International Journal of Bioassays | International Journal of Bioassays [2278-778X] (original) (raw)

Research Papers by International Journal of Bioassays

Research paper thumbnail of Monthly variation and impact of pollution on the nutritional value of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Leaves

Moringa oleifera Lam., commonly found tree in sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh... more Moringa oleifera Lam., commonly found tree in sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan has a high nutrition value. The leaves, flowers and immature pods of Moringa are used as a vegetable in many countries. The leaves are highly nutritious and medicinal in nature. They are a rich source of iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, proteins, and essential amino acids. Hence Moringa leaves can be a good source of protein for the vegetarians and the under-nourished population. Present investigation deals with the study of monthly variation in the nutritional value of Moringa leaves from the month of June 2015 to January 2016. Impact of urban sewage pollution and roadside vehicular pollution on the amount of reducing and total sugars, chlorophylls (a, b and total), proteins, vitamin-C and pH of the leaves, was also studied. Results revealed that the highest amounts of reducing sugars, total sugars, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll during October 2015 whereas proteins, chlorophyll a, vitamin C and pH were highest during January 2016. Leaf samples collected from all the study sites exhibited minimum amounts of reducing sugars, chlorophylls (a, b and total) and pH during July 2015 whereas total sugars were lowest during December 2015. Proteins and vitamin C values were lowest during August and June 2015 respectively. Sewage and vehicular pollution showed an adverse effect on the nutritional contents of Moringa oleifera leaves. Of the two polluted sites, samples from near the sewage flow showed higher impact.

Research paper thumbnail of Seasonal variation of proximate composition of Istiophorus platypterus from Visakhapatnam fishing harbor, East Coast of India

Seasonal variation of proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat and ash) of Istiophorus platy... more Seasonal variation of proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat and ash) of Istiophorus platypterus was analysed for one year (January 2016 to December 2016) from Visakhapatnam fishing harbor, east coast of India. The results indicated that the proximate composition of the fish depends on season. The total mean values of moisture percentage was found more

Research paper thumbnail of A study on prevalence of contraception and estimate unmet need of family planning among married women in the rural Shamirpet, Ranga Reddy District, T.S, India.

A study on prevalence of contraception and estimate unmet need of family planning among married w... more A study on prevalence of contraception and estimate unmet need of family planning among married women in the rural Shamirpet, Ranga Reddy District, T.S, India. Abstract: The study on contraceptive use and unmet need for family planning is the key to understanding the change in fertility and improving reproductive health. Family planning program aims to not only achieve population stabilization but also to promote reproductive health and reduce maternal, infant & child mortality and morbidity. In this study an attempt has been made to assess the family planning practices adopted in the rural Shamirpet. Probability proportion sampling was done and 402 women were selected from 13 villages. Prevalence of contraception was found to be 61.7%. Permanent methods were preferred over temporary methods. Total unmet need for family planning was 11.7%. The contraceptive prevalence rate found in the present study is higher than the district figures and is on par with the state statistics. Unmet needs also are low compared to state figures.

Research paper thumbnail of Nanobiotics: Challenging the anti-microbial perspective -The game changer

Antibiotics are the most important medical inventions in human history and are the invaluable wea... more Antibiotics are the most important medical inventions in human history and are the invaluable weapons to fight against various infectious diseases. Multi drug resistant microorganisms are becoming a serious issue and increasingly public health problem in present day scenario. Antibiotics are becoming less useful due to increasing bacterial resistance. Development of new and more powerful antibiotics leading to drastic pathogens response by developing resistance to the point where the most powerful drugs in our arsenal are no longer effective against them. Newer strategies for the management of bacterial diseases are urgently needed and nanomaterials can be a very promising approach. Nanobiotics uses nano-sized tools for the successful management bacterial diseases and to gain increased understanding of the complex underlying patho-physiology of disease. (European Science Foundation. Forward Look Nanomedicine: An EMRC Consensus Opinion 2005. Available online: (accessed on 15 July 2017). The application of nanotechnologies to medicine, or nanomedicine, which has already demonstrated its tremendous impact on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, is rapidly becoming a major driving force behind ongoing changes in the antimicrobial field. Present review providing important insights on nanobiotics, and their preparation, mechanism of action, as well as perspectives on the opportunities and challenges in nanobiotics.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Germination of Seed of Podophyllum hexandrum in high altitude region of Ladakh, India

This study shows an effective but simple method of conserving characterised populations through s... more This study shows an effective but simple method of conserving characterised populations through seed germination modification and treatment with plant growth regulators. It is tolerant to cold temperature, as would be expected of a Northern Himalayan plant, but not tolerant to dry conditions. Podophyllum hexandrum seed dormancy has been considered to be a major constraint and most of the earlier reports recommended dormancy breaking pre-treatments such as chilling, gibberellic acid (GA3). However, in this study, we showed that the pre-treatment of seeds with IAA, IBA and GA3 plant growth regulators at high altitude (Leh-Ladakh) to analyse the effects on germination percentage of seeds and morphological characteristics of the treated seeds over control seeds. The pre-treatment helps the seeds to give high germination percentage than control seedlings. The treated seedling showed a high degree of growth especially the seedlings treated with GA3. These seedlings in the greenhouse showed very prominent growth in height and leaf as compared to the control seedling plants.

Research paper thumbnail of A critical review on integrating multiple fish biomarkers as indicator of heavy metals contamination in aquatic ecosystem

An immense amount of data is available on biomarkers related to different eco-toxicants. But data... more An immense amount of data is available on biomarkers related to different eco-toxicants. But data on contaminant-specific biomarkers in fishes is sparse. Traditionally, detection and quantification of heavy metals in sediment, water, and biota gave us valuable information on the quantity and the type of heavy metal present in the ecosystem. This information can be utilized to select a heavy metal specific biomarker. For an instance, if Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn) and Cupper (Cu) are at high concentration, then Metallothionein (MT) can be a good candidate biomarker. Along with this, Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a very potent indicator of Iron (Fe) and Mercury (Hg) contamination and also Catalase (CAT) is specific for Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) exposure. For these kinds of selection of biomarker, the researchers should know heavy metals type specific biomarker. This review is the small effort towards cumulating the heavy metals type specific biomarker. This demonstrates the exposure and effects of heavy metals in fishes by integrating the heavy metal quantification and biomarker selection.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of BMI and waist-hip ratio in physically trained adults and sedentary adults

Obesity can increase the incidence of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension and ce... more Obesity can increase the incidence of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases. This study is undertaken with the aim to evaluate the effect of physical training on BMI, Waist-hip ratio. The study was conducted on 50 male physically trained adults and 50 male sedentary adults in the age group between 30-40 years and the following parameters were evaluated BMI, Waist-hip ratio. There is statistically highly significant decrease in BMI, Waist-hip ratio, in physically trained adults as compared to sedentary adults. Aerobic exercise and games in combination causes highly significant decrease in BMI, W-H ratio. Thus, combination of aerobic exercise and games is more beneficial instead of only aerobic exercise and hence should be recommended.

