Ivan Basić | University of Split, Croatia (original) (raw)
Books by Ivan Basić
Byzantine Ambos From Hellespont, 2022
Split–Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Hrvatsko društvo za bizantske studije, 2020
Questo libro è il risultato dei miei studi riguardanti la geografia storica e la storia ecclesias... more Questo libro è il risultato dei miei studi riguardanti la geografia storica e la storia ecclesiastica nell’ambito dell’Adriatico orientale compiuti negli ultimi quattro anni. Lo studio dell’argomento era imposto dalle ricerche eseguite per la mia tesi di dottorato che si occupava della poleogenesi di Spalato a cavallo tra la tarda antichità e l'Alto Medioevo compiuta e difesa presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Zagabria (2013). Pertanto, in un certo senso, questo libro è un prodotto accessorio di uno studio molto più ampio. Il carattere e la taglia della tesi di dottorato non hanno reso possibile l’elaborazione dettagliata dei molti temi e perciò le soluzioni riguardanti dovevano esser anticipate, ma rispettando l’obbligo di dedicare loro gli articoli separati e le conclusioni compiute. Negli ultimi quasi sette anni dal completamento del testo originale della tesi di dottorato alla preparazione di questa monografia per la pubblicazione, discussione sul tema dei vescovi della Dalmazia al Concilio di Hieria del 754 è stata pubblicata come un articolo scientifico nella raccolta di articoli pubblicata in occasione del decimo anniversario del Dipartimento di storia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Spalato (2014). Come allora, così ora il testo è stato modificato in modo significativo rispetto alla versione originale. Tuttavia sono ivi presentate delle conclusioni ora notevolmente approfondite, ampliate, completate, sia dal punto di vista qualitativo sia da quello quantitativo, mentre il testo tradotto in italiano è stato adattato alla storiografia straniera. Le modifiche e miglioramenti per questa edizione hanno incluso un aggiornamento bibliografico, poi l’apprezzamento di nuove scoperte, ma anche le visioni completamente nuove su alcuni problemi, così si può dire che lo studio davanti al lettore rappresenta davvero un insieme qualitativamente nuovo. D’altra parte, l’approccio e le conclusioni di ricerca non sono cambiati.
Knjiga daje pregled istraživanja na ranosrednjovjekovnim lokalitetima u Guranu i Balama (Istra). ... more Knjiga daje pregled istraživanja na ranosrednjovjekovnim lokalitetima u Guranu i Balama (Istra). Iznesene su nove spoznaje o crkvi sv. Marije Velike kod Bala te trima crkvama i ranosrednjovjekovnom naselju u Guranu kod Vodnjana.
De la domus episcopi au château Janković : l’évolution de l’espace du château Janković Les cara... more De la domus episcopi au château Janković : l’évolution de l’espace du château Janković
Les caractéristiques géophysiques du village d’Islam et de ses alentours offrent de nombreses conditions, stables et avantageuses, qui ont favorisé une présence continue d’habitat humain, alors que le rattachement de cet espace à la voie de communication menant de Nin (antique Aenona) à Knin témoigne de son importance géographique. Bien que des fouilles archéologique systématiques n’y ont jamais été menées, et sans disposer de données sur la provenance précise de la plupart des objets qu’abrite la collection archéologique du château Janković, il n’y a aucun doute que ceux-ci font partie de la même mosaïque que ceux des localités voisines. La zone du village d’Islam faisait vraisemblablement partie du ager municipii Nedini. Durant le haut Moyen Âge celui-ci fut incorporé au comitat de Luka. À cette époque, la zone d’Islam était entourée des agglomérations de Grgurice, Učitelja Vas, Tršćane, Kačina Gorica, Rejane, Paprčane, Kašić, Rocane et Čerinci. La Via Magna cesta vocata tendens per Lucam est une communication moyenâgeuse qui suivait la direction Nin – Islam – Kašić – Smilčić –Biljani Gornji – Benkovac – Ostrovica – Knin. Une section de 8 km de la voie traversait le district de Novigrad. Les recherches sur la vie du village d’Islam (Grčki et Latinski) au Moyen Âge étaient difficiles car son toponyme moyenâgeux était inconnu, ayant été recouvert au début de l’époque moderne par le nom de «rempart de l’Islam ». Ce problème a été longuement discuté, et ce n’est qu’en 1985 que N. Jakšić, en analysant les documents originaux, a conclu que le village d’Islam était mentionné dans les actes vénitiens du XVIe siècle sous le nom de village fortifié de Učitelja Vas, toponyme de cette agglomération avant l’époque turque. L’un des documents les plus importants pour l’étude de la toponymie du village d’Islam est la charte du 16 août 1266 par laquelle Roland, banus totius Sclavonie, fait donation de la propriété de Četiglavac (Chetiglavaz) à l’église de Nin, conduite par l’évêque Samson II, et en définit les confins précis. Les confins y décrits se rapportent aux toponymes de la zone des villages actuels d’Islam Grčki et Islam Latinski. Le collationnement des toponymes enregistrés dans les privilèges concédés aux comtes de Posedarje en 1219 et en 1249 avec les données précitées datant de 1266, puis avec la délimitation de la frontière turco-vénitienne à partir de l’année 1576, et finalement avec la situation générale du cadastre en 1826, a permis une reconstruction précise de la ligne du confin sud-ouest du domaine des comtes de Posedarje face à la zone historique du village d’Islam (c’est-à-dire le confin nord-est du domaine de l’évêque de Nin). On a constaté que cette ligne de partage ne s’est littéralement pas déplacée au cours d’une longue période, allant du XIIIe au XIXe siècle. Fait important, le château Janković se situe exactement sur la ligne du confin sud du domaine de l’évêque Samson, sur sa section incontestée qui rejoint l’église de Saint Georges (localité de Crkvice, à quelque cinq cents mètres à l’ouest du château). Domus episcopi Sansonis, la résidence de villégiature de l’évêque, est ainsi identifiée d’une manière probante à l’actuel château Janković. Le village de Učitelja Vas fait partie des agglomérations qui se sont dépeuplées à la suite d’incursions fréquentes des Turques à l’intérieur du territoire croate au cours des XVe et XVIe siècles. Même avant la guerre de Chypre, il se trouvait en zone frontière, no man’s land, entre l’acquisto vecchio vénitien et le pays nouvellement formé, «vilajet Hrvati». Le pacha Ferhad Sokolović occupa le village Učitelja Vas en 1570. Aussitôt l’agglomération disparut faisant place à la fortification frontalière ottomane, nommée fort à propos « rempart de l’Islam », Sedd-i islam, qui faisait face à la possession vénitienne. Bien que Evliya Çelebi dans son récit de voyage Seyahatname (autour de 1631-1670) attribue la fondation de cette place forte au bey Gazi Husrev en 1538, les historiens de Zadar Š. Ljubavac et C. F. Bianchi situent sa fondation plus vraisemblablement en 1577. Le château-fort turque a été détruit par mesure de prévention au début de la guerre de Candie en 1647, par ordre de L. Foscolo. La ligne de délimitation turco-vénitienne dans cette micro-région passait à proximité immédiate du village appelé autrefois Učitelja Vas, traversant Grgurice et atteignait Paljuv. Tout le territoire conquis fut rendu au sultan par la paix de 1669, à part quelques petits bouts de territoire en Dalmatie centrale. C’est précisément à Islam qu’en 1671 le pacha Mahmud et G. B. Nani délimitèrent les frontières de la Dalmatie après la guerre de Candie – linea Nani. Les succès vénitiens, bien qu’éphémères, n’eussent pas été envisageables sans le facteur morlaque et la nouvelle politique vénitienne qui lui était favorable. Les Morlaques fuyant l’Empire ottoman pour la Dalmatie étaient approvisionnés par la Serenissime en armes suffisantes, qu’ils utilisaient contre les Turques en lançant des raids dans leur pays d’origine. Les Mitrović-Janković, propriétaires du château Janković, font leur apparition sur la scène historique vers le milieu du XVIIe siècle et deviennent des gouverneurs héréditaires des Kotari supérieurs. Stojan Janković (Mitrović-Janković) devient en 1663 l’un des chefs locaux de Posedarje. Pour ses mérites militaires et sa loyauté à la République de saint Marc il obtint en 1670 un domaine de dimensions moyennes à Islam. Dès l’année suivante il fut nommé commandant d’Ostrovica, et en 1681 il devint chef des Morlaques. Il périt lors de la campagne de Glamoč, Livno et Duvno en 1687, sans avoir vu son fief d’Islam. Après 1576 les possessions de l’évêque de Nin ont été rattachées, semble-t-il sans modification, à l’ensemble de l’Islam ottoman. Jusqu’en 1670 elles faisaient partie des propriétés de l’agha Jusuf Tunić. Comme elles correspondaient approximativement par leurs dimensions au domaine des évêques de Nin, l’hypothèse selon laquelle elles auraient été transformées en une propriété de spahi à l’époque ottomane semble bien plausible. En tout cas, leurs confins n’ont pas changé, au moins un certain temps avant 1670. Mais le château de Stojan, tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui, n’a pas de lien direct avec ce protagoniste de l’histoire dalmate (bien que le château d’Islam occupe une place importante dans la tradition epique orale portant sur le personnage de Stojan). Des sources éparses et peu nombreuses permettent de reconstituer l’essentiel des événements du XVIIe siècle. En 1647 le château-fort turque fut démoli ; en 1671, au moment de la rencontre de Nani avec le pacha Mahmud, Islam est en ruines, puis il retombe sous la juridiction ottomane, pour en être finalement abandonné dès 1684. Stojan Janković périt en 1687, mais la situation d’Islam n’est réglée que 12 ans plus tard. Les Janković ne s’installeront sur leurs terres qu’en 1699, après la guerre de Morée, et leur présence culminera par la construction de leur résidence familiale sur les possessions nouvellement acquises, au cours des siècles suivants. Plusieurs indices attestent de façon incontestable que le noyau de l’ensemble actuel du château Janković doit être recherché parmi les constructions que Todorin Dede Janković acheta en 1719. Ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui le château Janković comprend un ensemble unique de bâtiments de fortification, d'habitation et d'exploitation agricole disposés sur une superficie de 4500 m. Le domaine est situé sur une colline, à l’ouest de l’ancienne Via Magna qui le rejoint tangentiellement au sud d’Islam Grčki. L’ensemble est entouré de hauts murs en pierre, qui forment un quadrilatère irrégulier (80 x 60 m), dont le tiers sud-ouest occupe le noyau des bâtiments de fortification, d'habitation et d'exploitation agricole. Il a la forme d’une construction à trois ailes, avec une annexe saillante dans l’angle sud. Les ailes de ce noyau sud-ouest renferment entre elles une cour intérieure, pratiquement fermée par la construction ultérieure d’une ceinture de bâtiments d’exploitation qui longe le bord nord-est de la propriété, en ne laissant qu’un passage étroit vers la grande cour d’entrée. On identifie la partie la plus vieille dans la «résidence ancienne», au milieu de l’aile sud-est du noyau historique. Son annexe (« le donjon ») a la forme d’une tour à plusieurs étages, qui domine tout l’ensemble. Du sud-ouest au nord-est s’alignent : « la prison », surmontée par la « vieille cuisine » et le donjon, « la résidence ancienne » (avec l’entrée principale) et la « grange à sécher le maïs ». On suppose que la partie la plus ancienne du noyau historique est le bâtiment à deux étages dont les deux espaces sont couverts d'une voûte en plein cintre : au rez-de-chaussée « la prison », avec un cachot souterrain, et la cuisine qui est située juste au-dessus d'elle, sous le donjon ; puis, au sud-ouest, la pièce de prestige, « le salon », construit au-dessus de la pièce à quatre arcs qui donne accès à la prison. « Le salon » est relié par un vestibule à la «résidence ancienne». L’entrée principale, dite « de garde », et le vestibule constituent le noeud de communication de toute la structure du château. Dans le prolongement de ce noyau historique, vers l’ouest, on a construit au cours du XVIII s. un édifice dont le niveau inférieur occupe le cellier, relié à l’entrée de la prison par un préau couvert, dont les trois arcs donnent sur la cour intérieure actuelle. La construction de cette aile à deux étages au XVIII s. ébauche la formation de la cour intérieure, ce qui transforme le plan du château, initialement constitué d’une seule aile, en structure à deux ailes. La cour intérieure a été formée à un rythme inégal jusqu’au dernier tiers du XIX s, en ajoutant progressivement les bâtiments qui l’entourent. C’est de cette époque que date le bâtiment à deux étages (« la grange »), qui dessine, avec ...
