russo (2017): "Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project: i lavori del 2015 e il futuro del progetto"

FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, Archaeological Conservation, 5, 2017

This paper describes the work that has been carried out and the plans for the future of the Pompe... more This paper describes the work that has been carried out and the plans for the future of the Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project (PSPP). The project Has Been operating in the Necropolis of Porta Nocera since 2014. Several partners who support and actively work in the project offer here an overview of their research (conservation, digital documentation, education) and the general aims of this project, which is to future-oriented and truly at aims formulating a sustainable plan for the conservation of the burial area of ​​port Nocera.

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Research paper thumbnail of Digitalizzare la materia, generare informazione. Dal plastico in sughero al sistema informativo per lo studio della pittura pompeiana - Picta Fragmenta, rileggendo la pittura vesuviana. Convegno internazionale di studi Napoli 13-15 settembre 2018

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