Research paper thumbnail of The protective effect of Nigella sativa oil extract against neurotoxicity induced by Valproic acid

Nigella sativa (NS), commonly known as black cumin, has been used for medicinal purposes. Traditi... more Nigella sativa (NS), commonly known as black cumin, has been used for medicinal purposes. Traditionally the seeds and its oil are used in several diseases. The greatest part of the remedial properties of this plant is due to the presence of thymoquinone (TQ) which is a major active chemical component of the essential oil. The current study performed to evaluate the effect of Nigella sativa oil (NSO) extract on the neurotoxic and hepatotoxic potentials from valproic acid (VPA) administration. Also we summarize recent findings emphasizing the role of main neurotoxic and hepatotoxic markers and oxidative stress in study's case. Neurotoxicity was induced by VPA at dose of (500 mg/kg b.wt) by gastric intubation daily for 30 day. These rats received NSO extract was given orally at dose of (0.5 ml/kg b.wt) daily for 30 days after VPA administration. The current results revealed that NSO extract treatment ameliorated significantly the elevated levels of the neurotoxic and hepatotoxic biomarkers which elevated as a result to VPA administration. Moreover, NSO extract treatment ameliorated the enzymatic antioxidant, brain and liver catalase (CAT) activity and the non-enzymatic antioxidant, brain and liver glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) concentrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Increased incidence of Anti -IgG of Coxsackievirus and Cytomegalovirus among diabetic children in Egypt

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Coxsackievirus (CV) are included in the environmental factors potential... more Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Coxsackievirus (CV) are included in the environmental factors potentially relevant to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Thus, this study aimed to detect the prevalence of both anti-IgG for each of CV and CMV in diabetic children with (EV +) or without (EV-) enteroviruses infection. The current study revealed that the T1D-EV + and T1D-EV-groups had marked elevations in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), C-reactive protein (CRP) and glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA) as compared to non-diabetic control. Moreover, anti-IgG for the CV and CMV groups were detected in three groups; diabetic infected (T1D-EV +), diabetic non-infected (T1D-EV-) and control group. Detection of anti-CV IgG achieved 22.7%, 6.7% and 64% in control, T1D-EV-and T1D-EV + , respectively. However, detection of anti-CMV IgG revealed 23.4%, 50% and 40% in control, T1D-EV-and T1D-EV + , respectively. In conclusion, the prevalence of the antibodies of CV-IgG and CMV-IgG in the sera of diabetic children more than that in healthy control children may give a role of these viruses in the etiology and progression of T1D.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the growth and sporulation of different entomopathogenic fungi in different liquid and solid media at varied concentrations

Entomopathogenic fungi like Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Lecanicillium lecanii ... more Entomopathogenic fungi like Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Lecanicillium lecanii are used in biological control of agricultural insect pests. Their specific mode of action makes them an effective alternative to the chemical Insecticides. Virulent strains of Entomopathogenic fungi are effectively formulated and used as bio-insecticides worldwide. Amenable and economical multiplication of a virulent strain in a large scale is important for them to be useful in the field. Culture media plays a major role in the large-scale multiplication of virulent strains of Entomopathogens. Different substrates and media components are being used for this purpose. Yet, each strain differs in its nutritional requirements for the maximum growth and hence it is necessary to standardize the right components and their optimum concentrations in the culture media for a given strain of Entomopathogen. In the current study, three different nitrogen sources and two different carbon sources were tried to standardize the mass multiplication media for seven test isolates of Entomopathogenic fungi. A study was also conducted to determine the ideal grain media for the optimum conidial yields of the test isolates. Yeast extract was found to be the best Nitrogen source for the isolates. The isolates tested, differed in their nutritional requirements and showed variation in the best nitrogen and carbon sources necessary for their growth. Variation was also found in the optimum concentration of both the ingredients for the growth and sporulation of the isolates. In the solid-state fermentation study, rice was found to be the best grain for the growth of most of the fungi followed by barley. The significance of such a study in the development of an effective Myco-insecticide is vital and can be successfully employed in agriculture is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of GnRH-1, GnIH mRNA and Luteinizing Hormone in Domestic hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Exposed to Different Wavelengths of light

The objective of this study was to establish the effects of red spectrum of light (650nm, treated... more The objective of this study was to establish the effects of red spectrum of light (650nm, treated n=12) and normal spectrum of light (450nm control=12) on GnRH-I and GnIH mRNA expression, amplitude and frequency of luteinizing hormone (LH) and egg production from 42 to 52 weeks of age in white leghorn hens. Blood samples were collected at weekly interval from both the groups. At the 47th week of age blood samples from both the groups were collected at every 3 h for 36h to study the pulsatile secretion of LH surges. GnRH and GnIH mRNA expression pattern was studied between control and treated birds. Egg production and pause days were calculated between the two groups. LH concentration in the plasma was increased significantly (P<0.01) in hens exposed to red spectrum of light. Plasma LH concentration was higher (P<0.01) in treated birds with more number of LH surges. The amplitude and frequencies of LH were advanced in birds exposed to red spectrum of light during 36 h of sampling at 3h intervals. GnRH-I mRNA concentration was significantly (P<0.01) higher, whereas GnIH mRNA was significantly (P<0.01) lower in birds exposed to red spectrum of light compared to controls. It is hypothesized that exposure of birds to red spectrum of light enhanced (P<0.01) GnRH-I mRNA, along with LH required for ovulation and egg lay. During 77 days (42-52 weeks of age) of the experimental period, egg production was increased (p<0.01) with lower incidence of pause days in the treated group. It is concluded that low GnIH mRNA and higher levels of GnRH-I mRNA, LH, lower number of pause days enabled the birds to lay more eggs by stimulating GnRH through red spectrum of light.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of rotenone induced neurodegeneration by taurine and hesperidin

Taurine (2-aminoethane sulphonic acid) is a sulphonic acid which is derived from cysteine and is ... more Taurine (2-aminoethane sulphonic acid) is a sulphonic acid which is derived from cysteine and is widely distributed in animal tissues. It is one of the most abundant amino acid in mammals and plays several crucial roles including modulation of calcium signaling, osmoregulation and membrane stabilization. Hesperidin occurs in the cells in crystalline, feather-like aggregates or sphaerocrytalline masses and it exhibits pharmacological and biological properties such as anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, inhibit bone loss, lowering of lipid, hypoglycaemic and antioxidant activities. The current study was performed to evaluate the effect of taurine and hesperidin on neurodegeneration resulted from rotenone administration by a dose of 1.5 mg/kg b.wt three times per week for two months. Also we summarize recent findings emphasizing the role of catecholamines neurotransmitters, Tyrosine hydroxylase and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disease model. These rats received taurine and hesperidin through gastric intubation daily for one month after rotenone administration. The results revealed that taurine and hesperidin treatment significantly ameliorated the decreased levels of the catecholamines neurotransmitters and Tyrosine hydroxylase which were decreased as after rotenone injection. Moreover, taurine and hesperidin treatment ameliorated lipid peroxidation and catalase levels.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of imidacloprid treatment on Protein Profiling of soil isolate Bacillus weihenstephanensis

Imidacloprid has gained great attention as a synthetic insecticide that acts in a similar manner ... more Imidacloprid has gained great attention as a synthetic insecticide that acts in a similar manner as nicotine and is now widely used for the control of pests. Bacteria react to environmental or chemical stress by synthesizing specific sets of proteins and these can be analyzed by protein profiling using SDS PAGE. The present investigation was undertaken to reveal protein profile changes and differentially expressed proteins in soil isolate Bacillus weihenstephanensis on dose and durational exposure to imidacloprid. Protein profiling of Bacillus weihenstephanensis treated with different (10-7 to 10-3 M) concentrations of imidacloprid observed regularly at the duration of 24 hrs for a period of 96 hours, showed the over expressions of certain protein, expression of stress proteins and novel proteins. The proteins expressed were observed to be dose and durational dependent. The present investigation proves that imidacloprid exposure induces the expression of stress and novel proteins in soil isolate Bacillus weihenstephanensis. The expression of these proteins may be necessary for the protection of the Bacillus weihenstephanensis from toxic effects of imidacloprid. The specific protein profiles that are expressed in response to the stress induced by imidacloprid can be used to monitor the environmental samples for the presence of similar pollutants.

Research paper thumbnail of Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Psidium guajava leaves and its antibacterial activity

In the present study, Psidium guajava leaves were taken for synthesizing silver nanoparticles and... more In the present study, Psidium guajava leaves were taken for synthesizing silver nanoparticles and checked their antibacterial activity against E.coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter. The plant extract was analysed for the detection of the presence of protein, carbohydrate, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, steroids, saponins, phenols and tannins. In this present study, the antibacterial activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles from guava leaf shows the zone of inhibition against all the five pathogens.