Edited books by Ivan Basić
Dissertationes et Monographiae 20, 2024
Centar za lokalnu povijest i rodoslovlje Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu - Dalmatocroatica transmontana, I, 2022
Ivan Ostojić: Authenticity of chapter IX of the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. First edition... more Ivan Ostojić: Authenticity of chapter IX of the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. First edition of a previously unpublished work written in 1968.
Željko Rapanić, Studies on the Early Middle Ages, ed. Ivan Basić (Split, 2022)
Collected papers on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Department of History, Faculty of... more Collected papers on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split.
by Fabio Coden, Giulia Arcidiacono, Ivan Basić, Vlad Bedros, Alberto Crosetto, Zaruhi Hakobyan, Wilfried E. Keil, Justin E A Kroesen, Elisabetta Scirocco, Angeliki Mexia, Silvia Muzzin, Luca Palozzi, Antonino Tranchina, Αντιγόνη Τζιτζιμπάση / Antigoni Tzitzibassi, and Maddalena Vaccaro
Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana editoriale, 2021 (Minima medievalia), pp. 1-560. (isbn 9788836649211), 2021
Book chapters by Ivan Basić
Virtute rebusque gestis. Zbornik povodom dvadesete godišnjice Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (ed. T. Andrić, N. Varezić), Split, 2024
The text studies the shortcomings in written and material sources previously used in attempts to ... more The text studies the shortcomings in written and material sources previously used in attempts to reconstruct the end of the city of Salona, the metropolis of the Roman province of Dalmatia. The author focuses on the deficiencies and challenges in attempting to reconstruct the final stage of that city. The following provides an overview of comparative models of the same process in closer regions (Epirus Vetus, lower Danube region, southern Macedonia, southern Thrace, northern Italy) and more distant areas (Asia Minor and the Middle East). Through these studies, an attempt is made to comprehend the diversity in the development of similar cities across different geographical areas by comparing them with the city of Salona. This research is contextualized within the main trends of historiographical production that emerged from the mid-20th century to the first quarter of the 21st century. To that end, various authors are invoked: William Bowden, Wolfram Brandes, Gian-Pietro Brogiolo, Neil Christie, Lellia Cracco Ruggini, Archibald W. Dunn, Clive Foss, Sauro Gelichi, John F. Haldon, Arnold H. M. Jones, Alexander P. Kazhdan, Luke Lavan, Wolfgang Liebeschuetz, George Ostrogorsky, Andrew G. Poulter, Bryan Ward-Perkins, Mark Whittow, Chris Wickham, Enrico Zanini, Luca Zavagno. The analysis of their respective different historiographical approaches and theories demonstrates possible solutions pertaining to the better understanding and interpretation of the late Late Roman history of Salona and similar cities. Such an approach enables a finer grasp of the weak points in sources concerning the reconstruction of Salona’s history and how other similar cities have been observed and studied within the broader context of Late Antique studies.
Ivan Ostojić, Vjerodostojnost sadržaja IX glave Ljetopisa popa Dukljanina, ed. Ivan Basić, Split: Filozofski fakultet, Centar za lokalnu povijest i rodoslovlje (2022): VII-XXXVIII
Approaching the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea.
TRADE – Transformations of Adriatic Europe (2nd–9th centuries AD). Proceedings of the conference in Zadar, 11th–13th February 2016, ed. I. Borzić, E. Cirelli, K. Jelinčić Vučković, A. Konestra, I. Ožanić Roguljić (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023): 313-326
The sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type are among the most important Early Christian artefacts origina... more The sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type are among the most important Early Christian artefacts originating from the area of the Adriatic basin, that is from its eastern coast. Most of them were found in Dalmatia, mainly on the island of Brač (Brattia) as well as in the provincial capital Salona and its surroundings. They were also exported into Italy in large quantities (Ravenna, Puglia, etc.). Although these sarcophagi have been discussed many times before both in Croatian and (to a lesser extent) in international literature, there are still many issues to be resolved, particularly when it comes to dating the entire group. Alongside seminal works by I. Fisković and N. Cambi on the topic, several papers and findings relevant to that type of sarcophagi recently appeared in international publications. Some important details about certain findings from Croatia, that remain unknown to foreign literature also appeared. One of the newly-attributed sarcophagi (found at Treviso) also enables a discussion on the origin and dating of the whole group; it is based on that example that these issues are discussed.
Marinov zbornik. Papers in honour of Professor Emilio Marin, ed. M. Kevo, I. Majnarić, S. Obrovac Lipar (Zagreb: Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište / Catholic University of Croatia, 2022): 647-664
Akti crkvenog koncila u Niceji održanog 787. godine sadrže jedinstvene podatke o prvim poznatim s... more Akti crkvenog koncila u Niceji održanog 787. godine sadrže jedinstvene podatke o prvim poznatim srednjovjekovnim dalmatinskim biskupima (Split, Rab, Osor, Kotor) koji se u hrvatskoj historiografiji s manjom ili većom ustrajnošću istražuju od 1930-ih. Ovdje se temeljem recentnog kritičkog izdanja koncilskih akata upozorava na dosad neuočene, također jedinstvene podatke koje taj tekst sadržava: ekskluzivno služenje latinskim jezikom biskupâ triju prvonavedenih gradova. Autor analizira tu vijest, tumači je i kontekstualizira. Zaključuje da ona svjedoči o latinskoj monolingvalnosti dalmatinskih urbanih zajednica, kao i o specifičnom položaju što su ga zauzimale dalmatinske biskupije na razmeđi Istoka i Zapada.
Zbornik radova 140 godina podučavanja povijesti umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, eds. D. Botica, M. Jurković (Zagreb: FF press, 2022): 215-229
U radu je dan bibliografski prikaz časopisa Odsjeka za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta ... more U radu je dan bibliografski prikaz časopisa Odsjeka za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, pokrenutog 1958. godine, čiji je posljednji svezak objavljen 1981. godine. Uz uvodne napomene o tradiciji i mijenama formalnih obilježja časopisa u vremenskom slijedu, donosi se popis bibliografskih jedinica u kronološkom i abecednom nizu.
Na obzorju novega. Območje severnega Jadrana ter vzhodnoalpski in balkansko-podonavski prostor v obdobju pozne antike in zgodnjega srednjega veka (Festschrift Rajko Bratož), ed. A. Cedilnik, M. Lovenjak (Ljubljana, 2022): 285-313
On the dating of the “Iconoclastic” episcopal list of the Church of Constantinople (Notitia episc... more On the dating of the “Iconoclastic” episcopal list of the Church of Constantinople (Notitia episcopatuum ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae 3) with a special emphasis on the Diocese of Thrace
U početnom dijelu rada daje se osvrt na historiografiju o tzv. Trećem popisu biskupâ Ca¬rigradske crkve (Notitia episcopatuum ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae br. 3, po Darrouzèsovoj numeraciji). U nastavku se analiziraju podaci toga teksta o crkvenoj geografiji provincija kasnoantičke Tračke dijeceze (Evropa, Trakija, Rodope, Hemimont, Mezija, Skitija) u konfrontaciji s podacima iz ostalih vremenski bliskih noticija (1, 2, 4, 5). Zaključuje se da ti podaci ne predstavljaju povratak ranokršćanskom crkvenom ustroju, već da pripadaju kontekstu djelomične obnove bizantske vlasti u Bugarskoj za vladavine Irene, Konstanti¬na VI. i Nikefora I., što je dodatan argument za dataciju Notitia 3 u vrijeme carigradskog patrijarha Tarazija (784.–806.).
Byzantine Ambos From Hellespont, 2022
Split–Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Hrvatsko društvo za bizantske studije, 2020
Questo libro è il risultato dei miei studi riguardanti la geografia storica e la storia ecclesias... more Questo libro è il risultato dei miei studi riguardanti la geografia storica e la storia ecclesiastica nell’ambito dell’Adriatico orientale compiuti negli ultimi quattro anni. Lo studio dell’argomento era imposto dalle ricerche eseguite per la mia tesi di dottorato che si occupava della poleogenesi di Spalato a cavallo tra la tarda antichità e l'Alto Medioevo compiuta e difesa presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Zagabria (2013). Pertanto, in un certo senso, questo libro è un prodotto accessorio di uno studio molto più ampio. Il carattere e la taglia della tesi di dottorato non hanno reso possibile l’elaborazione dettagliata dei molti temi e perciò le soluzioni riguardanti dovevano esser anticipate, ma rispettando l’obbligo di dedicare loro gli articoli separati e le conclusioni compiute. Negli ultimi quasi sette anni dal completamento del testo originale della tesi di dottorato alla preparazione di questa monografia per la pubblicazione, discussione sul tema dei vescovi della Dalmazia al Concilio di Hieria del 754 è stata pubblicata come un articolo scientifico nella raccolta di articoli pubblicata in occasione del decimo anniversario del Dipartimento di storia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Spalato (2014). Come allora, così ora il testo è stato modificato in modo significativo rispetto alla versione originale. Tuttavia sono ivi presentate delle conclusioni ora notevolmente approfondite, ampliate, completate, sia dal punto di vista qualitativo sia da quello quantitativo, mentre il testo tradotto in italiano è stato adattato alla storiografia straniera. Le modifiche e miglioramenti per questa edizione hanno incluso un aggiornamento bibliografico, poi l’apprezzamento di nuove scoperte, ma anche le visioni completamente nuove su alcuni problemi, così si può dire che lo studio davanti al lettore rappresenta davvero un insieme qualitativamente nuovo. D’altra parte, l’approccio e le conclusioni di ricerca non sono cambiati.
Knjiga daje pregled istraživanja na ranosrednjovjekovnim lokalitetima u Guranu i Balama (Istra). ... more Knjiga daje pregled istraživanja na ranosrednjovjekovnim lokalitetima u Guranu i Balama (Istra). Iznesene su nove spoznaje o crkvi sv. Marije Velike kod Bala te trima crkvama i ranosrednjovjekovnom naselju u Guranu kod Vodnjana.
