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This fungicide for a field comprises peracetic acid as a main component and is applied to a field or a field is drenched with the fungicide before a crop is planted in a field or before a field is sowed with a seed of crop. - 特許庁


Outside in the radial direction of a work W to be processed, a peripheral part grinding means 4 is provided for performing chamfering of the peripheral part of the work W held at the forefront of the spindle 2. - 特許庁


A machine tool 10 comprises a tool spindle 12 for receiving a tool 14, and a work table 18 comprising a mount tool 16 for fixing a work 15 on its upper surface 17. - 特許庁


The chattering width of the workpiece is computed from a contact speed of the workpiece with a grinding wheel each time a spindle has a given angle and the fundamental vibration frequency of a servo motor for feeding a wheel spindle stock. - 特許庁



support consisting of the movable part of a lathe that slides along the bed in alignment with the headstock and is locked into position to support the free end of the workpiece - 日本語WordNet



any of various cereal plants (especially the dominant crop of the region--wheat in Great Britain or oats in Scotland and Ireland) - 日本語WordNet

一 日本国民(わが国の法令に基づいて設立された法人及び国内にたる事務所を有する法人を含む。以下同じ。)の著作物例文帳に追加

(i) works of Japanese nationals ("Japanese nationals" includes juridical persons established under the laws and regulations of Japan and those who have their principal offices in Japan; the same shall apply hereinafter); - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五百十七条の十八 事業者は、コンクリート造の工作物の解体等作業任者に、次の事項を行わせなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 517-18 The employer shall have an operations chief of demolition, etc., of concrete structures carry out the following matters: - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Zaichokanjin were also involved in preparing Ota bumi (cadastre), in which details regarding the shoens, landlords of public domains, dimensions of rice fields, crops, and so on were recorded. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The early Kamakura period saw the appearance of the illegal reaping of crops to establish a claim to the ownership of the land. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As a first step, AMIS will focus its work on four major crops:wheat, maize, rice and soybeans. - 財務省


To provide a headstock turning device capable of easily responding to workpieces with different tapered angles and using a standard table. - 特許庁


To improve the machining precision of a workpiece by constantly and precisely measuring the actual main spindle position under machining. - 特許庁


The chuck having the suction surface for sucking one end surface of the workpiece W in the direction of its center line is mounted on the main spindle. - 特許庁


The swivel pivot shaft 40 is arranged perpendicular to both of the spindle axis 42 and the longitudinal axis 17 of the workpiece 20. - 特許庁


The turret tool rest 13 is moved in the X-axis and Z-axis directions, and the applicable portion of the back face of a work held on the second spindle 7 is machined. - 特許庁


This NC lathe is provided with a turret 10 rotatable around the axial line at right angles to the axial line of a spindle, wherein a work 5 is retained on a spindle by a chuck 4, and a tool 11A is mounted on the end surface of the turret 10 to rotate the spindle. - 特許庁

第五百十七条の十七 事業者は、令第六条第十五号の五の作業については、コンクリート造の工作物の解体等作業任者技能講習を修了した者のうちから、コンクリート造の工作物の解体等作業任者を選任しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 517-17 The employer shall, as regards the work set forth in item (xv)-5 of Article 6 of the Order, appoint an operations chief of demolition, etc., of concrete structures from the persons who have completed the skill training course for operations chief of demolition, etc., of concrete structures. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This machining area is extended outside of the work table 18 in the direction Y at least partially intersecting the spindle axis 13, and the mount tool 16 is projected from the work table 18 in this direction Y to hold the work 15 there, and downwardly opened to freely drop the chip 23 in the direction of the spindle axis 13. - 特許庁


In this composite machining machine, a spindle head for rotatably supporting the spindle is movable in orthogonal triaxial directions relatively to a workpiece 2, a table is arranged oppositely to the spindle, the workpiece 2 rotated by being clamped by the table can be turned by the composite turning tool 10 mounted on the spindle and having a plurality of tips 9a to 9d. - 特許庁


This transfer device for the square workpiece is constituted such that a reference metal is provided on a main spindle side to position it in the axial direction and a plate spring 10 is provided adjacent to an outer shape face 21 of the workpiece 5 supported on a loader 8 to position it in the peripheral direction. - 特許庁


To provide a grinder system and a grinding method, capable of shortening the time required for measuring the end surface position of a workpiece carried by a machining spindle stock 21 or determining the phase of the workpiece to improve working efficiency. - 特許庁


Turning around an axial line normal to the axial line of the work attached to the sizing device, thereby allows the filler of the sizing device in turning to be positioned to the operating position faced to the work, and to the evacuation position where the sizing device does not interfere with the fast head stock and tail stock of the machine tool. - 特許庁


By moving the tool rest 7 in the Z-axis direction parallel to the axis of the spindle 7, and moving the tool rest in the X-axis direction to the head stock, a work held by a chuck 11 fitted to a tip of the spindle is machined by a tool. - 特許庁


The work conveyor 7 is for main spindle moving type vertical machine tools 1, 1a in which the main spindle provided with a chuck at a lower end in the vertical direction is capable of moving in the Z-axis direction parallel with the main spindle and in the X-axis direction perpendicular to the Z-axis. - 特許庁


Moreover, the licensees are obliged by law to appoint a Chief Engineer of Reactor to supervise safety operation of nuclear installation, a Chief Electrical Engineer and a Chief Engineer of Boiler and Turbine to supervise safety during construction, operation and maintenance of electric facilities. - 経済産業省

四 地山の掘削及び土止め支保工作業任者技能講習、ずい道等の掘削等作業任者技能講習、ずい道等の覆工作業任者技能講習、型枠支保工の組立て等作業任者技能講習、足場の組立て等作業任者技能講習、建築物等の鉄骨の組立て等作業任者技能講習、鋼橋架設等作業任者技能講習、コンクリート造の工作物の解体等作業任者技能講習及びコンクリート橋架設等作業任者技能講習例文帳に追加