Research paper thumbnail of Genome sequence announcement of potential phthalic acid degrader Pseudomonas aeruginosa HNYM 41 and Bacillus cereus BVC 11 isolated from plastic dumping ground area

Putative phthalic acid degrader Pseudomonas aeruginosa HNYM 41 and Bacillus cereus BVC 11 isolate... more Putative phthalic acid degrader Pseudomonas aeruginosa HNYM 41 and Bacillus cereus BVC 11 isolated from plastic dumping ground area of Ahmednagar city. Here we report the genome sequence of HNYM 41and BVC 11, which have capacity to degradation capacity up to 1500 and 3000 ppm in absent of other carbon source.

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of Osmotic Drug Delivery System: An update review

The pharmaceutical industry has faced several marked challenges in order to bring new chemical en... more The pharmaceutical industry has faced several marked challenges in order to bring new chemical entities (NCEs) into the market over the past few decades. Various novel drug delivery approaches have been used as a part of life cycle management from which Osmotic drug delivery systems look the most promising one. After discussing the history of osmotic pump development, this article looks at the principles, advantages and disadvantages of osmotic drug delivery systems. Then, the basic components of osmotic pump and factors affecting the design of oral osmotic drug delivery systems are discussed in detail. In the later part of the manuscript, various types of osmotic pumps available in the market and evaluation methods for osmotic drug delivery systems are discussed in detail.

[Research paper thumbnail of A novel process for the preparation of [(R,S)/ (S,R)] and [(S,S)/ (R,R)] chroman epoxides, key intermediates in the synthesis of Nebivolol](

A novel, cost effective, scalable process for the preparation of chroman epoxides starting from 4... more A novel, cost effective, scalable process for the preparation of chroman epoxides starting from 4-fluorophenol is described. The highlights of the process are single step O-acylation, fries rearrangement, one pot synthesis of claisen condensation, cyclization, reduction, epoxidation with over all yield of 50.9% [(R,S)/(S,R)]-chroman epoxide-A is 33.9% and [(S,S)/(R,R)]-chroman epoxide-B is 17%.

Research paper thumbnail of Cadmium-induced alterations in bio-chemical constituents of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio fry: A comparative study

Cadmium is a well-known heavy metal toxicant which can interfere with metabolism of carbohydrates... more Cadmium is a well-known heavy metal toxicant which can interfere with metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids by inhibiting the enzymes involved in the processes. In the present investigation, the effect of cadmium was evaluated on these biochemical constituents in two fresh water fish fry Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio. Fish fry of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio were exposed to their respective sub-lethal concentrations (1/5 th of LC50), 0.1998 ppm and 4.938 ppm of cadmium for a period of 20days. Total carbohydrates, proteins and lipids were estimated by standard biochemical procedures in control and exposed fish fry. Results showed significant fall in all the biochemical constituents and energy levels of exposed fish fry, indicating that the organism is under toxicant stress.

Research paper thumbnail of Mycorrhizal association and influence on growth of Asian pigeonwings (Clitoria ternatea L.)

Clitoria ternatea L. is an excellent herbal medicinal plant. Arbusular Mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) c... more Clitoria ternatea L. is an excellent herbal medicinal plant. Arbusular Mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) colonization and biomass of three different tested conditions of Clitoria ternatea plant was investigated. Inoculums of indigenous AMF and Trichoderma harzianum was tested greenhouse experiment and compared with natural condition after 60th days of treatment. Percentage of Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) infection, number of resting spores and AM fungi species varies in different land. Among three different conditions, natural conditions showed maximum root colonization (75.89%) than treated one but minimum spore density (358.8/100g rhizosphere soil). Highest spore density (481.6/100g soil) was found in T. harzianum treated condition followed by indigenous AMF treatment Acaulospora Glomus and Sclerocystis these three genera were found frequently. AMF inoculums and T. harzianum treatments conditions were observed promising biomass data of 60 th days after treatment (DAT). When AMF are more colonized to plants then enhanced the biomass productivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Implication of blue green algae on yield attributes and economics of rice cultivation

Indian agriculture is presently at cross roads as it has to increase output at one hand and has t... more Indian agriculture is presently at cross roads as it has to increase output at one hand and has to take care of environmental aspects on the other hand. Rice cultivation is also facing the same dilemma. Use of blue green algae as bio fertilizer is one possible way to minimize application of synthetic fertilizers which have far reaching implications on environment and health. Present research study was formulated to screen most suitable combination of different species of cyanobacteria on yield attribute of Vandana variety of rice grown in Hazaribagh district. Three species of cyanobacteria, Anabaena + Nostoc + Gloeotrichia was studied and was compared with controlled condition and condition with conventional fertilization. It was observed that combination of biofertilizer gives better result on all parameters when compared to conventional fertilizer.

Research paper thumbnail of Monthly variation and impact of pollution on the nutritional value of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Leaves

Moringa oleifera Lam., commonly found tree in sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh... more Moringa oleifera Lam., commonly found tree in sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan has a high nutrition value. The leaves, flowers and immature pods of Moringa are used as a vegetable in many countries. The leaves are highly nutritious and medicinal in nature. They are a rich source of iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, proteins, and essential amino acids. Hence Moringa leaves can be a good source of protein for the vegetarians and the under-nourished population. Present investigation deals with the study of monthly variation in the nutritional value of Moringa leaves from the month of June 2015 to January 2016. Impact of urban sewage pollution and roadside vehicular pollution on the amount of reducing and total sugars, chlorophylls (a, b and total), proteins, vitamin-C and pH of the leaves, was also studied. Results revealed that the highest amounts of reducing sugars, total sugars, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll during October 2015 whereas proteins, chlorophyll a, vitamin C and pH were highest during January 2016. Leaf samples collected from all the study sites exhibited minimum amounts of reducing sugars, chlorophylls (a, b and total) and pH during July 2015 whereas total sugars were lowest during December 2015. Proteins and vitamin C values were lowest during August and June 2015 respectively. Sewage and vehicular pollution showed an adverse effect on the nutritional contents of Moringa oleifera leaves. Of the two polluted sites, samples from near the sewage flow showed higher impact.

Research paper thumbnail of Seasonal variation of proximate composition of Istiophorus platypterus from Visakhapatnam fishing harbor, East Coast of India

Seasonal variation of proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat and ash) of Istiophorus platy... more Seasonal variation of proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat and ash) of Istiophorus platypterus was analysed for one year (January 2016 to December 2016) from Visakhapatnam fishing harbor, east coast of India. The results indicated that the proximate composition of the fish depends on season. The total mean values of moisture percentage was found more

Research paper thumbnail of A study on prevalence of contraception and estimate unmet need of family planning among married women in the rural Shamirpet, Ranga Reddy District, T.S, India.

A study on prevalence of contraception and estimate unmet need of family planning among married w... more A study on prevalence of contraception and estimate unmet need of family planning among married women in the rural Shamirpet, Ranga Reddy District, T.S, India. Abstract: The study on contraceptive use and unmet need for family planning is the key to understanding the change in fertility and improving reproductive health. Family planning program aims to not only achieve population stabilization but also to promote reproductive health and reduce maternal, infant & child mortality and morbidity. In this study an attempt has been made to assess the family planning practices adopted in the rural Shamirpet. Probability proportion sampling was done and 402 women were selected from 13 villages. Prevalence of contraception was found to be 61.7%. Permanent methods were preferred over temporary methods. Total unmet need for family planning was 11.7%. The contraceptive prevalence rate found in the present study is higher than the district figures and is on par with the state statistics. Unmet needs also are low compared to state figures.