De la domus episcopi au château Janković : l’évolution de l’espace du château Janković Les cara... more De la domus episcopi au château Janković : l’évolution de l’espace du château Janković
Les caractéristiques géophysiques du village d’Islam et de ses alentours offrent de nombreses conditions, stables et avantageuses, qui ont favorisé une présence continue d’habitat humain, alors que le rattachement de cet espace à la voie de communication menant de Nin (antique Aenona) à Knin témoigne de son importance géographique. Bien que des fouilles archéologique systématiques n’y ont jamais été menées, et sans disposer de données sur la provenance précise de la plupart des objets qu’abrite la collection archéologique du château Janković, il n’y a aucun doute que ceux-ci font partie de la même mosaïque que ceux des localités voisines. La zone du village d’Islam faisait vraisemblablement partie du ager municipii Nedini. Durant le haut Moyen Âge celui-ci fut incorporé au comitat de Luka. À cette époque, la zone d’Islam était entourée des agglomérations de Grgurice, Učitelja Vas, Tršćane, Kačina Gorica, Rejane, Paprčane, Kašić, Rocane et Čerinci. La Via Magna cesta vocata tendens per Lucam est une communication moyenâgeuse qui suivait la direction Nin – Islam – Kašić – Smilčić –Biljani Gornji – Benkovac – Ostrovica – Knin. Une section de 8 km de la voie traversait le district de Novigrad. Les recherches sur la vie du village d’Islam (Grčki et Latinski) au Moyen Âge étaient difficiles car son toponyme moyenâgeux était inconnu, ayant été recouvert au début de l’époque moderne par le nom de «rempart de l’Islam ». Ce problème a été longuement discuté, et ce n’est qu’en 1985 que N. Jakšić, en analysant les documents originaux, a conclu que le village d’Islam était mentionné dans les actes vénitiens du XVIe siècle sous le nom de village fortifié de Učitelja Vas, toponyme de cette agglomération avant l’époque turque. L’un des documents les plus importants pour l’étude de la toponymie du village d’Islam est la charte du 16 août 1266 par laquelle Roland, banus totius Sclavonie, fait donation de la propriété de Četiglavac (Chetiglavaz) à l’église de Nin, conduite par l’évêque Samson II, et en définit les confins précis. Les confins y décrits se rapportent aux toponymes de la zone des villages actuels d’Islam Grčki et Islam Latinski. Le collationnement des toponymes enregistrés dans les privilèges concédés aux comtes de Posedarje en 1219 et en 1249 avec les données précitées datant de 1266, puis avec la délimitation de la frontière turco-vénitienne à partir de l’année 1576, et finalement avec la situation générale du cadastre en 1826, a permis une reconstruction précise de la ligne du confin sud-ouest du domaine des comtes de Posedarje face à la zone historique du village d’Islam (c’est-à-dire le confin nord-est du domaine de l’évêque de Nin). On a constaté que cette ligne de partage ne s’est littéralement pas déplacée au cours d’une longue période, allant du XIIIe au XIXe siècle. Fait important, le château Janković se situe exactement sur la ligne du confin sud du domaine de l’évêque Samson, sur sa section incontestée qui rejoint l’église de Saint Georges (localité de Crkvice, à quelque cinq cents mètres à l’ouest du château). Domus episcopi Sansonis, la résidence de villégiature de l’évêque, est ainsi identifiée d’une manière probante à l’actuel château Janković. Le village de Učitelja Vas fait partie des agglomérations qui se sont dépeuplées à la suite d’incursions fréquentes des Turques à l’intérieur du territoire croate au cours des XVe et XVIe siècles. Même avant la guerre de Chypre, il se trouvait en zone frontière, no man’s land, entre l’acquisto vecchio vénitien et le pays nouvellement formé, «vilajet Hrvati». Le pacha Ferhad Sokolović occupa le village Učitelja Vas en 1570. Aussitôt l’agglomération disparut faisant place à la fortification frontalière ottomane, nommée fort à propos « rempart de l’Islam », Sedd-i islam, qui faisait face à la possession vénitienne. Bien que Evliya Çelebi dans son récit de voyage Seyahatname (autour de 1631-1670) attribue la fondation de cette place forte au bey Gazi Husrev en 1538, les historiens de Zadar Š. Ljubavac et C. F. Bianchi situent sa fondation plus vraisemblablement en 1577. Le château-fort turque a été détruit par mesure de prévention au début de la guerre de Candie en 1647, par ordre de L. Foscolo. La ligne de délimitation turco-vénitienne dans cette micro-région passait à proximité immédiate du village appelé autrefois Učitelja Vas, traversant Grgurice et atteignait Paljuv. Tout le territoire conquis fut rendu au sultan par la paix de 1669, à part quelques petits bouts de territoire en Dalmatie centrale. C’est précisément à Islam qu’en 1671 le pacha Mahmud et G. B. Nani délimitèrent les frontières de la Dalmatie après la guerre de Candie – linea Nani. Les succès vénitiens, bien qu’éphémères, n’eussent pas été envisageables sans le facteur morlaque et la nouvelle politique vénitienne qui lui était favorable. Les Morlaques fuyant l’Empire ottoman pour la Dalmatie étaient approvisionnés par la Serenissime en armes suffisantes, qu’ils utilisaient contre les Turques en lançant des raids dans leur pays d’origine. Les Mitrović-Janković, propriétaires du château Janković, font leur apparition sur la scène historique vers le milieu du XVIIe siècle et deviennent des gouverneurs héréditaires des Kotari supérieurs. Stojan Janković (Mitrović-Janković) devient en 1663 l’un des chefs locaux de Posedarje. Pour ses mérites militaires et sa loyauté à la République de saint Marc il obtint en 1670 un domaine de dimensions moyennes à Islam. Dès l’année suivante il fut nommé commandant d’Ostrovica, et en 1681 il devint chef des Morlaques. Il périt lors de la campagne de Glamoč, Livno et Duvno en 1687, sans avoir vu son fief d’Islam. Après 1576 les possessions de l’évêque de Nin ont été rattachées, semble-t-il sans modification, à l’ensemble de l’Islam ottoman. Jusqu’en 1670 elles faisaient partie des propriétés de l’agha Jusuf Tunić. Comme elles correspondaient approximativement par leurs dimensions au domaine des évêques de Nin, l’hypothèse selon laquelle elles auraient été transformées en une propriété de spahi à l’époque ottomane semble bien plausible. En tout cas, leurs confins n’ont pas changé, au moins un certain temps avant 1670. Mais le château de Stojan, tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui, n’a pas de lien direct avec ce protagoniste de l’histoire dalmate (bien que le château d’Islam occupe une place importante dans la tradition epique orale portant sur le personnage de Stojan). Des sources éparses et peu nombreuses permettent de reconstituer l’essentiel des événements du XVIIe siècle. En 1647 le château-fort turque fut démoli ; en 1671, au moment de la rencontre de Nani avec le pacha Mahmud, Islam est en ruines, puis il retombe sous la juridiction ottomane, pour en être finalement abandonné dès 1684. Stojan Janković périt en 1687, mais la situation d’Islam n’est réglée que 12 ans plus tard. Les Janković ne s’installeront sur leurs terres qu’en 1699, après la guerre de Morée, et leur présence culminera par la construction de leur résidence familiale sur les possessions nouvellement acquises, au cours des siècles suivants. Plusieurs indices attestent de façon incontestable que le noyau de l’ensemble actuel du château Janković doit être recherché parmi les constructions que Todorin Dede Janković acheta en 1719. Ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui le château Janković comprend un ensemble unique de bâtiments de fortification, d'habitation et d'exploitation agricole disposés sur une superficie de 4500 m. Le domaine est situé sur une colline, à l’ouest de l’ancienne Via Magna qui le rejoint tangentiellement au sud d’Islam Grčki. L’ensemble est entouré de hauts murs en pierre, qui forment un quadrilatère irrégulier (80 x 60 m), dont le tiers sud-ouest occupe le noyau des bâtiments de fortification, d'habitation et d'exploitation agricole. Il a la forme d’une construction à trois ailes, avec une annexe saillante dans l’angle sud. Les ailes de ce noyau sud-ouest renferment entre elles une cour intérieure, pratiquement fermée par la construction ultérieure d’une ceinture de bâtiments d’exploitation qui longe le bord nord-est de la propriété, en ne laissant qu’un passage étroit vers la grande cour d’entrée. On identifie la partie la plus vieille dans la «résidence ancienne», au milieu de l’aile sud-est du noyau historique. Son annexe (« le donjon ») a la forme d’une tour à plusieurs étages, qui domine tout l’ensemble. Du sud-ouest au nord-est s’alignent : « la prison », surmontée par la « vieille cuisine » et le donjon, « la résidence ancienne » (avec l’entrée principale) et la « grange à sécher le maïs ». On suppose que la partie la plus ancienne du noyau historique est le bâtiment à deux étages dont les deux espaces sont couverts d'une voûte en plein cintre : au rez-de-chaussée « la prison », avec un cachot souterrain, et la cuisine qui est située juste au-dessus d'elle, sous le donjon ; puis, au sud-ouest, la pièce de prestige, « le salon », construit au-dessus de la pièce à quatre arcs qui donne accès à la prison. « Le salon » est relié par un vestibule à la «résidence ancienne». L’entrée principale, dite « de garde », et le vestibule constituent le noeud de communication de toute la structure du château. Dans le prolongement de ce noyau historique, vers l’ouest, on a construit au cours du XVIII s. un édifice dont le niveau inférieur occupe le cellier, relié à l’entrée de la prison par un préau couvert, dont les trois arcs donnent sur la cour intérieure actuelle. La construction de cette aile à deux étages au XVIII s. ébauche la formation de la cour intérieure, ce qui transforme le plan du château, initialement constitué d’une seule aile, en structure à deux ailes. La cour intérieure a été formée à un rythme inégal jusqu’au dernier tiers du XIX s, en ajoutant progressivement les bâtiments qui l’entourent. C’est de cette époque que date le bâtiment à deux étages (« la grange »), qui dessine, avec ...
Dissertationes et Monographiae 20, 2024
Centar za lokalnu povijest i rodoslovlje Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu - Dalmatocroatica transmontana, I, 2022
Ivan Ostojić: Authenticity of chapter IX of the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. First edition... more Ivan Ostojić: Authenticity of chapter IX of the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. First edition of a previously unpublished work written in 1968.
Željko Rapanić, Studies on the Early Middle Ages, ed. Ivan Basić (Split, 2022)
Collected papers on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Department of History, Faculty of... more Collected papers on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split.
by Fabio Coden, Giulia Arcidiacono, Ivan Basić, Vlad Bedros, Alberto Crosetto, Zaruhi Hakobyan, Wilfried E. Keil, Justin E A Kroesen, Elisabetta Scirocco, Angeliki Mexia, Silvia Muzzin, Luca Palozzi, Antonino Tranchina, Αντιγόνη Τζιτζιμπάση / Antigoni Tzitzibassi, and Maddalena Vaccaro
Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana editoriale, 2021 (Minima medievalia), pp. 1-560. (isbn 9788836649211), 2021
Virtute rebusque gestis. Zbornik povodom dvadesete godišnjice Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (ed. T. Andrić, N. Varezić), Split, 2024
The text studies the shortcomings in written and material sources previously used in attempts to ... more The text studies the shortcomings in written and material sources previously used in attempts to reconstruct the end of the city of Salona, the metropolis of the Roman province of Dalmatia. The author focuses on the deficiencies and challenges in attempting to reconstruct the final stage of that city. The following provides an overview of comparative models of the same process in closer regions (Epirus Vetus, lower Danube region, southern Macedonia, southern Thrace, northern Italy) and more distant areas (Asia Minor and the Middle East). Through these studies, an attempt is made to comprehend the diversity in the development of similar cities across different geographical areas by comparing them with the city of Salona. This research is contextualized within the main trends of historiographical production that emerged from the mid-20th century to the first quarter of the 21st century. To that end, various authors are invoked: William Bowden, Wolfram Brandes, Gian-Pietro Brogiolo, Neil Christie, Lellia Cracco Ruggini, Archibald W. Dunn, Clive Foss, Sauro Gelichi, John F. Haldon, Arnold H. M. Jones, Alexander P. Kazhdan, Luke Lavan, Wolfgang Liebeschuetz, George Ostrogorsky, Andrew G. Poulter, Bryan Ward-Perkins, Mark Whittow, Chris Wickham, Enrico Zanini, Luca Zavagno. The analysis of their respective different historiographical approaches and theories demonstrates possible solutions pertaining to the better understanding and interpretation of the late Late Roman history of Salona and similar cities. Such an approach enables a finer grasp of the weak points in sources concerning the reconstruction of Salona’s history and how other similar cities have been observed and studied within the broader context of Late Antique studies.
Ivan Ostojić, Vjerodostojnost sadržaja IX glave Ljetopisa popa Dukljanina, ed. Ivan Basić, Split: Filozofski fakultet, Centar za lokalnu povijest i rodoslovlje (2022): VII-XXXVIII
Approaching the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea.
TRADE – Transformations of Adriatic Europe (2nd–9th centuries AD). Proceedings of the conference in Zadar, 11th–13th February 2016, ed. I. Borzić, E. Cirelli, K. Jelinčić Vučković, A. Konestra, I. Ožanić Roguljić (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023): 313-326
The sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type are among the most important Early Christian artefacts origina... more The sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type are among the most important Early Christian artefacts originating from the area of the Adriatic basin, that is from its eastern coast. Most of them were found in Dalmatia, mainly on the island of Brač (Brattia) as well as in the provincial capital Salona and its surroundings. They were also exported into Italy in large quantities (Ravenna, Puglia, etc.). Although these sarcophagi have been discussed many times before both in Croatian and (to a lesser extent) in international literature, there are still many issues to be resolved, particularly when it comes to dating the entire group. Alongside seminal works by I. Fisković and N. Cambi on the topic, several papers and findings relevant to that type of sarcophagi recently appeared in international publications. Some important details about certain findings from Croatia, that remain unknown to foreign literature also appeared. One of the newly-attributed sarcophagi (found at Treviso) also enables a discussion on the origin and dating of the whole group; it is based on that example that these issues are discussed.
Marinov zbornik. Papers in honour of Professor Emilio Marin, ed. M. Kevo, I. Majnarić, S. Obrovac Lipar (Zagreb: Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište / Catholic University of Croatia, 2022): 647-664
Akti crkvenog koncila u Niceji održanog 787. godine sadrže jedinstvene podatke o prvim poznatim s... more Akti crkvenog koncila u Niceji održanog 787. godine sadrže jedinstvene podatke o prvim poznatim srednjovjekovnim dalmatinskim biskupima (Split, Rab, Osor, Kotor) koji se u hrvatskoj historiografiji s manjom ili većom ustrajnošću istražuju od 1930-ih. Ovdje se temeljem recentnog kritičkog izdanja koncilskih akata upozorava na dosad neuočene, također jedinstvene podatke koje taj tekst sadržava: ekskluzivno služenje latinskim jezikom biskupâ triju prvonavedenih gradova. Autor analizira tu vijest, tumači je i kontekstualizira. Zaključuje da ona svjedoči o latinskoj monolingvalnosti dalmatinskih urbanih zajednica, kao i o specifičnom položaju što su ga zauzimale dalmatinske biskupije na razmeđi Istoka i Zapada.