(4) Skill training courses for operations chiefs of excavating natural ground and shoring; skill training course for operations chiefs of tunnel excavation, etc.; skill training course for operations chiefs of tunnel lining; skill training course for operations chiefs of concrete form shoring work; skill training course for operations chiefs of scaffolding erection; skill training course for operations chiefs of erection, etc. of steel structures; skill training course for operations chiefs of construction, etc. of steel bridges; skill training course for operations chiefs of demolition, etc. of concrete structures; and skill training course for operations chiefs of construction, etc. of concrete bridges - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十四条 ガス任技術者試験は、ガス工作物の工事、維持及び運用に関する保安に関して必要な知識及び技能について行う。例文帳に追加

Article 34 (1) An examination for a chief gas engineer's license shall be conducted with respect to the knowledge and skills required for ensuring safety in the construction, maintenance and operation of the Gas Facilities. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 一般ガス事業の用に供するガス工作物の工事、維持又は運用に従事する者は、ガス任技術者がその保安のためにする指示に従わなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) People who are engaged in the construction, maintenance or operation of Gas Facilities used for the General Gas Utility Business shall follow the instructions given by the chief gas engineer to ensure the safety thereof. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

12 この法律において「開発行為」とは、として建築物の建築又は特定工作物の建設の用に供する目的で行なう土地の区画形質の変更をいう。例文帳に追加

(12) "Development activity" as used in this Act means altering the zoning, shape or quality of land to make it available mainly for the construction of buildings or special structures. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Usually, under the Major Agricultural Products Seed Act, the agricultural experiment stations of the municipality and so on carry out tests to determine the recommended varieties of sakamai and recommend excellent varieties to farmers. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In these regions, indigenous products, such as buckwheat noodles or taro are thought to have been offered to the deities and these ingredients were probably used to prepare zoni. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, researchers advocating the Yamatai-Koku kingdom in the Kyushu region consider the all Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo Mirrors were be forged by future generations (though the name of era in Wei dynasty was inscribed on them.) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To obtain a new microorganism that is effective for controlling various disease damages, does not exhibit pathogenicity on main crops and a new biological pesticide having a wide antimicrobial spectrum. - 特許庁


The workpiece 40 is fixed to the main spindle main body 10 so that the center of gravity may be located on an opposite side of the balance mechanism 24 across the rotation center. - 特許庁


To provide a color solid such that distances between colors of color chips correspond to subjective distances between colors, which is properly used for quantitative evaluation etc., of a design production. - 特許庁


The fertilizing and seeding machine is obtained by installing a cover crop-seeding unit E for line seeding the seeds s2 of the cover crop along the seeding position of the seeds s1 of the main crop. - 特許庁


To provide a work supporting device capable of supporting a work with a predetermined phase in a short time in a work machining device in which the work is supported on both side headstocks. - 特許庁


A theoretical profile data for defining the feed of a tool to the rotating angle of a spindle is computed based upon the finishing shape of the work and the abrasion loss of a tool. - 特許庁


A system for luring and settling such insects as natural enemies and a method for setting the system are provided, comprising the following practice: A sonic wave generator 1 that emits a specific sound emitted from insects as natural enemies of parasitic insects or predatory insects for pests is installed in a farm L and above crops P. - 特許庁


The manufacturing method of the activated carbon is that the wastes whose main component is agricultural and fishery organic matter and whose moisture content is 70-80% are mixed with the cultivation bed of mycelia crops by 1.5-2.5 times of the wastes in a weight ratio, fermented, carbonized after fermenting and activated. - 特許庁


The tool body 2 is coaxially and detachably mounted to a tip of the main shaft 21, and includes, at the center of a tip surface, a center piece 5 engaging with a center hole 31 formed on an end face of the workpiece 30. - 特許庁


To provide a fertilizing and seeding machine capable of properly carrying out seeding of a cover crop at the neighboring position along the seeding position of the seeds of a main crop at the same time as the seeding of the main crop, and to provide a seeding method. - 特許庁


A cutting device 1 includes a cutting tool 2 to be mounted to a spindle 16 and a container 12 having an opening upper portion and capable of storing the workpiece 14. - 特許庁


To provide a combined machining NC lathe including a turret tool rest to machine the back face of a work held on a second spindle using a simple mechanism. - 特許庁


To minimize the differential expansion of a work piece stage, in particular a contacting component of a stage causing translation movement by a linear guide. - 特許庁


The balance mechanism 24 has an annular plate 26 (external force imparting member) moved in a radial direction by centrifugal force according to rotation of the main spindle main body 10 to abut on the workpiece 40. - 特許庁


By moving the composite turning tool 10 in parallel by a moving operation of the spindle head to be located at arbitrary positions S1 to S4 around the workpiece 2, the turning is performed by properly using each of the plurality of tips 9a to 9d. - 特許庁


With the data, the thermal displacement Tn of the spindle 7 and a standard thermal displacement TO at a contact point Pn of a tool 73 and a workpiece W are found, and a machining error TnO at the contact point Pn is found (Steps 1 to 4). - 特許庁


2 ガス任技術者免状の交付を受けている者がその保安について監督をすることができるガス工作物の工事、維持及び運用の範囲は、前項に規定するガス任技術者免状の種類に応じて経済産業省令で定める。例文帳に追加

(2) The scope of the construction, maintenance and operation of the Gas Facilities for which a person who has a chief gas engineer's license is in charge of safety supervision shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry by type of chief gas engineer's license prescribed in the preceding paragraph. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

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