Research paper thumbnail of Nanobiotics: Challenging the anti-microbial perspective -The game changer

Antibiotics are the most important medical inventions in human history and are the invaluable wea... more Antibiotics are the most important medical inventions in human history and are the invaluable weapons to fight against various infectious diseases. Multi drug resistant microorganisms are becoming a serious issue and increasingly public health problem in present day scenario. Antibiotics are becoming less useful due to increasing bacterial resistance. Development of new and more powerful antibiotics leading to drastic pathogens response by developing resistance to the point where the most powerful drugs in our arsenal are no longer effective against them. Newer strategies for the management of bacterial diseases are urgently needed and nanomaterials can be a very promising approach. Nanobiotics uses nano-sized tools for the successful management bacterial diseases and to gain increased understanding of the complex underlying patho-physiology of disease. (European Science Foundation. Forward Look Nanomedicine: An EMRC Consensus Opinion 2005. Available online: (accessed on 15 July 2017). The application of nanotechnologies to medicine, or nanomedicine, which has already demonstrated its tremendous impact on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, is rapidly becoming a major driving force behind ongoing changes in the antimicrobial field. Present review providing important insights on nanobiotics, and their preparation, mechanism of action, as well as perspectives on the opportunities and challenges in nanobiotics.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Germination of Seed of Podophyllum hexandrum in high altitude region of Ladakh, India

This study shows an effective but simple method of conserving characterised populations through s... more This study shows an effective but simple method of conserving characterised populations through seed germination modification and treatment with plant growth regulators. It is tolerant to cold temperature, as would be expected of a Northern Himalayan plant, but not tolerant to dry conditions. Podophyllum hexandrum seed dormancy has been considered to be a major constraint and most of the earlier reports recommended dormancy breaking pre-treatments such as chilling, gibberellic acid (GA3). However, in this study, we showed that the pre-treatment of seeds with IAA, IBA and GA3 plant growth regulators at high altitude (Leh-Ladakh) to analyse the effects on germination percentage of seeds and morphological characteristics of the treated seeds over control seeds. The pre-treatment helps the seeds to give high germination percentage than control seedlings. The treated seedling showed a high degree of growth especially the seedlings treated with GA3. These seedlings in the greenhouse showed very prominent growth in height and leaf as compared to the control seedling plants.

Research paper thumbnail of A critical review on integrating multiple fish biomarkers as indicator of heavy metals contamination in aquatic ecosystem

An immense amount of data is available on biomarkers related to different eco-toxicants. But data... more An immense amount of data is available on biomarkers related to different eco-toxicants. But data on contaminant-specific biomarkers in fishes is sparse. Traditionally, detection and quantification of heavy metals in sediment, water, and biota gave us valuable information on the quantity and the type of heavy metal present in the ecosystem. This information can be utilized to select a heavy metal specific biomarker. For an instance, if Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn) and Cupper (Cu) are at high concentration, then Metallothionein (MT) can be a good candidate biomarker. Along with this, Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a very potent indicator of Iron (Fe) and Mercury (Hg) contamination and also Catalase (CAT) is specific for Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) exposure. For these kinds of selection of biomarker, the researchers should know heavy metals type specific biomarker. This review is the small effort towards cumulating the heavy metals type specific biomarker. This demonstrates the exposure and effects of heavy metals in fishes by integrating the heavy metal quantification and biomarker selection.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of BMI and waist-hip ratio in physically trained adults and sedentary adults

Obesity can increase the incidence of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension and ce... more Obesity can increase the incidence of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases. This study is undertaken with the aim to evaluate the effect of physical training on BMI, Waist-hip ratio. The study was conducted on 50 male physically trained adults and 50 male sedentary adults in the age group between 30-40 years and the following parameters were evaluated BMI, Waist-hip ratio. There is statistically highly significant decrease in BMI, Waist-hip ratio, in physically trained adults as compared to sedentary adults. Aerobic exercise and games in combination causes highly significant decrease in BMI, W-H ratio. Thus, combination of aerobic exercise and games is more beneficial instead of only aerobic exercise and hence should be recommended.

Research paper thumbnail of The protective effect of Nigella sativa oil extract against neurotoxicity induced by Valproic acid

Nigella sativa (NS), commonly known as black cumin, has been used for medicinal purposes. Traditi... more Nigella sativa (NS), commonly known as black cumin, has been used for medicinal purposes. Traditionally the seeds and its oil are used in several diseases. The greatest part of the remedial properties of this plant is due to the presence of thymoquinone (TQ) which is a major active chemical component of the essential oil. The current study performed to evaluate the effect of Nigella sativa oil (NSO) extract on the neurotoxic and hepatotoxic potentials from valproic acid (VPA) administration. Also we summarize recent findings emphasizing the role of main neurotoxic and hepatotoxic markers and oxidative stress in study's case. Neurotoxicity was induced by VPA at dose of (500 mg/kg b.wt) by gastric intubation daily for 30 day. These rats received NSO extract was given orally at dose of (0.5 ml/kg b.wt) daily for 30 days after VPA administration. The current results revealed that NSO extract treatment ameliorated significantly the elevated levels of the neurotoxic and hepatotoxic biomarkers which elevated as a result to VPA administration. Moreover, NSO extract treatment ameliorated the enzymatic antioxidant, brain and liver catalase (CAT) activity and the non-enzymatic antioxidant, brain and liver glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) concentrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Increased incidence of Anti -IgG of Coxsackievirus and Cytomegalovirus among diabetic children in Egypt

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Coxsackievirus (CV) are included in the environmental factors potential... more Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Coxsackievirus (CV) are included in the environmental factors potentially relevant to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Thus, this study aimed to detect the prevalence of both anti-IgG for each of CV and CMV in diabetic children with (EV +) or without (EV-) enteroviruses infection. The current study revealed that the T1D-EV + and T1D-EV-groups had marked elevations in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), C-reactive protein (CRP) and glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA) as compared to non-diabetic control. Moreover, anti-IgG for the CV and CMV groups were detected in three groups; diabetic infected (T1D-EV +), diabetic non-infected (T1D-EV-) and control group. Detection of anti-CV IgG achieved 22.7%, 6.7% and 64% in control, T1D-EV-and T1D-EV + , respectively. However, detection of anti-CMV IgG revealed 23.4%, 50% and 40% in control, T1D-EV-and T1D-EV + , respectively. In conclusion, the prevalence of the antibodies of CV-IgG and CMV-IgG in the sera of diabetic children more than that in healthy control children may give a role of these viruses in the etiology and progression of T1D.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the growth and sporulation of different entomopathogenic fungi in different liquid and solid media at varied concentrations

Entomopathogenic fungi like Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Lecanicillium lecanii ... more Entomopathogenic fungi like Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Lecanicillium lecanii are used in biological control of agricultural insect pests. Their specific mode of action makes them an effective alternative to the chemical Insecticides. Virulent strains of Entomopathogenic fungi are effectively formulated and used as bio-insecticides worldwide. Amenable and economical multiplication of a virulent strain in a large scale is important for them to be useful in the field. Culture media plays a major role in the large-scale multiplication of virulent strains of Entomopathogens. Different substrates and media components are being used for this purpose. Yet, each strain differs in its nutritional requirements for the maximum growth and hence it is necessary to standardize the right components and their optimum concentrations in the culture media for a given strain of Entomopathogen. In the current study, three different nitrogen sources and two different carbon sources were tried to standardize the mass multiplication media for seven test isolates of Entomopathogenic fungi. A study was also conducted to determine the ideal grain media for the optimum conidial yields of the test isolates. Yeast extract was found to be the best Nitrogen source for the isolates. The isolates tested, differed in their nutritional requirements and showed variation in the best nitrogen and carbon sources necessary for their growth. Variation was also found in the optimum concentration of both the ingredients for the growth and sporulation of the isolates. In the solid-state fermentation study, rice was found to be the best grain for the growth of most of the fungi followed by barley. The significance of such a study in the development of an effective Myco-insecticide is vital and can be successfully employed in agriculture is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of GnRH-1, GnIH mRNA and Luteinizing Hormone in Domestic hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Exposed to Different Wavelengths of light