Zbornik radova 140 godina podučavanja povijesti umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, eds. D. Botica, M. Jurković (Zagreb: FF press, 2022): 215-229
U radu je dan bibliografski prikaz časopisa Odsjeka za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta ... more U radu je dan bibliografski prikaz časopisa Odsjeka za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, pokrenutog 1958. godine, čiji je posljednji svezak objavljen 1981. godine. Uz uvodne napomene o tradiciji i mijenama formalnih obilježja časopisa u vremenskom slijedu, donosi se popis bibliografskih jedinica u kronološkom i abecednom nizu.
Na obzorju novega. Območje severnega Jadrana ter vzhodnoalpski in balkansko-podonavski prostor v obdobju pozne antike in zgodnjega srednjega veka (Festschrift Rajko Bratož), ed. A. Cedilnik, M. Lovenjak (Ljubljana, 2022): 285-313
On the dating of the “Iconoclastic” episcopal list of the Church of Constantinople (Notitia episc... more On the dating of the “Iconoclastic” episcopal list of the Church of Constantinople (Notitia episcopatuum ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae 3) with a special emphasis on the Diocese of Thrace
U početnom dijelu rada daje se osvrt na historiografiju o tzv. Trećem popisu biskupâ Ca¬rigradske crkve (Notitia episcopatuum ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae br. 3, po Darrouzèsovoj numeraciji). U nastavku se analiziraju podaci toga teksta o crkvenoj geografiji provincija kasnoantičke Tračke dijeceze (Evropa, Trakija, Rodope, Hemimont, Mezija, Skitija) u konfrontaciji s podacima iz ostalih vremenski bliskih noticija (1, 2, 4, 5). Zaključuje se da ti podaci ne predstavljaju povratak ranokršćanskom crkvenom ustroju, već da pripadaju kontekstu djelomične obnove bizantske vlasti u Bugarskoj za vladavine Irene, Konstanti¬na VI. i Nikefora I., što je dodatan argument za dataciju Notitia 3 u vrijeme carigradskog patrijarha Tarazija (784.–806.).
Ž. Rapanić, Studije o ranom srednjovjekovlju, prir. I. Basić, Split 2022: 5-49
Medieval Studies of Željko Rapanić (in: Ž. Rapanić, Studies on the Early Middle Ages, ed. I. Basi... more Medieval Studies of Željko Rapanić (in: Ž. Rapanić, Studies on the Early Middle Ages, ed. I. Basić, Split 2022: 5-49)
Continuation or change? Borders and frontiers in Late Antiquity and Medieval Europe: landscape of power network, military organisation and commerce, eds. Gregory Leighton, Łukasz Różycki, Piotr Pranke, (London–New York: Routledge, 2022): 81-102, 2022
Along the upper Adriatic, Dalmatia, Histria and Venetia represented the most distant outposts of ... more Along the upper Adriatic, Dalmatia, Histria and Venetia represented the most distant outposts of Byzantium between the 6th and 12th centuries. Not fully integrated into the Empire, these provinces functioned as borderlands of sorts. Several sources point to the longue durée of Byzantine presence in the region, representing a sort of "Adriobyzantism" or "Latin Byzantism". Some of these records are examined here, e.g. Placitum of Riziano, treatises of Gottschalk of Orbais, Testament of patriarch Fortunatus. These early 9th century texts refer to local identity, at the same time using a discourse that points to strategies of identification with the Empire, on different levels. Simultaneously, these records transgress the limitations of space and time, since they are found across multiple boundaries of various polities: Byzantine Dalmatia, Histria, Croatian Duchy, Venetian Duchy.
L'arredo liturgico fra Oriente e Occidente (V-XV secolo). Frammenti, opere e contesti / Liturgical furnishings between East and West (5th-15th centuries). Fragments, Objects, and Contexts, ed. Fabio Coden, Milano, pp. 252-269 (Minima Medievalia), 2021
Among the numerous liturgical furnishings of early medieval origin that have survived in modern-d... more Among the numerous liturgical furnishings of early medieval origin that have survived in modern-day Split, most of them belong to the elements of choir screens and more often than not contain inscriptions. It is, however, a true rarity to come across a liturgical installation bearing reference to one of liturgical feasts, viz. the Feast of All Saints. The piece examined here is remarkable not only for its epigraphical content, but also for its sculptural decoration, which connects it to a well-established stone carvers' workshop based in late-9th century Croatia, also active in Dalmatian cities under Byzantine sovereignty. Moreover, the whole context of its production opens up new perspectives on the ways and directions the sculptural arts and liturgical influences infiltrated the eastern Adriatic area during the late phases of the so-called Carolingian Renaissance.
Sažeta inacica izlaganja održanog na okruglom stolu sudionikâ projekta Zagrebackog sveucilista Po... more Sažeta inacica izlaganja održanog na okruglom stolu sudionikâ projekta Zagrebackog sveucilista Pontes Adriatici: Mreža kulturnih razmjena na Jadranu (voditelj: akademik Igor Fiskovic) u Centru »Cvito Fiskovic« Instituta za povijest umjetnosti (Split, 4. listopada 2014.), predviđenog za objavljivanje u projektnoj publikaciji.
Mens acris in corpore commodo: Festschrift in honour of the 70th birthday of Ivan Matejčić (eds. M. Bradanović, M. Jurković), Zagreb–Motovun 2021: 161-174
A certain bishop Aemilianus is mentioned in a letter of pope Leo III directed to Charlemagne (dat... more A certain bishop Aemilianus is mentioned in a letter of pope Leo III directed to Charlemagne (dated 806–810) in course of selection of a new, temporary seat for the exiled patriarch Fortunatus II of Grado. It is reported that Aemilianus used to preside the church of Pula. Two differing opinions have formed in scholarship concerning his identity: that he was actually a mid-8th century patriarch of Grado who temporarily resided in Pula, and that he was simply a bishop of Pula who preceded Fortunatus at the very beginning of the 9th century. The latter view is supported here, and argued for in detail. The Pre-Romanesque ciborium from the cathedral baptistry is attributed to Aemilianus' activity during his short tenure as bishop of Pula (804–806).
Dissidence and Persecution in Byzantium: from Constantine to Michael Psellos [Byzantina Australiensia, vol. 26], eds. D. Dzino, R. W. Strickler, Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2021: 92-122
A sarcophagus inscribed with the name of archbishop John (Hic requiiscet fragelis ei inutelis Io... more A sarcophagus inscribed with the name of archbishop John (Hic requiiscet fragelis ei inutelis Iohannis peccator harchiepiscopus), has survived in Split and features carvings by the city’s earliest medieval workshop, the Split Stonecarvers' Workshop. This workshop’s carvings can be dated fairly accurately to the last few decades of the 8th century, and has been associated with Archbishop John, who attended the Council at Nicaea in 787. The remodelling of the interior of Split Cathedral corresponds chronologically with the episcopate of John of Ravenna, the earliest recorded prelate of Split – mentioned in Archdeacon Thomas’ 13th-century chronicle Historia Salonitana – who re-established the archbishopric of Salona in Split during the last decades of the 8th century. Judging from all the evidence, the sarcophagus in question belonged to this archbishop, sent from Rome as an exponent of papal-Carolingian policy at the end of 8th century. This paper will address a less studied feature of John's sarcophagus: its lid, decorated with a cross and bearing an inscription in Greek characters carved around the arms of the cross. The Greek inscription is contemporary to the Latin one (archbishop's epitaph) on the front side of the sarcophagus. The epigraphic formula IC XC NIKA ultimately derives from the military and imperial acclamations developed within the Byzantine court rituals and the solemn ceremonies held at the hippodrome in Constantinople. The Split inscription one of the earliest dated attestations of the formula IC XC NIKA (certainly in the West, but also in general). Furthermore, the inscription of Split is a unique example of bilingual and biscriptural epigraphy in early medieval Dalmatia – the only Latin epigraphic monument in Dalmatia with prosopographical data, containing a Greek text as well. A very similar formula was used since the early 8th century on Byzantine money, in Greek but using the Latin script: Ihsus Xristus nica. It was a kind of a substitute for the old formula Victoria Augustorum. Since the co-rulership of Leo III and Constantine V (in 720) a practice was introduced to mint and issue a silver miliaresion of exactly this type, in order to commemorate the coronation of the junior ruler ; the practice was upheld by every subsequent emperor, with few exceptions, up until 1025. Starting off as ceremonial money, miliaresion gradually became regular currency, and its original function pertaining to the coronation of co-rulers disappeared starting with the rule of emperor Theophilus (829-842). Byzantine money and its iconography were among the most important means of imperial propaganda, throwing further light on the cultural origins and models of the Split inscription. The aniconic formula IC XC NIKA was sometimes attributed to the Iconoclastic tendencies in contemporary Byzantine art, although the recent scholarship has persuasively shown that the formula originated prior to Iconoclasm, continued long after its disappearance, and was widely used by Iconodule emperors, as well. This paper will argue that – rather than in the context of Iconoclasm – the appearance of this comparatively rare and in those times rather unusual Byzantine formula (from the Western standpoint) in late-8th century Spalatum should be seen as a result of activities of the owner of the sarcophagus, archbishop John. This early and isolated example of Christ's monogram in Greek letters on a sarcophagus of a local archbishop probably stems from him attending the Council of Nicaea in 787. At the same time, bilingual and biscriptural character of the inscription is closely correlated to the special church-political and cultural position of the newly established Diocese of Split between West and East.
Aspice hunc opus mirum: Festschrift on the occasion of Nikola Jakšić's 70th birthday (eds. I. Josipović, M. Jurković), Zadar–Zagreb–Motovun 2020: 185-196
In 813/814 a Frankish embassy led by Amalarius of Metz arrived at the court of Leo V in Constanti... more In 813/814 a Frankish embassy led by Amalarius of Metz arrived at the court of Leo V in Constantinople. An account (Versus marini) written by Amalarius not long afterwards described the meeting held during the official audience. The words spoken to Amalarius by the emperor are analyzed and found to be the conventional formula prescribed by the Byzantine ambassadorial protocol as evidenced by the Book of Ceremonies and other texts.
Zbornik Drage Roksandića (eds. D. Agičić, H. Petrić, F. Šimetin Šegvić), Zagreb 2019: 655-676
Potaknut istraživanjima u novijoj literaturi (M. Matijević Sokol, N. Budak), autor na primjeru si... more Potaknut istraživanjima u novijoj literaturi (M. Matijević Sokol, N. Budak), autor na primjeru sinodalnih spisa splitskih crkvenih sabora 10. stoljeća istražuje tekstualni odnos kronike Historia Salonitana autora Tome Arhiđakona (13. stoljeće) s kolektanejem Historia Salonitana Maior nepoznatog sastavljača (vjerojatno 16. stoljeće), kao i obilježja tog odnosa. Analizom sinodalnih akata u konfrontaciji s Arhiđakonovom kronikom, autor zaključuje da je splitski pisac raspolagao bogatim tekstualnim materijalom o splitskim sinodama, vjerojatno cjelokupnim skupom izvora o njima, kakav je tradiran u Historia Salonitana Maior.
In the “Dalmatian dossier” of the narrative De Administrando Imperio the plural τά παλάτια was us... more In the “Dalmatian dossier” of the narrative De Administrando Imperio the plural τά παλάτια was used four times – once in conjunction with the noun ἡ αὐλή (DAI 29.9, 29.239, 29.253, 31.28). In all of these cases, it denotes the building of Roman emperor Diocletian in Spalatum (modern Split), but the exact meaning of both terms is not sufficiently clear. This paper analyzes the context and semantics of these terms applied in other chapters of DAI, as well as in other historiographical texts produced in the mid-10th century within the court workshop of Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in Constantinople (Vita Basilii, De Cerimoniis, Theophanes Continuatus, Genesios’ On the reigns of the emperors). By way of comparison, the analysis points to the conclusion that the words in question were used in order to confer specific functions to Diocletian’s palace: τά παλάτια was used to imply that the former emperor’s building was an unofficial (leisure) residence, whereas ἡ αὐλή was used to imply that the same building nonetheless retained some of the attributes of an official imperial palace. Additionally, the analysis has shown that both of the terms derive more or less directly from Late Antique Greek historiography, i.e. its palatine (aulic) terminology denoting particular parts of imperial residences.
