weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)


該当件数 : 78

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(1) Understanding of Integrated Risk Measurement Technique - 金融庁


(1) Understanding of Market Risk Measurement Technique - 金融庁


a. Understanding of Credit risk Measurement Technique - 金融庁


(1) Understanding of Operational Risk Measurement Technique - 金融庁



And how to understand the environment better - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



This approach leads itself to a better understanding of the nature of the impairment. - 英語論文検索例文集

しかし残念ながら この手法では代謝に関する理解が限られます例文帳に追加

But unfortunately the thing is that we don't understand metabolism very well. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


When utilizing search/examination results of other offices, it is important to understand the search and examination methods in these offices. - 特許庁

僕の手法の有効性を理解して 必要な時には 機密扱いの情報を 教えてくれる例文帳に追加

He's come to appreciate the efficacy of my methods, and he shares sensitive information when needed. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



To provide a system for providing an operation technique, portable terminals, a method of providing the operation technique, and a portable terminal control program which allows a user to understand the operation techniques of the portable terminals. - 特許庁



This approach leads itself to a better understanding of the nature of the impairment, including which elements or processes of the community are most affected. - 英語論文検索例文集


This approach leads itself to a better understanding of the nature of the impairment, including which elements or processes of the community are most affected. - 英語論文検索例文集


This approach leads itself to a better understanding of the nature of the impairment, including which elements or processes of the community are most affected. - 英語論文検索例文集


This approach leads itself to a better understanding of the nature of the impairment, including which elements or processes of the community are most affected. - 英語論文検索例文集


(iii) Do directors and corporate auditors seek to enhance their understanding of the integrated risk management technique by participating in training courses or through other means? - 金融庁


(c) Do directors and corporate auditors seek to enhance their understanding of the credit risk measurement technique by receiving training or through other means? - 金融庁


(a) Does the person in charge of credit risk measurement at the financial institution have sufficient knowledge with regard to the measurement technique and understand the modeling process of credit risk measurement? - 金融庁


(iii) Do directors and corporate auditors seek to enhance their understanding of the market risk measurement technique by receiving training or through other means? - 金融庁


Before introducing New Products, does the institution firmly comprehend the nature of the market risks involved and build the risks into the market risk measurement technique? - 金融庁


(i) Does the person in charge of market risk measurement at the financial institution have sufficient knowledge with regard to the measurement technique and understand the modeling process of market risk measurement? - 金融庁


(iii) Do directors and corporate auditors seek to enhance their understanding of the operational risk measurement technique by participating in training or through other means? - 金融庁


This arrangement is performed by a method for substituting or compensating for the word with a term understandable for the manufacturer or a necessary explanation. - 特許庁


Especially, the directors in charge understand where the risks of the group lie and the types of such risks, and have deep recognition and understanding concerning the techniques of measuring, monitoring and managing various risks. - 金融庁


In particular, whether the director in charge has in-depth knowledge and understanding concerning the methods of measuring, monitoring and managing risks, in addition to an understanding of where risks reside and what kind of risks they are. - 金融庁


However, there are differences of insistence and interpretation that shakubuku is a method to be applied to persons who understand Buddhism to a certain extent or those who have advanced understanding through the teaching of the same sect, and that it should not be applied to those who do not know what is Buddhism. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"The restaurant provided two set menus; Menu A at 9,000 yen and Menu B at 6,000 yen. In addition, they recently started a new Menu S at 20,000 yen.""The manager of the restaurant completely understands the marketing method called 'anchoring'." - Weblio英語基本例文集


As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集


As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集


As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集


As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集


Also, it is pointed out that, although shakubuku and shoju are said to be opposite techniques, both of them are absolutely inseparable Homon (dharma-gates) for the conversion to Buddhism (for having the teachings of Buddhism understood). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is funny for entertainers, staff, and people in the business, but most of the time it is not understandable for ordinary audiences or viewers, so that it is considered targeting only regulars as well as enthusiasts. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(i) Do directors understand that decisions concerning the integrated risk measurement technique as well as the risk limits and the risk capital limits (in the case where capital allocation management is employed) have serious implications for the financial institution’s corporate management and financial conditions? - 金融庁


(ii) Does the director in charge of integrated risk management understand the integrated risk management technique required for the business of the financial institution and have a grasp on the nature (limitations and weaknesses) thereof? - 金融庁


For example, does the director in charge understand the limitations and weaknesses of the credit risk measurement and analysis methods (including the techniques and the assumptions, etc.) and consider countermeasures to supplement such shortcomings? - 金融庁


(a) Do directors understand that decisions concerning the credit risk measurement technique as well as the risk limits and the risk capital limits (in the case where capital allocation management is employed) have serious implications for the financial institution's corporate management and financial conditions? - 金融庁


(b) Does the director in charge of credit risk management understand the credit risk measurement technique required for the business of the financial institution and comprehend the nature (limitations and weaknesses) thereof? - 金融庁


For example, does the director in charge understand the limitations and weaknesses of market risk measurement and analysis methods (techniques, assumptions, etc.) and consider countermeasures to supplement such shortcomings? - 金融庁


(i) Do directors understand that decisions concerning the market risk measurement technique as well as the risk limits and the risk capital limits (in the case where capital allocation management is employed) have serious implications for the financial institution's corporate management and financial conditions? - 金融庁


(ii) Does the director in charge of market risk management understand the market risk measurement technique required for the business of the financial institution and comprehend the nature (limitations and weaknesses) thereof? - 金融庁


(i) Do directors understand that decisions concerning the operational risk measurement technique as well as the risk limits and the risk capital limits (in the case where capital allocation management is employed) have serious implications for the financial institution's corporate management and financial conditions? - 金融庁


(ii) Does the director in charge of operational risk management understand the operational risk measurement technique required for the business of the financial institution and comprehend the nature (limitations and weaknesses) thereof? - 金融庁


(i) Does the person in charge of operational risk measurement at the financial institution have sufficient knowledge with regard to the measurement technique and understand the modeling process of operational risk measurement? - 金融庁


Support of understanding and dialogue of natural languages with a user is facilitated by applying the technique to an interface to enable inputs in different order, incomplete information, correction of information and return of control to the previous service event. - 特許庁


To provide a master data maintenance tool having a display method which is easily understandable for an operator and various retrieval methods and a data updating function for flexibly reflecting task specifications. - 特許庁


This constitution allows an operator to understand and analyze what type of fluctuation pattern does the blood pressure indicate by the parameters based on the three-dimensional display method while retaining the advantages by the two-dimensional display method of the blood pressure. - 特許庁


To provide a preview image generating method for enabling a user to easily understand the layout of pages and therefore for avoiding spending a large amount of time when displaying the finished state of print pages. - 特許庁


Nevertheless, there still exist some cases in which the environmental impact has increased rather than decreased as the result of implementing procedures based on an improper understanding of the principles. - 経済産業省

また、ショップでの販売(2011年12 月末時点で86 店舗)を展開し、店頭で商品を見て理解してもらう手法(手に触れさせ、子供が楽しむ姿を保護者が見て判断できる)をとっている。例文帳に追加

Also, it sells products in stores (86 stores as of the end of December 2011) by employing a method to let customers see and understand the products in stores (have children touch the products so that the parents can judge by looking at their children enjoying). - 経済産業省



Although understanding of IFRS is necessary even at the present time, greater understanding of the auditing approach, methodologies and techniques, etc., is believed necessary in addressing these reporting standards.It may become necessary, for instance, to require the development of an inspection system for auditing firms involved in IFRS-based auditing, and the implementation of a specific measure of training or education, and furthermore to review guidance on auditing practices. - 金融庁

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