The objective of this study was to establish the effects of red spectrum of light (650nm, treated... more The objective of this study was to establish the effects of red spectrum of light (650nm, treated n=12) and normal spectrum of light (450nm control=12) on GnRH-I and GnIH mRNA expression, amplitude and frequency of luteinizing hormone (LH) and egg production from 42 to 52 weeks of age in white leghorn hens. Blood samples were collected at weekly interval from both the groups. At the 47th week of age blood samples from both the groups were collected at every 3 h for 36h to study the pulsatile secretion of LH surges. GnRH and GnIH mRNA expression pattern was studied between control and treated birds. Egg production and pause days were calculated between the two groups. LH concentration in the plasma was increased significantly (P<0.01) in hens exposed to red spectrum of light. Plasma LH concentration was higher (P<0.01) in treated birds with more number of LH surges. The amplitude and frequencies of LH were advanced in birds exposed to red spectrum of light during 36 h of sampling at 3h intervals. GnRH-I mRNA concentration was significantly (P<0.01) higher, whereas GnIH mRNA was significantly (P<0.01) lower in birds exposed to red spectrum of light compared to controls. It is hypothesized that exposure of birds to red spectrum of light enhanced (P<0.01) GnRH-I mRNA, along with LH required for ovulation and egg lay. During 77 days (42-52 weeks of age) of the experimental period, egg production was increased (p<0.01) with lower incidence of pause days in the treated group. It is concluded that low GnIH mRNA and higher levels of GnRH-I mRNA, LH, lower number of pause days enabled the birds to lay more eggs by stimulating GnRH through red spectrum of light.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of rotenone induced neurodegeneration by taurine and hesperidin

Taurine (2-aminoethane sulphonic acid) is a sulphonic acid which is derived from cysteine and is ... more Taurine (2-aminoethane sulphonic acid) is a sulphonic acid which is derived from cysteine and is widely distributed in animal tissues. It is one of the most abundant amino acid in mammals and plays several crucial roles including modulation of calcium signaling, osmoregulation and membrane stabilization. Hesperidin occurs in the cells in crystalline, feather-like aggregates or sphaerocrytalline masses and it exhibits pharmacological and biological properties such as anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, inhibit bone loss, lowering of lipid, hypoglycaemic and antioxidant activities. The current study was performed to evaluate the effect of taurine and hesperidin on neurodegeneration resulted from rotenone administration by a dose of 1.5 mg/kg b.wt three times per week for two months. Also we summarize recent findings emphasizing the role of catecholamines neurotransmitters, Tyrosine hydroxylase and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disease model. These rats received taurine and hesperidin through gastric intubation daily for one month after rotenone administration. The results revealed that taurine and hesperidin treatment significantly ameliorated the decreased levels of the catecholamines neurotransmitters and Tyrosine hydroxylase which were decreased as after rotenone injection. Moreover, taurine and hesperidin treatment ameliorated lipid peroxidation and catalase levels.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of imidacloprid treatment on Protein Profiling of soil isolate Bacillus weihenstephanensis

Imidacloprid has gained great attention as a synthetic insecticide that acts in a similar manner ... more Imidacloprid has gained great attention as a synthetic insecticide that acts in a similar manner as nicotine and is now widely used for the control of pests. Bacteria react to environmental or chemical stress by synthesizing specific sets of proteins and these can be analyzed by protein profiling using SDS PAGE. The present investigation was undertaken to reveal protein profile changes and differentially expressed proteins in soil isolate Bacillus weihenstephanensis on dose and durational exposure to imidacloprid. Protein profiling of Bacillus weihenstephanensis treated with different (10-7 to 10-3 M) concentrations of imidacloprid observed regularly at the duration of 24 hrs for a period of 96 hours, showed the over expressions of certain protein, expression of stress proteins and novel proteins. The proteins expressed were observed to be dose and durational dependent. The present investigation proves that imidacloprid exposure induces the expression of stress and novel proteins in soil isolate Bacillus weihenstephanensis. The expression of these proteins may be necessary for the protection of the Bacillus weihenstephanensis from toxic effects of imidacloprid. The specific protein profiles that are expressed in response to the stress induced by imidacloprid can be used to monitor the environmental samples for the presence of similar pollutants.

Research paper thumbnail of Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Psidium guajava leaves and its antibacterial activity

In the present study, Psidium guajava leaves were taken for synthesizing silver nanoparticles and... more In the present study, Psidium guajava leaves were taken for synthesizing silver nanoparticles and checked their antibacterial activity against E.coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter. The plant extract was analysed for the detection of the presence of protein, carbohydrate, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, steroids, saponins, phenols and tannins. In this present study, the antibacterial activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles from guava leaf shows the zone of inhibition against all the five pathogens.

Research paper thumbnail of Genome sequence announcement of potential phthalic acid degrader Pseudomonas aeruginosa HNYM 41 and Bacillus cereus BVC 11 isolated from plastic dumping ground area

Putative phthalic acid degrader Pseudomonas aeruginosa HNYM 41 and Bacillus cereus BVC 11 isolate... more Putative phthalic acid degrader Pseudomonas aeruginosa HNYM 41 and Bacillus cereus BVC 11 isolated from plastic dumping ground area of Ahmednagar city. Here we report the genome sequence of HNYM 41and BVC 11, which have capacity to degradation capacity up to 1500 and 3000 ppm in absent of other carbon source.

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of Osmotic Drug Delivery System: An update review

The pharmaceutical industry has faced several marked challenges in order to bring new chemical en... more The pharmaceutical industry has faced several marked challenges in order to bring new chemical entities (NCEs) into the market over the past few decades. Various novel drug delivery approaches have been used as a part of life cycle management from which Osmotic drug delivery systems look the most promising one. After discussing the history of osmotic pump development, this article looks at the principles, advantages and disadvantages of osmotic drug delivery systems. Then, the basic components of osmotic pump and factors affecting the design of oral osmotic drug delivery systems are discussed in detail. In the later part of the manuscript, various types of osmotic pumps available in the market and evaluation methods for osmotic drug delivery systems are discussed in detail.

[Research paper thumbnail of A novel process for the preparation of [(R,S)/ (S,R)] and [(S,S)/ (R,R)] chroman epoxides, key intermediates in the synthesis of Nebivolol](

A novel, cost effective, scalable process for the preparation of chroman epoxides starting from 4... more A novel, cost effective, scalable process for the preparation of chroman epoxides starting from 4-fluorophenol is described. The highlights of the process are single step O-acylation, fries rearrangement, one pot synthesis of claisen condensation, cyclization, reduction, epoxidation with over all yield of 50.9% [(R,S)/(S,R)]-chroman epoxide-A is 33.9% and [(S,S)/(R,R)]-chroman epoxide-B is 17%.

Research paper thumbnail of Cadmium-induced alterations in bio-chemical constituents of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio fry: A comparative study

Cadmium is a well-known heavy metal toxicant which can interfere with metabolism of carbohydrates... more Cadmium is a well-known heavy metal toxicant which can interfere with metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids by inhibiting the enzymes involved in the processes. In the present investigation, the effect of cadmium was evaluated on these biochemical constituents in two fresh water fish fry Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio. Fish fry of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio were exposed to their respective sub-lethal concentrations (1/5 th of LC50), 0.1998 ppm and 4.938 ppm of cadmium for a period of 20days. Total carbohydrates, proteins and lipids were estimated by standard biochemical procedures in control and exposed fish fry. Results showed significant fall in all the biochemical constituents and energy levels of exposed fish fry, indicating that the organism is under toxicant stress.

Research paper thumbnail of Mycorrhizal association and influence on growth of Asian pigeonwings (Clitoria ternatea L.)

Clitoria ternatea L. is an excellent herbal medicinal plant. Arbusular Mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) c... more Clitoria ternatea L. is an excellent herbal medicinal plant. Arbusular Mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) colonization and biomass of three different tested conditions of Clitoria ternatea plant was investigated. Inoculums of indigenous AMF and Trichoderma harzianum was tested greenhouse experiment and compared with natural condition after 60th days of treatment. Percentage of Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) infection, number of resting spores and AM fungi species varies in different land. Among three different conditions, natural conditions showed maximum root colonization (75.89%) than treated one but minimum spore density (358.8/100g rhizosphere soil). Highest spore density (481.6/100g soil) was found in T. harzianum treated condition followed by indigenous AMF treatment Acaulospora Glomus and Sclerocystis these three genera were found frequently. AMF inoculums and T. harzianum treatments conditions were observed promising biomass data of 60 th days after treatment (DAT). When AMF are more colonized to plants then enhanced the biomass productivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Implication of blue green algae on yield attributes and economics of rice cultivation

Indian agriculture is presently at cross roads as it has to increase output at one hand and has t... more Indian agriculture is presently at cross roads as it has to increase output at one hand and has to take care of environmental aspects on the other hand. Rice cultivation is also facing the same dilemma. Use of blue green algae as bio fertilizer is one possible way to minimize application of synthetic fertilizers which have far reaching implications on environment and health. Present research study was formulated to screen most suitable combination of different species of cyanobacteria on yield attribute of Vandana variety of rice grown in Hazaribagh district. Three species of cyanobacteria, Anabaena + Nostoc + Gloeotrichia was studied and was compared with controlled condition and condition with conventional fertilization. It was observed that combination of biofertilizer gives better result on all parameters when compared to conventional fertilizer.