Na četiri mjesta u »dalmatinskom dossieru« djela De administrando imperio upotrijebljen je grčki plural 'ta palatia', jednom u kombinaciji s rijeĉju 'he aule'. Analizira se kontekst i semantika primjene navedenih imenica na drugim mjestima u ovome i ostalim povijesnim tekstovima iz Porfirogenetova kruga. Donose se zaključci o porijeklu upotrebe tih termina iz tradicija auličke (palatinske) terminologije prisutnih u kasnoantičkoj historiografiji grčkoga govornog područja.
Na cetiri mjesta u »dalmatinskom dossieru« djela De administrando imperio upotrijebljen je grcki ... more Na cetiri mjesta u »dalmatinskom dossieru« djela De administrando imperio upotrijebljen je grcki plural 'ta palatia', jednom u kombinaciji s rijeĉju 'he aule'. Analizira se kontekst i semantika primjene navedenih imenica na drugim mjestima u ovome i ostalim povijesnim tekstovima iz Porfirogenetova kruga. Donose se zakljucci o porijeklu upotrebe tih termina iz tradicija aulicke (palatinske) terminologije prisutnih u kasnoantickoj historiografiji grckoga govornog podrucja.
The Statute of Split from 1312: History and Law. On the 700th Anniversary. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Split, 24-25 September 2012, eds. Željko Radić, Marko Trogrlić, Massimo Meccarelli, Ludwig Steindorff, Split 2015, pp. 173-202
The social structure of Adriatic urban communities in the pre-comunal and protocomunal periods of... more The social structure of Adriatic urban communities in the pre-comunal and protocomunal periods of their historical development has been a topic of interest for historiography since the early days of the research conducted by F. Rački, J. Hanel and I. Strohal. However, the relatively small amount of preserved historical sources relevant to this problem, as well as the nature of their contents, present a challenge for historians, as they provide a very limited basis from which to draw any conclusions on the social structure of early medieval Dalmatian cities, their administrative structures, and the vertical and horizontal stratification of their citizens. Still, the number of sources and amount of data they offer seems inversely proportional to the large interest of historical science in that topic, an occupation that has put forth a truly impressive number of papers on local and regional historiographic production. Their results are collected and successfully supplemented in the fundamental studies of J. Ferluga, L. Margetić, T. Raukar, and L. Steindorff, as well as the recent monograph by Z. Nikolić. On one hand, this paper attempts to review the current state of scholarship concerning tribunes and tribunates as one of the elite elements of social structure from the pre-communal period in Dalmatia, and on the other, to include thus-far avoided or infrequently utilized historical sources in the discussion, interpreting them in a regional, and also a broader, euro-Mediterranean, context. Analyzing the sources and shaping a new interpretation for the beginnings of tribunate, we can ultimately offer our own vision of the social and spatial circumstances of its establishment in Dalmatian pre-communal societies, primarily in Zadar as a political center for Byzantine estates on the eastern Adriatic. The results of the analysis confirm L. Margetić’s thesis on the manner of the creation of Zadar’s »tribunal aristocracy«, developed from the body of military commanders in charge of Zadar’s city districts. The function of commander for one of Zadar’s city districts, with the matching title of tribune, is a very old one, an its analogies can be traced in the various Byzantine fringe regions of the western Mediterranean. It is closely tied to the process of militarization from a social context, and with territorializing and naming city units in a spatial sense, and was strongly influenced by military terminology. Within this context, the author attempts to show that the title of tribune Maius (mentioned in document from 999) Sclitula is derived from the Latin Scutula, and refers to the military order of the scutarii (scutariorum), which one of Zadar’s districts was named after, which was under the command of the aforementioned tribune as its military commander.
Sic Ars Deprenditur Arte. Zbornik u čast Vladimira Markovića (ur. S. Cvetnić, M. Pelc, D. Premerl), Zagreb, 2009
Nada Klaić i njezin znanstveni i nastavni doprinos razvoju historiografije -- Nada Klaić and her scholarly and teaching contribution to the development of historiography, (ed.) T. Galović, D. Agičić, Zagreb 2014, pp. 133-169
The ecclesiastical history of the Early Middle Ages has been a constant preoccupation of the Croa... more The ecclesiastical history of the Early Middle Ages has been a constant preoccupation of the Croatian historiography ever since the times of its institutionalisation and modernisation in the 19th century. As a result of the intense researcher’s attention of historians directed towards the ecclesiastical phenomena throughout the Adriatic basin in the transition period between the late Christian antiquity and Early Middle Ages, we now possess a substantial body of analytical and surveying texts, the methodological and thematic basis of which was the question of continuity, or rather the problem of the mutual relationship between the previous early Christian and new, early medieval church structures. The focus of interest has commonly been on the earliest past of the Church of Split, the reason being, among other things, that the pertaining written and material sources of the region in question had been preserved to a relatively abundant extent. Nada Klaić (1920-1988), a historian whose teaching and writing shaped the Croatian historiography of the second half of the 20th century, furnished with her critical approach a new view of the problem, leaving at the same time her strong signature on it, especially in some papers published in 1971. An account of her historiographical notions of the said issue is given; the basic features of the work and results of Nada Klaić on the question of the origin of the archbishopric of Split are analysed and evaluated and their significance in the context of her historiographical work and articles of younger scholars is pointed out.
Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 55.2 (2023): 115-134
Na ulomku luka oltarne ograde iz crkve sv. Martina u Lepurima kod Benkovca prepoznaje se ime hrva... more Na ulomku luka oltarne ograde iz crkve sv. Martina u Lepurima kod Benkovca prepoznaje se ime hrvatskog kneza Branimira (879‒892). Iako tekstovno manjkavo, ime kneza grafijski vjerno reproducira ime s natpisa istog kneza iz Gornjeg Muća, datiranog 888. Otprije je utvrđeno da je oba reljefa izradila tzv. Benediktinska klesarska radionica iz vremena kneza Branimira, što osnažuje ovdje izneseni prijedlog čitanja. Branimirovom vladavinom datiran je gradbeni natpis opata Teodeberta iz iste crkve u Lepurima, objavljen prije desetak godina. Čitanje kneževa imena na još jednom natpisu iz Lepura dodatno precizira vrijeme izrade jednog od ansambla liturgijskih instalacija te crkve, ujedno otvarajući mogućnost da je ista klesarska radionica na obama lokalitetima izvela ne samo reljefe nego i natpisni tekst. To je osmi po redu epigrafički spomen kneza Branimira.
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 61 (2023): 9-43
Adriobyzantine terms and formulas in Early Medieval social discourse In the focus of this articl... more Adriobyzantine terms and formulas in Early Medieval social discourse
In the focus of this article is the analysis of lexical "Adrio-Byzantinisms". The Plea of Rižana (804), the texts of the patriarchs of Grado, Fortunatus II and Venerius (820s), along with the manuscripts of the Frankish theologian Gottschalk of Orbais (846-848) contain a discourse in which, in abstract terms, the Byzantine emperor is addressed as Empire (imperium) and Lordship (dominatio). These characteristics of the spoken discourse concern the inhabitants of Byzantine Dalmatia, Venice with adjacent coastal zone (Venetia maritima), as well as pre-Frankish Istria. Identical notions in Greek hyperformal phraseology of the Byzantine court ceremonial have been established, as well as a "majestic discourse" of that very provenance, originating from official texts and speaking practices acquired at court, translated into Latin in Adriatic milieus. These lexical loans (calco semantico) can be conceptualised as Adrio-Byzantinisms: the phenomena of Byzantine origin adapted and modified in the Adriatic context and Latin language medium. Mutual structural similarity of these texts on the one hand, along with their precise discursive congruity with the products of Byzantine linguistic and written high culture on the other, call for their investigation as a mirror of the knowledge and perceptions of their creators, with an aim to ascertain the identity and nature of the fund of "social knowledge" these perceptions correspond with.
Studi Romagnoli, LXXIII / 2022 (2023): 219-270
In the last quarter of the 8th century, a number of relief sculptures with hallmarks of “Liutpran... more In the last quarter of the 8th century, a number of relief sculptures with hallmarks of “Liutprandian” and early Carolingian style abruptly appeared in episcopal cities of litoral Dalmatia. Their sudden emergence is best represented by a number of sculptures preserved in Split, produced by the Split stonecarving workshop of the late 8th century, under the auspices of city’s first archbishop, John of Ravenna (c. 787). In order to provide a wider context for this historical and material record, further research into the workshop’s origin is needed. A number of parallels point to its Italian origin, all of the analyzed sculpture dating from the late 8th or the beginning of the 9th century. The first body of sculpture which influenced the Split workshop was well-studied a while ago: Friuli, with substantial echoes in Istria. The second area of origin is Ravenna itself, with several reliefs and sarcophagi bearing a close resemblance to the sculpture from Split. The third layer of sculpture is identified in the basilica of Santa Maria Assunta at Torcello. An earlier date for the Torcellan sculpture is advanced, assigning it to the campaign undertaken by bishop Dominic I of Torcello (797-834). Taken together, these areas form a context providing new insight into the origin and formation of the earliest medieval sculpture in Dalmatia.
L'arredo liturgico fra Oriente e Occidente (V-XV secolo). Frammenti, opere e contesti / Liturgical Furnishings between East and West (5th-15th Centuries). Fragments, Objects, and Contexts, Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana editoriale, (Minima medievalia), pp. 156-171, 2021
U prilogu se tumači pojava toponima Spalatum na jugozapadnoj obali današnjega Splitskog poluotoka... more U prilogu se tumači pojava toponima Spalatum na jugozapadnoj obali današnjega Splitskog poluotoka. Preddioklecijansko ime, nastalo neovisno o carskoj palači kao imenodavcu, etimološki je vezano uz vrijeme prvotne dodjele poluotoka salonitanskim kolonistima kada je on premjeren i razdijeljen u centurije. Isključiva uporaba toga toponima za ovo područje objašnjava se pravilima rimske agrimenzorske prakse. Posebna pozornost posvećena je reguliranju limitacije u slučajevima kada je lokalna topografija uzrokovala sraz između zadanosti terena i načela pravilnoga premjeravanja zemlje. Iz regularne limitacije i dodjele zemljišta iz tehničkih su razloga ispuštane dvije kategorije zemljišta: ono koje se zbog vlastite topografije nije moglo uobličiti u pravilnu centuriju i ono koje je bilo nekvalitetno. Obje kategorije ulazile su u takozvani ius subsecivorum. U spomenutome se smislu centurije na kojima je konstruirana Dioklecijanova palača sasvim primjereno uklapaju u subseciva. Takva zemljišt...
"Spalatum – ager Salonitanus? A contribution to the understanding of the property law status of t... more "Spalatum – ager Salonitanus? A contribution to the understanding of the property law status of the coastal region of Split peninsula in pre-Diocletian period
While in the past historians paid attention to the configuration and naming of settlement points on Split peninsula in Antiquity and early Middle Ages, the emergence of the toponym and oikonym Spalatum in south-western peninsula has not been well explained. The emergence of this pre-Diocletian toponym was not associated with naming activities of the imperial palace. Etymologically, it was related to the time of the first allocation of the peninsula to colonists from Salona, when the peninsula was surveyed and divided into centuriae. As a consequence, the praedium palatum was created and its name then substantivated into palatum > Palatum > Spalatum. Yet because the entire peninsula was distributed into a uniform network of centuriae, each and every of these land sections could have been, in principle, named Palatum or Spalatum. Also, and following a model set by the rest of the Salona ager on the peninsula, we might expect that other centuriae too would have been named predial place names. Yet this was not the case for land sections around the palace so their case merits a separate explanation. The exclusive use of the toponym (S)Palatum for this area is explained by the consistent application of the rules of the Roman agrimensor practice. The study is based on the collection of handwritten treatises on land surveying, known as Corpus agrimensorum Romanorum. I pay close attention to the regulation of limitations in those cases where local topography caused a conflict between the characteristics of the terrain and the rules of land surveying, and possibly instigated controversy between ager publicus and ager privatus. For technical reasons, two land categories were excluded from regular limitation and land allocation: those sections of land the topography of which prevented the formation of a regular centuria, and sections of poor quality. Both categories fell under ius subsecivorum. Thus the centuriae upon which Diocletian’s palace vwas erected fit nicely with what Frontin describes as first class subsecivum: quod in extremis adsignatorum agrorum finibus centuria expleri non potuit. Land sections of this sort stricte iure remained permanently in state ownership, while the holders of the usufruct were, in most cases, owners of neighbouring estates to whom subseciva were given at disposal, depending on the status and specific legal regulations. By deciding to build an imperial palace and choosing a land section that fell under ius subsecivorum, the process of the acquisition of necessary land was simplified because, rather than having to expropriate ager privatus, the only action required was to reclaim the peripheral centuriae, so that the owners of neighbouring centuriae no longer enjoyed subseciva agri that arose from the institution occupatio. Because the coastal land section in question had been continually in state ownership since the time of deduction, its special status must have been the deciding factor when it was named Palatum (Spalatum) and thus set apart from those toponyms that indicated private ownership, such as Marinianum (Marjan), Pansianum (Pojišan), Iunianum (Žnjan) and so on. After the erection of the monumental edifice of Diocletian’s palace in (S)Palatum, parts of the original land section, though irregularly sized, continued to exist west and east of the palace, though now they were both known (S)Palatiolum = praedium palatum minus. This term comes from (S)Palatum = praedium palatum maius. The opposition Spalatiolum – Spalatum thus may be explained by the contraction of the toponym into diminutive. This linguistic process reflected the spatial situation that arose following the erection of the palace. An integral part of this contribution is the town-planning implication of the expansion of the original settlement out of the palace, and spreading of its name.
