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該当件数 : 3906


(2) Money and securities deposited with a Commodity Exchange pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be clearing margins which are deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph (1) of the New Act (limited to those to be deposited by a customer set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph in the case set forth in the same item) with regard to transactions whose settlement is made by the method set forth in the Article 105, item (i) of the New Act, and as clearing margins which are deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 179, paragraph (1) of the New Act (limited to those, in the case set forth in item (i) of the same paragraph, to be deposited by a customer set forth in (b) of the same item in the case set forth in (b) of the same item, and to those, in the case set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph, to be deposited by a clearing intermediation customer set forth in (b) of the same item in the case set forth in (b) of the same item) with regard to transactions whose settlement is made by the method set forth in Article 105, item (ii) of the New Act. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定により商品取引所に預託された金銭及び有価証券は、新法第百五条第一号に掲げる方法により決済が行われる取引についてのものにあっては新法第百三条第一項の規定により預託されている取引証拠金(同項第二号に掲げる場合において同号の委託者が預託すべきものに限る。)と、新法第百五条第二号に掲げる方法により決済が行われる取引についてのものにあっては新法第百七十九条第一項の規定により預託されている取引証拠金(同項第一号に掲げる場合にあっては同号ロに掲げる場合において同号ロの委託者が預託すべきものに、同項第二号に掲げる場合にあっては同号ロに掲げる場合において同号ロの清算取次委託者が預託すべきものに限る。)とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) Money and securities deposited with a Commodity Exchange pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be clearing margins which are deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 1 of the New Act (limited to those to be deposited by a customer set forth in item 2 of the same paragraph in the case set forth in the same item) with regard to transactions whose settlement is made by the method set forth in the Article 105, item 1 of the New Act, and as clearing margins which are deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 179, paragraph 1 of the New Act (limited to those, in the case set forth in item 1 of the same paragraph, to be deposited by a customer set forth in (b) of the same item in the case set forth in (b) of the same item, and to those, in the case set forth in item 2 of the same paragraph, to be deposited by a clearing intermediation customer set forth in (b) of the same item in the case set forth in (b) of the same item) with regard to transactions whose settlement is made by the method set forth in Article 105, item 2 of the New Act. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定により商品取引所に預託された金銭及び有価証券は、新法第百五条第一号に掲げる方法により決済が行われる取引についてのものにあっては新法第百三条第一項の規定により預託されている取引証拠金(同項第二号に掲げる場合において同号の委託者が預託すべきものに限る。)と、新法第百五条第二号に掲げる方法により決済が行われる取引についてのものにあっては新法第百七十九条第一項の規定により預託されている取引証拠金(同項第一号に掲げる場合にあっては同号ロに掲げる場合において同号ロの委託者が預託すべきものに、同項第二号に掲げる場合にあっては同号ロに掲げる場合において同号ロの清算取次委託者が預託すべきものに限る。)とみなす。 - 経済産業省

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