Research paper thumbnail of Panchkarma: A hope for LGBS – Landry Gullian Barre Syndrome

Landry Guillain–Barré syndrome is a disorder which is caused by the body's immune system attackin... more Landry Guillain–Barré syndrome is a disorder which is caused by the body's immune system attacking its own peripheral nervous system. The syndrome afflicts about one person in 100,000. Either gender can be affected in any age group especially between ages 30 and 50, however risk increases with age. It often follows a minor infection Most of the time, signs of the original infection have disappeared before the symptoms of Guillain-Barre begin. Guillain-Barre syndrome damages parts of nerves. This nerve damage causes tingling, muscle weakness, and paralysis. Guillain-Barre syndrome most often affects the nerve's covering (myelin sheath). Such damage is called demyelination and it causes nerve signals to move more slowly. Damage to other parts of the nerve can cause the nerve to stop working altogether. It is a paralyzing syndrome which can have dire consequences if not managed by an informed medical team. This article will explain how this disorder begins, how it is managed in Ayurveda by taking help of the PANCHKARMA procedures such as basti, Abhayanga etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Kshara Sutra boon for cardiac patients with fistula an Ano

Bhagandar (Fistula-in-Ano) is explained as one among Ashta Mahagada (The eight major diseases) in... more Bhagandar (Fistula-in-Ano) is explained as one among Ashta Mahagada (The eight major diseases) in Sushruta samhita1. This disease is recurrent in nature which makes it more difficult for treatment. So, it produces inconvenience in routine life. The concept of kshar sutra has been explained in the context of Nadi vrana (sinus) by Acharya Sushruta2. The application of plane silk thread has been explained by the Hippocrates for the fistula in Ano. Kshar Sutra being a medicated thread prepared as per the standard protocol has been proved as a big revolution in the treatment of fistula-in-Ano. Some patient of fistula in ano will present with the complicated systemic ailments at that time it is difficult to perform surgery and need some alternate line of management, Kshara sutra plays an important role and the efficacy has been explained in various studies. In present study the case presenting with cardiac complaints and twice has been undergone PTCA. Recently has been diagnosed with FIA and advised for surgery as patient had undergone incision and drainage for perianal abcess not willing to undergo surgery and opted for the kshar sutra. The patient received in the OPD of SKAMCH RC and has been treated with the kshar sutra prepared in the Lab of SKAMCH & RC by following the standard protocol of preparation. The patient is treated on OPD basis with weekly change of thread. The patient recovered well with complete excision of the tract within span of 10 weeks.

Research paper thumbnail of Pleomorphic adenoma with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin pearls

Background: Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common salivary gland tumor, accounting for 54 to 65%... more Background: Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common salivary gland tumor, accounting for 54 to 65% of all salivary gland neoplasams.80% of all the benign salivary gland neoplasms is constituted by pleomorphic adenoma. Parotid is the most commonly affected gland followed by submandibular salivary gland and the minor salivary glands. Histo-morphologically a pleomorphic adenoma shows both stromal as well as epithelial components.
Case History: Here we present the case of a 22 yr old male who presented to the ENTOPD with complains of swelling in front of the ear on the left side around the parotid region since 2yrs. A biopsy of the swelling was done and sent to the department of Pathology. A diagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma with squamous metaplasia and keratin pearls formation was given. A superficial parotidectomy was performed under general anesthesia. Discussion: Pleomorphic adenoma is one of the most common salivary gland tumors the mean age of occurrence being 43.6 yrs. Squamous metaplasia in the pleomorphic adenoma results in formation of an extensive keratin-filled cysts lined by squamous epithelium. Many a times excessive squamous metaplasia is mistaken for malignancy, including mucoepidermoid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Conclusion: The presence of squamous metaplasia in pleomorphic adenoma makes up 25% of the total secondary changes in the tumor. The patient was taken up for surgery & discharged after three days and was on follow-up for one month, after which he recovered completely.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life in asthmatic patients

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease which is a major health problem in many parts of the worl... more Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease which is a major health problem in many parts of the world. Chronic diseases are among the factors affecting the quality of life. Asthma is affected by a wide variety of factors which enhance or suppress the disease and ultimately influence the patient's quality of life. The objective of this paper is to determine the quality of life in asthmatic patients. This paper is a descriptive-analytical study. The subjects were 120 asthmatic patients referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz and were selected by means of available sampling. The instrument used for gathering data was the questionnaire of the quality of life in asthmatic patients which has two sections; the first part is related to personal information and the second part is about the quality of life. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire, content validity, and for reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used. After that the data were analyzed. Most of the subjects were male, married, retired, under insurance coverage and had university education. The results indicated that the majority of the subjects have had a good quality of life. There is a significant relationship between the quality of life and level of education (p=0.025), duration (p=0.008), living conditions (p=0.013), age (p=0.011) of the studied subjects. The results of the study show that asthma has negative effect on the patients' quality of life. It is better that care and treatment programs are planned and implemented so as to improve these patients' quality of life and they should be considered as patients' top care objectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Importance of medical ethics philosophy and necessity of medical ethics teaching

Medical ethics is an interdisciplinary knowledge which deals with the ethical and value aspects o... more Medical ethics is an interdisciplinary knowledge which deals with the ethical and value aspects of medical profession and medical sciences. Although medical ethics has a history of 2500 years, it has been formally included in medical training courses in most of medical sciences universities of the world since 30 years ago and quickly became a common part of curriculum for medical students. In fact, extensive advances in medical care and medical knowledge and also recent social changes have caused ethics to be raised as an essential part of today’s medical education. Despite extensive research on the curriculum of medical ethics and several useful reviews and revisions, still many questions about the nature, objectives, and results of these courses have remained unanswered. This has led to the negligence of many of the qualities, skills, and abilities that should be included in the curriculum of medical ethics. Studies have shown that some of the courses offered as medical ethics in the curriculum have not managed to help physicians to improve their ethical skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Study of polymorphisms in CFH, ARMS2 and HTRA1 genes as potential risk factors for age related macular degeneration in Indian patients

Background: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common disease in which both environmenta... more Background: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common disease in which both environmental and genetic factors have been implicated. Various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been found to be associated with AMD.
Aim: To study the association of polymorphisms in CFH, ARMS2 and HTRA1 genes with AMD in Indian patients.
Settings and Design: Case-control study
Methods and Material: Genotyping for CFH (Y402H), ARMS2 (A69S), HTRA1 (promoter region G/A) were performed in 121 AMD patients and 100 controls by PCR-RFLP.
Statistical Analysis Used: Hardy-Weinberg estimates (HWE) were calculated. Analysis for genotypes was done under additive, recessive as well as dominant models of inheritance showing odds of occurrence using Fisher’s exact test. Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) was measured using SNP Stats to predict Lewontin’s LD (D’) and correlation coefficient (r).
Results: Genotype analysis of all three polymorphisms (Y402H in CFH, A69S in ARMS2 and G/A in HTRA1 promoter region) showed the strongest association of AMD with Y402H polymorphism in CFH gene. Odds ratio for Y402H allele in CFH gene was 2.66 under recessive model. Odds ratio for polymorphisms in ARMS2 and HTRA1 genes were 2.41 and 1.97 respectively. Significant LD (D’=0.87, r=0.81) was observed in the presence of variant alleles HTRA1A and ARMS2T for AMD.
Conclusions: Present study suggests that all the three polymorphisms CFH Y402H (T/C), ARMS2 A69S (G/T) and HTRA1 promoter region (G/A) alleles are potential risk factors and are independently associated with AMD in Indian population. Detection of individuals at risk could lead to strategies for prevention, early diagnosis and management of AMD.