Keywords: Split peninsula, Antiquity, late Antiquity, Diocletian’s palace, toponymy, agrimensors, property law"
U prilogu se tumaci pojava toponima Spalatum na jugozapadnoj obali danasnjega Splitskog poluotoka... more U prilogu se tumaci pojava toponima Spalatum na jugozapadnoj obali danasnjega Splitskog poluotoka. Preddioklecijansko ime, nastalo neovisno o carskoj palaci kao imenodavcu, etimoloski je vezano uz vrijeme prvotne dodjele poluotoka salonitanskim kolonistima kada je on premjeren i razdijeljen u centurije. Iskljuciva uporaba toga toponima za ovo podrucje objasnjava se pravilima rimske agrimenzorske prakse. Posebna pozornost posvecena je reguliranju limitacije u slucajevima kada je lokalna topografija uzrokovala sraz između zadanosti terena i nacela pravilnoga premjeravanja zemlje. Iz regularne limitacije i dodjele zemljista iz tehnickih su razloga ispustane dvije kategorije zemljista: ono koje se zbog vlastite topografije nije moglo uobliciti u pravilnu centuriju i ono koje je bilo nekvalitetno. Obje kategorije ulazile su u takozvani ius subsecivorum. U spomenutome se smislu centurije na kojima je konstruirana Dioklecijanova palaca sasvim primjereno uklapaju u subseciva. Takva zemljist...
Bibliografija radova povjesnicara umjetnosti, arheologa i konzervatora Željka Rapanica (r. 1932.)... more Bibliografija radova povjesnicara umjetnosti, arheologa i konzervatora Željka Rapanica (r. 1932.) objavljenih od 1958. do 2012. godine.
U prilogu se davno objavljenom zlatnom prsnom križicu (enkolpij) iz Barbata na Rabu podrobnije od... more U prilogu se davno objavljenom zlatnom prsnom križicu (enkolpij) iz Barbata na Rabu podrobnije određuju datacija i kulturni kontekst, smjestajuci nalaz u ozracje rekonkviste cara Justinijana (527.-565.), tocnije u pocetak druge polovine 6. stoljeca. Rezultati dodatnih razmatranja indiciraju nove spoznaje o kronologiji grobnih spomenika ranokrscanskog doba u okviru jadranskog bazena – bracko-salonitanske grupe sarkofaga – kao i o pravcima te nacinima njihove difuzije. Na temelju odnosa komparativnog materijala obiju likovnih vrsta s Apeninskog poluotoka i prostora istocnog Jadrana pretpostavlja se zajednicka distribucija te porijeklo sarkofagâ kao i nakitnih izrađevina poput barbatskog enkolpija.
Prikaz znanstvenoga skupa održanoga u Dubrovniku 25.-27. svibnja 2007., sa detaljnim pregledom iz... more Prikaz znanstvenoga skupa održanoga u Dubrovniku 25.-27. svibnja 2007., sa detaljnim pregledom izlaganja.
In the focus of the article included in this volume are the cities mentioned by Constantine Porph... more In the focus of the article included in this volume are the cities mentioned by Constantine Porphyrogenitus in 'De Administrando Imperio', namely Split (Spalatum, Aspalathos). The author analyzes the details on the etymology of individual city names, descriptions of buildings, and various curiosities. The image of the city it offers is limited and superficial, incorporated into a broader picture with political intention.
Journal of Late Antiquity
The issue at hand is a Greek epitaph inscribed on an early Christian sarcophagus found in St. Eli... more The issue at hand is a Greek epitaph inscribed on an early Christian sarcophagus found in St. Elijah’s Church on the island of Lopud off the coast of Dalmatia in the southern Adriatic. We present a description of the monument, a reading, and dating of the epitaph, as well as epigraphic, anthroponomic, and historical analysis and provide archaeological-topographic context of the find. We identify the name of the deceased (Isaac) and origin (northern Syria or Asia Minor) and determine the date (17 October 452). In particular, we analyze the mention of the western Roman consul in the dating formula, establishing it as the first reliable epigraphic corroboration of the fact that Dalmatia was a part of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century.
Journal of Late Antiquity, 2019
The issue at hand is a Greek epitaph inscribed on an early Christian sarcophagus found in St. Eli... more The issue at hand is a Greek epitaph inscribed on an early Christian sarcophagus found in St. Elijah’s Church on the island of Lopud off the coast of Dalmatia in the southern Adriatic. We present a description of the monument, a reading, and dating of the epitaph, as well as epigraphic, anthroponomic, and historical analysis and provide archaeological-topographic context of the find. We identify the name of the deceased (Isaac) and origin (northern Syria or Asia Minor) and determine the date (17 October 452). In particular, we analyze the mention of the western Roman consul in the dating formula, establishing it as the first reliable epigraphic corroboration of the fact that Dalmatia was a part of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century.
... godine provodi Međunarodni istraživački centar za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek Sveučilišta u ... more ... godine provodi Međunarodni istraživački centar za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, u okviru francusko-hrvatske znanstvene suradnje. Nalazi se na položaju kojim se nadzirao obalni pojas od Rovinja do Brijuna, a kopneni sve do Bala i prema Puli. ...
Starohrvatska prosvjeta, 2018
Izvorni znanstveni rad Objavljuje se grčki epitaf s ranokršćanskog sarkofaga pronađenog u crkvi s... more Izvorni znanstveni rad Objavljuje se grčki epitaf s ranokršćanskog sarkofaga pronađenog u crkvi sv. Ilije na Lopudu. Autori donose opis spomenika, čitanje i dataciju epitafa, epigrafičku, antroponimijsku i povijesnu analizu, uz arheološko-topografski kontekst nalaza. Identificiraju pokojnikovo ime (Izak) i pori-jeklo (sjeverna Sirija ili Mala Azija) te ustanovljuju dataciju (17. listopad 452.). Posebno analiziraju spomen zapadnorimskog konzula u formuli datacije te utvrđuju da je riječ o prvoj pouzdanoj epigrafskoj potvrdi pri-padnosti Dalmacije zapadnom dijelu Rimskoga Carstva u 5. stoljeću.
Convegno internazionale, Venezia, 29-30 novembre. International Conferenze, Venice, 29-30 November.
XVIIIth International Congress of Christian Archaeology, September 2-6, 2024, Belgrade. Book of Abstracts, 2024
Whereas the early church history of the city of Salona in its capacity as a metropolitan centre o... more Whereas the early church history of the city of Salona in its capacity as a metropolitan centre of the province of Dalmatia is well-researched, its subsequent acquisition of the archiepiscopal title received markedly less scholarly attention. Although the archiepiscopal title of this churchman is well-documented in both literary and epigraphic records alike from the beginning of the 6th century onwards, more serious attempts to explain the origin, role, and significance of this title, and above all, the reasons for its sudden appearance in ca. 500, have remained unexplained. Namely, the development of the archdiocesan structure in Dalmatia, headed by Salona, can be attested beginning with the early 5th century (terminus post quem non); on the other hand, the title of archiepiscopus was added to the previously established office of metropolitanus a whole century later. The two were not synonyms, but have sometimes been treated as such in historiography, in turn leading to several terminological misunderstandings. Here, possible explanations and a recontextualization of this abrupt introduction of the new ecclesiastical title will be offered.
Umjetnički dodiri Istoka i Zapada. XVIII. Dani Cvita Fiskovića, 2023
Ranosrednjovjekovni natpis na reljefno ukrašenoj kamenoj gredi pronađen 1953. godine pored crkve ... more Ranosrednjovjekovni natpis na reljefno ukrašenoj kamenoj gredi pronađen 1953. godine pored crkve sv. Mihajla nad Stonom urodio je bogatom historiografskom produkcijom već u prvom desetljeću po pronalasku, s diskusijama koje su trajale sve do kraja 1960-ih godina (C. Fisković, B. Gabričević, Lj. Karaman, J. Kovačević, J. Lučić, I. Ostojić, D. S. Popović, M. Vego, F. Vlašić), povremeno nastavljanima i kasnije. Istraživane su kako njegova epigrafička, tako i likovna komponenta (M. Jurković), pri čemu je pažnju u prvom redu privlačio tekst, sa spomenom osobnog imena Michael. Kratki natpis povezivao se tako s arhanđelom Mihaelom kao nebeskim zaštitnikom, ali su kao alternativa predlagana i drugačija čitanja, poistovjećujući donatora natpisa s nekoliko istoimenih vladara užega humskog (Mihajlo Višević, prva polovina 10. st.) ili širega dukljanskog područja (Mihajlo Vojislavljević, druga polovina 11. st.). Sve tri mogućnosti u različitim su pak kontekstima vezivane uz etape izgradnje eponimne crkve sv. Mihajla. U skladu s promjenjivim tumačenjima mijenjala se i kronologija natpisa. U ovom izlaganju podastrijeti će se još jedan prijedlog čitanja i rekontekstualizacije epigrafičkog teksta, u nastojanju da se učvrste kronologija i kulturološka pozadina natpisa.
International conference: Ravenna in Comparative Perspective: Towns and Regions in the Early Medi... more International conference: Ravenna in Comparative Perspective: Towns and Regions in the Early Medieval Mediterranean and Beyond (Ravenna, 29-31 May 2023)
LXXIII Convegno Internazionale di Studi Romagnoli (Ravenna, 22–23 ottobre 2022), 2022
24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Venice-Padua, 22-27 August 2022): Abstracts of the Free Communications, Thematic Sessions, Round Tables and Posters, 2022
Texts produced within the circle of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos denote the imperial and roya... more Texts produced within the circle of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos denote the imperial and royal residences mentioned therein in various ways: τό παλάτιον, τά παλάτια, ἡ αὐλή. De Thematibus excepted, these terms are used in all the works of the Corpus Constantineum. They describe the seats of sovereigns, in Constantinople and elsewhere. However, the meaning of these terms is not wholly clear. Here we aim to demonstrate that the words were meant to confer specific functions to respective objects: “official” imperial palace, “unofficial” residences, usurpers’ dwellings.
Temeljem novijih nalaza bizantskoga sigilografskog materijala pretpostavljene dubrovačke provenij... more Temeljem novijih nalaza bizantskoga sigilografskog materijala pretpostavljene dubrovačke provenijencije i njihova tumačenja u historiografskoj literaturi (V. Prigent, 2008.), autor analizira vojno-administrativni položaj Dubrovnika (Rauzija) kao političke jedinice Bizantskoga Carstva u drugoj polovini 9. stoljeća. Novoobjavljene olovne pečate bizantskih dužnosnika povezuje s otprije poznatim podacima o prvim stoljećima Dubrovnika iz djela bizantskih povjesnika (De Administrando Imperio, De Thematibus, Vita Basilii, nastali pod uredničkom paskom Konstantina VII. Porfirogeneta sredinom 10. st.) i domaćih povijesnih izvora (Historia Salonitana Maior, kompilirana u 16. st.) te ih u tom sklopu nastoji rekontekstualizirati, ukazujući na mogućnost da im porijeklo treba tražiti u Rauziju kao sjedištu katepanata, niže vojno-administrativne jedinice tematskog uređenja (prostorno uključujući i Boku Kotorsku), kao i da pojam Dalmatia Superior u srednjovjekovnim vrelima potječe iz vremena koje prethodi njegovu prvom javljanju u sačuvanim tekstovima.
Diocletian's Palace in Split in the Monographs of Georg Niemann and Ernest Hébrard, Split, November 16 and 17, 2012 (abstracts and proceedings), Split: Institute of Art History – Centre Cvito Fisković, 2012, pp. 12-14
The sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type are among the most important Early Christian artefacts origina... more The sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type are among the most important Early Christian artefacts originating from the area of the Adriatic basin, i. e. from its eastern coast. Most of them were found in Dalmatia, mainly on the island of Brač (Brattia) as well as in the provincial capital Salona and its surroundings. They were also exported into Italy in large quantities (Ravenna, Puglia etc.). Although these sarcophagi were analysed several times, there are still many issues to be resolved, particularly when it comes to dating the group. After the seminal works by I. Fisković and N. Cambi, recently several findings relevant to the issue were published in Italy that went unnoticed. Conversely, some newly-found and important examples of Dalmatian provenance were also overlooked. This lecture enriches the catalogue of sarcophagi of Brač-Salona type with the addition of several new pieces. One of them (found at Treviso) also enables a discussion on the origin and dating of the whole group. Its contents – an Early Byzantine encolpium – is an important step towards specifying the chronology of Dalmatian sarcophagi. All of this allows for a more detailed chronology regarding their production and distribution of the entire group.
"The presentation addresses the issue of transformation of the emperor Diocletian’s mausoleum in ... more "The presentation addresses the issue of transformation of the emperor Diocletian’s mausoleum in Split into a Christian church, namely the chronology of the process itself and the circumstances under which it happened. The author tries to demonstrate that the funerary building underwent the same process of appropriation and gradual transformation, developing in several stages, just like many other similar buildings did, throughout the Roman Empire.
Since the late 19th century, modern scholarship has devoted considerable attention to the problem of original layout and function of Diocletian’s mausoleum at Split. Afterlife of the building up until the 9th century was definitely understudied, partly because of a lack of comprehensive and coherent sources. Thus, it is hardly surprising that it was an American, Mark Johnson, who was the first to examine tetrarchic funerary buildings as a group (in 2009) – in terms of their functions, typology and architectural iconography. However, during the past few decades the study of relevant textual sources, as well as the number of archaeological ones, have multiplied. So has the international scholarly attention given to the process of Christianisation of pagan buildings in general (J. Alchermes, B. Brenk, J.-P. Caillet, G. Cantino Wataghin, B. Caseau, F. W. Deichmann, C. J. Goddard, J. Hahn, J. Hillner, Y. Janvier, M. J. Johnson, A. Karivieri, H.-R. Meier, H. Saradi Mendelovici, J. Vaes, B. Ward-Perkins). Stressing the new approach to relevant textual sources, the author will, at the same time, present some new material evidence in order to corroborate the claim that the pagan mausoleum in Split did not undergo any substantial modifications prior to 6th century. Furthermore, he will demonstrate that the change went through several stages. In a first stage, the building has been obviously transformed into a relatively simple church and only afterwards it was transformed into a cathedral. There is no doubt, that this case study of a transformation of a pagan monument into a Christian one holds many important clues that could put some new light on the processes of transformation of pagan buildings into churches in general.
The traditional scholarly interpretation of Croatian archaeologists, historians and historians of art, persists on a hypothesis that the Mausoleum was transformed into a cathedral (that of a runaway Salonitan archbishop) during the 7th century and that this was a one-stage transformation. Conversely, it is usually held that the emperor’s tomb suffered destruction immediately after the Edict of Milan, proclaimed in February 313, awaiting further on 640s to be re-used for a new Salonitan cathedral. However, new interpretive paradigms – that have, unfortunately, circumvented the case of Split – along with the new archaeological evidence surfacing all the time, have put the traditional interpretations to a serious test.
Before mentioned innovative approaches to the problem of reuse have resulted in several important conclusions: there were three separate periods of transformation of Roman pagan and secular buildings into churches: the first phase, pertaining mainly to the 4th century, concentrated predominantly on the adaptation of profane, private buildings; the second phase reutilized public buildings of any kind; only in the third phase, during the 5th and 6th century, pagan temples and sanctuaries were finally appropriated. The case of Spalatum fits nicely into these overall results. One should also add that these studies have shown that many extremely important Roman shrines and public monuments (e.g. »Temple of Romulus« at the Roman Forum, Pantheon, Academy in Athens, Serapeum of Alexandria, temple complex on Philae near Aswan) have all been appropriated by the Church only after a long and arduous process that included several steps – the final Christianisation of respective structures being the last one. This was even more true in the case of structures forming the part of imperial estates or public property, which could not have been subjected to arbitrary destruction with impunity.
As the Diocletian's palace itself was actually built on an imperial property, established as such as early as the 1st century AD and retained as part of the fiscus for centuries to come, by-passing this fact naturally resulted in some outdated theories that will now obviously have to be overcome. As a part of unalienable property of the crown, the palace at Spalatum as well as the mausoleum were under imperial supervision. Thus for any suspension of its usual function an imperial decree was necessary in order to freely dispose with the building. The removal of its pagan contents could only have taken place in several stages, during a protracted time-span: suspension of pagan cult practices, desacralization, dissolution of imperial prerogatives attached to the building, followed by the possible exemption of the parts of its inventory, ultimately its Christianisation and adaptation for a new use.
The archaeological findings of the earliest post-Diocletianic phase hardly received any attention, although they seem to hold many important clues which can shed light on its later development. These useful archaeological details consist of several examples of Early Christian sculpture, found during excavation works in and around the cathedral, that can be firmly dated. Thanks to these remains, dating from the mid-6th century, we are able to date the earliest Christian adaptations of the mausoleum to the same period. On the one hand, this seems to confirm that the adaptation of octagon for Christian usage happened at least a hundred years earlier than the mid-7th century; on the other hand, it implies that the original state of the building was left intact for a much longer period of time than it has been previously hypothesized. This can be further corroborated drawing on a variety of sources, dating from 4th, 5th and 6th century (Ammianus Marcellinus, St. Ambrose of Milan, Codex Theodosianus, Codex Iustinianus, etc.). Particularly important is the evidence provided by Sidonius Apollinaris (late 480s), which seems to confirm that the emperor's mausoleum was still in function during the Gallic bishop's lifetime.
Although these facts and material traces have all been common knowledge for many years, neither the data in question nor its implications for the process of Christianisation were never considered in relation to one another. Consequently, most arguments hitherto offered for the conclusions about the mentioned process were inevitably incomplete. Some other issues have also never received explanation. For example, how did the frieze on the top of the interior – bearing images of Diocletian, his wife Prisca, Hermes Psychopompos and erotes – ever survive the supposed Christian reprisal? Furthermore, how is it possible that the iconographically most important relief of the same frieze, positioned directly above the main niche (and probably representing emperor’s apotheosis), reached 16th century undamaged? All of this, again, points to the conclusion that there was no immediate or noteworthy Christian retribution at the expense of the dead emperor, namely that important parts of the mausoleum's pagan interior were left in place at least up to 6th century, when the first functional modifications took place.
To sum up, one should differentiate between the conversion of pagan mausoleum into a church and the subsequent elevation of the latter to the status of a cathedral, which was a much later and contextually different event. Under what circumstances did the former event take place? The importance of the palace during the transitional period from Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages is confirmed by its inclusion in the so-called Ravenna Cosmography, compiled by an anonymous cleric in Ravenna around 700. In it the structure is recorded as Spalathron, Spalathrum and as such included among other civitates, that is among small towns. As it is generally accepted, the data concerning these settlements and towns recorded by the Anonymous from Ravenna were based on geographical and topographical knowledge gathered prior to the 560s. Thus, it seems that the palace itself certainly retained its important position in the years prior to 6th century, only for it to be further emphasized by a settlement forming in it roughly in the early 500s. Apart from this, the existence of a town called Spalatum is attested by a number of Early Christian churches in the palace, built as early as the 6th century. The settlement, surely, predated the transition of populace from the town of Salona that, probably, happened during the 7th century. Again, the alterations in question must have happened during the 6th century and were, most surely, arranged by the then-inhabitants of the Palace. The question that remains is who initiated these large-scale interventions. Considering the well-known policy of emperor Justinian I (527-565) towards the Church after the Gothic wars of 535-555, it can be assumed that at least some parts of Diocletian's palace were ceded by the Byzantine government to the Ecclesia catholica Salonitana under archbishops Honorius II (528-547) or Peter (554-562). Thus, most of these alterations could be attributed to them, in close collaboration with the Byzantine military units stationed in the palace at the time."
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 60 (2022): 227-243
Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea, 8 (2021): 163-179
Hortus Artium Medievalium, vol. 18/1 (2012), pp. 213-216
Starohrvatska prosvjeta, ser. III, 42 (2015), pp. 271-274
Poštovani, Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na predstavljanje knjige: Nikola Jakšić: Klesarstvo u... more Poštovani,
Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na predstavljanje knjige:
Nikola Jakšić: Klesarstvo u službi evangelizacije (KKS i MHAS, 2015)
(Zavod HAZU u Splitu, petak, 22. siječnja 2016. u 19 sati)
Veselit ćemo se Vašem dolasku!
Ars Adriatica, vol. 3, Zadar, 2013, pp. 257-260.
A review of the book: Ante Piteša, Ranosrednjovjekovni kameni spomenici u Arheološkome muzeju u S... more A review of the book: Ante Piteša, Ranosrednjovjekovni kameni spomenici u Arheološkome muzeju u Splitu / Early medieval stone monuments in the Archaeological Museum in Split, Split, Arheološki muzej u Splitu, 2012., p. 215, ISBN 978-953-7633-11-0.
Info on the establishment of Croatian Society for Byzantine Studies for daily newspaper Slobodna ... more Info on the establishment of Croatian Society for Byzantine Studies for daily newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija, special edition Universitas (5-12-2016)
Hrvatsko društvo za bizantske studije je udruga građana osnovana radi promicanja, proučavanja i i... more Hrvatsko društvo za bizantske studije je udruga građana osnovana radi promicanja, proučavanja i istraživanja u znanstvenoj disciplini bizantskih studija. Temeljne su zadaće Društva da, prvo, potiče proučavanje i istraživanje u znanstvenim disciplinama pripadnim bizantskim studijima, u vremenskom rasponu od kasne antike do postbizantskog razdoblja, s posebnim osvrtom na prisutnost bizantske kulture i civilizacije na hrvatskim prostorima (adriobizantizam, latinski bizantizam, slavenski bizantizam); drugo, da okuplja znanstvenike i druge zainteresirane osobe koje se bave bizantskim studijima i znanstvenim disciplinama koje proučavaju bizantsku kulturu i civilizaciju.
Javno predavanje o novootkrivenom natpisu kneza Branimira (879.-892.) -- Public lecture on the ... more Javno predavanje o novootkrivenom natpisu kneza Branimira (879.-892.)
Public lecture on the newly discovered inscription of duke Branimir (879-892)
The Bogomils have been the subject of numerous interpretations throughout the course of historiog... more The Bogomils have been the subject of numerous interpretations throughout the course of historiography from the 16th century onwards. Early protestant historians interpreted earlier heretical sects, such as the Bogomils and Cathars, to be their ancestors who preserved the true teaching of Christ and his Church prior to the Reformation. Moving forward into the 19th century the Bogomils were interpreted as manifestations of nationalistic and communist ideologies by various historians. Today the Bogomils in Western scholarship are mostly incorporated into the overarching narrative of the spread of “Dualistic” heresy from the East to the West. In the popular sphere older narratives continue to be circulated (particularly the Balkans the Bogomils are integrated into the national stories of different nations). This lecture presents an overview of the historiographical developments regarding the Bogomils from the Reformation to the present.
Public lecture, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, 11th April, 2023,... more Public lecture, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, 11th April, 2023, 18:00 h
Caitlyn Dunn is a PhD Candidate at Macquarie University Sydney. She completed a Master of Research about female burial rites in early medieval England in 2020 and has a background in museum guiding and school teaching. Caitlyn's current research involves comparing the mortuary customs of late antique and early medieval Dalmatia and Britannia. She is interested in why similarities occur when these two post-Roman provinces are geographically disparate. Her lecture will discuss early findings and potential implications for research and scholarship.