Research paper thumbnail of Feeding and nesting ecology of Indian giant squirrel Ratufa indica (erxleben,1777) in Kuldiha wildlife sanctuary, Balasore, Odisha, India and its conservation.

The Indian Giant Squirrel (IGS) Ratufa indica, an endemic species to India is widely distributed ... more The Indian Giant Squirrel (IGS) Ratufa indica, an endemic species to India is widely distributed in the peninsular India from the ever green to mixed moist and dry deciduous forest of Western and Eastern Ghats and central Indian Hills. We studied its activity pattern, feeding and nesting behavior in the selected sites of Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary during 2008-2012. A total of 8640 minutes of observation spent using Focal Animal Sampling Method to study activity budget, feeding and nesting patterns of IGS reveals that the animal spends maximum time in feeding (58%) followed by resting (34%), movement (6.8%) and other activity (1.2%) of its daily activity. The diet of IGS constitutes seed, bark, petiole, leaf, flower and fruit from 23 species of plants belonging to 15 families with Terminalia tomentosa as the most significant contributor i.e20.04% to the diet of the animal followed by Tamarindus indica (17.1%) and Mangifera indica (13.1%). Seeds formed the highest bulk of the IGH diet i.e. 29.4% followed by leaf (18.2%), flower (12.8%), fruit (11.7%) and bark (11.3%). Nesting characteristics assessed through 44 nests shows that IGS uses 15 species of plant belonging to 14 families with highest preference to Shorea robusta (20%) followed by Schleicheria oleosa (17.5%) and Terminalia tomentosa (15.0%). Nest trees are taller in height, larger in GBH and canopy contiguity which are attributed to easy movement and better protection and escape from predators like Langur and Rhesus monkey. Habitat restoration, reduction in anthropogenic pressure and systematic scientific research are measures suggested for management and sustainable conservation of Indian Giant Squirrel in the study area.

Research paper thumbnail of Amelioration of arsenic induced meiotic chromosomal abnormalities by Psidium guajava (guava) in Mus musculus.

Arsenic trioxide (0.04 mg/animal/day) when administered orally to Albino Swiss mice (Mus musculus... more Arsenic trioxide (0.04 mg/animal/day) when administered orally to Albino Swiss mice (Mus musculus) for 15 days increased the frequency of abnormality 112 (37.33%±2.11) compare to 28 (9.33%±2.59) of control in meiotic chromosome. The abnormality was 22 (7.33%±2.39) in group fed only with guava fruit extract. However, when guava fruit extract and Arsenic trioxide fed concurrently the abnormality was 68 (22.66%±2.69) respectively. The result showed that arsenic trioxide is potent enough to damage meiotic chromosome and present finding also showed that concurrent treatment of guava fruit extract and arsenic trioxide minimize the frequency of meiotic chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, it is suggested that the guava extract may reduce the risk of arsenic induced genotoxicity.

Research paper thumbnail of A clinical study of dyslipidemia in patients of chronic kidney disease

Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with Chronic Kidne... more Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Patients with CKD exhibit significant alterations in lipoprotein metabolism, which in their most advanced form may result in the development of severe dyslipidemia which can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular complications. The K/DOQI (Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative) guidelines suggest that all CKD patients should therefore be evaluated for dyslipidemia. Hence this study was undertaken to know the prevalence of dyslipidemia in CKD patients and thereby assess the impending risk of cardiovascular morbidity in these patients. This study was carried out in 100 CKD patients and it was observed that the mean values of Triglycerides (TG), Total Cholesterol (TC), Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C), Very Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (VLDL-C), TC/HDL, LDL/HDL were increased and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) was decreased in the patients under study. There was also statistically significant increase in the values of TG, TC, VLDL-C and TC/HDL with the progression of the disease (stage of CKD). Early recognition of dyslipidemia in CKD patients and maintenance of desired lipid levels either through diet or lipid lowering drugs can be helpful in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular complications in these patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Inborn metabolic disorders – An update

Inborn metabolic disorders (IMD) are a class of genetic diseases involving disorders of metabolis... more Inborn metabolic disorders (IMD) are a class of genetic diseases involving disorders of metabolism and are congenital. Majority of such disorders are due to defects of a single gene that code for enzymes that facilitate conversion of various substrates into products. IMDs are referred to as congenital metabolic diseases or inherited metabolic diseases. Recent innovations in medical technology have changed new-born screening programs. The early and specific diagnosis of inborn metabolic disorders and prompt initiation of appropriate therapy are still the best determinants of outcome for these patients. The topic of IMD is challenging for most physicians. The number of known metabolic disorders is probably as large as the number of presenting symptoms that may indicate metabolic disturbances. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of IMDs have improved the outlook for many of these conditions so that early diagnosis, if possible in infancy, can be helpful. At present Laboratory testing for several metabolic disorders is done by new-born screening programs in all children in many hospitals to rule out IMD early. The content of this review articles will make awareness among the researchers on many clinical manifestations of IMD providing the basis for early diagnosis for initiating prompt treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Probiotics in aquaculture: Importance, influence and future perspectives

Probiotics have been widely used in livestock rearing, have also recently been applied to aquacul... more Probiotics have been widely used in livestock rearing, have also recently been applied to aquaculture to
elevate the production. Probiotics are defined as live cells or a substrate that provides benefits through stimulation
of growth, improved digestion, improved immune response and ingested with the aim of promoting good health.
Probiotics can also improve water quality and pond management. This review summarizes the current understanding
the use of probiotics in aquaculture, including the mechanism of probiotics, and describes their application, and
prospects and difficulties associated with their use in aquaculture. This review includes general knowledge of
probiotics from previous studies and evaluates the efficacy of probiotics in aquaculture. Research in probiotics for
aquaculture such as finfish and shell fish culture is at an early stage of development and much work is still needed.

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on acute toxicity of cartap hydrochloride (50% SP) a carbamate impact on freshwater fish, Labeo rohita (Hamilton)

The acute toxicity tests for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h to the freshwater fish, Labeo rohita were conduc... more The acute toxicity tests for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h to the freshwater fish, Labeo rohita were conducted with a cartap hydrochloride (50% SP) commercial grade, chemical structure, S,S’- (2-dimethylamino-trimethylene) bis (thiocarbamate) a carbamate systemic insecticide, to both static and continuous flow-through methods. The LC50 values obtained were 0.4152, 0.4053, 0.3948 and 0.3851ppm respectively for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h for static, 0.3132, 0.2964, 0.2821 and 0.2732 ppm respectively for continuous flow-through method. The fish exposed to chemical showed erratic swimming, loss of balance, surfacing and convulsions in a dose dependent manner. Cartap was reported as moderately toxic to freshwater fish, Labeo rohita and producing altered behavioral pattern in dose dependent manner. These changes were in agreement with the earlier reports. The results obtained in all were discussed with the available literature. The Regression values and the 95% confidence limits of the LC50 values for each test were also calculated for different time periods by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of maternal deprivation on child development: A comparative study between orphanage and urban slum children in Odisha, India.

Objectives: To compare the development of children living in orphanage with that of the children ... more Objectives: To compare the development of children living in orphanage with that of the children living in slum with their biological parents.
Design: Cross-sectional study.
Setting: 3 orphanages of Bhubaneswar, one orphanage of Cuttack and two slum area in Bhubaneswar.
Subject and methods: Total 146 children were included in our study, 73 from orphanage and 73 from urban slum. The total number of homes visited in slum were 217, out of which 201 gave consent for the study, 89 met our inclusion criteria. 73 children were selected by simple random method. Each children were examined, height, weight was recorded and physical examination was done. Each caretaker in the orphanage and mothers in the slum were questioned thoroughly by interview using a predesigned pretested proforma. Development was assessed by DDST-II.
Results: 73 Children 0-60 months were taken for the study from four different orphanages. Out of 73 children, total developmental delay was found in 37% of orphan children, 26% had global delay & 11% had isolated delay and 13.7% delay among the urban slum children, 4.1% had global delay and 9.6% had isolated delay. The caregiver to child ratio is 1:5 to 1:7 in orphanages.
Conclusion: Developmental delay among children residing in orphanages are observed to be high as compared to children living in urban slum with their parents. Despite the availability of good health facilities, and adequate nutrition to the children living in orphanages, they suffer from developmental delay due to maternal care deprivation. The Government should open up more number of orphanages with more caregivers for better care of the individual orphan children.