Dissidence and Persecution in Byzantium: From Constantine to Michael Psellos [Byzantina Australie... more Dissidence and Persecution in Byzantium: From Constantine to Michael Psellos [Byzantina Australiensia, vol. 26] (eds. Danijel Dzino, Ryan W. Strickler), Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2021.
Hrvoje GRAČANIN (University of Zagreb)
Amelia R. BROWN (Australian Society for Byzantine Studies)
Bronwen NEIL (Macquarie University)
Ryan W. STRICKLER (University of Queensland)
Ivan BASIĆ (University of Split)
Danijel DŽINO (Macquarie University)
How to write history of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Early Middle Ages?
Archaeology of the ‘empty house’. Written and archaeological sources on the beginnings of the Mid... more Archaeology of the ‘empty house’. Written and archaeological sources on the beginnings of the Middle Ages in Croatia
Prvo predavanje ciklusa "Etnogeneza" Muzeja hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika. Koliko uopće znamo o početcima srednjeg vijeka u Hrvatskoj? Kada su Hrvati došli? Jesu li to davno odgovorena pitanja ili smo još daleko od odgovora? Kako povjesničari, a kako arheolozi tumače ključne teme hrvatskoga srednjeg vijeka? Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, četvrtak, 5.3.2020. 19:00.
Predstavljanje knjige: Tonija Andrić: Život u srednjovjekovnom Splitu. Svakodnevica obrtnika u 14... more Predstavljanje knjige: Tonija Andrić: Život u srednjovjekovnom Splitu. Svakodnevica obrtnika u 14. i 15. stoljeću, Hrvatski institut za povijest-Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu, Zagreb-Split 2018.
- Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire,... more - Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire, Series East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, vol. 50 (eds. Danijel Dzino, Ante Milošević, Trpimir Vedriš), Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2018.
- Corpus of Early Medieval Sculpture, vols. 1-3.
Dioklecijanova palača kao (kasno)antička jezgra Splita odavno je prepoznata kao najvažniji spomen... more Dioklecijanova palača kao (kasno)antička jezgra Splita odavno je prepoznata kao najvažniji spomenik i materijalna struktura oko koje se konstituirao prvobitni urbani prostor toga grada. Istraživani su njena funkcija, konstrukcija, forma, arhitektonska artikulacija i dispozicija, ikonografski i simbolički aspekti njezina sadržaja, sve u interakciji s neposrednom okolinom na koju je ta carska građevina utjecala pri formiranju urbane jezgre Splita. Međutim, za izučavanje mnogih pitanja u vezi s postankom (poleogenezom) grada Splita, podjednako su važni ostaci materijalnih i komunikacijskih struktura na Splitskom poluotoku izvan Dioklecijanove palače, a koji prethode razdoblju kada je carska rezidencija podignuta. Riječ je o rimskodobnim nalazima što datiraju iz vremena rane antike, od 1. st. pr. Kr. do kasnog 2. stoljeća naše ere, a predstavljaju tragove sačuvane u arheološkim artefaktima, nazivima prostora (toponimiji), kao i komunikacijama (cestama, putovima) sačuvanima sve do našega vremena. Historijska topografija Splita što potječe iz tog vremena nastojat će se prikazati i rekonstruirati u ovom izlaganju; razmatrat će se pitanja opisa Splita u najstarijim povijesnim tekstovima, zatim njegov urbani areal (prostorna evolucija), napokon ime grada (urbonim). Rasprava služi određivanju osnovnih tijekova urbanog razvoja (preobrazbe Dioklecijanove palače i Splitskog poluotoka u srednjovjekovni grad) i njegovih obilježja. Pri tome se uvažavaju prirodno-zemljopisne zadatosti prostora, njegove prometne osobitosti, arheološka topografija, toponomastika (napose hagiotopografija), pisana povijesna svjedočanstva. Osobita pozornost posvetit će se odnosu toga najstarijega urbanog pejzaža s današnjim urbanim prostorom Splita.
U izlaganju će se predstaviti svi ranosrednjovjekovni reljefi sačuvani u gradu Splitu koji se pri... more U izlaganju će se predstaviti svi ranosrednjovjekovni reljefi sačuvani u gradu Splitu koji se pripisuju tzv. Splitskoj klesarskoj radionici kasnog VIII. stoljeća. Najvažniji kameni spomenik što pripada produkciji te radionice je sarkofag splitskog nadbiskupa Ivana (oko 787. g.) kojega se poistovjećuje s prvim splitskim nadbiskupom Ivanom Ravenjaninom. Djela Splitske klesarske radionice definirana su ponavljajućim motivom ukriženih ljiljana kao najprepoznatljivijim obilježjem. Svi reljefi pripadaju crkvama iz splitskog episkopalnog kompleksa, u najužem centru grada. Taj se korpus smješta u politički i crkveni kontekst širega jadranskog prostora i datira u doba nadbiskupa Ivana, predstavnika političke i crkvene elite karolinških vlastodržaca. Likovna te stilska valorizacija relativno brojnih reljefa Splitske klesarske radionice omogućava nam i njezino uspješno smještanje u kulturni ambijent koji ih je iznjedrio i kojemu pripadaju, upućujući neizbježno na umjetničke kontakte sa susjednom Italijom.
Javno predavanje održat će se u utorak, 24. listopada, u 19:30 sati u dvorani sv. Ivana Pavla II... more Javno predavanje održat će se u utorak, 24. listopada, u 19:30 sati u dvorani sv. Ivana Pavla II (nekadašnji samostan sv. Klare) u Dubrovniku, u organizaciji Vijeća za kulturu i znanost Dubrovačke biskupije u sklopu njegovoga redovitog programa.
Tema predavanja je kasnoantički kameni natpis pronađen tijekom arheoloških istraživanja crkvice sv. Ilije na Lopudu 1973. godine. Riječ je o nadgrobnome natpisu Sirijca Izaka, datiranom u 5. stoljeće, koji se čuva u Župnoj zbirci na Lopudu. Od njegova pronalaska do danas natpis je ostao gotovo u potpunosti zaboravljen, uz tek rijetke spomene u objavljenoj literaturi, a izostala je i njegova cjelovitija stručna i znanstvena obrada. Nova, opsežnija istraživanja autorâ pokazala su kako je riječ o jedinstvenome povijesnom spomeniku od višestruke važnosti. Uz arheološko-topografski kontekst ovog nalaza, na predavanju će se javnosti iznijeti prijedlog preciznije datacije spomenika te novo čitanje natpisa kojim je ustanovljeno kako je riječ o prvoj pouzdanoj epigrafskoj potvrdi pripadnosti pokrajine Dalmacije zapadnome dijelu Rimskoga Carstva u 5. stoljeću.
Pro tempore, 15 (2020): 445-453
Mogućnosti LXVII/1-2 (2020): 218-227
Universitas, XII/129 (27 July 2020): 28
Nekrolog akademiku prof. dr. sc. Tomislavu Raukaru (Stari Grad na Hvaru, 1933. - Zagreb, 2020.), ... more Nekrolog akademiku prof. dr. sc. Tomislavu Raukaru (Stari Grad na Hvaru, 1933. - Zagreb, 2020.), hrvatskom medievistu i sveučilišnom profesoru u miru.
Sažeti nekrolog povodom vijesti o smrti akademika, prof. dr. sc. Tomislava Raukara (Stari Grad na... more Sažeti nekrolog povodom vijesti o smrti akademika, prof. dr. sc. Tomislava Raukara (Stari Grad na Hvaru, 1933. - Zagreb, 2020.), hrvatskog medievista i sveučilišnog profesora u miru. Napomena: oprema i kraćenja teksta su redakcijski.
Slobodna Dalmacija, 7 July 2020
Sažeti nekrolog povodom vijesti o smrti akademika, prof. dr. sc. Tomislava Raukara (Stari Grad na... more Sažeti nekrolog povodom vijesti o smrti akademika, prof. dr. sc. Tomislava Raukara (Stari Grad na Hvaru, 1933. - Zagreb, 2020.), hrvatskog medievista i sveučilišnog profesora u miru. Napomena: oprema i kraćenja teksta su redakcijski.
Solinska kronika, XXVI/293 (15. I. 2019): 20-21
In memoriam prof. dr. sc. Željko Rapanić (1932. – 2018.)
In memoriam prof. dr. sc. Željko Rapanić (1932. – 2018.)
Universitas, XI/111 (27. II. 2019): 29
In memoriam prof. dr. Željko Rapanić (1932. – 2018.)
In memoriam prof. dr. Željko Rapanić (1932. – 2018.)
Starohrvatska prosvjeta, ser. III, 46 (2019): 223-227
Eulogy of Željko Rapanić (Split, 1932 - Split, 2018), Croatian art historian, historian and archa... more Eulogy of Željko Rapanić (Split, 1932 - Split, 2018), Croatian art historian, historian and archaeologist, formerly director of the Archaeological Museum at Split, former president of the Croatian Archaeological Society etc.
Vijenac 736 (19th May 2022): 18-19
Akti crkvenog koncila u Niceji održanog 787. godine sadrže jedinstvene podatke o prvim poznatim s... more Akti crkvenog koncila u Niceji održanog 787. godine sadrže jedinstvene podatke o prvim poznatim srednjovjekovnim dalmatinskim biskupima (Split, Rab, Osor, Kotor) koji se u hrvatskoj historiografiji s manjom ili većom ustrajnošću istražuju od 1930-ih. Ovdje se temeljem recentnog kritičkog izdanja koncilskih akata upozorava na dosad neuočene, također jedinstvene podatke koje taj tekst sadržava.
Slobodna Dalmacija, 26. 10. 2018., p. 28-29
Slobodna Dalmacija, 11 July 2017, p. 14
Obilježavajući 120. godišnjicu otkrića nadgrobnoga natpisa hrvatske kraljice Jelene, umrle 976. g... more Obilježavajući 120. godišnjicu otkrića nadgrobnoga natpisa hrvatske kraljice Jelene, umrle 976. godine, Odsjeci za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu i Zagrebu, Društvo prijatelja solinske baštine i Javna ustanova u kulturi Zvonimir Solin organiziraju jednodnevni znanstveni kolokvij posvećen toj obljetnici. Kolokvij se štoviše i simbolički održava upravo 8. listopada 2018., nadnevak višeznačan i pun simbolike za Solin, ali i za čitav hrvatski narod. Toga je nadnevka naime ukopana kraljica Jelena (8. listopada 976.), krunjen hrvatski kralj Dmitar Zvonimir u crkvi Sv. Petra i Mojsija u Solinu (8. listopada 1076.) i Dan neovisnosti Republike Hrvatske (8. listopada 1991.). Nadgrobni natpis kraljice Jelene pronađen je i protumačen zaslugom don Frane Bulića 1898. godine, a danas se nalazi pohranjen u Muzeju hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika u Splitu. Po svojoj kompoziciji i, nadasve, epigrafskom sadržaju, predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih tekstova u kamenu sačuvanih iz ranosrednjovjekovnog razdoblja hrvatske države. Cilj je ovoga kolokvija valorizirati kulturni profil solinskoga područja u vrijeme sastavljanja Jelenina natpisa, analizirati i osvijetliti njegovu recepciju u historiografiji, ali i pružiti uvid u dijakronijski razvitak Solina i solinskoga područja od antike do suvremenosti, s osobitim obzirom na pisanu kulturu i razdoblje hrvatskih narodnih vladara. Izlaganja će obuhvatiti područja i teme vezane uz sam Jelenin epigrafski spomenik, njegov arheološki, kulturni i povijesni kontekst 10. stoljeća i ranoga srednjovjekovlja uopće, ali i prošlost Solina, širega i užega solinskoga područja te naročito Gospina otoka kao prostornog okruženja crkava sv. Stjepana i sv. Marije.
ABBATISSA INGENUITATE PRECIPUA - zbornik radova sa znanstvenog kolokvija „950. obljetnica Samostana benediktinki Sv. Marije u Zadru (1066.-2016.)”, 2020
Predstavljanje zbornika radova pod naslovom ABBATISSA INGENUITATE PRECIPUA - zbornik radova sa zn... more Predstavljanje zbornika radova pod naslovom ABBATISSA INGENUITATE PRECIPUA - zbornik radova sa znanstvenog kolokvija „950. obljetnica Samostana benediktinki Sv. Marije u Zadru (1066.-2016.)” u Svečanoj dvorani Sveučilišta u Zadru