Research paper thumbnail of Neurocysticercosis presenting as Meningoencephalitis

Human neurocysticercosis, the infection of the nervous system by the larvae of Taenia solium, is ... more Human neurocysticercosis, the infection of the nervous system by the larvae of Taenia solium, is a cause of epileptic seizures and other neurologic morbidity worldwide. The disease occurs when humans become intermediate hosts of Taenia solium by ingesting its eggs from contaminated food or, most often, directly from a taenia carrier by the fecal-to-oral route. Cysticerci may be located in brain parenchyma, subarachnoid space, ventricular system, or spinal cord, causing pathological changes that are responsible for the pleomorphism of neurocysticercosis. The most common clinical manifestation being the seizures (70-90%), but many patients present with focal deficits, intracranial hypertension, or cognitive decline. The accurate diagnosis of neurocysticercosis is possible after interpretation of clinical data together with findings of neuroimaging studies and/ or results of immunological tests. Encephalitis is the inflammation of brain parenchyma presenting as acute febrile illness with altered level of consciousness, confused behavioral abnormality and depressed level of consciousness ranging from mild lethargy to coma and evidence of either focal or diffused neurological sign and symptoms. Parenchymal brain cysticerci in the acute encephalitic phase have been recognized since the first reports of CT in patients with neurocysticercosis. These lesions were described as focal low densities surrounded by oedema and ring-like enhancement after giving contrast medium. The abnormal enhancement of these lesions were related to the breakdown in the blood-brain barrier caused by the inflammatory reaction around dying cysticerci. We report a case of 10 year old female child presenting with fever, headache and altered sensorium. This case report may help the practitioners to identify this disease with different presentations, some with fatal presentation, so that needful imaging and management would be instituted at the earliest keeping in mind that Anticysticercal drugs are contraindicated in patients with cysticercotic encephalitis because they may exacerbate the inflammatory response within the brain parenchyma.

Research paper thumbnail of Hemophagocytic Lympho Histiocytosis (HLH)

Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a potentially fatal hyper-inflammatory condition caus... more Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a potentially fatal hyper-inflammatory condition caused by a highly stimulated, but ineffective immune response, characterized by a dys-regulated activation and proliferation of macrophages leading to uncontrolled phagocytosis of platelets, erythrocytes, lymphocytes and their hematopoietic precursors throughout the reticulo-endothelial system. HLH is a distinct clinical entity characterized by fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly and hemophagocytosis in bone marrow, liver, or lymph nodes. HLH also occurs as a complication of rheumatic diseases and of malignancies. Awareness of the clinical symptoms and of diagnostic criteria for HLH (Histiocyte society; HLH study 2004) is crucial to starting life-saving therapy in time. We have reported a case of 7 year old male child presenting with respiratory distress, distension of abdomen and deep jaundice. This case report may be an eye opener to the pediatricians and other physicians to recognize this rare entity of infection triggering fatal HLH and thus proper treatment may be instituted in those affected with this disease at the earliest.

Research paper thumbnail of Survival problem in regeneration of high altitude Kharsu oak (Quercus semecarpifolia Smith.) forests in central Himalaya, India.

The high altitudinal (2200-2600m) viviparous kharsu oak (Quercus semecarpifolia Smith.) is a late... more The high altitudinal (2200-2600m) viviparous kharsu oak (Quercus semecarpifolia Smith.) is a late successional evergreen tree species. The species is showing failure to regenerate in the Himalayan region. The present study was undertaken to analyze the seed fall density, seedling recruitment and population dynamic of this species on two different aspects over a six year period (2004-2009). During the study period from 2004 to 2009 only one good seed crop occurred in 2005. In this year at northern aspect, the average seed fall density was 22.8 ±1.24 seeds m-2 and at southern aspect it was 26.02 ± 0.90 seed m-2. In 2008 the seed fall density on the northern aspect was 8.5±0.73 seeds m-2 and on the southern aspect it was 8.2 ±0.73 seed m-2. In the years 2004, 2007 and 2009 a negligible seed crop was produced and did not play a significant role in seedling recruitment. In year 2005, new recruitment of seedling from fallen seeds occurred in August and it ranged from 60-75% at both the aspects. Maximum seedling mortality was in the 1st year of recruitment thereafter, rate of mortality declined. At the end of observation after six years the total mean seedling density at northern aspects was 1.41 seedling m-2and at southern aspect; it was only 0.67 seedling m-2. The seedling survival between the two aspects did not vary significantly.

Research paper thumbnail of Body physique in Bengali adolescent boys from west Tripura district, Tripura, India.

In this study an attempt has been made to grow information on age differences in body physique am... more In this study an attempt has been made to grow information on age differences in body physique among Bengali boys from rural areas of West Tripura district, Tripura during adolescent growth period. Cross-sectional data on 247 Bengali boys aged 8+ to 16+ years were collected using multistage cluster sampling method. Anthropometric somatotyping, the method forwarded by Heath and Carter, is followed in the present study. Descriptive statistics for all ten anthropometric measurements shows increasing trend with age. The results suggest that the Bengali boys are predominately ectomorphic in their body physique. Mean somatotype of Bengali boys were 2.14–3.83–4.27. During the nine years there was an overall increase of 0.22 units in endomorphy, 0.17 units in ectomorphy, and a decrease of 0.3 units in mesomorphy. Highest percentage of Bengali boys were mesomorphic ectomorph. Majority of the somatotype categories are in the field of somatochart where ectomorphy dominates, thus reflecting their relative linearity or slenderness.

Research paper thumbnail of Oxidative chemical polymerization kinetics of o-chloroaniline and characterization of the obtained polymer in aqueous hydrochloric acid solution using k2cr2o7 as oxidizing agent

The oxidative chemical polymerization of o-chloroaniline (OClA) was studied in hydrochloric acid ... more The oxidative chemical polymerization of o-chloroaniline (OClA) was studied in hydrochloric acid solution using potassium dichromate as oxidant at 5 ± 0.20C. The effects of potassium dichromate, hydrochloric acid and monomer concentrations on the polymerization reaction were investigated. The order of reaction with respect to potassium dichromate, hydrochloric acid and monomer concentrations were found to be 1.035, 1.116 and 0.966 respectively. Also, the effect of temperature on the polymerization rate was studied and the apparent activation energy of the polymerization reaction was found to be 18.49 kJ/mol. The obtained polymer was characterized using elemental analysis, XPS, IR and UV-visible. The surface morphology of the obtained polymer was characterized by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TGA analysis was used to confirm the proposed structure and number of water molecules in each polymeric chain unit.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphology of Teliospores of ravenelia spp. on forest trees

The study was conducted to show the morphology of teliospores of Ravenelia sp. in Jabalpur. This ... more The study was conducted to show the morphology of teliospores of Ravenelia sp. in Jabalpur. This rust infects three different forest trees. These all three trees, Albizia procera, Albizia lebbeck, and Pongamia pinnata belong to family Fabaceae. Rust fungus, Ravenelia clemensae Syd. infects the leaves of Albizia procera and Albizia lebbeck, and the host tree Pongamia pinnata was infected by another species of Ravenelia, which was Ravenelia hobsoni. The rust infection starts in the month of September under favorable environmental conditions, when the new foliage is produced on the host plants. The present study showed that telial stage of Ravenelia sp. was found on all three host trees while pycnial, aecial and uredial stages were not recorded. The morphology of these spores, is described in the present communication. The morphological characters of these teliospores were found to be nearly similar to each other with slight changes.